Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Chapter 7 The Girl who was Anne Frank
Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Chapter 7 The Girl who was Anne Frank
The Girl who was Anne Frank Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary
Comprehension Questions
I. Answer briefly the following questions.
Question 1.
Why does the Professor say, “I have read Anne Frank’s diary”?
The professor said that he had read Anne Frank’s diary when an argumentative young student asked him how he knew that the human race was worth saving.
Question 2.
What does his statement imply?
His statement implies that every human race was worth saving as all races were precious.
Question 3.
What was Anne’s father?
Anne’s father, Otto Frank was a banker, living in Germany.
Question 4.
Give any one example to prove the popularity of Anne Frank’s Diary.
Once Anne Frank’s diary was published by her father, numerous people sent small presents, some exquisite dolls were made for him by Japanese girls. On the birthdays of Anne and Margot flowers arrived anonymously.
Question 5.
a) Name the members of Mr. Otto Frank’s family
The family members of Mr.Otto Frank were his wife, Mrs. Frank, and his two daughters, Margot and Anne. His mother was alive but she had emigrated to Switzerland long before.
b) What impression did people have about Anne?
Most people had the impression that Margot, Anne’s elder sister was more promising and Anne was not particularly a brilliant student.
Question 6.
Why did Otto Frank decide to migrate to Netherlands? Give two reasons.
Otto Frank decided to migrate to Netherlands in the autumn of 1933, because Hitler began issuing anti-Jewish decrees one after another, and because Netherlands was hospitable enough for him to start a small firm.
Question 7.
Who was Mr. Van Daan?
Mr. Van Daan was a fellow refugee whom Otto Frank took in as a partner of his firm.
Question 8.
What qualities of Mr. Frank did his staff admire?
Mr. Frank’s staff admired him for his warm personality. They admired his courage and the evident care he took to give his two girls a good education.
Question 9.
Paragraph 7 refers to a lucky fact. What was that lucky fact?
The lucky fact was that the Franks lived in a town surrounded by friends and the girls led a happy life. This was lucky because the Frank family could only rarely afford a holiday and they did not even own a car.
Question 10.
What finally forced Frank to go into hiding?
Early in July 1942, Margot Frank was called up for deportation but she did not go. This forced Frank to go into hiding.
Question 11.
Where did Otto Frank and others hide themselves in?
Otto Frank prepared to hide in his own business office with his family members. So he secretly prepared a few derelict rooms on the upper floors called the ‘Annexe’. His family and their friends the Van Daan family along with a Jewish dentist hid there.
Question 12.
In all, how many people managed to hide in the Annexe? Who were they?
In all, eight people hid in the Annexe. They were Mr. Otto Frank, his wife, and his two daughters, the three members of the Van Daan family and a Jewish dentist.
Question 13.
What helped the hiding party to establish contact with the outside world?
The hiding party had the link with the outside world only by the radio and the four courageous staff members of Otto Frank, two of whom were typists who brought them food, magazines, and books secretly.
Question 14.
What did Anne Frank record in her diary?
Anne Frank recorded her life in the Annexe with all its inevitable tensions and quarrels. She created a wonderful and delicate record of adolescence with complete honesty of a young girls’ thoughts an feelings.
Question 15.
How did Anne compare herself to a song-bird?
Anne compared herself to a songbird whose wings have been brutally torn out and who is flying in utter darkness against the bars of its own cage.
Question 16.
What does Anne reveal about her mother in the diary?
Anne revels her grief because she feels that her mother does not understand her. These thoughts are penned in her diary.
Question 17.
How does Anne try to keep the diary a secret?
Anne wanted to keep the diary a secret from everyone, so she used to hide them in her father’s brief-case.
Question 18.
Pick out from paragraph 16 two examples of the inhuman treatment of the Jews by the Nazis.
The Jews were carried in cattle-trucks to Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp in Southern Poland. The men and women were placed in separate camps and tortured so much that most of them died of exhaustion.
Question 19.
Why does the writer call Anne a courageous leader?
The writer calls Anne a courageous leader because when there was nothing to eat, she used to boldly go to the kitchen at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp to ask for food. She used to advise her sister and others to never give in.
Question 20.
Paragraph 18 gives a vivid picture of Anne’s last day in the concentration camp. Pick out all the details of her pathetic physical state.
Anne and her sister were transported to Belsen, another camp between Berlina and Hamburg. She was old, hungry, her head shaved and her almost skeleton body dressed in the course, shapeless, striped garb of the Concentration Camp. She was pitifully weak, her body racked by typhoid fever.
Question 21.
When and where did Miep find Anne’s diary?
Miep found Anne’s diary when she returned to Annexe, a week after the Frank family had been arrested.
Question 22.
The writer says that if Miep had read Anne’s diary, she would have destroyed it. Why does the writer think so?
Anne had written in a detailed manner about the help given by Miep and other people to her family at the risk of their own lives. If Miep had read the diary, she would have destroyed it for reasons of safety.
Question 23.
Why does Mr. Frank take many weeks to finish reading the diary?
It took Mr. Frank many weeks to finish reading the diary as he used to break down after every few pages overcome by emotion and pain.
Question 24.
What became the mission of Mr. Frank’s life?
The care of his daughter’s diary became the passion and mission of Mr. Frank’s life.
Question 25.
How did Mr. Frank spend the money he got from the publishers?
Mr. Frank spent all the money he got from the publishers as royalties on humanitarian causes which, he felt, would have been approved by Anne.
Question 26.
How did the German audiences respond, to the tragic play of Anne Frank?
The German audiences responded to the tragic play of Anne Frank in silent remorse. People did not even go out during the interval and sat in their seats as if afraid of the lights outside and ashamed of facing each other.
Question 27.
How did “The Diary of Anne Frank” succeed where German administrators had failed?
The post-war administrators had toiled for years to make people realize the senseless and criminal nature of the Nazi regime, but they had failed. The Diary of Anne Frank succeeded in doing what the administrators had failed to do.
Question 28.
Why did the people of Berlin choose her name for Anne Frank Home?
The people of Berlin chose her name for Anne Frank home because she symbolized the spirit of racial and social tolerance.
II. Close Study
Read the following extracts carefully. Discuss in pairs and then write the answers to the questions given below them.
Question 1.
“I have read Anne Frank’s Diary”
a. Who is the speaker?
The speaker is the professor.
b. To which question is this statement an answer?
The statement is an answer to the question – how the professor knew that the human race was worth saving – posed by a student.
c. What does the speaker imply in this statement?
The professor implies that revery race is precious and therefore is worth saving.
Question 2.
“In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart”
a. Whose words are these?
These are the words of Anne Frank.
b. What does ‘everything’ refers to?
It refers to the atrocities committed by the Nazis on the Jews.
c. What quality of the speaker is revealed here?
It talks about the quality of compassion, love, and forgiveness in Anne Frank towards the Germans.
III. Paragraph Writing
Discuss in groups of 4 each and answer the following questions. Individually note down the important points for each question and then develop the points into one paragraph answers.
Question 1.
How did Anne’s Diary open the eyes of Germans to the viciousness of racial persecution?
- When Anne’s diary was published, it became popular worldwide. /-‘
- It was made into a play by Francis Godrich and Albert Hackett. Won the Pulitzer Prize, and was played in 20 countries to two million people.
- audiences received Anne’s tragedy in a silence heavy with remorse. In Dusseldorf, people did not even go out during the interval.
Paragraph: After the war, it was estimated, of the 107,000 Jews deported from the Netherlands between 1942 and 1944, only 5,000 survived. An estimated 30,000 Jews remained in the Netherlands, with many people aided by the Dutch underground. Approximately two- thirds of this group survived the war. Anne’s diary gave them an insight into a world of destruction from the viewpoint of a young person trapped in a vicious world. A word of hatred that should have worn out her spirit, but in fact, it did the opposite of Anne and she held on to her hope in mankind more strongly than ever. The Diary of Anne Frank succeeded in making Germans open their eyes to the vivaciousness of racial persecution.
Question 2.
From your study of this write- up, what do you understand about Anne Frank’s mind and heart?
- Anne was a gregarious girl a found imprisonment very cruel.
- But she had a positive mind and could create a friendly world for herself.
- She was very articulate and sensitive to everything around her.
- Different from the other two teenagers in the same house.
Paragraph: Anne continued to struggle with the thought as to how she could be a good person when there were so many obstacles in her world. She wrote eloquently about her confusion over her identity. Anne thought philosophically about the nature of war and humanity and about her role as a young Jewish girl in a challenging world. From her diary, it is clear that she had the potential to become an engaging, challenging, and sophisticated writer.
Question 3.
What glimpses of Nazi cruelty do you see in this write- up?
- Nazis were hateful towards Jews.
- Jews had to follow many rules.
- They were called up by the police without any reason and deported to concentration camps.
- They were made to starve and die in the concentration camps. Members of families were separated, and children died of typhoid.
Paragraph: The Jews were transported in cattle trucks filled way beyond capacity. On arrival, the adults were usually taken directly to the gas chambers. Anne was 15 and escaped the gas chamber along with her mother and sister. But ‘ starvation, disease, and typhus killed them in the holocaust camps. Human dignity was stripped in these camps and every day was a struggle physically and emotionally. The Nazis had no compassion for women and children too. Women and children were kept in very pathetic conditions without proper food or attire. Thus the Nazis treated the Jews with utmost cruelty and barbarism.
IV. Vocabulary Exercises
A. Give one-word substitutes to the following (Look for the words in the lesson)
- The stage of life between childhood and adulthood …………..
- Accusing somebody officially about something …………….
- A name that is not made public …………..
- Treating somebody in a cruel way because of their race, their political or religious beliefs …………
- To leave one’s own country and go to live permanently in another ……………
- An order having the force of law …….
- A building that is added to a large one …………
- Forcing somebody to leave a country because they have no legal right to be there …………..
- The state of being extremely tired ……….
- To see that something is going to happen in the future …………
- adolescence
- indictment
- anonymous
- antisemitism
- emigrate
- decree.
- Annex
- deportation
- Exhaustion
- foresee.
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given in brackets.
- Gandhiji, more than any other leader, India’s struggle for freedom, (symbol)
- I don’t like his nature (argument)
- The people gave a welcome to their hero, (rapture)
- The standard of living of many laborers remains low (pity)
- The landscape was covered with mist. (autumn)
- The of the document is beyond doubt, (authentic)
- The rising tides looked (omen)
- The civic authorities should be to the needs of the people, (response)
- He was awarded a prize for being the most cricketer of the year (promise)
- Such a simple occurrence has been by the media, (drama)
V. Language Activities
A. Letter Writing
Assume that you are a child like Anne Frank who is in a secluded place living with the fear of being killed. Write a letter to your friend about your life.
25th May 2014
Dear Margaret,
Hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. How I long to see you and our city! I cannot even reveal where l am hiding because if the terrorists come to know of it, that will be the end of all our lives.
We are about 20 of us living in a small but in the remote forest area. The area is so overgrown with trees and bushes that it is difficult for humans to locate us. The place is swarming with insects and reptiles and many of us are ill with various kinds of fever. There are no medicines and the condition of a few is very grave. The place is infested with snakes too.
It is very cold at nights but we fear to light a fire as it might show people where we are hiding. We also do not have warm clothing. There is absolutely no connection with the outside world and also no hope of our ever getting out alive. I’m writing this letter and leaving it here so that in case people ever find out our hiding place after we pass away, you’ll at least know the horrors we underwent.
We are living without hope, with the constant fear of being killed. Only God has to help us out from this painful predicament. Please pray for our safety.
Yours sincerely,
B. Frequency words
Question 1.
Put the following frequency words (adverbs) on the steps from “NOT AT ALL” to “EVERY TIME” sometimes, often, usually, never, rarely, now and then, always, occasionally, hardly ever, not often,

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks using the above words.
a. Rekha is afraid of flying. So she has ______ traveled on a plane. She ______ goes by train instead.
hardly ever; always
b. I meet Ramesh ______ at the sports club, but I don’t see him
rarely: usually
c. It ______ snows in Kashmir; it snows in Bengaluru.
always; never
d. Rashmi: How often do you buy new clothes?
Prema: Well, ______ I can only afford to buy clothes
occasionally; sometimes
e. _______ I have no problem studying. But ______ I start to feel sleepy if I read a long time.
Usually; sometimes.
C. Collocations
Collocation in language refers to a regular combination of words, it is a convention of “what goes with what”. For example, we say, “tell a lie” not “speak a lie”. ‘Lie’ collocates with ‘tell’ and not with ‘speak’.
1. Put the words in the following box in the appropriate column given below it.
a noise, homework, a good time, a present, some exercise, fuss, ago, a disturbance, home, a mistake, a word with someone, the dishes, to college, a time to do something, crosswords, a decision, your best, a university, courage, an illness, a will, a guess, a swim, wet, a university degree, a profit, lunch, an offer, my teeth, a wash, tired, a drink, the cooking, married, breakfast, a nice time, a shower, bath, commerce at college, your bed; movies, angry, |
Do 1 |
Make 2 |
Get 3 |
Have 4 |
homework the dishes crosswords |
a noise fuss disturbance |
a present some experience home |
a good time a go a word will someone |
Do 1 |
Make 2 |
Get 3 |
Have 4 |
your best
my teeth |
a mistake
to College movies |
a time to do something a university an illness we tired married Commerce at College angry |
a will |
2. Complete the sentences using the verbs make, do or take. In many cases, you need to change the form of the verb.
- They’re __________ a lot of noise, but so
far they haven’t made any progress. - The company is making a large profit, but in the meantime, they’re a lot of damage to the environment.
- Esther was asked to a quick meal, but she took her own sweet time.
- After we’ve done our homework, I think we should the washing up.
- a look at all these mistakes you’ve made.
- Shall we a taxi or go by train?
- At first, he made a great effort to an interest in his lessons.
- This is a photograph of some friends we made when we were on holiday.
- She told me to take a seat and then went to some phone calls.
- Taking a test is a bit like a crossword: you finish it eventually!
- The policeman took my name and address, and a few notes.
- We had a lot of work before we began to make any money.
- The conference will place in January.
- You really should take my advice and hire somebody to your ironing, washing and other housework.
- After I had made the bed, he lay down and his medicine.
- It won’t do any harm to some inquiries.
- Our company made a loss in its first year, but now we’re well.
- making
- doing
- take
- do
- Take
- take
- take
- took
- make
- doing
- made
- do
- take
- do
- took
- make
- doing.
E. Here is some information about another famous woman- Maria Montessori. Use the information and write a paragraph.
- Born in 1870 in Italy
- First woman graduate in medicine at Rome University.
- Became a famous teacher and teacher educator
- Thought of new ideas in teaching
- Wrote two remarkable books on teaching young children
- Died in 1952
Maria Montessori the most. famous teacher, educator was born in 1870 in Italy. She was the first woman graduate in medicine of Rome
University. She thought of new ideas in teaching and became a teacher and teacher educator. She wrote two remarkable books on teaching young children. She died in 1952 but her ideas and thoughts are followed even to this day.
VI. Speaking Activity
B. Interview: Pair work
Imagine that you are the H.M of your school. A lady has applied for the post of an Accountant in your school. You are interviewing her. Complete the following questions and answers. Then role play this with your partner.
- Miss Jane: (knocking softly on the door) May I come in, Sir/Madam?
- H.M: Tes, Do come in. Please be seated
- Miss Jane: Thank you, madam.
- H.M: You’re Miss Jane, aren’t you?
- Miss Jane: Yes, I am.
- H.M: May I know your qualification? (about qualification)
- Miss Jane: Yes, I can. 1 I’ve done my Masters in Commerce.
- H.M: Do you have any experience? (about the experience)
- Miss Jane: I have five years’ experience working in XYZ School as Chief Accountant.
- H.M: What are the computer courses you have undergone? (about computer knowledge/Tally)
- Miss Jane: I have a Diploma in C, C++, and Java, I have a Diploma in Tally.
- H.M: Where do you stay? (stay)
- Miss Jane: I stay in Basavanagudi
- H.M: What are your interests and hobbies? (about interests and hobbies)
- Miss Jane: I love to paint, am an avid book reader. I like listening to music.
- H.M: What are your salary expectations? (about salary expectations)
- Miss: I expect between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 30,000/-.
- H.M: Good. Thank you for coming.
We’ll get back to you in a couple of days. - Miss Jane: Thank you very much for meeting me.
D. Work in pairs; divide the following words into 3 groups according to the pronunciation of the vowels. Use a dictionary if necessary.
fur work church bird Earth world girl shirt |
beer deer dear nearly cheer weary fierce rear gear |
rare bear glare wear rare chair fair where |
VII. Grammar Revisited
A. Uses of models
Look closely at the following pairs of sentences. The difference between sentences ‘a’ and ‘b’ is not so much in the meaning as in the degree of probability, of formality, of politeness, etc. (Go through the note on Modals given in appendix III before doing the following exercise)
In pairs discuss the following pairs of sentences and answer the questions given below them.
Question 1.
a) Will you do me a favor?
b) Would you do me a favor?
Which of the two sentences is more polite?
(b) would you do me a favor?
Question 2.
a) Ramesh can eat ten chapathis.
b) Ramesh could eat ten chapathis.
Which of the two may suggest that Ramesh is no more young and energetic to eat ten chapathis?
(b) Ramesh could eat ten chapathis
Question 3.
a) My father will go to Mumbai next week.
b) My father is going to Mumbai next week.
Which of the two may suggest that my father has already a train reservation.
(b) My father is going to Mumbai next week.
Question 4.
a) My tea was already sweetened, so I didn’t need to put any sugar in.
b) My tea was already sweetened, so I needn’t have to put any sugar.
In which of the two was the tea too sweet?
(a) My tea was already sweetened, so I didn’t need to put any sugar in.
Question 5.
a) Can I come in?
b) May I come in?
Which of the two would you use in a not so formal situation?
(a) Can I come in?
Question 6.
a) You’ll come and see us again.
b) You may come and see us again.
c) You should come and see again.
d) You must come and see us again.
Which of the above expresses,
1. suggestion
2. obligation
3. prediction
4. permission?
(a-3) – Prediction,
(b-4) – Permission,
(c-1) – Suggestion,
(d-2) – obligation.
Question 7.
a) I must be there at ten o’clock,
b) I have to be there at ten o’clock.
Which of the two would suggest that there is some pressure from my boss to be there by ten o’clock?
(b) I have to be there at ten o’clock.
Question 8.
a) I should work hard,
b) I must work hard
Which, of the two suggests a sense of duty?
(b) I must work hard.
Question 9.
a) Joshua may be at home now.
b) Joshua will be at home now.
c) Joshua might be at home now.
d) Joshua would be at home now.
Re-arrange these four sentences in the order of the degree of probability from the most probable to the least probable.
d) Joshua would be at home now.
b) Joshua will be at home now.
c) Joshua might be at home now.
a) Joshua may be at home now.
Question 10.
a) Will I go abroad?
b) Shall I go abroad?
Which of the two would you use while asking questions to your astrologer?
(a) Will I go abroad?
B. Complete the following using the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets.
- The prisoner ______ for the final verdict, (bring)
- Wheat and rice ______ in a small quantity in India, (produce)
- Bharatanatyam ______ the best form of the traditional dance of our country, (consider)
- Mark is the currency that ______ in Germany, (use)
- Nowadays smartphones and tablets ______the place of computers, (take)
VIII. Fun With Language
Question 1.
From the description given, can you tell which member of the family is being referred to?
a. Your uncle’s father’s the only grandchild.
b. Your brother’s son’s sister’s mother.
Your sister-in-law (brother’s wife)
c. Your brother-in-law’s wife’s grandfather’s daughter.
Your mother
d. Your father’s father’s daughter’s daughter.
Your cousin
e. Brothers and sisters have me none, but that man’s father is my father’s son.
It is the speaker’s son.
Question 2.
Language Riddles
a. A rich man died leaving behind ten crore rupees to be shared between his sons. How much money did each son get?
5 crore rupees
b. How many alphabets are there in the English language?
c. Where does Friday come before Wednesday?
In the dictionary
d. What starts with ‘e’ and ends with ‘e’ and has only one letter in it?
e. Which word is always spelled wrong?
f. Had I become a lawyer instead of a doctor, I would have become rich. Am I a doctor or a lawyer?
g. Which months have 28 days?
All months.
h. How many sounds are there in the English language?
i. How many vowel sounds are there in the English language?
j. Meera ran away lest she should be. married. Why did Meera run away?
She did not want to be married.
k. If you use the same three letters in the same order before and after the given letters, you’ll get an eleven letter word: What is the word?
l. Why did the boy sit on his watch?
Because he wanted to be on time.
m. There is one four letter word when printed in capital letters reads the same upside down and right to left. What is the word?
The Girl who was Anne Frank Summary in English
When Anne Frank wrote her diary she had no idea what impact she would have on the world. Her diary has been translated into 19 languages and drama based on it has run for months.
Anne Frank, a German-born as Annelies Marie was the daughter of Otto Frank, a lawyer.
In 1933 when Hitler came to power, Otto Frank emigrated to Amsterdam, when he opened a firm and took a partner Mr. Van Daan.
Otto realized very early the danger they were in as Jesus and so built a secret annex .in the upper story of his firm where he and his family started hiding in 1942 when his daughter was called for deportation.
His partner and his family joined him shortly.
Their only link with the outside Was a radio and four members of his staff who provided/them with necessities.
On Anne’s 13th birthday she had been given a diary. In this, she described her life in the ‘Annexe’.
She said that she felt that she was a songbird whose wings had been ripped off.
When the diary was filled, she wrote in other books that were available.
She kept her diaries a secret and her father allowed her to keep them in his briefcase.
On 4 August 1944, unfortunately for them, someone revealed their secret to the Nazis who transported them to Auschwitz, a concentration camp.
Here Otto was separated from his wife and daughters. Anne’s mother soon died, as did the Van Daans. Anne was ever courageous and urged her sister never to give in.
In autumn they were sent to another camp, Relsen, there she and her sister soon died. Their father somehow managed to stay alive and was freed in 1945. He soon learnt that his family had died.
Anne’s diary had been found by a family friend Miep who handed it over to Otto. Otto read it, crying bitterly after every few pages.
He never thought to publish it. His friends finally managed to persuade him to publish it, as Anne had wanted so. Millions of copies were sold. All royalties were given for humanitarian causes. Otto answered all letters personally.
When the book was published in Germany, booksellers were scared to put them in their windows.
When the drama was staged there, the Germans felt ashamed to face each other. They felt ashamed of this inhumanity shows to fellowmen.