MP Board Class 10th General English Essay Writing
MP Board Class 10th General English Essay Writing
MP Board Class 10th General English Essay Writing
1. My Ambition in Life
Introduction : Every person has some ambition 1 or the other in his life. ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’—so goes the saying.ust to have an ambition is not enough—there must be a strong effort to fulfil the ambition. Some may have an ambition to become a rich businessman, some an engineer, some a farmer ! and so on.
My Ambition : My ambition is to become a doctor. In my opinion it is a noble profession. It is the most challenging of all the professions. It is a twenty-four hourob. A doctor may have to attend ; an emergency call at 2 a. m. For this he may have to sacrifice his sleep and sometimes his food and rest too.
Reasons for My Ambition : I have a sensitive heart to feel other people’s sufferings. This inspires me to try to become a doctor. An inner voice directs me to serve the poor and the sick like Mother Teresa. I Thousands of people die in our villagesust because ! there are no doctors and medicines there. I prefer to work in a small villager rather than in a big city. I will not take any fee from the poor patients. Giving some service to a needy person brings satisfaction which is more precious than all the wealth of the world. I have experienced this when I gave my blood to a sick i child last year. His mother gave me the blessings that still keeps my heart warm.
My Efforts : To become a doctor I have opted ! science and biology. I study books on physiology and human anatomy which are not in my present 1 syllabus. I try to solve C.P.M.T. question papers. I have some scientific apparatus, dissection box etc. I do some experiments and dissect frogs etc. at home.
Conclusion : I feel that I have at least some qualities that are necessary for becoming a doctor. I hope to acquire other qualities soon. Moreover the blessings of my parents and good wishes of my teachers and friends will fulfil my ambition.
2. A Visit to a Historical Place
Introduction : Books give us only second and third-hand knowledge. It is said ‘Seeing is believing’. So to have a good knowledge of a thing, it is necessary to see it. Our school organized a historical tour of Agra last year.
We reached Agra at 7 p.m. by the express. Our history teacher had booked six rooms in the Govt. Tourist Bungalow in advance. We took dinner. Our teacher told us the programme of the next day. He also told us about the historical monuments of Agra.
Visit to the TaMahal etc : Next day first of all we visited the TaMahal. It was built by a Mughal emperor Shahahan in memory of his beloved queen Mumtaz Mahal. It is made of white marble. People say that it is beautiful but I see cruelty in its so-called beauty. The cruel Shahahan had cut the hands of the craftsmen who built the TaMahal. A famous Urdu poet has rightly said—Ek Shahanshah ne banwa ke hansi TaMahal, ham Garibon ki muhabbat ka udyaya hai majak.
Then we visited the Red Fort, Sikandara and Soamibagh, Dayalbagh. The magnificent Red Fort was built by Akbar the Great. Soamibagh is the Samadhi of Soamiji Maharaj, the founder-guru of Radhasoami Faith.
Conclusion : Next day we visited the Fatehpur Sikri. It is also built by Akbar. The two-day visit to Agra gave us real knowledge of the historical monuments.
3. My Favourite Leader
Introduction : A country is great because of her great leaders. We are fortunate that our motherland has given birth to hundreds of great leaders—Gautam Buddha, Ashoka the Great, Akbar the Great, Rani Laxmi Bai, Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Nehru, Indira Gandhi etc. My Favourite leader is Indira Gandhi.
Indira’s Childhood : Indira was bom on November 19, 1917 at Anand Bhawan in Allahabad. Politics, patriotism, bravery and leadership were in her blood as she was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru. She had guidance of Gandhiji. She had formed a children’s brigade ‘Vanarsena’. It helped the Satyagrahis by giving them important messages, food etc. She was educated at Poona, Shanti Niketan, Oxford etc. But her education was often interrupted by her mother’s illness. At Anand Bhawan important political meetings were held. So she was brought up in a political and patriotic environment.
Her Informal Training in Leadership : Indira married Feroz Gandhi in 1942. Both took active part in the freedom movement. After the independence, her father Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of free India. She used to accompany her father to international conferences and meetings. She had an opportunity to meet the world leaders. Thus she had an informal training in leadership.
Her Political Career : She was elected President of the Indian National Congress in 1959. In Lai Bahadur Shastri’s Cabinet she became a Union Cabinet Minister. After Lai Bahadur Shastri’s death she became the first woman Prime Minister of India onanuary 24, 1966. She remained the Prime Minister till her death on October 31,1984 except for three years from 1977 to 1980. She was awarded the Bharat Ratna for her patriotism.
4. My Favourite Teacher
The Person I Like Most
Introduction : The place of a teacher is very high in Indian culture—higher than God. The Saint poet Kabir has placed him higher than God in this famous couplet—‘Guru Gobind Dou Khare But real teachers are very rare. am fortunate that I have been a student of Sri Govind Sharma, our English Teacher and I like him the most.
His Personality : He is about thirty years. He is quite handsome and smart. He is our class teacher too. He has been teaching me for last four years. He has simple living but high thinking.
Teaching Method : His teaching method is so interesting that even a weak student understands his lessons. He uses audio-visual aids like Linguaphone, films, charts etc. in teaching English.
His Qualities : He is very punctual. He never comes late to school. Sometimes he takes extra classes on our request. He is always ready to help the students. Mr. Sharma treats us as his younger brothers. We also love and respect him. He plays football and cricket with us. He is very good at batting. He writes Hindi poems and stories. Last year he was honoured with State Award for his excellent teaching.
Conclusion : He says that real education is notust learning the value of money and reading books, but it is a good behaviour. One should become a real man full of human qualities. He does what he says. He is a real human being, full of love and sympathy for others. I wish him a long and happy life.
5. Pollution
Introduction: Albert Einstein once said, “There are two things that have no limit—first is God’s universe and second is man’s follies.” Pollution comes in the second thing, i.e., in man’s follies. It is a byproduct of scientific and industrial progress. Man went on racing blindly and thoughtlessly towards materialistic progress. He did not care to pause for a while whether his mad rat race might lead him to self-destruction. Most of the so-called boons of science proved to be curses in disguise, vehicles, roaring machines, disposable things—all have caused air, noise and water pollution. As a bad result of several inventions, the hole in the ozone sphere is growing bigger and bigger. It is feared that the earth temperature will increase causing terrible floods.
Causes : Today the scientists and the statesman of developed nations are worried about the pollution problem. There are several causes of pollution problem. Cars, buses and trucks release poisonous gases which cause air pollution. They are responsible for noise pollution too. The smoke of factories makes air polluted.
Noise Pollution: Loudspeakers, shriekinghoms of vehicles, aeroplanes—all fill the environment with deafening noise. Social and religious ceremonies like birthday parties, marriages, Akhand Kirtans— all are bound to create loud music, which has less music and more noise.
Water Pollution : Industrial refuse of textile industries and chemical industries are dumped into rivers. This makes water dirty and many fishes die. Death of fish further pollutes water. Many ships loaded with refuse are floating on seaust because they can neither be emptied nor the refuse can be destroyed without polluting air and water.
Effects : Pollution results in fatal diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, sleeplessness, asthma, deafness etc. Due to noise pollution students find it difficult to concentrate on studies. The old and the sick cannot have sould sleep because of loud noise. Water pollution causes water-borne diseases like cholera.
Remedy : It is high time to check pollution. Vehicles must be checked for pollution. More pollution causing old vehicles must be totally banned. Pollution Control Board Laws must be strictly implemented. Greed and desire for more wealth and material comforts are the real villain. Perhaps our ancient philosophy of witlessness is the real remedy.
6. My Hobby
Introduction : Hobby means some work done in free time. When a man gets time after doing his routine work, he wants to enjoy. At this time if he does some different work, it is called his hobby. Hobbies are many such as painting, playing on some instruments, photography, stamp-collecting, gardening etc.
My Hobby—My hobby is gardening. I think it is the best hobby. Plants and trees are very useful for our life. They not only provide us food to eat, but also serve us in many ways. They make the air fresh and cool for us. They check the air pollution also. Plants give us flowers. Trees give us fruits to eat and wood to bum. So I like trees and plants very much.
My Garden : There is no ground around our house. So I have planted several kinds of flowers in flower pots. I love flowers very much. I water the plants and care for them. I bring small plants from the nursery. I prepare the flower pots and then cultivate the plants. I give fertilizer to them. When buds appear, it gives me great pleasure. I wait for their blossoming into beautiful flowers. Sometimes when I get up in the morning and see the flowers myoy knows no bounds. My parents and other family members too become very happy to see them. Guests coming to our home appreciate my hobby.
Conclusion : Sometimes we sit in our small garden and do our home work or take tea and breakfast. It gives us greatoy. My mind becomes sharp and my memory is increased in the company of flowers. Sometimes I see flowers in my dream and my heart is filled with pleasure.
7. My Mother
Introduction : ‘A hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.’ The above saying holds true as a child is only a mother’s reflection. ‘Mother’ or ‘mama’ the first word spoken by a child holds in itself the essence of love and care.
We can’t compare the relation of a mother with any other relation. Mother not only gives us birth but she brings us up as well, looks after us and gives all her attention to our well-being. She does many sacrifices for us.
My mother : My mother Mrs. Pramila Devi is an ideal mother. She is a symbol of love and sacrifice. She gets up early in the morning and works late till night. She keeps the home neat and clean. When I get up she gives me warm water to wash my mouth. She gives me hot tea to drink. She prepares food with keen interest. The food is tasty to eat. She pays attention to all my needs.
Education and Other qualities : My mother is B.A. She has a good knowledge of several subjects especially of Hindi and English. She possesses a great experience of many arts. She knows knitting and sewing well. She instructs us in other fields too. My mother is religious. She worships God daily without fail.
Social side of my mother: My mother has good ; relations with our neighbours. She helps them at the time of their troubles. My mother helps the poor and the needy. She takes part in various social activities. She is a member of the Woman Organisation for helping the weaker sections of the society.
8. An Indian Festival
Introduction : Diwali is an important festival of Hindus. It often comes in the month of October or ; November every year. It is celebrated in the memory i of Lord Ram’s return to Ayodhya after 14 years of I exile. The people of Ayodhya welcomed Lord Ram graciously. They decorated their homes with flowers ; and lighted earthen lamps before their houses. Diwali is a rememberance of that day.
Preparations : Several days before people start preparing for this festival. They clean their houses and whitewash them. The merchants paint their shops and set them. The market gets a new look.
How Celebrated : People buy new clothes and new dresses. They buy many things for this festival. Children buy crackers. Ladies buy sarees and material for preparing sweets. People give presents to friends and relatives. Main days of celebration of Diwali are three—‘Dhan Teras’, ‘Roop Chaudas’ and ‘Diwali’ on Amavasya day. In the evening ladies and children bum candle and lamps. Many electric bulbs of several colours are also lighted.
Worship of Goddess Laxmi : On Diwali day people worship Goddess Laxmi. They pray her for health, wealth and happiness for the whole year. The rich and poor enjoy Diwali. Diwali also marks the end of the year.
Importance : Diwali is an all India festival. People of all parts of India and all communities celebrate it. It is a festival of national importance. It promotes national unity also.
For All People : All age groups of people enjoy the celebration of Diwali. The rich and the poor all celebrate it as per their capacity.
Conclusion : Some people gamble and drink wine. Some are injured at the time of bursting crackers due to carelessness. However, Diwali brings happiness to every home in India.
9. ’ Importance of Newspapers
Newspapers are the world’s mirrors.
—James Ellis
Introduction : The word News is made up of four letters N, E, W, and S. Each letter symbolises one direction. N stands for North, E for East, W for West and S for South. Hence, a newspaper is a paper that contains news of all directions—North, South, East and West.
A newspaper collects information about happenings in the world through news agencies and prints them on paper.
Contents of a Newspaper : A newspaper contains political, social, economical, religious and several other kinds of news. Everybody finds something of his/her interest in it. Children, young persons as well as old persons find newspaper interesting. There is a column for market report exhibiting wholesale prices of a lot of articles of daily use and quoting market value of shares and stocks of leading concerns. So a man of business is also interested in it. Art, music, entertainment, games, general knowledge and all such things are there in a newspaper.
There are advertisement of various kinds in the newspapers. They inform us about new and useful inventions. They are a source of income for the newspapers. Advertisements concerning matrimonial alliance provide immense relief to parents in choosing consorts for their sons or daughters. Assorted advertisements provide a deep relief to people of different sorts. Only because of these advertisments we get a newspaper within our reach price.
Importance of Newspapers : Newspapers guide and teach us. They try to educate and shape public opinion. They are necessary for a democratic society. They express the views of the public in a free and fearless manner. Most of us are too busy to think of the great problems of our country, so we rely upon the newspaper and accept the view they present to us. We can also express our views under the column ‘Letters to the Editor’.
Conclusion : Newspaper is a powerful weapon. It is a measuring rod to determine the length of democracy in a country. And as such it should be handled carefully. Rumours and sensational news create a nasty atmosphere. Newspapers must present constructive and objective .matter before their readers. They should not misuse freedom given to the press. Their criticism should not be biased. They should be impartial in their news and views.
10. Wonders of Science
Science is a Good Servant
But a Bad Master
Introduction : It is the age of science. Science plays an important role in our life. It has made our life easier and comfortable. Science is a systematic way of knowledge and living.
Scientific Wonders : Science has given us many wonderful gifts. The various inventions of science are its wonders. We cannot imagine our life without science.
Various Inventions : Electricity is the most useful gift of science. It gives us light. Heaters, fans, coolers, refrigerators, computers etc., all work by electricity. It also runs machines and trains.
Medicines and Surgery : Science has given wonderful medicines. Vaccination helps us in preventing diseases like polio, cholera, small pox etc. It has brought down the death rate. Modem surgical equipment have made operations less painful.
Means of Communication : Today we amuse ourselves by watching television and listening to music on radio and tape recorder. Television has become a powerful medium of education and knowledge. UGC and IGNOU lessons on televisions are very useful. Fast means of transport and communication help us to reach distant places in a short time.
Computers: Scientists have invented computer. It is a wonderful invention. Computers can do complex calculations and work quickly. They have solved a lot of problems of man.
Disadvantages of Science : Everything has two sides. Science too has a dark side. The invention and production of atom bombs and other dangerous weapons are a great threat to the existence of humanity. They can destroy the world in seconds. Secondly, big factories, mills and other machines have polluted the atmosphere.
Conclusion : Science is a great help to modem man. If properly used it can make the life of man healthier and happier.