MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 13 Three Days to See

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 13 Three Days to See

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Workbook Chapter 13 Three Days to See Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 13 Three Days to See

Three Days to See Vocabulary

I. The writer has used certain words which have direct or indirect relation with Nature. Make a list of such words.
blind, deaf, bird’s singing, leaf, silver beach, energy, bark of a pine.

II. Use the following words in sentences:
blessing, occasionally, kindness, patience, compassion, vision, splendour, serene, panorama, orchestra
Blessing : We all need the blessing of God.
Occasionally : I occasionally go to the temple.
Kindness : Kindness is always rewarded.
Patience : We must keep patience to achieve success.
Compassion : We must have compassion for the poor.
Vision : My vision is very sharp.
Splendour : The Taj Mahal is famous for its splendour.
Serene : The lake is still and serene in the sunlight.
Panorama : There is a superb panorama of the mountains from the hotel.
Orchestra : There were twelve persons in the orchestra party.

Listening Skill

A. Listen to this text about Louis Braille who made it possible for blind people to read.

See Workbook page 104

Now, answer the following questions:
Say whether these sentences are True or False.
1. People thought blind people could never read.
2. Louis Braille was blind from the time he was born.
3. The special school for blind children to which Louis went was in London.
4. There were special books for the blind in that school.
5. The French army used a code to read in the dark.
6. The special code for the blind is called the Braille code.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True
  6. True.

See Workbook page 105

B. Your teacher will read this paragraph from ‘Helen Keller learns to speak’ to you. Pay special attention to how the italicized words are pronounced. Repeat them after your teacher.
Do yourself.

Speaking Skill

I. Conduct a seminar on the problems of the disabled. You may consider the following points and add some of your own.

  • partly/fully dependent on others
  • life becomes difficult
  • wants to do something on their own
  • few entertainments

Do yourself.

II. Helen Keller says that if she were given the chance to see the world for three days she would fulfill some of her keenest desires. Complete this table with the things she would like to do and say in the class.

Day 1 Spending the day in the company of her dear ones.
Day 2 Enjoy the magnificent paronama of light.
Day 3 Touching and feeling nature and its beauty.

III. If you know about some other people like Helen Keller who have kept their spirit high even after the worst odds, tell your partner about them.
Do yourself.

Reading Skill

Read the following details from Stephen Hawking’s web page.

See Workbook pages 106-107

A. Now answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Why does Stephen Hawking not have any regrets?
Because he takes the situation normally and avoids to think about his condition.

Question 2.
What was a great shock to him?
It was a great shock to him to discover that he had motor neurone disease.

Question 3.
What disease the author is suffering from?
Motor neurone disease.

Question 4.
What changes were noticed in the author after he joined Oxford?
He took up coxing and rowing.

Question 5.
How did the author react when he came to know that he was suffering from an incurable disease?
He was shocked.

Question 6.
What changes came in the life of the author after the realisation of the disease?
He took everything positively. He began to think about those people who were worse off than him.

Question 7.
What is the moral of the story?
We should not lose hope.

B.(i) Choose some words related to diseases, occurred in the story.
Leukaemia, motor neurone disease.

(ii) Consult a dictionary and search for such compound words as given below. Give their meanings also.
Co-ordinator : Co-administrator
Co-produced : Co-education
Co-operation : Co-ordination
Co-exist : Co-curricular
Co-author : Co-worker


See Workbook page 108

Pick out the Adjective phrase in the following sentences.

He is the man of the hour.
the man of the hour.

Question 2.
He is a man of means.
a man of means.

Question 3.
That was an act of cowardice.
an act of cowardice.

Question 4.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
worth two in the bush.

Question 5.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
a friend indeed.

See Workbook page 109
In the following sentences replace, wherever possible, the Adjective by Adjective phrases of the same meaning.

Question 1.
Suddenly a furious storm began to blow.
A storm with fury.

Question 2.
He is an honourable man.
A man of honour.

Question 3.
It was a horrible sight.
A sight with horror.

Question 4.
He is a professional cricketer.
A cricketer by profession.

Question 5.
He is a homeless orphan.
An orphan without home.

In the following sentences replace, whenever possible, the Adjective phrases by single Adjective of similar meaning.

Question 1.
He has done deeds of great heroism.
great heroic deeds.

Question 2.
A man without friends is the most unhappy man.
a friendless man.

Question 3.
I do not like to meet a man with a bad temper.
a bad tempered man.

Question 4.
A man sense like him was not expected to do this.
a nonsense man.

Question 5.
The army of France was defeated.
the French Army.

Fill in the blanks with suitable Adjective phrases.
1. Tansen was a man ……………..
2. The paths ……………. lead but to the grave.
3. The writing case was lined with velvet ………….
4. He led a life ………………
5. She lost a pearl …………………….

  1. of music
  2. of life
  3. lining
  4. of misery
  5. of life.

Adverb phrases:

See Workbook pages 110-111

Pick out the Adverb Phrases in the following sentences:

Question 1.
At that time he was in the prime of his youth.
in the prime of his youth.

Question 2.
I shall be with you in a short time.
in a short time.

Question 3.
She fought in a brave manner.
in a brave manner.

Question 4.
No such luxuries were known in those days.
in those days.

Question 5.
He replied in a very rude manner.
in a very rude manner.

In the following sentences replace, wherever possible, the Adverb phrases by single Adverbs of the same meaning.

Question 1.
I must start in a short time.
I must start shortly.

Question 2.
In all probability he is dead.
Probably he is dead.

Question 3.
He escaped with great skill.
He escaped skillfully.

Question 4.
He spoke in a loud voice.
He spoke loudly.

Question 5.
They moved with great caution.
They moved cautiously.

In the following sentences replace, wherever possible, the Adverbs by the Adverb phrases conveying the same meaning.

Question 1.
Slowly and sadly we laid him down.
We laid him down in a slow and sad manner.

Question 2.
The poor boy’s clothes were carefully patched.
The poor boy’s clothes were patched in a careful manner.

Question 3.
She acted unwisely.
She acted in a foolish way.

Question 4.
He answered politely.
He answered in a polite manner.

Question 5.
No such customs existed then.
No such customs existed at that time.

Fill in the blanks with suitable Adverb Phrases.
1. The Rajputs fought ……………..
2. The king treated his ministers ……………
3. Unemployment is increasing …………
4. Keep him …………
5. He struck the blow …………..

  1. with brave heart
  2.  in a rude manner
  3. in a reckless manner,
  4. in a controlled state
  5. without thinking of the consequences.

Noun Phrases:

See Workbook page 112

Pick out the Noun Phrases in the following sentences:

Question 1.
I enjoyed reading this novel.
Reading this novel.

Question 2.
To err is human.
To err.

Question 3.
To forgive is divine.
To forgive.

Question 4.
To suffer is the lot of social reformers.
To suffer.

Writing Skill

Question 1.
Imagine you are a member of an NGO working to create awareness for eye donation. Write an appeal to students to register their names for eye donation. (50 words)
Eye Donation Camp Save life Donate Eyes Eyes are the real power of man.
Some are devoid of it. You can donate your eyes and let them see world. This is an act of charity and can be performed at any time and age. Practically it takes place only after death.

NGO Raman Singh

Question 2.
Smriti Khanna reads the following advertisement published in a newspaper.

Help the Disabled

An organisation working nationwide to care and help the disabled all over the country. Join us to make our mission. Together we can make a difference.

Society For The Disabled
D-12 Vasant Vihar
New Delhi-110016

Write a letter in about 150 words. Ask for the programmes you can join to ‘help the disabled’. Ask for the information about the ways you can collect the money and donate them.
Disability is a physical lapse caused by some adverse effect of nature or medical shortcomings. Still the people who are disabled are part of the same world we live in. They must be promoted to enjoy their life. We can do it by extending our support a little bit. They should not be treated with pity. They can be encouraged so that they should have confidence and they lead their own life without support. We have some plan to organise charity shows, exhibition, fair, painting competition for collecting money for their support. We appeal to all of you to cooperate in our sacred mission.

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