MH 5 Maths

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12

Question 1.
Solve the following word problems:

1. Prathamesh wants to buy a laptop worth 27,450 rupees. He has 22,975 rupees. What is the amount he still needs to be able to buy the laptop?
₹ 2 7 4 5 0 Laptop worth

₹ 2 2 9 7 5 Prathmesh has
0 4 4 7 5 Require more
₹ 04,475 amount require to buy the laptop,

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 10


2. A company produced 44,730 scooters in a certain year and 43,150 in the next. How many more scooters did they produce in the previous year?
4 4 7 3 0 In previous year

4 3 1 5 0 In next year
0 1 5 8 0
1,580 scooters produced more in the previous year.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 11

3. In a certain city, the number of men is 16,37,856 and the number of women is 16,52,978. By how many does the number of women exceed the number of men?
1 6 5 2 9 7 8 Women

1 6 3 7 8 5 6 Men
0 0 1 5 1 2 2
15,122 women more than number of men.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 12


4. An organization decided to collect 25,00,000 rupees for a certain project. They collected 26,57,340 through donations and other kinds of aid. By how much did they exceed their target?
2 6 5 7 3 4 0 collected

2 5 0 0 0 0 0 decided to collect
0 1 5 7 3 4 0 collected more

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 13

5. Use the numbers 23,849 and 27,056 to make a subtraction problem. Solve the problem.
In a certain shop the price of a computer was ₹ 23,849 and that of TV set is ₹ 27,056. Price of TV set is how much more than that of a computer.
₹ 2 7 0 5 6 Price of T.V. sets
₹ 2 3 8 4 9 Price of computer
0 3 2 0 7 Price is more
Price of TV set is more than computer by ₹ 3,207

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Mixed examples
Study the following solved examples.

Example (1)
4,13,758 + 2,09,542 – 5,16,304
4,13,758 + 2,09,542 – 5,16,304 = 1,06,996

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 1
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 3

Example (2)
345678 – 162054 + 600127
345678 – 162054 + 600127 = 7,83,751

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Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 4

In these examples, both operations, addition and subtraction, have to be done. They are done in the order in which they are given. In actual cases, we need to consider the specific problem to decide which operation must be done first.

Example (3)
The total amount spent on building a certain house was ₹ 87,14,530. Of this amount, ₹ 24,72,615 were spent on buying the plot of land, ₹ 50,43,720 on the construction material and the rest on labour charges. What was the amount spent on labour?


Method : 1
8 7 1 4 5 3 0 → Total amount spent

2 4 7 2 6 1 5 → Cost of plot
6 2 4 1 9 1 5 → Cost of material and labour

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 8

6 2 4 1 9 1 5 → Cost of material and labour

5 0 4 3 7 2 0 → Cost of material
1 1 9 8 1 9 5 → Amount spent on labour

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Method : 2
2 4 7 2 6 1 5 Cost of plot
5 0 4 3 7 2 0 Cost of material
7 5 1 6 3 3 5 Cost of plot and material

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8 7 1 4 5 3 0 Total amount spent

7 5 1 6 3 3 5 Cost of plot and material
1 1 9 8 1 9 5 Amount spent on labour

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Let us verify our answer.
2 4 7 2 6 1 5 Cost of plot
5 0 4 3 7 2 0 Cost of material
1 1 9 8 1 9 5 Amount spent on labour
8 7 1 4 5 3 0 Total cost

The sum total of all the amounts spent tallies with the given total cost. It means that our answer is correct.

Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 Additional Important Questions and Answers

Solve the following word problems:

Question 1.
Jethalal purchased goods for ₹ 53,25,675 sold it for ₹ 62,14,563. How much he obtained more in this transaction?
6 2 1 4 5 6 3 Sold price
5 3 2 5 6 7 5 Purchased price
8 8 8 8 8 8 Obtained more
₹ 8,88,888

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Set 12 15


Question 2.
In an election candidate A got 13,90,211 votes and candidate B got 8,57,143 votes. By how many votes the winner A defeated the looser B?
1 3 9 0 2 1 1 Votes obtained by A

8 5 7 1 4 3 Votes obtained by B
0 5 3 3 0 6 8 Votes more obtained by A

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