KR 9 Biology

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Excretion to Maintain Homeostasis

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Excretion to Maintain Homeostasis

Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Excretion to Maintain Homeostasis

Excretion to Maintain Homeostasis Textual Questions and Answers

Excretion To Maintain Homeostasis Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 1.
How can make our external environment garbage-free?
We can made our external environment garbage free by processing reusing or recycling waste material.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 5 Question 2.
Different by-products are formed as a result of many …. in the cells.
Metabolic activities

Excretion To Maintain Homeostasis Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
What are the main excretory products in human beings?
Carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogenous compounds.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Question 4.
………. carries excretory products to excretory compounds.

9th Class Biology Chapter 5 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
Complete the flow chart of the waste materials formed inside the cells reach excretory organs?

Excretion To Maintain Homeostasis Kerala Syllabus 9th
a) Tissue fluid
b) Blood

Excretory Organs

9th Standard Biology Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Name the organs that help to remove waste materials from blood and maintain homeostasis?
Liver, Lungs, skin, and kidney

9th Class Biology 5th Lesson Questions And Answers Question 7.
Complete the illustration.

Excretion To Maintain Homeostasis Notes Kerala Syllabus

Liver – The Waste Processing Unit

Class 9 Biology Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
What is the function of liver?
Liver converts harmful substances entering the body and those produced inside the body into harmless substances. Synthesis of urea from ammonia is an example for this.

9 Biology Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
…………….. are formed by the breakdown of protein.
Amino acids

9th Standard Biology Solutions Question 10.
What are the uses of amino acids?
Amino acids are used for the synthesis of various substances like proteins, enzymes etc. which are used for bodybuilding.

Class 9 Biology Solutions Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
What is the most harmful by-product formed by the metabolism of amino acid?

9th Class Biology Chapter 5 Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
Prepare a note on the synthesis of urea.
Amino acids are formed by the breakdown of proteins. As a result of the metabolic activities of amino acids, several nitrogenous by-products are formed. The most harmful among these is ammonia. The ammonia formed in tissues diffuses into blood through tissue fluids and blood transports it to the liver. In liver with the help of certain enzymes, ammonia combines with carbon dioxide and water to form urea.

9th Class Biology Notes Question 13.
Write down the chemical equation of the synthesis of urea.
Ammonia + carbon dioxide + water → urea

Formation Of Sweat

9th Biology Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
How is sweat formed from blood?
Blood passes through the capillaries excess water and minerals enter the sweat glands. This is eliminated as sweat through the body surface.

9th Biology Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 15.
What are the components of sweat?
Urea, salt, and water

Biology 9th Class Chapter 5 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 16.
Which is the largest organ in our body?

9th Biology Notes Question 17.
What do you mean by sweat gland?
Sweat gland is a long coiled tube that opens to the surface of the skin.

9th Standard Biology Guide Question 18.
The lower portion of the sweat gland is rich in

Biology 9th Kerala Syllabus Question 19.
……… helps in regulating our body temperature.


9 Biology Kerala Syllabus Question 20.
What are the main functions of kidney?
Kidneys are vital organs which help in maintaining homeostasis by filtering waste products like urea, salts, vitamins, other harmful substances, etc. from blood. When blood passes through the kidneys, the waste materials present in it are filtered.

Question 21.
Prepare a short note on the position and size of the kidney?
Human beings possess a pair of kidneys, situated on both sides of the vertebral column adjoining the muscles in the abdominal cavity. They are bean-shaped and are about 11 cm long, 5 cm broad and 3 cm thick. Each kidney is covered by a strong but soft membrane.

Question 22.
Illustrate kidney and its parts.

Question 23.
Complete the illustration of kidneys and associated parts.

a) bean-shaped and are located in the abdominal cavity on either side of the vertebral column.
b) Renal artery
c) Renal vein
d) Ureters

Internal Structure of Kidney

Question 24.
Internal structure of kidney

Question 25.
Analyze illustration given below and prepare table including the parts and peculiarities of nephron.


Parts Peculiarities
Bowman’s capsule The double-walled cup­shaped structure at one end of the nephron. The space between the two walls is called capsular space.
Afferent vessel The branch of renal artery which enters the Bow­mann’s capsule.
Glomerulus The region where afferent vessel enters the Bow­mann’s capsule and splits into minute capillaries.
Efferent vessel The blood vessel that comes out of Bowman’s capsule.
Peritubular capillaries Blood capillaries seen around the renal tubules as the continuation of the efferent vessel.
Renal tubule The long tubule which connects the Bowman’s capsule and the collecting duct.
Collecting duct The part where renal tubules enter. Absorption of water takes place.
Urine is collected and is carried to the pelvis.

Question 26.
……… are the structural and functional units of kidneys.

Question 27.
Where is Bowmann’s Capsule of nephrons distributed?

Question 28.
What is capsular space?
It is the space between the double walls of the Bowman’s capsule.

Question 29.
Blood capillaries seen around the renal tubules as continuation of the efferent vessel are ………..
Peritubular capillaries

Question 30.
………… helps the ultrafiltration.

Formation of urine

Question 31.
List out the process of formation of urine.

  • Ultrafiltration
  • Reabsorption and secretion
  • Absorption of water

Question 32.
What are the characteristic that help in ultrafiltration?
This process is supported by the high pressure developed in the glomerulus, due to the difference in the diameter of afferent vessel and efferent vessel

Question 33.
How is urine formed?
When blood flows through the glomerulus, ultrafiltration takes place through its small pores. The glomerular filtrate formed as a result of this is collected in the capsular space. When glomerular filtrate flows through renal tubeless to the collecting duct, essential components are reabsorbed to the peritubular capillaries. The absorption of excess water from the glomerular filtrate takes place in the collecting duct. What is left behind is urine.

Question 34.
Prepare a table relating to the different components of the glomerular filtrate and urine.

Components of glomerular filtrate Components of urine
Water Water-96%
Glucose Urea-2%
Amino acids Sodium chloride
Sodium, potassium Potassium chloride
calcium ions, vitamins Calcium salts
Urea, uric acid creatinine, etc Phosphate, Uric acid
Creatinine etc. – 2%

Question 35.
Urine is temporarily stored in the
Urinary bladder

Question 36.
State whether true or false
Washing out of germs inside the urinary tract also
takes place during the process of micturition.

Question 37.
How does avoiding timely urination affect our body and list out the healthy habits to be followed?
Avoiding urination for a long time prevents the expulsion of bacteria that may be present in the urinary tract and urinary bladder. This causes infection in the inner membrane of the urinary bladder.
Females are more susceptible to urinary tract infections when compared to males.
1) Frequent urination
2) Drink plenty of water
3) Keep the personal hygiene

Question 38.
Prepare a flow chart on the role of kidneys in maintaining homeostasis

Kidney Diseases

Disease Reason Symptoms
Nephritis inflammation of kidneys due to infection or intoxication. Turbid and dark-colored mine, back pain, fever, oedema on face and ankle
Kidney stone Deposition of crystals of calcium salts in kidney or urinary tract. Pain in the lower abdomen, blockage of mine, dizziness, vomiting
Uremia Different types of kidney diseases, nephritis. diabetes. Irigli’s blood pressure. Anemia, loss ol body weight, dizziness suffocation, dianitoea production of urine stops gradually.


Question 39.
What do you mean by hemodialysis?
Haemodialysis is the process proposed by modern medicine for the removal of wastes from the blood when both the kidneys become non-functional. In this process, blood is pumped into an artificial kidney called haemodialyser and is purified.

Question 40.
Who designed the first artificial kidney?
William Johann Kolff in 1944.

Kidney Transplantation

When both kidneys of an individual get damaged completely a fully functioning kidney should be received from a donor to save life. Kidney of a healthy person who died in an accident or of a completely healthy person can be transplanted after considering the matching of blood groups and tissues.

Excretion In Other Organisms

Diversity in Excretion:

Question 41.
Prepare a table about the excretory organs and excretory products of different organisms?
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Solutions

Organism Excretory product Excretory organ
Amoeba Ammonia, excess water in the body No special excretory organ, contractile vacuoles function as excretory organs.
Earthworm Urea, ammonia, water Special structures called nephridia collect excretory products from body cavity and eliminate through pores in the body surface.
Insects Uric acid Malpighian tubules seen along with digestive tract. They separate excretory products and eliminates along with digestive wastes.
Fishes Ammonia Kidneys filter the wastes and eliminate directly to water
Frog Urea Nitrogenous wastes filtered by kidneys are excreted in the form of urine.
Reptiles and birds Uric acid Kidneys filter waste products and eliminate along with digestive wastes.

Question 42.
What are the methods of the excretion in plants?
Stomata, hydathodes, formation of heartwood, abscision of leaves.

Question 43.
Illustration related to the excretion in plants.

Let Us Assess

Question 1.
Glucose, amino acids, etc. found in the glomerular filtrate are absent in urine. Why?
When glomerular filtrate flows through renal tubules to the collecting duct, essential components are reabsorbed to the peritubular capillaries. So glucose and amino acids are absent in urine.

Question 2.
The steps involved in the formation of urine are given below. Arrange them in the correct sequence.
1. Collects urine
2. Ultrafiltration takes place
3. Reabsorption of ions takes place towards this part from renal tubules.
4. Collects glomerular filtrate
5. Excess urea is secreted here from peritubular capillaries.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Class Biology Notes

Question 3.
Alcoholism is a bad habit which should be avoided. Analyze this statement relating it to the health of liver.
The detoxification of alcohol in our body is done by liver cells. As a result liver cell become damaged.

Question 4.
Based on the similarities in major excretory materials, arrange the following organisms properly in the table given below
Frog, Amoeba, Human beings, Fish, Birds, Insects
Hsslive Guru 9th Biology Kerala Syllabus

Ammonia Urea Uric acid
Amoeba Frog Birds
Fish Human Insects

Question 5.
Observe the figure and answer the questions.

a) A) Afferent vessel
B) Efferent vessel
b) When blood flows through the glomerulus, ultrafiltration takes place through its small pores. This process is supported by the high pressure the glomerulus, due to the difference in the diameters of afferent versel and efferent vessel.

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