Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 6 The Discovery
Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 6 The Discovery
The Discovery Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary
Question 1.
Some physical features of Columbus are described/ given in the text. Based on your reading complete the table.
Physical Features of Columbus
Physique | Age | Hair | Complexion | Face |
Tall and well built | 46 | Prematurely white | fair almost ruddy | in repose, is melancholic |
Question 2.
Usually, we sing songs to express our joys and sorrows. Here the play begins with a song. What mood does this convey?
The play begins with a song. The song was sung by Seamen. The song conveys the dis¬satisfied and discontented mood.
Question 3.
‘There are limits to patients’, says Diego. What does this suggest about Diego’s state of mind?
Diego had lost his hopes. He was not happy with his captain’s decision. He thought that going to discover the new land was a waste of time. So he had impatience. Whenever Pedro asked him, he said the above words that show his angry mood.
Question 4.
Who do you think has the lives of fifty in his hands? How?
Columbus had the lives of fifty in his hands, He was the captain of the ship. After many days of their voyage, it didn’t give success. All are home-sick and wanted to go back home. But the captain did not agree for this. So all had thought their lives were in his hand.
Share your Responses :
Question 1.
“A good sailor knows his place,” Says Columbus to Diego. The statement is ……………
(Choose the right answer from the options and complete the sentence).
a) a piece of advice
b) an indirect command
c) a statement
The statement is an indirect command.
Question 2.
Which reaction of Diego to the sentence above justifies your choice? Quote the phrase indicating his reaction.
By hearing the above statement Diego with repressed firry said yes sir. The phrase is scarcely concealing a scowl, goes off the above reaction of Diego states that it was an indirect command.
Question 3.
How does Pedro try to defend the drunken, seamen? Was he right in defending them?
Pedro defends the drunken seamen by saying that they are simple men without the vision of Columbus, and they need relaxation. Pedro is right because the seamen follow the orders of Columbus without sharing his passion. Often they are likely to get frustrated with the feeling that their voyage is a purposeless one and they are risking their lives for nothing. At times like this, they need to drink to get over their frustration.
Question 4.
What is termed as his worst enemy by Columbus?
Columbus felt sorry because he had a short (quick) temper and an uncontrolled tongue. His worst enemy was his uncontrolled tongue.
Question 5.
The dialogue between Columbus and Pedro in section 2 reveals this trait of Columbus – (Choose the most appropriate response).
a. dictatorial attitude
b. quick temper
c. hatred towards the seamen
d. selfishness
the quick temper of Columbus.
Question 6.
“Columbus is always furious when he hears the song ‘Here’s a keg o’ rum, “What makes him react so?
Being a Captain, Columbus had a great responsibility. By nature, he had a strong will. He was not ready to give up his task. But the Seamen are very simple and ordinary persons and they were homesick. The discontented seamen are sung the song to criticize his captain. So whenever he heard the song he became furious because of this reason.
Share your Responses:
Question 1.
This section reveals the behavior of ________ (Fill in the blank).
This section reveals the behavior of Pepe.
Question 2.
Why do you think Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus?
Pepe was a young boy. He had great respect for Columbus. Pepe was an obedient, loyal and devoted servant of Columbus. The Seamen were against Columbus. So Pepe likes or prefers to be in the company of his beloved captain than any other.
Question 3.
Pepe is always eager to say that he is ever….. to Columbus. (Fill in the blank).
Pepe is always eager to say that he is ever believed in Columbus.
Question 4.
Pepe warns Columbus about some people. Who are they?
Pepe warns Columbus about Seamen, the Seamen were discontented, and sometimes they were desperate.
Share your Responses:
Question 1.
Seamen expressing their discontent even as Columbus can hear them?
The seamen had no fear about Colum-bus. They have unity and all were homesick and had no hope to get success. So they were expressing their discontentment even as Co-lumbus can hear.
Question 2.
Pepe is heard saying, “They shan’t’
a. Who is meant by ‘they’?
b. What does the boy mean by saying ‘They shan’t?
a) They meant the crew or Seamen.
b) They shall not show, the mischief for the trouble maker.
Question 3.
“Santa Maria will be lighter for his carcass’. Whose words are Pepe quoting here? (Choose the right answer and complete the sentence).
a) Diego
b) Francisco
c) Pedro
e) Guillermo Ires
Pepe was quoting Guillermo Ires words.
Question 4.
Which statement of Francisco suggests that he too has lost his temper? Quote his words.
Francisco had lost his temper. His words were “Discipline is a thing of past, Sir. It’s you or us”.
Share your Responses:
Question 1.
‘Who’s to put him in irons? challengers Guillerno. The person meant by ‘him’ in this context is:
a. Guillerno
b. The first man to move towards Columbus
c. Columbus
d. The first man who challenged Columbus
The first man to move towards Columbus.
Question 2.
‘I will perform it myself’, says Columbus. What does ‘it’ mean here?
‘It’ means that if nobody among the crew is available to put Guillermo in irons, Columbus would himself put Guillermo in irons.
Question 3.
‘Devil’s track to nowhere’, says Guillermo. What does this suggest about the thinking of the seamen?
Guillermo said the above words. The seamen thought that they were very clear that the track is not correct, it leads to nowhere, why should they take the risk for nothing.
Question 4.
After ‘a perceptible pause’, who grows more mutinous than others?
a. Name that character.
b. Quote his words.
a. After a perceptible pause, Diego grew more mutinous than others. All are kept quiet except him. So he comments that.
b. Words for Children! Froth and Scum! We are men: reason with us.
Share your Responses:
Question 1.
In his somewhat a long speech, what does Columbus say he has discovered?
In his long speech, Columbus said that he wanted to discover the New world but during his voyage, he discovered the new experience. That was when a man is given a vision, he must follow it alone. Loyalty passes like seaweed on an outgoing tide. Friendship breaks as a mast hollowed by worms. Discipline, duty and honorable obedience are bubbles that burst at the first contact. There remains but oneself.
Question 2.
Pepe excitedly declares that he is still loyal to the leader. What effect does it have on others like Juan and Guillermo?
Pepe’s declaration of loyalty on the face of mutiny from others has a dramatic effect. People like Juan, who haven’t been rebellious like the other seamen, feel guilty over their behaviour and try to explain their behaviour by saying that they are simple men who go by their simple understanding of things. Guillermo, though still surlily, states that things could be put off till the next day. Thus we see that Pepe’s declaration of loyalty is a turning point in the course of events.
Question 3.
Compare Francisco’s words of confession with what he had said earlier in anger. How does Columbus react to his confession?
Francisco angrily said to Columbus that Desperate men do not always act up to the best in them. For this Columbus said ironically that he was thanked for reminding him. Francisco wanted to say something but he thought it was better to go and with shamefaced he went away. Columbus wished him goodnight.
Question 4.
How does Pedro react to the words of Columbus that he thought he saw some flickering light?
When Don Pedro heard that there was some light, he felt excited and also he saw the light. He was very happy and with gratitude remembered God’s glory or grace.
Question 5.
Do you consider the ending to be happy? Justify your answer.
Yes, the ending was very happy. All their struggle came to a happy end. They got success in their adventure.
Think About The Text
Question 1.
‘Mutiny is an ugly word’, says, Diego. Is mutiny an ugly .word? If so, why?
No, the word is not ugly. But the feeling of Diego about mutiny is ugly. The meaning of mutiny is a rebel. He did not like the rebel action of Seamen so he said like that.
Question 2.
‘Columbus feels that whatever he does, it is God’s will’. What ‘will’ of God does he like to ful¬fill through this venture?
Columbus had trust in God. He believes god. God’s will is to discover the new world and it should be given to their King and Queen. God implanted the desire to solve the myster¬ies, that is to find the new world. According to Columbus, this is God’s will and he should fulfill it.
Question 3.
Columbus says, “Would God implant desire to solve the mystery and he doesn’t pro¬vide solutions?” Identify the mood of Columbus in saying this.
Columbus had a firm will to discover the new world. By nature, he was a risk taker to achieve his goal. For his unshaky desire, his fellowmen were not supported. They have all opposed to him. At that situation, he thought about the above statement. He was in a helpless and confusion mood.
Question 4.
Pepe says, “Everybody doubts ………… except me’. Why do you think he is an exception?
Pepe shares the vision of Columbus. It shows that, unlike the simple seamen with average intelligence and imagination, Pepe is especially gifted and understands the mystery that Columbus is trying to solve.
Question 5.
Usually, people feel desperate when they fail to get something they want. In the play‘The Discover’, why do the crew-mates of Columbus feel desperate?
All the crew-mates had lost their hope in the task. They lost their belief in a leader. According to them, their captain was wrong, he did not know the route exactly, they were homesick also. They were eager to join their families. They thought that taking so much risk to get nothing was of no use. So they felt desperate.
Question 6.
“Discipline knows no huts”. Why is the discipline needed in one’s life?
To achieve something in the life discipline to necessary. Without discipline, we cannot get success in an adventurous task. So “Discipline knows no buts”.
Question 7.
Comparing with his co-mates, Columbus makes some statements that he is different from others. One statement is given. Add some more statements to the list.
i. I am not ungrateful
ii. It is my will. Is that not enough?
iii. Discipline knows no buts.
iv. I will perform it myself.
Question 8.
Question 9.
How is the excitement of finding a new land expressed by different charac¬ters at the end of the play? e.g. Pedro says, “It is, sir, Glory be to God
- Pedro says, “It is, sir, Glory be to God”
- Sailor says, “A light! blessed mother ofGodlalight”.
- Columbus says, “A light, faintly flickering, rises up and down. Look!
Question 10.
‘Your best cannot be bettered’, says Columbus. This statement implies that…..
a. None is perfect at any time.
b. There is always scope for improvement.
c. Once we reach the level of being best, we can never improve.
d. Columbus is not totally happy with Francisco.
(Choose the best options)
The statement implies that
d. Columbus is not totally happy with Francisco.
Question 11.
Swami Vivekananda says, “Purity, Patience, and Perseverance are the essentials to success And above all Love”. Does Columbus possess all these qualities? Justify.
On the one hand if we say that Columbus is impatient with the seamen, on the other we have to admit that as far as the pursuit of his goal is concerned, he is full of patience whereas other seamen are impatient and want to give up. Hence, when we consider the larger picture, we find Columbus possessing the virtues of purity, patience and perseverance. Purity because he considers the expedition the will of God and pursues it with grit and determination. We should remember that, like the seamen, Columbus is also away from home and family. But he remains steadfast. As the captain of the ship the pressure on him is much more. Being doubted all the time can be stressful. But Columbus withstands all this because of his love for his work and love for God’s mysteries.
Question 12.
Find below the words that refer to Columbus and words that refer to mutinous sailors. Classify them in Column A and B accordingly. Refer to a dictionary, if necessary. (revolting, sheepish, short-tempered, authoritative, bold, ungrateful, farsighted, submissive, silently angry, visionary, disloyal)
A | B |
authoritative bold farsighted visionary short-tempered |
mutinous Sailors revolting sheepish ungrateful submissive disloyal silently angry |
Question 13.
An incomplete paragraph is given below. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate words and phrases given in brackets. (vision, faith, God, bursts, voyage, the end, seaweeds, new land, man)
This discovery says Columbus is a man of discovery. Apart from discovering the new land, he has come to know about many things. First, he says, one has to depend on one’s vision, not on the support of others. For, loyalty is as temporary as the seaweeds on a tide. In the beginning, there may be some discipline, but soon it bursts like a balloon. Ultimately what remains is faith in oneself. The daring nature of Columbus survives till the end. and he attributes his success to the blessings of God.
Enrich Your Vocabulary:
Task – 1: Look at the words given in the diagram. They are close in their meanings. Choose the most appropriate word from the diagram and fill in the blank.

Bhuvana: Hello! Students, I came to know that you are going to visit Mercara, aren’t you? Students: Yes madam. It’s rather hot here. So we would like to visit Mercara for the weather is pleasantly……..there.
Task -2: In each of the following diagrams one word is given. Find out words that belong to the same set of meaning given in the rectangle box and complete the respective diagram. Consult a good dictionary to know more words and meaning.
amazed, hardly, mammoth, border, astonished, scarcely, large, edge, enormous, verge, inadequately, shock, huge, meagerly, margin, abundant, rarely, limit, surprise, stun.
Task – 3: Now use the appropriate words in their appropriate forms to fill in the blanks in the following sentences:
1. The children were so excited they could _____ speak.
2. The chemical pollution poses a threat to the population on a ____ scale.
3. The mutinous sailors were ______ by the boldness of Pepe.
4. The noise _____ Ramesh, and he dropped his glasses on the floor.
5. Javeed, the policeman was ______ armed to face the robbers scarcely home alone.
6. They won a _______ victory in elections.
1. The children were so excited they could hardly speak.
2. Chemical pollution poses a threat to the population on a large scale.
3. The mutinous sailors were astonished by the boldness of Pepe.
4. The noise stunned Ramesh, and he dropped his glasses on the floor.
5. Javeed, the policeman was inadequately armed to face the robbers scarcely home alone.
6. They won a marginal victory in elections.
Task – 4 :
We use many words to describe persons. Parts of the human body or appear¬ance are given in bubbles in column ‘A’. Describing words are given in rectangle boxes in column ‘B ’. Match them and write the answer in column ‘C’
Task – 1: Listen to the teacher, repeat, classify and write in the respective columns.
Enrich Your Vocabulary
Seeking Permission
(Imagine Columbus meeting King Ferdinand II of Argon and Isabella I of Castle to seek their permission for his voyage to find sea-route to India. Complete the dia¬logues choosing sentences given in the box.
Columbus: Good morning, your Majesty.
Ferdinand: Very good morning.
Isabella: Columbus, are you ready with your plan?
Columbus: Yes, your Majesty, could I present my plans?
Isabella: First tell us about your destination.
Columbus: I have a great desire to find out sea route to India.
Isabella: Oh ! That’s a good idea, but we ‘d like to refer your plan to a committee.
Columbus: As your majesty desires. (After a long pause)
Isabella: Dear Columbus, our committee members feel that you have grossly under esti¬mated the distance to India.
Columbus: I beg your pardon, they are wrong.
Isabella: They also feel your idea is impractical. In fact, they insisted that we reject it.
Columbus: Oh, no please don’t do that. I’ve full confidence in what I’m going to do.
Isabella: In that case, will an allowance of 12,000 maravedis be enough 9
Columbus: Thank you so much. May I ask for some¬thing else, too?
Isabella: Of course, we’ll. give an order to provide you with food and lodging until you get ready to sail.
Columbus: I’m extremely thankful for your majesty.
Isabella: May God bless you! Bon Voyage!
Read And Respond
Task – 1: Look at Graph ‘A’ It gives the infor¬mation about the number of students who are late to the class on the work¬ing days. Based on your observation answer the questions are given below. For Graph see the textbook
Question 1.
The same numbers of students are late in two days. Which days are they?
The two days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Question 2.
How many students are late on Friday?
Fifteen students are late on Friday.
Question 3.
On which day are most of the students late?
Monday, most of the students are late.
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The graph shows the ______ read by ____ and ______.
2. On day 2, _____ read more books than ______.
1. The graph shows the number of books read by Basava and Emily.
2. On day 2, Emily read more books than Basava.
B. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Until the fourth day, which student read books in increasing order?
Until the fourth day, Basava read books in increasing order.
Question 2.
Name the day on which both the students read the same number of books.
Both the students read the same number of books on the 4th day.
Question 3.
Name the days on which Emily read a number of books than Basava.
Emily read a number of books than Basava on 2nd and 5th day.
Question 4.
Over a period of 5 days who between the two had improved his / her reading habits better?
Emily’s reading habit was improved.
Task -1 :
Some sentences are given in columns A and C. Some co-ordinating conjunctions are given in column B. Match and combine them to form compound sentences.
Answer :
1. Pepe stood at the stairs so the men could not go up
2. They were singing and they were dancing
3. Pepe was still a boy but he was bold.
4. Columbus was an able leader or else his crew would have turned violent.
5. We will reach the share so God is. our guide.
The Discovery Additional Questions and Answers
I. Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The discovery is the lesson written by
a. Herman Ould
b. Colerdige
c. Shakespeare
d. James T. Fields
a. Herman Ould
Question 2.
Columbus first saw the light of the New World on the night of 11th October _____.
a. 1496
b. 1497
c. 1492
d. 1495
c. 1492
Question 3.
The Devil laughs but God is
a. great
b. dumb
c. blind
d. kind
b. dumb
Question 4.
The captain is always _____
a. smiling
b. commanding
c. laughing
d. furious
d. furious
Question 5.
Pedro Gutierrez was a _____ in the ship
a. Captain
b. Manager
c. Officer
d. Traveller
c. Officer
Question 6.
Diego said that mutiny is
a. an ugly word
b. suitable
c. perfect
d. right
a. an ugly word
Question 7.
Columbus was the _____ of the ship.
a. Leader
b. Captain
c. Comedian
d. Traveller
b. Captain
Question 8.
Columbus was a tall ______ man of forty-six
a. handsome
b. good – looking
c. smart
d. well built
d. well built
Question 9.
His face, in repose, is _____
a. white
b. melancholic
c. fair complexion
d. pale
b. melancholic
Question 10.
Thecandleonthe foremast is _____
a. burning
b. not correct
c. guttering
d. not burning
c. guttering
Question 11.
A good sailor knows his ____
a. job
b. work
c. place
d. duty
c. place
Question 12.
The Seamen are simple men and must have their ______.
a. relaxation
b. duty
c. courage
d. work
a. relaxation
Question 13.
According to Columbus Pepe was young enough to have ____.
a. belief
b. faith
c. responsibility
d. adventure
b. faith
Question 14.
Pepe said that sometimes the Seamen are ______.
a. dangerous
b. attacking
c. desperate
d. kind
c. desperate
Question 15.
Columbus’s opinion that the Seamen showed their discontentment, that is _____.
a. not encourageable
b. not right
c. ominous
d. agreeable
c. ominous
Question 16.
Pepe said that The Santa Maria will be the lighter for his ______.
a. carcass
b. freedom
c. body
d. friend
a. carcass
Question 17.
Francisco said that Discipline is a thing of the _______.
a. future
b. present
c. past
d. sailor
c. past
Question 18.
Columbus said that the first man to move shall spend the rest of the night _______.
a. in the ship
b. in irons
c. in deck
d. at the most
b. in irons
Question 19.
According to Columbus Don Guillermo was an excellent
a. Navigator
b. Preacher
c. Man
d. Sailor
d. Sailor
Question 20.
Froth and Scum means _______.
a. foolish
b. silly
c. courageous
d. brave
b. silly
Question 21.
Diego asked Columbus that he thought he was on now?
a. Divine sea
b. Santa Maria
c. holy ground
d. Quarter – deck
c. holy ground
Question 22.
Pepe said to crowd, Cowards! Cowards! you will have to ______ first!
a. save me
b. kill me
c. protect me
d. give me
b. kill me
Question 23.
Columbus said, new souls for the sacrifice of our _____ to redeem
a. Saviour
b. King
c. Queen
d. Captain
a. Saviour
Question 24.
Columbus said, I am not _________ .
a. a king
b. saviour
c. captain
d. ungrateful
d. ungrateful
Question 25.
Dark deeds are better done in the _____
a. light
b. dark
c. day
d. night
b. dark
Question 26.
Shall simple men judge their _______ .
a. acts X
b. works
c. betters
d. seamen
c. betters
Question 27.
Desperate men do not always act up to the ______.
a. good
b. better
c. best
d. worst
c. best
Question 28.
Your best cannot be ______.
a. better
b. bettered
c. good
d. worst
b. bettered
Question 29.
A light, faintly flickering, rises ______ .
a. right and left
b. front and back
c. up and down
d. side by side
c. up and down
Question 30.
A good sailor knows his _______.
a. place
b. position
c. work
d. duty
a. place
II. Match the following:
1 – d
2 – f
3 – a
4 – e
5 – b
6 – c
1 – f
2 – a
3 – e
4 – b
5 – c
6 – d
1 – b
2 – e
3 – f
4 – a
5 – c
6 – d
1 – e
2 – c
3 – a
4 – b
5 – f
6 – d
1 – d
2 – f
3 – a
4 – e
5 – b
6 – c
1 – f
2 – d
3 – a
4 – e
5 – b
6 – c
III. Give one word /phrase for the following:
Question 1.
The name of the ship in which Columbus discovered the New World.
Santa Maria
Question 2.
Work of Sailing
Question 3.
The pink and healthy
Question 4.
a break from work
Question 5.
to move from a higher level to a lower one
Question 6.
events not easily understood.
Question 7.
the high deck at the end of a ship.
Question 8.
to frighten or surprise suddenly.
Question 9.
amusingly in an intimate way.
Question 10.
without any fear.
Question 11.
to rise and fall forcefully
Question 12.
the dead body
Question 13.
to shine dimly or intermittently
Question 14.
with great anger.
Question 15.
a lever or wheel controlling the rudder of a ship for steering.
Question 16.
to have the habit of doing something.
Question 17.
ability to do the right thinking.
Question 18.
to arrange carelessly or hurriedly.
Question 19.
in a sudden loud chor
Question 20.
a sudden running of people excited or afraid.
Question 21.
a derogatory word like “a book lieker”.
lick spittle
Question 22.
land to be owned.
Question 23.
get something back.
Question 24.
resembling a sheep in meekness.
Question 25.
discussing issues and making decisions carefully.
Question 26.
The captain of the ship “The Santa Maria”
Christopher Columbus
Question 27.
An officer of the ship “The Santa Maria”.
Pedro guterrez
Question 28.
A page boy of this ship.
Question 29.
The author of the play “The Discovery”.
Herman Ould
Question 30.
The group of seamen voyaging in the ship.
Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each:
Question 1.
Why does the crew say that the Devil and not God is in the easterly wind?
Columbus and his crew have followed the easterly wind for days together without being able to sight land. So the crew says that the Devil and not God is in the easterly wind.
Question 2.
What is the significance of the song that the crew sings?
The song is sung by the sailors who want to keep their spirits up. The song is sung in a drunken state and shows the despair of the sailors.
Question 3.
How did Pepe show his loyalty to Columbus?
Pepe was the only person who had faith in Columbus and tried to warn him about how desperate the others had become. When the seamen rushed to kill Columbus, Pepe stood before them with his arms spread out and told them that they would have to kill him first. His loyalty put the others to shame. He liked Columbus because he had a vision, was a man of principles, who gave much importance to duty, discipline and loyalty and was also an eminent leader. So he always wanted to be in the company of Columbus.
Question 4.
‘Devil’s track to nowhere says Guillermo. What does this suggest about the thinking of the seamen?
Guillermo and other sailors feel that Columbus is rigid in not changing his decision. They opine that he is stupid in following his vision and dream. They think that if they continue their voyage, it will be a pointless voyage of self-destruction. Their path, according to them, is devil’s path to nowhere. It shows that the sailors have reached the tether’s end and have no more tolerance.
Answer the following questions in 5-6 / 8-10 sentences each:
Question 1.
How does Columbus deal with the mutiny on the ship?
In his tackling of the mutiny Columbus shows what mettle leaders are made of. He doesn’t lose his composure even when he realises that there is danger to his life. When Guillermo and other sailors charge towards Columbus murderously, it is the authoritative voice of Columbus that checks them. Columbus tries to reason with them also. He tells Guillermo that just as he (Columbus) follows the order of the Royal of Spain, Guillermo should follow the order of Columbus. When even that fails, Columbus is an embittered man. He tells Pepe that a man of vision has to be necessarily a loner with no one to go with him.
Question 2.
What did the crew want to do to Columbus? Why did they not succeed in their plan?
The frustrated crew wants to put Columbus in irons as he doesn’t yield to their demand to end the voyage. However, the fearless confrontation of Pepe does not allow them to succeed. As Diego and other seamen bound towards the stairs to have Columbus down or pitch him overboard, Pepe runs to the foot of the stairs and stands with arms spread out. Pepe’s open avowal of support makes Pedro also pledge his loyalty, followed by Juan and Francisco. Guillermo and others mellow down and thus a bloody scene is averted by Pepe.
Question 3.
Describe the qualities that made Columbus a great sailor and explorer.
Columbus is a great sailor because when the other sailors lose their patience because of the endless voyage, Columbus retains his cool. He believes in his mission and despite the initial delay and problem, finally succeeds in achieving his goal. He knows how to tackle the people under him. From the seamen to Pedro, Columbus understands the mind of each of his sailors. Columbus is indeed a great sailor and explorer.
Question 4.
“Discipline knows no buts”. What made Columbus says this?
Columbus comes to know that the sailors have been speaking ill of him and have even been talking about his carcass. So Columbus wants to control the rebellion and asks Francisco to send Guillermo to him. Francisco, fearing further altercation between Columbus and the sailors, tries to stop Columbus from taking any harsh step. It is then that Columbus says, “Discipline knows no buts.” He means to say that whatever might the reason be, the indiscipline of the sailors cannot be tolerated.
Question 5.
Illustrate how Columbus and his seamen differed in their views in the voyage of ‘The Discovery’.
Columbus was an ambitious man. He had a great vision of discovering a new world. He was optimistic, hopeful, courageous in his voyage. He never wanted to turn back despite his crew’s opposition. He was faithful to the Royal Sovereigns of Spain. He was a disciplined sailor and an authoritative captain. On the contrary, many of the seamen did not share the vision and passion of Columbus.
They were pessimistic in their opinions. They feared losing their lives in the sea. They thought that Columbus was risking their lives at the cost of his vision. They were angry, frustrated and simple-minded men; they even planned to kill Columbus and throw him into the sea and sail back to Spain. They even warned him to turn back the ship. They lacked discipline, loyalty and obedience to their captain, Columbus.
Question 6.
“Patience has its limits.” Substantiate the statement in view of the seamen’s desperation.
Herman Ould’s play ‘The Discovery’ dramatizes the events on the last night of Christopher Columbus’ sailing expedition to search for a sea-route to India. The crew is restless at the outset and becomes eager for a fight as the play unfolds. The high-handed attitude of Columbus and absence of sympathy for the justified complaints of the crew, lead to a situation close to mutiny.
Columbus is authoritative and stern. He is a strict disciplinarian. He does not seem to understand the sentiments of the crew members who have been away from home, are tired and have no hope of sighting the land. They grow angry and mutinous. One such rebellious sailor is Diego. He openly tells Pedro that patience has its limits and all sailors had lost their patience and wanted to return to Spain.
Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below them:
Question 1.
“What! Does that child stand between me and death?” said Columbus.
a) When did Columbus say this?
b) Who is the child?
c) What had the child done?
a) Columbus said this when Pepe stopped the revolting sailors from attacking him.
b) Pepe.
c) Pepe had stood between Columbus and the revolting sailors telling them that they would have to kill him first before getting to Columbus.
Question 2.
“A good sailor knows his place”.
a) To whom was this said?
b) Was Columbus giving a piece of advice or was it an indirect command?
c) What was Diego’s reaction?
a) Diego.
b) Columbus wanted to point out to Diego that he had no right to be on the quarter-deck. It is an indirect command.
c) Diego tries to suppress his anger. He goes off from there with a scowl.
Question 3.
“Once clear of the Devil’s track to nowhere, we’ll blow our way back home.”
a) Who made this statement?
b) What does ‘Devil’s track to nowhere’ suggest about the thinking of the seamen?
c) How did they prove to be wrong?
a) Guillermo.
b) The seamen felt that Columbus was perhaps possessed by the Devil. He was risking their lives and taking them on a voyage which would take them nowhere.
c) Very soon, land was sighted and a New World was discovered. So they proved to be wrong.
Question 4.
“Discipline knows no buts”.
a) Who said these words?
b) When does he say this?
c) What did he mean to say by these words?
a) Columbus.
b) Columbus asks Francisco to bring Guillermo Ires to him for speaking against him. Francisco hesitates to obey his order. It is then Columbus says these words to Francisco.
c) Columbus meant that one should not hesitate to enforce discipline.
Question 5.
Here’s a keg o’ rum To Kingdom Come!
The Devil laughs
But God is dumb!
a) Who sang this song?
b) What emotion is expressed in the song?
c) Why was this song repeated throughout the journey?
a) The seamen.
b) The sailors are dejected as they have not sighted land even after many days of the voyage.
c) They sing the song throughout the journey to keep their spirits from sagging.
Question 6.
“It is, Sir! Glory be to God!”
a) Who said this?
b) Who is the ‘sir’ mentioned here?
c) Why did he thank God?
a) Pedro.
b) Columbus.
c) Pedro was a witness to the mutiny of the sailors against Columbus. Though the situation was brought under control, he knew that trouble would shoot up again if people had to continue their dreary journey. So, when land was sighted, he was greatly relieved and thanked God.
Question 7.
“Discipline is a thing of the past, sir. It’s you or us.
a) Who made this statement?
b) Who is the ‘you* referred to here?
c) What made the speaker say these words?
a) Francisco.
b) The sailors.
c) When Columbus asks Francisco to bring Guillermo to him for speaking against him, Francisco hesitates to obey his order. Columbus remarks that discipline knows no buts. It is then that Francisco makes this remark.
The Discovery Summary in English
“The Discovery ” is the play written by Herman Ould. This play is based 0 Christopher Colum bus’s the real voyage He was succeeded in this feat even though his crew was opposing him in the task. He saw the light of the New World on the night of 11th October 1492. Based on this, Herman Ould builds up a conflict of great imagination. We came to know that how this conflict was resolved by the author.
The characters of the play
- Christopher Columbus – Captain of the ship “The Santa Maria”.
- Don Pedro Gutierrez – an officer
- Pepe – a page boy
- Jhan Patino
- Diego Garcia
- Seamen
- Francisco
- Guillermo Ires
The semen was singing that there was a small barrel of rum, the kingdom came, the devil laughs but God was dumb. Whenever Columbus heard this song, he was furious. Juan thought that to stop the singing. Diego was protested that to keep themselves lively, they would sing. They pretended to be working with interest. At that time Pedro Gutierrez came and asked who was that? Diego Garcia that Juan Patino stood and said they were there. Pedro was surprised to see them there. He wanted to talk and said It’s dark and he would welcome the moon. Diego said that some of them would welcome the coast of Spain.
Pedro questioned him why was he impatient. Diego said that there are some limits to patients. Most of the crew seamen were desperate and they had no patience, they wanted to go home. w Diego continued his talk and said that they were like bats trying to fly by day. Why should he control the fifty men by one man? (Captain – Columbus). For Pedro said that they were not entertaining rebellious thoughts. Diego said that the word is too ugly but Pedro said that their deed was ugly. Juan finished his job and went away. Columbus came.
He was the captain of the ship. He was a tall, well-built man. Though he was 46 his hair was prematurely white, fair complexion almost pink and healthy. He looks trustworthy but very sad. He saw that Don Pedro was talking with Diego and felt a little suspicious. He turned to Diego and said that the candle on the foremost was unsteady, make it right. Diego felt angry but kept quiet.
Columbus warned him what he’ was doing he must know his place. Diego was not hiding his feeling, went away. Again Columbus heard Seamen s song. Both Columbus and Pedro moved to the quarter deck. Columbus said to Pedro that the Seamen drank too much. Pedro replied that they were simple men and they drank for relaxation, and we shouldn’t put our visions on them. Impatiently Columbus said that it was his will, that is enough. Columbus understood the situation and asked sorry and said that I should control my tongue, here my will means God s will, that was not enough. Pedro not satisfied by his talk and said that he didn’t claim his conflict.
Again they heard the Seamen song, Columbus shouted, and cursed their singing and command them to stop. Pedro went off. Columbus was alone, looking into the sea, and said to himself. Why God would implant the desire and not provide the solution, what a mystery? Suddenly Pepe runs up and Columbus frightened or surprised to see him and asked who was that. Pepe said that was he, Pepe. When Columbus asked him, whether he had been there all the time. Pepe replied that he was off duty. Columbus questioned him why he wasn’t down below. Pepe thought he was privileged and said that he prefers to accompany him only if he was on the way to come there.
He didn’t speak to them and hated them. Don Pedro was the best and said that except him all had doubts. Columbus said that Pepe was too young to have faith and thank him. Again they heard the Seamen song. Pepe talked to please Columbus so he said that the Seamen were horrible and drank too much to forget themselves. Columbus said they were poor fellows. Pepe came nearer to Columbus and said that “Captain, you should be careful, sometimes they are dangerous ”.
Again they heard the song. Now the song is sung forcefully. Columbus said that it was very ugly. He commanded Don Pedro to stop the song and asked that what you think about the seamen, might they become dangerous? Don Pedro returns. Columbus said Pepe to go from that place. But he didn’t go out. Again he questioned Don Pedro, that the singing changes to a roar. This shows their discontentment, it was bad. The noise became louder.
Pedro came and said that the Seamen were ignoring his order. Columbus got angry and asked them to show who was that mischief or trouble maker. Columbus asked Pepe what were the words. Almost weeping, he said that The Santa Maria would be the lighter for his dead body; Columbus bitterly asked that he said readily.
Francisco apologized and he could understand that what were the feelings of Columbus. Columbus asked him to the Guillemo Ires. Fransisco said that it was most possible. Columbus said that it is discipline to obey the order. Francisco said that in that situation descriptive was the thing of the past. Then Columbus said Don Pedro to send him, whether he shall know how the Jail condition should be.
When Don Pedro on his halfway, Guillermo Ires and other seamen rushed towards Columbus. They were all very angry and like the infuriated animals. Seeing this Columbia thundered and made them stop. He said if they move forward the first man should spend his night in the jail. (All were kept quiet and nobody moves. Guillero Ires came towards Columbus with a wild cry).
Guillemo questioned that they were thirty members, who were put into jail. Columbus very calmly said that if nobody was there, he would only reform it himself and he was not ready to listen anymore. Guillemo with high excitement asked that they stood too much. They were all common men with feelings. They want to go back home and join their families. He said that Santa Maria shall turn her lever towards Spain at once, otherwise we were all sheep but not men at all. Columbus asked who shall navigate her to Spain.
Guillemo answered that Plenty of the people there to do this. They all understood that Columbus had devil with him, he didn’t know the correct route, simply going to eastwards what was the use. All of them lost their hopes if the easterly wind comes they were not men unused to the sea. That Devil’s track leads them to nowhere, it was better to go back to home. All the Seamen showed no signs of assent.
Columbus appealing for silence. He was paler than his habit but very calm. Columbus wanted to convince Don Guillermo so he said that Guillermo was an excellent sailor and a man of abundant resourcefulness. He had the ability to do the right thinking, so he did not run away from that. Definitely, he would achieve prosperity. He would an able-bodied seaman, he must obey his captain.
And captain should obey the Royal Sovereigns of Spain those who sent. It should be clear that they shall not fall out of the task. Columbus commanded them to return to their duties. Again an understandable stop or interval. Diego breaks out the silence and said that these were the words for children, it was silly, they were a man and had reason with them. Columbus made them silent.
His tone of authority calms the angry seamen, they were murmuring but Columbus turns and went up to the stairs where he stands and looks down. Diego asked Columbus that was he on the holy ground? Suddenly a loud chorus was heard. They shouted as to have him down, Pitch him overboard, Put him in jail, Devil’s tool, Italian enemy, etc.,
They were running towards Columbus. Pepe came in- between and stands with arms spread out. Pepe shouted to seamen, they were all Cowards, First, they would have killed, him. The crowd roared and attacked Pepe and said to him that he was a Devil’s dog. Columbus came forward and said that, is this child stand between him and death? Silence follows. Columbus gave a speech.
This is a voyage of discovery. I set out to discover a New World, that is beyond unknown seas; to find new wealth. This is all for our King and Queen. We should sacrifice to get something back to God. But I have discovered that when a man is given a vision, he should follow loyalty passes like a seaweed and friendship breaks as ‘a mast. Discipline, duty and honorable obedience are like bubbles that burst at the first touch.
So far I discovered these. Pepe said that he was loyal and obedient and devoted servant to captain. Columbus said with some emotion that he was not ungrateful. Pedro with dignity said that his loyalty had never been in question and he salutes. Columbus also salutes to Pedro and said that sometimes he was silent but his speech revealed his loyalty clear. For that captain thanked him.
Columbus turns and looks out at sea. He looks more earnestly into the darkness. Some men moved, the captain turns back. Juan said that they were simple men. for that captain questioned shall simple men judge their better? At that moment Guillermo took a decision and said confidently that they may wait till the next day.
Columbus said that Dark deeds are better done in the dark. Guillermo went and one or two seamen followed him. Francisco comments that violent men do not always act up to the best, that is in them. Columbus quiet ironically thanked Francisco for reminding him and said that your best cannot be bettered. He wished him good night and stop the conversation. Francisco wanted to speak but he thought that it was better to go and went away.
During the silence Columbus didn’t move, he was struggling with excessive nervousness. Because of his emotion, he didn’t speak steadily. He said Pepe to go out. Pepe took his hand, kissed it and goes out Columbus turned to Don Pedro and shared his experience that he was the faintly flickering light rises up and down. Don Pedro saw in that particular direction and he also observed the light.
Simultaneously the chorus shopped with joy. A light! Land! Land! A Sailor comes running on with joy and excitement. Sailor asked Columbus that did he see the light? All were made with joy and with gratitude prayed. At last Mother of God blessed them. Columbus quite authoritatively said to Don Pedro that he should give the order to stop the ship at land. Finally, they discovered the New World.