Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 7 Adolescents Speak
Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 7 Adolescents Speak
GSEB Class 9 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Adolescents Speak (Second Language)
Adolescents Speak Summary in Gujarati
પ્રવક્તા : નમસ્કાર, મિત્રો. અમદાવાદની યુથ-ક્લબ આયોજિત વીડિઓ-કૉન્ફરન્સમાં (આપ સૌને) આવકારું છું. તમે જાણો છો તેમ, કૉન્ફરન્સનો વિષય છે … What’s the way out? – શો ઉપાય છે? આપણા રાજ્યના નામાંકિત સલાહકારો ડૉ. ચન્દ્રકાન્ત શાહ અને શ્રી સૌરભ બક્ષી સાથે ગુજરાતના તરુણો તેમની સમસ્યાઓ વિશે ચર્ચા કરશે. તેઓ તરુણોને સાચી દિશા દર્શાવવાનો પ્રયત્ન કરશે. 15 વર્ષના એક તરુણના પ્રશ્નથી આપણે કૉન્ફરન્સની શરૂઆત કરીએ.
તરુણ: નમસ્કાર, સર, તલોદથી હું જીજ્ઞેશ.
ડૉ. શાહ: નમસ્કાર, જિજ્ઞેશ. તારી શી સમસ્યા છે? અમને કહે.
જિગ્નેશ : આત્મવિશ્વાસની ઊણપ એ મારી સમસ્યા છે. તેથી હું અનિર્ણાયક મનનો થઈ ગયો છું. હું ત્વરિત નિર્ણય કરી શકતો નથી. અને હું મારો સમય બરબાદ કરું છું તેવું લાગે છે. હું સમયપત્રક તૈયાર કરું છું પણ તેનો અમલ કરી શકતો નથી. હું આત્મવિશ્વાસ કેવી રીતે કેળવી શકું?
શ્રી બક્ષીઃ તું કયા ધોરણમાં ભણે છે, જિગ્નેશ?
જિગ્નેશ: હું દસમા ધોરણમાં છું.
શ્રી બક્ષી : મને કહે, તું કેટલા દિવસનું આયોજન કરે છે? જિગ્નેશ હું એક મહિનાનું આયોજન કરું છું.
શ્રી બક્ષી : જિગ્નેશ, બહુ લાંબા સમયનું આયોજન ન કર. સિદ્ધ ન થઈ શકે તેવાં લક્ષ્ય ન બાંધો. વ્યવહારુ બનો.
જિગ્નેશઃ તો શું સર, મારે એક અઠવાડિયાનું આયોજન કરવું જોઈએ?
શ્રી બક્ષી : અઠવાડિયાનું પણ નહિ. માત્ર એક જ દિવસનું આયોજન કરી તેનો અમલ કરવાનો પ્રયત્ન કરી જો. આ રીતે કરવાની ટેવ કેળવ.
જિગ્નેશ આથી મારામાં આત્મવિશ્વાસ વધશે?
શ્રી બક્ષીઃ જરૂર. હજુ થોડી વાર પહેલાં જ તેં કહ્યું કે તું સમયપત્રક પ્રમાણે ચાલી શકતો નથી. આ હકીકતથી તું નિરુત્સાહી થઈ જાય છે. થોડા દિવસો તારા સમયપત્રક પ્રમાણે કામ કર. તેથી તારો આત્મવિશ્વાસ વધશે.
જિજ્ઞેશ: આભાર, સર.
પ્રવક્તા : જિગ્નેશ એક આત્મવિશ્વાસવાળો યુવક બનશે. હવે ફોન પર એક યુવતી છે તેની વાત સાંભળીએ.
દિલશાદઃ નમસ્તે સર. હું રાપરથી દિલશાદ. મારો ચહેરો ખીલથી ભરેલો છે. હું ખીલથી કેવી રીતે છુટકારો મેળવી શકું?
ડૉ. શાહઃ અત્યાર સુધી તમે શું કર્યું છે?
દિલશાદઃ જાતજાતનાં ક્રીમ્સ (સૌંદર્યપ્રસાધનો) લગાડી જોયાં છે, પણ કોઈ ઉપયોગી સાબિત નથી થયાં.
ડૉ. શાહઃ દિલશાદ, બહુ ચિંતા ન કર. આ ઉંમરે ખીલ એક સામાન્ય સમસ્યા છે. તે જરૂર નાબૂદ થઈ જશે.
દિલશાદઃ પણ કેવી રીતે? ક્રિીમ્સ લગાવી લગાવીને હું કંટાળી ગઈ છું.
ડૉ. શાહ: જાહેરાતોથી ભોળવાઈ જવું નહિ. કોઈ સારા સ્કિન સ્પેશલિસ્ટ(ચામડીના રોગના ડૉક્ટર)ની સલાહ લેવી વધારે સારું.
દિલશાદઃ આભાર, સર. પ્રવક્તા ડૉ. શાહ, અંતિમ કંઈક પ્રશ્ન પૂછવા માગે છે. અંતિમ નમસ્કાર, સર, હું કાવિઠાથી અંતિમ. શ્રી બક્ષી . .
નમસ્કાર. તમારો શું પ્રશ્ન છે? ડૉ. શાહ અંતિમ: સર, રક્તદાતાને HTv થઈ શકે?
શ્રી બક્ષી સરસ પ્રશ્ન છે. પણ તમારા જેવો વિદ્યાર્થી રક્તદાન કરી શકે નહિ.
અંતિમઃ એ તો હું જાણું છું, સર (તેમ છતાં) એ વિશે જાણવું છે.
શ્રી બક્ષીઃ HIVના દર્દીને રક્તદાન કરવાનું સલામત છે. રક્તદાતાને ચેપ લાગે નહિ, કારણ કે સાધનોને જંતુરહિત કરવામાં આવ્યાં હોય છે.
અંતિમ : આભાર, સર.
પ્રવક્તા: “Know AIDs for no AIDS’ એઇસ ન થાય તે માટે એઇક્સ વિશે જાણવું જોઈએ. (અહીં અંગ્રેજી શબ્દો now
અને noથી કેવી રમત કરવામાં આવી છે તે જુઓ.) આપણે કૉન્ફરન્સ પૂરી કરીએ તે પહેલાં હરીશની સમસ્યા સાંભળીએ. હરીશઃ નમસ્કાર, સર. દેવગઢ બારિયાથી હું હરીશ. મને ગુટખા ચાવવાની ટેવ છે. આ ટેવને પરિણામે મારા દાંત બગડી ગયા છે. હું આ આદતથી છૂટવા માગું છું. મને મદદ કરો.
ડૉ. શાહ: હરીશ, તું કયા ધોરણમાં ભણે છે? હરીશઃ હું નવમા ધોરણના વિદ્યાર્થી છું, સર. ડૉ. શાહ: આ આદત ક્યારથી પડી છે? હરીશઃ લગભગ બે વર્ષ. ડૉ. શાહઃ તું કેટલી વાર ગુટખા ચાવે છે? હરીશઃ દિવસમાં પાંચ-છ વાર.
શ્રી બક્ષી: આ તો બહુ ખરાબ કહેવાય. હવે મને એ કહે કે તને શા શા શોખ છે?
હરીશ સમાચારપત્રો, સામયિકો વાંચવાનો અને તબલા વગાડવાનો.
શ્રી બક્ષી: આ તો સરસ. હવે તને જ્યારે જ્યારે ગુટખા ચાવવાનું મન થાય ત્યારે છાપામાંથી કોઈ રસપ્રદ સમાચાર કે લેખ વાંચ અથવા તબલા વગાડ. મિત્રો વચ્ચે રહે, તેમની સાથે વાતો કર, અથવા તારી પસંદગીની કેટલીક રમતો રમ. જુદી જુદી પ્રવૃત્તિઓમાં તારું મન રોકી રાખ. તું આ આદતમાંથી છૂટી જઈશ તેની મને ખાતરી છે.
હરીશ: આભાર.
પ્રવક્તા તો દોસ્તો, હવે આપણે છૂટા પડવાનો સમય આવી ગયો છે. તરુણોને માર્ગદર્શન કરવા માટે હું યુથ-ક્લબ વતી શ્રી બક્ષી અને ડૉ. શાહનો આભાર માનું છું. આપણામાં વિશ્વાસ મૂકી આપણી સાથે પોતાની સમસ્યાઓની ચર્ચા કરનાર યુવક-યુવતીઓનો પણ હું આભારી છું. ફરીથી, આવજો, સુરાત્રી, સંભાળજો.
Word Meanings

Idioms and Phrases
(1) to plan for
We are planning for the Annual Sports Day of oui school.
(2) to get habituated
Rohan will take some time to get habituated to the life ¡ri hostel.
(3) to get rid of
The dhobi wanted to get rid of his old donkey.
(4) to be tired of
I ani tired of learning grammar.
(5) to be carried away by
Aladdin was carried away by his wicked uncle’s sweet talk.
(6) to get infected by
The men working in that factory get infected by skin diseases.
(7) to keep one’s mind engaged
Ravi kept his mind engaged by watching TV.
(8) on behalf of
Mr Desai will attend the meeting on behalf of his brother.
GSEB Class 9 English Adolescents Speak Text Book Questions and Answers
(A) There is a poster on the door of Miki’s room. There are some instructions on it. Read them.
(1) No smile, no entry.
(2) Don’t open my drawer.
(3) No comments on my music, please.
Now add three more instructions of your own:
(4) No questions about school and homework.
(5) Leave your problems outside the door.
(6) Enjoy while you are with me.
Prepare a poster on ‘Rules of My Room’. Paste it on the door of your room.
(B) Complete this dialogue the best way you can and practise it with your partner.
A: This is the room I have to let.
B : It looks very nice.
A: The rent is ₹ 600 per month.
B : Does it include electricity charges ?
A: No, the electricity charges are not included in the rent.
B : Do you provide breakfast and meals ?
A: Only breakfast. You’ll have to go out for the meals.
B : Do you have a servant to wash clothes ?
A: No, I’m afraid, you’ll have to wash clothes yourself.
B : That’s fine. I like the room.
A: Good. I hope you’ll be comfortable here.
B : Yes, I think so. When can I shift here ?
A: Whenever you want to.
1. Complete the dialogue with the help of these words.
(consulted, advice, suffering, meditation, self-confidence, interest, cheer up)
Nirali: Hi! How are you, dear ?
Raj: Not quite okay. I am suffering from depression.
Nirali: Oh no, dear! Actually how do you feel ?
Raj: I have lack of self-confidence. I don’t have interest in anything I do. Actually, I don’t feel like doing anything.
Nirali: Have you consulted any doctor ?
Raj :Yes. But his advice does not seem to work.
Nirali : Hey, do some exercise and also start meditation.
2. Read the sentences in A and B. Pair the sentences in which the underlined word is used in a similar meaning. Write the number of the appropriate sentences ‘ in A.
A. (1) I met a well-known actor of Bollywood in Mumbai last week.
(2) The time was played and there was a quick response from team B.
(3) Every student should have a goal in his life.
(4) You can’t achieve anything, if you don’t try.
(5) Rupal saw various animals at the zoo.
(6) Chewing tobacco is harmful to our health.
(7) One gets depressed when one is not accepted by others.
(8) Boost up your confidence and take decision in critical situations.
B. (1) “Do you have any aim in your life, young man ?“ asked an old man to a child.[3]
(2) Last week, I visited some famous companies of India. [1]
(3) What did you gain by doing meditation? [4]
(4) You can get different colours in the sanie pattern in this sari.[5]
(5) Cigarette smoking is injurious to our health. [6]
(6) We should encourage good qualities of our friends.[8]
(7) During exams, Sunidhi feels uncomfortable as she is not confident.[7]
(8) I got a prompt reply from Mr Bakshi.[2]
3. Tick mark the word having almost the opposite
4. Answer the questions using the words from the brackets. Underline the words in the text.
(confidence, donor, hobbies, counsellor, spoil, goal, depressed)
Question 1.
Why did everybody console Ruchi ?
Everybody consoled Ruchi because she was depressed.
Question 2.
What should you do to succeed in your life ?
We should have a goal to succeed in our life.
Question 3.
What will happen if one chews tobacco ?
If one chews tobacco, it will spoil one’s teeth.
Question 4.
Who guides us to solve our problems ?
A counsellor guides us to solve our problems.
Question 5.
What are activities like reading, travelling, horse-riding called?
They are called hobbies.
Question 6.
Whom will you contact to help your school to buy a new LCD projector?
I will contact a donor.
Question 7.
Why can’t Jignesh take proper decisions ?
Jignesh can’t take proper decisions because he has no confidence.
1. Read the text carefully and fill the details in the table.
No. | Name of the participant | Problem | Name of the counsellor | Advice by the counsellor |
1. | Jignesh | Lack of selfconfidence | Mr Bakshi | Plan only for one day and try to follow it. |
2. | Dilshad | Pimples | Dr Shah | Consult a skin specialist. |
3. | Antim | Can a blood donor acquire HIV? | Mr Bakshi | It is quite safe to donate blood to an HIV patient. |
4. | Harish | Chewing gutkha | Mr Bakshi | Keep your mind engaged in different activities. |
2 Find out the sentences from the lesson, which prove these sentences wrong.
Example :
Jignesh is a confident boy.
Lack of self-confidence is my problem.
(1) Jignesh feels that he uses his time properly.
I feel I waste my time.
(2) Mr Bakshi advised Jignesh to plan for a long period.
Jignesh, don’t plan for a long period.
(3) The fact that Jignesh can follow his timetable encourages him.
Only a few minutes back, you said you can’t follow the timetable. This fact discourages you.
(4) Dilshad is not serious about her pimples.
I’ve applied various creams but nothing has worked.
(5) Teenagers can donate blood.
By the way, a student like you cannot donate blood.
(6) Blood donation to HIV patient is dangerous.
It is quite safe to donate blood to an HIV patient.
(7) Harish’s habit of chewing gutkha has made his teeth strong.
Because of this habit, my teeth are spoiled.
(8) Engaging oneself in different activities can’t get help in getting rid of a bad habit.
Keep your mind engaged in different activities. I’m sure you’ll be able to get rid of this habit.
3 Complete the dialogue between Mr Bakshi and Jignesh using the appropriate responses from the lesson. Work in pairs and enact it in the class.
Jignesh: Sir, I lack self-confidence. I can prepare a timetable but I cannot follow it. What should I do ?
Mr Bakshi: Tell me, how many days do you plan for, Jignesh ?
Jignesh : I go for monthly planning.
Mr Bakshi :You should not set a difficult goal and you should be practical.
Jignesh :You mean I should plan for a week ?
Mr Bakshi: No, not even for a week. Plan only for one day and try to follow it.
Jignesh: Do you think it will build confidence in me ?
Mr Bakshi :Yes, certainly. Follow your timetable for some days. It will give a boost to your confidence.
4. Answer the questions.
Question 1.
Why was the video-conference arranged ?
The video-conference was arranged for teenagers to discuss their problems with well-known counsellors of Gujarat.
Question 2.
Who arranged the video-conference ? What was the subject of the conference ?
Youth Club, Ahmadabad arranged the video-conference. The subject of the conference was ‘What’s the way out ?
Question 3.
What did Dilshad want to know ?
Dilshad wanted to know how to get rid of her pimples.
Question 4.
Explain the meaning of the slogan ‘Know AIDS for no AIDS’.
The slogans means that teenagers should know everything about AIDS so that they do not acquire this disease.
Question 5.
Why is blood donation safe ?
Blood donation is safe because the instruments are sterilized.
Question 6.
How can hobbies help you ?
Hobbies keep our mind engaged and help us to get rid of our bad habits.
5. Find out the answers for the questions and discuss them with your friends and teacher. (You can use your mother tongue, if needed.) (Classroom discussion)
(1) What problem do you face ? Have you ever tried to get rid of it ? How ? Whom have you consulted to get rid of that problem ?
(2) Do you often get angry ? What are the things that make you angry ? How do you calm yourself? Think of at least two-three things and write them in the column below.
Things that make me angry | The way I calm myself |
1. When my friends make fun of me. 2. When I am punished even when it is not my fault. 3. When someone is rude to me or anyone else. |
1. I start ignoring them. 2. I take a deep breath and keep telling myself that I will prove that it was not my fault. 3. I feel they are not taught good manners by their parents. And so feel proud of my parents for bringing me up so well. |
Now share your answers with your classmates and invite a discussion on the best way of calming down oneself. (Classroom discussion)
• Form groups and talk about the most dangerous and the safest behaviour related to AIDS. (Get your teacher’s guidance, if needed.) (Classroom discussion)
• Have you prepared a study timetable for yourself ? How has it helped you ? In what way has it increased your self-confidence ?
Yes, I always prepare a study timetable for myself. It has helped me to divide my time between my study and other activities. I always follow my study timetable. This gives me a lot of time for other activities and hobbies. Hence I am always calm and relaxed. I finish all my work in time. My self-confidence has also increased.
Language Practice
1. Listen to your teacher reading conversation
1. Focus on his/her intonations and underline the words that you think are used for request. Some are already done for you.
The teacher will read these dialogues.
Conversation 1 :
Nimesh calls up a restaurant.
Nimesh: Hello ! Can you note down my order ?
Shankar :Yes, sir ! Will you please tell me how far you are ?
Nimesh : Sure. We are just two kilometres away from your restaurant.
Shankar: OK. That’s fine, sir. Could you please place your order, sir ?
Nimesh :Yes, one plain dosa, one cheese dosa and two masala dosas.
Shankar: OK. Would you like to have anything else, sir ?
Nimesh : Can you suggest anything ?
Shankar : How about spinach dosa, sir? It’s our special dish.
Nimesh : That’s great! Please make one for us.
Shankar: Got it, sir. The order will be at your doorstep in 30 minutes. Could you tell me your address, sir ?
Nimesh: Here you are. E/12, Navjyot Complex, A-one School Road, Subhash Chowk, Memnagar, Ahmadabad – 52.
Shankar : Thank you, sir.
Conversation 2 :
Rishi goes to a post office to send a letter through speed-post.
Rishi: Excuse me, Madam ! Could you please tell me how to send a speed- post letter ?
Clerk: Sure, why not ? Go to window number 3.
Rishi: Would you tell me where to get an envelope ?
Clerk :Yes, sure. You can get it from here.
Rishi: Oh, thanks ! Would you mind if I use your pen for a while ?
Clerk : Here it is.
Rishi:Thanks a lot, Maam.
Conversation 3 :
Neha visits a bank to open an account.
Neha : Good morning ! Could I get a form to open an account ?
Bank officer :Yes, sure. Here it is. Fill up the details and give it back to me.
Neha : Thank you. Could you lend me your pen, please ?
Bank officer: No, I am sorry. I need it myself.
Neha to a stranger in the bank.
Neha : Uncle, could you lend me your pen for a while ?
Uncle : Oh, why not ?
Neha : Would you help me to fill up this form?
Uncle :Yes, I would love to.
Neha : Thanks, uncle.
2. Work in pairs. Enact the above conversations. Your teacher will see that you all get a chance to enact any one of the above dialogues. Use your voice properly.
3. Based on the three conversations given, identify different requests and the responses to those requests. Write at least five requests and responses in the columns below. One is given as an example.
Requests | Responses |
Example : (1) Can you note down my order ? | Yes, sir. |
(2) Will you please tell me how far you are ? | Sure. |
(3) Could you please place your order, sir ? | Yes. |
(4) Would you like to have anything else, sir ? | – |
(5) Can you suggest anything ? | How about spinach dosa, sir? |
(6) Please make one for us. | Got it, sir. |
(7) Could you tell me your address, sir ? | Here you are. |
(8) Could you please tell me how to send a speed-post letter | Sure, why not? |
(9) Would you tell me where to get an envelope ? | Yes, sure. |
(10) Would you mind if I use your pen for a while? | Here it is. |
(11) Could I get a form to open an account? | Yes, sure. |
(12) Could you lend me your pen, please? | No, I am sorry. |
(13) Could you lend me your pen for a while? | Oh, why not? |
(14) Would you help me to fill up this form? | Yes, I would love to. |
4. Your teacher will ask you to do a number of things. Give appropriate responses to your teacher’s requests. You may use the responses given in this table. (Classroom discussion)
Yes, sure. | No, I am sorry. I need it. |
Yes, I would love to. | I am afraid, I can’t. |
Sure, why not ? | Sorry, I can’t help. |
No, I won’t. | Sorry, I don’t know. |
Oh, yes ! I will be happy to do that. | Sorry, I am not aware of it. |
Example :
Teacher : Will you please stand up ?
Will you please move this table in the corner ?
Could you please switch on / off the fan ?
Would you please spell this word ?
Will you please read out a poem from the book ?
5. Work in pairs. Match the requests given in the left column with the appropriate responses given in the right column. Note that one request may have more than one response.
Requests | Responses |
1) Can I see your phone, please ? (2) Will you lend me your book, please ? (3) Would you mind if I use your pen for a while ? (4) Would you help me to solve this sum, please ? (5) Could you tell me how to write a leave application ? (6) Will you switch on the fan, please ? (7) Could you tell me how to spell this word ? (8) Can you tell me who is good at Maths in our class ? |
No, I am sorry. I need it. Sorry, I can’t help. Yes, sure. No, I won’t. I’m afraid, I can’t. Sure, why not ? Okay. Yes, I would love to. |
(1) Can I see your phone, please? – Yes, sure.
(2) Will you lend me your book, please ? – No, I won’t.
(3) Would you mind if I use your pen for a while ? – No, I am sorry. I need it.
(4) Would you help me to solve this sum, please ? – Sorry, I can’t help.
(5) Could you tell me how to write a leave application ? – Yes, I would love to.
(6) Will you switch on the fan, please ? – Sure, why not ?
(7) Could you tell me how to spell this word ? – Okay.
(8) Can you tell me who is good at Maths in our class ? – I’m afraid, I can’t.
6. Work in pairs and decide in what situations these requests may be made. Put the letter in the brackets.
Requests | Situations |
(1) It’s very hot here. Would you mind if I open the window ? [H] (2) I forgot my pencil today. Please give me your pencil for a day. [E] (3) Excuse me. Would you mind if I take this chair [B] (4) It’s very hot here. Switch on the AC, please. [G] (5) Can you tell me the amount I should pay for a senior citizen’s ticket ? [F] (6) Will you please check the battery and the engine oil? [D] (7) Vicky, could you get that, please ? [C] (8) Sorry to bother you but it’s too late in the night. Would you mind turning the volume of the music down ? [A] |
A. A person to his neighbour B. A restaurant C. A couple at home – the phone is ringing D. A garage E. Two friends in class F. At a railway ticket counter G. A boss to his subordinate H. A railway compartment |
7. How would you frame requests in these situations ? Use expressions like Will you …, Can you …, Would you …, Could you …, Please …. to make requests. Work in groups of four or five.
Question 1.
You are decorating the room for your birthday party. Ask one of your friends to help you for the same.
Can you fix those balloons on the wall ?
Question 2.
You are returning home late from a music class. You don’t have a phone. Ask for a mobile phone from your friend so that you can inform your parents.
Would you lend me your mobile phone, please ?
Question 3.
You want your neighbour to turn ; the music down because you are preparing for your exams.
Will you please lower the volume of the music ?
Question 4.
You need to pay auto fare. But you don’t have any change. Ask a fellow traveller for change.
Could you give me ? 50 change, please ?
Question 5.
You are in a library. Ask a stranger sitting next to you to pass a newspaper to you ?
Would you pass that newspaper, please ?
Question 6.
You are at a bank. Ask for a form to open a new account with the bank.
Can you give me a form to open a new account ?
Question 7.
You want your classmate to help you in solving a puzzle.
Can you help me to solve this puzzle ?
Question 8.
You are new to a place. Ask for the address that you are looking for.
Could you please tell me where this place is ?
Question 9.
You are alone at home. You are looking for a cupboard’s key. Call up your mummy and ask for the key.
Can you tell me where you have kept the cupboard keys ?
Question 10.
You are filling up a form. You don’t know what to write in one column. Ask a stranger to help you out.
Would you please help me to fill up this form ?
8. Decide which role you will play from the cue cards given below. Frame dialogues with the help of the given cues. Seek your teacher’s help for the meanings of the given cues. Work in pairs.
A | B |
(1) Draw B’s attention. Hello, could you give me some information ?(2) Enquire about the bus (to Palanpur). Excuse me. When will the next bus for Palanpur leave ?(3) Ask for other details, (platform number, fare,whether it is direct/express) Thank you. Is it direct or express bus ? Could tell me the platform number and the fare for one ticket ?(4) Request B to reserve a seat. Okay. Thank you. Will you please reserve three seats on that bus ?(5) Ask for the amount to be paid. How much do I pay ?(6) Enquire about the time the bus reaches Palanpur. Can you tell me when this bus will reach Palanpur ?(7) Thank B. Okay. Thanks a lot for all your help. |
(1) Response: How can I help you?(2) Response:Ask A to wait a bit. Give information. Please wait. Let me check. Well, it is after one hour-at 10:30.(3) Response : It is a direct bus. It will leave from platform number 5. The fare for one ticket is ? 80.(4) Response : Enquire about the name, age, address, etc. Ok. In whose names should I book the tickets ? Please tell me the age and address also.(5) Response : ? 240 for three tickets, sir.(6) Response : It will reach there by 1:30 p.m.(7) Response: You are welcome, sir. |
A | B |
(1) Greet B. Offer an invitation for a music concert. Hello ! Would you like to come for a music concert ?(2) Give names of the performers. Say a couple of things about them. It’s Shreya Ghoshal and Ankit Tiwari. Both have sung hit songs in Hindi films. Total entertainment.(3) Respond. Oh, it’s next Saturday. It’s at the Town Hall. The tickets are quite costly. ₹ 1000 each. But I might get a few passes.(4) Insist. Ask the reason for the refusal. Oh, no! Why can’t you come ? Please try and come. We will really enjoy. And I am trying for passes, too.(5) End the conversation. Oh, I understand. That’s okay. You have fun there and I will enjoy the concert. |
(1) Respond to the greeting. Enquire about the concert. Hi! Sure, I would love to. Whose concert is it ?(2) Make more enquires. Oh, yes. But when is the concert ? Where ? And what is the price of the tickets ?(3) Show your interest. However, decline the offer politely. I would have loved to attend the concert, but I cannot come. I am so sorry.(4) Provide an explanation. Thank A for the offer. Thank you so much for inviting me. But I have to attend my cousin’s wedding next Saturday.(5) Respond appropriately. Yes. I am sure it’s going to be a rocking concert. I wish I could come. Do show me the videos on your mobile. |
9. Use the messages given below and try to complete the telephonic conversation using the request forms you practised earlier. Work in pairs.
Message 1: Emil Bhavin called this morning. Can he borrow your laptop ? If yes, when could he pick it up? |
A : Can I speak to Emil, please ?
B : I think he is not here. Do you want to leave a message ?
A : Yes, please. This is Bhavin. Please ask him if I could borrow his laptop. I need it for a day to complete my project work. Could you also ask what time I could I pick it up ?
B : Sure. I’ll give him the message.
Message 2: Deep, Chintu called yesterday. The farewell function of your seniors is on Saturday, at 11 a.m. Don’t forget to bring your music system. |
A: Could I speak to Deep, please ?
B : I’m sorry, but he’s not here right now.
A: Oh, I see. This is Chintu. I’d like to leave a message. Could you please tell him that the farewell function of our seniors is on Saturday at 11 a.m.? Can you remind him to bring
his music system ?
B : OK, Chintu. I’ll give him your message.
Message 3: Richa, Anushka called. Her train arrives at 9 p.m. on Thursday. Please meet her in the AC waiting room area. |
A : Is Richa at home ?
B : No, she isn’t. Would you like to leave a message ?
A :Yes, please. This is Anushka calling from
Pune. Could you tell her that my train will arrive there at 9 p.m. on Thursday ? Would you inform her that I will meet her in the AC waiting room area ?
B : Alright, I’ll give her the message.
Message 4: Trupti, Shantanu called up. Are you going for the drama tonight ? When does it start ? Call him. |
A: I’d like to speak to Trupti, please.
B : She’s not around. Can I take a message ?
A :Yes, this is Shantanu. Can you ask her whether she is going for the drama tonight ? And would you please ask her what time it starts ? Oh, and please ask her to call me.
B : OK, Shantanu. I’ll convey your message to Trupti.
10. You are going out on a long vacation. Think of a few things that you would request your neighbour to do in your absence. Some hints are given in the brackets. Work in groups of three or four.
(water plants, inform the milkman, feed the dog, pay electricity bills, inform visitors)
Dear Mr Modi,
I am going on a long vacation from s tomorrow. I will be back after 15 days. I request you to help me out in my long absence from home.
(1) Could you please water the plants t every day ?
(2) Will you inform the milkman to stop ? delivering milk from tomorrow ? will inform him when I return.
(3) Would you feed the dog, please ? I have kept his packets of biscuits in the kennel.
(4) Could you pay the telephone bill and electricity bill if they are sent in my absence ? I will return and pay you the amount.
(5) Would you inform the visitors about my being away?
(6) Will you please receive any letters or parcels received through post or courier services ?
(7) Could you inform the newspaper vendor and the dhobi also?
1. Fill in the blanks in this letter using the appropriate alternatives from those given in the brackets.
(You know, I turned 14 this month /while our parents were discussing about your marriage / Please write back to me as soon as possible /Date: 9th January, 2016 /suggest which cream to use/I did not know how to share and with whom to share/Our parents are fit and fine/Dear Khevana Didi/Your loving brother/‘a grown up man’ in the morning)
34, Pragati Residency,
Palanpur-385 001 Date :9th January, 2016 Dear Khevana Didi
I got your letter by the morning post today. You have written about my not replying for a long time. Yes, you are right in guessing the reason. I am facing some problems. Moreover, I did not know how to share and with whom to share.
But ultimately, I have decided to share those confusions with you because you have been my greatest friend, philosopher and guide, in addition to being a great, sweet sister.
The first and the most important problem faced by me is to decide whether I am a kid or a grown-up person. You know, I turned 14 this month. Yesterday only, when I was playing with my puppy and chasing it, Mummy told me, ‘You are too old to play with puppies. You are a grown-up man now.’
The same evening, while our parents were discussing about your marriage, I suggested something. Mom told me mockingly that I was too young to give any suggestions! How is it possible that ‘a grown-up man’ in the morning became ‘too young’ in the evening ?
I have also got pimples on my face. That’s really terrifying.
Please suggest which cream to use. I also feel some changes as well going on in my body. I am very much confused. I am also much worried about my studies, because next year, I will be in SSC Board. Rest is OK. Please write back to me as soon as possible.
Our parents are fit and fine.
Your loving brother,
2. Suppose you are Khevana Didi. Write a letter to Spandan in reply to the above letter. Make sure to follow the format and points mentioned by Spandan.
Room No. 12,
Ladies Hostel,
L. D. Engineering College,
Ahmadabad – 380 009.
12th January, 2016 Dear Spandan,
I received your letter yesterday. But Since I was busy with my assignments, I could not reply yesterday.
You say I am your best friend, philosopher and guide. Then why did you hesitate to share your problems with me ? I can understand what you are going through. Even I faced the same problems when I was your age.
Your first problem: Are you a kid or a grown-up ? Well, my brother, you are a kid who is growing up fast. And so you are facing all the problems that all teenagers face. May be you are too old to play with puppies, but you are too young to give suggestions to elders!
Remember, for parents, children never grow up. They always remain children. Yes, but they do expect you to talk and behave like grown-ups.
As far as your pimples are concerned, I would suggest you to go to a skin specialist. Do not apply any creams just like that. Advertisements are misleading.
Please do not worry about your Board exams. It is not that difficult. If you follow a timetable and study regularly, it’s as easy as any other exam. But please do not ignore your hobbies and sports. Enjoy yourself and everything will be fine.
Give my love to our parents. And keep on writing to me.
Your loving sister,
3. Report this dialogue to your friend.
Mosquito 1 :Why didn’t you come last night ?
Mosquito 2 :I had a fast.
Mosquito 1 : Let’s attack this lady today.
Mosquito 2:Why?
Mosquito 1 :Her blood is very sweet.
Mosquito 2 :I will not have her blood.
Mosquito 1 : Don’t miss the chance.
Mosquito 2 : Enjoy yourself. I have diabetes.
Kiran, yesterday, I heard two mosquitoes talking to each other. Mosquito 1 asked Mosquito 2 why he had not come the previous night. Mosquito 2 replied that he had a fast. Mosquito 1 suggested that they attack that lady that day. Mosquito 2 asked him why. Mosquito 1 replied that her blood was very sweet. Mosquito 2 said that he would not have her blood. Mosquito 1 told him not to miss the chance. Mosquito 2 told Mosquito 1 to enjoy himself and added that he had diabetes.
4. You had copied in the annual examination. Your close friend complained about this to your father yesterday. Then what happened ? Write about this day and event in your diary.
Date : 12 July, 2016
Dear Diary,
Yesterday, my best friend Harsh complained to my father that I had copied in the annual examination. How could he do this ? When I reached home from school, father was waiting for me. He was very angry. He scolded me. He even threatened to send me to hostel if I did not improve my behaviour. I tried to tell father that I cannot concentrate in my studies. I do not understand anything in many subjects. I cheated only because I did not want to fail. But he was not ready to listen to me. I will talk to mother tomorrow. I know she understands me. She will listen to me and help me.
A. Read the extracts and answer the questions.
(1) Anchor : Good evening, friends. Welcome to the video-conference arranged by the Youth Club, Ahmadabad. As you know, the subject of the conference is …. What’s the way out ? Teenagers of Gujarat would discuss their problems with well- known counsellors of our state, Dr Chandrakant Shah and Mr.Saurabh Bakshi.
Question 1.
Who has arranged the video – conference ?
The Youth Club of Ahmadabad has arranged a video-conference.
Question 2.
With whom will the teenagers discuss their problems ?
The teenagers will discuss their problems with well-known counsellors Dr Chandrakant Shah and Mr Saurabh Bakshi.
(2) Dr Shah : Good evening, Jignesh. What’s your problem? Tell us.
Jignesh: Lack of self-confidence is my problem. It has led me to indecisiveness. I cannot take a quick decision.
And, I feel I waste my time. I prepare a timetable but can’t follow it.
How can I build up my confidence ?
Mr Bakshi: In which class are you
studying, Jignesh ?
Jignesh : I’m in class X
Question 1.
What is Jignesh’s problem?
Jignesh lacks self-confidence.
Question 2.
What problems does Jignesh face because of his lack of self confidence ?
Jignesh’s lack of self-confidence has led him to indecisiveness and he feels he wastes time.
Question 3.
In which class is Jignesh studying ?
Jignesh is studying in class 10.
(3) Mr Bakshi: Tell me, how many days do you plan for, Jignesh ?
Jignesh: I go for monthly planning.
Mr Bakshi: Jignesh, don’t plan for a long period.
Don’t set such a difficult goal to achieve. Be practical.
Question 1.
How many days does Jignesh plan for?
Jignesh plans for a month.
Question 2.
What does Mr Bakshi advise Jignesh ?
Mr Bakshi advises Jignesh not to plan for a long period and not set a difficult goal to achieve.
(4) Jignesh : So, should I plan for a week, sir ?
Mr Bakshi: Not even for a week. Plan only for one day and try to follow it. Get habituated to do like this.
Jignesh:Will it build confidence in me?
Mr Bakshi: Certainly. Only a few minutes back, you said you can’t follow the timetable. This fact discourages you.
Follow your timetable for some days. It will boost your confidence.
Question 1.
What will boost Jignesh’s confidence ?
If Jignesh plans for only one day and tries to follow it, he will get habituated to doing like that and it will boost his confidence. ‘
Question 2.
What discourages Jignesh ?
Jignesh gets discouraged when he cannot follow the timetable.
(5) Dilshad : My face is full of pimples. How can I get rid of them ?
Dr Shah:What have you done so far?
Dilshad: I’ve applied various creams but nothing has worked.
Dr Shah: Dilshad, don’t worry too much.
Pimples are common at this age. They are sure to go.
Dilshad: But how ? I’m tired of applying creams.
Dr Shah: Don’t get carried away by the ads. Better consult a skin specialist.
Question 1.
What is Dilshad’s problem?
Dilshad has pimples on her face.
Question 2.
What has she done about it?
She has applied various creams, but nothing has worked.
Question 3.
Why should teenager not worry about pimples ?
Teenagers should not worry about pimples because pimples are common during teenage and they are sure to go.
Question 4.
What is Dr Shah’s advice to Dilshad ?
Dr Shah advises Dilshad not to get carried away by ads and asks her to consult a skin specialist.
(6) Antim : Sir, can a blood donor acquire HIV ?
Mr Bakshi: That’s a good question. By the way, a student like you cannot donate blood.
Antim: I know that sir, I just want to know.
Mr Bakshi: It is quite safe to donate blood l to an HIV patient. The blood donor cannot get infected because the instruments are sterilised.
Antim : Thank you, sir.
Anchor :You should ‘Know AIDS for no AIDS’.
Question 1.
What is Antim’s question?
Antim wants to know if a blood donor can acquire HIV.
Question 2.
What does Mr Bakshi tell Antim ?
Mr Bakshi tells Antim that it is quite safe to donate blood to an HIV s patient.
Question 3.
Does a blood donor get infected while donating blood ? Why ?
A blood donor cannot get infected while donating blood because the instruments are sterilised.
Question 4.
Explain the meaning of the slogan: Know AIDS for no AIDS
This slogan means that if you have all the knowledge or information about AIDS, you will never get AIDS.
(7) Harish : I have a habit of chewing gutkha.
Because of this habit, my teeth are spoiled. I want to get rid of this habit. Please, help me.
Dr Shah: In which class do you study, Harish ?
Harish: Sir, I’m a class IX student.
Dr Shah : How old is your habit ?
Harish : About two years.
Dr Shah : How often do you chew gutkha ?
Harish: Five-six times a day.
Question 1.
What is Harish’s problem?
Harish has a habit of chewing gutkha.
Question 2.
What is the result of his habit?
As a result of his habit, his teeth are spoiled.
Question 3.
For how long has Harish’s been chewing gutkha?
Harish has been chewing gutkha for about two years.
Question 4.
How often does he chew gutkha?
He chews gutkha five to six times a day.
(8) Mr Bakshi: Now, tell me what are your hobbies ?
Harish : Reading newspapers, magazines
and playing on the tabla.
Mr Bakshi: That’s good. Now, whenever you feel like chewing gutkha, read an interesting news item or article from a newspaper or play on the tabla. Be with your friends, talk to them, play some games of your choice. Keep your mind engaged in different activities. I’m sure you’ll be able to get rid of this habit.
Question 1.
What are Harish’s hobbies?
Harish likes to read newspapers, magazines and to playing on the tabla.
Question 2.
What is Mr Bakshi’s advice to Harish?
Mr Bakshi advises Harish to read an interesting news item or article from a newspaper, or play on the tabla or be with his friends, talk to them or play some games of his choice.
Question 3.
How can hobbies help us ?
Hobbies keep our mind engaged in different activities and so we do not waste our time or develop bad habits.
B. Use the set of words in your own sentences.
Question 1.
subject – discuss
Unemployment is the main subject that is discussed among the youth today.
Question 2.
achieve – confident
Amit is confident that he will achieve his goal easily.
Question 3.
decision – conclude
The meeting was concluded as soon as the members took a decision.
Question 4.
fact – practical
It is a fact that the teenagers often take decisions, which are not practical.
Question 5.
problem – to guide
Mohan is sure that whenever he has a problem, his father will always guide him.
Question 6.
well-known – consult
Ketan’s parents decided to consult a well-known counsellor and talk to him about their problems.
Question 7.
discourage – indecisiveness
The manager’s indecisiveness on important matters often discourages the staff.
Question 8.
to boost – trust
When parents trust their children, it boosts their confidence.
Question 9.
various – donate
Mr Dave has donated money to various schools in the city.
Question 10.
to set – activity
The teacher has set many activities for the summer camp.
Question 11.
goal-get rid of
Mehul has set a goal to get rid of his habit of watching TV for long hours.
Question 12.
acquire – obliged
We are obliged to Hareshbhai because he has helped us to acquire the land for our school.
Question 13.
spoil – lack
Children in villages are often spoilt because of lack of good education.
Question 14.
article – on behalf of
Nitin will read the article on behalf of the teacher.
C. Write who said to whom the following sentences.
Question 1.
Lack of self-confidence is my problem.
This sentence was said by Jignesh to Dr Shah.
Question 2.
I cannot take a quick decision.
This sentence was said by Jignesh to Dr Shah.
Question 3.
How can I build up my confidence ?
This was said by Jignesh to Dr Shah.
Question 4.
Tell me, how many days do you plan for?
This was said by Mr Bakshi to Jignesh.
Question 5.
Don’t set such a difficult goal to achieve. Be practical.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Jignesh.
Question 6.
Plan only for one day and try to follow it.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Jignesh.
Question 7.
Follow your timetable for some days. It will boost your confidence.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Jignesh.
Question 8.
My face is full of pimples. How can I get rid of them ?
This was said by Dilshad to Dr Shah.
Question 9.
I’ve applied various creams but nothing has worked.
This sentence was said by Dilshad to Dr Shah.
Question 10.
Pimples are common at this age. They are sure to go.
This sentence was said by Dr Shah to Dilshad.
Question 11.
Don’t get carried away by the ads. Better consult a skin specialist.
This sentence was said by Dr Shah to Dilshad.
Question 12.
Sir, can a blood donor acquire HIV?
This was said by Antim to Mr Bakshi.
Question 13.
By the way, a student like you cannot donate blood.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Antim.
Question 14.
It is quite safe to donate blood to an HIV patient.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Antim.
Question 15.
The blood donor cannot get infected because the instruments are sterilised.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Antim.
Question 16.
I have a habit of chewing gutkha.
This sentence was said by Harish to Dr Shah.
Question 17.
How often do you chew gutkha ?
This was said by Dr Shah to Harish.
Question 18.
Now, whenever you feel like chewing gutkha, read an interesting news item or article from a newspaper.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Harish.
Question 19.
Be with your friends, talk to them, play some games of your choice.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Harish.
Question 20.
Keep your mind engaged in different activities.
This sentence was said by Mr Bakshi to Harish.
D. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the brackets.
(1) (well-known, arranged, discuss)
Good evening, friends. Welcome to the video-conference arranged by the – Youth Club, Ahmadabad. As you know, the subject of the conference is What’s the way out ? Teenagers of Gujarat would discuss their problems with well-known counsellors of our state, Dr Chandrakant Shah and Mr Saurabh Bakshi.
(2) (indecisiveness, self-confidence, decision)
Lack of self-confidence is my problem. It has led me to indecisiveness.
I cannot take a quick decision.
(3) (confidence, prepare, waste)
And, I feel I waste my time.
I prepare a timetable but can’t follow it. How can I build up my confidence ?
(4) (monthly, practical, goal)
Jignesh: I go for monthly planning.
Mr Bakshi: Jignesh, don’t plan for a long period. Don’t set such a difficult goal to achieve. Be practical.
(5) (habituated, week, build)
So, should I plan for a week, sir ? Mr Bakshi: Not even for a week. Plan only for one day and try to follow it. Get habituated to do like this.
Jignesh: Will it build confidence in me?
(6) (discourages, boost, timetable)
Certainly. Only a few minutes back, you said you can’t follow the timetable. This fact discourages you. Follow your timetable for some days. It will boost your confidence.
(7) (applied, worked, get rid of)
Dilshad: My face is full of pimples. How can I get rid of them?
Dr Shah: What have you done so far?
Dilshad: I’ve applied various creams but nothing has worked.
(8) (common, consult, tired of)
Dr Shah: Dilshad, don’t worry too much.
Pimples are common at this age. They are sure to go.
Dilshad : But how ? I’m tired of applying creams.
Dr Shah: Don’t get carried away by the ads. Better consult a skin specialist.
(9) (donate, question, acquire)
Antim: Sir, can a blood donor acquire HIV?
Mr Bakshi: That’s a good question. By the way, a student like you cannot donate blood.
Antim: I know that sir, I just want to know.
(10) (blood donor, sterilised, infected)
Mr Bakshi: It is quite safe to donate blood to an HIV patient. The blood donor cannot get infected because the instruments are sterilised.
Antim : Thank you, sir.
(11) (chewing, habit, spoiled)
I have a habit of chewing gutkha. Because of this habit, my teeth are spoiled. I want to get rid of this habit. Please, help me.
(12) (play, interesting, article)
Now, whenever you feel like chewing gutkha, read an interesting news item or article from a newspaper. Or play on the tabla.
(13) (engaged in, sure, choice)
Be with your friends, talk to them, play some games of your choice. Keep your mind engaged in different activities. I’m sure you’ll be able to get rid of this habit.