Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 4 Landscape Analysis through Maps
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 4 Landscape Analysis through Maps
Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 4 Landscape Analysis through Maps
Question 1.
Find out the location of settlements and graveyards in the given grid using 4- figure grid reference method.
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Write the value of northings along with the value of eastings of the grid in which the graveyard is situated. The four-digit number gained thus is the 4 – figure grid reference. The value of the easting to the immediate left of the graveyard is 22. Then the value of the northing just below the graveyard is to be written (77). Thus the location of the graveyard as per the 4 figure grid reference is 2277.
The value of the easting to the immediate left of the settlement is to be written (23). Then the value of the northing just below the settlement is to be written (77). Thus the 4-figure grid reference of the settlements is 2377.
2. Find out the location of spring, mosque, railway station. Police station and well in the given grid using the 6 – figure grid reference method.
The value of the easting to the left of the spring is to be written first (35). Then divide the area upto the next easting into 10 equal parts and find the exact division on which the spring is located and write it next to the value of easting already found (357). Now the value of the northing just below the spring (54) is to be written along with the easting’s value (35754). Divide the area upto the next northing into 10 equal parts and find the exact division on which the spring is located and write it with the values already written (357548). Thus the 6-figure grid reference of the spring is 357548.
- Value of easting (34). Value obtained by dividing into ten parts (3). The total value of easting is 343.
- Value of northing (54). Value obtained by dividing into ten (6). Total value of northing is 546.
- The 6-figure grid reference of the mosque is 343546.
Railway station
- Value of easting (35) Value obtained by dividing into ten parts(7). Total value of easting is 357.
- Value of northing (54) Value obtained by dividing into ten parts (3). Total value of northing is 543.
- The 6-figure grid reference of the railway station is 357543.
Police station.
- Value of easting (34) Value obtained by dividing into ten parts(6). Total value of easting is 346.
- Value of northing(54) Value obtained by dividing into ten parts (4). Total value of northing is 544.
- The 6-figure grid reference of the Police 1 station is 346544.
- Value of easting (35) Value obtained by dividing into ten parts (2). Total value = 352
- Value of northing (54) Value obtained by dividing into ten parts (8). Total value = 548
- The 6-figure grid reference of the well = 352548
Question 3.
Match the contour in column A with shape of landforms in column B.
Contour A | Shape of landform B |
i. | B |
ii. | E |
iii. | D |
iv. | C |
V. | F |
vi. | A |
Question 4.
The following map is a part of a toposheet. Find out how it differs from the maps you are familiar with.
- Topographical maps are maps prepared by incorporating minute details of comparatively small areas.
- These are large scale maps.
- Man-made and natural features on the earth’s surface are depicted in detail.
- Contour lines helping to identify undulations of the terrain are drawn in the map.
- Important surface features like rivers, other water bodies, forests, agricultural land, barren land, villages, towns and transport and communication systems are depicted.
- The number of toposheet, million sheet and degree sheet are recorded.
- Details like state, district, year of survey and the agency, scale of the map, contour interval, latitude and longitude lines and different colours for landfdhns are given.
- Other details like bridges, pools, altitude of the place, lakes, official buildings, settlements are also included in the map.
Question 5.
Look at the number (45 D/10) noted above the given toposheet (as in question 4). What does this indicate? Do all the toposheets contain such numbers?
A map series containing 105 topographical maps (numbering 1, 2, 3, 104, 105) have been prepared including the countries of Indian sub-continent and adjoining countries. The dS sheet in this series constitutes parts of the states Rajasthan and Gujarat in India. Each sheet of this type is known as million sheet. Each million sheet is divided into 16 parts in the order A, B, C, D, up to P. These are known as degree sheets. The degree sheets are further divided into 16 equal parts (1, 2, 3, 16).. For eg: 55, 55 D/2). These are known as inch sheets.
The number 45 D/10 is recorded in the given map in order to identify the map of which area. So the map depicts the details of inch sheet 10, part of degree sheet D which is a part of million sheet 45. All the toposheets contain such numbers to identify the map of which area.
Question 6.
Answer the following questions by analyzing the given map.
a. The parts of states that are included in toposheet number 45.
b. The index numbers of toposheets which cover the state of Odisha.
c. The states that are included in toposheet number 73.
d. The index numbers of toposheets which cover the state of Karnataka.
e. The index numbers of toposheets which cover the state of Kerala.
a. Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh
b. IndexNumbers: 64,65,73,74
c. Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh
d. Index numbers: 47,48,56,57,58
e. Index numbers: 48,49, 58
Question 7.
Find out the conventional colours used to represent different features.
Feature | Colour |
Latitudes and longitudes Non-perennial water bodies Railway lines, telephone and telegraph lines Boundary lines |
Black |
Oceans, rivers, wells, tube wells (perennial water bodies) |
Blue |
Forests Grasslands Trees and shrubs Orchards |
Green |
Cultivable land | Yellow |
Barren land | White |
Settlements, roads, paths, gridlines |
Red |
Contour lines and their values Sand dunes and sand hills |
Brown |
Question 8.
Look at the given toposheet (of question 4). Find out the symbols and colours you have familiarized.
- Colours
- Black
- Green
- Yellow
- Red
- White
- Brown
- Blue
Question 9.
Haven’t you noticed the red lines drawn lengthwise and breadthwise in the given toposheet (fig. 4.1 or of Qn.4)? What are they? What are their uses?
The north-south lines incorporated in toposheets are called Eastings. They are called eastings because their value increases towards the east.
The east-west lines incorporated in toposheets are called northings. They are called northings because their value increases towards the north.
It is difficult to show the precise location of minor geographical features in toposheets. To solve this difficulty, eastings and northings are incorporated in toposheets. The grid formed by the eastings and northings are called reference grid. Accurate location of minor geographical details can be done using these lines.
Question 10.
Find the eastings and northings values from the given toposheet (fig. 4.1)
- Values of eastings : 02, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 09
- Values of northings :01,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 09
- Question 11.
Locate the geographic features – fort, graveyard and settlements shown in the model grid using the 4-figure gird reference method.
- Value of easting 81
- Value of northing 34
- Four figure grid reference of the fort = 8134
- Value of easting 8$
- Value of northing 35
- 4 -figure grid reference of graveyard = 8535
- Value of easting 85
- Value of northing 34
- 4 – figure grid reference of the settlements = 8534
Question 12.
Locate the smaller geographical features temple, church, well, light house and bridge shown in the model grid using 6-figure grid reference method, (fig. 4.9 or figure of Qn.11)
- Value of easting 84
- Value obtained by dividing into ten parts: 7. Total = 847
- Value of northing 34
- Part of ten : 5 . Total = 345
- 6 – figure grid reference of temple = 847345
- Value of easting 84
- Part of ten : 6 ‘
- Total = 846
- Value of northing 36
- Part of ten : 2 . Total = 362
- 6 -figure grid reference of church = 846362
- Value of easting 83
- Part of ten : 7 . Total =837
- Value of northing 35
- Part of ten : 2 . Total = 352
- 6 – figure grid reference of well = 837352
- Value of easting 85
- Part of ten : 3
- Total = 853
- Value of northing 37
- Part of ten : 3. Total = 373
- 6-figure grid reference of light house = 853373
- Value of easting 82
- Part of ten: 4
- Total = 824
- Value of northing 36
- Part of ten: 4
- Total = 364
- 6 – figure grid reference of bridge = 824364
Question 13.
Find the contour interval in the toposheet provided (fig. 4.1)
Contour interval: 20 metre
Question 14.
Find out the contour lines of the elevated regions in fig. 4.1. Mark their contour values and identify the shape of the landform.
Question 15.
Plot the topography represented by the following contour patterns.
Question 16.
Determine the shape of the terrain represented by the given contours and complete the table by checking the intervisibility between the places M, N, O and P
Places | Intervisible / Not intervisible |
Between M and N | Intervisible |
Between N and O | Not Intervisible |
Between O and P | Intervisible |
Between M and O | Not Intervisible |
Between M and P | Not Intervisible |
Between N and P | Not Intervisible |
Question 17.
The indicators regarding the marginal information of toposheets and a toposheet labelled with such information are given. Read the sheet based on the indicators and write down the marginal information, (fig. 4.25)
Marginal information indicators:
- Toposheet number: 56—
- Name of the place represented : Gulbarga, Raichur districts of Karnataka.
- Latitudinal location:
Between 16° 15′ N and 16° 20′ N - Longitudinal location:
Between 76° 30’ E and 76° 35′ E - Eastings : 94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02
- Northings: 84,85, 86,87,88, 89,90,91,92
- Scale of the map : 1: 50000
- Contour interval: 20 metre
- Year of Survey : 1959 – 60
- Year of publication : 2005
- Agency in charge of survey : Dr. Prithish Nag (Surveyor General of India)
Question 18.
List the marginal information of the given topographic map 45 D/10 in fig. 4.1 as was done with the toposheet 56 D/11
- Toposheet number : 45 D/10
- Name of the place represented: Banaskantha and Sirohi districts
- Latitudinal location: Between 24° 30′ N and 24° 35’ N
- Longitudinal location: Between 72° 30′ E and 12° 35′ E
- Eastings: From 02 to 09
- Northings: From 01 to 09
- Scale of the map : 1: 50000
- Contour interval: 20 metre
- Year of survey: 1959-60
- Year of publication: 2005
Agency in charge of survey: Dr. Prithish Nag (Surveyor General of India)
Question 19.
Find answers to the following questions by reading the given toposheet. (fig. 4.25)
Physical features
Which is the major river flowing through this area?
In which direction does it flow?
From south-west to northeast direction.
On which bank of the river are the forest seen?
To the right bank of the river.
What is the name of the reserve forest in this area?
Lingsugar Reserve Forest.
How many springs are seen in this region? Locate them based on direction.
Two springs
One is in east-south-east direction and the other is in east – northeast direction.
Locate the open scrubs in this area.
- One is in the west near to the river.
- A second one is near to southwest comer.
- A third one is in the middle, towards south.
Find out the location of the following using the 6 – figure grid reference method. ‘
- 476Δ
- 447
- The spring north of Palampur village.
476 Δ
- Easting 94
- Part of ten : 4
- Total = 944
- Northing: 83
- Part of ten : 9
- Total = 839
- 6 figure grid reference = 944839
- Easting 01
- Part of ten : 7
- Total = 017
- Northing: 90
- Part of ten : 3
- Total = 903
- 6 figure grid reference = 017903
The spring north of Parampur village
- Easting 01
- Part of ten : 3
- Total = 013
- Northing: 85
- Part of ten : 2
- Total = 852
- 6 figure grid reference = 013852
Question 20.
Find answers to the following questions by reading the given toposheet (fig. 4.25)
Identify the districts in Karnataka to which the area belongs.
Gulbarga and Raichur districts.
Based on which natural feature is district boundary determined?
River: District boundary passes through the middle of River Krishna.
Which is the district on the right bank of River Krishna?
Where is the metalled road seen?
Devarbhupur road in south-east direction
In which direction is the Gadalamari village located?
In the north-west comer
Which are the villages where post offices can be found?
Find the location using 4 figure grid reference method
- Aldobhavi village
- Ganavathala village
- Fort to the northeastern corner
Answer: - Aldobhavi village
- Easting 00
- Northing 90
- 4 – figure grid reference = 0090
Ganavathala village
- Easting 93
- Northing 86
- 4 – figure grid reference = 9386
- Easting 01
- Northing 92
- 4 – figure grid reference = 0192
Find the location using the 6-figure grid reference method
- Temple near Gadalamari village
- Temple within Lingusugar Reserve Forest
- Post Office in Ganavathala village
Temple near Gadalamari village
- Easting 94
- Part of ten : 3
- Total = 943
- Northing: 91
- Part of ten: 7
- Total = 917
- 6 figure grid reference = 943917
Temple within Lingusugar Reserve Forest
- Easting 00
- Part of ten: 4
- Total = 004
- Northing: 86.
- Part of ten: 4
- Total = 864
- 6 figure grid reference = 004864
Post Office in Ganavathala village
- Easting 93
- Part of ten : 8
- Total = 938
- Northing: 86
- Part often : 3
- Total = 863
- 6 figure grid reference = 938863