Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 8 A Day in the Life of an Indian Fighter Pilot
Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 8 A Day in the Life of an Indian Fighter Pilot
GSEB Class 9 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 A Day in the Life of an Indian Fighter Pilot (Second Language)
A Day in the Life of an Indian Fighter Pilot Summary in Gujarati
ઠંડા ફેબ્રુઆરીના સવારના 5 વાગ્યા છે. વિંગ કમાન્ડર કે. એસ. સુરેશ સ્ટાફની ગાડીમાં બેસે છે, જે તેમને ભારતના – પશ્ચિમ વિભાગના એઅર બેઝ (હવાઈ મથક) પર લઈ જશે. (તેમની) કાળી ગાડી બૅક જેવાં મકાનો પાસેથી પસાર થઈને એઅર ફૉર્સ(વાયુસેના)ના સુરક્ષા ગેટ પર ઊભી રહે છે. ગણવેશ પહેરેલ ચોકીદાર સુરેશને ઓળખે છે અને તેમને રૂઆબથી સલામ કરે છે. ગેટની પાછળ IAF (Indian Air Force – ભારતીય વાયુસેના)
ક્વૉડૂનના MiG ઊભા છે, (અને) દરેક ક્વૉડ્રનનું એક-એક કમાન્ડર સંચાલન કરે છે. કે. એસ. સુરેશ, જેઓને કુકી કહેવામાં આવે છે, તે 321 ક્વૉડનનું સંચાલન કરે છે. – સવારે 5:20 વાગે કુકી ફ્લાઇટ ઑનિંગ રૂમ(ઉડ્ડયન આયોજનખંડ)માં છે. દીવાલો પર નકશાઓ અને આઇડેન્ટિફિકેશન ચાર્ટ્સ (સ્થળ-નિર્દેશ કરતા ચાટ) છે. કુકી માટે આજનો આદેશ છે : સવારે 7:00 વાગે પંજાબના બાટલા (ગામ) પર હવાઈ હુમલો. ‘દુશ્મન દેશના 17માં આર્મર્ડ બ્રિગેડ સામે તેઓ (કુકી) બે વિમાનના ફૉર્મશન(ગોઠવણી)નું સંચાલન કરશે.
આ કાર્ય તેમને લશ્કરી વડા મથકમાંથી આપવામાં આવ્યું છે. યુદ્ધકાલીન પરિસ્થિતિઓની તાલીમ શક્ય તેટલી વાસ્તવિક રીતે લેવામાં આવે છે. આ દિવસે કુકી એટલા વ્યસ્ત છે કે તેઓ જોખમની ચિંતા કરતા નથી. હવામાનની માહિતી મેળવવા માટે તેઓ હવામાન અધિકારીનો સંપર્ક કરે છે : 550 મીટર પર ગાઢાં વાદળ, 5
કિલોમીટર સુધી સ્પષ્ટ દેખી શકાય તેવું હવામાન, 400 મીટરે ધુમ્મસ, 15 ની ઝડપથી ફૂંકાતો પશ્ચિમી પવન અને થોડી તોફાની હવા. હવે લાકડાના એક લાંબા ટેબલ પર માર્કર પેન, ફૂટપટ્ટીઓ, કોણમાપકો અને હોકાયંત્રો તેમની રાહ જોઈ રહ્યા છે. કુકી અભરાઈ પરથી એક નકશો લઈને વિમાનનો
માર્ગ અને ગતિ નક્કી કરે છે. એક કલાકમાં તો મિશનની યોજના તૈયાર થઈ જાય છે. પછી તેઓ બીજા ખંડમાં જઈ એક લશ્કરી અધિકારી સાથે લક્ષ્યની ચર્ચા કરે છે. ક્વૉડ્રન લીડર ‘બંડલ’ ત્યાગી (પણ) ત્યાં હાજર છે. આ મિશનમાં તેઓ કુકીના વિંગમૅન છે. આવી તાલીમ દરમિયાન હોદાનું કોઈ મહત્ત્વ નથી. એન્જિન શરૂ કરવાને માત્ર 20 મિનિટ બાકી છે. કુકી હેલ્મટ, ઑક્સિજન માસ્ક અને લીડ સેટ લઈને સર્વિસિંગ સ્ટેશન જાય છે.
વિમાનનો દરેક ભાગ બરાબર તપાસવામાં આવ્યો છે, તેનું પ્રમાણપત્ર આપતા ફૉર્મ તેઓ તપાસે છે, પછી તેઓ વિમાનની ફરતા ફરીને લીક, ઢીલી પૅનલ અને પિન તો નથી ને, તે તપાસે છે. બધું જ બરાબર છે, તેથી તેઓ તેમની સીટ પર ચડી જાય છે, તેમનો ઑક્સિજનનો પુરવઠો અને રેડિઓ જોડે છે.
ત્યારપછી તેઓ સીટમાંથી એક સુરક્ષા પિન ખેંચી કાઢે છે, અને પછી Live (તૈયાર) થાય છે. (પણ) જો તેઓ દોરી ખેંચે તો, એક સેકન્ડથી પણ ઓછા સમયમાં પેરાશૂટ સાથે સીટ વિમાનની બહાર – 200 મીટર દૂર ફેંકાઈ જાય છે. છેવટે, ઊડતા પહેલાં, એક છેલ્લી ફરજિયાત તપાસણી. તેને TAFFLOHP કહે છે.
હવે તેઓ ચાલવાનું શરૂ કરે છે. રનવે પર વિંગમેન ત્યાગી, એક બીજા MiG-21માં તેમની સાથે જોડાય છે. તે (MiG-21) એક બેઠકવાળું લડાકુ વિમાન છે. ઊડવાની પરવાનગી મળતાં જ, બંને પાઇલટ રનવે પર ગતિ વધારે છે. તેમનાં વિમાનની પાંખોની અણી ફક્ત થોડા જ સેન્ટિમીટર દૂર છે. તેઓ 360 phની ઝડપે (વિમાન) ઉપર ચડાવે છે, અને થોડી જ વારમાં વધુ ઊંચાઈએ જઈને 950 kphની ઝડપે ઊડે છે. સવારના 6:45 વાગ્યા છે. લક્ષ્ય પર પહોંચવાની 15 મિનિટ પહેલાંનો સમય.
ટિરના વાના) સમય નામનું ગામ સવારના 6 : 55 વાગે તેઓ તેમના પહેલા ચેક પૉઇન્ટ પર પહોંચે છે. નીચે પૃથ્વી પર મિથાલ નામનું ગામ. કુકી. તેમના લક્ષ્ય પર હુમલો કરવાના) સમયની ગણતરી કરે છે. જ્યારે તેઓ 450 મીટરની ઊંચાઈ પર હોય છે, ત્યારે હવાના
ઉછાળાના કારણે ત્યાગીનું વિમાન ખૂબ જોરદાર ઝોલા ખાય છે. અહીં થોડા ઉછાળા ખાવા પડે છે,” ત્યાગીએ રેડિઓ પર કહ્યું. ‘બૉમ નીચે જાય તે પહેલાં નાસ્તો ઉપર આવી શકે છે,” કુકીએ મશ્કરી કરી. જમણી બાજુ બે હન્ટર (વિમાન) ‘દુશ્મન’નાં વિમાન તરીકે આવે છે. (પણ) તે દિશા બદલીને અદશ્ય થઈ જાય છે. ચારે તરફ વાદળાં છે. પૃથ્વી પણ દેખાતી નથી. MiG વિમાન તેમનાં લક્ષ્ય તરફ ઝડપથી પહોંચી રહ્યાં છે. હવે બંને વિમાનો એકદમ વાદળાં નીચે જાય છે, તેમનાં વિમાન હજી વધારે નીચે ઊડી રહ્યાં છે.
કુકી તેમનું લક્ષ્ય – દુમન’ની એક ટૅક – જુએ છે અને બૉમ છોડે છે. હુમલો કરવાની પદ્ધતિ અને બૉમ (છોડવા) માટે નિશાન લેવાની તાલીમ લેવા માટે આ ઉત્તમ તક (સમય) છે. બૉમ છોડવામાં આવે તે સમયે એક સ્વયંસંચાલિત કેમરા તે સમગ્ર પ્રક્રિયા રેકૉર્ડ કરે છે. બંને વિમાન ગોળ ફરીને બીજા લક્ષ્ય – એક પુલ – પર આવે છે. પવન ખૂબ જોરથી ફૂંકાતો હોવાથી તેઓએ બૉમ વહેલાં છોડ્યા, અલબત્ત ચોક્કસ ગણતરી કરીને. ‘‘આપણે
બરાબર કામ કર્યું છે,” તેઓ બોલ્યા. વિઝિબિલિટિ વધુ ખરાબ થઈ ગઈ છે. “ચાલો ઘરે જઈએ,’ કુકીએ કહ્યું. બેઝ પર આવીને તેઓ લશ્કરી અધિકારીને અહેવાલ આપે છે. તેમણે (અધિકારીએ) તેમની પ્રશંસા કરી. “કમાન્ડર્ઝ, તમારાં વિમાન યોગ્ય સમયે યોગ્ય જગ્યા પર હતાં. તમે લશ્કરને અસરકારક ટેકો આપ્યો છે.” પ્રત્યેક ભારતીય લડાકુ પાઇલટની જેમ કુકી સુરેશ એક વર્ષમાં કેટલાય સેંકડો કલાકોનું ઉડ્ડયન કરે છે.
સામાન્ય રીતે, બે દિવસની ફ્લાઇટ અને એક રાતની સૉર્ટિ (ફ્લાઇટ). આનો અર્થ કે તેમના કામના કલાકોમાંથી અડધા ઉપરાંત કલાકો ઉયનમાં, મિશનની યોજના ઘડવામાં અને અહેવાલ આપવામાં જાય છે. બાકીના સમયમાં 41 વર્ષના કુકી અટૅક ઇન્સ્ટ્રક્ટર (હુમલો કેમ કરવો તે શીખવનાર), હવાઈ યુદ્ધના વડા, અને ચોક્કસ વેપન | ડિલિવરિ ટેનિક શસ્ત્ર ફેંકવાની પદ્ધતિનું તંત્રજ્ઞાન)ના શિક્ષક
છે. તેમના ક્વૉડનમાં બધા જ પાઇલટ આ નિપુણતા જાળવી રાખે તેનું પણ તેઓ ધ્યાન રાખે છે. થોડાંક વર્ષો પછી, દરેક પાઇલટને એક-બે વર્ષ માટે ઑફિસનું કામ આપીને ‘આરામ’ આપવામાં આવે છે. 321 ક્વૉડનના વિંગ કમાન્ડર કે. એસ. સુરેશને IAFનું ગૌરવ છે; અને IAFને પણ તેમનું ગૌરવ છે).
Word Meanings

Idioms and Phrases
(1) to step into
Just when the teacher stepped into the classroom, the bell rang.
(2) to pass through
The merchant passed through a thick jungle to reach his village.
(3) to chalk out
The inspector chalked out a plan to catch the thief.
(4) to walk around
Nitin walked around the garden to see the different flowers and trees.
(5) to pull out
The magician pulled out a rabbit from the hat.
(6) to lift off
The pilot lifted off the plane at the speed of 300 kph.
(7) to turn away
The rich man turned away the beggar standing at his door.
(8) to report to
All the teachers will report to the principal every week.
(9) devoted to
That old man has devoted his whole life to the service of the poor.
GSEB Class 9 English A Day in the Life of an Indian Fighter Pilot Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Read and understand the message of the poem with the help of your teacher.
Due to brave hearts
Brave souls (people)
The brave and the bold
Who braved (faced) the enemy
and braved the cold
We attained (got) freedom.
What should we do to retain (keep) this freedom ?
To remain free should be our goal
Free should be our souls.
Free from the fear of doubt,
Free from the fear of rout (defeat),
Free from the fear of loss,
Free from the fear of effect and cause.
Free to thank each one
Who made us free.
Each one who created history
Let’s remember each one.
Each one who sacrificed his being (gave his life)
To attain and retain our freedom.
Now write 5 sentences to show your respect and gratitude for the soldiers.
The soldiers are the real heroes. They are the bravest men on earth. They protect our country. It is because of them that we sleep peacefully at night. They live away from their families so that we can live happily with our families. A big salute to each and every Indian soldier.
(B) Read the information about the Indian Air Force.
Choose the most appropriate meanings for the underlined words.
Question 1.
A uniformed guard knows Suresh and salutes him.
(a) recognizes
(b) admires
(c) misses
(d) known
(a) recognizes
Question 2.
The mission is charged by Command Headquarters.
(a) expelled
(b) dismissed
(c) assigned
(d) in charge
(c) assigned
Question 3.
The enemy planes turn away and disappear.
(a) go up
(b) go back
(c) vanish
(d) reappear
(c) vanish
Question 4.
The MiGs are fast approaching the aim.
(a) mark
(b) target
(c) sign
(d) point
(b) target
2. Match A with B. Write the number from A in the boxes.
A | B |
1. buildings for soldiers to live in | 1. hostile [ 6 ] |
2. a unit of Air Force | 2. enemy [ 8 ] |
3. a person in command | 3. compass [ 5 ] |
4. an instrument for measuring angles | 4. barracks [ 1 ] |
5. an instrument containing a pointer which shows the direction | 5. accurate [ 7 ] |
6. having to do with a military enemy | 6. squadron [ 2 ] |
7. reaching an intended target | 7. commander [ 3 ] |
8. a person who is hostile to you | 8. protractor [ 4 ] |
3. With the help of a dictionary, learn the meanings of the words and also list the sentences from the lesson wherein these words are used.
(hostile, accelerate, supply, identification, due to, release, procedures, accurate, maintain, visibility)
(1) He will lead a two-plane formation against ‘enemy’ 17th Armoured Brigade of a hostile (unfriendly) country.
(2) Take off permission received, the two pilots accelerate (speed up) the runway.
(3) He climbs into his seat, connects his oxygen supply (source) and radio.
(4) There are maps and identification (recognition) charts on the wall.
(5) As they rise up to 450 metres, Tyagi’s plane rocks violently due to (because of) air bumps.
(6) Kukee sees the target, an ‘enemy’ tank and he releases (leaves) the bomb.
(7) This is a perfect opportunity to rehearse attack procedures (methods) and bomb aiming.
(8) There was a strong wind therefore they released the bombs earlier, but with accurate (exact) calculations.
(9) He also sees that all the pilots in his squadron maintain (keep up) this proficiency.
(10) “Visibility (the distance you can see clearly) has become worse. Let’s go home,” says Kukee.
4. Complete the sentences with the help of the words given in the brackets.
(rested for, assigned by, goes down, due to, waiting for)
(1) I am waiting for you.
(2) Tyagi’s plane rocks violently due to air bumps.
(3) The mission is assigned by HQs.
(4) Breakfast may come up before the bomb goes down.
(5) A pilot is rested for a year or two at a desk job.
5. Number these words or phrases in the order of the events as they appear in the lesson.
[ 3 ] air disturbance
[ 9 ] released the bombs
[ 8 ] vanish
[ 2 ] plane formation
[ 5 ] seat belt
[ 6 ] take off
[ 1 ] security gate
[ 7 ] air bumps
[ 4 ] chalks out
1. Complete the sentences.
(1) Commander Kukee consults the meteorological department to get the weather report.
(2) At about 6:40 in the morning K. S. Suresh examines the forms certifying that every part in the plane has been checked.
(3) Kukee and Tyagi reach their first check point, a village named Mirthal down on the earth.
(4) With accurate calculation both the pilots released the bombs because there was a strong wind.
(5) Kukee devotes more than half of his life to flying, mission planning and reporting.
(6) K. S. Suresh works as an attack instructor, an air combat leader and a teacher of accurate weapon delivery techniques for the rest of the time.
2. Read the lesson carefully and fill the details about Commander Kukee’s activities at the time given in the following table.
Time of Commander Kukee’s routine | Activities done by Commander Kukee |
At 5 a.m. | Reaches the air base of India’s western sector. |
At 5.20 a.m. | Reaches the flight planning room. Calls the Meteorological Officer to know the weather report. |
At 6.20 a.m. | Discusses the target with an army officer. |
At 6.40 a.m. | Goes to the servicing station. Examines the forms certifying that every part in the plane has been checked. Walks around the plane to check for leaks, loose panels and pins. Climbs on to his seat. |
At 6.45 a.m. | Takes off for the mission. |
At 6.55 a.m. | Reaches the first check point, a village named Mirthal. |
3. Complete the dialogue between Commander Kukee and the Meteorological Officer, which shows the weather report.
Commander Kukee : Hello. How are you ? I am commander Kukee.
Meteorological Officer : Fine sir. What can I do for you ?
Commander Kukee: How high are the thick clouds ?
Meteorological Officer : At 550 metres, sir. Commander
Kukee : And what about visibility ?
Meteorological Officer : Visibility is 5 km.
Commander Kukee : How far is a haze ?
Meteorological Officer : A haze is at 400 metres.
Commander Kukee : What about the wind speed ?
Meteorological Officer : The speed of west wind is at 15kmp.
Commander Kukee : Are there any chances of air disturbance ?
Meteorological Officer: Yes, sir. There is a slight air disturbance.
Commander Kukee : Thank you very much for the information.
Meteorological Officer : Welcome, sir.
4. Answer the questions.
Question 1.
What does No. 321 refer to?
No. 321 refers to the squadron commanded by Kukee.
Question 2.
Where is K. S. Suresh at 5.20 a.m. ? What is the order for him on that day ?
At 5:20 a.m. K. S. Suresh is in the flight planning room. On that day, the order for him is an air strike at Batala, Punjab at 7 a.m.
Question 3.
Write two or three sentences about the weather of the day.
On that day, there were thick clouds at 550 metres, visibility 5 km, a haze at 400 metres, west wind at 15 kph and slight air disturbance.
Question 4.
What is Mr Tyagi called ?
Mr Tyagi is called ‘Bundle’.
Question 5.
What is the final compulsory check called ?
The final compulsory check is called TAFFLOHP.
Question 6.
What does Kukee carry with him while walking to the servicing station ?
Kukee carries his helmet, oxygen mask and lead set while walking to the service station.
Question 7.
“A bit bumpy here” Who says this ? What does Kukee joke in reply ?
This is said by Tyagi. Kukee jokes and says that breakfast may come up before the bomb goes down.
Question 8.
What did the army man say in praise of Kukee and Tyagi ?
The army man praised Kukee and Tyagi by saying that their planes were in the right place at the right time. He also said that they had given effective support to the army.
Question 9.
What duties does K. S. Suresh perform for the rest of the time ?
For the rest of the time, K. S. Suresh is an attack instructor, an air combat leader and a teacher of accurate weapon delivery techniques.
Question 10.
What precautions does Kukee take before the final take off?
Before the final take off, Kukee checks the plane for leaks, loose panels and pins.
Question 11.
What are MiGs and Hunters ? Write two-three sentences about each.
MiGs and Hunters are fighter planes. They are used by the Air Force. They are capable of a number of operations, including dropping bombs on the targets.
5. Discuss the questions with your friends in a group and read your answer before the class.
Question 1.
“The wing commander of 321 squadron K. S. Suresh is proud of 1AF so is IAF.” What does this mean ?
Wing Commander K. S. Suresh is proud to be a part of the IAF (Indian Air Force). He is proud of the fact that the IAF has been of great help to the armed forces (Navy and Army) in war and peace. The IAF is also proud to have a very capable, dedicated and devoted person like K. S. Suresh.
Question 2.
Find out some information on ‘Career with the Indian Army’.
We can join the Indian Army through the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE). The UPSC conducts this exam twice a year-in February and August / September – to admit cadets to the Indian Military
Academy (IMA), Dehra Dun, and the Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai. CDSE also admits cadets to the Navy and Air Force-for which you require either a BSc (physics / maths) or a BE/BTech.
The eligibility criteria and the pattern of the exam is as follows:
For IMA : Unmarried males with Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
For OTA (SSC course): Married or unmarried males with Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Selection is on the basis of an objective type written exam followed by SSB tests and interview for those who qualify the written exam. There are intelligence and personality tests also.
The written exam is held at various centres all over the country.
There are 3 papers for admission to IMA, Naval and Air Force Academy.
Each paper is of two-hours and carries 100 marks.
Paper I tests your English.
Paper II tests your general knowledge of current events and general science, geography and history of India.
Paper III tests your knowledge of elementary mathematics and statistics. There is negative marking for wrong answers.
Once you pass the written tests, you will proceed to the next stage, which is conducted by the Service Selection Board.
The SSB tests evaluate your potential and aptitude to see if you possess ‘officer-like’ qualities.
Question 3.
Would you like a career in Indian Army, Navy or Air Force ? If yes, which one ? Why ?
Yes, I would like to have a career in Army/Navy/Air Force.
I would like to join the Army so that I can get a chance to protect the borders my country.
I would like to join the Navy so that I can protect the coastline of the country. What a thrill it would be to sail in the middle of the sea or in a submarine !
I would like to join the Air Force to experience the thrill of flying high up in the skies and fighting the enemy. Air Force is a great support to the Navy and the Air Force.
Language Practice
1. Read this passage.
You must have heard of the famous swimmer Michael Phelps. Here is an imaginary interview with him. You will be surprised to know his daily diet
Interviewer : Hello Michael! It is fortunateto have you here with us.
Michael: My pleasure.
Interviewer: So Michael, tell us at what age did you start swimming ?
Michael: It must be when I was seven. Partly I was influenced by my elder sisters and partly it was a sort of outlet for my energy.
Interviewer: Did you ever think that you would become a world champion swimmer one day ? Can you tell us how many medals you have won in Olympics ?
Michael :Ahh! FranklyI actually did not think I would become a champion. But it feels good to have 22 Olympic medals in my bag.
Interviewer : That is indeed remarkable it requires great strength and energy. Tell us about your diet and food habits. What keeps you fit?
Michael: I eat a lot actually. I usually take heavy breakfast with three fried egg sandwiches with a lot of
cheese, salad, tomato, fried onions, and mayonnaise. I also drink two cups of coffee, and eat a five egg omelette, one bowl of boiled corn, three slices of French toast with powdered sugar, and three chocolate chip pancakes.
Interviewer: That is indeed a heavy breakfast. What do you have in your lunch and dinner then ?
Michael: In lunch I take 500 grams of pasta with tomato sauce, two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise on bread, plus energy drinks. My dinner includes another 500 grams of pasta with sauce, a whole pizza of six or eight slices, and more energy drinks.
Interviewer : This is really too much
Michael :Yes I know that. But my health experts and physicians say that I can probably eat to this extent because my body is able to burn that much calories which is faster than an average man.
Interviewer :Yes, I had read somewhere that Michael Phelps possibly consumes 12,000 calories each day. But it’s required, I think, because the kind of exercise and training you are involved in for swimming requires great energy and stamina BH, Moreover, you are said to swim nearly 80 kilometres per week. And undoubtedly it requires great strength.
Michael :Well, that’s true.
Interviewer : OK Michael! Thanks a lot
for talking to us. You are l truly
for youngsters.
Michael: My pleasure. Thank you.
Now write the answers in the column of ‘Number’ or ‘Quantity’.
Question | Number | Quantity |
At what age did Michael Phelps start swimming? | 7 | |
How many Olympic medals has Michael Phelps won? | 22 | |
How many egg sandwiches does Michael eat in his breakfast ? | 3 | |
How much coffee does he take in his breakfast ? | 2 cups | |
How much pasta | 500 | |
does he take in his lunch? | grams | |
How many calories does Michael consume in a day? | 12000 | |
How many kilometres does he swim in a week? | 80 | |
How much boiled corn does Michael drink? | 1 bowl | |
How many slices of French toast does Michael eat? | 3 | |
How many chocolate chip pancakes does he eat? | 3 |
2. Ask these questions to your teacher. Your teacher will answer them. (Classroom discussion)
(1) Where did you go on a picnic or a tour with the students of our school?
(2) How many students had come for the tour?
(3) Did you go by bus or by train ?
(4) How long did it take to reach the place from our school ?
(5) How many days did you stay there ?
(6) Did you enjoy the tour ?
(7) How many classes do you teach in a week ?
(8) How far is your home from our school ?
(9) How much time does it take to reach school from your home ?
3. Answer the following questions in one or two words.
Question 1.
How many glasses of water do you usually drink ?
6 glasses
Question 2.
How much milk does your family use in a day ?
3 litres
Question 3.
How far is your house from school ?
2 km
Question 4.
How many brothers / sisters do you have ?
1 brother and 1 sister
Question 5.
How many days in a week do you come to school ?
6 days
Question 6.
How many hours do you spend watching TV?
2 hours
Question 7.
How much do you weigh ?
45 kg
Question 8.
How far is the railway / bus station from your house ?
2 km
Question 9.
How many players make a team in cricket ?
11 players
Question 10.
How long did you enjoy your summer vacation ?
1 month
Question 11.
How long did you stay out of town during summer vacation?
20 days
Question 12.
How many months have 28 days ?
1 month
Question 13.
How many biscuits can you eat on an empty stomach ?
4 biscuits
Question 14.
How much milk do you drink ?
1 glass
Question 15.
How many chapattis did you eat yesterday ?
2 chapattis
Question 16.
How many times have you travelled by plane ?
Once / Never
Now work in pairs. Your partner will ask you these questions. Answer them in full sentences.
Partner: Hello Mayur. How much water do you drink ?
You: I drink 8 glasses of water every day.
(1) Partner : How much milk does your \ family use in a day ?
You: My family uses 3 litres of milk in a day.
(2) Partner : How far is your house from school ?
You: My house is 2 km away from \ school.
(3) Partner : How many brothers / sisters do you have ?
You: I have 1 brother and 1 sister.
(4) Partner : How many days in a week do you come to school ?
You: I come for 6 days to school.
(5) Partner : How many hours do you s spend on watching TV ?
You: I spend 2 hours on watching TV.
(6) Partner : How much do you weigh ?
You : I weigh 45 kg.
(7) Partner : How far is railway / bus station \ from your house ?
You : The railway / bus station is 2 km away from my house.
(8) Partner : How many players make a team in cricket ?
You : 11 players make a cricket team.
(9) Partner : How long did you enjoy your summer vacation?
You: I enjoyed my summer vacation for 1 month.
(10) Partner: How long did you stay out of town during summer vacation ?
You: During the summer vacation, I stayed out of town for 20 days.
(11) Partner : How many months have 28 days ?
You: One month has 28 days.
(12) Partner: How many biscuits can you
eat on an empty stomach? You: I can eat 4 biscuits on an empty stomach.
(13) Partner : How much milk do you drink ?
You: I drink 1 glass of milk.
(14) Partner : How many chapattis did you eat yesterday ?
You: I ate 2 chapattis yesterday.
(15) Partner: How many times have you travelled by plane ?
You : I have never travelled by plane ?
I have travelled by plane once.
4. Form questions using ‘How many’ or ‘How much’.
(1) How much does this parcel weigh ?
(2) How much does it cost by flight to Mumbai ?
(3) How many sisters do you have ?
(4) How many marks did you get in English ?
(5) How many people are you going to invite for your birthday party?
(6) How many days will you be on leave ?
(7) How much milk do you drink every day ?
(8) How much time do you spend on playing harmonium in a day?
(9) How many rupees did you pay for / this shirt ?
(10) How much did you save this month?
5. Frame a question for each of the following answers. Use ‘How many’, ‘How much’, ‘How far’ or ‘How long’ for framing questions.
(1) About 10,000 books are available in the library.
How many books are available in the library ?
(2) Only one person will have a chance to get scholarship.
How many persons will have a chance to get scholarship ?
(3) 50 kg approximately.
How much do you weigh ?
(4) Only 30 minutes are left to catch the s train.
How much time is left to catch the train ?
(5) I will stay there for three nights and four days.
How long will you stay there ?
(6) 45 kilometres.
How far is the temple from your town ?
(7) We expect around 100 people for this function.
How many people do you expect for this function ?
(8) I generally have two glasses of milk in a day.
How many glasses of milk do you generally have in a day ?
(9) I spend almost six hours every day on computer.
How many hours do you spend on computer every day ?
(10) A bamboo can grow up to 91 cm per day.
How much can a bamboo grow in a day ?
6. You are planning a tour with your family during the vacation. One of you will play the role of a Travel agent and the other of a customer. Work out your travel plan, making an enquiry with the travel agent. The travel agent too will ask you a few questions regarding your plan. Clues are given in the brackets. Work in pairs. From Ahmadabad …
Place | Bhopal | Mumbai | Goa | Delhi | Hyderabad |
Distance in km | 590 | 520 | 1100 | 940 | 1140 |
Approximate bus fare | ₹ 885 | ₹ 780 | ₹ 1650 | ₹ 1410 | ₹ 1710 |
Approximate train fare (II class) | ₹ 1180 | ₹ 1040 | ₹ 2200 | ₹ 1880 | ₹ 2280 |
Approximate travel time by bus | 13 hours | 10 hours | 24 hours | 20 hours | 28 hours |
Approximate travel time by train | 12 hours | 9 hours | 20 hours | 15 hours | 22 hours |
Travel Agent: (stay duration, hotel budget, number of travellers, etc.)
Customer : (distance / time to reach destination, number of buses / trains available, bus / train fare, accommodation charges)
Travel Agent: Hello, sir. What can I do for you ?
Customer: I am planning a vacation tour for my family. Can you help me ?
Travel Agent: Sure, sir. Where would you like to go, sir ?
Customer : Well, my children love beaches.
So I would like to go to a place, where they can enjoy on the beach.
Travel Agent: Got it, sir. I think Goa will be good fun for you and your family.
Customer: Goa ? Yes, that’s seems to be a good idea. Can I have the details, please ?
Travel Agent :Why not? Tell me, sir, what would you like to know?
Customer : What is the distance from Ahmadabad ?
Travel Agent:It’s about 1100 km, sir. How would you like to travel- by road or by train ?
Customer : Well, I am not sure. How much time does it take to travel by bus ?
Travel Agent: About 24 hours, sir.
Customer : Oh ! That’s too much. And how much time does the train take ?
Travel Agent: About 20 hours, sir.
Customer: I think I will prefer to travel by train.
Travel Agent: Good choice, sir. You will enjoy the travelling by train rather than bus. You will enjoy the beauty of nature on the way by train.
Customer : Oh, that’s excellent! And what is the train fare ?
Travel Agent: Let me check. First class or Second class, sir ?
Customer : Second class, please.
Travel Agent: Here it is, sir. One second class ticket from Ahmadabad to Goa will cost you ₹ 2200.
Customer : OK.
Travel Agent: How many members in your family, sir ?
Customer :We are 4 members.
Travel Agent: So it will cost you ₹ 8800 for 4 tickets – one way. And ₹17,600 for return tickets.
Customer: How much discount can you offer ?
Travel Agent: Sir, if you confirm your plans with us, we will definitely work out something for you.
Customer : Alright. I will come tomorrow and we can finalize the tour. What about hotel bookings and sight-seeing ?
Travel Agent :We will take care of that, too, sir. Once you finalize your dates and duration of the tour, we can arrange for everything.
Customer : That’s great. Thank you so much.
Let’s meet tomorrow.
Travel Agent : You’re welcome, sir. Our pleasure to serve you. Have a good day.
7. Look at the information boxes given below. Work in pairs. One person will frame questions and the other will respond. Use ‘How many’, ‘How much’, ‘How long’ and ‘How far’ for framing questions framing questions.
Examples : How much does it weigh ?
How long can it be used ? How many ingredients does it have ?
How much menthol does it contain ?
Question 1.
How many ingredients are there in the toothpaste ?
There are four ingredients in the toothpaste – silica, citric acid, menthol and sodium.
Question 2.
How much sodium does it contain ?
It contains 10% sodium.
Question 3.
How much silica does it contain ?
It contains 18 % silica.
Question 4.
How much citric acid does it contain ?
It contains 12% citric acid.
Question 5.
How much menthol does it contain ?
It contains 22 % menthol.
Question 6.
How much does it weigh ?
It weighs 100 gm.
Question 7.
How much does it cost ?
It costs ₹ 56.
Question 8.
How long can you use it ?
You can use it for 1 year.
Question 9.
How long will it take to get whiter teeth ?
It will take 2 weeks to get whiter teeth.
Question 10.
How long will it protect from harmful germs ?
It will protect from harmful germs for 12 hours.
Question 12.
How much is it useful?
It helps to reduce gum bleeding and gives long-lasting fresh breath.
Question 1.
How many soaps does the value pack contain ?
The value pack contains 4 soaps.
Question 2.
How much will you save on the value pack ?
You will save ₹ 20 on the value pack.
Question 3.
How much does 1 soap weigh ?
1 soap weighs 80 gram.
Question 4.
How much does the pack cost ?
The pack costs ₹ 115.
Question 5.
How many ingredients are there in the soap ?
There are 5 ingredients in the soap – olive oil, almond oil, glycerin, flavor and sunflower.
Question 6.
How much olive oil does it contain ?
It contains 23 % olive oil.
Question 7.
How much almond oil does it contain ?
It contains 15 % almond oil.
Question 8.
How much glycerin does it contain ?
It contains 10 % glycerin.
Question 9.
How much flavour does it contain ?
It contains 08 % flavour.
(Question 10.
How much sunflower does it contain ?
It contains 2.5 % sunflower.
Question 1.
How many musical instruments are taught here ?
Two musical instruments are taught here – guitar and harmonium.
Question 2.
How much is the fees for six months for teaching guitar ?
The fees for six months for teaching guitar is ₹ 6000.
Question 3.
How much is the fees for one year for teaching guitar ?
The fees for one year for teaching guitar is ₹ 10,000.
Question 4.
How much is the fees for six months for teaching harmonium ?
The fees for six months for teaching harmonium is ₹ 2000.
(4) Facts about the Indian Elephant
Scientific name : Elephas Meximus Indicus
Size (H) : 2 m – 3 m (7 ft-10 ft)
Weight: 3000 – 5000 kg
Top speed : 43 km / h
Average life span : 55 – 70 years
Colour : grey, brown, black
Main prey / food : grass, fruits, roots
Little-known facts :
- Elephants can recognize themselves in the mirror.
- Worn-out teeth will be replaced 6-7 times in a lifetime.
- Sleep 2-3 hours per day.
Question 1.
How much does an elephant measure ?
An elephant measures 2 m to 3 m (7 ft to 10 ft).
Question 2.
How much does an elephant weigh ?
An elephant weighs 3000 kg to 5000 kg.
Question 3.
How much is the top speed of an elephant?
The top speed of an elephant is 43 km/h.
Question 4.
How long does an elephant live ?
An elephant lives for 55 years to 70 years.
Question 5.
How many colours of elephants are found?
Elephants are found in 3 colours -grey, brown and black.
Question 6.
How many different kinds of food does an elephant eat ?
An elephant eats 3 different kinds of food-grass, fruits and roots.
Question 7.
How many times will the worn-out teeth be replaced in a lifetime ?
The worn-out teeth will be replaced 6-7 times in a lifetime.
Question 8.
How many hours does an elephant sleep ?
An elephant sleeps for 2 – 3 hours per day.
(5) Facts about the Fly
Scientific name : Diptera
Size : 2.5 – 3 cm (0.2 – 1.2 inch)
Top speed: 5 miles per hour
Number of species : 2,40,000
Average life span : 25 days
Colour: –
Main prey / food : nectar, sap, blood Unknown facts:
- A female fly can lay approximately 9,000 eggs.
- A fly can beat its wings 200 times per second.
Question 1.
How much does a fly measure ?
A fly measures 2.5 cm to 3 cm
(0.2 inch to 1.2 inch).
Question 2.
How much is the top speed of a fly ?
The top speed of a fly is 5 miles per hour.
Question 3.
How many species of the fly are there ?
There are 2,40,000 species of the fly.
Question 4.
How long does a fly live ?
A fly lives for 25 days.
Question 5.
How many different kinds of food does a fly eat ?
A fly eats 3 different kinds of food-nectar, sap and blood.
Question 6.
How many eggs does a female fly lay ?
A female fly lays about 9,000 eggs.
Question 7.
How many times can a fly beat its wings in 1 second ?
A fly can beat its wings 200 times in 1 second.
(6) Facts about the Rhinoceros
Scientific name: Rhinocerotidae
Size : 1.3-2.2 m
Weight: 800 – 3500 kg
Top speed : 48 km / h
Average life span : 35 – 50 years
Colour : brown, grey, black
Main prey / food : grass, fruits, leaves
Little-known facts:
- Its horns are made of the same substance (called keratin) that makes our nails.
- Longest measured horn was 4 feet and 9 inches long.
- have poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing.
Question 1.
How much does a rhinoceros measure ?
A rhinoceros measures 1.3 m to 2.2 m.
Question 2.
How much does a rhinoceros weigh ?
A rhinoceros weighs 800 kg to 3500 kg.
Question 3.
How much is the top speed of a rhinoceros ?
The top speed of a rhinoceros is 48 km/h.
Question 4.
How long does a rhinoceros live ?
A rhinoceros lives for 35 years to 50 years.
Question 5.
How many colours of rhinoceros are found ?
Rhinoceros are found in 3 colours -brown, grey and black.
Question 6.
How many different kinds of food does a rhinoceros eat ?
A rhinoceros eats 3 different kinds of food-grass, leaves and fruits.
Question 7.
How much did the longest horn measure ?
The longest horn measured 4 feet and 9 inches.
(7) Facts about the Bat
Scientific name: Chiroptera Size (L) : 3 cm – 180 cm (1.2 inch – 7.1 inch)
Weight: 2 g – 1000 g
Top speed: 40 km / h
Number of species: 1100
Average life span : 10-30 years
Colour : brown, black, grey
Main prey / food : mice, frogs, fruit
Unknown facts:
- Just three species out of 1100 known species drink blood.
- Some species of bat have excellent eyesight.
- Other species use echo-location.
- Bats can detect frequencies between 20-1,20,000 Hz. (Humans can hear only those from 20-20,000 Hz.)
Question 1.
How much does a bat measure ?
A bat measures 3 cm to 180 cm (1.2 inch to 7.1 inch).
Question 2.
How much does a bat weigh ?
A bat weighs 2 gram to 1000 gram.
Question 3.
How much is the top speed of a bat ?
The top speed of a bat is 40 km / h.
Question 4.
How many species of the bat are there ?
There 1100 species of the bat.
Question 5.
How long does a bat live ?
A bat lives for 10 years to 30 years.
Question 6.
How many colours of bats are found ?
Bats are found in 3 colours -brown, black and grey.
Question 7.
How many different kinds of food does a bat eat ?
A bat eats 3 different kinds of food-mice, frogs and fruits.
Question 8.
How many species drink blood ?
3 species drink blood.
8. Work in pairs. Ask about ten questions to your partner with ‘How many’, ‘How much’, ‘How far’ and ‘How long’. Try to know your partner better. Then tell about your partner to the class.
Examples :
(1) How many hours do you study in the evening ?
(2) How much milk do you drink every day ?
(3) How far is your house from our school ?
(4) How many trees do you have around your home ?
Question 1.
How many members are there in your family ?
There are six members in my family.
Question 2.
How many brothers and sisters do you have ?
I have one sister.
Question 3.
How many vehicles do you have ?
I have 3 vehicles – a car, a scooter and a bicycle.
Question 4.
How far is your school from your house ?
My school is about 2 km away from my house.
Question 5.
How long does it take to reach ? school?
It takes 15 minutes to reach school.
Question 6.
How long have you been in this school ?
I have been in this school for 8 years.
Question 7.
How many students are there in your class ?
There are 35 students in my class.
Question 8.
How many girls are there in your class ?
There are 15 girls in my class.
Question 9.
How many boys are there in your class ?
There are 20 boys in my class.
Question 10.
How many friends do you have?
I have 4 friends.
Question 11.
How much milk do you drink every day ?
I drink 2 glasses of milk every day.
Question 12.
How many hours do you study?
I study for 2 hours.
Question 13.
How many hours do you play?
I play for 1 hour.
Question 14.
How many hours do you watch TV ?
I watch TV for 1 hour.
Question 15.
How many trees are there around your house ?
There are about 13 trees around my house.
Question 16.
How far is the garden from your house ?
The garden is about 1 km away from my house.
My friend’s name is Nita. There are six members in her family. She has 1 sister. She has 3 vehicles a car, a scooter and a bicycle. Nita’s house is 2 km away from her school.
It takes 15 minutes to reach school. Nita has been in this school for 8 years. There are 35 students in her class. There are 15 girls and 20 boys in the class. Nita has 4 friends.
She drinks 2 glasses of milk every day. Nita studies for 2 hours. She plays for 1 hour and watches TV for 1 hour. There are about 13 trees around her house. The garden is about 1 km away from her house.
1. Look at this medium sized transport aircraft made in Russia. It is known as AN-32. The capacity of this aircraft is to carry up to 39 airmen or a load up to 6 to 7 tonnes. The aircraft requires a crew of 5 people. It achieves a highest speed of 530 km / hour with the power of its 2 turbo prop engines.
Now fill in the blanks with the help of the information about the aircraft.
This is the AN-32 aircraft of the Indian Air Force. It has twin turbo prop engines. It is used as transport aircraft. It is imported from Russia. There are five crew members and the plane can carry 39 airmen. It can carry a maximum load of 6-7 tonnes. It can fly at a maximum speed of 530 km / h.
2. Write a paragraph on (A Day in the Life of a Fire-fighter’. Use the following points for your writing.
(name of the fire-fighter, name of the fire station, uniform, duty in emergencies, duty timings, daily preparations, attending phone calls, reaching the place of fire, saving people, hard duty, happiness for saving lives)
Asif Khan is a fireman. He works in the fire station near the Town Hall. Asif wears his uniform, special boots and helmet. Asif starts work in the evening. He and the other fire-fighters clean and check their fire-engines every day. Someone always sits near the telephone and takes messages. The fire station is open all day and night.
Asif is at the fire station all through the night. There are also some other fire – fighters with him. They are on night duty. They take rest only for a short time. They know that they may get an urgent message any time.
They help people in different kinds of emergencies : floods, earthquakes, fire, accidents, etc. Fire-fighters are brave and kind people. When there is a fire, the alarm bell rings. Asif and the other firemen run to the fire-engines. They climb up on it. The siren starts blowing. It tells people to give side. They are going to fight the fire.
When they reach the site of fire, they jump out of their van, take out long, big water hoses and start pouring water on the fire. They use long ladders to reach the top floors and save people. When the fire is put out, they are tired, but happy. They have saved many lives and property.
3. Meet a police constable. (The teacher can invite a constable to class.) Talk to him / her about his / her duty and daily routine. List five hardships that the police have to face.
(Classroom discussion)
Example : duty hours not fixed – family life – training – risk
(1) Long working hours
(2) Lots of stress and tension
(3) No family life
(4) No holidays or no leave for festivals
(5) Risk of life
A. Read the extracts and answer the questions.
(1) It is 5 o’clock on a cold February morning. Wing Commander K. S. Suresh steps into a staff car that will take him to an air base of India’s western sector. The black car passes through barrack type houses and stops at an Air Force security gate. A uniformed guard recognizes Suresh and salutes him smartly. Behind the gate stand MiG of LAF squadrons, each under a different commander. K. S. Suresh, called as Kukee, commands 321 squadron.
Question 1.
What does No. 321 refer to?
321 refers to the squadron commanded by Kukee.
Question 2.
Where does Wing Commander K. S. Suresh go at 5 a.m. ?
Wing Commander K. S. Suresh goes to the air base of India’s western sector.
Question 3.
What is K. S. Suresh called?
K. S. Suresh is called Kukee.
Question 4.
What does the guard do ?
The guard recognizes Suresh and salutes him smartly.
(2) At 5.20 a.m. Kukee is in a flight planning room. There are maps and identification charts on the walls. Today’s order for Kukee is: an air strike at Batala, Punjab, at 7.00 a.m. He will lead a two plane formation against ‘enemy’ – 17th Armoured Brigade of a hostile country.
Question 1.
Where is K. S. Suresh at 5.20 a.m.?
At 5.20 a.m. K. S. Suresh is in the flight planning room.
Question 2.
What is the order for Kukee on that day?
On that day, the order for Kukee is an air strike at Batala, Punjab at 7 a.m.
Question 3.
What will Kukee lead ?
Kukee will lead a two plane formation against ‘enemy’-17th Armoured Brigade of a hostile country.
Question 4.
What is there on the walls of the planning room?
There are maps and identification charts on the walls of the planning room.
(3) This mission is assigned by Command Headquarters. Wartime conditions are practised as actually as possible. On this day Kukee is too busy to worry about the risks. He calls the Meteorological Officer to get the weather report: thick clouds at 550 metres, visibility 5 kilometres, a haze at 400 metres, west wind at 15 kph, and slight air disturbance.
Question 1.
Who has assigned the mission?
The Command Headquarters has assigned the mission.
Question 2.
Why does Kukee call the Meteorological Officer ?
Kukee calls the Meteorological Officer to get the weather report.
Question 3.
How was the weather on that day ?
On that day, there were thick clouds at 550 metres, visibility 5 kilometres, a haze at 400 metres, west wind at 15 kph and slight air disturbance.
(4) Now marker pens, rulers, protractors and compasses are waiting for him on a long wooden table. Kukee takes out a map from the shelf and chalks outs the path and speed of the plane. In one hour the mission is planned. Then he goes to another room and discusses the target with an army officer. Squadron Leader ‘Bundle’ Tyagi is present there. He is Kukee’s wingman on this trip. During these exercises, rank means nothing.
Question 1.
What is Tyagi called ?
Tyagi is called ‘Bundle’.
Question 2.
What does Kukee do in the flight planning room ?
In the flight planning room, Kukee takes out a map from the shelf and chalks outs the path and speed of the plane.
Question 3.
What does Kukee do after the mission is planned ?
After the mission is planned, Kukee goes to another room and discusses the target with an army officer.
Question 4.
How long does it take to plan the mission ?
It takes one hour to plan the mission.
Question 5.
What is Tyagi on this misson?
On this mission, Tyagi is Kukee’s wingman.
(5) Only twenty minutes are left before engine starting time. Kukee grabs helmet, oxygen mask and lead set, and walks to the servicing station. There he examines the forms certifying that every part in the plane has been checked. Then he walks around the plane to check for leaks, loose panels and pins. There are none, so he climbs into his seat, connects his oxygen supply and radio. Next he pulls out a safety pin from the seat, and then becomes ‘Live’. If he pulls the cord, the seat with a parachute will rocket 200 metres out of the aircraft in less than a second.
Question 1.
What does Kukee carry with him to the servicing station ?
Kukee carries his helmet, oxygen mask and lead set to the service station.
Question 2.
What precautions does Kukee take before the final take off?
Before the final take off, Kukee s checks the plane for leaks, loose panels and pins.
Question 3.
What does Kukee examine ?
Kukee examines the forms certifying that every part in the plane has been checked.
Question 4.
What will happen if he pulls the cord ?
If he pulls the cord, the seat with a parachute will rocket 200 metres out of the aircraft in less than a second.
Question 5.
What does Kukee do after sitting in the plane
After sitting in the plane, Kukee connects his oxygen supply and radio.
(6) Now he begins to taxi. On the runway, wingman Tyagi joins him in another MiG – 21, which is a single-seater fighter plane. Take off permission received, the two pilots accelerate on the runway. Their wing tips are just some centimetres apart. They lift off at 360 kph and soon climb up and get 950 kph. It is 6:45 a.m.15 minutes before their time on target.
Question 1.
Which plane is Tyagi flying ?
Tyagi is flying a MiG-21, a single- seater fighter plane.
Question 2.
At what speed do they lift off?
They lift off at 360 kph.
(7) At 6:55 a.m. they reach their first check point – a village named Mirthai down on : the earth. Kukee begins to time his target. As they rise up to 450 metres Tyagi’s plane rocks violently due to air bumps. “A bit bumpy here,” says Tyagi on radio. “Breakfast may come up before the bomb goes down,” Kukee jokes. Two Hunters appear far to the right as ‘enemy’ planes. They turn away and vanish.
Question 1.
“A bit bumpy here.” Who says this ? What does Kukee joke ?
This is said by Tyagi. Kukee jokes and says that breakfast may come up before the bomb goes down.
Question 2.
Which is their first check point ?
Their first check point is a village named Mirthal.
Question 3.
What happens to Tyagi’s plane at 450 metres ?
At 450 metres, Tyagi’s plane rocks violently due to air bumps.
Question 4.
What do the two Hunters do ?
The two Hunters appear as ‘enemy’ planes, but they turn away and vanish.
(8) There are clouds all around. The earth has disappeared too. The MiGs are fast approaching the target. Now both the planes dive below the clouds, their planes are flying lower. Kukee sees the target, an ‘enemy’ tank and he releases the bomb. This is a perfect opportunity to rehearse attack procedures and bomb aiming.
Question 1.
What is the target ?
The target is an ‘enemy’ tank.
Question 2.
For what is this exercise a perfect opportunity ?
This exercise is a perfect opportunity to rehearse attack procedures and bomb aiming.
(9) At the time of firing, automatic camera captures the action. The two planes circle, then cgjpe down on another target, a bridge. There was a strong wind therefore they released the bombs earlier, but with accurate calculation. “We have got 3 it right,” they say. Visibility has become ( worse. “Let’s go home,” says Kukee.
Question 1.
What is the target ?
The target is a bridge.
Question 2.
Why did they release the bombs ? earlier ?
They released the bombs earlier l because there was a strong wind.
Question 3.
Why did Kukee order to go home ?
Kukee ordered to go home because visibility had become worse.
(10) Back at the base, they report to the army man. He admired them, “Commanders, your planes were in the right place at the right time. You have given effective support to the Army.”
What did the army man say in praise of Kukee and Tyagi?
The army man praised Kukee and Tyagi by saying that their planes were in the right place at the right time and gave an effective support to the army.
(11) Like every Indian fighter pilot, Kukee Suresh does several hundred hours of flying in a year. Generally, two daytime flights and one night sortie. This means that more than half of his working hours are devoted to flying, mission planning and reporting. For the rest of time, 41 year old Kukee is an attack instructor, an air combat leader and a teacher of accurate weapon delivery techniques. He also sees that all the pilots in his squadron maintain this proficiency. Every few years, a pilot is ‘rested’ for a year or two at a desk job.
Question 1.
What duties does Kukee perform for the rest of time ?
For the rest of time, Kukee is an attack instructor, dttair combat leader and a teacher of accurate weapon delivery techniques.
Question 2.
How many times does Kukee usually fly?
Usually, Kukee has two daytime flights and one night sortie.
Question 3.
In what does Kukee spend more than half of his working hours ?
Kukee spends more than half of his working hours in flying, mission planning and reporting.
Question 4.
What does Kukee see to ?
Kukee sees that all the pilots in his squadron maintain their proficiency.
Question 5.
How are pilots ‘rested’ ?
Every few years, pilots are ‘rested’ for a year or two at a desk job.
Question 6.
What does Kukee teach?
Kukee teached accurate weapon delivery techniques.
B. Use the set of words in your own sentences.
Question 1.
security – flight
The flight took off only after the security check was completed.
Question 2.
guard – permission
The guard took the king’s permission to let the merchant meet him.
Question 3.
recognize – finally
After thinking for a long time, grandfather finally recognized his old friend.
Question 4.
salute – commander
The soldiers saluted their commander.
Question 5.
smartly – receive
The smartly dressed students received the chief guest at the school gate.
Question 6.
compulsory – appear
It is compulsory for all the students to appear for the test.
Question 7.
take off – accelerate
The pilot of the aircraft accelerated on the runway and took off smoothly.
Question 8.
to order – to lead
The commander ordered his deputy to lead the unit.
Question 9.
to rock – stepped into
The boat began to rock when the fat man stepped into it.
Question 10.
planning – perfect
The function was a success because of a good planning and perfect execution of the plan.
Question 11.
violently – risk
The crowd was running about so violently that it was a big risk to step out of the house.
Question 12.
disappear – to dive
The duck dived into the water and disappeared for some time.
Question 13.
examine – report to
The teacher examined the papers and reported to the principal.
Question 14.
to approach – hostile
The soldiers were very careful as they were approaching a hostile enemy area.
Question 15.
to release – procedure
The legal procedure will be followed before the leader is released on bail.
Question 16.
actually – worse
The condition of the roads is actually quite worse than what is written in the newspapers.
Question 17.
opportunity – to attack
The army got a good opportunity to attack the enemy, which was resting peacefully.
Question 18.
mission – to discuss
The commander discussed the mission with his soldiers.
Question 19.
to assign – maintain
The monitor was assigned with the task of maintaining discipline in the class.
Question 20.
condition – to capture
The conditions were not favourable for the hunter to capture the lion in his net.
Question 21.
to practise – proficiency
You must practise for long hours every day to gain proficiency in music.
Question 22.
visibility – target
The pilot could not drop a bomb on the target because of poor visibility.
Question 23.
to grab – several
The child was so hungry that he grabbed several biscuits from the teacher’s hand.
Question 24.
action – effective
A strict warning and disciplinary action were not effective on the naughty students.
Question 25.
certify – instructor
The instructor has to certify that the pilot is fit to fly the plane.
Question 26.
to devote – condition
He has devoted his life to improve the condition of the poor.
Question 27.
calculation – planning
The mission was a success because of perfect planning and accurate calculation by the fighter pilots.
Question 28.
to admire – support
Gopal was admired for his support for women’s education.
Question 29.
connect – map
The map shows all the villages that are connected by road.
C. Write who said to whom the following sentences.
Question 1.
A bit bumpy here.
This sentence was said by Tyagi to Kukee.
Question 2.
Breakfast may come up before the bomb goes down.
This sentence was said by Kukee to Tyagi.
Question 3.
Let’s go home.
This sentence was said by Kukee to Tyagi.
Question 4.
Commanders, your planes were in the right place at the right time.
This sentence was said by the army man to Kukee and Tyagi.
Question 5.
You have given effective support to the Army.
This sentence was said by the army man to Kukee and Tyagi.
D. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the brackets.
(1) (security, morning, steps into)
It is 5 o’clock on a cold February morning. Wing Commander K. S. Suresh steps into a staff car that will take him to an air base of India’s western sector. The black car passes through barrack type houses and stops at an Air Force security gate.
(2) (salutes, uniformed, commander)
A uniformed guard recognizes Suresh and salutes him smartly. Behind the gate stand MiG of LAF squadrons, each under a different commander. K. S. Suresh, called as Kukee, commands 321 squadron.
(3) (formation, hostile, planning)
At 5.20 a.m. Kukee is in a flight planning room. There are maps and identification charts on the walls. Today’s order for Kukee is : an air strike at Batala, Punjab, at 7.00 a.m. He will lead a two plane formation against ‘enemy’-17th Armoured Brigade of a hostile country.
(4) (mission, risks, conditions)
This mission is assigned by Command Headquarters. Wartime conditions are practised as actually as possible. On this day Kukee is too busy to worry about the risks.
(5) (chalks out, compasses, mission)
Now marker pens, rulers, protractors and compasses are waiting for him on a long wooden table. Kukee takes out a map from the shelf and chalks outs the path and speed of the plane. In one hour the mission is planned.
(6) (rank, wingman, target)
Then he goes to another room and discusses the target with an army officer. Squadron Leader ‘Bundle’ Tyagi is present there. He is Kukee’s wingman on this trip. During these exercises, rank means nothing.
(7) (grabs, certifying, servicing)
Only twenty minutes are left before engine starting time. Kukee grabs helmet, oxygen mask and lead set, and walks to the servicing station. There he examines the forms certifying that every part in the plane has been checked.
(8) (climbs into, check, connects)
Then he walks around the plane to check for leaks, loose panels and pins. There are none, so he climbs into his seat, connects his oxygen supply and radio.
(9) (pulls out, second, rocket)
Next he pulls out a safety pin from the seat, and then becomes ‘Live’. If he pulls the cord, the seat with a parachute will rocket 200 metres out of the aircraft in less than a second.
(10) (accelerate, to taxi, Take off)
Now he begins to taxi. On the runway, wingman Tyagi joins him in another MiG-21, which is a single-seater fighter plane. Take off permission received, the two pilots accelerate on the runway.
(11) (violently, check point, target)
At 6.55 a.m. they reach their first check point – a village named Mirthal down on the earth. Kukee begins to time his target. As they rise up to 450 metres Tyagi’s plane rocks violently due to air bumps.
(12) (bomb, vanish, bumpy)
“A bit bumpy here,” says Tyagi on radio. “Breakfast may come up before the bomb goes down,” Kukee jokes. Two Hunters appear far to the right as ‘enemy’ planes. They turn away and vanish.
(13) (dive, disappeared, approaching)
There are clouds all around. The earth has disappeared too. The MiGs are fast approaching the target. Now both the planes dive below the clouds, their planes are flying lower.
(14) (procedures, releases, opportunity)
Kukee sees the target, an ‘enemy’ tank and he releases the bomb. This is a perfect opportunity to rehearse attack procedures and bomb aiming.
(15) (target, accurate, captures)
At the time of firing, automatic camera captures the action. The two planes circle, then come down on another target, a bridge. There was a strong wind therefore they released the bombs earlier, but with accurate calculation.
(16) (effective, report to, admired)
Back at the base, they report to the army man. He admired them, “Commanders, your planes were in the right place at the right time. You have given effective support to the Army.”
(17) (sortie, flying, devoted to)
Like every Indian fighter pilot, Kukee Suresh does several hundred hours of flying in a year. Generally, two daytime flights and one night sortie. This means that more than half of his working hours are devoted to flying, mission planning and reporting.
(18) (instructor, techniques, accurate)
For the rest of time, 41 year old Kukee is an attack instructor, an air combat leader and a teacher of accurate weapon delivery techniques.
(19) (desk, maintain, proficiency)
He also sees that all the pilots in his squadron maintain this proficiency. Every few years, a pilot is ‘rested’ for a year or two at a desk job.