KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 International Institutions
KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 International Institutions
Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Social Science Political Science Chapter 5 International Institutions
Class 10 Social Science International Institutions Textual Questions and Answers
I. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers :
Question 1.
The UNO was founded in the year …………..
Question 2.
The head office of the UNO is in ………….. city.
New York.
Question 3.
The affiliated body of the UNO which appears like a cabinet committee is ………………
General Assembly.
Question 4.
The tern of the Office of international Judges is ………….. years.
Nine years.
Question 5.
The International Court of Justice is in ………………
Hague of Netherland.
Question 6.
The present Secretary General of the UNO is …………….
Antonio Guterres (Portugal) [2017 onwards].
Question 7.
The World Health Organisation was founded in the year ……………..
Question 8.
The SARC was founded in the year ……………
II. Discuss the following questions in group and answer in two- three sentences :
Question 1.
Name the people who worked to establish the UNO.
Leaders like Winston Churchill of England, Joseph Stalin of Russia and Franklin Roosevelt are responsible for the in formation of UNO.
Question 2.
What are the affiliated bodies of institutions of the UNO ?
UNO has six major affiliated bodies as per the charter of UNO. They are:
- General Assembly
- The UNO Security Council
- Economic and Social Committee
- Trusteeship Council
- International Court of Justice
- The Secretariat.
Question 3.
Which are the permanent members of the UNO Security Council ?
U.S.A., Britain, France, Russia and China are the permanent members of Security Council.
Question 4.
Name working aims of the World Health Organization.
The objectives of W.H.O. are:
1. To eradicate epidemics like Cholera, plague, malaria, small fox etc.
2. To protect environment and solve the problem of hunger etc.
Question 5.
Make a list of functions of the International Labour Organization.
The functions of International Labour Organisation are :
- Providing Social security for labourers.
- Protecting them from health hazards.
- Improving their standard of living.
- Providing maternity benefits for women, providing minimums wages and housing facilities for the labourers.
Question 6.
Expand SAARC.
South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation is the expansion of SAARC.
III. Discuss the following questions in group and answer then in at least ten sentences:
Question 1.
List out the aims of UNO.
The objectives of the UNO are:
- To maintain international peace and security.
- To develop friendly relations among nations.
- To established faith in fundamental human rights.
- To achieve international Co-operation in solving international problems of economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character.
- To establish justice and respect for international obligation.
- To function as a centre for harmonizaing the actions of nations.
Question 2.
Explain the formation of the General Assembly of the UNO.
- It is an affiliated body consisting of representatives from all the member states.
- Every country sends five representatives to this body. But. every country has only one vote.
- The general bod)’ elects one of its members as the president for a year
- Similarly people are elected for posts of 17 vice presidents, and seven chairpersons for the seven permanent committees
- The general assembly meetings begin around September and continue till mid-December every year.
- For all the important matters of approval a 2/3 majority is. mandatory.
Question 3.
What are the functions of the Economic and Social Committee of the UNO?
The main functions of the committee are as follows
- Conducting studies on economic, social, cultural, education, health and other international issues and sharing the reports.
- Issues like refugee problems, women status, residence and many other issues come within the purview of this committee.
- This committee recommends on issues of human rights and basic freedoms.
- Organizing conferences on human resources, culture, education and other issues.
Coordinating the functions of specialized organization, Food and agriculture organization [FAO], world health organization (WHO) and other institutions. - All these are the major functions of the economic and social committee.
Question 4.
The “UNO has a major role in establishing peace in the world”. Substantiate this statement.
In maintaining world peace, the UNO plays an important role. So far it has dealt with a large number of political disputes. The disputes like Suez Canal, Iran, Indonesia, Greece, Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan etc., are worth to be mentioned, which have been dealt with by UNO. Series of serious efforts have been made by UNO for disarmaments both conventional and nuclear. UNO played a more effective role in reducing the most serious situation of the cold-war. Thus the UNO played an important role in maintaining world peace.
Question 5.
What are the functions of UNESCO?
The functions of UNESCO are
- It deals with the promotion of science, education and culture throughout the globe.
- It aims at the development of technical education information technology, creative, mental, cultural and environmental studies.
- It assists state and non-state, institutions all over the world in the development of knowledge and its dissemination.
Question 6.
Explain the role of the IMF in solving the economic problems of the World.
IMF is a global financial institution. It aims at solving international economic problems. It strives to promote world trade, economic stability, and sound balance of payment situations. It strives to harmonize the economic relations of advanced and poor countries. Thus I.M.F. plays its role in solving the economic problems of the world.
Question 7.
Prepare a list of aims of the Common Wealth.
The aims of Commonwealth Nations are:
- It upholds democracy and liberties.
- It assists to eradicate poverty among the member countries.
- Promotion of world peace, sports, science and cultural ties.
- It helps to promote friendly ties among the member countries.
Question 8.
Explain the European Union.
- It is an institution of 27 European countries.
- It was founded in 1992 as per the agreement of Matrich among the member countries.
- It provides for a common market, common currency, and common agriculture and trade policy.
- Subdivisions of this organization
- Committee
- Commission
- European parliament
- European court of justice.
- As the founders asserted this strives for international peace and democracy in the world.
Class 10 Social Science International Institutions Additional Questions and Answers
Question 1.
‘League of Nations’ was founded after ………..
the end of World War I.
Question 2.
The head office of ILO is in ………..
Question 3.
The General Assembly meetings begin around ………. and continue till mid-December every year.
Question 4.
The number of members in UNO Security Council is …………..
Question 5.
Food and Agricultural Organization was established in the year …………….
Question 6.
The number of judges in the International Court of Justice is ……………
Ans: 15.
Question 7.
In the year ………….. Commonwealth of Nations started.
Question 8.
………….. and …………… are the agreements of Economic and Financial achievements.
Tariff, Trade.
Question 9.
The organization of African Unity was founded in …………….
Question 10.
SAARC was founded in ……………
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The founder f U.N.O was
a. Winston Churchill
b. Joseph Stalin
c. Roosevelt
d. All the above
d. All the above
Question 3.
The main aim of the international labour organization is to
a. Promote the welfare of women
b. Promote the welfare of children
c. Promote the welfare of the working class
d. Promote the welfare of industries
c. Promote the welfare of the working class
Question 5.
One of the greatest achievements of the world health organization is
a. Ending of epidemics
b. Elimination of poverty
c. Protecting the environment
d. Elimination of smallpox
d. Elimination of smallpox
Question 7.
The notable achievement of the European union is
a. The creation of a common parliament
b. The introduction of Euro
c. Free trade between European countries
d. The introduction of a single-party system
b. The introduction of Euro
Question 9.
The organization of African unity always opposing
a. Apartheid
b. World Trade
c. New imperialism of developed nations
d. All the above points
c. New imperialism of developed nations
Two Marks Questions
Question 1.
International court of justice became important in the world. How?
The judgment of this court are important from ethical and rational perspectives. But no country is compulsorily bound by these judgments. The international court has contributed a lot to the international peace and security of these limitations.
Question 2.
Which are the programmes of SAARC
- Conferences. w workshops and training programmes have been taking place for the representatives of these countries on various topics like science and technology, agriculture on regular basis.
- India has taken active role in SAARC.
Question 3.
What are the functions of African unity?
- ft strives to establish equality, freedom and unity among all the African nations.
- This organization has functioned well against Apartheid, new imperialism, and many others threats to African countries.