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Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis

Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis Text Book Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Identify the type of remote sensing which each of the above photograph fig 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 in your T.B. might have been captured.

A. Terrestrial photography
B. Aerial photography
C. Satellite Remote Sensing

Question 2.
What change does the satellite image exhibit as its spatial resolution decreases?
As the spatial resolution decreases the clenty of the image reduces.
Geographic Information System(GIS):
The software used for preparing maps with the help of data collected through remote sensing and other methods of survey for various purposes is called GIS. The latitudinal and longitudinal position of an object is called spatial data and the features of the object is called attributes.

Question 3.
Find out the latitude and longitude of your house using the software Wiki mafia.
Wiki mafia is a software that will help us to locate a place. For example, of you house is in Thrissuryour house will be 10.5276°N, 76.2144°E, of it is in Trivandrum city 8.5241 °N, 76.9366°E of it is in Kannur 11,8745°N, 75.3704°E.


Satellite-based Navigation System:
Nowadays, satellite-based tracking system are used for monitoring the location and movement of objects on the earth’s surface Global positioning system helps sensing the latitudinal and longitudinal locations and elevation of objects. In this system, 24 satellites are placed at six different orbits at differ¬ent attitudes.

Question 4.
List the other potentials of GPS.
GPS has significant role in the present-day world from tracking not work analysis etc.

Question 5.
Explain the history of remote sensing.
Our ancestors made map after collecting information about the surface of the earth and survey of earth’s surface which lasted for a long time. Aerial photography which developed later made map-making quite easy. Satellite remote sensing and geographical information systems which developed in the 1960s as a result of the progress in science and technology paved the way for map-making efficient and fast.

Question 6.
What do you mean by remote sensing?
Remote sensing is the method of collecting information about an object with the help of distantly placed sensors without touching

Question 7.
What are sensors? Write examples.
Sensors are instruments used for collecting infor¬mation through remote sensing.
Eg. Camera, Scanners

Question 8.
What is the difference between scanner and . camera?

  • Cameras record the visible light reflected by the objects.
  • Objects reflect high-frequency energy which can not be detected by human eyes. Scanners are complex instruments that can detect even these.

Question 9.
Distinguish between active remote sensing and passive remote sensing.

  • Active Remote Sensing: Remote sensing based on an artificial source of light or energy source is called active remote sensing.
  • Passive Remote Sensing: Remote sensing based on the energy from the sun is called passive remote sensing.

Question 10.
What are the advantages of aerial remote sensing?

  • Useful for collecting information of a limited area with clarity.
  • Widely used for the preparation of topographical maps.
  • Highly useful for obtaining photographs with a three-dimensional view.
  • A three-dimensional view enables to distinguish heights and depressions.

Question 11.
Identify from the pictures, the platforms used to collect information. Also, write the name of sensors placed in these.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis 2

  • Platform in Fig. A. Earth. Sensor used is camera.
  • Platform in Fig. B Aircraft. Sensor used is camera.
  • Platform in Fig. C. Satellite. Sensor used is scan-ner.

Question 12.
How is remote sensing divided based on the plat¬form used? Explain.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis 3
Based on the type of platform used, remote sensing is divided into three:
(i) Terrestrial photography
(ii) Aerial remote sensing
(iii) Satellite remote sensing

  • Terrestrial photography: Taking photographs of the earth’s surface from the terrain or from high elevations is called terrestrial photography. Eg: taking pictures using cameras.
  • Aerial remote sensing: The process of taking photographs of the earth’s surface with the help of cameras fixed on balloons or aircraft is called aerial remote sensing.
  • Satellite remote sensing: The process of collecting information using sensors fitted on artificial satellites is called satellite remote sensing.

Question 13.
Point out the uses of remote sensing.
1. Understanding land use
2. Exploring the oceans
3. Oil exploration
4. Collecting details about places
5. Finding out drought and flood-affected areas

Question 14.
Name the 2 types of satellites in satellite remote sensing.
1. Geostationary satellites
2. Sun-synchronous satellites

Question 15.
Examine the features of Geostationary satellites.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis 4

  • Orbit the earth at a height of about 36000 km.
  • Positioned in the equatorial plane.
  • As they move according to the orbital velocity of the earth, they always face the same region of the earth.
  • One-third of the globe is brought under its observational limit.
  • Constant data collection of one part of the earth is possible.
  • Useful for understanding changes in weather conditions and for telecommunication.

Question 16.
Point out the features of sun-synchronous satellites.

  • Position is below 1000 km from the earth’s sur¬face.
  • Move by traversing the north and the south poles.
  • Less observational limit.
  • Come over a particular region at a fixed interval of days.
  • Continuous collection of information about a region is possible.
  • Used to collect information about natural resources, land use and groundwater.

Question 17.
Point out the uses of overlay analysis.
Know changes in the extent of crops.
Know change in land use pattern.
Know changes in the agricultural crops.

Question 18.
Distinguish between stereo pair and stereoscope.
Stereo pair is two aerial photographs of adjoining areas. Whereas the instruments used for obtaining a three-dimensional view from the stereo pairs is called stereoscope.

Question 19.
Though Aerial remote sensing has many advantages it has got several limitations. What are those limitation?

  • The shaking of the aircraft affects the quality of photographs.
  • Open space is needed for the takeoff and landing of planes.
  • Not practical for taking photographs of vast and extensive regions.
  • Costly to land the aircraft frequently for refuel¬ling.

Question 20.
What are the difference between India’s satellites INSATandIRS?
INSAT satellites are geostationary satellites. On the other hand, IRS are sun-synchronous satellites.

Question 21.
Why are geostationary satellites known by that name? What are its uses?
Geostationary satellites are those that orbit the earth with the same orbital velocity and direction as that of the earth. Since they move according to the or¬bital movement of the earth, they always face the same region of the earth. So they are known by this name.

  • Understanding difference in weather conditions.
  • Telecommunications.

Question 22.
What is spectral signature? Write the reason for difference in the amount of spectral signature.

  • The measure of reflected energy by each object is called spectral signature. Every object on the earth’s surface reflects electromagnetic radiation in different measure.
  • The difference in the amount of reflection is because of the variations in the physical properties of objects.
    For eg. The spectral signature of plants is different from that of sands.

Question 23.
What is spatial resolution? How does it influence the study of the surface of the earth?

  • Spatial resolution of a sensor is the size of the smallest object on the earth’s surface that it can distinguish.
  • The sensors fitted on satellites cannot distinguish objects of all sizes on the surface of the earth. Earliersensorswere able to distinguish only large objects and they had less resolution (Eg. 1 km). Today there are sensors that can even represent information of less than one meter.

Question 24.
What do you mean by Geographic information systems?
Geographic information system is a software that stores, updates, retrieves and analyses spatial data and their peculiarities.

Question 25.
Complete the list of possibilities of GIS.
1. Display the maps
2. …………………
3. …………………
4. …………………
1. Display the maps
2. Renew/update the maps
3. Make new maps
4. Analyze the collected data and to make tables and graphs.


Question 26.
What is the importance of preparing layers in GIS? Write an example.
With the help of GIS software, spatial data can be stored as different layers. When the features of the surface of the earth are made as layers, we can separate the data that we need to make tables and maps easily.

Example: Using QGIS, a GIS software, different data about India are made into separate layers. Different layers to show the states in India, natural resources, mountains, cotton cultivated regions and jute cultivated regions are made. Maps obtained as different layers in this manner can be used for different analyses.

Question 27.
Explain the three possibilities of GIS.
The three possibilities of GIS are explained below.
Overlay analysis:
Overlay analysis is used for understanding the mutual relationship between and the changes undergone by the various features on the earth’s surface. For example, using maps showing the states of India and the cotton cultivated regions, we can find out the states where cotton is cultivated, using overlay analysis. This analysis also helps to find out the changes in the extent of crops and land use patterns.

Buffer analysis:
In buffer analysts, a circular region is created around a point or corridor like region around a linear feature. For example, if the width of an existing road is increased by 10 m, we can find out the number of houses to be acquired, using buffer analysis.

Network analysis:
Linear features such as roads, rivers, and railway lines are subjected to network analysis. Using this, we can find the nearest road to reach a place, less congested roads, roads without toll and hospitals, hotels and petrol pumps along the road.

Question 28.
The instrument used to obtain the three-dimensional view of aerial photographs is …………..

Question 29.
Which is more suitable for repeated earth observations?

  • Aerial remote sensing
  • Terrestrial photograph
  • Satellite remote sensing

Question 30.
The geostationary satellites of India are included in the series of
2. IRS
3. Challenger

Question 31.
Compete the Chart.

Question 32.
Point out the advantages of Aerial remote sensing.

  • Useful for collecting information of a limited area with clarity.
  • Widely used for the preparation of topographical maps.
  • Useful for obtaining photographs with three-dimensional view.
  • A three-dimensional view enables to distinguish heights and depressions.
  • Useful for viewing a region as a whole.

Question 33.
Identify the advantages of overlap in aerial photo-graphs

  • To maintain continuity of aerial photographs.
  • To ensure three-dimensional view
  • To view a region as a whole.
  • To distinguish the heights and depressions of the earth’s surface.

Question 34.
Match the following.

GPS Russia



Question 35.
List the institutions that use remote sensing in Kerala.

  • Kerala State Remote Sensing and Environment Centre (KSRSEC)
  • Centre for Earth Science Studies (CESS)
  • Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM)
  • Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI)
  • Kerala State Land Use Board (IKSLUB)
  • Geological Survey of India (GSI)
  • Central Ground Water Board (CGWB)
  • Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI)

Let Us Assess

Question 36.
Compare active remote sensing and passive remote sensing.
On the basis of sources of energy or light, remote sensing can be divided into two such as
(i) Active remote sensing –
(ii) Passive remote sensing

  • Active Remote Sensing: Remote sensing based on an artificial source of light or energy source is called active remote sensing.
  • Passive Remote Sensing: Remote sensing based on the energy from the sun is called passive remote sensing.

Question 37.
What is advantage of overlap in aerial photography?
Each aerial photograph covers about 60 percent area of the adjacent photographs also. This is called overlap of aerial photographs.
Its advantages are:

  • to maintain continuity of aerial photographs
  • to ensure three-dimension view using a stereoscope.
  • to view a region as a whole
  • to distinguish the heights and depressions of the earth’s surface.

Question 38.
Write the uses of remote sensing technology

  • For exploring the oceans for oil exploration
  • For finding out drought-affected and flood-affected areas
  • For finding out forest fire in inaccessible areas and for taking control measures by monitoring their spread
  • For understanding about the land use in a region.
  • For finding out places having greater groundwater availability.
  • For collecting information about the extent of crops and pest attacks.

Question 39.
What is the benefit of using layers in GIS?
With the help of GIS software, spatial data can be stored as different layers. From these, we can make maps, graphs, and tables for our specific needs.

Question 40.
Describe the features of geostationary satellite and sun-synchronous satellites.
Geostationary satellites:

  • Geostationary satellites are those with the same orbital velocity and direction as that of the earth.
  • Orbit the earth at a height of about 36000 km
  • Positioned in the equatorial plane.
  • Since the orbits are at great heights, one-third of the globe is brought under their observational unit.
  • Since they move according to the same orbital movement of the earth, they always face the same region of the earth.
  • Constant data collection of any one part of the earth is possible.
  • Used for understanding the differences in weather conditions and for telecommunications.
  • Eg: INSAT satellites of India.

Sun-synchronous satellites:

  • These are satellites that move at a very low height.
  • The orbital height is below 1000 km from the earth’s surface.
  • Move by traversing the north-south poles.
  • Less observation limit.
  • Come over a particular region at a fixed interval of days.
  • Continuous collection of information about a region is possible.
  • Used for Collecting information about natural resources, land use, and groundwater.
  • Eg: IRS and Landsat

Question 41.
Analyze the analytical capabilities of overlay analysis.
Used for understanding the mutual relationships between and the changes undergone by the various features on the earth’s surface.

  • To identify the agricultural corps of different states.
  • To identify the changes in the extent of crops.
  • To identify the changes in land-use patterns.
  • To understand the changes in the extent of forests.
  • To understand about urbanization,
  • To understand the extent of drought and flood-affected areas.

Question 42. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Identify the types of remote sensing to which the following statements are related.
1. Remote sensing with the help of solar energy
2. Remote sensing with the help of an artificial source of energy
1. Passive Remote sensing
2. Active Remote sensing

Question 43. (Qn.Pool-2017)
How are balloons, aircraft, and satellites related to remote sensing? What is the common name by which these are known?

  • The sensors for collecting information are fixed on them
  • Platform

Question 44. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Classify remote sensing based on platforms

  • Satellite remote sensing
  • Aerial remote sensing
  • Terrestrial photography

Question 45. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Each aerial photograph captures nearly 60% of the area included in the adjacent photographs. What is the significance in doing so? Mention the name by which this is known?

  • For the continuity of photographs
  • To get three-dimensional view
  • Overlap

Question 46. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Which is the instrument used to get three-dimensional view from aerial photographs?

Question 47. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Explain in setting three-dimensional view from aerial photos.

  • Helps in setting three-dimensional view from aerial photos
  • To get the synoptic view of an area and to identify the undulations of the terrain.

Question 48. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Write the name of a pair of aerial photos with over-lap.
Stereo pair

Question 49. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Aerial remote sensing has some demerits along with its merits. List out the demerits.

  • The shaking of aircraft may affect the quality of photos.
  • Unable to take photographs of extensive areas
  • Requires open lands for landing and takeoff
  • Frequent landing for refueling makes it expen¬sive

Question 50. (Qn.Pool-2017)
A. Can obtain continuous data of a place.
B. Satellite travels with the same speed of rotation of earth.
Choose the appropriate option after reading the above statements regarding remote sensing.
1. A & B are different statements..
2. B is the reason for A
3. A is the reason for B
4. Both the statements are related to sun synchronous satellites.
B is the reason for A

Question 51. (Qn.Pool-2017)
INSAT and IRS are two series of satellites launched by India. Which among these are geostationary satellites? Distinguish between sun-synchronous and geostationary satellites.

Geo Stationary Satellites Sun-Synchronous Satellites
1. Orbits at an altitude of about 36000 km from the earth. 1. The attitude of the orbit less than 1000 km from the earth
2. Travels in the same speed of rotation of earth 2. Polar-orbiting
3. Field of view is extensive 3. Comparatively less field of view
4. Used for telecommunication and weather studies 4. Used in remote sensing

Question 52.
(Qn.Pool -2017)
Two types of satellites are utilized for communication purposes and land use studies. Identify them and compare their characteristics.

  • Geostationary Satellites (Communication)
  • Sun-Synchronous satellites (for, landuse studies)

Geostationary satellites:

  • Orbits at an altitude of 36000 km
  • One-third of the earth’s surface comes under the field of view.

Sun-Synchronous Satellites:

  • Orbits at an altitude of 1000 km
  • Smaller field of view


Question 53 (Qn.Pool-2017)
Lists the sectors where the remote sensing technology is used. Classify the sector you have listed on the basis of the types of satellites made use of.

Geostationary satellites:

  • Communication
  • Weather studies

Sun-Synchronous Satellites:

  • Resources studies
  • Landuse studies

Question 54. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Two types of data are essential for analysis in GIS. Name them.

  • Spatial data
  • Attribute data

Question 55. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Both spatial data and attributes are essential for analysis in GIS. Write any four attributes regarding your school.

  • Number of level in the building
  • Name of school
  • Number of students
  • Number of teachers.

Question 56. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Identify the wrong statement and make correction.
a) Spatial information regarding the earth’s surface are converted into layers for analysis of Gis.
b) Analysis of surface features of the earth is possible in Gis.
c) Along with spatial data, attributes are also essential for analysis in GIS
d) The linear features such as road, railway, rivers, etc. are used in buffer analysis.

  • d is the wrong answer.
  • The linear features such as road, railway, rivers

etc. are used in network analysis.

Question 57. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Which type of analysis in GIS can be used for identifying the roads with least traffic as part of town planning?
Network analysis

Question 58. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Identify the type of analysis in GIS used for study¬ing the relationship between different spatial information of an area.
Overlay analysis

Question 59. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Name the technology which helps in generating visual models of future phenomena and processes. Write any four uses of this technology.

  • Geographic information system
  • For compiling data from different sources
  • For thematic studies
  • To represent the geographic features spatially
  • To prepare maps

Question 60. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Name the system which helps in sensing the latitudinal and longitudinal location and elevation of ob-jects on the earth’s surface with corresponding time.
Global Positioning System (GPS).

Question 61. (Qn.Pool – 2017)
Stereoscope is much useful in the study of satellite imagery. Is the statement correct? Substantiate your answer.

  • Statement is wrong.
  • Stereoscope is the instrument used for getting three-dimensional view from aerial photographs.
  • Aerial photos with overlap alone can provide three- dimensional view.

Question 62. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Due to a severe sea erosion, an extensive coastal stretch destructed and a lot of people lost their habitats. Government decided to estimate the extent of land area destructed and to identify the real land-owners using GIS. Which are the analytical capabilities in GIS made use of for each purpose? Explain them.

  • To estimate the destructed land – Buffer analysis
  • To find the real landowners – Overlay analysis
  • Explain both the type of analysis

Question 63. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Which among the following is the most suitable method for understanding the seasonal growth rate of crops in an extensive agricultural land?
a) Field survey
b) Geographic Information System
c) Satellite remote
d) Aerial remote sensing sensing
c) Satellite remote sensing

Question 64. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Fill in the column A, B, and C based on the given hints.

Sun-synchronous satellite

1. Weather studies.
2. Geostationary satellite
3. Resource mapping
4. Buffer analysis
5. Aerial remote sensing
6. Stereoscope
7. Geographic Information System
8. IRS

INSAT Weather studies Geostationary. satellite
IRS Resource mapping Sun-synchronous satellite
Stereoscope Overlap Aerial remote sensing
Computer Geographic Information System Buffer analysis

Question 65. (Qn.Pool-2017)
The continuous numbers of a series of aerial photographs are given.
62 63 64 65 66
a) Can we call the photographs 62 and 66 together as a stereo pair? Why?
b) Which are the pairs of photographs 64?
a) Not stereo pair
Two adjacent photographs with overlap is the stereo pair
b) 63, 65

Question 66. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Identify the criterion used for the classification of remote sensing
1. Sensors
2. Platform
3. Use
4. Size of the picture obtained
2. Platform


Question 67. (Qn.Pool-2017)
What is the significance of overlap in aerial remote sensing?
1. Overlap – definition
2. It’s importance

Question 68. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Explains the importance of overlap in aerial photo-graphs
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis 7
Identify the pictures and write notes on each of them.
1. i) Overlap
ii) Stereo pair
iii) Stereoscope
2. i) Each aerial photograph includes about 60% of the adjacent photograph
ii) Two adjacent aerial photos with overlap – stereo pair
iii) Stereoscope is the instruments to get three-dimensional view from stereo pair

Question 69. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
a) List any three limitations of aerial remote sensing
b) Name the new technology developed to overcome the limitations
a) Requires open space The shaking of aircraft may affect the quality of the photograph
Extensive areas cannot be photographed (Any other valid points can be considered)
b) Satellite remote sensing

Question 70. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Compare the geostationary and sun-synchronous satellites based on the given hints.
1. Altitude (Height)
2. Revolution
3. Use
1. Altitude
Geostationary – 36000 km
Sun-synchronous – 800-950 km
2. Revolution
Geostationary: with the speed of rotation of earth Sun-synchronous: Polar-orbiting
3. Use
Geostationary: Climate studies, telecommunication
Sun-synchronous: Remote sensing

Question 71. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Which technology can be used to understand the extent of agricultural crops and pest attack?
1. Satellite remote sending
2. i) Spread of forest fire
ii) To detect natural calamities
iii) Landuse studies
iv) Resources mapping (Any 3)

Question 72. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Complete the table with correct information

Technology Platform Sensor Peculiarity
Terrestrial photography
Aerial remote sensing
Satellite remote sensing

a) Surface of the earth-camera-covers small areas
b) Aircraft/Balloon-Camera-covers extensive area
c) Satellite – Scanner-Cover very large aerial extent.

Question 73. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Rearrange the columns B and C suitable to those in column A.

Spectral signature Polar-orbiting Sensor
Spatial resolution Reflection of electromagnetic radiation INSAT
Sun-synchronous satellite Moves along with the rotation of earth Physical property of objects
Geostationary Detects the IRS


  • Spectral signature – Reflection of electromagnetic radiation-Physical property of objects.
  • Spatial resolution – Detects the smallest object Sensor
  • Sun-synchronous satellite – Polar-orbiting -IRS
  • Geostationary satellite – Moves along with the rotation of earth-INSAT

Question 74. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Complete the diagram related to the uses of satellite.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis 8

  • Ocean explorations
  • Forest management
  • Land survey (Any valid points)

Question 75. (Qn.Pool-2017)
Classify the following as spatial and attributes
1. Silent valley
2. Kerala
3. Population
4. Vegetation
5. Lakshadweep
6. Area of land
i) Spatial Data : Silent Valley, Kerala, Lakshadweep
ii) Attributs: Population, Vegetation, Area of land

Question 76.
One of the uses of DIS is given. List any 3 more uses
1. Theme based studies
2. ………………………….
3. ………………………….
4. ………………………….
2. Analaysis the spatial relationship of surface features.
3.Represent geographical features spatially
4. Update and incorporate data easily and with less expense
(include other valid points also)

Question 77. (Qn.Pool-2017)
It is decided to construct a water reservoir Lakshmipuram panchayat. A suitable place is to be identified for the same. Is it possible by making use of the below-mentioned layers? Which analytical capability in GIS can be used here? How?
Layer 1 — Physiography
Layer 2 — Waterbodies
Layer 3 — Settlements
Layer 4 — Land use
1. Yes
2. Overlay analysis
3. Explain overlay analysis


Question 78. (Qn.Pool-2017)
The water level in the reservoirs rose beyond the limits. The authorities decided to raise the shutters to discharge the water to the river.
a) Which analytical capability in GIS can be used to assess the possible area which may get flooded by the river?
b) Suggest another case where this analytical capability can be utilized?
a) Buffer analysis
b) Site an example where buffer analysis can be used
(Road construction, railway development)

Question 79. (Qn.Pool – 2017)
Can the network analysis in GIS be made for conducting a study tour from the school? What all requirements in study tour can be satisfied through the capabilities of GIS analysis? List any three.
State that network analysis is possible by giving any three examples (Eg: To find suitable place to visit, to find the suitable routes to reach there )

Question 80. (Qn.Pool-2017)
The school social science club decided to prepare a plan of the school to be submitted to the panchayat. Which too can be used for detecting the latitudinal position?

Question 81. (Orukkam – 2017)
Classify the remote sensing based on the source of energy and prepare a flow chart to represent them
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis 9
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis 10

Question 82. (Orukkam – 2017)
Observe the pictures 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 in the Chap¬ter and find out the platforms on which the cameras are supposed to be fixed while taking the pictures.

Pictures 6.2 from the surface of the earth or from a higher elevation
Picture 6.3 …………………….
Picture 6.4 …………………….
6.3 From cameras mounted on balloons or aircraft
6.4 From the Sensors mounted satellites

Question 83. (Orukkam – 2017)
Classify the remote sensing and complete the flow chart appropriately.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis 12
i) From ground or higher elevation
ii) From balloons or aircraft
iii) From sensors lifted on satellites

Question 84. (Orukkam – 2017)
List out the major characteristic features of aerial remote sensing
1. Camera is fixed on balloons or aircraft
1. Used to gather clear information about comparatively smaller areas.
2. Continues pictures of the areas along the path of the aircraft are made available.

Question 85. (Orukkam – 2017)
Observe the picture 6.5 and 6.6 in the chapter and explain the following terms
1. Overlap
2. Stereo pair
3. Stereoscope
1. Overlap: For ensuring continuity and to obtain dimensional vision nearly 60% of the places
2. Stereo pair: Two adjacent frames in air photography is called a stereo pair
3. Stereoscope: The instrument that provides three-dimensional views from stereo pair is called Ste-reoscope.

Question 86. (Orukkam – 2017)
List out the limitation of aerial remote sensing
1. The shaking of aircraft affects the quality of photos
2. …………………………

  • The aircraft requires open space for take-off and landing
  • Frequent landing for refueling increases the cost
  • Picturistation of large area is not possible.

Question 87. (Orukkam – 2017)
Suppose the given below are some aerial photographs. Then find out the stereo pairs from them.
1 2 3 4
1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4

Question 88.
Write the appropriate terms in columns in accordance with the indications given below.
1) The amount of energy reflected by the objects is
2) The data collected by the scanners are transformed into images, such images are called.
3) The size of the smallest object on the earth that can be recognized by the sensor is
1) Spectral signature
2) Satellite imaginary
3) Spatial resolution

Question 89. (Orukkam-2017)
List out the uses of remote sensing

  • For weather observation
  • For ocean explorations
  • For understanding land use
  • For monitoring flood and draught
  • For identifying forest fires in deep forest and to adopt controlling measures.
  • For collecting data regarding the extent of crops and spread of post-attack
  • For oil exploration
  • To locate groundwater potential

Question 90. (Orukkam – 2017)
The spatial resolution of three sensors are given below, arrange them based on spatial resolution (from higher to lower)
A. 70 meters
B. 25 meters
C. 5 meters
C, B, A

Question 91. (Orukkam – 2017)
List out two kinds of data which are necessary for data analysis in GIS
Spatial data, Attributes

Question 92. (Orukkam – 2017)
The surface features of the earth can be analyzed by GIS in various ways according to the requirements. Find out the major analytical capabilities of GIS and list them accordingly.

  1. Network analysis
  2. Buffer analysis
  3. Overlay analysis
  4. Complete data from different sources
  5. Conduct thematic studies
  6. Represent geographic features spatially

Question 93. (Orukkam-2017)
List out the uses of GPS
1. Helps in sensing the latitudinal and longitudinal location, elevation of objects on the earth surface
2. For navigation purpose
3. For tracking


Question 94. (Orukkam – 2017)
Prepare a brief note on Global Positioning System
Global positioning system helps sensing the latitudinal and longitudinal location and elevation of objects – on the earth. Surface along with the corresponding time. This is made possible with the help of 24 satellites placed at 6 different which between the attitudes 2000 km to 20200 km above the earth’s surface are located with the help of the signals.

Question 95. (Orukkam-2017)
Discuss GIS and prepare a note on it based on the indications given below Indications
1. The characteristic features of GIS
2. The two types of data required for GIS
3. Analystical capabilities of GIS
4. Uses of GIS
The software used for incorporating more details in the maps and analyzing them for various purposes is known as information systems. (GIS) Two kinds of data required for it are the latitudinal and longitudinal position of the object which is known spatial data and the features of the object known as attributes. The GIS is used for network buffers and overlay analysis. GIS is used for compiling data from different sources to update and incorporate data to conduct them studies and to represent geographic features spatially.

Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis Additional Questions

Question 1.
Elucidate stereo pair and stereoscope.
Two adjoining aerial photographs with overlap is called a stereo pair. The instrument which is used to obtain three dimensional view from the stereo pairs is called a stereoscope.

Question 2.
Give an example for a geostationary satellite launched by India.
Satellite belonging to INSAT series.

Question 3.
Give an example for a sun-synchronous satellite .aunched by India.
Satellites belonging to IRS and Land Sat Series.

Question 4.
Elucidate what satellite imageries are?
The sensors on artificial satellites distinguish objects on the earth’s surface based on their spectral signature and transmit the information in digital for¬mat to the terrestrial stations. This is interpreted by the computers and converted into picture formats. These are called satellite imageries.

Question 5.
Identify the analytical capabilities that can be used to identify the following geographical features.
a. Used for understanding the changes in the area of crops, the changes in land use, etc.
b. To identify the geographical features surrounding a point or along a linear feature.
c. To find out the easiest and less congested roads from one place to another.
1. Overlay Analysis
2. Buffer Analysis
3. network analysis


Question 6.
Information from how many satellites are required to display the information like latitude, longitude, elevation, time, etc.
Information from at least 4 satellites.

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