KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 Political Science Chapter 2 The Union Government

KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 Political Science Chapter 2 The Union Government

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 9 Social Science Political Science Chapter 2 The Union Government

Class 9 Social Science The Union Government Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Question 1.
India is a ________country.
Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic.

Question 2.
The Union Legislature is called _________
the Parliament.


Question 3.
The Speaker of the Rajya Sabha is _________of India.
the Vice President.

Question 4.
The minimum age to become the member of Lokasabha is ___________
not less than the age of 25

Question 5.
The Commander-in-Chief of all the three forces is __________
the President.

Question 6.
The election of the president of India is explained in the article _______and article_______ of the constitution.
54, 55

Question 7.
The chairman of Union Public Service Commission is appointed by _________
the President

II. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Write a note on the houses of parliament.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 Political Science Chapter 2 The Union government 1

The Parliament consists of two houses. The Upper House is called Rajya Sabha and the Lower House is called Lok Sabha.

Rajya Sabha :
This House is also known as the House of Elders. The Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and is not dissolved like the Lok Sabha. The Term of the members is six years. The number of seats in the Rajya Sabha is 250.


Lok Sabha :
The members of the Lok Sabha are elected directly by the people, so, it is known as the House of People. The maximum number of seats is 545. 543 members are directly elected by the people. Whereas two anglo-Indians are nominated by the President. 79 sets are reserved for SCs and 41 seats are reserved for STs. The Lok Sabha members are elected for a term of five years. However, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, the President may dissolve the Lok Sabha. During emergencies, the term may be extended for one year.

Question 2.
Write a short note on the structure of Rajyasabha.
The composition of the Rajya Sabha is as under :

There are 250 members in the Rajya.

Out of 250, 238 members are elected by the members of the State Assemblies and Union territories. The remaining twelve members, who experts from various fields like literature, art, science, and social work are nominated by the President. This House is also known as the House of Elders. This house is a permanent body and is not dissolved like the Lok Sabha. The term of the members is six years. One of its members retires on the expiration of the six-year term every second year. In their places, new members are elected.

The Vice President is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. The Deputy Speaker is chosen from among the members. The House should meet atleast twice in a year.

Question 3.
What are the qualifications needed to become a member of the Lok Sabha?
The qualifications of the members of Lok Sabha are:

  1. He/She should be a citizen of India.
  2. He/She must not be less than 25 years of age.
  3. He/She should not hold any office of profit under the Government.
  4. He/She should not be an unsound mind.
  5. He/She should not have been punished under the law.
  6. He/She should possess qualifications as specified by Parliament from time to time.

Question 4.
Explain the election process for the post of the President.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 Political Science Chapter 2 The Union government 2
The President is elected by an electoral college of elected members of both houses of the parliament, all elected members of legislative Assemblies of all States. His term of office is five years, he can be removed from the office by the Parliament through the motion of Impeachment.


Question 5.
List out the powers of the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister is the Head of Government whereas the President is the Head of the State. Powers of the Prime Minister are :

  1. Appointment and removal of Ministers and allocation of departments.
  2. Being the head of the Government he is responsible for all actions of the Government. He coordinates the activities of various ministers.
  3. Head of the Union Cabinet: He holds the meetings of the Union Cabinet under his chairmanship and therein he discusses the issues of national and international importance and the decisions are taken under his chairmanship.

Question 6.
Write a note on the formation of the Union cabinet and its responsibilities.
The Union Cabinet is the real Executive and has Ministered in two hierarchies. The first one is a cabinet and the second is the minister of state. The maximum strength of the Union Cabinet is 15% of the total strength of the parliament. The Cabinet has two kinds of responsibilities. The minister of every department is responsible for the administration of his department. He has individual responsibility for the success or failure of his department.


The Union Cabinet has a collective responsibility to the Parliament with regard to the decisions and policies taken by it. Therefore the cabinet is in power as long as it enjoys the trust of the Parliament. When it loses trust, it has to be removed by a No-Confidence Motion.

Question 7.
How are the judges of the Supreme Court nominated and what are their qualifications?
Answer :
The President nominates the Chief Justice and the other judges of the Supreme Court.

The qualifications of the Supreme Court judge are :

  1. One should be a citizen of India.
  2. Should have served as a High Court for at least five years, or Should have been an advocate of the High Court for at least 10 years.
  3. Should be a distinguished jurist.

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