MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Workbook Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree

Lake Isle of Innisfree Vocabulary

I. Use the following words in your own sentences, wish, desire, want, urge
Wish : I wish for your grand success.
Desire : We all desire for a good life.
Want : I want to visit the Taj Mahal once again.
Urge : His urge to fight for the country got intensified.

II. In the word ‘arise’ the stress is on the second syllable. Make a list of words beginning with the letter ‘a’ and having stress on the second syllable.
Arrest – Across – Antenae
Analogy – Attest – Atmosphere

Listening Skill

Listen to this beautiful poem twice.

See Workbook pages 113-115

Now answer the following questions :

Question 1.
Find the rhyming words from the poem like: e.g. dawn-drawn
Montreal – fall
thrill – hill
may – bay
Tadoussac- back
prayer- there.

Listening Skill

Listen to this beautiful poem twice.

See Workbook pages 113-115

Now answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Find the rhyming words from the poem like:
e.g. dawn-drawn
Montreal – fall
may – bay
prayer- there.

Question 2.
Name any place mentioned in the poem.

Question 3.
Where did the poet sail?
The poet sailed on the lake Ontario.

Question 4.
Where did the poet wander?
The poet wandered in Toronto.

Question 5.
Where does he want to go again?
He wants to go to Tadoussac again

Speaking Skill
One example is given below.
Group A
1. Shrinagar – 1. Where the lake ‘Dal’ greets the tourists with all its scenic beauty
2. Where the world famous Taj Mahal is situated – 2. Agra where Taj Mahal is situated
3. Amarkantak – 3. Caves are famous
4. Where Gandhiji’s ashram is located – 4. Sabarmati
5. Amritsar – 5.Where golden temple is situated

See Workbook page 116

2. Let the students be in pair. One should ask the questions given below to the other in the pair and fill in the given table

  • Where would you like to visit?
  • What things would you like to see there?
  • Which characteristics of the place attract you?
  • To whom would you like to meet there?


S.No. Place Thing to see Attractive
Persons to meet
1. Agra Taj Mahal Architectural
My Grandparents
2. Kashmir Shalimar and Nishat Bagh Natural beauty My Friends

Reading Skill

Read the poem.

See Workbook pages 118-119

A. Now answer the following:

Question 1.
What time of the day is it?
It is dusk.

Question 2.
Why does the feeling of sadness come to the poet?
Because it is going to be dark.

Question 3.
How does the poet want to overcome his sorrow?
By reading some poems.

Question 4.
Why does he not want to listen to the grand old masters?
Because their distant footsteps echo through the corridors of time.

Question 5.
What does the grand old master’s strain suggest?
It suggests life’s toil and endeavour.

Question 6.
Why does he want to read some humbler poet?
Because his poems will have soothing effect on him.

B.Look at the relationship between the following pairs of words. Now use them together in a meaningful sentence of your own.
Do yourself

Writing Skill

Question 1.
Write a paragraph on the importance of plantation. (50 words)
No one can deny the fact that trees are the greatest saviour of mankind. We get many essential things from trees. Hence growing and planting more and more trees is the need of the hour. It would help balance our ecosystem. Plantation will keep our environment fresh and life healthy.

Question 2.
Deforestation is imbalancing the ecosystem. Write your views. (150 words)
Forests are very important in our life. They maintain ecosystem. They help in soil conservation. They help us receive more in rain. They help us breathe fresh air, provide greenery and keep our environment clean and fresh. They are the habitats for wild animals who are in many ways our saviour. We get many herbs and household timber from forests. Deforestation causes global warming. Temperature is getting more and more hot which causes many threats to our life. A number of rare species are depleting from nature. Hence deforestation has created an alarming situation. We must stop it otherwise our life will be in great danger.

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