KL 10 Standard SST Notes

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Notes Chapter 10 Consumer: Satisfaction and Protection

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Notes Chapter 10 Consumer: Satisfaction and Protection

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Notes Chapter 10 Consumer: Satisfaction and Protection

We all are consumers. Variety in products, personal interest, increasing demands, influence of market force, etc. have complicated and widened the scope of consumption. So the chances for exploiting the consumers are also more. Consumers must be able to consume with ease and without being exploited. The unit explains the laws, administrative mechanism and consumer education necessary for this.

→ Consumption: Consumption is the satisfaction of human wants using goods and services.

→ Consumer : The person who purchases and uses goods and services by paying or agreeing to pay a price.

→ Consumer satisfaction : The act of fulfilling the wants of the consumer through the consumption of goods and services.

→ Consumer Protection Act, 1986 : The first major Act passed in India for the protection of the rights of consumers. It clearly defines the comsumer’s rights and sets up special judiciary mechanisms for consumer protection in India.

→ Consumer Courts : The situations in which the consumers are not satisfied with the dealings of the producers and distributors, they can approach the consumer courts which are mechanisms for helping them as per the law.

→ District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum : Consumer court at the district level.

→ State C°nsuiner Disputes Redressal Commission : Consumer court at the state level.

→ National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission : Consumer court at the national level.

→ BIS : Bureau of Indian Standard gives the ISI mark to ensure a fixed quality of products.

→ ISI mark : Indian Standard Institute mark is a certification mark for industrial products in India.
The ISI mark is mandatory for certifying products to be sold in India.

→ ISO : International Organization for Standardisation certifies the quality of goods and services.
Hallmark: Indicates the purity of gold jewellery.

The word is derived from .the Goldsmith’s Company ‘hall’ in London where the purity of these were attested.

→ Agmark: Symbol used to ensure the quality of agricultural and forest products in India.

→ FPO : Food Products Order is a certification ; mark on the safety and quality products/ processed from fruits and vegetables.

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