Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Economic Growth and Economic Development
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Economic Growth and Economic Development
Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Economic Growth and Economic Development
Economic Growth and Economic Development Textual Questions and Answers
9th Standard Social Science Notes Question 1.
What changes in an economy can be found in an economy as a result of economic growth?
As a result of economic growth, several changes take place in an economy. Such changes include.
- Increase in industrial production.
- Increase in agricultural production.
- Growth in the service sector.
- Increase in purchasing power.
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Some statements relating to economic growth and. development are given below. Classify them economic growth and development:
a) National income increased
b) Production of what increased to 150 crore tonnes.
c) National Highways were developed into four lanes.
d) Skill training was provided to the laborers.
e) Implemented modem facilities in the health sector.
f) Basic facilities of education institutions were improved.
Economic growth:
a) National income increased
b) Production of what increased to 150 crore tonnes.
c) National Highways were developed into four lanes.
Economic development:
d) Skill training was provided to the laborers.
e) Implemented modem facilities in the health sector
f) Basic facilities of education institutions were improved
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Malayalam Medium Question 3.
Complete the following flow chart:

Establishment of new hospitals
More people receive hospital facilities
Improvement in health condition of people
Better health leads to better standard of living
9th Standard Social Science Textbook Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
Human Development Index values of some of the countries in 2014 are as follows. List them under the three categories of human development.
1. India – 0.586
2. Japan – 0.891
3. Mali – 0.407
4. Sri Lanka – 0.751
5. Norway – 0.944
6. Haiti – 0.471
High Human Development
1. Japan – 0.891
2. Norway – 0.944
Medium Human Development
1. India – 0.586
2. Sri Lanka – 0.751
Low Human Development
1. Mali – 0.407
2. Haiti – 0.471
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 5.
Define economic development
Increase in the standard of living with economic growth is called economic development.
Let Us Assess
9th Class Geography Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Write down the difference between economic growth and economic development
Economic growth | Economic development |
1. Increase in income and production. | 1. Improvement in the quality of life. |
2. Measured in terms of increase in national income. | 2. Measured in terms of various indices such as Physical Quality of Life Index, Human Development Index, etc. |
3. Quantitative measure. | 3. Qualitative measure |
4. Emphasis is purely on the economic factors. | 4. Emphasis on socioeconomic factors. |
5. Growth happens in a short-term. | 5. Economic development happens over a long period of time. |
9th Class Social Science Question 7.
Explain in detail the limitations of per capita income as a development index.
Per capita income as a development index has
certain limitations:
- Per capita income is an average income. For example, assume that the per capita income of a country is Rs. 40,000. This does not mean that each individual of the country receives an income
- of Rs. 40,000. It includes the population earning crores of rupees as well as those with very low income. So, this is merely a numerical calculation.
- While calculating economic development on the basis of per capita income, It cannot be claimed that improvement in the quality of living has been attained if the rich-poor disparity persists.
- Per capita income as a development index ignores factors like education, availability of nutritious food and health care facilities that improve the quality of living.
- Concerned only with economic growth, percapita income as a development index does not take into account social welfare and the equitable distribution of income.
9th Class Social Science Notes Question 8.
What is Human Resource Development?
Human development is the expansion process of opportunities that helps the people to improve their human resources.
9th Standard Social Science Notes Question 9.
What are the components of Human Development Index?
- Percapita income.
- Literacy and gross school enrolment rate.
- Life expectancy.
9th Class Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
What is sustainable development? Write down a few suggestions to achieve sustainable development.
Sustainable development is defined as the development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need.
- Rainwater harvesting.
- Use of organic fertilizers
- Reducing the use of plastics
- Protecting water resources and paddy fields
9th Standard Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
What are the challenges faced by modern development initiatives?
- Excessive exploitation of natural resources.
- Polluting and wasting water resources.
- Intensive use of pesticides.
- Leveling of paddy fields and hills.
- Poverty
- Inequality of income and wealth.
- Unemployment.
Economic Growth and Economic Development Model Questions and Answers
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Guide Question 12.
Define economic growth.
Economic Growth means an increase in the total output of a country compared to that of the previous year.
9th Class Social Science Textbook Question 13.
What is meant by economic growth rate?
Economic growth rate in the rate of increase in the national income during the current years as compared to the previous years.
9 Class Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
Economicdevelopment = economic growth + …….
Better standard of living.
9th Social Science Notes Question 15.
Suggest any 4 conditions that will improve the standard of living.
- Better education facilities.
- Better health care facilities.
- Availability of Clearwater.
- Availability of nutritious food.
Question 16.
Complete the chart.
Question 17.
Percapita income equals:
National income Population
Question 18.
Prepare a note on PQLI
Physical Quality of Life Index came into use in 1979, when. an index more scientific than the per capital income was found necessary.
Instead of using per capital income as a single criterion for development, the Physical Quality of Life Index takes into consideration the following three factors:
- Life expectancy
- Infant mortality rate
- Basic literacy
Question 19.
Human Development Index is published by
Question 20.
What is meant by human development? Point out the factors that help in attaining human development.
According to, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). “Human development is the expansion process of opportunities that help the people to improve their human resource”
There are various factors that help in attaining human development. Let us see a few:
- Improved educational facilities.
- Better healthcare facilities.
- Increased training.
Question 21.
Complete the flow chart.
Better educational facilities
Increase in the number of people receiving education
Increase in employment opportunities to educated people
Increase in income and purchasing power
Better standard of living
Question 22.
The value of HDI lies between:
a) -1 and +1
b) -1 and 0
c) 0 and 1
d) 1 and 100
c) 0 and 1
Question 23.
Human Happiness Index was originally developed by ………..
Question 24.
Make pairs : PQLI, Bhutan, HDI, Morris D Morris, Happiness Index, UNDP
PQLI : Morris D. Morris
Happiness Index : Bhutan
Question 25.
Human Happiness Index is based on 9 indicators. Which are they?
Nine indicators are considered for the calculation of
Human Happiness Index. They are as follows:
- Health,
- Standard of living
- Education
- Cultural diversity
- Effective use of time
- Good governance
- Conservation of nature and biodiversity
- Social life and neighbor relations
- Mental health
Question 26.
Inequality is of 3 types. Name them.
- Economic inequality
- Inequality of Income
- Regional inequality
Question 27.
Point out major challenges faced by development in India.
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Illiteracy
- Malnutrition
- Economic inequality,
Question 28.
Identify main goals of sustainable development.
- Environmental goals
- Economic goals
- Social goals
Question 29.
What are the three types of inequality?
- Economic inequality
- Inequality in income
- Regional inequality
Question 30.
List down the factors for deciding Human Development Index.
- Per Capita Income
- Literacy and gross school enrolment rate
- Life expectancy
Question 31.
What are the challenges faced by modern development initiatives?
- Poverty
- Illiteracy
- Malnutrition
- Economic inequality
- Death by starvation
- Unemployment
Question 32.
For an improvement in the standard of living, several other living conditions should be made available along with an increase in national income. What are they? Answer:
Availability of nutritious food for all better health care facilities for all educational facilities for all and availability of clean water for all.
Question 33.
What are things to be considered when per capita income is taken as development index?
Growth rate of national income.
Population growth rate.
Question 34.
List down the three main components which forms like basis in preparing Human Development Index.
Per Capita Income
Literacy and Gross School enrolment rate Life expectancy
Question 35.
List down the three basic components for calculating the Human Poverty Index.
- Longevity
- knowledge
- Decent standard of living