Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Punctuation
Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Punctuation
HBSE 9th Class English Grammar Punctuation
What is Punctuation?
Punctuation का अर्थ है, विराम चिह्नों का सही प्रयोग। लिखते समय भावों को समझाने के लिए कहीं-कहीं रुकना पड़ता है। इसके लिए कुछ चिह्न लगाने होते हैं। इन रुकने के या विराम चिह्नों के प्रयोग को Punctuation कहते हैं। इनके लिए कुछ विशेष नियम हैं जिनका अध्ययन हम एक-एक करके करेंगे।
Important Marks of Punctuation :
1. Capital letters (A, B, C, …………)
2. Full stop (.)
3. Comma (,)
4. Mark of interrogation or Question Mark (?)
5. Inverted commas (” “)
6. Apostrophe (‘)
7. Sign of exclamation (!)
8. Semicolon (;)
9. Colon (:)
10. Hyphen (-)
11. Dash (_)
12. Brackets or Parenthesis [( )]
Uses Of The Marks of Punctuation :
Capital Letters (A, B, C, ………..) :
(a) प्रत्येक वाक्य का पहला अक्षर Capital (बड़ा) होता है; जैसे-
Radha is an intelligent girl. She goes to school daily. Last year she stood first in the class. Her teachers praise her.
(b) Proper Nouns और Proper Adjectives का पहला अक्षर बड़ा होता है।
He is Mohan, (proper noun)
John is a European, (proper adjective)
She lives in Mumbai, (proper noun)
I love Chinese food, (proper adjective)
(c) Direct Speech Inverted Commas (“ ”) के भीतर लिखे वाक्य का पहला अक्षर बड़ा होता है।
I She said, “I am going to Ludhiana.”
(d) दिनों, महीनों और त्योहारों के नामों के पहले अक्षर Capital (बड़े) होते हैं; जैसे-
I shall visit Delhi in December.
He came here on Friday.
People wear new clothes on Diwali.
(e) Abbreviations अर्थात् संक्षिप्त रूप का पहला अक्षर बड़ा होता है; जैसे-
M.A., M.B.B.S., M.L.A., P.M., Mr., etc.
(f) धर्मों या मतों के नाम के पहले अक्षर Capital होते हैं, जैसे-
Hinduism, Christianity, Jainism.
(g) भाषाओं और विषयों के नामों के पहले अक्षर capital होते हैं, जैसे-
History, English, Science, Hindi, etc.
Full Stop (.)
(a) प्रत्येक वाक्य के अंत में Full Stop लगता है। मगर यह नियम विस्मयसूचक एवं प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों पर लागू नहीं होता, जैसे-
Mohan is a good singer.
Come here.
Post this letter.
Go and bring some sugar.
(b) Abbreviations और उन छोटे रूपों के साथ full Stop का प्रयोग होता है जो बड़े शब्दों के स्थान पर प्रयोग किए जाते जैसे-
M.L. Verma, M.B.B.S., M.P., N.R., Mr., Mrs., etc.
Comma (,) :
Comma एक महत्त्वपर्ण विराम चिहन है। इसलिए इसके प्रयोग के नियमों को ध्यान से पढ़ें।
(a) विभिन्न nouns, adjectives आदि को एक-दूसरे से अलग व्यक्त करने के लिए, जैसे-
I want a pen, a pencil, an inkpot, a few books, some papers and a table.
He is kind, brave, gentle and handsome.
(b) Apposition अर्थात् किसी शब्द के साथ लगकर व्याख्या करने के लिए Comma का प्रयाग करत है।
Akbar. the Great, ruled India for a long time.
Pawan, my friend, is a reporter.
Madan, a landlord, is very famous.
(c) Direct Narration के वाक्यों में Reporting Verb और Reported Speech के बीच में Comma लगता है।
Navneet said, “I am going, to Delhi.”
Radha said, “I love Krishan.”
(d) Yes या No के पश्चात्; जैसे-
Yes, I will help you.
No, I cannot do this work.
(e) तिथि को साल से अलग करने के लिए; जैसे-
May 10, 20….. या 10th May 10…………
(f) When, if, as आदि से आरम्भ होने वाले Clauses को मुख्य Clause से अलग करने के लिए, जैसे-
When I saw a lion, I ran away.
As I was going in, I met Subhash.
If you work hard, you will get first division.
Marks of interrogation Or Question Works (?)
प्रश्नसूचक चिह्न (?) का प्रयोग सीधे प्रश्न (Direct Question) में किया जाता है; जैसे-
Are you going to Jaipur?
Have you taken your lunch?
May I come in, Sir? .
What is your name?
मगर अप्रत्यक्ष प्रश्नों (Indirect Questions) के साथ Sign of Interrogation का प्रयोग नहीं होता; जैसे-
The teacher asked me where I was going.
Inverted Commas (“ ”) :
Inverted Commas के प्रयोग निम्नलिखित हैं-
(a) Direct Speech में; जैसे-
I said to him, “What are you doing ?”
Kishore said, “I have won the first prize.”
(b) किताबों, कविताओं, कहानियों, फिल्मों आदि के नामों को Inverted Commas में रखा जाता है-
Shakespeare has written the play “The Merchant of Venice.”
I have seen the film “Dil Se.”
I am reading the chapter “The Clever Rogue.”
Apostrophe (’) :
यह विराम चिह्न अधिकारात्मक बात को प्रकट करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(a) संज्ञा का Possessive Case बनाने के लिए यह विराम चिह्न Noun के अन्तिम अक्षर और ‘s’ के बीच में लगाया जाता है।
Shyam’s house.
I saw Ram’s book lying on Sohan’s table.
Sheela’s father met Naren’s father.
(b) ऐसे बहुवचन Noun जिनके पीछे ‘s’ आता है, उनमें Apostrophe को ‘s’ के बाद में लगाते हैं-
This is a girls’school.
That is the kids’room.
She went to a boys’ hostel.
The teachers’ rooms are separate.
(c) विस्मयसूचक वाक्यों अर्थात् सुख, दुःख आदि वाले वाक्यों के लिए इसका प्रयोग करते हैं; जैसे-
M.L.A.’s, M.P.’s, the three’s
(d) किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति के बारे में हमारे विचारों को जोर देकर बताने के लिए; जैसे-
Don’t, Won’t, Didn’t, That’s.
Sign of Exclamation (!) :
(a) शुभकामना प्रकट करने वाले वाक्यों के अन्त में यह चिह्न लगाया जाता है; जैसे-
Alas ! I have injured my foot.
Hurrah ! We have won the match.
(b) किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति के बारे में हमारे विचारों को जोर देकर बताने के लिए; जैसे-
What a beautiful girl!
How fine is the weather !
(c) शुभकामना प्रकट करने वाले वाक्यों के अन्त में यह चिह्न लगाया जाता है; जैसे-
May you live long !
May you stand first!
Semicolon (;) :
The semicolon is a pause longer than the comma but shorter than that of the full stop. It is used :
(a) When two opposite things are said in the same sentence :
I admire his intelligence; I hate his character.
God made the country; man made the town.
(b) to separate co-ordinate clauses, joined by the conjunctions, for, therefore, while, otherwise, etc. You must work hard; otherwise you will not get good marks.
(c) between itcnis in a suies of items that contain commas
The bedroom contained one wardrobe, one double bed. two chairs. one dressing cable; the nursery. one cot, one cheat of drawers, two chairs, one racking horse: the dinning room, six chairs. one table and one side board.
Colon (:) :
A colon is used:
(a) Lo imi’oducc a quotation
Keats said : ‘A thing of beauty la a joy for ever”.
(b) to explain and ebboraLe what has already been said
There is bad news : our team has lost the match.
(c) to introduce allai or a sencs
Faut boys have wan prizes : Suresh. Mahesh, Lalit and Rain.
Dash (_) :
The dash is used:
(a) to expees.s a sudden change of thought:
I don’t like it—but let us forget the matter altogether.
(b) to indicate a break in thought or hesitation:
I—l don’t accept this charge.
(c) to act as a bracket:
Drinking of wine—we all know it is a curse—has spoiled the Lives of countless people.
Hyphen (-) :
A hyphen is a shorter horizontal line than the dash. h is used to join the parts of a compound word:
Father-in-law, prisoner-of-war. toodi-brush.
Brackets or Parenthesis [()] :
Brackets serve the purpose of double dashes. They are used to separate from the main part of the
sentence a phrase or a clause which doca not belong to it.
Pappu (I do not know his full name) is a very intelligent boy.
Exercises for Pratice (Solved)
Exercise 1
Punctuate the following:
1. her father died on 24th jane 2004
2. his marriage has been fixed for monday the 26th may 20…
3. his father mr s m acharya is ma.bed
4. he says i am ill
5. sit down my Friend i have to talk to you
6. ram says that mr sham lad teaches him Hindi
7. i met mohan on friday
8. drop Sharma is an mbb
9. the name of his wife is veena gaba
Answers :
1. Her father died on 24th June, 2004.
2. His marriage has been fixed for Monday, the 26th May, 20..
3. His father, Mr. S. M. Acharya, is M.A., B.Ed.
4. He says, “I am ill.”
5. Sit down, my friend, I have to talk to you.
6. Ram says that Mr. Sham Lai teaches him Hindi.
7. I met Mohan on Friday.
8. Dr. O.P. Sharma is an M. B. B. S.
9. The name of his wife is Veena Gaba.
Exercise 2
Punctuate the following:
1. she is a beautiful lady
2. she has done her ma in english
3. for some time she worked as lecturer in english
4. ram said i am a good boy
5. sham and ram live in delhi
6. delhi is the capital of india
7. you should help the poor the teacher said
8. in that room there is an indian a Chinese a japanese a russian and a Pakistani
9. i am william tell replied the man
1. She is a beautiful lady.
2. She has done her M. A. in English.
3. For some time, she worked as Lecturer in English.
4. Ram said, “I am a good boy.”
5. Sham and Ram live in Delhi.
6. Delhi is the capital of India.
7. “You should help the poor,” the teacher said.
8. In that room, there is an Indian, a Chinese, a Japanese, a Russian and a Pakistani.
9. “I am William Tell”, replied the man.
Exercise 3
Punctuate the following:
1. alas my dog is thirsty said the old man will you give him a drop of water
2. the monkey took away the money of mithu
3. delhi is 121 kms from kamal
4. mohan das karam chand gandhi was born in a small town in gujarat
5. our prime minister knows german Chinese and russian languages
6. mohan said i go to the library
7. hari said sheela is my sister
8. the himalayas are in the north of india
9. they, all said it is a lovely scene
Answers :
1. “Alas ! My dog is thirsty,” said the old man, “Will you give him a drop of water ?”
2. The monkey took away the money of Mithu.
3. Delhi is 121 kms from kamal.
4. Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi was born in a small town in Gujarat.
5. Our Prime Minister knows German, Chinese and Russian languages.
6. Mohan said, “I go to the library.”
7. Hari said, “Sheela is my sister.”
8. The Himalayas are in the north of India.
9. They all said, “It is a lovely scene.”
Exercise 4
Punctuate the following :
1. he said to me why do you want so much money
2. ranti deva helped the poor
3. i want a pen a pencil a book and a table
4. go home raju said gopal
5. if you were a king what would you do
6. father i want a knife
7. yes replied mohan i beat him
8. the fox said these grapes are sour
9. mr m l verma is a reporter
1. He said to me, “Why do you want so much money ?”
2. Ranti Deva helped the poor.
3. I want a pen, a pencil, a book and a table.
4. “Go home, Raju,” said Gopal.
5. If you were a king what would you do? ‘
6. Father, I want a knife.
7. “Yes”, replied Mohan, “I beat him.”
8. The fox said, “These grapes are sour.”
9. Mr. M.L. Verma is a reporter.
Exercise 5
Punctuate the following:
1. gandhi fought for india’s freedom
2. the ramayana is the holy book of the hindus
3. how did you spend the money, father asked sohan
4. he was poor hungry and sad
5. we went to nainital on friday
6. we saw many buildings in agra
7. the taj mahal stands on the banks of the yamuna
8. i purchased one shirt one tie two socks and shoes
9. Chandigarh is the capital of haryana
Answers :
1. Gandhi fought for India’s freedom.
2. The Ramayana is the holy book of the Hindus.
3. “How did you spend the money ?” father asked Sohan.
4. He was poor, hungry and sad.
5. We went to Nainital on Friday.
6. We saw many buildings in Agra.
7. The Taj Mahal stands on the banks of the Yamuna.
8. I purchased one shirt, one tie, two socks and shoes.
9. Chandigarh is the capital of Haryana.
Exercise 6
Punctuate the following:
1. he said this is gods will
2. he said to rama he has got his fathers share
3. what have you to sell dear lady he asked
4. the fox said these grapes are sour
5. he said to me please give me your pen
6. work hard because the examination is drawing near said the father to his son
7. rewari is twenty miles from my village
8. of all the mughal emperors akbar is the most popular
Answers :
1. He said, “This is God’s will.”
2. He said to Rama, “He has got his father’s share.”
3. “What have you to sell, dear lady,” he asked.
4. The fox said, “These grapes are sour.”
5. He said to me, “Please give me your pen.”
6. “Work hard because the examination is drawing near,” said the father to his son.
7. Rewari is twenty miles from my village.
8. Of all the Mughal Emperors, Akbar is the most popular.
Exercise 7
Rewrite the following sentences with marks of punctuation by using capital letter, full stops and question marks where necessary:
1. please bring three cups of ice-cream
2. what do you want
3. all the boys are present
4. where are they sitting
5. was there a theft in your house last night
6. you , are a very kind man
7. have you any red bangles
8. two policemen came to our house this morning
9. open your books at page twenty
10. look at the blackboard
1. Please bring three cups of ice-cream.
2. What do you want?
3. All the boys were present.
4. Where are they sitting?
5. Was there a theft in your house, last night?
6. You are a very kind man.
7. Have you any red bangles?
8. Two policemen came to our house this morning.
9. Open your books at page twenty.
10. Look at the blackboard.
Exercise 8
Rewrite the following sentences by using capital letters, full stops and question marks where necessary :
1. she knows sita and gopal
2. his name is balbir singh
3. when will kuldip come here
4. i am going to ludhiana
5. durga dass is a rich man
6. the himalayas are in the north of india
7. the rajdhani express is a very fast train
8. did mohan and kamala go to the park with their father and mother
9. a hockey team from delhi went to sri lanka last month
10. who is he talking to he is talking to rajinder singh
Answers :
1. She knows Sita and Gopal.
2. His name is Balbir Singh.
3. When will Kuldip come here ?
4. I am going to Ludhiana.
5. Durga Dass is a rich man.
6. The Himalayas are in the north of India.
7. The Rajdhani Express is a fast train.
8. Did Mohan and Kamla go to the park with their father and mother ?
9. A hockey team from Delhi went to Sri Lanka last month.
10. Who is he talking to ? He is talking to Rajinder Singh.
Exercise 9
Punctuate the following sentences with commas and inverted commas where necessary :
1. Rajan said Goodbye.
2. Meena said I will miss you.
3. Sheela says In our house there are chairs tables fans and radios.
4. Kamla says Are your parents coming ?
5. Leela said have you any small bangles ?
6. The driver said Which way shall we go ?
7. The headmaster said Perhaps it is in your bag. Did you look for it there?
8. Mohan said I looked for my pen everywhere.
9. Ajit said We will go to the dam. It is a beautiful spot and we shall enjoy the trip.
10. mr das said whose books are these
1. Rajan said, “Goodbye.”
2. Meena said, “I will miss you.”
3. Sheela says, “In our house there are chairs, tables., fans and radios.”
4. Kamla says, “Are your parents coming ?”
5. [cela said, “Have you any small bangles ?”
6. The driver said, “Which way shall we go ?”
7. The headmaster said, “Perhaps it is in your bag. Did you look for it there ?”
8. Mohan said. “I looked for my pen everywhere.”
9. Ajit said, “We will go to the dam. It is a beautiful spot and we shall enjoy the trip.”
10. Mr. Das said, “Whose books are these ?”
Exercise 10
Punctuate the following sentences with commas and inverted commas where necessary :
1. my sister is a ph d student
2. i would rather die she said than beg
3. may i come in sir
4. the ramayana is a sacred book of the hindus
5. harpreet was elected an m 1 a
6. he asked me why i was crying
7. he passed the b a exam last year
8. long live the president
9. he was honest sincere and hard working
10. the teacher said honesty is the best policy
11. my uncle dr c 1 sharma lives in shimla
12. if you go to agra do visit the taj mahal
1. My sister is a Ph.D student.
2. “I would rather die,” she said, “than beg.”
3. May I come in, sir ?
4. The Ramayana is a sacred book of the Hindus.
5. Harpreet was elected an M.L.A.
6. He asked me w hy I was crying ?
7. He passed the B.A. exam last year.
8. Long live the President.
9. He was honest, sincere and hard working.
10. The teacher said, “Honesty is the best policy.”
11. My uncle, Dr C.L. Sharma, lives in Shimla.
12. If you go to Agra, do visit the Taj Mahal.