MP Board Class 10th General English Letter Writing: Informal and Formal Letters
MP Board Class 10th General English Letter Writing: Informal and Formal Letters
MP Board Class 10th General English Solutions Letter Writing: Informal and Formal Letters
Informal Letters
1. Your father is out of town. Write a letter to him saying that your mother is ill and he should come back immediately.
R. No. 10, Ring Road,
Gwalior 2uly, 20….
Dear Father,
High regards, I want to inform you that mother is unwell. She has been suffering from fever for a week. She is under the treatment of Dr.ain. The doctor says that she will be normal in a week. There is nothing to worry, only she is feeling lonely and wants you to come home immediately. Rest is fine. Hoping to see you soon.
Yours affectionately
2. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to work hard at his studies to get a first class.
18, Raghava Pura,
Ram Nagar,
20 jan., 20….
Dear Ramesh,
I have received your letter regarding your marks in the half-yearly examination. You haveust passed. Your marks are very discouraging. You should now work hard so that you may get a first class. I hope you will be serious in your studies now.
I wish you best of luck.
Your loving brother
3. Write a letter to your father telling him what you want to become in future.
20, Ravidas Marg,
12 Sept., 20….
Dear Father,
High regards. I received your letter yesterday. I am glad that you wish to know what I want to become in future. I want to be a doctor. A doctor is a very important person in society. He cures us when we are Sick. He brings back our joys. It is a very noble profession. Therefore I intend to become a qualified doctor. hope you agree to my views.
With regards to mother.
Your loving son
4. Write a letter to your father to send you Rs. 500 as you have to pay your fees and buy some books and stationery.
City Inter College,
15th july, 20
Dear father,
How are you and other family members? I am fine here and busy with my studies. I have to pay my fees and buy some books and stationery. So kindly send me a sum of Rs. 500 soon. Convey my best regards to mother and lots of love to Pappu.
Your loving son
5. Write a letter to your friend inviting him on your birthday party.
10, Prabhu Nagar Indore
20 March, 20
Dear Raju,
Hope you are fine there. I am also in best of health. Today I am writing to you because I want to invite you to my birthday party on 28 March. Many of our friends will be coming. We shall enjoy a lot. It will be a great fon. So please come definitely and inform me when are your coming here.
I shall wait for your reply.
Yours as ever
6. One of your friends has become disabled after an accident. He is very much depressed. Write a letter telling him about the power of determination.
50, Raj Mahal Colony Indore (M.P)
10 October, 20….
Dear Rohan,
Hope that you are in a better condition now. I am arso fine here.
I can understand the state which you are going through. But you should not get depressed as nobody has a control on accidents but one has the control on his will power and determination.
Strong determination can do anything. No difficulty can withstand in front of it. Dr. Glenn Cunningham who was the world’s fastest mile runner also met with a fire accident in his childhood. The doctor said that he won’t be able to survive. But he survived due to his detetmination though the lower part of his body was damaged and it was said that he would lead a disabled life. Again his strong determination failed all troubles and he could walk and run.
Therefore you should not be depressed and face the challenges of life boldly. I am sure you will also lead a normal life as before if you become determined for it.
Wishing you success.
Yours affectionately
7. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination.
20, Shubham Colony Bhopal (M.P.)
10 Aug., 20…. .
Dear Sonam,
Hearty congratulations to you. I am glad that you have got a brilliant success in the High School Examination. I saw your name in the merit list. We all became very happy to hear the news. You will have to give a nice dinner party to your friends when you come here.
Please inform me when you are reaching here.
Yours as ever
8. Write a letter to your father telling him about your hostel life.
Nehru Hostel Room No. 10,
10 july, 20…..
Respected Father,
Warm regards. Hope you are fine there. I am also fine here. You might be worried about me since I am residing in hostel. I wish to inform you that now f am settled here.
The hostel life is quite different from that at home. It is relatively more disciplined. We have to wake up early in the morning and take care of our things and do everything ourselves. My room mate is also very good and other boys in the hostel are also very cooperative. There are fixed timings of breakfast, lunch and dinner. The food that is served is of good quality. But I miss the taste of mom’s food. I miss home and everyone a lot. But I have adjusted here. Please don’t worry about me.
Give my regards to mom and love to Chhotu.
Your obedient son
9. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your brother.
54, Shankar Shah Nagar
December 15, 20….
Dear Rohan,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and happiness. You will be glad to know that the marriage of my elder brother has been fixed. The ceremony will take place on 30th December. You should come earlier. Mother remembered you and asked me to inform and invite you as she considers you also as her son. So, please come as soon as possible. There are lot of arrangements to be done and 1 would need your help and assistance. Please inform about your arrival.
Yours sincerely
10. Write a letter your younger brother advising him to take part in games regularly.
10, AshokNagar Satna
May 25, 20
Dear Himanshu,
Hope you are doing well there. Today I have received a letter from mother. She has also sent me your progress report. Though you are doing well in studies, but you are not taking part in games. That is the reason you are weak in health. I advise you to exercise regularly and take active part in games and sports. There is a saying ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.
Write to me soon about your health.
Yours affectionately
Formal Letters
1. Write an application to your Principal to issue you a character certificate.
The Principal,
Govt. Ji. S. School,
Respected Sir,
I beg to state that I have passed my IX std. examination this year from your school. My. father is getting transferred to Indore. Therefore I am taking admission in a new school there. So I need a character certificate.
If you kindly issue me the character certificate I shall be highly obliged.
Yours obediently
Rahul Dixit
2. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to provide you free text books.
The Head Master,
Govt. Middle School,
6th July, 20…..
Respected Sir,
I beg to state that I am the student of your school studying in class X. I belong to a very poor family.
My father is a farmer. He is unable to bear the expenses of my studies. I am a good student. I shall be highly obliged if you provide me free text books. Then only I shall be able to continue my studies.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently
Rahul Sharma
Roll No. 21
Class X B
3. Write an application to your Headmaster to grant you sick leave for three days.
The Headmaster,
Government Middle School,
Jabalpur j 15 October, 20 ….
Subject: Application for sick leave for three days
Respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of X-A.
I am ill, therefore I would be unable to attend the j school. Kindly grant me leave for three days from 16 Oct., 20…. to 18 Oct., 20… I shall be thankful to you.
Yours obediently
Manish Garg
Roll No. 16
Class X-A
4. Write a letter to the Collector requesting him to ban the use of loud-speakers.
31, Ashish Nagar,
1st April, 20 ….
The district Magistrate,
Subject: Ban on the use of loud-speakers
I want to draw your attention to the nuisance caused by the use of loud-speakers. I am a student of high school and my examinations are near. It is a time when all the students are busy day and night preparing for the examinations. Their success depends upon the proper use of their time and the concentration of their minds. It is regrettable that majority of the citizens do not realise the importance of this time for ! students. They enjoy full liberty to use loud-speakers at their highest pitch to celebrate every occasion that comes to their hands. The result is that we are unable to make preparations in the right way. I therefore request you to kindly impose a ban on the use of loud-speakers for the period of Board Examinations and punish those who are found guilty.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
Raj Malhotra
5. Write a letter to M/s Shiva Furniture, Gwalior placing an order for school furniture.
12, Modem Public School
Datia (Gwalior)
10 March, 20….
M/s Shiva Furniture
Fort Road, Gwalior
Subject: Order for school furniture.
Dear Sirs,
Please send the following items of furniture for our public school at the above address. These items should be suitable for the age group of 10 to 14 years. It will be your responsibility that the items supplied by you should be of the specifications passed by M. P. Govt. Administration,
All the items should be sent through State Bank of India, Datia Branch.
1.Desks – 500
2. Chairs – 200
3. Stools – 500
4. Tables – 25
Yours faithfully
Prabhu Chawla
6. WrIte a lefter to the Director, Career PIus, 10, Kamla Park, Bhopal seeking Information regarding their Postal Courses for computer science.
20, Goel Market
Gwalior (M.P.)
July 4,20….
The Director
Career Plus
10, Kamla Park,
Subject: Information regarding 2 year Postal Course in Computer Science.
I am a student of class X of Modem Public School, Gwalior. I am interested inoining your career computer postal course. It would be kind of you, if you send me the following.
1. Information regarding your postal course :
(a) Charges for the whole course.
(b) Months and dates of delivery of lessons.
(c) Contact programmes, place, dates.
2. Any other information regarding your postal course.
Hoping for an early reply.
Yours faithfully
Rahul Verma
7. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to allow a change in the subjects offered by you.
The Principal;
Government Inter College,
Respectfully I beg to say that I am a regular student of class X A in your college. I opted Computer Science as one of my subjects, but I find it very difficult. I fear, I shall not be able to secure good marks in this subject. So I have decided to opt Economics in place of Computer Science.
I, therefore, request you to allow me this change of subject.
Thanking you for the favour.
Yours obediently
Suresh Yadav
Class X A .
July 20, 20….
8. The postman of your area is irregular and not punctual. Write a letter to the post master of your circle complaining against the postman.
The Post Master,
Shinde Ki Chhavani,
Subject: Complaint against the postman of Gita Colony.
I want to draw your kind attention to the irregular delivery of mail in Gita Colony. Mr. Harpal, the postman of Gita colony is not punctual in the mail delivery. He generally delivers letters late, sometimes he does not deliver mail at all.
He also demands tips. If he is not given tips on Diwali, New Year Day etc. he does not deliver even registered letters and money orders. He sends them back to the sender. He puts the remarks—’the addressee’s house was locked’ or ‘addressee unavailable’ etc.
I request you to take serious action against him.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Your sincerely
Sonam Sihgh
H. No. 2/27, Gita Colony, Gwalior
10 October, 20 ….