MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 17 The Bet

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 17 The Bet

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Workbook Chapter 17 The Bet Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 17 The Bet

The Bet Vocabulary

I. Collect all the opposites (antonyms) of the following words.
You can consult a dictionary.
Punishment : Reward
Agreement : Disagreement
Immense : Tiny
Freedom : Slavery
Curse : Bless

II. Write the prefix before the following words.
appear, necessary. resting. mortal, gain
appear : disappear
necessary : unnecessary
resting : unresting
mortal : immortal
gain : regain

Listening Skill

Now listen to this extract on multiple Intelligences.

See Workbook pages 141-142

Fill in the blanks to name the different kinds of intelligence. One has been done for you.
e.g., When I enjoy listening to people and solving their problems, I use my interpersonal intelligence.

1. When I enjoy dancing or physical activity I use my ………….. intelligence.
2. When I enjoy looking at maps and examining pictures, I use my …………… intelligence,

3. When I enjoy working with numbers and solving mathematical problems I use my ……………. intelligence.
4. When I enjoy telling a story or arguing I use my …………….. intelligence.

  1. bodily
  2. visual
  3. mathematical
  4. verbal.

Speaking Skill

I. Get into groups of four. Ask questions like this.
1. Do you have a bank account?
2. What is the name of your bank?
3. How do you go to your bank?
4. How do you deposit your money?
5. Why do people keep money in a bank?
6. Besides keeping our money safe, what other services does a bank provide?
One student will ask the questions and the other three will reply one by one. The roles can be altered till all the four students have had their chance to ask the questions.
For self attempt.

II. Have you ever been to a bank? If not, accompany your parents to a bank. Then tell in the class. The scene in a bank.’ Tell about the guard outside, the counters for different transactions, people working at the counters, the rush of customers, the manager etc.
Do yourself.

Reading Skill

Read the passage

See Workbook pages 143-144

A. Now answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What appeared in large numbers after the Civil War of America?
American millionaires appeared in large number.

Question 2.
Carnegie became rich with a different purpose in mind. What was it?
He planned to spend the surplus each year for benevolent purpose.

Question 3.
‘He determined never to give way to the worship of money’. What did he wish to do?
He wished to devote himself to public affairs.

Question 4.
What did Carnegie believe about being rich?
A rich man’s life is divided into two parts- the first making money and the second giving it away

Question 5.
‘I shall become a wiser and more useful man’. Why did he think so?
Because generally rich men are not very useful to others.

Question 6.
How should, according to Carnegie, the life of a rich man be divided?
The rich man’s life should be divided into two parts- the first making money and the second giving it away.

B.(a) Search and add some similar words.

  • richest : wealthiest, most fortunate
  • ablest : most capable.

(b) Write some synonyms of the following words.

  • benevolence : generosity, kindness
  • improve : develop, flourish
  • happy : glad, fortunate, satisfied
  • devotion : loyalty, faithfulness.


Conditional Clauses:
Modes of expressing a condition.

See Workbook page 145

Rewrite each of the following sentences expressing a condition:

Question 1.
But for our books, we should be ignorant.
We should be ignorant if we have no books.

Question 2.
Should the train stop, I will get out.
If the train stops I will get out.

Question 3.
Had I known what to do, I should have saved much time.
If I had known what to do I should have saved much time.

Question 4.
If a man does not speak the truth, he is not believed.
Unless a man speaks the truth he is not believed.

Question 5.
Unless you act wisely, the people will not praise you.
If you don’t act wisely the people will not praise you.

Question 6.
Were my father here, he would help me.
If my father were here he would have helped me.

Writing Skill

Read the following passage carefully.

See Workbook pages 146-147

1. Summarise the passage.
2. Supply an appropriate title.
Man is born free. As a child he/she grows to be free. Freedom means self-governance. But it doesn’t allow one to do what one wants. One must be responsible while using one’s freedom. The purpose of freedom is to be perfect in all aspects. In this sense an individual becomes more valuable to others.
Title: Freedom to Individual.

Question 2.
Money is not the only thing that can make us happy. There is something else that makes us happy. Write your views. (150 words)
We live in a materialistic age. Money matters most today. No doubt Money works to make one happy. We can fly high, live high but it doesn’t mean that we can also think high with money. Money can fulfill our worldly needs. But there are a number of things that money can’t buy. If we wish to enjoy a sound sleep money can’t provide that. If we wish to be happy all the time money can’t do that. If we wish to enjoy good company money can’t do that. Real happiness can’t be bought with money. One can’t get virtue that makes one perfect human being through money. Money is just a means of temporary relaxation in life.

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