Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 2 Dental Health
Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 2 Dental Health
GSEB Class 9 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Dental Health (Second Language)
Dental Health Summary in Gujarati
સોનિયાને દાંતનો સખત દુખાવો હતો. તે ન તો કંઈ ખાઈ શકતી હતી, ન તો શાળાએ જઈ શકતી. દુખાવાને કારણે ઘરે અભ્યાસ કરવાનું પણ અશક્ય હતું. તે ઊંઘી શકતી પણ નહોતી.
સોનિયાઃ ઓ… મા… આ તો અસહ્ય છે.
“આપણે ડેન્ટિસ્ટ (દાંતના ડૉક્ટર) પાસે જવું જ પડશે.” તેના કાકા અશોકભાઈ બોલ્યા. તે જ સાંજે, તેઓ ડૉ. શર્માના ડેન્ટલ કેઅર ક્લિનિકમાં હતા. ડૉ. બંસી શર્મા એક યુવાન અને હોશિયાર ડૉક્ટર છે.
ડૉ. શર્મા કેમ છો? શું થયું તને? સોનિયા (મુશ્કેલીથી) ઉ… મા. આહ, ડૉક્ટર. મને દાંતનો સખત દુખાવો છે. ડૉ.
શર્માઃ લાગે જ છે. મને તપાસવા દે. ખુરશીમાં બેસ. પ્લીઝ. (સોનિયા ડેન્ટલ ખુરશીમાં બેસે છે. ડૉક્ટર હેડલાઇટ ચાલુ કરે છે.) ડૉક્ટર: હવે તારું મોં ખોલ અને આહ… બોલ.
સોનિયા : (ધીમેથી તેનું માં થોડું ખોલે છે.) આહ …! માફ
કરજો, ડૉક્ટર, હું મારું મોં આનાથી વધારે પહોળું ખોલી શકતી નથી. ડૉ. શર્મા ચાલશે. (સોનિયાના મોંમાં અરીસો અને પ્રોબ – તપાસવાનું સાધન – ફેરવતાં.) મને દેખાય છે. એક પ્રિમોલર પર એક કાળો ડાઘ મને દેખાય છે. ત્યાં કદાચ કૅવિટિ (પોલાણ) છે.
અશોકભાઈઃ (આશ્ચર્યચકિત થઈને) કૅવિટિ? ડૉ.
શર્મા: હા, કૅવિટિ અને ઘણી મોટી (પણ). આજે હું થોડી દવાઓ લખી આપું છું. આવતી કાલ સુધીમાં દુખાવો ઓછો થઈ જશે. ત્યારબાદ જ આગળનો ઉપચાર શક્ય છે. શું તમે આવતી કાલે આવી શકશો?
અશોકભાઈ : આવતી કાલે (તો) હું બહારગામ હોઈશ. ડૉ. શર્મા વારુ, સોનિયા એકલી આવી શકે છે. તે બહાદુર છોકરી છે.
સોનિયાઃ હા, ડૉક્ટર. મારે (આવવું જ) પડશે. બીજે દિવસે સોનિયાને સારું લાગ્યું. દુખાવો બહુ નહોતો. આપેલા સમયે તે ફરીથી ડૉક્ટર પાસે ગઈ. ડૉ. શર્મા આજે તને કેમ છે?
સોનિયા : ઘણું સારું. (ડૉ. શમાએ એઅરે રોટર વડે તેની વિટિ સાફ કરી. ત્યારબાદ તેમણે લાઈટ-ક્યુઅર્ડ કૉમ્પોઝિટ ફિલિંગ મટિરિઅલ નામનો એક સફેદ પદ્યર્થ તેમાં ભર્યો. તેમાં સિર્જેટિક રેઝિન, ભરવા માટે સિલિકા અને ફોટો એક્ટિવેટર વગેરે હોય છે.) ડૉ.
શર્મા : બસ થઈ ગયું. એક પણ શબ્દ બોલ્યા વિના તારું મોં ખુલ્લું રાખવા માટે આભાર, તે દિવસે સોનિયા છેલ્લી દર્દી હોવાથી, ડૉક્ટર તેની સાથે વાત કરવા માટે સમય ફાળવી શક્યા, સોનિયા ડૉક્ટર, મને આ કૅવિટિ શા માટે થઈ તે કહેશો? ડૉ.
શર્મા : વારુ, મને એક વાત કહે, શું તને મીઠાઈ ભાવે છે?
સોનિયા: હા. મને ચૉકલેટ, આઇસક્રીમ અને બીજી મીઠાઈઓ ખાવી ખૂબ ગમે છે. ડૉ. શમાં અને મને હજી એક વાત કહે, શું તું નિયમિત રીતે દિવસમાં બે વાર બ્રશ કરે છે? જળ્યા પછી અને ચૉકલેટ અથવા આઈસક્રીમ ખાધા પછી, શું તું તારું મોં સાફ કરે છે?
સોનિયા: ના, ડૉક્ટર, હું ફક્ત સવારે જ બ્રશ કરું છું. ડૉ. શર્મા: તે જ સમસ્યા છે! તું તારા દાંતની યોગ્ય સંભાળ લેતી નથી, તારે દિવસમાં બે વાર – એક વાર સવારે અને ફરીથી એક વાર રાત્રે સૂતા છે પહેલાં – યોગ્ય રીતે બ્રશ કરવું જોઈએ. સોનિયા: બ્રશ કરવાની સાચી રીત શું છે, ડૉક્ટર? ડૉ.
શર્મા : મોટા ભાગના લોકો બંને બાજુ બ્રશ ફેરવીને બ્રશ કરતા હોય છે. પણ ખરેખર તો તેને ઉપર અને નીચે ફેરવીને બ્રશ કરવું જોઈએ, જેથી દાંત વચ્ચે ચોંટી ગયેલા ખાદ્ય પદાર્થના ઝીણા ટુકડા નીકળી જાય. પેઢાં પણ હળવા હાથે બ્રશ કરવા જોઈએ. એટલું જ નé. પ્રત્યેક ભોજન બાદ અને જ્યારે પણ તે ચૉક્લેટ અથવા આઇસક્રીમ
ખાય, ત્યારે તારે તારું મોં સાફ કરવું. સોનિયા મને કારણ કહેશો ડૉક્ટર? ડૉ. શર્મા દાંતના આરોગ્ય માટે મોંની સફાઈ, તે પહેલી જરૂરિયાત છે. જો તમે તમારું મોં સાફ ન કરો, તો ખાદ્ય પદાર્થના ઝીણા ટુકડાઓ તમારા દાંતની સપાટી પર અને દાંતની વચ્ચેની જગ્યામાં ચોંટી જાય. હવે જેતુઓ આ ખાદ્ય પદાર્થના અંશો ખાશે અને આખરે તમારા દાંતના અમુક ભાગ પણ ખાઈ જશો!
તે (જંતુઓ) તમારા દાંતના ઇનેમલ કોટિંગનો નાશ કરશે અને લાંબે ગાળે તે કવિટિમાં પરિણમશે. સોનિયા ઇનેમલ કોટિંગ? તે શું છે? ડૉ. શર્મા તે માટે તારે દાંતની રચના સમજવી પડશે. આપણા દાંતને ત્રણ પડ હોય છે. સૌથી ઉપરના સફેદ પડેને ઈનેમલ કહે છે. તે આપણા શરીરનો સૌથી કષ્ણ અને મજબૂત ભાગ છે.
બીજા પડને ડેન્ટિન કહે છે. તે થોડું પીળું હોય છે. સૌથી અંદરના પડને ડેન્ટલ પલ્પ કહે છે. તારા મોલર(દાંત)માં એક કૅવિટિ હતી, જે હવે અસ્તિત્વમાં નથી.
સોનિયા: મોલર? તે શું છે? ડૉ. શર્મા ઃ તે એક પ્રકારના દાંત છે. આ ચાર્ટ જો. દાંતના બે પ્રકાર હોય છે: ડિસિફ્યુઅસ (ખરી જાય તેવા) દાંત અથવા દૂધિયા દાંત અને પર્મનન્ટ (કાયમી) દાંત. ડિસિડ્યુઅસ દાંતની સંખ્યા સામાન્ય રીતે 20 હોય છે અને ઊગ્યા બાદ તે એક પછી એક ખરી જાય છે. ત્યારપછી નવા પર્મનન્ટ દાંત ઊગે છે. તેની સંખ્યા સામાન્ય રીતે 32 હોય છે.
સોનિયા: હા, મારે પણ 32 દાંત છે, પણ તે બધા સરખા નથી. ડૉ. શર્મા તેના (દાંતના) આકાર, કદ અને કાર્ય જુદાં જુદાં હોય છે. દરેક જડબા પર ચાર ઇસાઇઝર, બે કેનાઇન, ચાર પ્રિમોલર અને ચાર અથવા છે મોલર હોય છે.
સોનિયા : શું હું તમને મારા મિત્રોના દાંતની સમસ્યાઓ વિશે થોડા પ્રશ્નો પૂછી શકું? ડૉ.
શર્મા : ઓહ! ચોક્કસ, ડિઅર!
સોનિયા: મારા વર્ગમાં ભણતી પૂજા દાદરા પરથી પડી ગઈ – હતી, અને તેના થોડા દાંત બટકી ગયા છે, તેણે શું કરવું જોઈએ? ડૉ. શર્મા તે ન્ટિસ્ટની સલાહ લેવી જોઈએ. તેના દાંત તપાસ્યા બાદ, ડેન્ટિસ્ટ લાઈટ-ક્યુઅર્ડ કૉમ્પોઝિટ ફિલિગ મટિઅરિઅલથી દાંત સમા કરવાનું સૂચવશે.
સોનિયાઃ સારું. મારે ધારા નામની બીજી બહેનપણી છે. તેના દાંત ઊંચા-નીચા ઊગ્યા છે. તેના દાંત યોગ્ય રીતે ઊગ્યા નથી. કોઈક વાર તેને બહુ સંકોચ થાય છે. તેની માટે કોઈ સલાહ?
ડૉ. શર્મા શારીરિક ખોડને કારણે કોઈએ પણ સંકોચ અથવા શરમ રાખવા ન જોઈએ. તેની સમસ્યાને ક્રાઉઝિંગ કહે છે. હવે આ સમસ્યાનો પણ ઉકેલ છે. દર્દીએ ઑર્થડૉન્ટિક ટ્રીટમેન્ટ (ઉપચાર) લેવી જોઈએ. બ્રેસ વડે તેના દાંત એકસરખો થઈ જશે.
સોનિયાઃ હું તેને તમને મળવા કહું? ડૉ.
શર્મા: ના, તેણે ઑર્થડૉન્ટિસ્ટની સલાહ લેવી પડશે. સોનિયા તમારા કીમતી સૂચનો માટે ખૂબ ખૂબ આભાર. ડેન્ટલ વિજ્ઞાને ચોક્કસ ખૂબ પ્રગતિ કરી છે. હું
તેને ઑર્થડૉન્ટિસ્ટની સલાહ લેવા કહીશ. હં… અમારે વિજ્ઞાનના એક પ્રજેક્ટ પર કામ કરવાનું છે અને હવે હું ડેન્ટલ હેલ્થ (દાંતનું આરોગ્ય) પર પ્રજેક્ટ હાથ ધરવાનું વિચારી રહી છું અને મને લાગે છે કે આ બહુ ઉપયોગી વિષય છે.
ડૉ. શર્મા તારા પ્રજેક્ટ માટે માર્ગદર્શનની જરૂર હોય, તો તું આવી શકે છે.
સોનિયાઃ આભાર!
ડૉ. શર્માઃ તારું સ્વાગત છે.
Word Meanings
Idioms and Phrases
(1) fond of
Mitali is fond of music.
(2) to feed on
The lions feed on the deer and other animals in the jungle.
(3) in the long run
If you do exercise from a young age, it will help you in the long run.
(4) to lead to
Bad habits like smoking lead to bad health.
(5) to slip off
NitirL slipped off the scooter and broke his leg.
(6) at times
At times, it is good to let the children take their own decisions.
(7) to take up
Jay has taken up the work of decorating the hail.
GSEB Class 9 English Dental Health Text Book Questions and Answers
(A) Know your teeth.
Information about denture.
- Upper-lower jaws
- Same on both the jaws
- Same on both the sides of incisors
- Used for crushing, holding, cutting, grinding, etc.
Now fill in the table.
Incisors | Canines | Premolars | Molars | |
How many | 8 | 4 | 8 | 12 |
Where | Upper and lower jaws | Upper and lower jaws | Upper and lower jaws | Upper and lower jaws |
Use | biting and cutting food | tearing and ripping food | holding, chewing and grinding food | grinding food |
(B) Here is the picture of a Dental Chair. Observe it closely and discuss with your classmates how it is different from other regular chairs. (Classroom discussion)
Interchange the underlined words if needed to make the sentences meaningful.
(1) My grandfather is very old. He has no teeth. He uses remedy to chew.
(2) Take this painkiller tablet. The toothache will denture.
(3) “There is a cavity in your premolar,” said Dr Saiyad.
(4) Rehana’s all answers were wrong in the maths test so she felt subside.
(5) I think, there is a embarrassed for your poor English grammar.
(6) A dentist uses a white substance to fill the cavity in teeth.
(1) My grandfather is very old. He has no teeth. He uses dentures to chew.
(2) Take this painkiller tablet. The toothache will subside.
(3) “There is a cavity in your premolar,” said Dr Saiyad.
(4) Rehana’s all answers were wrong in the maths test so she felt embarrassed.
(5) I think, there is a remedy for your poor English grammar.
(6) A dentist uses a white substance to fill the cavity in teeth.
2. Make a list of the sentences from the lesson wherein these words are used.
(prescribe, hygiene, germs, particles,enamel, permanent, toothache)
(1) I am prescribing some medicines today.
(2) Cleaning of mouth is the first requirement of dental hygiene.
(3) Now germs feed on these food particles, that eventually eat up parts of the teeth, too!
(4) The uppermost white layer is called enamel.
(5) Thereafter, new permanent teeth come up.
(6) Sonia has a severe toothache.
3. Classify the words.
(deciduous, white substance, restoration, milk, permanent, denture, cavity, incisor, canine, black spot, molar, premolar)
Types of teeth | Symptoms of teeth problem | Cure of teeth problems |
deciduous | cavity | white substance |
milk | black spot | restoration |
permanent | denture | |
incisor | ||
canine | ||
molar | ||
premolar |
4. Replace the underlined words / phrases with the words from the text.
(1) Your teeth are yellowish because the white cover of teeth is worn out.
Your teeth are yellowish because the enamel is worn out.
(2) If you do not brush your teeth before going to bed, tiny bits may harm your teeth.
If you do not brush your teeth before going to bed, food particles may your teeth.
(3) Sunita is capable to take part in this essay competition as she is good at writing.
Sunita is competent to take part in this essay competition as she is good at writing.
(4) As the doctor was free on that day, he could give some time for Sonia.
As the doctor was free on that day, She could spare some time for Sonia.
(5) We should know about the study and practice of cleanliness for our good health.
We should know about hygiene for our good health.
(6) The innermost layer in the teeth is necessary to make teeth strong.
The dental pulp is necessary to make teeth strong.
(7) I am ashamed because I have cheated my friends.
I am embarrassed because I have cheated my friends.
(8) As soon as one grows up to 8 years, temporary teeth begin to shed.
As soon as one grows up to 8 years, his milk / deciduous teeth begin to shed.
(9) Your teeth are not in a proper line so you have to take special treatment.
Your teeth are not in alignment so you have to take special treatment.
1. Complete the table.
No. | Name of the patient | Kind of dental problem | Dr Bansi Sharma’s suggestion / advice |
1. | Sonia | cavity in a premolar tooth | cleaning the cavity and filling it with a white substance |
2. | Pooja | broken teeth | consult a dentist for restoration of teeth |
3. | Dhara | uneven growth of teeth | consult an orthodontist and fix braces to bring teeth in proper alignment |
2. Write down the ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ for dental health.
Dos | Don’ts |
Brush your teeth twice a day. | Don’t be lazy in brushing your teeth. |
Brush your teeth in upward and downward movement. | Don’t brush your teeth sideways. |
Brush the gum-line gently. | Don’t forget to clean your mouth after meals. |
Clean your mouth after every meal. | Don’t drink anything that is too hot or too cold. |
Consult a doctor in case of any tooth problem. | Don’t eat too many sweets, chocolates, ice-creams, etc. |
3. Answer the questions.
Question 1.
Why did Ashokbhai take Sonia to Dr Bansi Sharma?
Ashokbhai took Sonia to Dr Bansi , Sharma because she had a severe toothache.
Question 2.
What treatment did Dr Bansi Sharma give to Sonia?
First, Dr Bansi Sharma gave Sonia some medicines to stop the pain. The next day, he cleaned the cavity and then filled it with a white substance.
Question 3.
What according to Dr Bansi Sharma, must Sonia do to take care of her teeth?
According to Dr Bansi Sharma, Sonia must brush her teeth regularly, twice a day. She must clean her mouth after every meal. She must brush her teeth in the right way. She must also brush the gum-line gently.
Question 4.
What happens if we don’t clean our teeth regularly?
If we don’t clean our teeth regularly, tiny bits of food get stuck in the teeth. Then germs feed on these food particles and also eat up parts of teeth. They destroy the enamel, which leads to cavity.
Question 5.
What is the right way of brushing the teeth, according to Dr Sharma?
According to Dr Sharma, the right way is to move the brush upwards and downwards. The gum-line should also be brushed with gentle strokes.
Question 6.
How can we prevent cavity in the teeth ?
We can prevent cavity in the teeth by brushing teeth regularly twice a day and cleaning the mouth after every meal.
Question 7.
What is enamel ?
The uppermost white layer of the teeth is called enamel.
Question 8.
How many layers do our teeth have? What are they called?
Our teeth have three layers. The uppermost white layer is called the enamel. The second yellowish layer is called dentin. The innermost layer is called dental pulp.
Question 9.
What will Sonia learn from her project?
Sonial will learn about dental hygiene from her project.
• Take a project on a disease and find out its symptoms. What should one do to prevent it? (Project work)
Language Practice
1. Read this passage. Study the underlined words.
My Robot’s Skills
My first robot was a sort of alarm clock that could wake me up every morning. Earlier I thought I must make a robot that is able to ring, but later on I prepared one that could even shout “Wake up”. Another great characteristic of my first robot was he could push me from my bed and make sure I’d get to school on time. At the same time I have strongly decided that.
I must develop a device that is going to enable me to sleep in peace. My boss has ordered me that I have to develop a robot that can kill insects such as mosquitoes, flies or even flying ants. I must follow my boss’ order. So I have developed a perfect robot. My robot cannot only exterminate insects, but I have taken care that he must be capable of vacuum-cleaning the floor to get rid of the dead insects.
2. Read the situations. Tick mark the appropriate options
Situation | Options |
Today is the deadline for submitting your assignment. It was announced in the class that those who do not submit it today, will be punished. | Today, I will submit the assignment. ✓ Today, I must submit the assignment. Today, I have to submit the assignment. |
Your leg is fractured now. You are in the bed, recalling how you were riding a bicycle. | ✓ I could ride a bicycle. I can ride a bicycle. I must ride a bicycle. |
There is a mimicry programme in your school. You want to participate. | ✓ I can make people laugh. I could make people laugh. I should make people laugh. |
Your mother informs you that perhaps your aunt will come to your house. | ✓ I will prepare pakodas for her. I am going to prepare pakodas for her. I have to prepare pakodas for her. |
Every day you get up at 6.30 a.m. but tomorrow you have to go to Vadodara to attend a meeting at 6.00 a.m. | ✓ I have to get up early tomorrow. I will get up early tomorrow. I must get up early tomorrow. |
You have participated in national level running competition. You want to break the previous record. | ✓I am going to run at the speed of 250 metres per minute. I will run at the speed of 250 metres per minute. I can run at the speed of 250 metres per minute. |
3. Work in pairs. Take a card containing the clues. Read the clues one after the other. Let your partner guess the name : of the job. Count the points as shown ? in the brackets.
(Sample answers are given here. There may be many other answers to the same clue).
Clues :
You have to wake up very early. (6 points) MILKMAN / NEWSPAPER VENDOR
You have to work hard every day. (5 points)
You must be fit. (4 points)
You must operate machinery. (3 points) MECHANIC
You must work in the countryside. (2 points) FARMER
You have to work with plants and animals. (1 point)
You must be brave and helpful. (6 points) POLICEMAN
You mustn’t be afraid of heights. (5 points) MOUNTAINEER / PILOT
You have to work in a team. (4 points) MUSICIAN / SINGER
You must sometimes sleep at work. (3 points)
You have to wear a uniform. (2 points)
You have to save people from fires. (1 point)
You must have good eyesight. (6 points) DRIVER / PILOT
You have to sit down. (5 points)
You don’t have to speak. (4 points) MIMICRY ARTIST
You have to use your hands and feet. (3 points)
You must know your destination very well. (2 points)
You have to pick people up at the stop. (1 point)
You have to like talking to people. (6 points)
You have to stand for a long time. (5 points)
You must work inside. (4 points)
You must be good with your hands. (3 points)
You have to sweep the floor. (2 points) SWEEPER
You have to cut other people’s hair. (1 point)
Clues :
You have to be supportive. (6 points) ACTOR
You have to speak to many people. (5 points)
You mustn’t be late for work. (4 points) BOSS
You have to be well prepared. (3 points) STUDENT
You must be knowledgeable. (2 points) ADVISOR
You have to work in a classroom. (1 point) TEACHER
You have to work outside. (6 points) FARMER
You don’t have to wear a uniform. (5 points) SINGER
You have to work with water. (4 points) SAILOR / WASHERMAN
You mustn’t be afraid of heights. (3 points) PILOT / MOUNTAINEER
You have to use a bucket in your work. (2 points)
You have to clean windows. (1 point)
4. What would you say in these situations? Use these words.
(be sick, crash, get wet, lose, not stop, rain)
Example : The sky is full of dark clouds.
It’s going to rain.
(1) Now it has started raining? There’s nowhere to take shelter and you haven’t got an umbrella.
I am going to get wet.
(2) You feel awful. There’s a terrible feeling in your stomach.
I am going to fall sick.
(3) You are playing cricket. The game is nearly over and you have 10 runs to make.
We are going to lose the match.
(4) You can see a plane coming down. It’s out of control and falling to the ground.
It is going to crash.
(5) You are waiting for a bus. There’s one coming, but you don’t know if it’s the one you want. It’s moving very fast.
It is not going to stop.
5. Your group has just taken over the management of a hotel. With your group members, look at the information and decide what the rules are going to be in your hotel. Use must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, can and can’t.
Examples : Guests should not disturb others.
Guests must check out before 12 noon.
Guests mustn’t smoke in their room.
Guests have to leave their keys when they go out. Staff don’t have to work on weekends.
Staff can have sick leave.
Guests can’t order breakfast after 10 a.m.
Guests | Rules |
Checking in and out check out before 11 a.m. / 12 p.m. check in after 1 p.m. / 2 p.m. pay by cash / credit card if a guest checks out late if a guest wants to stay longer cancellation cost | Guests should check out before 12 p.m. Guests should check in after 1 p.m. Guests may pay by cash or credit card. Guests may stay longer with prior intimation Last minute cancellation will have no refund. Cancellation one day before check in may cost 25 % of money paid. |
Rooms leave keys when guests go out smoking in the room Wi-Fi access cost have visitors TV channels |
Guests will have to leave the keys at the Reception when they leave the hotel. Guests must not smoke in the rooms. (There are separate smoking zones in the hotel.) Guests can use Wi-Fi free of cost. Guests may have visitors in their room. |
Meals breakfast start / finish time breakfast included / not included book a table for lunch / dinner smoking in the restaurant |
Breakfast must be ordered between 7 a.m and 9 a.m. Guests can have breakfast in the room or in the restaurant. Guests can book a table for lunch or dinner. Guests must not smoke in the restaurant. Lunch timings are from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Dinner timings are from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. |
Other rules | |
Staff | Rules |
Working hours work on weekends (how often?) work in evenings (how often?) holiday / leave (how often ?) sick leave |
Day shift staff shall report on duty at 8 a.m. Night shift staff shall report on duty at 8 p.m. Staff must not take leave on weekends. Staff must submit an application for leave. Staff shall get one day off in a week. In case of sickness, staff must submit a medical certificate along with the leave application. |
Clothes wear a uniform clothing for receptionist/bellboys clothing for kitchen staff |
Staff must wear the prescribed uniform every day. Staff must carry their I-Cards with them every day. |
6. Study the notices displayed on your school noticeboard. Prepare a notice for a fancy dress competition to be held in \ your school.
(1) Mention the rules.
Example : Interested candidates must get their names registered within five days.
(2) Mention various alternatives.
Example : Interested students can take up roles such as vegetable vendor, farmer, etc.
(3) Give general details of the competition.
Example: The competition is going to start at 10 :00 a.m. sharp. The decision of the judges will be final.
SARASWATI VIDYALAYA (High School Section) FANCY DRESS COMPETITION The Annual Fancy Dress Competition of our school will be held on 25th December, 2015, at 10 a.m., in the Assembly Hall. All the students, who are interested in participating in the competition must submit their names with their class teachers by 1st December, 2015. |
1. Here is the correct method of brushing teeth. Read it carefully. Now write the instructions for brushing your teeth. Work in pairs.
(1) Holding the brush at 45° angle, brush in short back and forth motions on the outer surfaces of the teeth. Don’t scrub.
Example :
(A) You should hold the brush at 45° angle.
(B ) You should move the brush in short back and forth motions on the outer surfaces of the teeth.
(C) You must not scrub.
(2A) Use back and forth motion for chewing surfaces.
Example : You should move the brush back and forth for chewing surfaces.
(2B) Use short-angled strokes along the gum-line.
Example : You should move the brush in short-angled strokes along the gum-line.
(3A) Use gentle up strokes with the of brush.
Example : You should move the brush up with gentle strokes.
(3B) Use gentle down strokes with the brush.
Example : You should move the brush down with gentle strokes.
(4) Brush tongue back to front using sweeping motion
Example : You should brush the tongue back to front in a sweeping motion.
2. Read the prescription and explain to Kalaben about her disease, dosage and timings of medicines. Write this explanation as a paragraph.
(Use the medical abbreviations list.)
Rx = Treatment
Dx = Diagnosis
qd = Every day
qod = Every other day
qh = Every Hour
SS One half
SOS = If needed
PC = After Meals
TID = Thrice a Day
QD=Four times a day
OD = Once a Day
BT= Bed Thue
BBF = Before Breakfast
BD = Before Dinner
Tw Twice a week
Hx = History
q = Every
S = without
C With
AC = Before Meals
BID Twice a Day
Dhanvantari Ayurved Hospital, Una
Kalaben : 56 yrs, Female Dt. 7/7/2016
Hx : Cough and Cold for 10 days
Dx : Viral Infection
Rx : Tab. Tulsi Ghanvati 30 (2 tabs PC BID) Tab. Tribhoovankirti Rasa 30 (C Honey, 2 tabs BBF, 2 tabs BT) Syrup Shwaaskaasaari 100 ml (2 spoons QID, S Water)
Dr Hardik Gadhiya
You can begin like this : Kalaben is 56 years old. She has been suffering from cough and cold for ten days. On 7th July, 2016, she visited Dr Hardik Gadhiya at the Dhanvantari Ayurved Hospital in Una.
The diagnosis, as per Dr Hardik Gadhiya, is that she has a viral infection. The doctor has prescribed her three medicines. Kalaben has to take 2 Tulsi Ghanvati tablets, twice a day, after meals.
She has to take Tribhoovankirti Rasa tablets with honey. She must take 2 tablets (with honey) before breakfast and 2 tablets (with honey) at bed time. She must take 2 spoons of Shwaaskaasaari syrup, four times a day (without water).
3. Suppose you are the Dental Chair at the Dental Care Clinic of Dr Bansi Sharma. Write your experiences and feelings during a day.
You can begin like this : Hello. I am the ‘ dental chair at Dental Care Clinic of Dr Bansi Sharma. All the patients who come to this clinic are examined and treated only after they sit on me. I have so many different experience and feelings during the day.
Today, the first patient was a small boy. He had a bad toothache. When he sat on me, he was so frightened, that he started screaming and crying. He almost started jumping on poor me! His dirty shoes made me dirty! How angry I was! I was then cleaned by the assistant.
The next patient was an elderly man. He had his tooth removed by the doctor. Though he sat quietly, the treatment was quite painful. The liquid medicines and water fell on me. I became dirty again. But that was okay. I understand.
There were many patients throughout the day. I feel happy that I give comfort and rest to the patients. But I also feel sad and angry when I get dirty.
A. Read the extracts and answer the questions.
(1) Sonia had a severe toothache. She could neither eat anything nor could she go to school. Studying at home was also impossible due to pain. She was not able to sleep also.
Sonia :“Oaa … Maa … it’s unbearable.” “We must visit a dentist,” said her uncle, Ashokbhai.
Question 1.
How did Sonia suffer because of a toothache?
Sonia could not eat or sleep. She could neither go to school nor study at home.
Question 2.
What did Sonia’s uncle say?
Sonia’s uncle said that they must visit a dentist.
(2) The same evening they were at the Dental Care Clinic of Dr Sharma. Dr Bansi Sharma is a young and competent doctor.
Dr Sharma: Hello, young lady! What’s the matter with you?
Sonia: (With difficulty) maa. Ahh,doctor, I have a terrible toothache.
Dr Sharma: I can see. Let me check it. Sit in the chair, please. (Sonia sits in the Dentist’s Chair. The doctor switches on the headlight.)
Question 1.
Where did Sonia go in the evening?
In the evening, Sonia went to the dental clinic of Dr Bansi Sharma.
Question 2.
What kind of a doctor was Dr Sharma?
Dr Sharma was a young and competent doctor.
(3) Sonia: (Opening her mouth a little bit,
slowly) Aaah…! Sorry, doctor. I can’t open my mouth any wider than this.
Dr Sharma : That’s OK. (moving the mouth mirror and the probe in Sonia’s mouth) I can see. I see a black spot on one of your premolars. There seems to be a cavity there.
Question 1.
Which instruments did the doctor use to check Sonia’s teeth?
The doctor used a mouth mirror and a probe to check Sonia’s teeth.
Question 2.
What did the doctor see?
The doctor saw a cavity in a premolar.
(4) Ashokbhai: (Startled) A cavity?
Dr Sharma : Yes, a cavity and quite a big one. I am prescribing some medicines today. The pain will subside by tomorrow. Then only the further treatment is possible. Can you come back tomorrow? – Ashokbhai: I will be out of station tomorrow.
Dr Sharma : Well, Sonia can come alone ! She is a brave girl.
Question 1.
Why did the doctor give medicines to Sonia?
The doctor gave medicines to Sonia so that the pain would subside and he could give her further treatment the next day.
Question 2.
Why could Sonia come alone?
Sonia could come alone because she was a brave girl.
(5) (Doctor Sharma cleaned the cavity with an air rotor. Then he filled it with a white substance known as Light-Cured Composite Filling Material. It contains synthetic resin, silica as filler and photo activator, etc.)
Dr Sharma : Yes, it’s done. Thank you for keeping your mouth open without speaking a word.
As Sonia was the last patient that day, the doctor could spare time to talk to her.
Question 1.
What treatment did the doctor give Sonia?
The doctor cleaned the cavity with an air rotor and then he filled it with a white substance.
Question 2.
Why could the doctor spare time to talk to Sonia?
The doctor could spare time to talk to Sonia because she was the last patient that day.
(6) Sonia: Doctor, would you tell me why I got this cavity?
Dr Sharma: Well, tell me one thing. Are you fond of sweets?
Sonia : Yes, I am. I love eating chocolates and ice-creams as well as other sweets.
Dr Sharma: And now tell me one more thing. Do you brush your teeth regularly twice a day? Do you clean your mouth after meals and after eating chocolates or ice cream?
Sonia: No, doctor. I brush my teeth only in the morning.
Question 1.
What did Sonia love eating?
Sonia loved eating chocolates and ice-creams and other sweets.
Question 2.
How many times did Sonia brush her teeth?
Sonia brushed her teeth only in the morning.
(7) Dr Sharma : That’s the problem! You are not taking proper care of your teeth. You must brush your teeth properly twice a day – once in the morning and once before you go to bed.
Sonia : What is the right way of brushing the teeth, doctor?How many times should we brush our
We should brush our teeth twice a day-in the morning and before going to bed.
(8) Dr Sharma : Most of the people brush their teeth while moving the brush sideways only. But the right way is to move it upwards and downwards so that it removes the tiny bits of food stuck between the teeth. The gum-lines should also be brushed with gentle strokes. Not only this, clean your mouth after every meal and every time you eat a chocolate or an ice-cream.
Question 1.
What is the right way of brushing teeth?
The right way of brushing teeth is to move the brush upwards and downwards so that it removes the tiny bits of food stuck between the teeth.
Question 2.
How should the gum-lines be brushed?
The gum-lines should be brushed with gentle strokes.
Question 3.
How often should you clean your mouth ?
We should clean our mouth after every meal and every time we eat a chocolate or an ice-cream.
(9) Dr Sharma: Cleaning of mouth is the first requirement of dental hygiene. If you don’t clean your mouth, tiny bits of food inside stick to the surface of your teeth and in the space between your teeth. Now germs feed on these food-particles that eventually eat up parts of the teeth too! They destroy the enamel coating of the teeth, and in the long run it leads to cavity.
Question 1.
What is the first requirement of dental hygiene?
Cleaning of mouth is the first requirement of dental hygiene.
Question 2.
What do the germs feed on?
The germs feed on the food particles stuck to the surface of the teeth and in the space between the teeth.
Question 3.
What do the germs do?
The germs destroy the enamel coating of the teeth and this leads to cavity.
(10) Sonia: Enamel coating? What’s that?
Dr Sharma: For that you need to understand the construction of our teeth. Our teeth have three layers. The uppermost white layer is called enamel. It is the hardest and strongest part of our body. The second layer is called dentin. It is slightly yellowish. The innermost layer is called dental pulp. In your molar, there was a cavity which now no more exists.
Question 1.
What is enamel?
The uppermost white layer of the teeth is called enamel.
Question 2.
What is dentin?
The second layer of the teeth, which is slightly yellowish, is called dentin.
Question 3.
What is dental pulp?
The innermost layer of the teeth is called dental pulp.
Question 4.
Which is the hardest and the strongest part of our body ?
The enamel is the hardest and the strongest part of our body.
(11) Sonia:Molar? What is it?
Dr Sharma: It’s a kind of teeth. Look at the chart. There are two types of teeth – deciduous teeth, also known as milk teeth, and permanent teeth. Deciduous teeth are usually 20 in number and they shed one by one after growth. Thereafter, new permanent teeth come up. They are usually 32 in number.
Question 1.
Name the two types of teeth.
The two types of teeth are : deciduous or milk teeth and permanent teeth.
Question 2.
What is molar ?
Molar is a kind of teeth.
Question 3.
What do you know about deciduous teeth?
Deciduous teeth are usually 20 in number and they shed one by one after growth.
Question 4.
How many permanent teeth do we usually have?
We usually have 32 permanent teeth.
(12) Sonia: Yes, I also have 32 teeth but they all are not same.
Dr Sharma: They are different in shape, size and functions. There are four incisors, two canines, four premolars and four or six molars in each jaw.
Question 1.
How many incisors and canines are there in each jaw?
There are four incisors and two canines in each jaw.
Question 2.
How many premolars and molars are there in each jaw?
There are four premolars and four or six molars in each jaw.
(13) Sonia: Pooja, one of my classmates, had slipped off a staircase and she has some fractured teeth. What should she do ?
Dr Sharma: Well, she needs to consult a dentist. After examining her teeth, the dentist will suggest restoration of teeth with Light-Cured Composite Filling Material.
Question 1.
How did Pooja break her teeth?
Pooja slipped off the staircase and broke her teeth.
Question 2.
Whom should Pooja consult?
Pooja should consult a dentist.
Question 3.
What will the dentist suggest to Pooja?
The dentist will suggest restoration of teeth with Light-Cured Composite Filling Material.
(14) Sonia: OK. I have another friend named Dhara. She has an uneven growth of teeth. Her teeth are not properly grown. She feels very embarrassed at times. Any advice for her ? Dr Sharma: No one should feel embarrassed about physical deformity. Her problem is called crowding. Now, there is a solution for this problem also. The patient has to go for an orthodontic treatment. The braces will bring her teeth in proper alignment.
Question 1.
Why does Dhara feel embarrassed?
Dhara feels embarrassed because she has an uneven growth of teeth.
Question 2.
What is the solution to uneven growth of teeth?
Uneven growth of teeth can be corrected by orthodontic treatment, in which braces are fixed on teeth to bring them in proper alignment.
Question 3.
What is crowding?
Uneven growth of teeth is called crowding.
(15) Sonia : Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions. Indeed dental science has advanced a lot. I will ask her to consult an orthodontist. Hmmm. Now I am – thinking of taking up a project on Dental Health because we have to work on a project in science and I think this is a very useful topic. Which project does Sonia want to take up?
Sonia wants to take up a project on dental health.
B. Use the set of words in your own sentences.
Question 1.
severe – prescribe
Nitin had a severe pain in the leg and so the doctor has prescribed some medicines.
Question 2.
impossible – destroy
The king found it impossible to destroy the enemy.
Question 3.
unbearable – dentist
Anand had an unbearable toothache and so he visited his dentist.
Question 4.
competent – valuable
Mr Verma is a competent officer and his suggestions are very valuable for the staff.
Question 5.
terrible – subside
Hemant has a terrible headache, which will subside only if he takes some medicine.
Question 6.
reason – consult
Do you know the reason why Jatin is consulting a lawyer ?
Question 7.
requirement – hygiene
Brushing teeth twice a day is the first requirement of dental hygiene.
Question 8.
possible – restoration
The restoration of this old fort is possible 1 only if the government gives enough funds.
Question 9.
eventually – examine
Eventually, the striking teachers were ready to examine the answer sheets of the students.
Question 10.
There exists a wide gap between the rich and the poor.
Question 11.
solution – permanent
There seems to be no permanent solution to the traffic problem in cities.
Question 12.
embarrassed-slipped off .
Jay was embarrassed when he slipped off his scooter and fell down.
Question 13.
to spare-advice
Though the principal was busy, he decided to spare some time to give advice to the students of class 10.
Question 14.
regularly-in the long run
If you exercise regularly, it will certainly benefit you in the long rim.
Question 15.
suggest – fond of
Answer:Since Neha is fond of music, I suggested her to learn to play a musical instrument.
C. Write who said to whom the following sentences.
Question 1.
We must visit a dentist.
This sentence was said by Ashokbhai to Sonia.
Question 2.
Hello, young lady ! What’s the matter with you ?
This was said by Dr Sharma to Sonia.
Question 3.
I am prescribing some medicines today.
This sentence was said by Dr Sharma to Ashokbhai.
Question 4.
Would you tell me why I got this cavity ?
This was said by Sonia to Dr Sharma.
Question 5.
I brush my teeth only in the morning.
This sentence was said by Sonia to Dr Sharma.
Question 6.
You must brush your teeth properly twice a day – Once in the morning and once before you go to bed.
This sentence was said by Dr Sharma to Sonia.
Question 7.
What is the right way of brushing the teeth, doctor ?
This was said by Sonia to Dr Sharma.
Question 8.
Cleaning of mouth is the first requirement of dental hygiene.
This sentence was said by Dr Sharma to Sonia.
Question 11.
Enamel coating ? What’s that ?
This was said by Sonia to Dr Sharma.
Question 10.
No one should feel embarrassed about physical deformity.
This sentence was said by Dr Sharma to Sonia.
Question 11.
Now I am thinking of taking up a project on Dental Health.
This sentence was said by Sonia to Dr Sharma.
Question 12.
Well, Sonia can come alone! She is a brave girl.
This sentence was said by Dr Sharma to Ashokbhai.
D. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the brackets.
(1) (pain, severe, impossible)
Sonia had a severe toothache. She could neither eat anything nor could she go to school. Studying at home was also impossible due to pain.
(2) (subside, prescribing, treatment)
I am prescribing some medicines today. The pain will subside by tomorrow. Then only the further treatment is possible.
(3) (meals, regularly, clean)
Do you brush your teeth regularly twice a day ? Do you clean your mouth after meals and after eating chocolates or ice-cream ?
(4) (before, twice, care)
You are not taking proper care of your teeth. You must brush your teeth properly twice a day – Once in the morning and once before you go to bed.
(5) (surface, eventually, requirement)
Cleaning of mouth is the first requirement of dental hygiene. If you don’t clean your mouth, tiny bits of food inside stick to the surface of your teeth and in the space between your teeth. Now germs feed on these food-particles that eventually eat up parts of the teeth too !
(6) (suggest, consult, examining)
Well, she needs to consult a dentist. After examining her teeth, the dentist will suggest restoration of teeth with Light-Cured Composite Filling Material.
(7) (embarrassed, solution, problem)
No one should feel embarrassed about physical deformity. Her problem is called crowding. Now, there is a solution for this problem also.
(8) (advanced, valuable, dental)
Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions. Indeed dental science has advanced a lot.