Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Gentleman of Rio en Medio
Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Gentleman of Rio en Medio
Gentleman of Rio en Medio Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary
Question 1.
The old man was _____ (Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word)
Question 2.
Do you think the ancestors of the old man lived in Rio en Medio?
Yes, by reading the para 1,1 thought the ancestors of the old man lived in Rio en Medio.
Question 3.
A word in line 4 of paragraph I suggests that the old man was a farmer. Pick that word.
The old man was a farmer ‘tilled’ suggests it.
Question 4.
Study the picture and describe the old man’s orchard by using the words given below:
The old man’s orchard was big and beautiful. A small stream was flowing through the orchard. The house was unpleasant to look because it was old fashioned. Many trees were fruit-bearing trees. A number of fruits were more on the tree, so the orchard is attractive.
Question 5.
In paragraph 2 the words “who” and “these” refer to _____ and _____ respectively.
The words ‘who’ and ‘these’ refer to senator and people in the mountains.
Question 6.
Look at the picture and draw your inference about the old man’s appearance and his social/living condition.
The old man was strong and disciplined. Though the dress was old and tom, he wore that to follow his tradition. He had social respect in the village because he was a highly principled man. He loved his innumerable kins. His appearance was elegant.
Question 7.
The word “innumerable kin” means that the old man had a number of
a. children
b. trees in his orchard
c. relatives
d. followers
e. canes.
The word “innumerable kin” means that the old man had a number of relatives.
Question 8.
In the Indian context, the eyes of women are compared to fishes (Meenakshi) and lotus (Kamalakshi) based on their shape and size. Why do you think the eyes of the boy are likened to gazelle? Can you write it in Kannada? Note: gazelle in Kannada is (ಹರಿಣ)
Harinakshi = ಹರಿಣಾಕ್ಷಿ
Question 9.
How did the old man the people who had been waiting for him?
The old man bowed to all the people who had been waiting for him.
Question 10.
The old man removed his hat and gloves carefully.
a. Was he afraid that they would get spoiled?
(a) No, he was not afraid but it was his practice.
b. Whose style did it remind the writer of?
The old man’s style was similar to that of Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin once did that in a picture, He was the Janitor of a bank in that movie. The writer remembered this when he observed the old man.
Share your Responses:
Question 1.
In the meeting of the old man and the Americans, they talked about rain and the old man’s large family. It was
a. to mock his large family
b. to break the ice
c. a custom of the Americans
d. to make themselves comfortable
e. to prepare everyone for the main talk
f. to make everyone know that it had not rained in that area (You may think more than one among the above are appropriate. If so, tick them)
d. to make themselves comfortable
e. to prepare everyone for the main talk
Question 2.
Why do you think the storyteller spoke Spanish?
When the storyteller said “these Americans are Buena gent”, we can think that he was speaking Spanish.
Question 3.
The storyteller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier. Why?
When the surveyor surveyed the property of the old man, he discovered that the area was much larger than what was initially thought of. The buyers too, being decent people, wished to give the old man the actual worth of the property which was double what was quoted earlier. Hence the speaker, who is the mediator, offered the extra amount to the old man.
Question 4.
What was the reaction of the old man to the story teller’s offer?
The old man reacted in a very strange way. One would even describe it as a stupid way. Instead of feeling happy that he was getting double of what he had earlier thought he would get, he refused to take the extra money saying that he did not like being insulted. His argument was that he had agreed to sell the property for twelve hundred dollars and offering more than that to him was an insult to him.
Question 5.
We respect elders in many ways. For example.
a. We touch their feet
b. We shake hands
c. ___________
d. ___________
e. ___________
f. ___________
c. We salute them.
d. We greet them
e. We obey them.
f. We garland them.
Question 6.
The storyteller respected the old man by _____ (Fill in the blanks with appropriate words)
Shaking his hand.
Question 7.
After the findings of the engineer, the offer was doubled for the old man’s land.
a. Did the old man raise the rate?
b. Did the storyteller offer more?
a) No, he didn’t. The surveyor found out that the old man possessed almost twice as much as what he thought he did. The property was much more than eight acres.
b) No, the Americans who were the buyers of the property, offered the old man the extra money for the extra land. The writer only conveyed the message to the old man.
Question 8. Match the following:

1 – e
2 – c
3 – b
Question 9.
Don Anselmo took only 12 hundred dollars for the land finally because.
a. the storyteller failed to convince Don Anselmo to make more money than what had been agreed upon.
b. Don Anselmo was a man of principles (Tick the correct Answer)
b. Don Anselmo was a man of principles.
Question 10.
What did Don Anselmo do as he left the place With money?
The old man shook hands of all, put on his ragged gloves, took his stick and walked out with the boy behind him, when he left the place with money.
Share your Responses:
Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with a suitable word/s to describe the land and the house sold by the old man.
Before it was sold After it was sold
a. peeled off plaster replastered the house
b.gnarled trees pruned trees
c. torn fence patched the fence
Question 2.
From the list given below, tick the activities with which the children of Rio en Medio
were involved, after the Americans occupied the house and the land sold by Don Anselmo.
i) pruning the trees
ii) renovating the house
iii) playing in the orchard
iv) speaking harsh words to the Americans in Spanish
v) plucking flowers from the trees
vi) putting fences around their play area.
vii) laughing whenever they were spoken to
viii) running around the land
iii) playing in the orchard
v) plucking flowers from the trees
vi) putting fences around their play area
vii) laughing whenever they were spoken to
Question 3.
The possibilities for a week-long delay for another meeting are given. Which of them do you agree with ? Discuss with your partner. The old man.
The old man was slow
Question 4.
Don Anselmo repeated certain things whenever he met the story teller and took leave of him. Write them down. One is done for you.
a. the old man shakes hands
b. __________________
c. __________________
d. __________________
e. __________________
b. put on his ragged gloves/he removed his hat and gloves.
c. take his stick/handed his things to the boy.
d. walked out/sit on the chair.
e. the boy followed behind him/the boy stood behind the chair.
Question 5.
Don Anselmo was sincere when he said, “The Americans are good people.” There is nothing in the character of Anselmo to suggest that he is capable of such sarcasm. He was sincere in his words when he said at the time of selling the property that he knew the goodness of the Americans. The problem with Anselmo was that he did not know the legal implications of selling the property.
Share your Responses:
1. Fill in the blanks/choose the most appropriate answer:
Question 1.
Don Anselmo sold his land but he didn’t sell his ______
Question 2.
The children of Rio en Medio were Don Anselmo’s _____ and ______
Sobrinos, nietos, [nieces and nephews and grand children].
Question 3.
Don Anselmo inherited the house from his ______.
Question 4.
According to Don Anselmo, the real owners of the trees were ______
a. the children of Rio en Medio
b. Don Anselmo himself
c. The Americans
d. the storyteller
e. Don Anselmo’s ancestors
a. the children of Rio en Medio
Question 5.
Don Anselmo did not sell the trees. Why do you think he did not? Tick the correct ones.
a. Trees were like children to him
b. They were grown for the children of the next generation
c. He thought they did not belong to him but to the children
d. He had grown them in memory of his ancestors
e. He wanted his surroundings to be green
c. He thought they did not belong to him but to the children
Question 1.
Don Anselmo’s appearance and manners were quite unusual. How would you support this statement based on the text ?
Don Anselmo wore the long, old, faded coat. He wore tom gloves and carried a woman out Umbrella’s skeleton as a stick. A dark young hoy always followed him Though he was an old man, he bowed to all and removed his hat and gloves slowly and carefully.” The manner of removing is also similar to that of Charlie Chaplin. By all these factors we could say his appearance and manners were quite unusual.
Question 2.
Whose argument do you agree with? Don Anselmo’s or the storytellers? Give reasons.
We agree with Don Anselmo’s argument when he sold his property. Though it is unusual and far way from reality, according to him it was correct. He was a man of principles, he thought that it was right to stand on his words. So he refused to take more than the amount agreed upon. In the second incident also he was right because the tree was planted in the name of new born child. All the trees belong to children only. He had no right to sell them though it is unusual. But here the story teller’s saying is in vogue. (Practise).
Question 3.
Don Anselmo was passionate about his land and the children of Rio en Medio. Which details in the text support this statement? Write to them.
Don Anselmo was very much passionate about his land and the children. His land had come from his ancestors. He lived in that land from his birth. He took possession ofhis house from his mother. Everyone in the village were his relatives and the children are his nieces, nephews and grand children. Every time a child has been bom in Rio en Medio, a tree was . planted in its name.
Question 4.
Don Anselmo’s reaction to the offer of more money was not ex¬pected. justify this statement.
Usually any person get offer for more money he would ac¬cepted. But Don Anselmo’s reaction was not at all ex¬pected. Though it is a fair of¬fer, after surveying, the land rate was double. Double the land, double the money. But once he agreed to sell his land for twelve hundred dollars, he should stick on his words. It was not expected.
Question 5.
Read paragraph 5 and identify the tone or reaction of the old man while uttering the following word/words. Some examples are given. – You may use any other appropriatly (Mild / harsh / blunt /authoritative / self-assertive/confident/comfortable /polite / aggressive)
The old man Tone / reaction
a) Friend – Comfortable
b) I do not like – harsh
c) I know these – confident
d) I do not care to be – aggressive
e) That is the price – authoritative
Question 6.
Why do you think the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land?
In the given prose, the reason was not mentioned. Generally we can think that the land and orchard was good, beautiful and fruitful. A stream was running through the orchard. The trees had more fruits. The land was fertile and big. So Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land.
Question 7.
Don Anselmound the Americans were generous in their own ways. Comment on this.
Don Anselmo was generous. He refused to accept more money for his property. He loved children and planted a tree for every child. Americans were generous, they won’t quarrel with the old man though they had legal right to own the trees.
Question 8.
At last, the problem of ownership was resolved. But it took a long time. What might be the reasons for it? Write a paragraph on it.
The storyteller or Americans convinced the persons individually. The descendants have agreed to sell their trees to them. It was a long procedure to convince everyone. At last they have agreed and sold the trees to AmericAnswer: The problem wassolved but it took a long time.
Question 9.
Read the story and arrange the given events in .the order in which they occur in the &text.
a) The story tefitfeoffered Don Anselmo more money than what had been agreed upon.
b) The children of Rio en Medio disturbed the peace of the AmericAnswer:
c) The Americans bought the trees from the descendants of Don Anselmo
d) The story teller was surprised at the strange argument of Don Anselmo.
e) Don Anselmo lived up in Rio en Medio
f) The buyers renovated the house.
g) Don Anselmo signed the sale deed after the negotiation for 12 hundred dollars.
h) Don Anselmo felt offended when he – was offered more money.
i) The occupants of the house came up with lots of complaints about the children of Rio en Medio.
Question 10.
Imagine that a group of 4 students endorses the old man’s views. The other group supports the AmericAnswer: Write a paragraph on each group’s argument; Discuss them with groups.
Question 11.
Imagine that your neighbour is in a fix as the Americans were. How would you solve the problem?
10 & 11 For Self assessment.
Enrich Your Vocabulary:
Task – 1 : Look for the words in the word maze which match with the given meaning. One is donefor you. Note the number given in brakets is the number of letters in that word. Read across, down and diagonally.
Cane (4): a long thin stick
9) finding something that was not known earlier discovery .
8) thing/things that someone owns property
7) a place where fruit trees are grown orchard
5) ability to control people – power
Task – 2: Find out the words in the given word maze and match with their meanings. Read across, down and diagnally.
9) to go with someone – accompany
8) official record – document
6) the Way in which something is done – manner
4) price -rate,cost
9) unhappy about something – complaint
4) agreement – deed
7) many (across) – several
Task – 2: Self Assessment
Read And Respond
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions set on it. Passage
A small crowd had gathered around the entrance to the park. His curiosity aroused, Robert crossed the road to see what was happening. He found that the centre of attraction was an old man with a performing monkey. The monkey’s tricks, he soon discovered, were in no way remarkable. So, after throwing a few pennies in the dirty hat which the man had placed on the pavement, Robert movedoff along with other members of the crowd.
At this point the man suddenly let out a loud cry. Everyone turned to see what had happened. The man was bending over his monkey, which now lay quite still on the pavement. He picked up the apparently lifeless body and holding it close to him, began to weep. Ayoung man stepped forward from the crowd and taking some money from his pocket, dropped it into the hat. Robert and several other people did likewise, until the pennies in the hat were covered with silver coins. Meanwhile the man continued to hold the dead monkey in his arms and seemed to take no notice of what was going on about him.
A few months later, Robert came across the old man, again in another part of the city. The man had a monkey, bought no doubt, with the money the crowd had given him. It did not, however, seem any better at its tricks than the previous one. Robert was pleased to see that the old man was still able to earn a living, though on this occasion,having partly paid for the monkey out of his own pocket, he did not feel inclined to throw any money into the hat.
But the performance was not yet over. Once again the old man let out a loud cry. Once again the monkey lay still on the pavement. The man picked up the “dead” monkey and clutching it in his arms began to weep. The same young man stepped forward and threw some money into the hat. Again the crowd followed suit -except Robert. Smiling to himself he went on his way, amazed at the man’s audacity.
Question 1.
Robert went to the other side of the road because _________
a) he wanted to help the old man by giv-ing him some money
b) he wanted to see why the crowd had gathered
c) he was curious to watch the monkey’s tricks
d) he had seen one of his friends over there
b) he wanted to see why the crowd had gathered
Question 2.
The word “pavement” in the fifth line of para 1 is _________
a) a temporary tent which is used for public entertainment
b) a path at the side of the road for people to walk
c) a small budding made of wood
d) a shelf on the road
b) a path at the side of the road for people to walk
Question 3.
The old man let out a loud cry suddenly in order to _________
a) keep the monkey quiet for some time.
b) let the crowd know that his monkey was dead
c) let the crowd know that he was a poor man
d) show that he was hurt
b) let the crowd know that his monkey was dead
Question 4.
Why did the old man begin to weep?
The oldman began to weep to get the sympathy from people and expect more money from them.
Question 5.
What wise thing did Robert do after he watched the monkey’s tricks for the second time ?
Robert was smiling to himself and went on his way and amazed at the man’s audacity.
Practice Writing
Task -1: You have some money in your savings account in a nationalised Bank. Now you need some money to buy books. You can withdraw money from the bank by presenting a cheque to the Bank. How do you fill in the cheque? Here to an example.
Task – 2: You can write a cheque in the name of Ankita for rupees one thousand. Keep note of the following while writing the cheque.
a) Write the name carefully
b) Cross the cheque by putting double diagonal lines on the left hand top corner of the cheque if it is an account payee cheque.
c) Signature should be as you sign on any other document.
d) Write the amount both in words and figures.
Task – 2 :Complete Hemanth’s mother’s reaction
Hemanth moved to the edge of the compound to pluck guava fruits. He lost balance, fell down and broke his leg. His mother said, “If you had not moved ______________ .”
“If you had not moved to the edge of the compound, you wouldn’t have fallen down and broken vour leg”.
Task – 3: In the inter-school cricket match, the captain of your school team chose only one fast bowler. As a result, your team lost the game.
Your reaction: If the captain of our team _______ (complete the sentence).
“If the captain of our team chose more than one fast bowler, we would have won the game.
Task – 4: Monsoon rains failed. Farmers could n’t grow crops. Newspaper reported: Had it rained ________
Had it rained, the farmers could grow crops.
Task – 5: Shanthanu scored less marks in English. Therefore he could n’t get a seat in the college he wanted. Guess the response of his father : ________
The response of his father: If you had scored the highest marks, you would have got a seat in the college you wanted.
Task – 6 :
Chitra: You missed the train, didn’t you?
Saina: Yes. I went to the railway station at 10.30 a.m. But the train had left at 10.15 am.
Chitra: If you ______ (go) to the station at10.am. _____ wouldn’t ______(miss) the train.
(Complete the sentence)
Chitra: If you had gone to the station at 10 a.m. you wouldn’t have missed the train.
Make reference
Task 1: The given table provides you information about the services offered at differ¬ent counters in a Bank. Read the table and also the paragraph is given below. Answer the questions.
Counter number | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 |
Services offered | Enquiry | Savings Bank | Loans | Demand Draft | Cash | Deposits |
One of the Americans wished to buy 2 acres of land. The oldman quoted rupees 50,000 for his land. But, the American didn’t have enough money with him. He re¬quested his friend to help him with money. He sent a cheque for rupeees 20,000 to the American. The American went to a Bank for a loan. The Bank manager asked him to open an account which he did. The oldman wanted the American to pay the price for the land only in the form of a demand draft. The oldman invested 50% of the amount which he received from the American on deposits.
Which counter did the American and the old man approach for the following? Fill in the box provided. One is done for you.
Gentleman of Rio en Medio Additional Questions and Answers
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The author of the “Gentleman of Rio en Medio” was
a) Willian Shakespeare
b) JuanA.A. Sedillo
c) Marina de BeUagente
d) P.T. Narasimhachar
b) JuanA.A. Sedillo
Question 2.
This lesson is classified under the unit
a) Nativity
b) Compassion
c) Happiness
d) Science
a) Nativity
Question 3.
The important character of Hero of the lesson is
a) Juan A. A. Sedillo
b) Storyteller
c) Don Anselmo
d) Americans
c) Don Anselmo
Question 4.
Don Anselmo had the most of what
a) Talkative nature
b) Discipline
c) money
d) time
d) time
Question 5.
His house was small and wretched but
a) beautiful
b) quaint
c) unpleasant
d) gnarled
b) quaint
Question 6.
The little _____ ran through his land.
a) creeper
b) snake
c) creek
d) shrubs
c) creek
Question 7.
The orchard was _____ and _______
a) gnarled and beautiful
b) small and wretched
c) big and unpleasant
d) wretched and quaint.
a) gnarled and beautiful
Question 8.
His coat was old, green and ______
a) nice
b) big
c) comfortable
d) faded
d) faded
Question 9.
One of his kin had eyes like a _____
a) fish
b) gazelle
d) Almond
b) gazelle
Question 10.
He removed his gloves like a _______
a) Charlie Chaplin
b) Prince Alberts
c) Thomas
d) Senatorcarton
a) Charlie Chaplin
Question 11.
He carried a cane, it was only the skeleton of a worn-out ________
a) Fence
b) Chair
c) Umbrella
d) Cot
c) Umbrella
Question 12.
Don means Spanish little of respect much like ______in English.
a) Sir
b) Madam
c) friend
d) Father
a) Sir
Question 13.
buena gentle means
a) people
b) bad people
c) Colleagues
d) good people
d) good people
Question 14.
According to Surveyor the land measures
a) Two acres
b) more than eight acres
c) 10 acres
d) more than 10 acres
b) more than eight acres
Question 15.
The price fixed to his land was
a) twelve hundred dollars
b) twice the agreed
c) more than 12 hundred dollars
d) Twenty four hundred dollars.
a) twelve hundred dollars
Question 16.
His gloves were
a) new
b) ragged
c) big
d) comfortable
b) ragged
Question 17.
The children of the village laughed and talked back in ______
a) Spanish
b) American
c) Indian
d) English
a) Spanish
Question 18.
The children of the village were _____ their property.
a) run through
b) overrunning
c) possessed
d) claimed
b) overrunning
Question 19.
Blossoms means
a) Flowers
b) Fruits
c) flowers on the tree
d) Fruits in the tree
c) flowers on the tree
Question 20.
Broach means
a) Subject
b) people
c) Friends
d) raise the topic.
d) raise the topic.
Question 21.
Senor means a word of respect like ______ in English.
a) Mister
b) Man
c) Madam
d) Mrs.
a) Mister
Question 22.
Don Anselmo took the possession of the house from his
a) father
b) ancestors
c) mother
d) descendants
c) mother
Question 23.
Every time a child has born in Rio eh Medio Don Anselmo had the practise of planting
a) a seed
b) a tree
c) herb
d) shrub
b) a tree
Question 24.
Prince Alberts means
a) long, double-breasted coat
b) old long coat
c) old green coat
d) old green faded coat.
a) long, double-breasted coat.
II. Match the following :
S.no | A | B |
1. | Negotiation | a) unpleasant |
2. | wretched | b)good people |
3. | creek | c) official discussion |
4. | Buena Gente | d) tom |
5. | ragged | e) agreement |
6. | deed | f) a small narrow stream or river |
S.no | A | B |
1. | Negotiation | c) official discussion |
2. | wretched | a) unpleasant |
3. | creek | f) a small narrow stream or river |
4. | Buena Gente | b) good people |
5. | ragged | d) tom |
6. | deed | e) agreement |
S.no | A | B |
1. | abode | a) nieces and nephews |
2. | ranch | b) home |
3. | Sobrino | c) relatives |
4. | Nietos | d) unhurried |
5. | the old man was | e) grandchildren |
6. | innumerable kin | f) a very large form |
S.no | A | B |
1. | abode | b) home |
2. | ranch | f) a very large form |
3. | Sobrino | a) nieces and nephews |
4. | Nietos | e) grandchildren |
5. | the old man was | d) unhurried |
6. | innumerable kin | c) relatives |
III. Give one word/phrase answers for the following :
Question 1.
The place in Santa Fe Country, New Mexico, the United States where Don Anselmo lived.
Rio en Medio
Question 2.
A branch of a tree with twisted hard lumps.
Question 3.
The unusual and attractive especially in an old fashioned way.
Question 4.
A piece of land in which fruit trees are grown.
Question 5.
A type of small deer which has large beautiful eyes.
Question 6.
A silent film comedian in English films.
Charlie Chaplin
Question 7.
Someone whose job is to look after a school or a large building.
Question 8.
Thomas Benton Catron, a senator from New Mexico 1912-1917.
Senator Catron
Question 9.
To cut off some branches of a tree to make it grow better.
Question 10.
done or saidfirst to prepare for something.
Question 11.
A very large farm.
Question 12.
A group of people related to a family that existed long ago
Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each:
Question 1.
Why does Don Anselmo refuse to accept more money for his property?
The initial understanding was that Don Anselmo would sell his property for twelve hundred dollars in cash, to the Americans. So he refuses to accept more money.
Question 2.
Are the descendants of Don Anselmo entitled to the money they receive for the trees? Give reasons for your answer.
Don Anselmo is the oldest man in the village and almost everyone in the village is his relative. Since Don Anselmo himself feels that not he, but his descendants, have right over the trees, it is all right for them to receive money for the trees. It is as if Anselmo has bequeathed trees unto them.
Question 3.
Describe the old man’s property.
The old man’s house was small and wretched but quaint. His orchard was gnarled and beautiful. A little creek ran through his land. The property extended across the river and was almost twice more than the eight acres it was originally thought to be.
Question 4.
What did the Americans speak about with Don Anselmo to break the ice?
The Americans spoke about the weather and rain to break the ice. They also spoke about Don Anselmo’s family.
Question 5.
The storyteller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier. Why?
The storyteller offered the old man almost double what he had quoted earlier because he discovered that Don Anselmo owned much more than eight acres of land and it was almost twice what he had thought.
Question 6.
After the survey, why did the Americans offer double the quoted price for the old Titan’s land?
The Americans were good people. When they found out that Don Anselmo owned almost twice what he had thought, they offered to pay double of the price they had quoted earlier.
Question 7.
What changes did the Americans make to Don Anselmo’s property?
The Americans replastered the old house. They pruned the trees and patched the fence.
Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each:
Question 1.
What details describe Don Anselmo’s appearance when he first comes to the office? What details describe his behaviour? How does his behaviour contrast with his appearance?
Don Anselmo’s appearance and manners can be termed unusual because he was shabbily dressed, but was majestic in his behaviour. His coat was old, green and faded; gloves were torn and the cane was the skeleton of an umbrella. Yet he bowed to all in a ceremonious manner and was followed by a boy ready to take his orders. When the storyteller saw Anselmo in his suit, he was reminded of Senator Catron who had been very influential with the people up in the mountain. The storyteller remarked that it perhaps was one of his old Prince Alberts. Again, when Anselmo bowed, and slowly and carefully removed his hat and gloves, the storyteller was reminded of Charlie Chaplin who had come up with similar actions while portraying the character of a Janitor. In other words, the storyteller made indirect references to Anselmo’s majestic manner though his clothing and other accessories did not match the grandeur.
Question 2.
What is the external conflict in ‘Gentleman of Rio en Medio’?
‘Gentleman of Rio en Medio’ makes subtle references to the question of external conflict. We see external factors impinging upon the internal happiness and tradition. The story makes it clear that even when no one is at fault, there might be conflict because of external factors. In the story we see that the Americans cannot understand the idea of the old man planting trees for all his descendants. They buy the trees from the descendants to avoid friction. Everything seems to have been amicably settled.
However, one cannot completely overlook certain other possibilities. Although there are no more references to the descendants, one point becomes apparent. The descendants have been attracted by money, which is the first sign of commercialisation. This can be taken as an indication of traditional values giving way to commercial factors.
Question 3.
“I did not sell the trees because I could not, they are not mine”. How did the old man support this statement?
The lesson ‘Gentleman of Rio en Medio’ has a strange plot. Don Anselmo surprises the narrator, sellers and the readers with his refusal to take more money than what is mentioned in the contract for his property. Even when he is told that the surveyor had discovered that his property was almost double of what it was thought to be, he refuses to take more money.
If this strangeness is surprising, his stand on the trees in the orchard is even stranger. After selling the orchard to the Americans, he states that he has sold only the orchard, and not the trees in the orchard. He adds that even if he wanted, he wouldn’t be able to sell the trees as the trees didn’t belong to him. He adds that he had planted a tree each for the children of the village as and when they were born and hence they were the rightful inheritors of the trees. Although his logic is strange, we cannot question his integrity because we should remember that he had refused money earlier with equally strange logic.
Gentleman of Rio en Medio Summary in English
“Gentleman of Rio en Medio” was written by Juan A.A. Sedillo. This prose is based on the story of Author s actual legal case. Rio en Medio is a place in Santa Fe county, New Mexico, United States. The storyteller (author) as a lawyer and held public office.
The hero of the lesson was Don Anselmo. He was the most respectful old man of that village. He had a small house and orchard. r$F The storyteller was the mediator, between Don Anselmo and American people. The American people wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s property. But Don Anselmo was not in a hurry to sell his property. He was an old man and plenty of time. He lived in his ancestral land. He tilled the same land they had tilled. He had a small, unpleasant house. It was built in an old fashion. A small narrow stream was flowing throughout his land. A lot of trees were grown in his orchard and it was beautiful.
After much effort and negotiation of the storyteller, the Oldman agreed to sell his property. It took months of time. The oldman came to the office on the day of sale. He wore old, green faded coat. By looking the old man, author remembers the Senator Catron (Thomas Benton Catron, a senator from New Mexico, 1912-1917). had the great power to control the mountain people. The oldman’s coat was similar to Prince Alberts, that means old man was wearing his old, long, double-breasted coat. He wore old and tom gloves and his fingertips can be seen through them. He carried a cane, it was only the skeleton of a worn-out umbrella. Behind him, one of his relative boy was followed. The boy (young man) was dark and his eyes are like a gazelle, (large beautiful eyes of small deer).
The old man’s behaviour was completely different from others. He bowed to all the persons in the room and removed his hat and gloves. This action is similar to that of Charlie Chaplin’s action once he did it in a picture. Chaplin’s role was the Janitor in a bank. The old man gave his things to the boy and sat on a chair. The conversation was started about the rain and his faniily. The old man was very proud of his large family. Finally, the mediator came to the topic. The old man was agreed to sell his property for twelve hundred dollars in cash. The buyer got survey of the land and came to know that the land extended and it almost doubles, what they want to purchase and agreed before. So they were very good people and ready to pay twice the amount. They kept the money ready in front of the old man.
The old man thought for a moment and the story teller’s proposal made him insult, because he was a man of principles. He didn’t agree to take more money from them. Authoritatively he said that he is ready to sell his house aid land for twelve hundred dollars only. The storyteller argued but the old man was not ready to accept more money. Finally he signed the deed and took the money and went out as usual. A month later the buyers renovated the house and orchard, and they moved there to live, but the childen of the village were overrunning their property. They came everyday, played under the trees and built little fences and took flowers. Buyers warned them but they simply laughed and talked good naturedly in Spanish. This complaint came back to the office.
To solve the problem the story-teller sent a messenger to call Don Anselmo. It took a week to arrange the meeting. When the old man came, the problem was discussed. The storyteller asked the old man being the most respected man of the village, why couldn’t he stop the children from doing so. The buyers might enjoy their new home in peace. After hearing, Don Anselmo replied that he sold his property to them because they were good people, but he didn’t sell them the trees in the orchard. The story-teller tried to explain that generally if the land/orchard is sold the possession of the trees in that place is also to buyers.
The old man accepted the matter and continued that he is the oldest man in the village, everyone in the village were his relatives and all the children are nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. Every time a child has been bom in Rio en Medio, he had planted a tree for that child. The trees in that orchard are not his, that belong to the children of the village. So he had no right to sell and he didn’t sell it. Legally the buyers owned the trees but the old man was so generous and he refused to accept the fortune form him. Afterwards, the buyers bought all the trees individually from the descendants of Don Anselmo. It took most of the following winter.