KL 10 Standard SST Notes

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India

Question 1.
List out the quantitative and qualitative aspects of human resource. –
Human resource refers to people who have the manpower which can be utilised in the production sector.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India 1

Question 2.
Prepare a note by analysing the importance of population studies.

  • Helps the government to quantitatively assess the different needs of the people and to plan activities and programmes accordingly.
  • Informs the availability of human resource in a country.
  • Depicts the extent of basic facilities required by the people.
  • Quantifies the goods and services required.
  • Determines the socio-economic development policies.
  • To assess the standard of living of the people.
  • To compare with thS population of other countries.

Question 3.
Compare the changes in population due to birth rate, death rate and migration.
Birth rate, death rate and migration are the factors that affect the population of a country.

  • Birth rate increases, death rate decreases → Population increases
  • Birth rate decreases, death rate increases → Population declines
  • Birth rate and death rate are equal → No change in population.
  • Migration → Population increases in one region but decreases in another region.

Question 4.
Labour force participation rate and dependency rate as per the census of India 2011 is given below. Prepare a graph based on this

Labour force participation rate (in percentage) Dependency rate (in percentage)
Female 62.8 37.2
Male 62.2 37.7

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India 2

Question 5.
List the advantages of the increase in labour force participation rate and disadvantages due to increase in depending rate.

  • Labour force participation rate is the ratio of the population in the age group 15-59, who are either employed or actively looking for jobs. This age group contributes significantly to the progress of the nation. Labour force participation rate is a measuring tool for the social development.
  • The age groups 0 to 14 years and 60 years and above are included in the dependent group. Their proportion in total population is known as dependency ratio. This group depends on the working force of the country. An increase in the dependency ratio decreases the per capita income. The protection of children and the old people incur huge expense. This retards the development of the country.

Question 6.
What are the factors that improve human resource? How does this influence a country’s development?
The factors that improve human resource are

  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Training

Influence of improved human resource

  • Productivity of the workers increases
  • Entrepreneurship improves
  • Social welfare is ensured
  • Economic inequality is reduced
  • Natural resources utilized efficiently
    Makes possible the development and use of advanced technology.

Question 7.
How does education help in country’s development? Prepare a flowchart.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India 3

Question 8.
List the existing problems in health sector.

  • Poor quality
  • Limited social intervention
  • Low priority to public sector
  • Less opportunity for the poor to get medical care
  • Neglect of the rural sector
  • Difficulty to control epidemics
  • Lack of sufficient nutritious food
  • Insufficient preventive healthcare
  • Unsolved pollution problems
  • Increasing cost of treatment.

Question 9.
Explain how education and healthcare help in human resource development.

  • Education and human resource development: People with potential and skills will lead to the development of a country. Education has a major role in moulding skilled people. Education improves the skills of individuals. Betters the technological know-how. Helps to secure better job and income. Improves the standard of living.

Healthcare and human resource development: Each individual can work for the economic development of a country only if proper healthcare facilities are provided. Healthy persons help in the progress of the country in the following ways.

  • Production increases with the increase in efficiency and the number of working days.
  • Natural resources can be utilized properly.
  • Medical expenses can be reduced, thereby reducing the government expenditure.
  • Economic development is possible through increase in production.

Question 10.
List the different jobs around us, the goods and services provided by them and the skill needed for them.

Job Goods/Service Skill
Farmer Producers agricultural crops Knowledge about different agricultural crops and the method of cultivation
Teacher Teaches Knowledge and training on the subject and method of teaching.
Doctor Treats diseases Knowledge about diseases and medicines

Question 11.
Human resource development is the development of man‘s physical and mental abilities. Find out the factors that help to develop such abilities.
factors that help to develop such abilities.

  • Education
  • Training
  • Healthcare

Question 12.
Complete the flowchart on features of human resource.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India 4
a. Quantitative features
b. Size of population
c. Growth of population
d. Population structure
e. Quai initiative features
f. Education
g. Healthcare
h. Literacy rate

Question 13.
Examine the table indicating population growth rate in India and answer the questions given below.

Year Population (in crores) Decadal growth rate (in percentage)
1951 36.11 13.31(1941-51)
1961 43.90 21.64(1951-61)
1971 54.82 24.80(1961-71)
1981 68.33 24.66(1971-81)
1991 84.64 23.87(1981-91)
2001 102.87 21.54(1991-2001)
2011 121.02 17.64(2001-11)

a. Which decade has marked the maximum population growth?
b. From which year onwards is there a decrease in the population growth rate?
c. How much decrease did the population growth rate record in the decade 2001-2011?
a. 1961-71.
b. 1971
c. 3.90 (in percentage)

Question 14.
Given below is a pie diagram showing the age structure based on census of India 2011. Based on this, answer the questions.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India 5
What percentage of the total population belongs to the age group 0-14 years?
What percentage of total population belongs to the age group of 60 years and above?
What percentage of the total population belongs to the age group of 15-59 years?
62.5%. High labour force participation rate is beneficial for the development of the country.

Question 15.
How does the population density of an area influence the availability of human resource?
Density of population refers to the number of people residing in a square kilometre area. More people means more manpower. This will increase production.

Question 16.
What are the problems in the economy as a result of a decrease in the labour force participation rate and increase in the dependency ratio?
The portion of the population in the age group 15-59 is included in labour force participation rate. This age group has the capability to contribute to the progress of the nation. Decrease in labour force participation rate will adversely affect the progress of the nation.

An increase in dependency ratio decreases the per capita income. The availability of manpower decreases with a fall in the age group of 15-59. This results in low production.

Question 17.
How does human resource development influence economic development?
As a result of human resource development:

  • Productivity of the workers increases.
  • Entrepreneurship improves.
  • Makes possible the development and use of advanced technology.
  • Economic inequality is reduced.
  • Natural resources are utilised effectively.
    All these will lead to economic development.

Question 18.
The given table depicts the features of Indian population. Compare the sex ratio, life expectancy and literacy rate and prepare a note.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India 6

  • Females have high life expectancy compared to males
  • The literacy rate of females is less compared to males.
  • Sex ratio is low.
  • High sex ratio, life expectancy and 1 iteracy rate are suitable for the economic development of the nation.

Question 19.
List the advantages of improved human resource.

  • Productivity of the workers can be increased
  • Economic inequality can be reduced.
  • Entrepreneurship can be improved.
  • The development and use of advanced technology can be made possible.

Question 20.
Find out how education helps in the development of a nation and complete the flowchart.
a. Improves the skills of individuals
b. Betters the technological know-how.
c. Helps to secure better job and income.

Question 21.
Find out how healthcare helps in national progress and prepare a note.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 3 Human Resource Development in India 7

  • Production increases with the efficiency of workers and also the number of working days.
  • Natural resources can be utilised properly.
  • Economic development is possible through increase in production.

Question 22.
List the facilities to be ensured for healthcare

  • Availability of nutritious food.
  • Availability of clean water
  • Cleanliness
  • Healthy environment
  • Ensuring of leisure and entertainment.

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