HR 9 English

Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Preposition

Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Preposition

HBSE 9th Class English Grammar Preposition

What is Preposition ?
Preposition अंग्रेजी भाषा के वे छोटे-छोटे शब्द होते हैं जो एक Noun (संज्ञा) तथा दूसरे Noun के बीच में या एक Noun और Verb (क्रिया) के बीच सम्बन्ध बताते हैं।
1. The pen is on the table.
2. She is looking at the picture.
पहले वाक्य में preposition है ‘on’ यह हमें pen का table से सम्बन्ध बताती है कि किताब मेज के “ऊपर” है, नीचे, दाएँ या बाएँ नहीं है।

दूसरे वाक्य में ‘at’ नाम की preposition क्रिया “looking” और संज्ञा the picture का सम्बन्ध बताती है कि देखने का काम तस्वीर ‘पर’ है न कि उसके पीछे, नीचे आदि।

Prepositions का अंग्रेजी भाषा में बहुत महत्त्व है। इनके बिना अंग्रेजी भाषा लिखना लगभग असम्भव है।

Prepositions हिन्दी के ‘साथ’, ‘के’, ‘ऊपर’, ‘नीचे’, ‘आगे’, ‘पर’, ‘भीतर’, ‘बाहर’, ‘द्वारा’, ‘में’, ‘से’ आदि का बोध करवाती हैं। अंग्रेजी भाषा में बहुत-सी prepositions हैं। मगर विद्यार्थियों को एक बात ध्यान में रखनी चाहिए कि अंग्रेजी में preposition का अर्थ वाक्य के भाव के अनुसार बदलता रहता है अर्थात् एक preposition के कई अर्थ हो सकते हैं।

For Example:
I will do this work by 8 o’clock.
(मैं यह काम आठ बजे तक कर लूँगा।)

We escaped by chance.
(हम किस्मत से बच गए।)

He came by bus.
(वह बस के द्वारा आया।)

He will get the work done by hook or by crook.
(वह जैसे-तैसे काम करवा लेगा।)

She sat by her husband.
(वह अपने पति के पास बैठी थी।)

उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में ‘by’ नाम की Preposition का अर्थ वाक्य के भाव के साथ-साथ बदल गया है।

Some Important Preposition:

कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण prepositions के प्रयोग इस प्रकार हैं :

1. AT
‘At’ के प्रयोग निम्नलिखित हैं-
(a) स्थान के लिए :
I met her at the Railway station.

(b) ‘पर’ :
He threw stones at the dogs.

(c) त्योहारों के लिए:
People wear new clothes at Diwali.

(d) निश्चित समय के लिए :
Sudha met me at 5 p.m.


‘About’ को निम्नलिखित अर्थों में प्रयोग कर सकते हैं :
(a) के बारे में:
They told me about their journey.

(b) ‘लगभग’ :
I have about six hundred rupees in my pocket.

(c) के आस-पास या इधर-उधर :
He went about the forest.

3. BY

‘By’ का प्रयोग कई अर्थों में होता है; जैसे-
(a) ढंग या बोध के द्वारा :
He came by train

(b) के द्वारा कोई काम होना :
This book has been written by Mohan.

(c) ‘के निकट’ :
He sat by the temple and begged.

(d) ‘तक’
He can do this work by 5 p.m.

(e) माप-तोल के लिए :
Milk is sold by litres.

(f) समय के लिए:
I travelled by the night.


‘Between’ का प्रयोग ‘दो के बीच’ के लिए होता है।
He divided his property between his two sons.
नोट : अगर बात दो से अधिक के बीच की हो तो ‘among’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।
He divided his property among his five sons.

5. FOR
‘For’ का प्रयोग कई अर्थों में होता है :

(a) उद्देश्य के लिए :
He went to America for higher studies.

(b) अवधि या दूरी के लिए:
I have been living in Delhi for ten years. I was ill for a week.
The desert was spread for miles.

(c) ‘कारण’ को बताने के लिए:
He was sent to jail for theft.

(d) ‘दिशा’ :
The bus is leaving for Chandigarh.

(e) प्रभाव को प्रकट करना :
Milk is good for health. Drinking ton much tea is had for you


‘From’ के मुख्य अर्थ निम्नलिखित हैं :

(a) ‘से’ आना:
He is coming from Chandigarh.

(b) गति, हलचल, हटाना आदि के लिए:
He rose from his seat.
Remove that cycle from there.

(c) आरम्भ या उद्गम स्थान को दर्शाना :
Tea comes from Assam.
He lived there from March to May.

(d) ‘अलग’, ‘दूर’ :
He is away from me.

7. IN

‘In’ का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित अर्थों के लिए होता है :

(a) में :
He is in the room.

(b) ‘किसी समय में’ को दर्शाने के लिए :
I can do this work in four hours.

(c) महीने, साल, शताब्दी आदि के लिए :
He came here in December.
Nehru died in 1964.

(d) स्थानों के लिए:
She lives in Kolkata.
I met her in the street.

8. ON

‘On’ के प्रयोग निम्नलिखित हैं :
(a) ‘पर’, के ‘ऊपर’
He is sitting on the roof.

(b) दिन या तारीख के लिए :
He went to Delhi on Sunday.
He came here on 10th March.

(c) किसी विशेष दिन के विशेष भाग के लिए :
Many people gamble on the night of Diwali.

9. TO
‘To’ का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित अर्थों के लिए होता है :
(a) ‘को’ जाना:
He went to Rohtak.

(b) From के बाद To’ का अर्थ ‘तक’ के लिए होता है : :
He worked from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

(c) को (देना):
He gave a pen to me.

(d) “भावना’ :
He is rude to her parents.

(e) ‘तुलना’ :
His pen is superior (अधिक श्रेष्ठ) to my pen.
This table is inferior (निम्न श्रेणी) to that table.

10. WITH

‘With’ निम्नलिखित अर्थों को दर्शाता है:

(a) ‘के साथ’ :
He went to Delhi with his friend.

(b) ‘साधन’, ‘के द्वारा :
He killed the lion with a gun.

(c) ‘कारण’
He is dying with hunger.

(d) किसी गुण या शारीरिक विशेषता का होना :
The girl with red hair.
The boy with a limp. (लंगड़ापन)

(e) ‘ढंग’
He fought with bravery.

(f) ‘से’ जैसे ‘से भरा होना
The room was filled with smoke.

Uses Of Some Important Prepositions


1. Agree with (किसी व्यक्ति से सहमत होना); I agree with you. (मैं आप से सहमत हूँ।)

2. Agree to (किसी बात, सुझाव आदि से सहमत होना); I agree to your proposal. (मैं आपके सुझाव से सहमत हूँ।)

3. Act upon (या on) (अमल करना); I acted on my father’s advice. (मैंने अपने पिता की सलाह पर अमल किया।)

4. Angry with (किसी व्यक्ति से नाराज होना); He is angry with me. (वह मुझसे नाराज है।)

5. Angry at (किसी बात पर नाराज होना); He is angry at your behaviour. (वह आपके बर्ताव पर नाराज है।)

6. Aim at
(i) (निशाना लगाना); Shayam aimed at the bird. (श्याम ने पक्षी पर निशाना साधा।)
(ii) (लक्ष्य होना); He has aimed at becoming a doctor. (उसने डॉक्टर बनने का लक्ष्य बनाया हुआ है।)

7. Accuse of (का इल्ज़ाम लगाना); He was accused of cheating his friend. (उस पर अपने मित्र को धोखा देने का इल्ज़ाम लगाया गया।)

8. Apply to (प्रार्थना-पत्र दिया है।); He has applied to the officer for leave. (उसने डॉक्टर प्रार्थना-पत्र दिया है।)

9. Apply for (किसी चीज के लिए प्रार्थना पत्र देना); I have applied for the post of a clerk. (मने क्लर्क के पद के लिए प्रार्थना पत्र दिया है।)

10. Attend to (ध्यान देना); Please attend to the lecture. (कृपया भाषण पर ध्यान दो।)

11. Abstain from (परहेज करना); You should abstain from smoking. (तुम्हें धूम्रपान से परहेज करना चाहिए।)

12. Abound in (प्रचुर मात्रा में होना); This pond abounds in fish. (इस तालाब में मछलियाँ प्रचुर मात्रा में हैं।)

13. Acquit of (बरी कर देना); The judge acquitted him of the crime. (जज ने उसे अपराध से बरी कर दिया।)

14. Amazed at (हैरान होना); I was amazed at his progress. (मैं उसकी प्रगति पर हैरान हुआ।)

15. Ashamed of (शर्मसार होना); He was ashamed of his conduct and did not meet me. (वह अपने व्यवहार पर शर्मिन्दा था और मुझे नहीं मिला।)


16. Beg for (गिड़गिड़ाना, भीख माँगना); The criminal begged for mercy. (अपराधी ने दया की भीख माँगी।)

17. Benefit from (से फायदा उठाना); He has benefitted from the new scheme. (उसने नई योजना से फायदा उठाया है।)

18. Believe in (में विश्वास करना); He does not believe in God. (उसे भगवान में विश्वास नहीं है।)

19. Base on (पर आधारित करना या होना); This film is based on a famous novel. (यह फिल्म एक प्रसिद्ध उपन्यास पर आधारित है।)

20. Blind to (अनदेखी करना); You are blind to the faults of your brother. (आप अपने भाई के दोषों की अनदेखी करते हैं।)

21. Boast of (डींग मारना); He always boasts of his wealth. (वह सदा अपनी दौलत की डींग मारता रहता है।)

22. Born in (जन्म होना); He was born in a rich family. (उसका जन्म एक अमीर परिवार में हुआ था।)

23. Blame for (दोष देना); He blamed me for his failure. (उसने अपनी असफलता के लिए मुझे दोष दिया।)

24. Backward in (किसी चीज में पिछड़े होना); This area is backward in education. (यह क्षेत्र शिक्षा में पिछड़ा हुआ है।)

25. Belong to (से सम्बन्ध स्थापित रखना); This house belongs to Mohan. (यह धर मोहन से सम्बन्ध रखता है, अर्थात् यह घर मोहन का है।)


26. Care for (परवाह करना); I do not care for Mohan. (मैं मोहन की परवाह नहीं करता।)

27. Care about (देखभाल करना); You should take care about your health. (तुम्हें अपने स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल करनी चाहिए।)

28. Charged with (इल्जाम लगाना); He was charged with murdering a man. (उस पर एक व्यक्ति की हत्या करने का इल्जाम लगाया गया।)

29. Cry for (किसी बात के लिए रोना या चिल्लाना); He is crying for his lost wealth. (वह अपने खोए हुए धन के लिए रो रहा है।)

30. Complain of (शिकायत करना); He complained of low pressure of water. (उसने पानी के कम दबाव की शिकायत की।)

31. Compromise with (समझौता करना); He compromised with me and settled the matter.(उसने मेरे साथ समझौता कर लिया और मामला निपटा दिया।)

32. Capable of (समर्थ होना); He is capable of doing great work. (वह महान कार्य करने में समर्थ है।)

33. Cure of (इलाज करना); The doctor cured me of cold. (डॉक्टर ने मेरे जुकाम का इलाज कर दिया।)

34. Cure for (का इलाज); What is the cure for cold ? (जुकाम का इलाज क्या है?)

35. Careful of (जागरुक, सावधान होना); He is careful of his health. (वह अपने स्वास्थ्य के प्रति सावधान है।)


36. Deal in (व्यापार करना); He deals in cloth. (वह कपड़े का व्यापार करता है।)

37. Deal with (व्यवहार करना); You must deal with the others politely. (तुम्हें अन्य लोगों से अवश्य ही नम्रता का व्यवहार करना चाहिए।)

38. Depend on (पर निर्भर होना); He depends on his father for all his needs. (वह अपनी आवश्यकताओं के लिए अपने पिता पर निर्भर है।)

39. Die of (किसी बीमारी से मरना); He died of cancer. (वह कैंसर से मर गया।)

40. Die from (कुछ करने से मरना); He died from over eating. (वह अधिक खाने से मर गया।)

41. Die for (किसी उद्देश्य के लिए मरना); He died for his country. (वह अपने देश के लिए मरा।)

42. Different from (से भिन्न); This book is different from your book. (यह पुस्तक तुम्हारी पुस्तक से भिन्न है।)


43. Exception to (अपवाद होना); There is exception to every rule. (हर नियम का अपवाद है।)

44. Escape from (बच निकलना); He escaped from jail. (वह जेल से बच निकला।)

45. Enquire into (छानबीन करना); The police enquired into the matter. (पुलिस मामले की छानबीन कर रही है।)

46. Equal to (के बराबर); The weight of this packet is equal to the weight of that packet. (इस पैकेट का वजन उस – पैकेट के बराबर है।)


47. Faithful to (के प्रति वफादार होना); Ram is faithful to his master. (राम अपने मालिक के प्रति वफादार है।)

48. Full of (से भरा होना); I found a purse full of money. (मुझे पैसों से भरा हुआ पर्स मिला।)

49. Fond of (शौकीन होना); I am fond of apples. (मैं सेबों का शौकीन हूँ।)

50. Fire at (किसी पर गोली चलाना); The soldiers fired at the enemy. (सैनिकों ने दुश्मन पर गोली चलाई।)

51. Feed on (पर पलना); The cow feeds on grass. (गाय घास पर पलती है।)


52. Good at (किसी काम में निपुण होना); He is good at English. (वह अंग्रेजी में निपुण है।)

53. Good for (उपयोगी होना); Playing is good for health. (खेलना स्वास्थ्य के लिए उपयोगी है।)

54. Gaze at (ध्यान से देखना); He was gazing at the flower. (वह फूल को ध्यान से देख रहा था।)

55. Guilty of (का दोषी होना); He is guilty of breaking the law. (वह कानून तोड़ने का दोषी है।)

56. Grateful to (कृतज्ञ होना); Mohan is grateful to Ram for helping him. (मोहन सहायता करने के लिए राम का कृतज्ञ है।)


57. Hope for (आशा करना); He hopes for the best. (उसे शुभ होने की आशा है।)

58. Hopeful of (का आशावान होना); He is hopeful of getting the Ist division. (उसे प्रथम श्रेणी प्राप्त होने की आशा है।)

59. Hungry for (भूखा होना, तीव्र लालसा होना); He is hungry for love. (वह प्यार का भूखा है।)

60. Hint at (इशारा करना); He hinted at the new plan. (उसने नई योजना का इशारा किया।)

61. Hinder from (रोकना); The storm hindered me from reaching the city. (तूफान ने मुझे शहर पहुंचने से रोका।)


62. III with (से ग्रस्त); He is ill with fever. (वह बुखार से ग्रस्त है।)

63. Interfere in (दखल देना); He interfered in my work. (उसने मेरे काम में दखल दिया।)

64. Interested in (में रुचि होना); I am interested in stamp collecting. (मेरी रुचि टिकटें इकट्ठी करने में है।)

65. Insist on (पर जोर देना); He insisted on going to Rewari. (उसने रिवाड़ी जाने पर जोर दिया।)

66. Inferior to (से घटिया); This chair is inferior to that. (यह कुर्सी उससे घटिया है।)

(J and K)

67. Junior to (से कनिष्ठ); Mohan is junior to Sohan. (वह सोहन से कनिष्ठ है।)

68. Jeer at (मजाक उड़ाना); The crowd jeered at the player. (भीड़ ने खिलाड़ी का मजाक उड़ाया।)

69. Jealous of (ईर्ष्या करना); Radha is jealous of her sister. (राधा को अपनी बहन से ईष्ा है।)

70. Knock at (खटखटाना); He knocked at the door for some time. (उसने कुछ देर तक दरवाजा खटखटाया।)

71. Key to (कुंजी होना); Hard work is the key to success. (कठिन मेहनत सफलता की कुंजी है।)

72. Laugh at (पर हँसना); The boys are laughing at the beggar. (लड़के भिखारी पर हंस रहे है।)

73. Loyal to (वफादार होना); We should be loyal to the country. (हमें अपने देश के प्रति वफादार होना चाहिए।)

74, Lead to (की ओर जाना); This road leads to Ambala. (यह सड़क अम्बाला जाती है।)

75. Liking for (रुचि होना); I have a liking for cricket. (मेरी क्रिकेट में रुचि है।)

(M and N)

76. Made of (का बना होना); This table is made of wood. (यह मेज लकड़ी की बनी हुई है।)

77. Mix with (से मिलना, संगति करना); You should not mix with bad boys. (तुम्हें बुरे लड़कों की संगति नहीं करनी चाहिए।)

78. Meddle with (दखल देना); Pakistan is meddling with our affairs. (पाकिस्तान हमारे मामलों में दखल दे रहा है।)

79. A need of (आवश्यकता होना); I am in need of money. (मुझे पैसे की आवश्यकता है।)

(O and P)

80. Obliged to (आभारी होना / कृतज्ञ करना); I shall be obliged to you. (मैं आपका आभारी रहूंगा।)

81. Pleased with (प्रसन्न होना); He is pleased with my work. (वह मेरे काम से प्रसन्न है।)

82. Prefer to (प्राथमिकता देना); I prefer tea to coffee. (मैं चाय को कॉफी से अधिक प्राथमिकता देता हूँ।)

83. Popular with (प्रसिद्ध); Mohan is popular with his friends. (मोहन अपने मित्रों में बहुत प्रसिद्ध है।)

84. Prevent from (रोकना); He prevented me from going to Hisar. (उसने मुझे हिसार जाने से रोका।)

85. Protect from (रक्षा करना); Woollen clothes protect us from cold. (गर्म कपड़े ठण्ड से हमारी रक्षा करते हैं।)

(Q and R)

86. Quarrel with (किसी व्यक्ति से झगड़ा करना); He quarrelled with me. (उसने मुझसे झगड़ा किया।)

87. Quarrel over (किसी बात पर झगड़ना); He quarrelled over a pen. (उसने एक पैन के बारे में झगड़ा किया।)

88. Recover from (ठीक होना); He has recovered from illness. (बह बीमारी से ठीक हो गया है।)

89, Remind of (याद दिलाना); He reminded me of his application. (उसने मुझे अपने प्रार्थना-पत्र की याद दिलाई।)

90. Rebel against (विद्रोह करना); People rebelled against the cruel king. (लोगों ने क्रूर राजा के विरुद्ध विद्रोह कर दिया।)

91. Rule over (शासन करना); Akbar ruled over India for a long time. (अकबर ने भारत पर लम्बे समय तक शासन किया।)

92. Repent of (पछताना); He repented of his misdeeds. (वह अपने बुरे कामों पर पछताया।)

(S) 93, Send for (बुला भेजना); They sent for the doctor. (जन्होंने डॉक्टर को बुला भेजा।)

94. Search for (तलाश करना); The police is searching for the thief. (पुलिस चोर की तलाश कर रही है।)

95. Similar to (के समान); This shirt is similar to that. (यह कमीज उस कमीज़ के समान है।)

96. Short of (कमी होना); At present I am short of money. (इस समय मेरे पास पैसे की कमी है।)

97. Sorry for (अफसोस होना); I am sorry for troubling you. (मुझे आपको तंग करने का अफसोस है।)

98. Surrendered to (आत्म-समर्पण करना); The enemy surrendered to our army. (दुश्मन ने हमारी सेना के सामने आत्म-समर्पण कर दिया।)

99. Slow at (धीमे होना); He is slow at learning English. (वह अंग्रेजी सीखने में धीमा है।)

100. Succeed in (सफल होना); Mohan succeeded in getting Ist division. (मोहन प्रथम श्रेणी प्राप्त करने में सफल हुआ।)

101. Stare at (पूर-चूर कर देखना); The old man stared at me for a long time. (बूढ़ा आदमी मुझे बहुत देर तक घूर-यूर कर देखता रहा।)

102. Speak to (से बात करना); Ispoke to him about it. (मैंने उससे इस बारे में बात की।)


103. Tired of (तंग आ जाना); I am tired of waiting. (मैं इंतजार करने से तंग आ गया हूँ।)

104. Think of (विचार होना); What do you think of this plan? (आपका इस योजना के बारे में क्या विचार है ?)

105. True to (पालन करना); You should be true to your word. (तुम्हें अपने वचन का पालन करना चाहिए।)

106. Talk about (बात करना); Everybody is talking about the new film. (हर व्यक्ति नई फिल्म के बारे में बात कर रहा

107. Threaten to (धमकी देना); The terrorist threatened to blow up the plane. (आतंकवादियों ने जहाज़ को बारुद से उड़ा देने की धमकी दी।)

108. Trust in (विश्वास करना); We should trust in God. (हमें भगवान् में विश्वास करना चाहिए।)

109. Taste for (रुचि होना); She has no taste for painting. (उसकी चित्रकारी में कोई रुचि नहीं है।)

(U to Z)

110. Useful to (व्यक्ति के लिए लाभदायक); This book is useful to me. (यह पुस्तक मेरे लिए लाभदायक है।)

111. Useful for (किसी काम के लिए लाभदायक); This machine is useful for cleaning the wells. (यह मशीन कुएँ साफ करने के लिए लाभदायक है।)

112. Vain of (घमण्डी होना); He is vain of his wealth. (वह अपने धन के बारे में घमण्डी है।)

113. Wait for (प्रतीक्षा करना); He is waiting for the bus. (वह बस की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है।)

114. Weep for (के लिए रोना); The brothers wept for their lost wealth. (भाई अपनी खोई हुई दौलत के लिए रोए।)

115. Wish for (कामना करना); He wished for good weather. (उसने अच्छे मौसम की कामना की।)

116. Wonder at (हैरान होना); He wondered at the skill of that man. (वह उस व्यक्ति की निपुणता पर हैरान हुआ।)

117. Weary of (तंग आ जाना); I am weary of listening to him. (मैं उसकी बातें सुनकर तंग आ गया हूँ।)

118. Warn against/of (चेतावनी देना); The government warned the terrorists of serious results. (को गम्भीर परिणामों की चेतावनी दी है।)

119. Worthy of (के योग्य); He is worthy of respect. (वह सम्मान के योग्य है।)

120. Weak in (में कमजोर); She is weak in Mathematics. (वह गणित में कमजोर है।)

121. Write to (को लिखना); I have written to him about my plan. (मैंने उसे अपनी योजना के बारे में लिखा है।)

122. Worry about (चिंता करना); He worried about the success of his son. (उसे अपने बेटे की सफलता की चिंता हुई।)

123. Witness of (गवाह होना); He is the witness of the whole scene. (वह पूरे दृश्य का गवाह है।)

124, Yield to (हार मानना); The enemy yielded to us. (दुश्मन ने हमारे सामने हार मान ली।)

125. Zeal for (जोश होना); He showed a great zeal for the party. (उसने पार्टी के लिए जोश दिखाया।)

Exercises For Practice (Solved)

Fill in the the blanks with the help of the given prepositions :

Set 1

to,with, at, of, in, over.
1. He is fond …………. music.
2. He fired …………. the beast.
3. Fill this jug …………. milk.
4. My father will come …………. the evening.
1. He is fond of music.
2. He fired at the beast.
3. Fill this jug with milk.
4. My father will come in the evening.

Set 2

with, at, over, from, to, on, at.
1. I prefer coffee …………. tea.
2. Why do you prevent me …………. going to the bus stand ?
3. He presided …………. the meeting.
4. He is good …………. English.
1. I prefer coffee to tea.
2. Why do you prevent me from going to the bus stand ?
3. He presided over the meeting.
4. He is good at English.

Set 3

with, at, by, to, on, to.
1. Please listen …………. me.
2. Children depend …………. their parents.
3. Gopal quarrelled …………. me.
4. Radha is known …………. me.
1. Please listen to me.
2. Children depend on their parents.
3. Gopal quarrelled with me.
4. Radha is known to me.

Set 4

of, to, at, with, for, in, of.
1. He had to part …………. his watch.
2. Be loyal …………. your country.
3. Don’t laugh …………. the poor man.
4. Her mother died …………. fever.
1. He had to part with his watch.
2. Be loyal to your country.
3. Don’t laugh at the poor man.
4. Her mother died of fever.

Set 5

for, in, to, of, by, at.
1. I remind you …………. your promise.
2. This house is similar …………. yours.
3. He has a zeal …………. music.
4. My sister is good …………. Hindi.
1. I remind you of your promise.
2. This house is similar to yours.
3. He has a zeal for music.
4. My sister is good at Hindi.

Set 6

with, up, down, to, on, of, off.
1. The villagers listened …………. those stories and enjoyed them.
2. Then he drove …………. the two bulls.
3. Your name is …………. both your boxes.
4. He met …………. an accident.
1. The villagers listened to those stories and enjoyed them.
2. Then he drove off the two bulls.
3. Your name is on both your boxes.
4. He met with an accident.

Set 7

at, of, with, for, from, of.
1. We wish …………. peace.
2. Abstain …………. smoking.
3. I agree …………. Sulabh.
4. I am in need …………. money.
1. We wish for peace.
2. Abstain from smoking.
3. I agree with Sulabh.
4. I am in need of money.

Set 8

with, by, with, till, at, to.
1. The hunter aimed …………. the bird.
2. I spoke …………. Mohini.
3. He writes …………. his left hand.
4. Do not mix …………. bad boys.
1. The hunter aimed at the bird.
2. I spoke to Mohini.
3. He writes with his left hand.
4. Do not mix with bad boys.

Set 9

of in, for, against, of, by.
1. He is waiting …………. the train.
2. Mohan is the brother …………. Kamal.
3. Do you believe …………. ghosts?
4. The wheels were.also made …………. wood.
1. He is waiting for the train.
2. Mohan is the brother of Kamal.
3. Do you believe in ghosts?
4. The wheels were.also made of wood.

Set 10

of between, under, with, to, on.
1. I don’t agree …………. you.
2. He acted …………. my advice.
3. The chair is made …………. wood.
4. He is obedient …………. his teacher.
1. I don’t agree with you.
2. He acted on my advice.
3. The chair is made of wood.
4. He is obedient to his teacher.

Set 11with, by, on, at, to, of.
1. The enemy yielded …………. us.
2. The cat jumped …………. the table.
3. He came …………. his brother.
4. He is in need …………. money.
1. The enemy yielded to us.
2. The cat jumped on the table.
3. He came with his brother.
4. He is in need of money.

Set 12

in, into, with, at, for, of, to.
1. All the land was covered …………. dust and sand.
2. We have no use …………. talks like these.
3. After the mud-bath it rolls …………. the dust.
4. Are you related …………. Shyam?
Answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. .
1. All the land was covered with dust and sand.
2. We have no use for talks like these.
3. After the mud-bath it rolls into the dust.
4. Are you related to Shyam?

Set 13

at, in, for, on, for, by.
1. He acts …………. the advice of his father.
2. Send …………. a doctor at once.
3. He repented …………. his folly.
4. He begged …………. mercy.
1. He acts on the advice of his father.
2. Send for a doctor at once.
3. He repented at his folly.
4. He begged for mercy.

Set 14

for, to, from, on, at, with.
1. Gluck went to his room and lay down …………. sleep.
2. The thief climbed …………. the ladder.
3. Did you go to the pump …………. midnight ?
4. The thief placed a ladder …………. the window.
1. Gluck went to his room and lay down to sleep.
2. The thief climbed on the ladder.
3. Did you go to the pump at midnight ?
4. The thief placed a ladder with the window.

Set 15

over. at. in, ro, fromon.
1. Gopal has recovered …………. illness.
2. Do not rely …………. him.
3. The D.M. has consented to preside …………. the function.
4. He added a lot of water …………. his milk.
1. Gopal has recovered from illness.
2. Do not rely on him.
3. The D.M. has consented to preside over the function.
4. He added a lot of water to his milk.

Set 16

in, against, during, of, under, with.
1. He warned me …………. danger.
2. He believes …………. God.
3. The purse is full …………. money.
4. Pratap was very pleased …………. his new eye.
1. He warned me against danger.
2. He believes in God.
3. The purse is full of money.
4. Pratap was very pleased with his new eye.

Set 17

at, against, in, to, on, from.
1. The foreign rulers put him …………. jail.
2. Hard work is the key …………. success.
3. The villagers were warned …………. flood.
4. She depends …………. her brother.
1. The foreign rulers put him in jail.
2. Hard work is the key to success.
3. The villagers were warned against flood.
4. She depends on her brother.

Set 18

at, for, of, at, to, against.
1. He wrote a letter …………. his brother.
2. Beware …………. pickpockets.
3. I wish …………. your success.
4. Some of them shot arrows …………. his face.
1. He wrote a letter to his brother.
2. Beware to pickpockets.
3. I wish for your success.
4. Some of them shot arrows at his face.

Set 19

in, at, on, to, of, at.
1. He wondered …………. your conduct.
2. One should be faithful …………. the elders.
3. The coins fell …………. ground.
4. Mohan threw a ball …………. the wall.
1. He wondered at your conduct.
2. One should be faithful to the elders.
3. The coins fell on ground.
4. Mohan threw a ball at the wall.

Set 20

from, on, at, on, by, at.
1. The train is running …………. time.
2. Gessler placed his hat …………. a pole.
3. He ate …………. a wooden bowl.
4. The money is …………. the bottom of the lake.
1. The train is running on time.
2. Gessler placed his hat on a pole.
3. He ate from a wooden bowl.
4. The money is at the bottom of the lake.

Set 21

to, for, for, against, of under.
1. Iam short …………. money.
2. The crow searched …………. water.
3. The army rebelled …………. the king.
4. He is famous …………. his honesty.
1. I am short of money.
2. The crow searched for water.
3. The army rebelled against the king.
4. He is famous for his honesty.

Set 22

at, to, by, to, in, on.
1. Please invite all …………. this party.
2. He is knocking …………. the door.
3. Ajit and Suijit met …………. the park.
4. Please attend …………. what I say.
1. Please invite all to this party.
2. He is knocking at the door.
3. Ajit and Suijit met in the park.
4. Please attend to what I say.

Set 23

of, for, in, by, from, of
1. Where does this water flow …………. ?
2. But he was afraid …………. the king.
3. He then sent …………. the minister.
4. Hari was ashamed …………. his conduct.
1. Where does this water flow from ?
2. But he was afraid of the king.
3. He then sent for the minister.
4. Hari was ashamed of his conduct.

Set 24

with, into, to, against, over, of.
1. The captain is popular …………. all the players.
2. I enquired …………. the matter.
3. Ram was married …………. Sita.
4. I am hard …………. hearing.
1. The captain is popular with all the players.
2. I enquired into the matter.
3. Ram was married to Sita.
4. I am hard of hearing.

Set 25

at, with, to, in, on, in.
1. The boy yielded …………. pressure.
2. She is weak …………. English.
3. I agree …………. you in this matter.
4. I am busy …………. work.
1. The boy yielded to pressure.
2. She is weak in English.
3. I agree with you in this matter.
4. I am busy in work.

Set 26

In, at, upon, for, from
1. He jumped …………. the wall.
2. Send …………. a doctor, please.
3. Hanu is weak …………. English.
4. He wondered …………. your conduct.
1. He jumped upon the wall.
2. Send for a doctor, please.
3. Hanu is weak in English.
4. He wondered at your conduct.

Set 27

at, to, of, of
1. He is tired …………. work.
2. Leela is good …………. English.
3. The old man died …………. fever.
4. Are you blind …………. your faults?
1. He is tired of work.
2. Leela is good at English.
3. The old man died of fever.
4. Are you blind to your faults?

Set 28

for, in, to, at, of.
1. I am short …………. money.
2. Don’t laugh …………. others.
3. This wood is inferior …………. that.
4. Trust …………. God.
1. I am short of money.
2. Don’t laugh at others.
3. This wood is inferior to that.
4. Trust in God.

Set 29

in, at, during, of, for.
1. Navneet lives …………. Ballabgarh at YMCA.
2. It rained heavily …………. the night.
3. The stool is made …………. wood.
4. They wished …………. peace.
1. Navneet lives in Ballabgarh at YMCA.
2. It rained heavily during the night.
3. The stool is made of wood.
4. They wished for peace.

Set 30

on, from, to, at, in.
1. He is knocking …………. the door.
2. A cow feeds …………. grass.
3. He has recovered …………. illness.
4. I prefer coffee …………. tea.
1. He is knocking at the door.
2. A cow feeds on grass.
3. He has recovered from illness.
4. I prefer coffee to tea.

Set 31

to, in, on, for, of.
1. It rained continuously …………. two hours.
2. Please invite all to the party …………. your birthday
3. I prefer coffee …………. tea.
4. He is hopeful …………. a reward.
1. It rained continuously for two hours.
2. Please invite all to the party on your birthday
3. I prefer coffee to tea.
4. He is hopeful of a reward.

Set 32

Since, for, in, on.
1. Manu was born at Shivaji Nagar …… Gurugram.
2. Neerja left …………. Banasthali on Monday.
3. I have been living here …………. 1982.
4. His birthday falls …………. 5th October.
1. Manu was born at Shivaji Nagar in Gurugram.
2. Neerja left for Banasthali on Monday.
3. I have been living here since 1982.
4. His birthday falls on 5th October.

Set 33

at, for, in, on.
1. Always hope …………. the best.
2. Do not rely …………. his words.
3. Leela is good …………. English.
4. He deals …………. cloth.
1. Always hope for the best.
2. Do not rely on his words.
3. Leela is good at English.
4. He deals in cloth.

Set 34

by, in, at, across.
1. She-swam …………. the river.
2. We went there …………. taxi.
3. The train will arrive …………. 9 : 30 am.
4. The apples are …………. the basket.
1. She-swam across the river.
2. We went there by taxi.
3. The train will arrive at 9 : 30 am.
4. The apples are in the basket.

Set 35

with, at, of, of
1. The hunter fired …………. the tiger.
2. Don’t boast …………. your new house.
3. I agree …………. you.
4. All my furniture is made …………. wood.
1. The hunter fired at the tiger.
2. Don’t boast of your new house.
3. I agree with you.
4. All my furniture is made of wood.

Set 36

out of, from, for, with, in
1. The soldiers fought …………. bravery.
2. I bought my shirt …………. Delhi.
3. The lion came …………. its hiding place.
4. I am leaving …………. Chandigarh today.
1. The soldiers fought with bravery.
2. I bought my shirt from Delhi.
3. The lion came out of its hiding place.
4. I am leaving for Chandigarh today.

Set 37

at, on, in, to, with.
1. He depends …………. me.
2. Trust …………. God.
3. I prefer coffee …………. tea.
1. He depends on me.
2. Trust in God.
3. I prefer coffee to tea.

Set 38

under, for, by, from
1. The Mahabharata was written …………. Ved Vyas.
2. I like him …………. his honesty.
3. Anita is suffering …………. high temperature.
4. I took rest …………. the shade of a tree.
1. The Mahabharata was written by Ved Vyas.
2. I like him for his honesty.
3. Anita is suffering from high temperature.
4. I took rest under the shade of a tree.

Set 39

to, on, in, after
1. Nehru was born …………. a rich family.
2. I will look …………. a rich family.
3. He depends …………. his salary.
4. She is going …………. attend a marriage.
1. Nehru was born in a rich family.
2. I will look after a rich family.
3. He depends on his salary.
4. She is going to attend a marriage.

Set 40

for, at, with, of, in.
1. He died …………. fever.
2. My father deals …………. sugar.
3. He wondered …………. your conduct.
1. He died of fever.
2. My father deals in sugar.
3. He wondered at your conduct.

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