AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 12 Towards Equality

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 12 Towards Equality

AP State Board Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 12 Towards Equality

→ We can observe the differences among the people around us are called diversity.

→ All their diversities are influenced both by the geography and history of the place where we live

→ India is a country of many diversities.

→ We speak different languages, have various types of food,-celebrate different festivals, and practice different religions.

→ Ar People began to live in their new places, causes intermixing of cultures, regions become diverse.

→ People feel safe and secure with people who look, talk, dress, and think like them.

→ Prejudice means to judge other people negatively or see them as inferior.

→ We can be prejudices about people’s religious beliefs, the color of their skin, the region they come from, the clothes they wear, etc.

→ In general, our prejudices about others are so strong that we don’t want to form friendships with them and we may in ways that hurt them.


→ People of other religions may be discriminated against by treating them as inferior or by criticizing their customs or practices.

→ Their customs are practices.

→ There are eight religions in the world and all of them are practiced in India.

→ Activities like cleaning, washing, cutting hair picking garbage, etc. are seen less value, and people who do this work are seen as dirty or impure.

→ This belief is an important aspect of the caste system.

→ Those who placed themselves at the top called themselves upper caste and considered. themselves as superior.

→ Those who were places at the bottom were seen as unworthy and called ’untouchables’.

→ The upper caste acted in ways that did hot give the so, called untouchables’ the same right as they enjoyed which is called caste discrimination,

→ Dalit means those who have been ‘broken’ which is used to show how social prejudices and discrimination have broken the Dalit people.

→ The government refers to this group of people as Scheduled Castes (S.C.)

→ The people who fought for the rights of oppressed caste are likewise ’Jyothibai Phule, Potti Sree Ramulu. Vennelakanti Raghaviah, Gora Saraswathi, etc.

→ All human beings are born free and casual and both men and women have equal social, political, and economical rights.

→ Savitribai Phule is regarded as the first female teacher in India.

→ She played an important role in fighting for the rights of women in India during British rule.

→ Savitribai Phule is regarded as the ’Mother of Indian Feminism’.

→ Racial discrimination is discrimination against individuals on the basis of their skin color or racial or ethnic origin.

→ Inequality threatens long-term social and economic development. It also causes social unrest.


→ In the early 19th century, debates and discussions took place reached out to the public and they caused part of the social change.

→ The prominent reformers of India are Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar, Swamy Dayananda Saraswathi, Kandukuri Veeresalingam Pantulu, and Pandita Ramabai.

→ In the second half of the 19th century, many movements began against caste discrimination and demanded social equality and justice.

→ The reformers who fought against caste discrimination in this period are Sri Narayana Guru, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, C.V. Ramaswamy Naiker, Jyothiba Phule, and Savitribai Phule.

→ People who fought against British rule also fought against discrimination to unite people.

→ The practice of Safi was banned in 1829.

→ Dr. Anandibai Joshi was the first Indian female doctor. She acquired a Doctor of Medicine in 1886.

→ Dr. Nelson Mandela, after 27 years in prison, achieved independence for South Africa.

→ He led the fight for human rights around the world.

→ He is known as the Gandhi of South Africa.

→ Importance has been given to achieve equality in the Indian Constitution.

→ Untouchability was abolished by Law. All the people got equal importance.

→ The government tries to achieve equality both through the law and through the welfare- programs.

→ Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India. Impact of so many problems in his life he reached his goal.

→ Mariyappan Thangavelu is an Indian Paralympic high jumper.

→ Sipdhutai showed that for a committed individual nothing is impossible.


→ In spite of poverty, child marriage, gender discrimination, and being abandoned by her family, yet nothing stopped Sindhutai to achieve her goals.

→ Gender Equality: both men and women should receive equal treatment.

→ Untouchability: It is a practice where some lower caste people are kept at a distance.

→ Apartheid: discrimination on grounds of race.

→ Sustainable development: is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

→ Discrimination: the unjust or prejudiciál treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race age, sex, or other characteristics.

→ Orthodox: traditional

→ Wrestle: engage in deep thought, consideration, or debate.

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