MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 5 Refund
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 5 Refund
Refund Summary in English
A former pupil unexpectedly arrived at the school. He had studied there nearly eighteen years ago. He entered the Principal’s office arrogantly. He told the Principal that his name was Wasserkopf. The Principal asked him whether he wanted a certificate. Wasserkopf replied in the negative. He wanted the Principal to refund the tuition fees which he had paid for his education. He was a poor man. Therefore, he needed the money.
The Principal asked Wasserkopf why he wanted the fee back. He told the Principal that he didn’t get his money’s worth. He didn’t learn anything. Rather, the education had made nothing but an incompetent ass of him. His old classmate Lederer gave him the idea because he did not know any damn thing. He said, he would complain against the Principal if his request for refund was not granted
The Principal asked Wasserkopf why he thought he couldn’t do anything. Wasserkopf told that he couldn’t keep any job even if he got it. He asked the Principal to give him an examination and tell him what he ought to do. The Principal asked him to wait and called a conference of the teachers. The matter was discussed seriously. The teachers decided to hold the examination and ask him simple questions. They would declare him successful regardless of his answers.
Wasserkopf faced all the teachers one-by-one. He called them by names and gave silly answers. The teachers interpreted his answers positively. He was given excellent in patriarchal manners, gentle manliness, courtesy, physical culture, alertness, perseverance, logic and ambition. Now it was the turn of the Maths teacher. His first question was answered wrongly. Everybody was stunned when the teacher justified his rightful claim for the refund. The Principal got furious with the Maths teacher. Then the teacher asked Wasserkopf to calculate the amount of the fees to be refunded. He did the same correctly. It amounted to 6450 crowns. He had answered the difficult question correctly to the smallest detail. The Maths teacher certified that the candidate passed in Maths. He was really a Mathematical genius. Wasserkopf called it a tricky plan.
The Principal declared him pass with distinction in every subject and was fully entitled to the certificate he was already awarded. The Principal congratulated him. He asked Wasserkopf to be off lest he should be thrown out.
Refund Summary in Hindi
एक पूर्वकालिक अनपेक्षित छात्र एक स्कूल में आया। वह लगभग अठारह वर्ष पहले वहाँ पढ़ा था। वह अभद्रता से मुख्याध्यापक के दफ्तर में घुस गया। उसने प्रधानाचार्य को अपना नाम वॉसरकॉफ बताया। प्रधानाचार्य ने उससे पूछा कि क्या उसे प्रमाणपत्र चाहिए, वॉसरकॉफ ने नकारात्मक उत्तर दिया। वह चाहता था कि प्रधानाचार्य उसकी वह फीस लौटा दे जो उसने अपनी शिक्षा-प्राप्ति के बदले दी थी। वह निर्धन व्यक्ति था। इसलिए, उसे धन-राशि की आवश्यकता थी।
प्रधानाचार्य ने वॉसरकॉफ से पूछा कि उसे फीस वापिस क्यों चाहिए? उसने प्रधानाचार्य को बताया कि उसे अपनी धन-राशि का उचित लाभ नहीं मिला। उसने कुछ भी नहीं सीखा। बल्कि, शिक्षा ने उसे एक अयोग्य गधा बना दिया। उसके पुराने सहपाठी लैडरर ने उसे यह विचार दिया क्योंकि उसे (वॉसरकॉफ को) कुछ भी नहीं आता था। वह बोला कि शुल्क वापसी की उसकी प्रार्थना अस्वीकार किए जाने पर वह प्रधानाचार्य की शिकायत कर देगा।
प्रधानाचार्य ने वॉसरकॉफ से पूछा कि उसे यह विचार कैसे आया कि वह कुछ नहीं कर सकता था। वॉसरकॉफ ने बताया कि कोई धंधा मिल जाने पर भी वह उसे निभा नहीं पाता था। उसने प्रधानाचार्य से कहा कि उसकी परीक्षा ली जाए और उसे बताया जाए कि उसे क्या करना चाहिए। प्रधानाचार्य ने उसे इंतजार करने के लिए कहा और अध्यापकों की मीटिंग बुलाई। इस मामले पर गम्भीर रूप से विचार किया गया। अध्यापकों ने परीक्षा लेने और आसान प्रश्न पूछने का निर्णय लिया। उसके उत्तरों पर विचार नहीं करते हुए वे उसे सफल घोषित कर देंगे।
वॉसरकॉफ ने क्रम से एक-एक अध्यापक का मुकाबला किया। उसने उन्हें उनके उपनाम (चिढ़ाने वाले नाम) से पुकारा और उन्हें बेतुके उत्तर दिए। अध्यापकों ने उसके उत्तरों पर सकारात्मक टिप्पणी की। उसे पैतृक व्यवहार, भलमनसाहत, शिष्टाचार, शारीरिक फुर्ती, संस्कृति, अध्यवसाय, तर्क, तथा अभिलाषा में उत्कृष्ट दर्शाया गया। फिर, गणित अध्यापक की बारी थी। उनके पहले प्रश्न का उत्तर गलत पाया गया। उन्होंने फीस वापसी के वॉसरकॉफ के दावे को न्यायोचित ठहराया। प्रधानाचार्य, गणित के अध्यापक से रुष्ट हो गए। फिर अध्यापक ने वॉसरकॉफ से कहा कि वापिस ली जाने वाली फीस का हिसाब लगाओ। उसने ठीक (सही) हिसाब लगा दिया। वह 6450 क्राऊन बनी। उसने कठिन प्रश्न का सूक्ष्मतम विस्तार के साथ सही उत्तर दिया था। गणित के अध्यापक ने प्रमाणित किया कि प्रत्याशी (परीक्षार्थी) को गणित में पास किया जाता है। वह वास्तव में गणित में प्रतिभाशाली पाया गया। वॉसरकॉफ ने उसे एक षड्यन्त्रपूर्ण चाल बताया।प्रधानाचार्य ने घोषित किया कि वह प्रत्येक विषय में श्रेष्ठता प्राप्त रूप में पास है और पहले दिए गए प्रमाणपत्र का वह पूर्ण रूप से अधिकारी है। प्रधानाचार्य ने उसे बधाई दी। उसने वॉसरकॉफ को दफा होने के लिए कहा ताकि उसे बाहर नहीं फेंका जाए।
In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Chapter 5 Refund Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 5 Refund (Fritz Karinthy)
Refund Textbook Exercises
Refund Vocabulary
Question 1.
Use the following expressions in your own sentences.
by hook or by crook, what the hell, is that plain enough, will go straight, good for nothing, God forbid! Bravo! Have my ears open, as a matter of fact, with flying colours.
- By hook or by crook—She will try to pass the test by hook or by crook.
- What the hell—What the hell were you doing with that girl?
- Is that plain enough—Don’t waste your precious time. Is that plain enough to you?
- Will go straight—The arrow will go straight to its target.
- Good for nothing—Your neighbour is a good for nothing fellow.
- God forbid—God forbid! how will the old man survive if he is not given medicines in time.
- Bravo—Bravo! our team has won the final match.
- Have my ears open—Don’t speak so loudly, I have my ears open.
- As a matter of fact—She won’t listen to your advice. As a matter of fact, she is stupid.
- With flying colours—Our soldiers returned with flying colours after defeating their enemy.
II. Select the correct spelling of the following and write it in your notebook.
Question 1.
A. Tution
B. Twishan
C. Tuition
(C) Tuition
Question 2.
A. Kursy
B. Courtesy
C. Gourtsy
D. Courtsye
(B) Courtesy
Question 3.
A. Mathematic
B. Mathematics
C. Mathamatics
D. Mathamatiks
(B) Mathematics
Question 4.
A. Ainsteen
B. Einstean
C. Instein
D. Einstein
(D) Einstein
Question 5.
A. Unparalleled
B. Unparralleled
C. Unparaleled
D. Unparelleled
(A) Unparalleled
III. Write in your own words what the following expressions mean in the lesson.
approved of, examined in, agree with, entitled to.
Approved of—agreed with Examined in—tested in Agree with—to have similar opinion
Entitled to—having the right to get/do something; deserved/ fit for.
A. Answer the following questions in about 25 words.
Question 1.
Why did Wasserkopf come to the school after eighteen years?
Wasserkopf had studied at the school nearly eighteen years ago. The education he received in the school failed to provide him with any capability. It had also rendered him worthless. He came to the school for the refund of his tuition fees.
Question 2.
What were Wasserkopf’s arguments to get his fee back?
Wasserkopf argued with the Principal of the school. He said that he had received education in that school eighteen years ago. It had not provided him with any capability at all. On the contrary, it had made him worthless. He hadn’t got his money’s worth.
Question 3.
The Principal summoned the Masters for a most extra-ordinary conference. What did he tell them?
The Principal summoned the Masters for the most extraordinary conference. He told them about an old pupil, Wasserkopf who had come there to get his fee back. It was a unique case during his career as a school-master.
Question 4.
Why did the Principal consider Wasserkopf’s case “a most unusual state of affairs”?
Wasserkopf had brought the certificate of the school. He said that he was no good for anything. The education he got there made nothing but an incompetent ass of him. He would complain about the Principal if his fee was not refunded to him. The Principal considered it a most unusual case.
Question 5.
What did the Mathematics teacher suggest to checkmate Wasserkopf?
The Mathematics teacher said that they were dealing with a sly, crafty individual. He would try to get the better of them and would take his money back anyhow. In this context he suggested that he should be asked simple questions so that he must not fail. In this way, they could checkmate him.
Question 6.
Why did the Mathematics teacher want to prevent Wasserkopf from failing?
The Mathematics teacher ’knew that Wasserkopf would try his level best to fail in the re-examination. If he failed, he would succeed in his mission. In other words, the school would have to refund his fees. That would place them in an awkward position. Therefore, he wanted to prevent Wasserkopf from failing.
Question 7.
What were the qualities of Wasserkopf that the Principal and the Masters evaluated?
The Principal and the Master evaluated the following qualities of Wasserkopf. Patriarchal manners, gentlemanliness, courtesy, physical culture, alertness, perseverance, logic and ambition.
Question 8.
On what ground was Wasserkopf awarded ‘Excellent’ in Physical Culture?
The History Master asked Wasserkopf to sit on the chair. Wasserkopf said. “To hell with a seat! I shall stand.” The Mathematics Master interprets that Wasserkopf intended to face the oral examination and will remain standing. He awarded Wasserkopf ‘excellent’ in physical culture due to his splendid physical condition.
Question 9.
What was the question that the Physics Master put to Wasserkopf?
The Physics Master also put a question to Wasseskopf. The question was whether clocks in church steeples really become smaller as you walk away from them or do they merely appear to become smaller because of an optical illusion (mirage)
Question 10.
How much money, according to Wasserkopf, did the school owe to him?
According to Wasserkopf, the school owed to him the following money.
Wasserkopf had attended the school for six years. The total of his fees, examination fees and fees on incidentals was 2400 + 1800 + 1482 + 768 crowns 50 heller. He was ready to knock off the hellers.
Question 11.
What was the final result that Principal presented to Wasserkopf?
The Principal presented the result to Wasserkopf. He had passed with distinction in every subject. Therefore, he had again shown that he was entitled to the certificate they had awarded him on his graduation. He congratulated both Wasserkopf and his team.
Question 2.
Anita: What do want to do this morning?
Prakash: I feel like taking a walk. It’s so nice outside.
Anita: Great, let’s walk around the lake in the park.
Prakash: It’s really rocky here.
Anita: Yes, watch your steps so you don‘t trip.
Anita asked Prakash
(a) Prakash …………… answered that he (b) It was so nice outside.Anita agreed to this and suggested (c) ………….. Then Prakash observed that (d) …………. Anita cautioned him to watch his steps.
Question 3.
Read the comic strip and complete the passage given below.
Neha asked Naina (a) …………… London. Naina replied that she had enjoyed herself only in parts as
(b) …………….. there. Then Neha wanted to know (c) ……………… To this Naina replied that she saw a number of places although (d) ……………. it had rained a little less there.
Question 4.
Interviewer: So, Why do you want to be a computer programmer?
Ravi: Well, I don’t like working in a fast food restaurant and I want to make more money.
Interviewer: I see. Do you have any experience?
Ravi: No, but I am a fast learner.
Interviewer: What kind of a computer do you use?
Ravi: Computer? Uhm… let me see. I can use a Mac. I also used Windows 95 once.
Interviewer: We will get back to you. called his claim for refund genuine. The second answer made him call Wasserkopf as a mathematical genius. By his tact,-the Mathematics teacher proved that he was more ‘shrewd’ than the former pupil.
Question 5.
How did the three Masters shatter Wasserkopf’s plan to get the refund?
Wasserkopf wanted to fail in the examination to get the refund of his fees. Wasserkopf’s answer was absurd. He spoke that the Thirty- year war lasted seven metres. The History teacher and the Maths teacher proved it correct according to Einstein’s theory of relativity.
The Physics teacher asked, ’Do clocks in church steeples really become smaller as you walk away from them or merely appear so?’ His reply was you’re an ass. The teacher proved it correct due to optical illusion. The Mathematics teacher asked Wasserkopf to calculate the amount of refund. His correct answer made him successful. He was declared pass in every subject. His request for refund was rejected. He was sent away disappointed.
Question 6.
How far is a school or educational institution accountable for the future of its students? Support your answer with arguments given in the play.
Education aims at securing one’s livelihood as well as life. Stress should be laid on technical and vocational education. Character formation should be the major motive of education. There should be a personal contact between the teacher and the taught. Good manners should be inculcated among the students from the very beginning. According to Wasserkopf he didn’t learn anything. He had become an incompetent ass. He failed at every job. He used abusive and taunting language before teachers and the Principal of the school. He was rude and challenging in his behaviour. He lacked respectful behaviour. He was nill at gentlemanliness, courtesy, physical culture, alertness, perseverance, logic and ambition. The school was not accountable for his fate.
Refund Grammar
Non-Finite s
Study the following sentences:
- I want you to refund the tuition fee.
- I have got to hurry to the broker’s to collect the money.
- I haven’t got to tell you now.
The root form of the verb preceded by ‘to’ is called the to-infinitive. Study the following sentences:
- I don’t think.
- I should just say.
- I suppose I can get along.
The root form of the verb without ‘to’ is called the bare-infinitive. Name and underline the Infinitives in the following sentences:
1. You really want to take another examination?
2. Why do you want it?
3. I might be able to do something.
4. I have the right to take one.
5. I shall have to consult the staff.
6. I have asked you to come here on account of a most unusual state of affairs.
7. How do you do?
- You really want to take another examination? (To-Infinitive)
- Why do you want it? (Bare-Infinitive)
- I might be able to do something. (To-Infinitive)
- I’ve the right to take one. (To-Infinitive)
- I shall have to consult the staff. (To-Infinitive)
- I have asked you to come here on account of a mostunusual state of affairs. (To-Infinitive)
- How do you do? (Bare-Infinitive)
Study the following sentences.
- I am bringing back the leaving certificate.
- Will you wait in the waiting room?
- Thus the candidate has come through with flying colours.
The form of verb which has the characteristic of a verb as well as an adjective is called the Participle. Study the following sentences.
- I made speculation in foreign exchange.
- They surround the Physics Master, slapping him on the back and shaking his hands.
- I’ll start off by telling you a few things.
The -ing form of verb when used as a Noun is called Gerund.
Distinguish the following underlined words:
1. He remains standing.
2. He hurried away and left me standing there.
3. What a distressing bussiness
4. The following speeches are nearly spoken simultaneously.
5. The Principal, leaning back and stretching, received parents only during office hours.
- standing – Gerund.
- standing – Gerund.
- distressing – Participle.
- following – Participle.
- leaning – Participle
- stretching – Gerund.
Speaking Skill
A. Survey of students opinion regarding the school timetable.
Question 1.
Prepare a questionnaire consisting of seven questions on the school timetable. Question atleast ten students, get their views and note down the questions.
You may use the following questions.
1. What should be the length of total reading time in schools?
2. What should be the length of a period?
3. Which subjects should be taught before the recess (interval)?
4. Which period should be allotted to practical classes?
5. How many periods should be alloted to library-activity in a week?
6. What should be the length of recess (interval)?
7. How many periods should be allotted to games in a week?
Sample Answer of one student.
- The length of total reading time in school should be six hours.
- The length of a period should be 45 minutes before recess and 40 minutes after recess.
- English, Maths and Science subjects should be taught before
the recess (interval). - The last period should be allotted to practical classes.
- Three periods should be allotted to library activity in a week.
- The length of recess (interval) should be 20 minutes.
- Four periods should be allotted to games in a week. (However, there can be as many different answers depending on the number of students.)
Question 2.
Imagine you have just shifted to Bhopal from Harda and H have to join a new school there. Your residence is in a multistoreyed complex where there are many students of your age. Talk to them and find out all about the schools in which they study.
Draw a table in your notebook in the manner as given below and fill in the details. In some cases, the friends may not provide information under all the headings in the table. In- such cases, put a -in that box.
Ask the same question in different ways as given below:
- Where do you study? or
- In which school do you study? or
- What is the name of your school?
Writing Skill
Question 1.
‘Education is for life, not for livelihood’. Expand the idea. (50 words)
Education aims at creating ideal personality in a student. It is expected that the student after completing his education becomes the picture of all that is noble. He knows the value of time. He is helpful and sympathetic towards those who are weak and needy. He never nourishes ill will against others. He is honest and respectful to his seniors. He remains in discipline. He takes care of his health and honour. He does not degrade himself in the estimation of others. He is never a slave to his senses. He is a good debator and organizer. He becomes a moving spirit in society. He accomplishes everything with a humanitarian concern. Being a social animal he shares others’ happiness and woes. In this way education prepares him for life, not only for livelihood.
Question 2.
Suppose you are going to deliver a speech on ’Teacher’s Day’. Prepare a draft of your speech. (150 words)
Teacher’s Day Teacher’s day is a national function. It is celebrated on 5th September every year, the day of Dr. Radha- krishnan’s birthday. Dr. Radhakrishnan was an ideal teacher and therefore his birthday is celebrated as Teacher’s Day throughout the country. The main idea is to draw the attention of the society towards this noble profession. Nearly a hundred teachers are honoured with National Award on this day. The awardees are selected on the basis of the personal character, conduct, professional competence and their contribution to society. Only ideal and worthy teachers get it.
Giving award to teachers is a good incentive for them. It is a pity that a teacher is not accorded due respect these days. He is held low7 down in the social scale. One of the most serious causes for the loss of respect for the teacher is his poor salary. Also most of the teachers today fail to involve themselves with students. They do not bother for the future of their students. It is therefore, whenever they (students) obtain poor marks or show poor results, teachers are held responsible. They sometimes suffer from lack of confidence. The selfless teachers who possess character and unbiased love and affection for students enjoy social respect which is its own award.
Think It Over
1. He who does not know that he doesn’t know is an ignorant person. Keep him away.
He who knows that he doesn’t know is ready to learn, teach him. He who knows that he knows is wise, make him your teacher. Ponder over it and if you find such persons around you, write their names and traits.
2. Be wise than other people, if you can; but do not tell them so because men must be taught as if you taught them not. And things unknown must be proposed as things forgot. Ponder.
3. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. Think and pen your experience.
For pondering at individual level.
Things To Do
1. Take as many chart sheets as many subjects you read. Write names of the subjects on different sheets. Now write difficult portions of your syllabus according to your opinion on every sheet.
2. Show these sheets to your parents and teachers. Stick them on the wall in your study.
3. Try to learn those items and cross them when they are no more difficult for you.
4. Try to eliminate them all.
For self-attempt.
Refund Additional Important Questions
A. Read the passages and answer the questions that follow.
1. Because actual warfare took place only during half of each day- that is to say, twelve hours out of the twenty-four-and the thirty years at once become fifteen. But not even fifteen years were given up to incessant fighting, for the combatants had to eat-three hours a day, reducing our fifteen years to twelve. And if from this we deduct the hours given up to noonday siestas, to peaceful diversions, to nonwar like activities. (Page 38)
Question 1.
Who spoke the above lines?
The History Master spoke the above lines.
Question 2.
How many hours did the actual warfare take place each day?
The actual warfare took place twelve hours out of twenty- four each day.
Question 3.
How many hours a day did the combatants have to eat?
The combatants had to eat for three hours a day.
Question 4.
How long had the war lasted according to Wasserkopf?
According to Wasserkopf, the war had lasted seven metres.
Question 5.
Give a synonym from the passage for the word ‘afternoon short sleep’.
2. (rising): I present the result of the examination. Herr Wasserkopf has passed with distinction in every subject, and has again shown that he is entitled to the certificate we awarded him on his graduation. Herr Wasserkopf, we offer our congratulations accepting a large share of them for ourselves for having taught you so excellently. And noisy that we have verified your knowledge and your abilities (he makes an eloquent gesture) get out before I have you thrown out! (Page 41)
Question 1.
Who spoke the above lines?
The Principal spoke the above lines.
Question 2.
What would he present ?
He would present the result of the examination.
Question 3.
How had Herr Wasserkopf passed?
Herr Wasserkopf had passed with distinction in every subject.
Question 4.
What was his final word to Wasserkopf?
His final word to Wasserkopf was Get out before he had him thrown out.
Question 5.
Give a word from the passage for the expression. ‘Expression with motion of limbs’.
I. Match the following:
1. Principal received parents – (a) i don’t think so
2. Wasserkopf – (b) Gentlemen, the case is natural
3. The Mathematics teacher – (c) Only during office hours
4. The Physics Master – (d) I’m bringing back the leaving certificate you gave me.
5. A pupil – Tell us about it.
1. (c), 2. (d), 3. (e), 4. (b), 5. (a).
II. Pick up the correct choice.
(i) The story Refund
A. Wasserkopf
B. Fritz Karinthy
C. Rudyard Kipling
D. Oscar Wilde
B. Fritz Karinthy
(ii) A. Yes; but be quick. I’’e got no time to (waste! wait).
B. Because hes (a donkey/an ass).
C. There is nothing like it in the history of (India! civilization).
D. The Geography Master. Where is the (fellow! person), any how?
A. waste
B. an ass
C. civilization.
D. fellow
III. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.
1. The History Master, leave it to us.
2. The Principal (to the servant): Show in Herr Wasserkopf.
3. Wasserkopf. Agreed! Agrèed!
4. The Mathematics Master: ‘Logic; Excellent’.
5. The Physics Master: You were always a numskull.
- False.
- True
- False
- True
- False.
IV. Fill in the following blanks.
1. Oh, you can’t think of a ………….. that’s easy enough?
2. How long did the …………….. year war last?
3. This is no way to ……………. an examination.
4. The Principal; I shall …………….with this decisively.
5. The ……….. takes the’ place of the History Master.
- question
- thirty
- run
- deal
- Physics Master.
B. Short Answer Type Questions (In about 25 words)
Question 1.
What did the servant (peon) tell the Principal?
The servant (peon) told the Principal that there was a man outside. He wanted to see the Principal. He was neither a parent nor a pupil. He had a beard. His name was Wasserkopf. He looked intelligent.
Question 2.
Whom did the peon show in?
The peon showed in a middle-aged person. His name was Wasserkopf. He was bearded. He was carelessly dressed. He was somewhat under forty. He was energetic and decidedly a man of confidence.
Question 3.
How did Wasserkopf introduce himself?
Wasserkopf remained standing. The Principal asked him what he should do for him. Wasserkopf asked if the Principal remembered him. Then he realised that he was not worth remembering. In the end he told the Principal that he was a student in that school eighteen years ago.
Question 4.
Why could Wasserkopf say that he could get along without another certificate?
Wasserkopf was awarded a certificate on his graduation from the school. The certificate showed that he had got an education. The reality was that he hadn’t learnt anything. He couldn’t keep a job even if he managed to get it. Therefore, he could get along without any (another) certificate.
Question 5.
Who was Lederer? What was his suggestion to Wasserkopf?
Lederer was a man who made speculations in foreign exchange. He was awfully busy. He told Wasserkopf that he earned whenever money Was down. Wasserkopf failed to understand it. Lederer pitied his poor knowledge. He suggested him to get his tuition fee refunded if he did not know any damn thing.
Question 6.
Why was Wasserkopf hell bent on getting the refund of his tuition fee?
Wasserkopf was a poor man. His tuition fee amounted to a lot of money. Therefore, he could not afford to forgo the heavy amount. Moreover, he didn’t get anything for them. He was no good for anything. He couldn’t retain even his acquired jobs.
Question 7.
Why did the Principal scratch his head?
A former student, named Wasserkopf came to the Principal ,j to get his tuition fee refunded. It was a unique case. He had never heard of anything like it before. He couldn’t make any decision single handed. Therefore, he scratched his head.
Question 8.
What were the views’ of the Mathematics Master about re-examination?
Wasserkopf was in favour of a re-examination. It would prove that he had really learned nothing. The Mathematics Master suggested that they should not make their questions too difficult. In this way, they would get the better of the sly and crafty fellow.
Question 9.
What is the pedagogical scandal referred to in the lesson ’Refund’?
The Mathematics Master was of the view that all the teachers would prevent Wasserkopf from failing. If he fails, he would claim for the refund of his fees. It would become a pedagogic scandal. The number of claimants would go on swelling day after day
C. Long Answer Type Questions (In about 50 words)
Question 1.
Give a brief character sketch of Wasserkopf.
Wasserkopf was a poor and greedy person. He was fired from his jobs due to his ill manners and rude behaviour. He had no knowledge of any field. He neither had sense of shame nor sense of respect. He threatens the Principal that he would complain against him to the Ministry of Education. He is like a ruffian. He stares insolently at the Principal. He calls the teachers ’loafers’. He doesn’t give a damn for the teachers. He calls the History Master a ‘numskull’. He calls the Physics Master ‘a cannibal’ and ‘a whiskered balloon’. He calls the Maths teacher as ‘old stick in the mud’.
Question 2.
Give the role of the Principal of the school in the lesson ’Refund’.
The entire scene of the one act play takes place in the office of the Principal of the school. A former student, named Wasserfopf enters his office. He addresses him as Mr. Principal. He asks him to refund his tuition fee because the school had taught him nothing. The Principal hears his complaint patiently He makes him wait and called a conference of his teachers. He apprises the teachers of the silly demand of a sly and crafty old student. He is a silent spectator when Wasserkopf is re-examined. He is a competent and considerate administrator. He controls the situation and turns Wasserkopf out empty handed.
Refund Introduction
This one act play is about a former pupil who unexpectedly arrives at the school in which he studied earlier. The education that he received at school has left no good impact on him. He has become worthless. He argues with the Principal of the school. Previously the Principal is not ready to accept his demand. But finally he tells his teachers to conduct a re-examination to a certain his worth.
Refund Word-Meanings
Refund Some Important Pronunciations