Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Medieval World: Centres of Power
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Medieval World: Centres of Power
Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Medieval World: Centres of Power
Medieval World: Centres of Power Textual Questions and Answers
Medieval World Centres Of Power 9th Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
The middle Age was an era of the growth of civilization worldwide. The economic transformation brought by the medieval life and its characteristics were the causes of the revolutionary changes in the 16th century.
J.D. Bemal
Science in History (vol.1)
Examine the statement given above.
a) What does this statement refer to?
b) What are the characteristic features of the medi¬eval world?
a) The statement refers to the Medieval world,
b) The period between the fifth and fifteenth centuries CE is known as the medieval period.
The political structure of the medieval world was similar. But there were differences in the forms of authority. They were different in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa.
Std 9 Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 2.

Observe the map of Eastern Roman Empire and find out the regions of West Asia, Europe and Africa included in it. Prepare a list of the countries in which they are located.

Medieval World Centres Of Power Textbook Pdf 9th Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Complete the flow chart
Medieval World: Centres Of Power Questions And Answers Pdf 9th Question 4.
History will judiciously forget the wars and Justinian and remember him for his laws.
a) Whose observation is given above?
b) About whom is the observation made?
c) What was his major achievement?
d) What are its features?
a) Will Durant
b) Justinian. He was the famous Eastern Roman Emperor
c) Corpus Juris Civilis
(Codification of all the existing Roman laws: into a code of law)
d) Corpus Juris Civilis, the code is based on the principles of
- Reasoning
- Justice and
- Generocity
Medieval World: Centres Of Power Questions And Answers 9th Question 5.
Observe the world map and list the present European countries that were part of the Holy Roman Empire.
- Portugal Spain
- France
- Italy
- Germany
- Bulgaria
- Serbia
- Austria
- Romania
Medieval World: Centres Of Power Class 9 Notes Pdf Question 6.
Prepare a note on the history of the formation of the Holy Roman Empire.
The Western Roman Empire with its capital at Rome came to an end due to the continuous invasions of the Germanic tribes. The territories of the Roman Em¬pire were captured by different tribes. The most prominent among them was the Franks. The empire established by the Franks was the Frankish Empire. The famous Emperor of the Frankish Empire was Charlemagne of the Carolingian dynasty. The empire of Charlemagne was larger than the Eastern Roman empire.
Charlemagne saved Pope Leo III, the spiritual head of the Catholic Church from the tribal attack of the Lombards. As a token of gratitude, the pope crowned him as the Holy Roman Emperor. Hence his em¬pire came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire.
Std 9 Answers Question 7.
Charlemagne was a great conqueror as well as an efficient administrator. What were his administrative achievements?
- He brought almost all of the Western European regions under his sway.
- He expanded his empire through political alliances and matrimonial relations.
- He introduced centralized administration in his empire.
- Local administration was entrusted to officers known as ‘Counts’.
- To keep and effective check upon the activities of the Counts, he created a secret department named ‘Micci Dominici.
- Relief funds were created for helping the poor.
- A network of educational institutions was established under the leadership of Charlemagne. The resultant intellectual awakening was known as the Carolingian Renaissance.
Medieval India: The Centres Of Power Questions And Answers Pdf 9th Question 8.
Observe the map of Arabia and find out the location of the places given below. In which countries are they located now.
1. Mecca
2. Medina
3. Damascus
4. Baghdad
1. Mecca – Saudi Arabia
2. Medina – Saudi Arabia
3. Damascus – Syria
4. Arabia – Iraq
Std 9 Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
Why is it said that Harun-al-Rashid was different from other Medieval rulers?
- Harun-al-Rashid was the most famous ruler of the Albbasid dynasty
- He implemented many welfare measures.
- Hospitals were established in Arabia for the first time.
- Judicial administration was based on the principles of Islam and the rule of law was strictly observed.
- The people were free to travel anywhere in the empire without fear.
- Established contacts with the Holy Empire.
Std 9 Answer Key Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
Observe the map of the world and list the regions which were part of the Ottoman Empire.
- Alexandria
- Jerusalem
- Damascus
- Constantinople
- Athens
- Belgrade
- Mecca
- Medina
- Tripoli
- Salonica
Medieval World Centres Of Power Questions And Answers Question 11.
Observe the map given and find out the continents in which the Mongolian Empire was spread over.
- Asia
- Europe
Question 12.
What were the administrative reforms introduces by Genkhis khan that set an example to the modern world? Prepare a short note based on its characteristics.
The chief characteristic feature of the Mongol army was its strong cavalry. Genhis Khan arranged his army in the multiples often (10,100,1000,10000). The main attraction of the army was the small canons which could be used while sitting on horseback. Genghis Khan also maintained a well-organized espionage.
To connect the distant places of the empire with the administrative center, the Mongolians introduced postal system using horses. This communication system was known as the ‘courier’. The courier system of Genghis Khan was speedy and effective.
Question 13.
Discuss the economic and cultural development of Medieval Africa on the basis of Mali Empire.
- The Mali Empire was one of the famous empires of medieval Africa. The center of administration was Mali in West Africa.
- Kankan Musa was a famous ruler of Medieval Africa who has known in European records as Mansa Musa.
- Timbuktu in the Empire of Mali was the most important cultural and commercial center of medieval Africa. Merchants from Venice, Granada and Genoa reached Timbuktu for marketing their merchandise such as gold and ivory. It was also a centre of slave trade. The University of Timbuktu was one of the leading centers of knowledge of that period. The university attracted students from all parts of the world. The ‘Great Mosque’ constructed by Kankan Musa at Timbuktu was the leading centre of Islamic studies during the medieval period.
Question 14.
Compare the forms of power that existed in Medieval China and Japan.
China and Japan were the countries in Asia where efficient administrative system existed during the medieval period. In the initial stage of the Medieval period, China was ruled by the Tang Dynasty. The sovereignty of the country was vested in the emperor. State officials were selected after conducting competitive examinations based on the criteria of education and excellence. The Tang rulers were tolerant towards all regions and were great promoters of trade and commerce. After the Tang Dynasty, China was ruled by the Song, Ming and Manchu dynasties.
In Medieval Japan also, the emperor was the supreme head in political affairs. But the administration was overhauled by the feudal lords known as Shoguns. Land was under their control. It was under the Shoguns that Tokyo emerged as the center of power.
Question 15.
What are the causes that lead to the decline of Feudalism?
- Decline in agricultural production due to climate change
- Outbreak of famine in many parts of Europe
- The continuous occurrence of plague, known as ‘Black Death’ wiped off nearly half of the population of Europe.
- The crusades shattered many of the feudal lords.
- The monopoly of gun powder enabled the kings to suppress feudal lords.
- The new middle class that emerged as a result of the growth of trade also helped the rulers to subdue the feudal lords.
- The outbreak of many peasant revolts and wars in different parts of Europe weakened the lords and strengthened the authority of the kings.
Let Us Assess
Question 17.
Understand the relationship between the items in ‘A’ and complete ‘B’ accordingly.
1. Byantine Empire – Justinian
B ………… – Charlemagne
2. A. Timbuktu – Mali Empire
B. Baghdad – ……………
3. A.Tang Dynasty – China
B. Shoguns – ……………..
4. A. Hijra – 622CE
B. Invasion of Constantinople – ………………. by Turkey
- Holy Roman empire
- The Arab empire
- Japan
- C.E. 1453
Question 18.
A | B |
Genghis Khan | Courier System |
Kankan Musa | Journey to Mecca |
Harun al Rashid | Thousand and one night |
Prophet Muhammed | Hijra |
Question 19.
What are the peculiarities of the code of Justinian?
1. Justinian codified all the Roman laws into a code of law, known as ‘Corpus Juris Civilis’.
2. The code is based on principles of reasoning justice and generosity.
3. The code is divided into three, namely
- Code
- Digest
- Institutes
Question 20.
What are the major causes for the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire?
The fall of the Eastern Roman Empire began after Justinian. It collapsed with the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in the 15th century.
Question 21.
‘Harun -al-Rashid was the most famous among the Abbasid Caliphs’. Examine the relevance of this statement.
Harun-al-Rashid was the most famous ruler of the Albbasid dynasty. He implemented many welfare measures. Hospitals were established in Arabia for the first time. Judicial administration was based on the principles of Islam and the rule of law was strictly observed. The people were free to travel anywhere in the empire without fear. Established contacts with the Holy Empire.
Question 22.
What were the major characteristics of the Mongolian army?
The chief characteristic feature of the Mongolian army was its strong cavalry. Genhis Khan arranged his army in the multiples often (10,100, 1000,10000).
The main attraction of the army was the small canons which could be used while sitting on horseback. Genghis Khan also maintained a well-organized espionage.
Question 23
What was the name of the postal system introduced by Genghis Khan? What were its characteristics?
To connect the distant places of the empire with the administrative center, the Mongolians introduced postal system using horses. This communication system was known as the ‘courier’. The courier system of Genghis Khan was speedy and effective.
Question 24.
List the characteristics of the medieval towns such as Constantinople, Baghdad, and Timbuktu.
1. Constantinople is located at the most strategic place in the Gulf of Bosphorus, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black sea. This city was named after the Roman Emperor, Constantine. It remained as the capital city even during the reign of the OttomanTurks. It was a great center of art and architecture. At present Constantinople is known by the name Istambul.
2. Baghdad is located on the banks of the River Tigris. This city is the background of the book Thousand and One Nights’. In the Thousand and One Nights, the city is depicted as the biggest and richest city in the world. It was here that the world-famous University of Baghdad and the palace of the Abbasids are situated. Baghdad was conquered by the Mongolian rulerTimurandthe Ottoman ruler, Suleiman. During the Mongolian invasion, it is said that there were 36 public libraries in Baghdad city. It was also a cultural center of that period.
3. Timbuktu in the Empire of Mali was the most important cultural and commercial center of medieval Africa. Merchants from Venice, Granada, and Genoa reached Timbuktu for marketing their merchandise such as gold and ivory. It was also a center of slave trade. The University of Timbuktu was one of the leading centers of knowledge of that period. The university attracted students from all parts of the world. The ‘Great Mosque’ constructed by Kankan Musa at Timbuktu was the leading center of Islamic studies during the medieval period.
Question 25.
Analyze the circumstances that led to the disintegration of feudalism.
Decline in agricultural production due to climate change
- Outbreak of famine in many parts of Europe
- The continuous occurrence of plague, known as ‘Black Death’wiped off nearly half of the population of Europe.
- The crusades shattered many of the feudal lords.
- The monopoly of gun powder enabled the kings to suppress feudal lords.
- The new middle class that emerged as a result of the growth of trade also helped the rulers to subdue the feudal lords.
- The outbreak of many peasant revolts and wars in different parts of Europe weakened the lords and strengthened the authority of the kings.
Question 26.
Identify the location of Constantinople, Baghdad, Mecca, Medina, Damascus, Karakorum, Mali, Timbuktu and Tokyo on the world map. Prepare the list of the countries in which these cities are located now.
Constantinople – Turkey,
Mecca- Saudi Arabia,
Medina-Saudi Arabia,
Damascus – Syria,
Karakoram – Siberia,
Mali – West Africa,
Medieval World: Centres of Power Model Questions and Answers
Question 27.
Eastern Roman Empire was called the Byzantine Empire. Give reason.
Constantinople was earlier known as Byzantine. When the Eastern Roman Empire came into being, Constantinople was its capital. That is why eastern Roman empire was called the Byzantine empire.
Question 28.
Suleiman was called Al-Qanuni (the lawgiver). Why?
Suleiman codified the Ottoman laws. Hence he was called Al-Qanuni.
Question 29.
Give reason for the downfall of the Eastern Roman empire.
The Turkish leader Muhammed II captured Constantinople in 1453 CE. By then many territories of Eastern Roman Empire became a part of the Ot¬toman empire
Question 30.
Match the following.
A | B |
Suleiman | Karakorum |
Genghis Khhan | Al-Qanuni |
Harun-al-Rashid | Mcci Dominicci |
Charlemagne | Abbasid dynasty |
A | B |
Suleiman | Al-Qanuni |
Genghis Khhan | Karakorum |
Harun-al-Rashid | Abbasid dynasty |
Charlemagne | Mcci Dominicci |
Question 31.
What was the ‘Mcci Dominicci’?
Charlemagne, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, introduced centralized administration in his empire. Local administration was entrusted to officers known as Counts. To keep an effective check upon the activities of the Counts, he created a secret department named ‘Mcci Dominicci’
Question 32.
Who were the Franks? Which was the empire founded by the Franks?
The Western Roman Empire with its capital at Rome came to an end due to the continuous invasions of the Germanic tribes. The most prominent among them was the Franks. The empire established by the Franks was the Frankish empire.
Question 33.
What do you mean by Carolingian Renaissance?
Carolingian established a network of educational institutions. This resultant intellectual awakening was called Carolingian Renaissance.
Question 34.
How did Ottoman empire receive its name?
Ottoman empire was founded towards the last part of the 13th century by one of the tribal leaders of Turkey, Usman. He was called ‘Uthaman’ and it was form this that the name Ottoman was derived.
Question 34.
Mongolian empire was founded by
Genghis Khan
Question 36.
Arrange the following events which is related to the Arab Empire chronologically.
a) Umayyad rule
b) The period of the prophet Muhammad
c) Abbasid rule
d) Rule of the Caliphs.
a) The period of the prophet Muhammad
b) Rule of the Caliphs,
c) Umayyad rule
d) Abbasid rule
Question 37.
The coins Dinar and Dirham existed in the Arab Empire.
a) Who issued these coins?
b) What was the difference between these coins?
a) The coins were issued by the Umayyads.
b) Dinar was gold coin, whereas.
Dirham was silver coin
Question 38.
Who was the successor, Genghis Khan? What were his contributions?
Timur. He was called Tamerane. In 1398 he crossed the river Indus and reached Delhi. On his way back, he took with him a great treasure.
Question 39.
Who is known as Mansa Musa?
Kankan Musa
Question 40.
Under whose rule was Tokyo emerged as the center of power?
a) During the rule of the Shoguns
b) During the rule of the Manchus.
c) During the rule of the Song dynasty.
d) During the rule of the Ming dynasty
d) During the rule of the Shoguns
Question 41.
Which of the following groups is related to the North American Civilization?
a) Mississippi, Mayan, Caribbean
b) Inca, Aztec, Mogollon
c) Mississippi, Patayan, Caribbean
d) Caribbean, Mogollon, Toltec.
c) Mississippi, Patayan, Caribbean
Question 42.
Define feudalism.
The socio-political-economic system existed in medieval Europe based on land was known as Feudalism.
Question 43.
What is ‘Back Death’?
Continuous occurrence of plague is known as ‘Black Death’.
Question 44.
What led to the emergence of nation-states?
The outbreak of many peasant revolts and wars in different parts of Europe weakened the lords and strengthened the authority of the kings. This led to the emergence of nation-states.
Question 45.
Prepare a note on the ‘Crusades.
The Crusades were the wars fought between Western Europe and the Turks from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries. These wars were fought for appropriating Jerusalem, which is considered as the Holy City of the jews, the Christians and the Muslims. Crusades were considered as one of the major factors for the spread of eastern culture in Europe.
Question 46.
Identify to which empire the following names are related?
i) Courier
ii) Timbuktu
iii) Al-Qununi
iv) Cavalry
i) Mongolian
ii) Mali Empire
iii) Ottoman empire
iv) Mongolian Empire
Question 47.
Complete the following table
1. | Eastern Roman Empire | Justinian |
2. | Holy Roman Empire | |
3. | Arabian Empire | |
4. | Ottoman Empire | |
5. | Mongolian empire | |
6. | Mali empire |
- Justinian
- Charlemagne
- Harun-al-Rashid
- Suleiman
- Genghis khan
- Kankan Musa