Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 3 Mohan and his Veena
Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 3 Mohan and his Veena
GSEB Class 9 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Mohan and his Veena (Second Language)
Mohan and his Veena Summary in Gujarati
મોહનનો જન્મ સંગીતકારોના પરિવારમાં થયો હતો. સંગીત તેના લોહીમાં હતું. તે સંગીતકારો વચ્ચે ઉછર્યો. તેના પિતા અને પરિવારના બીજા સભ્યોની જેમ, શરૂઆતમાં તેને ગાવાની તાલીમ આપવામાં આવી અને પછી તેણે વાયલિન શીખવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો.
જ્યારે તે દસ વર્ષનો હતો ત્યારે તેને સિતાર ગમવા લાગી. તેમાં પણ તેને તાલીમ આપવામાં આવી હતી અને લગભગ ત્રણ વર્ષ (તેણે સિતાર) વગાડી. એક જર્મન સ્ત્રી મોહનના પિતા પાસેથી સંગીત શીખવા માટે તેના પરિવાર સાથે રહેવા આવી. ત્યારે તેના જીવનમાં ગિટારનો પ્રવેશ થયો.
તે સુંદર વાદ્ય સાથે તેણે તેના પ્રયોગ શરૂ કર્યા. “હવે મારા જીવનમાં બીજા કોઈ વાઘને સ્થાન નથી. મારે ફક્ત ગિટાર જ વગાડવી છે,” મોહને વિચાર્યું. ગિટાર તેનો ખૂબ સમય લેતું. “ગિટાર! આખો દિવસ ગિટાર! આપણા પરિવારમાં સિતાર, ગાયન અને શાસ્ત્રીય વાયલિનનો અભ્યાસ થાય છે. આપણાં વાદ્યો જેવી અસર ગિટારમાં નથી અને તે ઉપરાંત, તે ભારતનું
(વાઘ) પણ નથી,” પરિવારના એક સભ્ય કહ્યું. “તને ખબર છે, તારા પિતાને ગિટાર માટેનો તારો પ્રેમ પસંદ નથી ?” તેની માસીએ કહ્યું. પણ તેની માતા તેની મદદે આવ્યાં. “તેને તેના હૃદયની ઇચ્છા અનુસરવા દો,” તેમણે જાહેર કર્યું. પછી (તો) તેના પિતા પણ તેને ટેકો આપવા લાગ્યા. તે ખૂબ ખુશ થયો અને પશ્ચિમના આ વાદ્યમાં ફેરફાર કરવાનું નક્કી કર્યું. તેણે તેને શુદ્ધ ભારતીય શાસ્ત્રીય સંગીત વગાડવા માટે અનુકૂળ કરવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો.
તેણે બીજા બે વર્ષ ફક્ત ગિટાર પર ધ્યાન આપ્યું. એક સાંજે (તેના ઘરે) નિકટના કૌટુંબિક મિત્રોનો મેળાવડો હતો. આ નાના મેળાવડામાં મોહનનાં ભાઈ, બહેન અને ભત્રીજાઓએ (જેઓ જાહેરમાં વગાડનાર ક્લાકારો પણ હતા) તેમનાં શાસ્ત્રીય વાદ્યો પર સંગીત વગાડ્યું. (તેમનાં) ખૂબ વખાણ થયાં. મોહને પણ વગાડવાની ઇચ્છા વ્યક્ત કરી. તેણે ગિટાર વગાડી. તેની રજૂઆત બાદ એક સંબંધીએ કહ્યું, “આ નવા વાદ્ય પર તારે ખૂબ મહેનત કરવાની જરૂર છે.” બીજા સંબંધીએ કહ્યું,
‘જો તું સિતાર વગાડતો હોત, તો તું તારા ભાઈ અને બહેન સાથે સ્પર્ધામાં હોત. તે આના પર બે વર્ષ ગાળ્યાં, તેમ છતાં આ વાઘ પર તારે વધારે મહેનત કરવાની જરૂર છે.” તેની રજૂઆત બાદ કોઈ બોલ્યું, “સિતારનો ધ્વનિ (ખળખળ) વહેતાં ઝરણા જેવો છે. તારા વાદ્યમાં તે ઊંડાણ નથી.” વળી બીજા(સંબંધી)એ કહ્યું, “તારો ભાઈ વાયલિન વગાડે છે; તેનાં સૂર અને તાલ કેટલા સુંદર છે.
તું આ વાદ્ય સાથે શું કરી રહ્યો છે ?’ (આ બધું સાંભળીને) મોહન નિરુત્સાહી થઈ ગયો અને આખી રાત રડ્યો. તેણે તેના જીવનનાં બે વર્ષ આ વાદ્ય પર ગાળ્યાં હતાં. “મારું હૃદય કહે છે કે હું ગિટાર માટે જન્મ્યો છું. મારા માટે ગિટાર સિવાય બીજું કોઈ વાદ્ય નથી.” તેણે વિચાર્યું. “આ વાદ્ય મને વિશ્વમાં ખ્યાતિ અપાવશે. મને ખાતરી છે. હું સફળ થઈશ, ખૂબ સફળ થઈશ.” તે કૃતનિશ્ચય હતો.
આ પ્રસંગ બન્યો ત્યારે મોહન ફક્ત 16 વર્ષનો હતો. તે (પ્રસંગ) તેના જીવનની પરિવર્તનની પળ હતી. મોહને તેનો રિવાજ બમણો કર્યો અને દિવસના લગભગ દસ કલાક અભ્યાસ કરતો. તેણે ગિટારનાં બીજાં પાસાઓનો પણ અભ્યાસ કર્યો. તેણે દરેક વાઘની વિશેષતા, નિર્માણ કરવાની રીત અને ધ્વનિને ગિટારમાં મેળવીને એક કરવાનું નક્કી કર્યું. તેને એક એવા વાદ્યનું નિર્માણ કરવું હતું, જેના ધ્વનિ અને સૂર તો ગિટાર જેવા હોય, પણ તેને ભારતીય વીણાની જેમ વગાડી શકાય.
“મારા વાદ્યમાંથી ઉત્પન્ન થતો ધ્વનિ જ મહત્ત્વનો નથી, પણ તેમાં મારી દષ્ટિ પણ વ્યક્ત થવી જોઈએ; મારે વાઘ દ્વારા શું કહેવું છે, તે,” તેણે વિચાર્યું અને અંતે અથાક પરિશ્રમ અને રાગની સમજથી તેમણે એક અદ્ભુત મોહન વીણાનું નિર્માણ કર્યું. આજે, આખું વિશ્વ મોહનને ગ્રેમિ અવૉર્ડ(ઇનામ)ના વિજેતા પંડિત વિશ્વમોહન ભટ્ટ તરીકે ઓળખે છે. “હું ફક્ત મારા હૃદયની ઉત્કટ ઇચ્છાને અનુસર્યો અને (જુઓ) હું અહીં છું,” 1993માં ઇનામ-વિતરણ સમારંભમાં મોહને કહ્યું.
Word Meanings

Idioms and Phrases
(1) in one’s blood
Hema Malini’s daughters dance well. Dancing is in their blood.
(2) to try one’s hand
I can paint on canvas. But I also want to try my hand in fabric painting.
(3) to make it big
In spite of coming from a poor family, Mr Modi has made it big in the world of business.
(4) to take place
The inauguration of the new hall took place last week.
(5) turning point
Meeting A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was the turning point in the life of this young scientist.
GSEB Class 9 English Mohan and his Veena Text Book Questions and Answers
Study this pie-chart and write a paragraph by answering the questions.
Musical instruments liked by students
Question 1.
Which is the most popular musical instrument ?
Harmonium is the most popular musical instrument. Guitar is the least popular instrument. Only 10 %.
Question 2.
Which is the least popular musical students like to play the guitar. 26 % students like instrument? to play the tabla. 14 % students like the flute. READ
Guitar is the least popular musical instrument.
Question 3.
How many students like the flute ?
14 % of students like the flute.
Question 4.
What is the difference between the popularity of the flute and that of the tabla?
The difference between the popularity of the flute and that of the tabla is 12%.
Question 5.
Which instrument is liked by half of the students?
Harmonium is like by half of the students.
The harmonium, guitar, tabla and flute are some of the instruments liked by students. Harmonium is the most popular musical instrument. 50 % of students like the harmonium.
1. Make meaningful pairs of words or phrases from X and Y. Write sentences using X and Y in your context.
X | Y |
(1) tried hand | (a) his vision |
(2) played / practised | (b) life |
(3) gathering of | (c) at the violin |
(4) turning point of | (d) guitar |
(5) expressed | (e) family members |
Example : I tried my hand at the violin.
(1) I played / practised guitar for many years.
(2) My grandfather addressed a gathering of family members.
(3) Failure in the test was a turning point of Mohan’s belief that hard work pays off.
(4) The Prime Minister expressed his vision for digital India.
2. Complete the e-mail using the words from the brackets.
(determined, instrument, musical, melodiously, performance)
TO –
Sub – Attending a music concert
Hi Anjana,
I went to a great musical concert last night. I enjoyed the performance of all the artists, especially Mohan. He played on his Veena melodiously. I was very much impressed by his style, so I am determined to learn such an instrument to play on in future as I am interested in music.
3. Underline the words with the nearest meanings.
(1) incorporate : include, associate, cooperate, coordinate
(2) aspect: frame, feature, side, inspect
(3) depressed : encouraged, expressed, rejected, sad
(4) approve : appreciate, like, prove, appear
(5) experiment : take trial, experience, expert, perform
(6) instrument : device, utensil, bowl, spanner
1. Say whether the statements are True or False
(1) Mohan liked the guitar when he was 10 years old. – False
(2) Mohan’s father did not approve of his love for the guitar. – True ?
(3) Mohan’s brother, sister and nephew were praised at the gathering. – True
(4) According to one remark, sitar has depth of sound. – True
(5) Mohan stopped playing the guitar after the remark. – False
(6) Mohan Veena is not invented by Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt. – False
(7) Mohan followed his heart’s passion. – True
2. Arrange these sentences in the proper order. Put the number in the boxes.
3 Mohan was depressed and cried.
1 He was attracted to the guitar.
4 He decided to work hard and make the instrument his face.
2 He was not appreciated well in a family concert.
5 Mohan got a Grammy Award.
3. Find out the sentences having nearest meanings from the text.
(1) He accepted the guitar as an instrument of music.
No other instrument now in my life. I want to play the guitar only.
(2) Guitar is not an instrument of Indian style and doesn’t have the effect like the other Indian musical instruments. The guitar does not have the effect which our instruments do and moreover, it’s not from India.
(3) Mohan was inspired to play an instrument because of the appreciation got by his brother, sister and nephew. As they got great appreciation, Mohan, too, expressed his wish to perform
(4) Mohan increased the practice of the guitar. Mohan doubled his riyaaz and practised for about 10 hours a day.
(5) Expression of vision about my thought through sound is important. Not only the sound that my instrument produces is important, but it must also express my vision; what I want to say through the instrument.
4. Find out the reactions by different persons against Mohan’s love for the guitar.
Person | Reaction against Mohan’s love for the guitar |
Mohan’s aunty | Example: Do you know your father does not approve of your love for the guitar? |
Mohan’s mother | Let him follow his heart’s desire. |
Relative 1 | You need to work very hard with the new instrument. |
Relative 2 | If it were a sitar, you would have been in competition with your brother and sister. |
Relative 3 | The sitar’s sound is like a flowing stream. |
Relative 4 | Your brother plays the violin; his sur and tal are so beautiful. What are you doing with this instrument? |
Mohan himself | But from my heart, I am made for the guitar. There is no instrument for me but the guitar. This instrument will become my face to the world. I am sure, I am going to make it big, very big. |
5. Answer the questions.
Question 1.
What did Mohan learn in his early age?
Mohan learnt the violin and the sitar in his early age.
Question 2.
What was practised in Mohan’s family?
Sitar, vocals and classical violin were practised in Mohan’s family.
Question 3.
What do you know about Mohan’s initial training?
Initially, Mohan was trained in vocal music. Then he tried his hand at the violin. Later he learnt the sitar.
Question 4.
Make a list of some Indian musical instruments.
Harmonium, sitar, sarod, violin, tabla, dholak, veena and flute.
Question 5.
Which instrument attracted Mohan the most?
The guitar attracted Mohan the most.
Question 6.
What did Mohan do to get success after the comments from relatives?
Mohan doubled his riyaaz and practised the guitar for about 10 hours a day.
Question 7.
What did Mohan do to invent the Mohan Veena?
Mohan studied other aspects of the guitar and decided to incorporate the specialty, technique and sound of every instrument into the guitar. He wanted something that gave the sound and tune of the western guitar but could be played like the Indian Veena.
Question 8.
Which two great achievements of Mohan have been mentioned in this lesson?
- Invention of the Mohan Veena
- Winning a Grammy Award
• Which instrument attracts you more? Why?
The flute attracts me more because of its soothing sound.
• Do you remember any incident when you didn’t lose courage and succeeded, though there were comments against your hobby? Narrate it.
Two years ago, I started learning drums. It was my passion. I would spend most of my time playing drums. As a result, it started affecting my studies. I scored less marks in the exam. My family was angry. My grandfather and uncle scolded me and asked me to stop playing drums.
“What a waste of time,” said my aunt. “Look, you better stop playing drums or I will throw them out,” said grand mother.
Even my parents were a little upset. But they did not say anything at that time. I was very disappointed. I cried a lot. But then my parents spoke to me. “Do not be discouraged by these comments,” they said. “Make a timetable and follow it regularly. Devote fixed hours for study, play and music.”
I was happy that my parents supported me. I promised them to study well and also play the drums. Today, after two years, I have formed my own band. I am the lead drummer. We play at family functions, school functions and even small events like birthdays and marriages. And I always get good marks in all my exams. My family is also proud of me.
At the end of the Grammy Awards ceremony, Mohan is answering the questions of reporters. Frame the questions as if you were a reporter.
- Can you tell us about the Mohan Veena?
- What made you create the Mohan Veena?
- Which musical instruments did you play earlier?
- Do your children also play the Mohan Veena?
- Do you train the youngsters to play this instrument?
- How do you feel on winning the Grammy Award?
- What are your future plans?
Language Practice
1. Read the passage and observe the underlined words.
Eight children were standing eagerly on the track to participate in the running event. With the sound of a toy pistol, all the eight girls started running swiftly
After covering ten to fifteen steps, one of the girls suddenly slipped and fell down. When the other seven girls heard this sound, they stopped running, stood for a while and turned back. They all ran back anxiously to the place where the girl had fallen down.
One among them bent, lifted and kissed the girl gently All the seven l girls carefully lifted the girl who had fallen down. Two of them l held the girl firmly and l they all joined hands together and walked together and reached the winning post. Officials were shocked. Clapping of thousands of spectators filled the s stadium. Many eyes were filled with tears ? and perhaps it had reached even God! Yes. This happened in Hyderabad. All these special girls had come to participate in this event and they were spastic children.
2. (A) Work in pairs. Note down all the underlined words from the above passage in your book. Make pairs of the action and the manner of that action.
Action | Manner |
standing | eagerly |
running | swiftly |
ran back | anxiously |
picked and kissed | gently |
lifted | carefully |
held | firmly |
(B) Match the phrases given in the left column with the appropriate words given in the right column. Write down the correct pairs on separate chits. Give the chits to your teacher. The teacher will use them in sentences
Description of a manner/way of action | Word for manner |
1. without making any noise | faultlessly |
2. with great pleasure | proudly |
3. in a serious manner | confidently |
4. with pride | noiselessly / silently |
5. with great skill | happily |
6. without making a single mistake | naturally |
7. in a natural way | seriously |
8. with confidence | skilfully |
Example :
without making any noise – noiselessly /silently
The students are reading in the library without making any noise.
The students are reading in the library noiselessly / silently.
(1) with great pleasure – happily
Ravi was ready to help us with great pleasure.
Ravi was ready to help us happily.
(2) in a serious manner – seriously
The children were doing their home – work in a serious manner.
The children were doing their homework seriously.
(3) with pride – proudly
The captain held the trophy with pride.
The captain held the trophy proudly.
(4) with great skill – skilfully
Mohan was painting with great skill.
Mohan was painting skilfully.
(5) without making a single mistake – faultlessly
I completed the Maths paper without making a single mistake.
I completed the Maths paper faultlessly.
(6) in a natural way – naturally
The farmer allows the crops to grow in a natural way.
The farmer allows the crops to grow naturally.
(7) with confidence – confidently
The little boy gave his speech with confidence.
The little boy gave his speech confidently.
3. Choose any word expressing manner from the box given below and tell your friend to select the correct sentence to fill in the blanks. You can take help of your teacher to decide whether the sentence is true or false.
badly | smartly | dangerously |
angrily | secretly | kindly |
(1) When I broke my leg, my friend; Rohan kindly offered help to take me to school on his bicycle.
(2) We lost the football match by 4 – 3. I don’t think we played badly, but the opposite team played really smartly.
(3) “You are late !” said Sneha angrily. “Where have you been?”
(4) I am sure that the plan of bank robbery was made secretly by the thief.
(5) You drive the car quite dangerously. I won’t be surprised if you meet with an accident one day.
4. Practise the conversation selecting the words expressing frequency from the table and fill in the blanks. Work in s pairs.
never | always | usually |
occasionally | often | sometimes |
A : What do you do on Sunday?
B : Nothing much. I usually sleep until 9:00.
A : Do you go to bazaar on Saturday evening?
B : Yes, I do. I often go to play volleyball or I sometimes I go to the garden.
A : Do you drive to school?
B : No, I never drive to school. I always take the bus.
A : What do you do after class ?
B : I occasionally talk with friends or I usually go home.
A : Do you like new friends ?
B : Yes, I always like, but I love my old friends too.
5. Place the word expressing manner/ frequency at the correct place.
(1) The new boy quietly waited outside the principal’s office, (quietly)
(2) We often go to the zoo and usually stay there for an hour or two. (often, usually)
(3) Mahesh fell down yesterday. He drove his new bicycle carelessly, (carelessly)
(4) Everyone should always be kind to the animals, (always)
(5) All students were surprised when he cried loudly in the class, (loudly)
6. Here is a game. Let’s play.
Select the pair of words expressing action and manner, which you can enact in the classroom. The teacher will ask questions to the class.
Words for action :
read, sit, shout, behave, cry, dance, walk, laugh, write
Words of manner :
quickly, slowly, fearfully, proudly, quietly, childishly, loudly, painfully, angrily, joyfully, secretly, silently
Example :
Teacher : What is he/she doing?
Student: He / She is reading.
Teacher: How is he /she reading?
Student: He / She is reading silently/ loudly.
(1) Teacher : What is he/she doing?
Student : He/She is sitting.
Teacher : How is he / she sitting ?
Student: He/She is sitting quietly.
(2) Teacher : What is he /she doing?
Student: He/She is shouting.
Teacher: How is he /she shouting?
Student: He/She is shouting loudly.
(3) Teacher : What is he/she doing?
Student: He/She is behaving (badly).
Teacher : How is he /she behaving (badly) ?
Student : He / She is behaving childishly.
(4) Teacher : What is he /she doing?
Student: He /She is crying.
Teacher: How is he/she crying?
Student: He/She is crying painfully.
(5) Teacher : What is he/she doing?
Student: He/She is dancing.
Teacher: How is he /she dancing?
Student: He/She is dancing joyfully.
(6) Teacher : What is he /she doing?
Student: He /She is walking.
Teacher: How is he/she walking?
Student: He/She is walking slowly.
(7) Teacher: What is he /she doing?
Student: He/She is laughing.
Teacher: How is he /she laughing?
Student: He/She is laughing loudly.
(8) Teacher: What is he/she doing?
Student: He/She is writing.
Teacher: How is he/she writing?
Student: He/She is writing quickly.
Question 7.
Write the famous story of the hare and the tortoise using the words showing the manner of action.
proudly, calmly, silently, swiftly, lazily, steadily, hurriedly, slowly, etc.
Once upon a time, a hare said proudly to the tortoise, “You can’t beat me in a running race.” The tortoise said calmly, “Of course, I can beat you. Let’s have a race.” The hare agreed.
On the day and time fixed, all the animals of the jungle got together to see this strange race. The monkey was the referee. The hare and the tortoise stood at the starting point. All the animals stood silently. The referee blew the whistle.
The hare ran swiftly and was way ahead even before the tortoise could start! The tortoise began to walk slowly. “How lazily he is walking!” exclaimed all the animals. “He is sure to lose the race.”
Meanwhile the hare was way ahead. He turned back to see where the tortoise was. But he could not see him. “Let me take some rest while the tortoise reaches here,” thought the hare. “Then I will run fast and reach the finishing point.” So the hare went off to sleep peacefully under a tree. Mean while the tortoise was walking slowly but steadily. Soon he crossed the tree where the hare was sleeping.
After some time, the hare woke up. “Oh! Did I sleep too long?” he wondered. The animals told him that the tortoise must have reached the finishing point. “Oh, no!” cried the hare nervously. He ran more swiftly and reached the finishing point. But the tortoise had already won the race.
Question 1.
Write a paragraph on ‘My Hobly’
My Hobby : A hobby is an individual’s personal interest in some particular activity. A hobby ‘ is normally pursued during leisure time. The main objective behind the hobby is to seek pleasure and relaxation after a day’s hard work. It refreshes the tired mind.
My hobby is gardening. It is a delightful and interesting hobby. Preparing beds, sowing seeds, tending delicate plants, nursing of flowers, clearing the flower-beds of useless weeds, watering the plants and pots – all give me great pleasure. It is a creative activity. It gives me great joy when the seeds planted by me shoot above the ground. I feel as if something great has been achieved.
Gardening has taught me to be a keen observer and work skilfully with my hands. It has taught m much about the weather.Gardening has also taught me to appreciate the beauty of nature. The sweet fragrance of the flowers fills my house. A beautiful garden is a source of inspiration.
Question 2.
Here is a picture of a musical instrument with some information about it. Write a few lines about it.
- a keyboard-instrument similar to an organ
- blows air through the air vessels reeds,’ producing musical notes
- sounds like an according.
- two types of harmonium – a foot- pumped harmonium and a hand-pumped harmonium
- used in music of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and in other Asian countries
- used as an accompanying instrument in classical Hindustani music, sufi music, bhajans, musical renditions of the classics
This is a harmonium. It is one of the oldest musical instruments of India. It is also used in Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and in other Asian countries.
The harmonium is a keyboard- instrument, similar to an organ. When you play the harmonium, the air blows through the air vessels reeds, producing musical notes. It sounds like an accordion.
It is used as an accompanying instrument in classical Hindustani music, sufi music, bhajans, etc. There are two types of harmonium – a foot-pumped harmonium and a hand- pumped harmonium.
3. Look at the musical instruments and s write about them.
This is a Veena. It is a stringed instrument originating in ancient India. It is mainly used in Indian classical music. There are different types of the Veena – Rudra Veena, Saraswati Veena, Mohan Veena, Vichitra I Veena, etc.
(2) This is a guitar. It is a very popular stringed instrument. Usually it has 6 strings. There are three main types of modern guitar – classical guitar, acoustic guitar and archtop guitar. There are electric guitars also. It is usually used in pop music.
(3) This is the Mohan Veena, created by Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt. It is a modified Archtop guitar, which consists of 19 strings – 3 melody strings, 4 drone strings coming out of the peg heads, and 12 sympathetic strings strung to the tuners mounted on the side of the neck.
A gourd (or the tumba) is screwed into the back of the neck for improved sound sustain and resonance. It is held in the lap like a slide guitar.
The melody strings are on the treble side of the neck, and the drone strings are on the bass side. The drone strings are lower in height than the melody strings. This allows for unrestricted playing of the melody strings.
The sympathetic strings run underneath the melody and drone strings to yet another level in the bridge. The instrument has a carved spruced top, mahogany back and sides, a mahogany neck, and a flat, fretless, rosewood fingerboard.
A. Read the extracts and answer the questions.
(1) Mohan was born into a family of musicians. Music was in his blood. He grew up with musicians. Like his father and other family members, he was initially trained in vocal music and then he tried his hand at the violin. When he was about ten, he started liking the sitar. He was also trained in it and played it for about three years.
Question 1.
How can you say that music was in Mohan’s blood?
Music was in Mohan’s blood because he was born into a family of musicians and he grew up with musicians.
Question 2.
What was Mohan initially trained in?
Mohan was initially trained in vocal music.
Question 3.
Which instruments did Mohan play?
Mohan played the violin and the sitar.
Question 4.
Which instrument did Mohan play for three years?
Mohan played the sitar for three years.
(2) A German lady came to stay with Mohan’s family to learn music from his father. It was then that the guitar entered in his life. He began his experiments with that beautiful instrument. “No other instrument now in my life. I want to play the guitar only,” said Mohan to himself. Guitar took all his time.
Question 1.
When was Mohan attracted to guitar?
Mohan was attracted to the guitar when a German lady came to stay with his family to learn music from his father.
(3) “Guitar …! Whole day guitar…! Ours is a family where sitar, vocals and classical violin are practised. The guitar does not have the effect which our instruments do and moreover, it’s not from India,” said one of the family members. “Do you know your father does not approve of your love for the guitar?” said his aunty.
Question 1.
What did Mohan’s aunty say?
Mohan’s aunty said that his father did not approve of his love for guitar.
Question 2.
What did a family member say about the guitar?
A family member said that the guitar did not have the effect which Indian instruments have and it was not from India.
Question 3.
What was practised in Mohan’s family?
Sitar, vocals and classical violin were practised in Mohan’s family.
(4) But his mother came to his help. “Let him follow his heart’s desire,” she declared. Then his father started supporting him. He was overjoyed and decided to modify this western instrument. He tried to make it suitable for playing pure Indian classical music. He spent two more years with the guitar only.
Question 1.
What did Mohan’s mother do?
Mohan’s mother came to his help and declared that he should follow his heart’s desire.
Question 2.
Why was Mohan overjoyed?
Mohan was overjoyed because his father started supporting him.
Question 3.
What did Mohan decide to do?
Mohan decided to modify the guitar.
Question 4.
What did Mohan try to do with the guitar?
Mohan tried to make the guitar suitable for playing pure Indian classical music.
(5) One evening there was a gathering of close family friends. In this small gathering Mohan’s brother, sister and nephews (who were also performing artists) played music on their classical instruments. There was great appreciation. Mohan, too, expressed his wish to perform. He played on the guitar.
Question 1.
What did Mohan’s brother, sister and nephews do at the gathering?
Mohan’s brother, sister and nephews played music on their classical instruments.
Question 2.
What did Mohan wish?
Mohan wished to perform on the guitar.
(6) After his performance, a relative said, “You need to work very hard with the new instrument.” One of the relatives said, “If it were the sitar, you would have been in competition with your brother and sister. You have already spent two years on it, but still this instrument needs more.”
Question 1.
What did a relative tell Mohan?
A relative told Mohan that he needed to work very hard with the instrument.
Question 2.
What did the other relative tell s Mohan?
The other relative told Mohan that if it were the sitar, he would have been in competition with his brother and sister.
(7) After his performance, someone said, “The sitar’s sound is like a flowing stream. Your instrument doesn’t have that depth.” Yet another said, “Your brother plays the violin; his sur and tal are so beautiful. What are you doing with this instrument?”
Question 1.
What did someone say about the sitar’s sound?
Someone said that the sitar’s sound is like a flowing stream.
Question 2.
What did someone say about Mohan’s brother?
Someone said that Mohan’s brother played the violin and his sur and tal were very beautiful.
(8) Mohan was depressed and cried for the whole night. He had already given two years of his life to this instrument! “But from the heart, I am made for guitar. There is no instrument for me but the guitar,” he thought. “This instrument will become my face to the world. I am sure, I am going to make it big, very big.” He was determined.
Question 1.
How did Mohan react to the criticism of his relatives?
Mohan was depressed and he cried for the whole night.
Question 2.
What did Mohan decide?
Mohan decided that the guitar would become his face to the world and that he would make it big one day.
(9) This incident took place when Mohan was only 16 years of age. It was the turning point in his life. Mohan doubled his riyaaz and practised for about ten hours a day. He also studied other aspects of the guitar. He decided to incorporate the specialty, technique and sound of every instrument into the guitar. He wanted to invent something which gave the sound and tune of the western guitar but could be played like the Indian Veena.
Question 1.
What did Mohan do after the incident ?
After the incident, Mohan doubled his riyaaz and practised the guitar for about ten hours a day.
Question 2.
What did Mohan decide?
Mohan decided to incorporate the specialty, technique and sound of every instrument into the guitar.
Question 3.
What did Mohan want to invent?
Mohan wanted to invent something which gave the sound and tune of the western guitar but could be played like the Indian Veena.
Question 4.
What did Mohan study?
Mohan studied the other aspects of the guitar.
(10) “Not only the sound that my instrument produces is important, but it must also express my vision-what I want to say through the instrument,” he said to himself and finally, with untiring efforts and understanding of the ragas, he created the wonderful Mohan Veena. Today, the world knows Mohan as Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, winner of a Grammy Award. “I just followed my heart’s passion and here I am,” said Mohan at the award ceremony in 1993.
Question 1.
What was important for Mohan?
It was important for Mohan that his instrument should not only produce good sound but also express his vision.
Question 2.
Which award has Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt won?
Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt has won the Grammy Award.
Question 3.
How did Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt create the Mohan Veena?
Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt created the Mohan Veena after untiring efforts and understanding of the ragas.
Question 4.
What did Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt say on winning the Grammy Award?
On winning the Grammy Award, Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt said that he was successful because he just followed his heart’s passion.
B. Use the set of words in your own sentences.
Question 1.
classical – to train
Mahesh has been trained in Indian classical music.
Question 2.
enter – gathering
When the winners entered the hall, the huge gathering clapped for them.
Question 3.
modify – effort
Mohan took a lot of effort to modify the guitar.
Question 4.
performance – ceremony
Mitali gave a dance performance at the opening ceremony of the sports week.
Question 5.
perform – competition
You must perform really well to win the competition.
Question 6.
experiment – to invent
Newton conducted many experiments before he invented the bulb.
Question 7.
winner – practice
Amar increased the hours of his practice sessions to become a winner.
Question 8.
approve – determined
Though his parents did not approve of his interest in music, he was determined to become a musician.
Question 9.
took place – incident
The incident of theft took place last evening, when the family had gone out for a function.
Question 10.
follow – create
If you do not follow traffic rules, it will only create more traffic problems.
Question 11.
desire – perform
It was Sheetal’s desire to perform before her dance gurus.
Question 12.
declare – support
All the students have declared their support to Raj, who is standing for the elections.
Question 13.
overjoyed – award
My parents were overjoyed when I got an award for the Best Student.
Question 14.
effect – sound
The sound of Lord Krishna’s flute had a magical effect on the people.
Question 15.
suitable – finally
After a long search, Mr Mehta has finally found a house that is suitable for his joint family.
Question 16.
express – wish
Grandmother has expressed her wish to go to Haridwar.
Question 17.
appreciation – wonderful
Nita got a lot of appreciation for her wonderful collection of paintings.
Question 18.
sound – flowing
The king, who was lost in the jungle, could hear a faint sound of flowing water of a stream.
Question 19.
depressed – winner
Mihir looked depressed when his friend was declared the winner of the race.
Question 20.
passion – tune
It is because of his passion for music that he has been able to give the best tunes ever.
Question 21.
incorporate – untiring
Our principal’s untiring efforts and guidance helped us to incorporate some s changes in the election process for Class Representatives.
Question 22.
understanding – western
Geeta has a good understanding of western music.
C. Write who said to whom the following Sentences.
Question 1.
I want to play the guitar only.
This sentence was said by Mohan to himself.
Question 2.
The guitar does not have the effect which our instruments do and moreover, it’s not from India.
This sentence was said by a family member to Mohan.
Question 3.
Do you know your father does not approve of your love for the guitar ?
This was said by Mohan’s aunty to Mohan.
Question 4.
Let him follow his heart’s desire. ?
This sentence was said by Mohan’s mother to the family members.
Question 5.
You need to work very hard with the new instrument.
This sentence was said by a relative to Mohan.
Question 6.
There is no instrument for me but the guitar.
This sentence was said by Mohan to himself.
Question 7.
This instrument will become my face to the world.
This sentence was said by Mohan to himself.
D. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the brackets.
(1) (vocal, musicians, initially)
Music was in his blood. He grew up with musicians. Like his father and other family members, he was initially trained in vocal music.
(2) (experiments, entered, beautiful)
A German lady came to stay with . Mohan’s family to learn music from his father. It was then that the guitar entered in his life. He began his experiments with that beautiful instrument.
(3) (classical, effect, practised)
Ours is a family where sitar, vocals and classical violin are practised. The guitar does not have the effect which our instruments do and moreover, it’s not from India.
(4) (love, approve, guitar)
Do you know your father does not approve of your love for the guitar?” said his aunty.
(5) (declared, supporting, desire)
“Let him follow his heart’s desire,” she declared. Then his father started supporting him.
(6) (modify, overjoyed, suitable)
He was overjoyed and decided to modify this western instrument. He tried to make it suitable for playing pure Indian classical music.
(7) (gathering, performing, classical)
One evening there was a gathering of close family friends. In this small gathering Mohan’s brother, sister and nephews (who were also performing artists) played music on their classical instruments.
(8) (expressed, perform, appreciation)
There was great appreciation. Mohan, too, expressed his wish to perform.
(9) (instrument, competition, sitar)
If it were the sitar, you would have been in competition with your brother and sister. You have already spent two years on it, but still this instrument needs more.
(10) (depth, sound, flowing)
The sitar’s sound is like a flowing stream. Your instrument doesn’t have that depth.
(11) (violin, instrument, beautiful)
Yet another said, “Your brother plays the violin; his sur and tal are so beautiful. What are you doing with this instrument ?”
(12) (depressed, life, night)
Mohan was depressed and cried for the whole night. He had already given two years of his life to this instrument!
(13) (sure, determined, face)
“This instrument will become my face to the world. I am sure, I am going to make it big, very big.” He was determined.
(14) (turning point, doubled, incident)
This incident took place when Mohan was only 16 years of age. It was the turning point in his life. Mohan doubled his riyaaz and practised for about ten hours a day.
(15) (technique, incorporate, aspects)
He also studied other aspects of the guitar. He decided to incorporate the specialty, technique and sound of every instrument into the guitar.
(16) (tune, invent, guitar)
He wanted to invent something which gave the sound and tune of the western guitar but could be played like the Indian Veena.
(17) (express, important, vision)
Not only the sound that my instrument produces is important, but it must also express my vision-what I want to say through the instrument.
(18) (winner, understanding, created)
With untiring efforts and understanding of the ragas, he created the wonderful Mohan Veena. Today, the world knows Mohan as Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, winner of a Grammy Award.
(19) (followed, ceremony, passion)
“I just followed my heart’s passion and here I am,” said Mohan at the award ceremony in 1993