Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Change of Voice
Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Change of VoiceHBSE 9th Class English Grammar Change of Voice
अंग्रेजी में Voices दो प्रकार के होते हैं :
1. Active Voice : जब वाक्य का कर्ता (Subject) कार्य करता है तो उस वाक्य का verb (क्रिया) Active Voice में होता है।
2.Passive Voice: जब वाक्य का कर्ता (Subject) कार्य नहीं करता, बल्कि उस(कत्ता) पर कार्य किया जाता है तो उस वाक्य का verb (क्रिया) Passive Voice में होता है। वाक्यों में subject (कत्ता) की बजाए object (कम) पर अधिक महत्त्व दिया जाता है।
Active : Mohan wrote a letter. (मोहन ने एक पत्र लिखा।)
Passive : A letter was written by Mohan. (मोहन द्वारा एक पत्र लिखा गया।)
उपर्युक्त दोनों वाक्यों का अर्थ वास्तव में एक ही है। मगर पहले वाक्य में subject (Mohan) कार्य करने वाला है अर्थात् पत्र को लिखा। मगर दूसरे वाक्य में subject ने कोई कार्य नहीं किया बल्कि कार्य उस पर किया गया अर्थात् पत्र को लिखा गया। दूसरे शब्दों में, हमने अब पहले वाक्य के object को subject बनाकर उसको अधिक महत्त्व दिया है। इसलिए पहला वाक्य Active Voice का है और दूसरा वाक्य Passive Voice का है।
Active Doice से Passive Doite बनाने के सामान्य नियम :
Active Voice से Passive Voice बनाने के लिए वाक्य में नीचे लिखे चार मुख्य परिवर्तन किए जाते हैं-
1. Subject को Object में बदल देते हैं और Object को Subject में।
2. Verb ‘be’ के किसी रूप (is, am, are, was, were, being. been) का प्रयोग करते हैं और साथ में मुख्य verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग होता है।
3. Subject को Object बनाने पर इससे पहले “by” preposition का प्रयोग करते हैं।
नोट – कभी कभी ‘by’ के स्थान पर किसी अन्य Preposition जैसे with, in, to, at, in आदि का भी प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
4. अगर वाक्य में दो Object हों तो उनमें से किसी को भी Subject बनाया जा सकता है। पहले Subject और Object के आपसी परिवर्तन और verb “be” के रूपों का अध्ययन अच्छी प्रकार कर लें।
Subject और Object के आपसी परिवर्तन और 3 का प्रयोग :
1. अगर subject कोई सर्वनाम (Pronoun) है, तो उसे objective case में बदल देना चाहिए; जैसे-
1 को me में बदलते हैं।
We को us में बदलते हैं।
You को you ही रहने देते हैं।
He को him में बदलते हैं।
She को her में बदलते हैं।
It को it ही रहने देते हैं।
They को them में बदलते हैं।
(a) Noun दोनों अवस्थाओं अर्थात् subject और object में एक-जैसा रहता है; जैसे Mohan को by Mohan में बदल देंगे।
(b) Object को Subject में बदलने के लिए उपयुक्त नियमों को उलट दीजिए; जैसे me का । बन जाएगा और us का we आदि।
2. My आदि pronouns का रूप objective case में नहीं बदला जाता; जैसे My friend, our mother, his father का by my friend, by our mother, by his father आदि ही बनता है।
नोट – किसी tense को passive में बदलने के लिए क्या नियम लागू होते हैं। यह आगे विस्तार से समझाया गया है। विद्यार्थी tense को बदलने के सब नियमों को संक्षेप में जानने के लिए आगे दी गई Table (तालिका) का अध्ययन करें।
Change Of Tense From Active To Passive Voice :

Note : The sentences of Present Perfect Continuous tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Future Continuous tense and the Future Perfect Continuous Tense cannot be changed into Passive voice.
Assertive Sentences
I. Present Indefinite Tense
नियम : Present Indefinite Tense वाक्यों को Passive Voice से Active Voice में बदलने के लिए is,am,are तथा verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग होता है।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Radha writes a letter. | A letter is written by Radha. |
2. Sita sings a song. | A song is sung by Sita. |
3. They make chairs. | Chairs are made by them. |
4. You help her. | She is helped by you. |
5. Mohan does not do this work. | This work is not done by Mohan. |
6. He plays cricket. | Cricket is played by him. |
Exercise 1
Change the following into passive voice :
1. He teaches English.
2. I take exercise.
3. The cat kills a rat.
4. Sonia sings a song.
5. The writer writes a story.
6. A cow eats grass.
7. Renu does not eat apples.
8. He drives a car.
9. The peon rings the bell.
10. I see a picture.
Answers :
1. English is taught by him.
2. Exercise is taken by me.
3. A rat is killed by the cat.
4. A song is sung by Sonia.
5. A story is written by the writer.
6. Grass is eaten by a cow.
7. Apples are not eaten by Renu.
8. A car is driven by him.
9. The bell is rung by the peon.
10. A picture is seen by me.
Exercise 2 (For Practice)
Change the following into passive voice :
1. Ram Lai helps the poor boy.
2. We decorate the house.
3. He respects his teachers.
4. The workers build a house.
5. Sita washes clothes.
6. The watchman watches my houses.
7. I do not see films.
8. Mohan buys a book.
9. He does not hear me.
10. We finish pur work.
II. Present Continuous Tense
नियम : Present Continuous Tense के वाक्यों को Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए is,am,are + being तथा verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग होता है।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. He is writing a letter. | A letter is being written by him. |
2. They are asking questions. | Questions are being asked by them. |
3. He is running a race. | A race is being run by him. |
4. Pakistan is making an atom bomb. | An atom bomb is being made by Pakistan. |
5. She is telling a story. | A story is being told by her. |
6. Mohan is teaching me. | I am being taught by Mohan. |
7. Radha is buying toys. | Toys are being bought by Radha. |
8. The gardener is watering the plants. | The plants are being watered by the gardener. |
Exercise 3
Change the following into passive voice :
1. Amit is celebrating his birthday.
2. The boys are decorating the hall.
3. He is hanging balloons.
4. She is cutting the cake.
5. People are congratulating her.
6. Sohan is reading a book.
7. They are washing clothes.
8. He is building a house.
9. He is teaching his younger brother.
10. Ram is cleaning the table.
Answers :
1. His birthday is being celebrated by Amit.
2. The hall is being decorated by the boys,
3. Balloons are being hung by him.
4. The cake is being cut by her.
5. She is being congratulated by people.
6. A book is being read by Sohan.
7. Clothes are being washed by them.
8. A house is being built by him.
9. His younger brother is being taught by him.
10. The table is being cleaned by Ram.
Exercise 4 (For Practice)
Change the following into passive voice :
1. You are wasting your time.
2. Mohan is making a chair.
3. She is playing badminton.
4. My father is writing a book.
5. The peon is ringing the bell.
6. The teacher is writing the answer.
7. A magician is showing a trick.
8. Sudhir is beating his brother.
9. The servant is fanning the master.
10. He is watching a film.
III. Present Perfect Tense
नियम : Present Perfect Tense के वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए has been या have been तथा verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग करते हैं।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. He has sung the song. | The song has been sung by him. |
2. He has written a letter. | A letter has been written by him. |
3. Ram has done his work. | His work has been done by Ram. |
4. I have cut the tree. | The tree has been cut by me. |
5. You have cheated me. | I have been cheated by you. |
6. Ram has helped me. | I have been helped by Ram. |
7. Sita has seen the picture. | The picture has been seen by Sita. |
8. He has killed a lion. | A lion has been killed by him. |
Exercise 5
Change the following into passive voice :
1. He has cut the cake.
2. He has decorated the hall.
3. People have congratulated him.
4. He has shown a trick.
5. Ram has painted a picture.
6. He has read a book.
7. They have washed the clothes.
8. He has built a house.
9. He has taught his brother.
10. Ram has cleaned the table.
Answers :
1. The cake has been cut by him.
2. The hall has been decorated by him.
3. He has been congratulated by the people.
4. A trick has been shown by him.
5. A picture has been painted by him.
6. A book has been read by him.
7. The clothes have been washed by them.
8. A house has been built by him.
9. His brother has been taught by him.
10. The table has been cleaned by Ram.
Exercise 6 (For Practice)
Change the following into passive voice:
1. You have played a trick.
2. We have missed the bus.
3. She has lost her ornaments.
4. You have told a lie.
5. We have learnt our lesson.
6. Sachin has made a century.
7. I have written a book.
8. The carpenter has made the cot.
9. Leela has won a prize.
10. They have honoured you.
IV. Present Perfect Continuous
नियम : इस Tense वाले वाक्यों को Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता।
V. Past Indefinite Tense
नियम : Past Indefinite Tense के Active Voice वाले वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए was/were और verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. She wrote a letter. | A letter was written by her. |
2. Mohan helped me. | I was helped by Mohan. |
3. They ran a race. | A race was run by them. |
4. Kapil Dev broke the record. | The record was broken by Kapil Dev. |
5. The Prime Minister honoured Kapil Dev. | Kapil Dev was honoured by the Prime Minister. |
6. He welcomed me. | I was welcomed by him. |
7. He loved her. | She was loved by him. |
Exercise 7
Change the following into passive voice:
1. They crossed the river.
2. Mohit did not take tea.
3. Ram killed Ravan.
4. Reema painted the picture.
5. Suman wrote the essay.
6. He took his meal.
1. Anuradha drank coffee.
8. They posted the letter.
9. The robber robbed the traveller.
10. The traveller hid some money.
Answers :
1. The river was crossed by them.
2. Tea was not taken by Mohit.
3. Ravan was killed by Ram.
4. The picture was painted by Reema.
5. The essay was written by Suman.
6. His meal was taken by him.
7. Coffee was drunk by Anuradha.
8. The letter was posted by them.
9. The traveller was robbed by the robber.
10. Some money was hidden by the traveller.
Exercise 8 (For Practice)
Change the following into passive voice :
1. I cleaned my shoes.
2. He did not sell good milk.
3. They honoured the poet.
4. He taught me English.
5. We made a plan.
6. The teacher taught this lesson.
7. Girls sang a song.
8. I did not apply brakes.
9. We brought it for you.
10. He killed a snake.
VI. Past Continuous Tense
नियम : इस Tense को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए was/were + being और verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. He was writing a book. | A book was being written by him. |
2. Radha was singing a song. | A song was being sung by Radha. |
3. They were playing a match. | A match was being played by them. |
4. You were wasting the time. | The time was being wasted by you. |
5. I was preparing a lesson. | A lesson was being prepared by me. |
6. I was solving sums. | Sums were being solved by me. |
7. Mohan was helping the poor. | The poor were being helped by Mohan. |
8. Shyam was advising me | I was being advised by Shyam. |
Exercise 9
Change the following into passive voice :
1. The worker was repairing the road.
2. She was washing the pots.
3. Sita was cutting the cake.
4. They were crossing the road.
5. Mohan was helping me.
6. He was shooting an arrow.
7. The children were making a noise.
8. He was watering the plants.
9. The child was solving the sum.
10. They were breaking the glasses.
Answers :
1. The road was being repaired by the worker.
2. The pots were being washed by her.
3. The cake was being cut by Sita.
4. The road was being crossed by them.
5. I was being helped by Mohan.
6. An arrow was being shot by him.
7. A noise was being made by the children.
8. The plants were being watered by him.
9. The sum was being solved by the child.
10. The glasses were being broken by them.
Exercise 10 (For Practice)
Change the following into passive voice :
1. We were making arrangements.
2. He was taking the test.
3. Sangeeta was typing a letter.
4. Namita was making a new dress.
5. We were discussing the topic.
6. They were catching the fish.
7. The inspector was checking the tickets.
8. It was watching everything.
9. They were drinking coffee.
10. The boys were watching the magic show.
VII. Past Perfect Tense
नियम : इस Tense के वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए had been और verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Ram had written a letter. | A letter had been written by Ram. |
2. She had lost her bag. | Her bag had been lost by her. |
3. She had posted the letter. | The letter had been posted by her. |
4. He had not spoken the truth. | The truth had not been spoken by him. |
5. Ram Lai had helped me. | I had been helped by Ram Lai. |
6. Rohan had never seen a lion. | A lion had never been seen by Rohan. |
7. Neeraj had done his work. | His work had been done by Neeraj. |
8. Sita had made a frock | A frock had been made by Sita. |
Exercise 11
Change the following into passive voice :
1. He had built a house.
2. They had cleaned the house.
3. She had seen the film.
4. Gagan had painted a picture.
5. You had done your work.
6. He had finished the story.
7. The police had caught the thief.
8. Rohan had killed the snake.
9. She had drunk coffee.
10. Lalit had solved the sum.
Answers :
1. A house had been built by him.
2. The house had been cleaned by them.
3. The film had been seen by her.
4. A picture had been painted by Gagan.
5. Your work had been done by you.
6. The story had been finished by him.
7. The thief had been caught by the police.
8. The snake had been killed by Rohan.
9. Coffee had been drunk by her.
10. The sum had been solved by Lalit.
Exercise 12 (For Practice)
Change the following into passive voice :
1. He had written a letter.
2. He had lost his book.
3. She had written the letter.
4. Mukesh had not spoken the truth.
5. Raj Kapoor had helped me.
6. Rohan has never seen a lion.
7. Neeraj had done his work.
8. Sita had made a frock.
9. You, had done your work.
10. He had finished the story.
VIII. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
नियम : इस Tense वाले वाक्यों को Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता।
IX. Future Indefinite Tense
नियम : इस Tense के वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए will/shall + “be’ तथा verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Manohar will write a letter. | A letter will be written by Manohar. |
2. Manu will drink coffee. | Coffee will be drunk by Manu. |
3. Santosh will write a poem. | A poem will be written by Santosh. |
4. My brother will help me. | I shall be helped by my brother. |
5. I shall write a book. | A book will be written by me. |
6. You will pass the test. | The test will be passed by you. |
7. Seema will paint a picture. | A picture will be painted by Seema. |
8. Kavita will sing a sweet song. | A sweet song will be sung by Kavita. |
Exercise 13
Change the following into passive voice :
1. I shall help Preeti.
2. The teacher will punish the naughty student.
3. The carpenter will make a bed.
4. The washerman will wash the clothes.
5. Arun will not take tea.
6. They will admire Sridevi.
7. He will bring good news.
8. I shall buy a new pen.
9. Bharti will beat Vikas.
10. They will not play the match.
Answers :
1. Preeti will be helped by me.
2. The naughty student will be punished by the teacher.
3. A bed will be made by the carpenter.
4. The clothes will be washed by the washerman.
5. Tea will not be taken by Arun.
6. Sridevi will be admired by them.
7. Good news will be brought by him.
8. A new pen will be bought by me.
9. Vikas will be beaten by Bharti.
10. The match will not be played by them.
Exercise 14 (For Practice)
Change the following into passive voice :
1. Arti will help Vikas.
2. He will not play the match.
3. The carpenter will make a table.
4. She will wash the clothes.
5. Mohan will not take tea.
6. You will admire him.
7. He will bring books.
8. I shall buy a new watch.
9. I shall help Mohan.
10. The teacher will teach the lesson.
X. Future Continuous Tense
नियम : इस Tense वाले वाक्यों को Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता।
XI. Future Perfect Tense
नियम : इस Tense वाले वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए will/shall + have been तथा verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Raman will have helped me. | I shall have been helped by Raman. |
2. They will have said their prayers. | Their prayers will have been said by them. |
3. She will have received the letter. | The letter will have been received by her. |
4. You will have bought the new house. | The new house will have been bought by you. |
5. Radha will have sung the song. | The song will have been sung by Radha. |
Exercise 15
Change the following into the Passive Voice:
1. The gardener will have watered the plants.
2. They will have met the officer.
3. Sita will have written the essay.
4. The umpire will have cancelled the match.
5. I shall have finished the work by evening.
6. They will have played the match.
7. She will have found the way.
8. Mohan will have told the story.
9. Gavaskar will have hit a four.
10. Kapil will have broken the world record.
Answers :
1. The plants will have been watered by the gardener.
2. The officer will have been met by them.
3. The essay will have been written by Sita.
4. The match will have been cancelled by the umpire.
5. The work will have been finished by me by the evening.
6. The match will have been played by them.
7. The way will have been found by her.
8. The story will have been told by Mohan.
9. A four will have been hit by Gavaskar.
10. The world record will have been broken by Kapil.
Exercise 16 (For Practice)
Change the following into passive voice:
1. Kamal will have helped him.
2. Ram will have said his prayer.
3. She will have received the letter.
4. You will not have bought the new house.
5. Radha will have finished her work.
6. He will have finished the work by 6 p.m.
7. They will have played the match.
8. She will have solved the sum.
9. He will have written the story.
10. Gavaskar will have hit a six.
XII. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
नियम : इस Tense वाले वाक्यों को Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता।
XIII. Auxiliary Verbs
नियम : can, could, must, may, might, should आदि वाले वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए can be, must be, may be, might be, should be आदि तथा verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Ram can do this work. | This work can be done by Ram. |
2. You should help the poor. | The poor should be helped by you. |
3. They may catch the train. | The train may be caught by them. |
4. Mohan might miss the bus. | The bus might be missed by Mohan. |
5. Radha cannot cross the river. | The river cannot be crossed by Radha. |
6.I cannot play cricket. | Cricket cannot be played by me. |
Exercise 17
Change the following into the passive voice:
1. You ought to respect your elders.
2. You must complete your work.
3. I could meet the officer.
4. He could cross the river.
5. I can read this letter.
6. Kavita might win the prize.
7. You may take my book.
8. You can finish your work.
9. You must write an essay.
10. We should do our duty.
1. Your elders ought to be respected by you.
2. Your work must be completed by you.
3. The officer could be met by me.
4. The river could be crossed by him.
5. This letter can be read by me.
6. The prize might be won by Kavita.
7. My book may be taken by you.
8. Your work can be finished by you.
9. An essay must be written by you.
10. Our duty should be done by us.
XIV. Interrogative Sentences
नियम :
(a) Interrogative वाक्यों में Helping Verb को Subject से पहले प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(b) Do तथा Does आदि (Helping Verbs) के स्थान पर is, am या are का प्रयोग होता है और did के स्थान पर was या were का। Passive Voice में do, does तथा did को हटा देते हैं।
(c) When, why यदि प्रश्नवाचक शब्दों वाले Interrogative Sentences में प्रश्नवाचक शब्दों का स्थान नहीं बदलता और Helping Verb का प्रयोग Subject से पूर्व होता है।
(d) Who वाले वाक्य को Passive Voice में By whom से आरंभ करते हैं।
(e) Whom को Passive Voice में Who में बदल देते हैं।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Does he write a letter ? | Is a letter written by him ? |
2. Do they play hockey ? | Is hockey played by them ? |
3. Is Radha singing a song ? | Is a song being sung by Radha ? |
4. Will you help me ? | Shall I be helped by you ? |
5. Have you done your work ? | Has your work been done by you ? |
6. When do you take breakfast ? | When is your breakfast taken by you? |
7. Who was opening the door ? | By whom was the door being opened ? |
8. Who has broken the slate ? | By whom has the slate been broken ? |
9. Whom do you want ? | Who is wanted by you ? |
10. What are you writing? | What is being written by you? |
Exercise 18
Change the following into the passive voice :
1. Do you like sweets?
2. Does she help the poor?
3. Will you read the news?
4. When did he buy the book?
5. Can you lift this box?
6. May I take your dictionary?
7. Do they water the plants?
8. Do they guard the garden?
9. Who stole the pen?
10. Why did you meet him?
1. Are sweets liked by you?
2. Are the poor helped by her?
3. Will the news be read by you?
4. When was the book bought by him?
5. Can this box be lifted by you?
6. May your dictionary be taken by me?
7. Are the plants watered by them?
8. Is the garden guarded by them?
9. By whom was the pen stolen?
10. Why was he met by you?
XV. Verbs Having Two Objects
(दो कर्मों वाली क्रियाएँ) नियम : कुछ वाक्यों में दो Objects (कर्म) होते हैं। ऐसे वाक्यों को Passive Voice बनाते समय दोनों में से किसी भी एक Object को Subject बना सकते हैं; जैसे-
He gave me a pen.
इस वाक्य में दो Objects हैं एक ‘me’ और दूसरा ‘a pen’ हम Passive Voice बनाते समय इनमें से किसी एक को Subject बना सकते हैं।
उदाहरण के लिए-
1. I was given a pen by him.
2. A pen was given to me by him.
नोट – यदि verb के तुरंत बाद वाले Object को subject बनाएँ तो गलती का भय नहीं रहता।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Father bought me a cycle. | I was bought a cycle by father.
Or A cycle was bought for me by father. |
2. The old man gave him an apple. | An apple was given to him by the old man.
Or He was given an apple by the old man. |
3. Mohan sent me a present. | I was sent a present by Mohan. |
4. I wrote her a letter. | She was written a letter by me. |
5. He promised me a book. | I was promised a book by him.
Or A book was promised to me by him. |
Exercise 19
Change the following into the passive voice
1. He wrote me a letter.
2. He bought his son a pen.
3. He gave me a book.
4. Mohan gave her a ring.
5. She sent me a present.
6. He brought me good news.
7. Radha told me a story.
8. She showed me a picture.
9. He paid me ten rupees.
10. The judge gave him punishment.
1. I was written a letter by him.
2. A pen was bought for his son by him.
3. I was given a book by him.
4. She was given a ring by Mohan.
5. I was sent a present by her.
6. I was brought good news by him.
7. I was told a story by Radha.
8. I was shown a picture by her.
9. I was paid ten rupees by him.
10. He was given punishment by the judge.
XVI. Imperative Sentences
(आदेशात्मक वाक्य) नियम : ऐसे वाक्यों को Passive Voice बनाते समय निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखें :
(a) इनमें let, be और क्रिया की IIIrd form का प्रयोग करते हैं; जैसे
Active : Open the door.
Passive : Let the door be opened.
(b) वाक्य के भाव के अनुसार You are requested to, you are advised to आदि का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। मगर तब Let का प्रयोग नहीं करते।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Sing a song. | Let a song be sung. |
2. Write a letter. | Let a letter be written. |
3. Don’t hate the poor. | Let the poor not be hated. |
4. Let me do this work. | Let this work be done by me. |
5. Send for the doctor. | Let the doctor be sent for. |
6. Please help me. | You are requested to help me. |
7. Fire at the enemy. | You are ordered to fire at the enemy. |
Exercise 20
Change the following into the passive voice :
1. Post this letter.
2. Please, come in.
3. Lift that table.
4. Write an essay.
5. Answer any four questions.
6. Work hard for success.
7. Help the poor.
8. Don’t hate the poor.
9. Don’t stay here.
10. Cross the river at once.
1. Let this letter be posted.
2. You are requested to come in.
3. Let that table be lifted.
4. Let an essay be written.
5. Let any four questions be answered.
6. You are advised to work hard for success.
7. Let the poor be helped.
8. Let the poor not be hated.
9. You are forbade to stay here.
10. Let the river be crossed at once.
Exercise 21 (For Practice)
Change the Voice :
1. Never tell a lie. .
2. Obey your teachers.
3. Enter by the left door.
4. Please help me.
5. Always respect your elders.
6. Let him teach her.
7. Don’t pluck flowers.
8. Do it at once.
9. Sit down, please.
10. Post this letter.
XVII. Preposition Other Than “By”
नियम : कुछ verbs के बाद ‘by’ नाम की preposition नहीं लगती। ऐसे verbs वाले वाक्यों के passive voice में verb की IIIrd form के स्थान पर कोई अन्य उचित preposition लगती है; जैसे with, to, at, in आदि।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Mohan knows me. | I am known to Mohan. |
2. His work satisfied me. | I was satisfied with his work. |
3. He cannot please Mohan. | Mohan cannot be pleased with him. |
4. The news surprised me. | I was surprised at the news. |
5. This box contains sweets. | Sweets are contained in this box. |
6. His behaviour shocked Ram. | Ram was shocked at his behaviour. |
7. Her story interested me. | I was interested in her story. |
Exercise 22
Change the following into passive voice:
1. This book contains pictures.
2. Mohan’s progress satisfied me.
3. My work pleased him.
4. His failure surprised his father.
5. The news amazed us.
6. His death shocked us.
7. I know him.
8. The arrangement satisfied the officer.
9. The magic show amused the children.
10. The game interested me.
Answers :
1. Pictures are contained in this book.
2. I was satisfied with Mohan’s progress.
3. He was pleased with my work.
4. His father was surprised at his failure.
5. We were amazed at the news.
6. We were shocked at his death.
7. He is known to me.
8. The officer was satisfied with the arrangement.
9. The children were amused with the magic show.
10. I was interested in the game.
XVIII. Prepositional Verbs
नियम : अगर active voice में verb के साथ preposition लगी हो तो passive voice में उसे अलग नहीं करते।
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. Mohan knocked at the door. | The door was knocked at by Mohan. |
2. The boys laughed at the old man. | The old man was laughed at by the boys. |
3. She sent for the doctor. | The doctor was sent for by her. |
4. He was looking for the book. | The book was being looked for by him. |
5. She listened to me. | I was listened to by her. |
6. We found out our dogs. | Our dogs were found out by us. |
7. She was looking at the picture. | The picture was being looked at by her. |
Exercise 23
Change the following into the passive voice :
1. He was looking at the picture.
2. He shouted at his servant.
3. I listened to the lecture.
4. The hunter aimed at the bird.
5. They sent for the doctor.
6. My friend called on me.
7. I was waiting for Kavita.
8. The boys laughed at the poor man.
9. The wind blew off his hat.
10. He brought up the poor child.