KSEEB SSLC Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 2 The Extension of the British Rule

KSEEB SSLC Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 2 The Extension of the British Rule

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 2 The Extension of the British Rule

Class 10 Social Science The Extension of the British Rule Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:

Question 1.
At the end of First Anglo-Marathawar, …….. agreement was entered between Marathas and British.

Question 2.
The Subsidiary Alliance system was implemented by ……….
Lord Wellesly

Question 3.
The Doctrine of Lapse policy was implemented in the year ……..


Question 4.
The Doctrine of Lapse policy was implemented by ……..
Lord Dalhousie

II. Discuss in group and then answer the following:

Question 1.
Explain the reasons for First Anglo- Maratha War.
The Marathas instilled Sha Alam-II back on the throne of Mughal Empire in Delhi. Sha Alam-II was under the care British after the defeat in Buxar war. Now, the Emperor gave Kora and Allahabad to Marathas, which he had earlier given them to the British. This resulted in the enmity between Marathas and the British. During this period, the death of Maratha strong man Madhav Rao Peshwa was a major setback to Marathas. Though his brother Narayanrao came to power, he was murdered by his uncle Raghobha (Ragunatha Rao). This resulted in the infighting for the Peshwa post. The Maratha federation brought MadhavRao II of NarayanaRao to the post of Peshwa. Upset with this development, Raghobha approached the British for support. The British thought of exploiting this situation in their favour. Initially, though Marathas gained upper hand, later they had to lose Allahabad to the British. The Maratha federation unable to sustain the war with the British finally entered the ‘Salbai Agreement’ and ended the war.

Question 2.
What were the conditions under Subsidiary Alliance? Explain.
The Conditions of Subsidiary Alliance:

  1. The Indian King had to keep the British Army in his kingdom.
  2. The concerned state had to bear the expenses of the army and the wages of soldiers, and also had to give certain revenue lands as well. The King has to have a British Resident in his Court.
  3. The King could not appoint any other European without the permission of the British.
  4. In order to enter any agreement or pact with any Indian Government, the permission of the Governor General was mandatory.
  5. In return of all these services, the Company would offer protection to the state from any internal or external aggression.
  6. The British could place Indian state under their control through this policy and the maintenance of the army became easy.

Question 3.
Explain the Third Anglo Maratha War.
Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1818) The Maratha families tried their best to protect their independence and honour. Even the Peshwa attempted to free himself from the clutches of the Company. The Peshwa attacked the British Residency in Poona and brunt it down. Appa Saheb of Nagapur and Malhar Rao Holkar rebelled against the British and were suppressed ruthlessly. Finally, Peshwa Baji Rao II fought against the British at Koregaon and Ashti and later surrendered to the British. The British abolished the Peshwa post and granted a pension to BajiRao II. They installed Pratapa simha, the descendant of Shivaji as the ruler of Satara, a minuscule state, and named him as the traditional leader of Marathas and suppressed the Maratha resistance.

Question 4.
How did the Doctrine of Lapse support the expansion of British Empire in India?

  1. Dalhousie was introduced doctrine of lapse policy in 1848.
  2. This policy supported to British empire in India to expansion according to this policy where by the adopted children of Indian kings were refused to their right to throne.
  3. “If any Indian ruler dies without children their adopted children had no legal right over the throne”.
  4. Such states gets merged with the British empire.
  5. Dalhousie used this policy as a political weapon.
  6. This policy not only the princely families even ordinary people who sympathetic to these kings rebelled against the company.
  7. Princely states like Satara, Nagpur, Jaipur etc. came under this policy.


Question 5.
Which were the states that came under the Doctrine of Lapse policy ?
Princely states like Satara, Nagpur, Sambalpur, Udaipur, Jhansi, Jaipur came under the Doctrine of Lapse policy.

Class 10 Social Science The Extension of the British Rule Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Subsidiary Alliance policy was introduced by …………
Lord Wellesly

Question 2
……….. became the dependent state of East India Company.

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