Haryana Board 9th Class English Application Writing
Haryana Board 9th Class English Application Writing
HBSE 9th Class English Application Writing
प्रार्थना-पत्र एवं पत्र लिखने के नियम
1. प्रार्थना-पत्र एवं पत्र लिखते समय निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए
(a) प्रार्थना-पत्र एवं पत्र को सदा सरल भाषा में लिखना चाहिए।
(b) प्रार्थना-पत्र एवं पत्र में विषय-संबंधी आवश्यक बातें ही लिखनी चाहिएँ। बेकार की या इधर-उधर की बातों का पत्रों में कोई स्थान नहीं होता।
(c) प्रार्थना-पत्र एवं पत्र जहाँ तक हो सके संक्षिप्त हो तथा उसमें पत्र-लेखक के विचार या उद्देश्य स्पष्ट व्यक्त किए जाने चाहिएँ।
(d) प्रार्थना-पत्र एवं पत्र लिखते समय यह ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि पत्र किसे लिखा जा रहा है। पत्र की भाषा एवं शैली पर उचित ध्यान देना चाहिए।
(e) अभद्र एवं कठोर भाषा का प्रयोग कभी नहीं करना चाहिए।
(f) भिन्न-भिन्न विचारों को, स्पष्टता के लिए अलग-अलग Paragraphs में लिखना चाहिए।
2. पत्रों के प्रकार पत्र मुख्यतः निम्नलिखित तीन प्रकार के होते हैं-
(a) Business Letters (व्यापार संबंधी पत्र)
(b) Official Letters (सरकारी या कार्यालयों संबंधी पत्र) तथा Applications (प्रार्थना-पत्र)
(c) Private (निजी) या Personal (व्यक्तिगत) Letters.
3. प्रार्थना-पत्र तथा पत्र के भाग-एक प्रार्थना-पत्र तथा पत्र के निम्नलिखित भाग हैं-
इसमें पत्र भेजने वाले का पता एवं तिथि होते हैं। इसे पत्र के बाएँ हाथ की ओर रखा जाता है। जैसे-
18,Gandhi Nagar
March 8, ……
(i) पते के सभी भागों को Commas द्वारा अलग-अलग दिखाना चाहिए।
(ii) तिथि के अंत में Full Stop लगाना चाहिए।
(ii) तिथि को प्रायः निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक प्रकार से लिख सकते हैं
May 7, ………. या 7th May, ………..
व्यक्तिगत पत्रों को छोड़कर अन्य पत्रों में The Heading के पश्चात पत्र के पाने वाले का पता लिखा जाता है। इसे बाएँ हाथ की ओर लिखा जाता है। प्रार्थना-पत्रों में पाने वाले के Address से पहले वाली पंक्ति में ‘To’ भी लिखा जाता है।
इसका अर्थ है-संबोधन।
(i) Business Letters, Official Letters तथा Applications में प्रायः ‘Dear Sir’ या ‘Sir’ या ‘Dear Sirs’ आदि लिखा जाता है।
(ii) व्यक्तिगत पत्रों का संबोधन पत्र-लेखक और पत्र को पाने वाले के संबंध पर निर्भर करता है। मित्रों को प्रायः ‘Dear + नाम का प्रथम भाग’ या ‘My dear + नाम के प्रथम भाग से संबोधित किया जाता है।
(iii) संबंधियों को प्रायः ‘Dear + रिश्ता (संबंध) या ‘My dear + रिश्ता (संबंध)’ आदि से संबोधित किया जाता है।
(iv) औपचारिक (Formal) पत्रों में Dear Mr Sethi आदि लिखा जाता है, अर्थात ‘Dear Mr Ramesh Chand Sethi” आदि नहीं लिखा जाता।
(d) THE BODY :
यह पत्र का सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण भाग है। इसी भाग में पत्र लेखक अपने विचार या उद्देश्य व्यक्त करता है। ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि एक प्रमुख विचार या उद्देश्य को एक Paragraph में लिखना चाहिए। आवश्यकतानुसार पत्र में एक से अधिक Paragraph भी हो सकते हैं।
पत्र के अंत को Subscription कहा जाता है। इसके लिए निम्नलिखित बातें ध्यान में रखना सहायक रहेगा-
(i) संबंधियों एवं मित्रों को लिखे जाने वाले पत्रों में
Your sincere friend.
Your loving son/daughter/father etc.
Your affectionate father/brother/mother etc.
Yours very sincerely
Yours sincerely
Yours affectionately
Yours truly
Yours very truly, आदि का प्रयोग करें।
(ii) औपचारिक पत्रों में Yours truly/Yours very truly/Yours faithfully/Yours respectfully/Yours obediently आदि का प्रयोग करें।
(iii) किसी संपादक के नाम लिखे पत्र में Yours truly या ‘Yours etc.’ का प्रयोग करें।
(f) THE SIGNATURE (हस्ताक्षर)
हस्ताक्षर में Mr या Miss या Professor या Dr. आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग न करें।
1. For Full Fee Concession
Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to grant you full fee concession.
The Principal Govt. High School Panipat
Subject: Full fee concession.
I am a student of the IXth class of your school. My father is a salesman in a private company. His salary is very small. He has a large family to support. So he cannot pay my school fee.
I am good at studies. Last year, I topped the class in the annual examination. I am the captain of my school cricket team.
You are requested to kindly grant me full fee concession.
Thanking you
Yours obediently Amarjeet
Class IX-A
May 10, 20 ……….
Word-Meanings : Salary (सैलरी) = वेतन; support (सपोर्ट) = पलना; topped (टॉप) = प्रथम आया।
2. For Remission of Fine
Write an application to the Principal of your school, for the remission of fine.
The Principal Arya High School Ambala Cantt
Subject: Remission of fine.
I am a student of the IX class of your school. Our English teacher gave us a test on Monday. I could not take the test as I was ill on that day. The teacher has fined me twenty rupees.
I am good at English. I have always got good marks in English. I never avoid taking test. If I had been well on that day, I would have taken the test. I am willing to take the test any time.
You are requested to kindly remit the fine. I shall always be thankful to you.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Pankaj Kumar
Class IX-C
February 13,20 …………..
Word-Meanings : Remission (रिमिशन) = माफी; avoid (अवॉयड) = बचना।
3. Application for Change of Section
Write an application to the Principal of your School, requesting him to change your section.
The Principal
Arya Senior Secondary School Kapurthala
Subject: Change of section.
With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of IX-C of your school. All the other students of my colony study in section B. So we cannot do our home work together.
So, I request you to kindly change my section from C to B.
I shall be very thankful to you.
Yours obediently
Prahlad Singh
Class IX-C
May 10, 20 …………
Word-Meanings : Change (चेंज) = बदलना; homework (होमवर्क) = घर का काम
4. Application for The Arrangement of Drinking Water
Write an application to the Headmaster for making arrangements for drinking water in the school.
The Headmaster
Jain High School Kamal
Subject: Arrangement of drinking water.
With due respect, I wish to state that there is no proper arrangement for drinking water in the school. There is only one tap for drinking water. It is summer season. Students get thirsty very soon. During the recess, there is a lot of rush at the tap. Some students have to remain thirsty.
You are requested to make proper arrangement for drinking water. There should be at least three or four water taps.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Jyoti Sagar
Class IX-C
March 21, 20 ……….
Word-Meanings : Arrangements (अरेंजमेन्ट्स) = इतजाम; proper (प्रॉपर) = उचित; tap (टैप) = नल; season = मौसम
5. Application for Collection of Money
Write an application to the Principal asking him for permission to collect money for the school peon who is very ill.
The Principal
S.D. High Secondary School Sonepat
Subject: Collection of money.
With due respect, I wish to state that our school peon, Mr Jasmer Singh has been ill for a month. He is a very poor man. He has a large family to support. He has no money to buy medicines.
Many students wish to help him with money. You are requested to give us permission to collect money for him.
We shall be thankful to you for this.
Yours obediently
Randhir Singh
Class IX-C .
February 12, 20………..
Word-Meanings : Collect (क्लैक्ट) = इकट्ठा करना; medicines (मैडिसींज़) = दवाइयाँ; large (लार्ज) = बड़ा।
6. Complaint Against Monitor
Write an application to the Principal, complaining against your class monitor.
The Principal
Moti Lai Nehru School
Subject: Complaint against monitor.
With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of IX-D class of your school. Rajesh Kumar is the monitor of our class. He is a naughty boy. He has no manners. He often beats the weak students of the class.
He misuses his position as a monitor. He often tells lie to the class teachers about some students. He punished them without any reason. All the boys of the class are tired of him.
So, you are requested to appoint a new monitor for our- class.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Jinender Kumar
Class IX-D
January 15, 20 ……….
Word-Meanings : Naughty(नॉटी) = शरारती; manners (मैनऱ) = तौर-तरीके; misuse (मिस यूज़) = दुरूपयोग appoint (अपॉइंट) = नियुक्त करना।
7. Application for The School Leaving Certificate
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school, requesting him to issue to you a school leaving certificate.
The Headmaster
Govt. High School Panipat
Subject: School leaving certificate.
With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of IX-A class of your school. My father is a government officer. He has been transferred to Ludhiana. I cannot stay at here alone. I shall have to take admission at Ludhiana.
You are requested to issue me my school leaving certificate. I have cleared all the dues.
1 shall be highly thankful to you for this.
Yours obediently
Class IX-A
March 8, 20 ……….
Word-Meanings : Transfer (ट्रांसफर) = तबादला; stay (स्टे) = रहना।
8. Application for School Uniforms and Free Text Books
Write an application to the Principal of your school, requesting him to give you the school uniform and text books free. Give reasons.
The Principal
Govt. Higher Secondary School Kaithal
Subject: School uniform and free text books.
With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of IX class of your school. I belong to a poor family. My father is a peon in an office. His salary is only five thousand rupees per month. My father cannot afford to buy school uniform and text books for me.
I am a good student of the school. I always stand first in the class. I am in the good books of the teachers, You are requested to buy uniform and books for me from the school fund or from the Red Cross fund.
I shall be highly thankful to you for this.
Yours obediently
Jai Singh
Class IX-A
April 9, 20 ………….
Word-Meanings : Uniform (यूनिफॉम) = वर्दी; afford (अर्फोड) = वहन करना।
9. Application for Leave for Mother’s Illness
Write an application to the Headmaster for leave of absence for one week on account of your mother’s illness.
The Headmaster D.A.V High School Ambala
Subject: Leave for mother’s illness.
With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of class IX-E of your school. My mother is suffering from fever. Her condition is serious. My father is not at home. He has gone on a tour. I am the only daughter of my parents. So l have to look after my mother.
You are requested to grant me leave for one week from 14th February to 20th February.
I shall be thankful to you.
Yours obediently
Meena Kumari
Class IX-E
February 13, 20 ………..
Word-Meanings : Absence (एबसेंस) = अनुपस्थिति; look after (लुक आफ्टर) = देखभाल करना।
10. Application for An Educational Tour
Write an application to the Principal, requesting him to arrange an educational tour. Give reasons.
The Principal
Supreme Senior Secondary School Panipat
Subject: Application for educational tour.
With due respect I wish to state that the students of class IX and X want to go on an educational tour. We want to visit Agra and Fatehpur Sikri. These are the places of historical interest. We wish to see the Taj Mahal and other historical buildings at Agra and Fatehpur Sikri. On our way back, we shall spend some time at Delhi. We wish to see the Red Fort, the Parliament House and other places of interest.
This educational tour will increase our knowledge about the history of our country. Our history teacher, Sh. Sumer Singh has agreed to go with us. About fifty students are ready to go on this tour.
You are requested to arrange for this trip.
We shall be highly thankful to you for this.
Yours obediently
Deekshant Mehta
Class IX-D ,
December 15, 20 ………..
Word-Meanings: Arrange (अरेंज) = इंतजाम करना; educational (एज़्यूकेश्नल) = शैक्षिक; increase (इंक्रीज़) = बढ़ाना।
11. For Character Certificate by Post
Write a letter to the Principal asking him to send you a character certificate by post.
118, Jain Colony
Jalandhar City
March 8,20
The Principal
Govt. Senior Secondary School Patiala
Subject: Character certificate by post.
I am an old student of your school. I have passed class X from your school. Now I wish to apply for the job of a clerk in a private firm. So, I need a character certificate from you.
I studied in your school from 2004 to 2006. I appeared in X class examination in March, 2006. I got 1st division in the examination. During my stay at school, I took part in all the social and literary activities of the school. I was the captain of the school cricket team in 2005.1 also took part in drama.
You are requested to kindly send me the character certificate by post.
Thanking you Yours obediently Anup Singh
Word-Meanings : Apply (अप्लाई) = आवेदन देना; social (सोशल) = सामाजक; literary = साहित्यिक; activities (एकटिविटीज़) = गतिविधियाँ।
12. For A Duplicate Library Card
You have lost your library card. Write to the librarian to issue you a duplicate card.
The Librarian District Library Gurugram
Subject: Issuing of duplicate library card.
With due respect, I wish to state that I have lost my Library Card No. DLA/895.
It came to my notice yesterday that my card was lost. Perhaps, I lost it on my way back to home or someone has removed it from my pocket.
You are therefore, requested to issue me a duplicate library card. Please also ensure that no book is issued on the old card in future.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Jaspreet Singh
25,Gandhi Nagar, Rajpura
Word-Meaning : Removed (रिमूल्ड) = निकाल लिया।
13. TD Librarian for a Remission of Fine on Books
Write an application to the Librarian, requesting him to remit the fine for returning the books late.
The Librarian Nehru Public Library Kaithal
Subject: Remission of fine for returning books late.
A fine of Rs. 100 has been imposed on me for returning the library books after the fixed time. The delay has been caused by the circumstances beyond my control. I was on sick leave for 12 days. So I could not come to the library to return the books.
So, I request you to please remit the fine. I shall be thankful to you for this.
Yours obediently
Jagdish Kumar
7th February, 20 ………..
Word-Meanings : Remission (रिमिशन) = माफी; imposed (इंपोज़्ड) = लगाया गया है; delay (डिले) = देरी; circumstances (सर्कमस्टान्सिज़) = परिस्थितियाँ।
14. Application For Sick Leave
Suppose you are Anupa Sayal, studying in Atam Public School, Kurukshetra. You are ill. Write an application to your Principal requesting him to grant you sick leave for four days.
The Principal
Atam Public School
Subject: Sick leave for four days.
With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of IX-B at your school. I am suffering from high fever. The doctor says that it is malaria. He says that it will take three or four days to recover. He had advised me to take rest for a further period of three days after recovery.
You are therefore, requested to kindly grant me sick leave for one week.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Anupa Sayal
Class IX-B
Roll No. 49
Word-Meanings : Suffering (सफरिंग) = कष्ट; recovery (रिक्वरी) = ठीक होना; period (पीरियड) = अवधि।
15. Application For Special Coaching Classes
Suppose you are Vikas Malhotra the monitor of IX-A class of SJ). Sr. Sec. School, Ambala Cantt. Write an application to your principal requesting him to arrange special coaching classes in the subject of Mathematics.
The Principal
S.D. Sr. Sec. School
Ambala Cantt
Subject: Arrangement of special coaching classes.
Hon’ble Sir,
Most respectfully I wish to submit before your goodself a big problem of IX-A class. Sir, as you are well aware that our mathematics teacher Mr P. Saxena is on leave for the last two months. So we have no regular teacher in this subject for all this period. Our syllabus is far behind for this subject. The annual examinations are drawing near.
Sir, it will put a very adverse effect on our result. Therefore, you are requested to arrange special coaching class in mathematics after the school hours.All the students of our class are willing to attend these classes. Any teacher of mathematics is acceptable to us.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Vikas Malhotra
Monitor IX-A
December 20, 20 ……….
Word-Meanings : Arrange (अरेंज) = प्रबंध करना; adverse (एडवस) = विपरीत/प्रतिकूल; effect (इफेक्ट) = प्रभाव।