Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Population, Migration, Settlements
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Population, Migration, Settlements
Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Population, Migration, Settlements
Population, Migration, Settlements Textual Questions and Answers
Population Migration Settlements 9th Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
List the areas that require analysis of population-related information.
- For planning the food grain production.
- To generate employment opportunities.
- To formulate welfare schemes
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf In Question 2.
What is meant by density of population?
The average population of every square kilometre is called as density of population.
9th Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Complete the flow chart


9th Class Social Science Malayalam Medium Question 4.
Name the most densely populated state in India.
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
Examine the factors influencing the density of population.
The high density of population in certain places is mainly due to factors like level topography, moderate climate, fertile soil favoring agriculture are availability of fresh water, etc. Other than these, the increasing employment opportunities in the mineral-rich and industrial regions and also the attractive infrastructure and services provided by urban areas also cause high density of population in such regions. Now you might have understood the cause for imbalance in population density and also the significant influence of geographical factors on the same.
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 6.
Define population growth!
Population growth in the change in population of any particular place over a particular period.
Social 9th Standard Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
The decadal growth rate of population in India during 2001 – 2011 is ……….
a) 16.7%
b) 17.7%
c) 18.3%
d) 20.6%
17 – 7%
Social Science Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
Point out the factors causing change in population.
- Birth rate
- Death rate
- Migration
9th Class Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
Define Migration.
Permanent or temporary shifting of residence of people from one place to another is called migration.
9th Class Social Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
Prepare a flow chart showing different levels of migration.
Social Notes 9th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
Distinguish between immigration and emigration.
Migration across international boundaries is called international migration. The inward movement of people to a country is called immigration and the outward migration of people from one country to another is called emigration.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Question 12.
Find out the pull factors of migration
- Employment opportunities
- Higher education facilities
- Better living standards
9th Std Social Science Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
Find out the other push factors causing migrations.
- Resource scarcity
- Unemployment
- Political unrest
- Natural calamities
- Internal conflicts
- Policy changes of governments
- War and similar unrest
Social Science 9th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
Name 2 types of settlements
- Nucleated settlements
- Dispersed settlements
Social 9th Class Guide Kerala Syllabus Question 15.
Arrange the table
A | B |
Town | More than 10 lakh |
City | Above 50 lakh |
Metropolis | Between 1 lakh and 10 lakh |
Megacity | Less than 1 lakh |
A | B |
Town | Less than 1 lakh |
City | Between 1 lakh and 10 lakh |
Metropolis | More than 10 lakh |
Megacity | Above 50 lakh |
9th Class Social Science Textbook Kerala Syllabus Question16.
What are the major problems faced by urban centers?
- Slums
- Traffic problems
- Pollution
9th Class Social Science Textbook Question 17.
Based on the data collected from the 2011 census, answer the following questions.
i) What is the population of India?
ii) What is the density of population?
iii) Which Indian state has the highest density of population?
iv) What is the decadal growth rate of population?
v) What is the male-female ratio?
vi) Which state has least populated in the country?
vii) What is the anticipated population in 2028?
i) 121.06 crores
ii) 382/
iii) Uttar Pradesh
iv) 17.7%
v) 943
vi) Sikkim (6.07 lakhs)
vii) By 2028 India will become the most popular country in the world.
Social 9th Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 18.
What is meant by population?
The total number of people living in a definite area is called population.
Population Class 9 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 19.
The people of the nation is the real wealth of a nation.’ Write an explanation of this.
A country is known outside through the people of that country. It is the people who decide the policy of the country and citizens the natural resources. Hence human resources is the real wealth of a nation.
9th Class Social Science Notes Question 20.
Is uncontrolled population growth is good for the development of the nation?
A nation is known through its people because the resources are properly utilized and the policies are decided by them. Hence human resources is the real wealth of a nation. So we can say that increase in population is favorable for the nation.
9th Social Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 21.
Observe the map showing the distribution of population and answer the question.
i) Which are the states that have high population?
ii) Which are the states that have least population?
i) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra
ii) Sikkim, Manipur, Meghalaya,Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal.
Social Science 9th Standard Question 22.
Observe the map showing the distribution of population and answer the following questions.
i) Density of population is very high in the northern plains. Explain.
ii) In Peninsular plateau the density of population is moderate. Explain.
ii) How was the density of population in the mountain states? Explain.
i) Along the northern plains, the density of population is very high because of the fertility of the soil, road and rail network, etc.
ii) Lack of fertility of the soil and the difficulty in reaching the places are the reasons. At the same time presence of mineral resources have helped the concentration of population in some areas.
iii) In the mountain states, the population is very less due to difficult terrains and the soil is not suitable for cultivation.
Social Science Kerala Syllabus Question 23.
How is density of population calculated?
density of popuation = Total Population Land Area
Social 9th Class Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 24.
Even though Ghina is the most populated country, the density of population is less than India. Give the reasons for this.
Density of population is calculated based on the land area. Hence land area is more in China, the density of population is less.
Social Science 9th Class Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 25.
Complete the following table analyzing the density of population.
Density of population | Classification | States |
Less than 100 | Very low population density | |
Between 101 & 250 | Less density | |
Between 251 & 500 | Moderate density | |
Between 501 & 1000 | High density | |
Above 1000 | Very high |
Question 26.
Analyze the factors influencing the density of population of a region and prepare a note.
Level of topography, moderate climate, fertile soil favoring agriculture and availability of freshwater, etc. are the reasons for the concentration of population in certain regions. Other than there increasing employment opportunities in the mineral-rich and industrial regions and also the attractive infrastructure and services provided by urban areas also cause high density of population in some regions.
Question 27.
What is meant by population growth? What is the decaded population growth rate in India?
Increase in the number of people living in a particular area during a definite period of time is called population growth. It is generally calculated in percentages. The decaded growth rate of population in India is 17.7%.
Question 28.
Explain positive and negative population growth.
When there is an increase in population, it is called positive growth of population. There are situations where the population of a place declines. This is termed as negative growth of population.
Question 29.
What are the factors that influence the change in population? How do these factors bring change to population?
Birth rate, death rate and migration. As birth rate increases, the population increases and when the death rate increases the population decreases. Migration lead to decrease in population at one place and increases in another place.
Question 30.
International migration has two aspects. Explain them.
Migration from one country to another country is called international migration. The inward movement of the people is called immigration and the outward movement is called emigration.
Question 31.
There are three international airports in Kerala. What might be the reason for so many airports in this small state?
There is a large-scale international migration from Kerala to the Gulf countries and to Europe. This is the reason why there is an increased number of international airports in Kerala.
Question 32.
Prepare a note analyzing the international migration in India.
Migration within the country are called international migrations and are done mainly for employment opportunities. People tend to migrate to places within the country for better employment and wage.
Question 33.
What may be the cause for the large-scale migration of people to Kerala?
Better employment opportunities and wages are the reasons for the migration of north Indian laborers to Kerala.
Question 34.
Prepare a note elucidating internal migration.
Migration within the country from one state to another state is called interstate migration. When people migrate from within the state is called intrastate migration. Migration from one district to another district is called interdistrict migration. This type of migration are of four types.
- From village to another village
- Fromtpwnto another town
- From village to town
- From town to village
Question 35.
Employment opportunity is an important reason for migration. Prepare a note substantiating this statement.
Thousands of people have migrated from our country to another country in search of employment opportunities. Employment opportunities in the. developed nations is an important reason. For example, there was a surge in migration to the west Asian countries with petroleum mining.
Question 36.
Other than employment opportunities what are the other factors of migration?
Better educational facilities, better living conditions, availability of resources, business opportunities, opportunities in the tourism sector and favorable climate.
Question 37.
What are the factors behind forced migration?
Scarcity of resources, unemployment, political anarchy, natural calamities, slavery, war, poverty, and hostile climate.
Question 38.
Prepare a comparative note about voluntary migration and forced migration.
The migration of people due to some attractive factors are called voluntary migration. Migration due to adverse circumstances are called forced migration.
Question 39.
Migration may cause crucial changes in the social, cultural and economic sectors of both source regions and destination of the migrants.
- Helps in the sharing of human resources
- Helps in the flow of foreign currency to the parent country.
- Leads to overpopulation in certain regions.
- Causes scarcity of resources.
- Facilitates exchange of technology
- Creates more employment opportunities.
- Weakens social ties among the people.
- Causes the formation of the slums.
- Causes spread of communicable diseases.
- Gets opportunities for higher education.
- Causes imbalance in the sex ratio
- Country loses the service of the educated and the youth
- Results in the exploitation of resources.
- Increases the intensity of environmental pollution
Question 40.
A few major migrations are mentioned in the table. Put a tick (✓) mark in the appropriate column by identifying the types of migration you have familiarized.
Question 41.
What is known as settlements?
The clusters of permanent or temporary human habitats of different sizes are termed as settlements.
Question 42.
List down the factors influencing the settlements.
Favorable climate, availability of water, transport & communication facilities and job opportunities.
Question 43.
Differentiate nucleated settlements and dispersed settlements.
ln places where houses are seen in close vicinity are called nucleated settlements. The settlements where houses are located farther apart are called dispersed settlements.
Question 44.
Based on the favorable factors such as accessibility availability of water etc. nucleated settlements take different shapes. Elucidate.
Linear Pattern: Settlement pattern that develops parallel to features such as roads, rivers, coastlines, etc.
Circular Pattern: Settlement pattern that develops around features such as water bodies, pastures, places of worship, etc.
Star Pattern: Settlement pattern that develops at places where different road coverage.
Question 45.
What are urban settlements?
The settlements that generally have a high population which is mostly dependent on non-agricultural sectors are called urban settlements.
Question 46.
What is urbanization?
The transition of population from rural agrarian economy to urban industrial and service sector economy is termed as urbanization.
Question 47.
Based on what entries is a place classified as urban in India?
- Population above 5,000
- Density of population above 400 per
- 75% or more of the population should be engaged in non-agricultures activities.
Question 48.
List down some problems due to migration from rural areas to urban areas.
Slums, traffic problems and pollution
Question 49.
Write any two solutions for problems created due to urbanization.
Town planning, rehabilitation, waste management, and awareness programmes.,