In CTET exam 5 questions in 2011, 8 questions in 2012,
2 questions in 2013, 3 questions in 2014, 7 questions in 2015
and 6 questions in 2016 have been asked. This chapter is very
important and has great significance in English Pedagogy.
2.1 Language:
Definition and Meaning
Language is a medium through which one can express one’s
ideas, thoughts, feelings etc. Different languages are spoken in
the world. It is very difficult to ascertain how these languages
originated. It is believed that people started conveying
message through signals, postures, gestures etc. So, we can say
that language is a human system of communication that uses
arbitrary signals such as voice, sounds, gestures and written
According to Edward Sapir, “Language is a purely human and
non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and
desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced
2.1.1 Characteristics of a Language
Some of the important characteristics of language are given
1. Language is a Vital Part of Growth Process It is a social act, a
means of adjustment to control over other people. Language
exists in a society, it is a means of nourishing and developing
culture and establishing human relations.
2. Language is Symbolic Language consists of various symbols
that are employed to denote some objects, occurrences or
3. Language is Systematic Although language is symbolic, yet
its symbols are arranged in a particular system. All languages
have phonological and grammatical systems and within a
system there are several sub-systems.
4. Language is Arbitrary There is no inherent relation
between the words of a language and their meaning or
the ideas conveyed by them. There is no reason why a
female adult human being be called a woman in English,
aurat in Urdu, zen in Persian and femine in French. The
choice of word is arbitrary but once a word is selected for
a particular reference, comes to stay as such.
5. Language is a Outcome of Evolution and Convention
No language was created in a day out of a mutually
agreed upon formula by a group of humans. Each
generation transmits this convention on to the next. Like
all human institutions languages also change and die,
grow and expand.
6. Language is Productive and Creative The structural
elements of human language can be combined to
produce new ulterances, never heard before according to
the needs of a society.
2.1.2 Aims of Language Teaching
Various aims of language teaching are as follow
• Ability to understand the speaker’s language.
• Ability to read along with understanding.
• Ability to express fluently and diversely using different
• Ability to present or write views in a coherent manner.
• Ability to learn technological language used in teaching
of other subjects such as music, computers or sports etc.
• Ability to understand the scientific aspect of a language.
• Development of creative skills.
• Development of a learner’s sensitivity towards national
issues, cultural heritage and different aspects of
contemporary life.
2.1.3 Importance of Language
Language is our primary source of communication. It is
the method through which we share our ideas and
thoughts with others. Some experts even say that,
“Language is what separates human beings from
animals”. Language is the most important means for
acquiring human knowledge.
The three phases of human knowledge preservation,
transmission and advancement are possible only with
the help of a language. Language is also the best source
of social and cultural development.
2.1.4 Importance of English Language
Study and use of English language is important in India
as it is the most common foreign language. Everyone
needs to learn the language in order to get in touch on
an international level.
According to University Grants Commission (UGC),
“English is a language which is rich in
literature-humanistic, scientific and technical. If under
sentimental urges, we should give up English language,
we would cut ourselves off from the living stream of
ever growing knowledge”.
Some more reasons of its importance are as follows
• English is also the primary language of press, internet.
More books and newspapers are written in English than
in any other language.
• English is the only language where maximum resources
are available which makes it easier to learn.
• English, being an international language, makes travel
and business convenient to others.
• In India, English is regarded as the second language so its
importance cannot be undermined.
2.1.5 Principles of Language Teaching
Many psychologists have laid down certain theories
regarding language teaching. Some important theories or
principles are as follows
1. Theory of Motivation and Interest Motivation is an
important factor in language learning particsularly in
learning a second language. English resources and text
books should be selected according to the interest and
aptitudes of students. The teacher can arouse pupils’
interest in a number of ways and language learning can
be made increasingly interesting. It can be done with the
help of charts, pictures, flash cards, models, black board
sketches and other similar visual devices.
2. Theory of Imitation According to many psychologists,
the child learns a language through imitation. No learner
by himself ever invented a language. Good speech is the
result of imitating good pronunciation and vocabulary.
Imitation followed by intensive practice helps in the
mastery of the language system. The teacher should also
become a good model for the children.
3. Theory of Habit Formation Language learning’
according to Palmer, is essentially habit forming
process, a process during which we acquire new habits”.
Teacher can make language pattern as habit through
intensive pattern practise in a variety of situations. In
language learning habits of speech, listening, reading,
writing, correct pronunciation should be formed.
4. Theory of Exercise (Practise and Drill) According to BF
Skinner, psychological experiments have proved that
practising and drilling play an important part in
language teaching. Any learning, if it is continuously
repeated, gets imprinted in child’s mind and he learns it
efficiently. Teacher should make sure that repetition of
things at proper intervals should be done.
5. Theory ot lndividual Diterences Every child is unique and
different trom others. In language teaching we have to keep in
mind that learners possess different abilities. personalities and
belong to diflerent backgrounds. So, stimulus needs of every
learner will be different. Teaching has to be done keeping in
mind the individual differences and problems arising out of it.
The teachers should adopt different tacts, strategies and
multiple approaches to make learning meaningful.
6. Theory of Using Mother Tongue Some linguists are against
the use of mother tongue in teaching foreign language. They
believe that mother tongue should be sparingly and judiciously
used while teaching English. Of course, at an early stage, some
explanations will have to be given in pupils mother tongue but
at later stages inputs from the targeted language in a simple
graded manner can help in minimising the influence of mother
7. Theory of Exposure to the Language Learners should be
provided with language familiar environment so that they
could get maximum opportunities to listen and speak.
Environment can be created by ample use of language by the
teacher, forming of language clubs, displaying charts and using
audio visual devices.
8. Correlation with Life The subject matter taught in English
language should correlate with life. The course material and
audio visual aids should be correlated to the child’s life. It
makes learning easy and comprehensible. So, English should
be practised in everyday situations with which children can
easily identify. This way meaning will be clarified and
9. Theory of Oral Approach Speech motivates the learners to
learn. Speech must precede reading and writing. Introduction
to lessons should begin orally as learning to speak a language is
always the shortest way to learning to read and write it.
10. Theory of Selection and Gradation Items of learning should
be presented according to the order of ease. It should not be too
rigid grading. There should be structural and vocabulary
grading. Essential vocabulary and basic structures of a
language should be taught first. Selection and gradation should
depend on their frequency, usefülness, teachability and
difficulty level.
11. Theory of Ratio and Series Any language has certain basic
Skills. It is necessary that teaching should be done in such a
way that child is able to learn all skills as listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills are correlated. Deficiency in any one
of the areas will certainly create difficulties in learning a
language. So, teaching should be proportionate and all four
language skills should be integrated.
12. Theory of Child Centred Learning Efforts should be made to
have a student centred class as far as possible students should
be given priority while teaching. A teacher should not get so
absorbed in teaching that he/she may not involve or interact
with students. Teacher’s focus should be on the child and
teaching should be done keeping in mind the child ‘s needs.
2.1.6 Maxims Used While Teaching
Maxims or certain steps to be followed while teaching
1. Known to the Unknown Teaching should be carried on
what the students know either in their native language or in
English. It is considered that old knowledge lays the
foundation of new knowledge. eg. pronoun in English
grammar should be taught when the learner has a
knowledge of nouns.
2. Simple to Complex Simple things and vocabulary should
be taught first before proceeding to complex structures or
vocabulary items. By learning simple things learners feel
motivated and confident. This would certainly help in better
understanding of complex things.
3. Concrete to Abstract Concrete things are real things
which can be seen and felt by our senses. Abstract things
can be just imagined. Teaching done with the help of
concrete objects lasts for a longer period e.g. a learner can
imagine about a golden apple only ifhe has seen an apple.
4. Analysis to Synthesis When teaching is done from
detailed teaching to summarising we go from analysis to
synthesis eg. if a learner is taught difřerent tenses with
examples, he is able to understand sentence structures
5. Induction to Deduction In induction method, we give
some examples first then try to reach on a conclusion. In
deduction, first of all a rule is explained then some examples
are given. Teaching should always precede from induction
to deduction. Examples speak louder than language
explanation. Such examples can help the students learn
much better the complicated concepts.
6. Psychological to Logical While teaching, the interests,
aptitudes, capacities and difficulty level of the learners
should be kept in mind. e.g. vocabulary and sentence
structure of a language should be taught keeping in mind
the difficulty level of the learners and then they could be
arranged and explained in a logical manner.
7. Relate form to Meaning and Contextualise All class
activities should be meaningful, whatever activity the
students are involved in, the students should be able to
understand the meaning of what they hear, say, read or
write. Teach new vocabulary items in context.
1. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
A. Language is one ot the most
important and characteristic
forms of human behaviour.
B. Language helps in uniting
thoughts and identity of the
C. In India, linguistic diversity
poses complex challenges.
D. In India, linguistic diversity
provides a range of opportunities.
(1) Only A
(2) Both B and C
(3) Only D
(4) None ot these
2. In learning a new language
(1) the knowiedge ot mother tongue is
(2) the use ot mother tongue interteres
rather than tacilitates
(3) the mother tongue should not be
used at all by the learners
(4) None Of the above
3. Before coming to school children
(1) fully aware of all grammatical rules
reiated to language
(2) do not Know any thing about the
second language
(3) well equipped in their native
language to understand and explain
(4)well versed in more than one
4. Which of the following is not a
language component?
(1) sound
(2) symbols
(3) vocabulary
(4) structures
8. If a student is unable to learn a
task by a specific method, then as
a teacher, you should………. .
(1) ignore the student and move to the
next topic
(2) give some extra time to the students
to learn the task
(3) explain the situation to the student’s
(4)tel the student that the task is not
very important
6. Which of the following is not a
characteristic of a language
(1) A vital part of growth process
(2) Has its own set ot grammatical rules
(3) It is productive and creative
(4) tis spontaneous, not a result of
7. Which is no longer a position of
English language in India?
(1) Link language
(2) Associate-official language
(3) Global language
(4) Foreign language
8. Sangeeta, English teacher of class
V first explains the difterent parts
of a sentence and then she teaches
the synthesis of sentences so that
her learners can easily
understand the concept. She is
following the principle ot
(1) induction to deduction
(2) Concrete to abstract
(3) known to unknown
(4) analysis to synthesis
9. Which is the most effective
teaching method in a language
(1) Laying too much emphasis on
correct pronunciation
(2) Reading out letters and essays from
a book
(3) Emphasis on reading with correct
intonation and speed.
(4) Discussing a topic or idea of
learners interest using simple
10. A child in class II will initially
learn the language in the most
effective manner through which
one of the given methods?
(1) Play way method
(2) practise and drill
(3) Imitation
(4) All of the above
11. Smriti, a class II teacher has been
assigned the task of teaching
English to her students. Which
factor she should keep in mind?
(1) All students are aike in their
attitudes and aptitudes
(2) All students come from same type ot
family backgrounds
(3) All students are equaly motivated to
learn English language
(4) Allearners possess different
abilities, personalities and belong to
different backgrounds
12. Which one is not the principle
of teaching English?
(1) Learning by doing
(2) Hea e biects in real
(3) Seeing the objects in real
(4) Creating interest
13. Micro-teaching is a technique
used by teacher-educators when
trainees ………. .
(1) watcha ive demonstration
(2) watch an audio-visual
(3) receved individualised,
progrannea lstrdcon
(4) Use the simulaton technique to
develop their skills
14. In an English class, Mother
tongue influence can be
effectively minimised by ………
(1) using the mother tongue more
(2) giving examples from the mother
(3) giving a lot of exposure to the
target language
(4) giving inputs from the target
language in a simple graded
15. Students are most likely to be
intrinsically motivated to learn
and master subject matter
when they
(1) know that they will be tested on
their understanding of the
content in near future
(2) believe that the work they are
interesting and relates to
their own lives
(3) perceive that their performance
compares favourably with that of
their peers engaged in the same
(4) anticipate that they will receive
positive reinforcement for
achieving instructional objectives
16. In a language learning class
meaningful environment can be
Created by
(1) fun activities
(2) dramatisation
(3) story teling
(4) All of the above
17. A teacher of class III wants
learners to know about Diwali
festival and write a small
paragraph on it. She should ….. .
(1) write about the festival on black
board and ask students to copy it
(2) read out about Diwali from an essay
(3) give homework to learners to write
10 lines on Diwali
(4) ask different students to tell their
experiences in their class about
celebrating Diwali and then sum up
18. A teacher is training his/her
learners in public speaking and
debate. Which of the following
characteristic, the teacher can
not expect to develop?
(1) Concept
(2) Control over emotions
(3) Using language creatively
(4) Voice modulation
19. As a language teacher, you want
to ensure participation of more
students in class. Which of the
following methods of teaching
would you adopt?
(1) Demonstration
(2) Discussion
(3) Recitation
(4) Role play
20. Suppose you get a Hindi medium
student who has not learnt
English. He is given five
sentences to be translated from
Hindi to English. As an
evaluator/teacher, which aspect
would you try to evaluate in him
(1) application
(2) knowledge
(3) synthesis
(4) understanding
21. Methods of language teaching
should consider which of the
(1) Examination system
(2) Level, age and ability of learners
(3) Time limit or time frame
(4) Target language
22. Teachers must keep in contact
with parents to help them
understand their children and to
provide appropriate guidance to
develop the pupils
(1) intelligence
(2) potentials
(3) foresightedness
(4) memory
23. Principle of selection and grading
of words is based on its
(1) frequency
(2) teachability
(3) range
(4) All of the above
24. Which of the following situations
would be the best for maximum
transfer of learning?
(1) Different tasks requiring different
(2) Different tasks requiring same
(3) Similar tasks requiring different
(4) Similar tasks requiring same
Previous Years Questions
25. The aim of mechanical drills is to
(1) strengthen the rote learning
capacity of the learners
(2) encourage creative use of language
among the learners
(3) improve the fluency of the learners
(4) improve the accuracy of the
26. Learners are involved in
individual activities, pair work,
group work and whole-class work
because these [CTET June 2011]
(1) provide the learners enough
opportunities to relax in a language
(2) have the sole aim of introducing
variety in a language classroom
(3) enable the already over-worked
teacher to preserve her energy
thereby becoming more effective
(4) afford the learners opportunities to
use the language in a focused
manner for real-life interaction
27. When young learners seem to
lose interest in the lesson, the
teacher should
(1) tell a story or conduct an interesting
(2) ask them to sit quietly for some
(3) allow them to go out and play
(4) ask them to sleep for a while
28. Group project work helps in
developing [CTET June 2011]
(1) a high level of ambition to achieve
(2) collaboration, critical thinking and
problem solving
(3) competition among learners to
excel in academics
(4) good memory in the young learners
29. What type of questions promote
thinking SKills in children?
[CTET June 2011]
(1) Factual questions
(2) Questions based purely on the
reading text
(3) Personal response questions
(4) Closed ended questions
30. Instead of asking questions and
getting answers irom her
learners, a teacher gives some
short texts and asks her learners
to frame questions. Her primary
objective is to [CTET Jan 2012]
(1) take their help during examinations
(2) make the learners realise the
difficulties faced by teacher in
preparing question papers
(3) enhance the learners analytical and
critical thinking
(4) train the learners as good question
palper setters
31.Substitution table drill helps
teachers in [CTET Jan 2012]
(1) developing free writing skills
(2) imoroving the fluency of leamers
(3) evaluating the listening skills
(4) giving controlled language practice
32. After a story-telling session, the
learners are asked to change the
ending of the story. This will help
the learners
(1) understand grammar better
(2) develop library reference skills
(3) evaluate the teacher’s originality
(4) become imaginative and creative
33. Under Constructivist Approach
to language learning, learners are
encouraged to [CTET Jan 2012]
(1) discover the rules of grammar from
(2) avoid errors completely
(3) practice language drills
(4) learn the grammar rules by rote
34. Young learners will enjoy a play
included in the text book when
they [CTET Jan 2012]
(1) listen to the teacher reading the
(2) enact the play
(3) get detailed explanations about the
Play from the teacher
(4) read the play silently
35. The primary objective of using
role play is [CTET Jan 2012]
(1) to evaluate dialogue writing skill
(2) to promote the reading habit
(3) to improve the communicative
(4) to develop acting talent
36. Student A and Student B ask
and answer questions to
complete a worksheet. This is
(CTET Nov 2012)
(1) an intormation transfer activity
(2) a role play
(3) an information gap activity
(4) a controlled interview
37. A rhetorical question is asked
[CTET Nov 2012]
(1) to gather personal information
(2) to clarify a concept
(3) for the sake ot effect with no
answer needed
(4) to get feedback about what others
think about your speech/writing
38. The ‘bottom up model’ of
curriculum is one where
[CTET July 2013]
(1) a need-based distance education
with indirect influence on students
(2) learning is based on a set of
software to make curriculum more
learner friendly
(3) the curriculum allows freedom for
student mobility with increased
choice of curricular activity and
encourages learning by doing
(4) the learning process is geared
towards career orientaion
39. To inculcate a ‘Never Give Upp
Attitude, a suitable activity is
The one when students
[CTET July 2013]
(1) managed to get the Principal’s
permission to go out and play
during the English period
(2) sang two popular songs and
exhibited Some of their art and
craft works during the parent-teacher meet
(3) made modifications to their paper
planes and tested them again,
experimented with the best way to
get them to go the distance and
shared their finding
(4) in groups created graphs about
the difficult situations that students
have to face in life
40. Students who do not have the
opportunities to use the target
language outside the classroom,
demonstrate much lower levels
of language competency. This
can be overcome by
[CTET Feb 2014]
(1) conducting tests periodically to
motivate them to learn
(2) giving then a set of commonly
Used sentences and vocabulary
which they are expected to use
(3) setting separate tasks which are
easier, with more time to complete
(4) engaging them in specific
language-focused tasks which are
indirectly monitored by their group
41. A foreign/non-mother tongue
language teacher often faces the
problem of a class full of
reluctant, unmotivated learners.
This can be helped py
[CTET Feb 2014]
(1) using methods and strategies to
motivate and make learning more
Challenging in the class
(2) taking the help of an academic
Counsellor who will address the
(3) identifying the students who are
‘unmotivated’ and taking a special
class for them
(4) encouraging learners to take their
own time to complete assignments
42. Selection of language items
while determining the second
language syllabus should take
into account…………….[CTET Sept 2014]
(1) the minimal disruption of school
(2) how easy it is to learn/use the item
(3) how easy it is to teach the concept
(4) the frequency and range of use of
the I
43. Of the following which one is the
most important pre-requisite for
language learning, whether first
or second? [CTET Feb 2015]
(1) A structural-situational approach
(2) Skills-based instruction
(3) A multi-lingual approach
(4) An input-rich communicational
44. Here is a list of tasks commonly
included in a language classroom.
Which of these see children as
active learners? (CTET Feb 2015)
(1) Children work in groups to generate
interpretations of a poem
(2) Children carefuly memorise correct
answer to questions on a poem
(3) Children write answer to questions
given at the end of a poem
(4) Children carefully note down answers
from the blackboard
45. Before students start reading a
story titled, ‘Brave Bitto’, the
teacher initiates a discussion with
them on Bravery. What is the
teacher trying to achieve through
this activity? [CTET Feb 2015]
(1) Actvate the pervious knowledge of
(2) Activate the intellectual stance of
(3) Activate enthusiasm in students
(4) Activate the efferent stance in
46. Which approach emphasises,
interaction as the means and the
goal of learning a language?
[CTET Sept 2015]
(1) Communicative
(2) Oral-aural
(3) Immersion
(4) Silent way
47. Maximum participation of students
during teaching in a language class
room is possible through
[CTET Sept 2015]
(1) lecture method
(2) translation method
(3) inductive method
(4) discussion and demonstration
48. Which of the following helps in
learning the second language
without using the printed text
[CTET Sept 2015]
(1) Situations approach
(2) Natural approach
(3) Language immersion
(4) Grammar-translation method
49. The structural approach advocates
[CTET Sept 2015]
(1) resorting to fluency
(2) selection and gradation of material
(3) assessing learners pertormance
using mother tongue
(4) using mother tongue
50. Constructivism in language
learning focuses on [CTET Feb 2016]
(1) the dominant role of the teacher in
the classroom
(2) engaging learners in exploring new
(3) the role of imitation
(4) memorising grammar rules
51. While teaching English, a teacher
is not able to draw attention of
some students sitting at the back.
She should [CTET Feb 2016]
(1) engage them by asking questions
and evaluating her teaching method
(2) stop explaining the concept and
start dictating the notes to students
(3) scold them for not paying attention
(4) ignore them and carry on
52. In learning a language, students
talking time should be increased
because [CTET Feb 2016]
(1) they use the target language for
various purposes
(2) teachers feel relaxed while
students are talking
(3) they enjoy spending time talking
with their friends
(4) they can learn the correct
pronunciation from each other
53. The communicative approach to
teach English focuses on
[CTET Feb 2016]
(1) the structural accuracy of the
(2) correct pronunciation of words
(3) linguistic competence plus an
ability to use the language
(4) the practice of selected and
graded structure patterns
54. Language is not [CTET Sept 2016]
(1) instinctive
(2) social
(3) arbitrary
(4) symbolic
55. What is the ‘task’ in task-based
language learning? [CTET Sept 2016]
(1) A piece of work which enables
learners to do an activity
(2) A piece of work for the parents to do
their children’s homework
(3) A piece of activity for teachers to do
in the classroom
(4) A piece of work which exposes
learners to language
1. (4) 2. (1) 3. (3) 4. (1) 5. (2) 6. (4) 7. (4) 8. (4) 9. (4) 10. (4)
11. (4) 12. (3) 13. (4) 14. (4) 15. (2) 16. (4) 17. (4) 18. (2)
19. (2) 20. (4) 21. (3) 22. (2) 23. (4) 24. (2) 25. (2) 26. (4)
27. (1) 28. (2) 29. (3) 30. (3) 31. (4) 32. (4) 33. (1) 34. (2)
35. (3) 36. (1) 37. (3) 38. (3) 39. (3) 40. (4) 41. (1) 42. (4)
43. (4) 44. (1) 45. (1) 46. (1) 47. (4) 48. (2) 49. (2) 50. (2)
51. (1) 52. (1) 53. (3) 54. (4) 55. (4)