KT 10 English

KSEEB SSLC Class 10 English Writing Skills

KSEEB SSLC Class 10 English Writing Skills

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 English Writing Skills


1. A paragraph is given below. It has four errors. Edit the paragraph with the help of the clues given.
one day, when he was looking gloomily into a far corner in the garden, he see a bird that was unlike any he had ever seen before.
a) Capital letter to be used.
b) Verbal mistake to be corrected,
c) Correct article to be used.
d) Correct preposition to be used.
One day, when he was looking gloomily into the far corner of the garden, he saw a bird that was unlike any he had ever seen before.


2. A paragraph is given below. It has four errors. Edit the paragraph with the help of the clues given.
There had been a accident when he went hiking with his father and brother. They was crossing a bridge who was old.
a) Correct article to be used.
b) Capital letter to be used,
c) Verbal mistake to be corrected.
d) Linking word to be corrected.
There had been an accident when he went hiking with his father and brother Inder. They were crossing a bridge which was old.


3. A paragraph is given below. It has four errors. Edit the paragraph. Clues are given.
‘Are you coming, Manju?’Babu asked. ‘Coming where’said Manju. Even as the brother and sister were talking, they hear the magical words, “They are coming. ’ The children, like others, rushed out, heedless of a rain.
a) Capital letter to be used
b) Question mark to be used
c) Verbal mistake to be corrected
d) Article to be corrected.
‘Are you coming, Manju?’ Babu asked. ‘Coming where?’ said Manju. Even as the brother and sister were talking, they heard the magical words, ‘They are coming.’ The children, like others, rushed out, heedless of the rain.


4. The following paragraph has four errors. Edit the paragraph and correct them, and rewrite the paragraph:
As soon as geeta received the message, she lefted in a taxi and came on the play ground. Her son was playing with some childs. She thought her son was not injured. a) Capital letter to be used. b) Verbal mistake to be corrected,
c) Preposition to be corrected. d) Correct plural form of noun to be used.
As soon as Geeta received the message, she left in a taxi and came to the play ground. Her son was playing with some children. She thought her son was not injured.


5. A paragraph is given below. It has four errors. Edit the paragraph. Clues are given.
Standing in the mountain top, an bird of happiness gave three loud cries. At the first cry, the golden sun broken through the clouds, a warm breeze came down from the sky.
a) Preposition to be corrected
b) Article to be corrected
c) Verbal mistake to be corrected
d) Conjunction to be inserted.
Standing on the mountain top, the bird of happiness gave three loud cries. At the first cry, the golden sun broke through the clouds, and a warm breeze came down from the sky.


Paragraph writing:

1. Read the given clues and write a paragraph describing the processing of milk.
Milk ______ collected ______ tested ______ pasteurized ______ cooled ______ is bottled / packed ______distributed ______sold.
Answer: The milk that is collected from various sources needs to be tested in the dairy for its purity. After it’s tested, it’s pasteurized so that when it is marketed and shelved, it does not easily get spoilt. The pasteurized milk is cooled before it’s bottled and packed. It is distributed to wholesale dealers who in turn sell it to retailers. The milk is then sold in booths and shops to customers.


2. Write a paragraph, using the clues given below:
A student Vasant – irregular – headmaster – advised – not listened – more irregular – failed in examination – realized mistake – next year – studied – passed I class.
Vasant is a good example to show how good and bad habits can make or mar a man. Vasant was very irregular to school and so lagged behind in studies. He had problems with attendance too. Even when the Headmaster advised him and warned him, he paid no heed. He only grew to be more irregular. Naturally he could not perform well in the exam and failed miserably. Fortunately, at least then he realized his mistake and corrected his ways. The next year it was a reformed Vasant everyone saw. He studied earnestly and as a result, he not only passed but also earned a I class.


3. Read the given clues and write a paragraph on Mahatma Gandhi.
Gandhiji, the greatest Indian of the 20th century – leadership of freedom movement at a critical juncture – weapons – truth and non-violence – strove for Hindu-Muslim unity and casteless society – apostle of peace – assassinated – Father of the Nation.
Gandhiji was the greatest Indian of the 20th century. It is remarkable that he led India in its freedom movement at a critical juncture with nothing else but truth and non-violence as his weapons. However, although this was his greatest contribution, there were other remarkable achievements as well. Gandhiji strove relentlessly for Hindu-Muslim unity. His attempts to form a casteless society are praiseworthy indeed. The annals of Indian history will be incomplete if the accomplishments of this noble apostle of peace are forgotten. Although Gandhiji – the Father of the Nation – was assassinated soon after India got freedom, his principles have remained the guiding light of India.


4. Imagine you have visited a place of your choice recently. Based on it, write a paragraph using the clues:
We – friends – forest – peacocks – elephants – hill – stream flowing- sunset -jumped – joy – danced – returned – evening.
Recently when eight of us went to Bandipur forest it was an awe inspiring experience. We got to see lovely peacocks dancing away to glory and majestic elephants climbing up the hill as though they were the lords of the hills. We played in the water of the stream flowing in the valley. In the evening we glimpsed the spectacular sunset. We jumped for joy looking at the beautiful scenery. We sang and danced being one with nature. We returned in the evening although we felt like spending more time in the natural surroundings. We have decided to have more such visits in the future.


5. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. You may add some points if necessary.
An old woman – greedy – a goose in her house – golden egg every day – sold – her living – becoming very rich – thought – hundreds of golden eggs – its stomach, killed – only one golden egg – lost what she had – moral.
Once there was an old woman in a certain village. The woman had a strange goose that laid a golden egg every day. The woman sold the egg and got much money. Soon she became very rich. But the old woman was greedy. She wanted to become richer still. She was not satisfied with one egg a day.
One day she thought to herself, “My goose gives me only one egg every day. But if I cut open her belly, I shall get all the golden eggs at once. Then I shall be the richest woman in this village.” So thinking, the woman killed the goose with a sharp knife. But alas! There was not a single egg in her belly. The woman was very sad. She lost both the goose and the golden eggs. The moral of the story is that greed brings grief.


6. Given below is a profile of P.T. Usha. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:
Born: 27 June, 1964
Nationality: Indian
Other names: Payyoli Express, Golden Girl
Known for: Track and field athlete
Employed: Indian Railways ‘
Awards: Padmashree
Success isn’t given; it’s earned. P.T. Usha has proved this through her exemplary life. She is one of India’s best-known women athletes. She remained the queen of track and field for almost two decades. P.T. Usha is fondly called the ‘Payyoli Express’ and ‘the golden girl’ because of her awesome speed on the track. Born in Kerala on the 27th of June 1964, Usha took to athletics when girls hardly dared to take to athletics and had no future in the sports field. Usha, however, even as an employee of Indian Railways, practised hard to shine as a brilliant star on the firmament of Indian athletics. She won the well-deserved Padmashree – the fourth highest civilian award – for her outstanding contributions in the field of sports. She is a woman who makes women proud.


7. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. You may add some points if necessary:
An ant _________pond _________get out of the pond – drown_________ A dove _________ant drowning _________ help the dove _________ dropped _________leaf_________ climbed the leaf _________saved. Just then a hunter _________wished _________dove _________bit his leg_________ dropped the net_________ saved.
One hot day, an ant was searching for some wafer. After walking around for some time, she came to a pond. To reach the pond, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water.

She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground. Just at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.

Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.


8. Given below is a profile of Dr. Nikhita. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:
Name: Dr. Nikhita
Age: 47years
Qualification: M.Sc., PhD.
Occupation: Professor in Physics in Delhi University
Hobbies: Watching birds, Reading magazines
Reasons for popularity: Soft-spoken, warm-hearted and loves to help students
Academic achievements:Paper presentation on “Waste Management’ Author of a book ‘Ecological Crisis’.
It is said that people hardly care for how much you know, until they know how much you care. One such person is 47 year old Dr. Nikhita, a soft-spoken, warm-hearted person whose popularity among students knows no bounds as she loves to help students. But being nice is not her only positive quality. She is erudite too. She is a great scholar who has made paper presentations on Waste Management’ and has also authored the book ‘Ecological Crisis’. Her experience as Professor of Physics in Delhi University and her academic qualifications of M.Sc. and Ph.D. have helped her carve a niche for herself in the academic circles. She is the one who believes in the saying that all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl. That is why she couples work with pleasure. She has two hobbies and one of that is unusual indeed! She is a bird watcher. Bird watching is her hobby and when there are no birds to watch, she reads magazines.


9. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. You may add some points if necessary:
Silly cricket – sang and danced all the summer – didn’t store food – winter came – dying of hunger – went to an ant – begged for food – ant refused to help and asked the cricket to dance till winter away – moral.
A silly cricket, who is fun-loving and lazy, spends all his time in summer, singing and making merry. He does not think of storing some food for his use in winter. When winter comes, there is no food available and the cricket feels very hungry.

The cricket goes to an ant, tells him his plight, and begs for food. But the clever ant, which has toiled the whole summer in storing food for use in winter, refuses to lend him any food. He remarks that the cricket should dance all the winter in the same way as he did in summer. The disappointed cricket goes away, realising his mistake. This story, though short, has a very valuable moral that one should always save for harder days, instead of enjoying all the time.


10. Given below is a profile of Dr. Ravi Shankar, a professor. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:
Age: 52 years
Height and weight : 5’6″, 64kgs
Family: Two sons, Engineers
Reason for his popularity: More helpful in the society, more friendly and engaged in social work
Education: M.A., Ph.D.
Awards: National Award
Hobbies: Gardening, helping poor students, writing books and reading books.
The great philosopher Aristotle said, “Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than they who produce them.” Though it is true that not all teachers live up to this saying, there are a few who do full justice to this notion of teachers. One such person is Dr. Ravi Shankar, a professor. True to his name, he is divine in his nature. Always friendly and helpful, he is most of the time engaged in social work when he is not teaching. He is an M.A. with a doctorate. He is also a national awardee. Dr. Ravi Shankar is 52 years old, 5’6″ tall and weighs 64 kgs. His hobbies include gardening, helping poor students, writing books and reading hooks.


11. Write a paragraph, using the clues given below. You may add some more points if necessary:
In a village – a clever elephant – there a river nearby – used to go for bath daily – it was passing by a tailor’s shop. The tailor – bananas daily. One day not given bananas – pricked needle. Elephant – angry – came with muddy water in its trunk – sprayed muddy water – tailor’s shop – dirty. The tailor – repented.
A village temple used to keep an elephant. The elephant greeted devotees visiting the temple at the entrance. Everyone loved the elephant. Every evening, the elephant would go to a pond to take a dip. On the way, he would stop at a tailor’s shop and raise his trunk to greet the tailor. The tailor used to offer the elephant a banana. The elephant would gulp it down, thank the tailor by raising his trunk, and walk away.

One evening the tailor was in a mischievous mood. When the elephant greeted him and stretched his trunk to collect the banana, the tailor playfully pricked the elephant with a needle. The elephant winced in pain. The tailor laughed loudly. The wounded animal walked away.

Next day, as usual, the elephant went to the pond for a bath. On the way back, he stopped at another pond with muddy water. Then he walked purposefully to the tailor’s shop. The tailor was busy with his work. He had stitched several dresses, and had ironed and neatly arranged them. He was admiring his work, when he saw the elephant stop at his shop and raise his trunk. The next moment, the elephant sent forth a spray of muddy water, and drenched the newly-stitched clothes.

The tailor was shocked. He joined his hands in salutation. “Serves me right, friend. I was nasty to you and you have returned the compliment.” Then the tailor assured his friend, “I will never hurt you again.” The elephant nodded his head, raised his trunk and walked away majestically.


12. Given below is a profile of Lai Bahadur Shastri. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:
Birth: October 2nd, 1904, Mughalsarai
Education: Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, 1925
Spouse: Lalitha Shastry
Parents: Sharada Prasad and Ramdulari Devi
Achievements: Leader of the Indian National Congress party. Participated in the Indian independence movement in the 1920s
Position: Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Railway Minister in Central cabinet, second Prime Minister of independent India in 1964
Died: January 11th, 1966, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Awards: Bharat Ratna (Posthumously).
Lai Bahadur Shastri was born on October 2, 1904 at Mughalsarai, Uttar Pradesh. His parents were Sharada Prasad and Ramdulari Devi. Lai Bahadur joined the Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidya Peeth in 1925. He later married Lalitha. He participated in the Indian independence movement in the 1920s and became the leader of the Indian National Congress party. After independence, he became a minister in the Uttar Pradesh cabinet and later the railway minister in the Central cabinet. In 1964 he became the second Prime Minister of independent India. He died on January 11, 1966 at Tashkent in Uzbekistan. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna posthumously.


13. Write a paragraph, using the clues given below:
A farmer – goose – laid golden eggs – sold – rich. But – greedy -at a time – cut – no eggs – sad. Lost – goose and eggs.
Once there was a farmer in a certain village. The farmer had a strange goose that laid a golden egg every day. The farmer sold the egg and got much money. Soon he became very rich. But the farmer was greedy. He wanted to become richer still. He was not satisfied with one egg a day. One day he thought to himself, “My goose gives me only one egg every day. But if I cut open her belly, I shall get all the golden eggs at once. Then I shall be the richest man in this village.” So thinking, the farmer killed the goose with a sharp knife. But alas! There was not a single egg in her belly. The farmer was very sad. He lost both the goose and the golden eggs.


14. Given below is the profile of Rabindranath Tagore. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:
Known in Bengal as: Gurudev
Birth: May 7th, 1861
Parents: Debendranath Tagore and Sarala Devi
Notable works: Gitanjali, Jana Gana Mana, Rabindra Sangeet, Amar Sonar Bangla, etc.
Award: Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913
Died: August 7th, 1941.
On 7 May, in 1861, India was blessed with an illustrious son who grew up to be India’s first Nobel Laureate. On this auspicious day Debendranath Tagore and Sarala Devi were blessed with a male child who in its adult age was revered by the whole world as Gurudev. Yes, the birth was of Rabindranath Tagore renowned for his literary works in both Bengali and English. The most famous work of his is ‘Geetanjali’, which means ‘a string of poems’. However, Tagore is known for not only his literary works, but also painting and music. He penned the national anthem of both India and Bangladesh. The songs written and composed by him are well known as Rabindra Sangeeth. His Shantiniketan is world famous for its Gurukul system of education. Tagore’s contributions to the nation are so many that when India lost him on 7 August 1941, it left a void that could not be filled by anyone.


15. Write a paragraph, using the clues given below. You may add some more points if necessary:
Twelve fools start on a journey – cross a river – count themselves – one man lost – a passer-by offers help – gives each a blow on the back – they count twelve strokes – satisfied – moral.
This is the story of twelve fools. The story sometimes gets referred to as the story of twelve wise men. Once, twelve men start on a journey. After crossing a river, they get a doubt whether all of them had been able to cross the river or not. Each one who counts, leaves himself out, and in the bargain they are convinced that their number is reduced from twelve to eleven, and that one man is lost. At that time a passerby offers to help. He gives each a blow on the back, and when twelve strokes are heard, the men are satisfied that they are twelve and not eleven. Satisfied, they resume their journey. The moral of the story is that sometimes we tend to overlook what is obvious. When we do that we appear to be foolish, and we will consider even the casual move of others as wise moves.


16. Given below is a profile of Sarojini Naidu. Write a paragraph using the same:
Birth: 13 February, 1879
Place: Hyderabad
Father: Dr. Aghornath Chattopadhyaya, a scientist
Mother: Mrs. Varada Sundari, a Bengali poet
Spouse: Muthyala Govindarajulu Naidu
Profession: Politician, freedom fighter, Governor of United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, writer.
Death: 2 March, 1949
Works: ‘The Golden Threshold’(1905), “The Bird of Time’ (1912), ‘The Broken Wing’ (1917), ‘The Feather of the Dawn’ (1961).
Sarojini Naidu, who is famous as the nightingale of India, was born on February 13th, 1879 in Hyderabad to Dr. Aghornath Chattopadhyaya, a scientist and Mrs. Varada Sundari, a Bengali poet. Perhaps it was her mother’s genes that turned Sarojini Naidu into such a great poet. Her husband Muthyala Govindarajulu Naidu must have been a progressive thinker as he accepted his wife’s role as a politician and freedom fighter. Sarojini Naidu served as the Governor of United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. But she is remembered more vividly as a prolific writer. Her works include ‘The Golden Threshold’ (1905), ‘The Bird of Time’ (1912), ‘The Broken Wing’ (1917), ‘The Feather of the Dawn’ (1961). When Sarojini Naidu’s end came on March 2nd, 1949, India lost a great poet and statesman.


17. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. You may add some more points if necessary:
A poor woodcutter – cutting wood – tree on a riverbank – axe fell into the river – goddess – golden axe – refused – silver axe – refused – iron axe – happily accepted – goddess gave golden and silver axes – blessing – moral.
Once there lived a poor woodcutter. He earned his living by cutting wood in the jungle and selling it in the market. One day he was cutting wood on the bank of a river. Accidentally his axe fell down into the river. The river was deep. He could not take his axe out. He sat on the bank and began to weep. The goddess of water heard his cry and appeared before him. She asked him why he was weeping. The woodcutter told her that he had only one axe with which he used to cut wood and earn his living. As the axe had fallen into the river, he was weeping. The goddess dived into the river and brought a golden axe. The woodcutter refused to take it saying that it was not his. The goddess dived again and brought a silver axe. The woodcutter did not take it either. Then she brought an iron axe. The woodcutter took it gladly saying that it was his. The goddess was much pleased with his honesty and gave him all the three axes. The woodcutter was overjoyed and went home thanking the goddess. The moral of the story is, ‘Honesty is the best policy’.


18. Given below is a profile ofVijendra Singh. Write a paragraph using the same:
Birth: October 29, 1985
Place: Haryana
Interest: Boxing
Practising Club: Bhiwani Boxing Ch
Participation: 2004 Athens Summer Olympics, 2006 Commonwealth Games, 2006Asian Games
Achievements: Won the first Bronze medal in 2008 Beijing Olympics
Awards: 2009 Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award.
Vijendra Singh is a boxing champion who has made India proud at the international level. Born in Haryana on October 29 in 1985, Vijendra Singh’s graph of success has been shooting up ever since 2004 when he participated in the Athens Summer Olympics. In 2006 he participated in both the Commonwealth Games and the Asian Games. The constant practice at Bhiwani Boxing Club earned him his first Bronze Medal in the Beijing Olympics in 2008. In 2009 he won the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award. Young Vijendra Singh is one of the promising stars of India and is sure to win many more accolades.


19. Given below is a profile of Sri Rakesh Sharma. Write a paragraph using the same:
Birth: January 13, 1949, September 20, 1982
Selection as a cosmonaut: One of the crew, Russian Rocket, Soyuz T-ll.
Duration of flight: Seven days.
Other members of the flight: Commander Malyshev and Flight Engineer, G.M. Strekalov.
His famous utterance as he saw India from the spaceship: ‘Saare Jahan Se Achchha’.
Rakesh Sharma was born on 13 January 1949. After his early education, he joined as an Air Force Cadet and was later appointed as Pilot Officer in the Indian Air Force. On September 20, 1982, he was selected as a cosmonaut. His great achievement was being selected as one of the crew of the Russian rocket, Soyuz T-ll. He flew onboard the rocket with two Soviet cosmonauts, commander Malyshev and flight engineer G.M. Strekalov. He spent seven days in space. When he saw India from the spaceship, Rakesh Sharma said, ‘Saare jahan se achcha’ (Our land is the best in the world), an utterance that has become famous.


20. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. You may add some more points if necessary:
A silly shepherd boy rearing sheep in woods – wants to check if villagers nearby – cries, ‘wolf, wolf’ – villagers come to help – the boy laughs and calls them, ‘silly eared’ – this repeats – villagers decide not to respond anymore – one day, the wolf comes – the boy cries for help – no one cares to help – wolf feasts on sheep – moral.
This is the story of a village boy who has the work of taking his sheep for grazing every day. The boy was bored with the task and decided to have some fun. He shouted ‘wolf, wolf for fun and had a hearty laugh when the villagers came running to help him. As though once was not enough, he played the same trick again on the villagers and laughed at them once again. The villagers decided not to respond to his calls. anymore. The foolish boy did not realise what problem he had created for himself. One day a wolf did come to attack the sheep and the boy cried out ‘wolf, wolf, but no one came to his help. The wolf attacked the boy too and he had to pay with his life for his foolishness. The moral of the story is, liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.

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