Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Reported Speech
Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Reported SpeechHBSE 9th Class English Grammar Reported Speech
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को ध्यान से पढ़िए-
(a) Sudhir said to Rohan, “I am going to Delhi.”
(b) Sudhir told Rohan that he was going to Delhi.
इन वाक्यों से स्पष्ट होता है कि –
1. वाक्य (a) में सुधीर के शब्दों को ज्यों-का-त्यों दोहराया गया है। वक्ता के शब्दों को इस प्रकार व्यक्त करने के ढंग को Direct Speech कहते हैं।
2. वाक्य (b) में सुधीर के शब्दों का साराँश हमने अन्य शब्दों में दिया है। शब्दों के इस प्रकार के वर्णन को Indirect Speech कहते हैं।
कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण बातें –
(i) वक्ता द्वारा कहे गए शब्दों को Reported Speech (रिपोर्टिड स्पीच) कहते हैं, जैसे-
“I am going to Delhi.”
(ii) वक्ता, जैसे वाक्य (a) में सुधीर को Subject of the reporting verb (रिपोर्टिंग वर्ब का कत्ता) कहते हैं।
(iii) जिसको वक्ता कुछ कहता है; जैसे वाक्य (a) में रोहन को Reporting Verb का Object (कर्म) कहते हैं।
(iv) Say, says, said तथा इनसे पहले आने वाली सहायक क्रियाओं को संयुक्त रूप से Reported Verb कहते हैं।
Direct Speech के बारे में कुछ तथ्य –
1. Reported Speech को Inverted Commas (“”) के अंदर रखा जाता है।
2. Reported Speech का पहला शब्द बड़े अक्षर (Capital letter) से आरंभ होता है।
3. Reported Verb के पश्चात सदा comma (,) लगाया जाता है।
Indirect Speech के बारे में कुछ तथ्य –
1. Reported Speech को Inverted Commas (” “) के अंदर नहीं रखा जाता है।
2. Reported Speech तथा Reported verb के बीच में comma नहीं होता।
3. Reported speech से पहले प्रायः That, if आदि का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
4. Reported Verb का Tense (काल) कभी नहीं बदलता।
5. Reported Speech को Direct से Indirect में बदलते समय उसमें प्रयुक्त Pronouns (सर्वनामों), words showing nearness (निकटता प्रकट करने वाले शब्दों) तथा इसके Tense (काल) आदि में कुछ परिवर्तन होता है।
Rules for Change of Tenses:
1. यदि Reporting Verb वर्तमान या भविष्यकाल में हो तो Reported Speech के Verb को नहीं बदलते; जैसे –
Direct: He tells me, “You will be a great man one day.
Indirect: He tells me that I will be a great man one day.
Direct: He will say, “I am very busy.”
Indirect: He will say that he is very busy. Rule
2. यदि Reporting Verb, Past Tense में हो तो Reported Speech के Verb को नीचे लिखे ढंग से बदलते हैं; जैसे –
(a) Present Indefinite Tense को Past Indefinite Tense में बदलते हैं, जैसे-
Direct: He said, “I live in Pindara.”
Indirect: He said that he lived in Pindara.
Direct: She said, “I want a pen.”
Indirect: She said that she wanted a pen.
(b) Present Continuous Tense को Past Continuous Tense में बदलते हैं; जैसे-
Direct: She said, “I am going to Delhi.”
Indirect: She said that she was going to Delhi.
Direct: Mohan said, “Radha is writing a letter.”
Indirect: Mohan said that Radha was writing a letter.
(c) Present Perfect Tense को Past Perfect Tense में बदलते हैं; जैसे-
Direct: He said, “Ram has won the match.”
Indirect: He said that Ram had won the match.
Direct: The teacher said, “Radha has passed.”
Indirect: The teacher said that Radha had passed.
(a) Present Perfect Continuous Tense को Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदलते हैं; जैसे –
Direct: Mohan said, “The gardener has been watering the plants for one hour.
Indirect: Mohan said that the gardener had been watering the plants for one hour.”
Direct: The mother said, “The baby has been sleeping for ten minutes.
Indirect: The mother said that the baby had been sleeping for ten minutes.”
(e) Past Indefinite Tense को Past Perfect Tense में बदलते हैं; जैसे –
Direct: He said, “The thief came into the house.”
Indirect: He said that the thief had come into the house.
Direct: He said, “I helped the poor man.”
Indirect: He said that he had helped the poor man.
(f) Past Continuous Tense को Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदलते हैं; जैसे –
Direct: He said, “I was writing a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he had been writing a letter.
Direct: I said, “The child was sleeping.”
Indirect: I said that the child had been sleeping.
(g) Past Perfect Tense को Past Perfect Tense में ही रखते हैं; जैसे-
Direct: He said, “I had done my work.”
Indirect: He said that he had done his work.
Direct: Mohan said, “I had done my homework.”
Indirect: Mohan said that he had done his homework.
(h) भविष्य को दर्शाने वाले ‘shall’ तथा ‘will’ को ‘should’ तथा ‘would’ में बदलते हैं; जैसे –
Direct: He said, “I will go to Delhi.”
Indirect: He said that he would go to Delhi.
Direct: I said, “I shall write a letter.”
Indirect: I said that I should write a letter.
(i) can को could और may को might में बदलते हैं; जैसे-
Direct: He said, “Mohan can solve the sum.”
Indirect: He said that Mohan could solve the sum.
Direct: The teacher said, “Ram may come in.”
Indirect: The teacher said that Ram might come in.
Exercise 1
Change the form of narration of the following sentences:
1. Radha said, “Mohan is singing a song.”
2. Mohan said, “Radha sings sweetly.”
3. She says, “You will be a great man one day.”
4. Rahul said, “Pooja is writing a letter.”
5. Ravi said, “My brother came from Delhi.”
6. She said, “Ram had done his work.” ‘
7. Sheela said, “I can swim.”
8. Poonam said, “Sonam has been sleeping for one hour.”
9. Sanjay Dutt said, “Salman Khan has done a good role.”
10. Dimple said, “Rudali is my best picture.”
1. Radha said that Mohan was singing a song.
2. Mohan said that Radha sang sweetly.
3. She says that you will be a great man one day.
4. Rahul said that Pooja was writing a letter.
5. Ravi said that his brother had come from Delhi.
6. She said that Ram had done his work.
7. Sheela said that she could swim.
8. Poonam said that Sonam had been sleeping for one hour.
9. Sanjay Dutt said that Salman Khan had done a good role.
10. Dimple said that Rudali was her best picture.
Tense बदलने के नियमों का सार:

Exception (अपवाद):
यदि Reported Speech में सार्वभौमिक सत्य या किसी सामान्य आदत का वर्णन हो तो इसके Verb में परिवर्तन नहीं होता, चाहे Reporting Verb Past Tense में ही क्यों न हो।
Direct: The teacher said,“ The sun rises in the east.”
Indirect: The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.
Direct: Radha said, “Mohan takes exercise daily.”
Indirect: Radha said that Mohan takes exercise daily.
Direct: Meena said, “Honesty is the best policy.”
Indirect: Meena said that honesty is the best policy.
Direct: The teacher said, “The earth is round.”
Indirect: The teacher said that the earth is round.
Exercise 2
Change the form of narration in the following sentences:
1. The Guru said, “God is everywhere.”
2. The teacher said, “Rain falls from the clouds.”
3. My father said, “Truth always wins.”
4. The police officer said, “Crime never pays.”
5. Ravi said, “My father reads newspaper daily.”
1. The Guru said that God is everywhere.
2. The teacher said that rain falls from the clouds.
3. My father said that the truth always wins.
4. The police officer said that crime never pays.
5. Ravi said that his father reads newspaper daily.
Pronouns (सर्वनाम) बदलने के नियमों का सार –
1. Reported Speech के First person के pronouns (I, my, me, we, our, us) Reporting Verb के Subject के अनुसार बदलते हैं।
2. Reported Speech के Second Person के pronouns (you, your) Reporting Verb के Object के अनुसार बदलते हैं।
3. Reported Speech के Third person के pronouns (he, she, it, any name) आदि को नहीं बदलते।
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
1. You said, “I will go to Delhi.” | You said that you would go to Delhi. |
2. He said, “I am a doctor.” | He said that he was a doctor. |
3. He said, “I know Ram.” | He said that he knew Ram. |
4. She said to me, “You are a fool.” | She told me that I was a fool. |
5. Ram said, “Mohan did not write a letter.” | Ram said that Mohan had not written a letter. |
6. Sohan said to me, “It is a beautiful garden.” | Sohan told me that it was a beautiful garden. |
7. I said to him, “You are a good boy.” | I told him that he was a good boy. |
8. Radha said, “He is a teacher.” | Radha said that he was a teacher. |
Pronouns को बदलने की बात को याद रखने का सरल नियम।
1 2 3
इसके अनुसार –
(a) 1′ अर्थात First Person के सर्वनाम आदि को ‘S’ अर्थात Reporting Verb के Subject के अनुसार बदलते हैं।
(b) 2′ अर्थात Second Person के सर्वनाम आदि को ‘0’ अर्थात Reporting Verb के Object के अनुसार बदलते हैं।
(c) 3′ अर्थात Third Person के सर्वनाम आदि को ‘N’ अर्थात नहीं बदलते (No change)।
निकटता प्रकट करने वाले शब्दों को बदलना –
Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में बदलते समय निकटता प्रकट करने वाले शब्दों को दूरी प्रकट करने वाले शब्दों में बदल दिया जाता है; जैसे-
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
He said to me, “I shall help you tomorrow.” | He told me that he would help me the next day. |
He said, “I saw a snake here.” | He said that he had seen a snake there. |
She said, “My brother came yesterday; | She said that her brother had come the previous day. |
He said,“I shall not go today.” | He said that he would not go that day. |
Exercise 3
Change the narration in the following sentences:
1. Mohan said, “I will not go now.”
2. He said to me, “You can go now.”
3. Sohan said, “I shall go to Delhi today.”
4. He said, “Mohan will meet you tomorrow.”
5. Mohan said to me, “I lost my pen last night.”
6. Ram said, “These books are nice.”
7. Radha said, “My brother came here last week.”
8. I said to him, “You can take this book.”
9. Ratan said to me, “We shall go to Mumbai next week.”
10. My brother said, “I saw a film yesterday.”
1. Mohan said that he would not go then.
2. He told me that I could go then.
3. Sohan said that he would go to Delhi that day.
4. He said that Mohan would meet you the next day.
5. Mohan told me that he had lost his pen the previous night.
6. Ram said that those books were nice.
7. Radha said that her brother had come there the previous week.
8. I told him that he could take that book.
9. Ratan told me that we should go to Mumbai next week.
10. My brother said that he had seen a film the previous day.
There are four Kinds of Sentences
वाक्य प्रायः चार प्रकार के होते हैं:
1. Assertive sentences या Simple statement.
2. Questions Or Interrogative sentences.
3. Imperative sentences.
4. Optative (इच्छासूचक) sentences and exclamatory (विस्मयसूचक) वाक्य।
I. Assertive Sentences.
Assertive Sentences (साधारण) वाक्यों का बदलना-
1.अगर Reporting Verb का Object न हो (अर्थात say आदि के पश्चात ‘to’ न हो) तो इसे नहीं बदला जाता।
2. अगर Reporting Verb का Object हो (अर्थात say आदि के पश्चात ‘to’ हो) तो says to तथा said to को tells या told में बदला जाता है।
3. Inverted Commas (“”) को हटा दिया जाता है।
4.Reporting Verb तथा Reported speech को अलग करने वाले Comma को हटाकर इसके स्थान पर ‘that’ लिखा जाता है।
5. Reported Speech के काल, निकटता प्रकट करने वाले शब्दों तथा सर्वनामों आदि को नियमानुसार बदला जाता है।
6. अगर Direct Narration के वाक्य में Reporting Verb का कोई Object न हो तो Reported Speech में आए Second Person के सर्वनामों आदि को प्रायः Third Person में बदल दिया जाता है।
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
1. Rajiv said, “We are moving into a new house.” | Rajiv said that they were moving into a new house. |
2. The servant says, “Lunch is ready.” | The servant says that lunch is ready. |
3. Sita said, “Ram is my husband.” | Sita said that Ram was her husband |
4. Mohan said, “I met this girl yesterday.” | Mohan said that he had met that girl the previous day. |
5. He said to me, “I am speaking the truth.” | He told me that he was speaking the truth. |
6. Ramesh said, “I came here yesterday.” | Ramesh said that he had come there the previous day. |
7. He said, “I have won a lottery today.” | He said that he had won a lottery that day. |
8. He said to me, “You can do it well.” | He told me that I could do it well. |
9. Radha said, “He will go now.” | Radha said that he would go then. |
10. Mother said, “Tea is ready.” | Mother said that tea was ready. |
Exercise 4
Change the following into Indirect Speech:
1. She said to her mother, “It is no longer safe to live here.”
2. The old man says to his son, “I need some money.”
3. The crow will say, “I cannot sing so well.”
4. Kiran said to me, “It is my doll.”
5. John said to me, “I hope to win this prize.”
6. I said to Anil, “You are not coming to school regularly.”
7. “Last week our school won a football match,” said Mohan to Leela.
8. The teacher says to the boys, “You can play now.”
9. Rahim said to his brother, “Fortune favours the brave.”
10. Rahul said to me, “I posted your letter.”
11. I said to him, “If you run, you can catch this bus.”
12. Father said to Gopal, “God is everywhere.”
1. She told her mother that it was no longer safe to live there.
2. The old man tells his son that he needs some money.
3. The crow will say that it cannot sing so well.
4. Kiran told me that it was her doll.
5. John told me that he hoped to win that prize.
6. I told Anil that he was not coming to school regularly.
7. Mohan told Leela that the previous week their school had won a football match.
8. The teacher tells the boys that they can play then.
9. Rahim told his brother that fortune favours the brave.
10. Rahul told me that he had posted my letter.
11. I told him that if ne ran, he could catch that bus.
12. Father told Gopal that God is everywhere.
Exercise 5
Change the narration in the following sentences:
1. He said, “I do not like coffee.”
2. My teacher says to me, “You are a brilliant student.”
3. Radha said, “I will marry Krishan.”
4. The teacher said, “The sun sets in the west.”
5. My father says, “You can be a good player.”
6. Mohan said to me, “I met your brother yesterday.”
7. He said to me, “You may go to your village now.”
8. He said, “My brother is sleeping.”
9. They said, “The captain will not play the match.”
10. Ram said, “I have done my work.”
1. He said that he did not like coffee.
2. My teacher tells me that I am a brilliant student.
3. Radha said that she would marry Krishan.
4. The teacher said that the sun sets in the west.
5. My father says that I can be a good player.
6. Mohan told me that he had met my brother the previous day.
7. He told me that I might go to my village then.
8. He said that his brother was sleeping. .
9. They said that the captain would not play the match.
10. Ram said that he had done his work.
II. Interrogative Sentences
Interrogative Sentences या Questions को Direct Speech से Indirect Speech में बदलने के नियम-
1. Reporting Verb ‘say’ को ‘ask’, ‘demand’, ‘enquire’ या ‘inquire’ आदि में बदला जाता है।
2. ‘Ask’ के बाद Reporting Verb के Object से पहले to’ का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता। लेकिन ‘demand’, ‘enquire’ या inquire’ के बाद और Reporting Verb के Object से पहले ‘of’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।
3. यदि Direct Question किसी सहायक क्रिया (is, am, are, was, were, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, do, does, did, have, has, had, must, ought; need, dare आदि) से आरंभ हो तो Indirect Question से पहले Conjunction के रूप में ‘if’ या ‘whether’ का प्रयोग होता है।
4. अगर Direct Question किसी Question Word (what, where, why, which, who, whom, how आदि) से आरंभ हो तो Indirect Question से पूर्व ‘if’ या ‘whether’ आदि किसी भी Conjunction का प्रयोग नहीं होता।
5. Direct Speech के Question को Statement (Assertive Sentence) में बदल दिया जाता है, अर्थात सहायक क्रियाओं का प्रयोग Subject के बाद किया जाता है और प्रश्नचिह्न (?) के स्थान पर full stop (.) का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
6. अगर Direct Question ‘do’, ‘does’ या ‘did’ से आरंभ हो तो Indirect Question में इनका प्रयोग नहीं करते। और do या does को हटाकर verb की Ist Form को verb की 2nd Form में बदल देते हैं तथा Did को हटाकर verb की Ist Form को had + verb की 3rd Form में बदल देते हैं।
7. Direct Speech के Inverted Commas तथा Reporting Verb और Reported Speech को अलग करने वाले Comma को हटा दिया जाता है।
8. Words showing Nearness, Tenses तथा Pronouns आदि नियमानुसार बदल दिए जाते हैं।
Exercises For Practice (Solved)
Direct | Indirect |
1. She said to him, “Why did you keep me # waiting?” | She asked him why he had kept her waiting. |
2. The policeman said to Ram, “Did you go out yesterday?” | The.policeman asked Ram if (whether) he had gone out the previous day. |
3. He said to me, “Have you heard this story?” | He asked me if (whether) I had heard that story. |
4. He said to me, “May I take your pen?” | He asked me if he might take my pen. |
5. The teacher said to him, “When did the bus leave?” | The teacher asked him when the bus had left. |
6. He said to me, “Have you taken your lunch?” | He asked me if I had taken my lunch. |
7. Her father said to Simon, “Why do you want to carry the dowry with you?” | Her father asked Simon why he wanted to carry the dowry with him. |
8. The mother said to the little boy, “Can you take your little sister to Holland?” | The mother asked the little boy if he could take his little sister to Holland |
9. The doctor said to me, “How is your mother?” | The doctor asked me how my mother was. |
10. She said to me, “Are you going to Pindara?” | She asked me if (whether) I was going to Pindara. |
11. I said to Ram, “Do you know Sita?” | I asked Ram if he knew Sita. |
12. The shopkeeper said to Mrs. Kapoor, “Do you want the red sari?” | The shopkeeper asked Mrs. Kapoor if she wanted the red sari. |
13. The Postmaster said to Lencho, “Why are you sad?” | The Postmaster asked Lencho why he was sad. |
14. The landlady wondered, “Why does Griffin wear bandages on his face?” | The landlady wondered why Griffin wore bandages on his face. |
15. Akbar said to Tansen, “Can you make your Guru sing?” | Akbar asked Tansen if he could make his Guru sing. |
Exercise 6
Change the following sentences into indirect speech:
1. She said to me, “Are you going to Agra tomorrow?”
2. He said to me, “Can you meet me at the bus stand?”
3. I said to Mohini, “Will you dine with me tonight?”
4. The mother said, “What do you want, my children?”
5. The teacher said, “Boys, why are you making a noise?”
6. The lion said to the mouse, “Why were you jumping on me?”
7. The pupil said, “May I go out to take water, Sir?”
8. The boss said to the clerk, “Are you satisfied with your salary?”
9. She said to me, “Do you know Sushmita Sen?”
10. Mohan said to me, “Do you know that Sumit has won the prize?”
1. She asked me whether I was going to Agra the next day.
2. He asked me if I could meet him at the bus stand.
3. I asked Mohini if she would dine with me that night.
4. The mother asked her children what they wanted.
5. The teacher asked the boys why they were making a noise.
6. The lion asked the mouse why it had been jumping on him.
7. The pupil asked the teacher respectfully if he might go out to take water.
8. The boss asked the clerk whether he was satisfied with his salary.
9. She asked me if I knew Sushmita Sen.
10. Mohan asked me if I knew that Sumit had won the prize.
Exercise 7
Change the following sentences into indirect speech:
1. “May I come with you?” said Rajiv to me.
2. Shyam said to Ashok, “Where do you live?”
3. The shopkeeper said to me, “Can I help you?”
4. He said to me, “Have you heard this story before?”
5. Anil said to me, “Why have you come here?”
6. I said to Amar, “Will you return my book tomorrow?”
7. The landlord said to Sohan, “Why haven’t you paid the rent?”
8. The teacher said to the boy, “Why are you roaming about?”
9. The little boy said, “May I sleep with you tonight, mother?”
10. I said to Radha, “Did you meet Vibha yesterday?”
1. Rajiv asked me if he might come with me.
2. Shyam asked Ashok where he lived.
3. The shopkeeper asked nle if he could help me.
4. He asked me if I had heard that story before.
5. Anil asked me why I had come there.
6. I asked Amar if he would return my book the next day.
7. The landlord asked Sohan why he hadn’t paid the rent.
8. The teacher asked the boy why he was roaming about.
9. The little boy asked his mother if he might sleep with her that night.
10. I asked Radha whether she had met Vibha the previous day.
Exercise 8
Change the following sentences into indirect speech:
1. The policeman said to me, “Whom do you want to see?”
2. Radha said to Anuradha, “When will you give me your book?”
3. She said to him, “Why don’t you mend your ways?”
4. Mother said, “Who is knocking at the door, Sohan?”
5. The policeman said to me, “Did you see any man running in the street?”
6. I said to policeman, “Who stole my scooter?”
7. Ravi said to his guest, “What will you have?”
8. The beggar said to Ram Lai, “Can you give me something to eat?”
9. He said to me, “Did you promise to meet me yesterday?”
10. The captain said to the soldiers, “How will you cross this dangerous river?”
1. The policeman asked me whom I wanted to see.
2. Radha asked Anuradha when she would give her her book.
3. She asked him why he didn’t mend his ways.
4. Mother asked Sohan who was knocking at the door.
5. The policeman asked me if I had seen any man running in the street.
6. I asked the policeman who had stolen my scooter.
7. Ravi asked his guest what he would have.
8. The beggar asked Ram Lai if he could give him something to eat.
9. He asked me if I had promised to meet him the previous day.
10. The captain asked the soldiers how they would cross that dangerous river.
III. Imperative Sentences
आज्ञासूचक वाक्यों को Direct से Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित बातों को ध्यान में रखें
Rule 1.
Reporting Verb को भावों के अनुसार tell, ask, request, order, beg, command, forbid आदि में बदला जाता है।
1. उपदेश वाले वाक्यों में said to को advised में बदला जाता है।
2. आदेश वाले वाक्यों में said to को ordered में बदला जाता है।
3. प्रार्थना वाले वाक्यों में said to को requested में बदला जाता है।
4. याचना वाले वाक्यों में said to को begged में बदला जाता है।
5. साधारण Imperative वाक्यों में said to को asked में बदला जाता है।
6. नकारात्मक वाक्यों में said to को forbade में बदल दिया जाता है। याद रहे कि forbade के बाद ‘not’ का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता।
Rule 2.
Comma को हटाकर उसके स्थान पर ‘to’ शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है। ‘to’ के बाद verb की पहली form का प्रयोग करते हैं।
7. ‘Let’ वाले वाक्यों का भावार्थ अगर ‘अनुमति’ हो तो ‘Let’ को ‘to let’ या ‘might be allowed to’ में बदला जाता है। ‘Let’ को ‘should’ में बदला जाता है।
8. ‘Let’ वाले वाक्यों का भावार्थ अगर ‘सुझाव’ या ‘प्रस्ताव’ हो तो Reporting Verb ‘say’ को Suggest to + Object या Propose to + object में बदला जाता है। तथा ‘Let’ को ‘should’ में बदलकर इसे subject के बाद लगाया जाता है।
9. ‘Let us’ वाले वाक्यों का भावार्थ अगर ‘सुझाव’ या ‘प्रस्ताव’ हो तो Reported Speech के ‘us’ को निम्नलिखित ढंग से बदला जाता है-
(a) अगर Reporting Verb का Subject या Object उत्तम पुरुष (First Person) हो तो ‘us’ को ‘we’ में बदला जाता है।
(b) अगर Reporting Verb का Subject या Object मध्यम पुरुष (Second Person) हो तो ‘us’ को ‘you’ में बदला जाता है।
(c) बाकी सभी अवस्थाओं में ‘us’ को ‘they’ में बदला जाता है।
Rule 3.
Reported Speech में यदि do not या never शब्द हों तो Inverted Commas को हटाकर not to या never to लगा दिया जाता है। परंतु जब said to को forbade में बदलें तो do not तथा never को हटाकर उनके स्थान पर केवल ‘to’ ङ्के शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए।
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
1. He said to me, “Help the poor.” | He asked me to help the poor. |
2. The mother said to Leela, “Do not waste your time.” | The mother advised Leela not to waste her time.
Or The mother forbade Leela to waste her time. |
3. Harish said to Mohan, “Listen to what I say.” | Harish asked Mohan to listen to what he said. |
4. I said to my father, “Allow me to go on an educational trip, please.” | I requested my father to allow me to go on an educational trip. |
5. The commander said to his men, “March forward.” | The commander ordered his men to march forward. |
6. He said to me, “Open the door.” | He ordered me to open the door. |
7. The teacher said to the boys, “Obey your parents.” | The teacher advised the boys to obey their parents. |
8. He said to me, “Put it on the table.” | He asked me to put it on the table. |
9. “Work hard if you want to pass,” said the teacher. | The teacher advised him to work hard if he wanted to pass. |
10. Father said to his son, “Do not mix up with bad boys.” | Father advised his son not to mix up with bad boys. |
Exercise 9
Change into Indirect Speech:
1. I said to Anil, “Look at the map.”
2. He said to me, “Help the poor.”
3. The mother said to Sita, “Do not waste your time.”
4. Radha said to Reeta, “Do what I say.”
5. I said to my teacher, “Allow me to meet my uncle.”
6. “Work hard if you want to pass,” said the teacher.
7. Father said to his son, “Do not waste time.”
8. The beggar said to the traveller, “Give me some money, please.”
1. I asked Anil to look at the map.
2. He advised me to help the poor.
3. The mother advised Sita not to waste her time.
4. Radha asked Reeta to do what she said.
5. I requested my teacher to allow me to meet my uncle.
6. The teacher advised the students to work hard if they wanted to pass.
7. Father advised his son not to waste time.
8. The beggar requested the traveller to give him some money.
Exercise 10
Change the following into Indirect Speech:
1. The Principal said to the peon, “Bring the file to me.”
2. The Headmaster said to the peon, “Ring the bell.”
3. I said to him, “Please don’t smoke here.”
4. She said to the servant, “Open the door.”
5. He said to his son, “Never tell a lie.”
6. The captain said to the soldiers, “Fire at the enemy.”
7. Ram said to Mohan, “Listen to what I say.”
8. The manager said to the servant, “Go and post this letter.”
9. The teacher said to the students, “Work regularly.”
10. Mother said to her son, “Do what you are told. ”
11. The captain said to the soliders, “March forward and take your positions.”
12. Harindra said to me, “Please help me in this matter.”
13. She said to her son, “Do not play with bad boys.”
14. Ram said to me, “Please lend me five rupees.”
15. Krishan said to Radha, “Give me some milk.”
1. The Principal ordered the peon to bring that file to him.
2. The Headmaster ordered the peon to ring the bell.
3. I requested him not to smoke there.
4. She ordered the servant to open the door.
5. He advised his son never to tell a lie.
6. The captain ordered the soldiers to fire at the enemy.
7. Ram asked Mohan to listen to what he said.
8. The manager ordered the servant to go and post that letter.
9. The teacher advised the students to work regularly.
10. Mother ordered her son to do what he was told.
11. The captain ordered the soldiers to march forward and take their positions.
12. Harindra requested me to help him in that matter.
13. She advised her son not to play with bad boys.
14. Ram requested me to lend him five rupees.
15. Krishan asked Radha to give him some milk.
Exercise 11
Change the form of narration in the following sentences:
1. I said to him, “Let us play in the garden. ”
2. Mohan said to me, “Let us take tea.”
3. I said to him, “Please let me come in.”
4. I said to him, “Let the child sleep.”
5. She said to Mohan, “Let us go home.”
1. I proposed to him that we should play in the garden.
2. Mohan proposed to me to take tea.
3. I requested him to let me come in.
4. I asked him to let the child sleep.
5. She proposed to Mohan that they should go home.
IV. Exclamatory Sentences
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
1. The captain said, “Hurrah ! We have won the match.” | The captain exclaimed with joy that they had won the match. |
2. The oldman said, “Alas ! I am ruined.” | The oldman exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined. |
3. The captain said, “Bravo ! Well done, boys.” | The captain applauded the boys saying that they had done well. |
4. She said, “What a clever boy !” | She exclaimed with wonder that he was a very clever boy. |
5. I said, “How tall you are !” | I exclaimed with wonder that you are very tall. |
6. She said to me, “Goodbye !” | She bade me goodbye. |
7. I said to him, “Good morning !” | I wished him good morning. |
Exercise 12
Change the following into Indirect Speech:
1. Sita said, “Hurrah ! I have topped the class.”
2. My brother said, “Alas ! My new pen has lost.”
3. The commander said to the soldiers, “Bravo ! March-forward.”
4. She said to me, “Thank you !”
5. I said to my friend, “Congratulations !”
6. He said, “What a nice picture !”
7. I said, “What a high six !”
8. He said to me, “Welcome !”
9. Anil said, “How foolishly you acted !”
10. I said to Mohan, “What a powerful shot it is !”
1. Sita exclaimed with joy that she had topped the class. .
2. My brother exclaimed with sorrow that his new pen had lost.
3. The commander applauded the soldiers saying to march-forward.
4. She thanked me.
5. I congratulated my friend.
6. He said that it was a very nice picture.
7. I exclaimed with wonder that it was a very high sixer.
8. He welcomed me.
9. Anil regretted that he had acted very foolishly.
10. I told Mohan exclaiming with wonder that it was a very powerful shot.
V. Opetative Sentences
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
1. I said, “May our teacher live long !” | I prayed that our teacher might live long. |
2. The beggar said, “May God bless you !” | The beggar wished that God might bless me/him. |
3. He said, “Would that I were a bird !” | He wished that he had been a bird. |
4. He said to me, “May you win a scholarship !” | He wished that I might win a scholarship. |
5. They said, “May her soul rest in peace !” | They prayed that her soul might rest in peace. |