MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th Special English Notice Writing

MP Board Class 10th Special English Notice Writing

MP Board Class 10th Special English Solutions Notice Writing

1. You are Darpan, a senior prefect of your school. Your school is going to arrange a painting competition on coming Monday. Draft a notice for the students and ask them to get registered themselves with you before Friday. (M.P. Board 2011)

                                      ABC School, Gwalior
Painting Competition

25th April, 20xx
This is to notify to all students that our school is going to arrange a painting competition on the next monday in the school ground. It is open to all. The topic will be announced one hour before the competition. You are requestd to register your name in the Common Room office.

Contact hrs. 2 to 4 pm
Contact person Mr. David

Senior Prefect

2. You are Ashutosh Achama, President of your school. You have to write a notice for the cultural programmes to be held in your school mentioning the date, venue, time and items to be held. (M.P. Board 2009)


Valley School

5th September, 20xx

The Cultural Committee of our School is organising a Cultural Fiesta which will be held in our School Ground on 20th September from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. A variety of folk dances, folk music and other regional programmes will be presented on the occasion.

Ashutosh Achama
President, Cultural Committee

3. A notice on the Students Notice Board is to be prepared regarding an ensuing tree plantation ceremony to be held on 7th July, 20xx in the school premises inviting students to participate in it by contributing at least five plants from each class.

The notice should not have more than 50 words. Put your notice in a box.


A tree plantation ceremony will be held in the school premises on 7th July, 20xx. Students are invited to participate in it whole-heartedly to make it a grand success A minimum of five plants should be contributed by each class. Our endeavour is for a green and clean environment for our school.

4. The school has decided to hold a fete in the school playground. The Principal has asked you to write, as the Headboy / Headgirl of the school, a notice about this fete, inviting the students and the teachers to participate in it. The notice should include all necessary details.

Write out the notice in a box in not more than 50 words includ-ing the heading.

School ‘Fete’

The school is organising a fete in the school-lawns on the 16th and 17th Oct., 20xx. Students and teachers are requested to give in their names for booking of stalls. Wholehearted contribution and co-operation is needed from all to make this fete a grand success. For other details contact the members of the cabinet.

(Head Girl)


5. Write a notice for the school notice board informing students about school inspection to be held on l-3-20xx by the District Education Officer. The notice should be of 50 words asking for punctuality, cleanliness and discipline. Put your notice in a box.

School Inspection

A school inspection will be held on the 1st of March, 20xx by the District Education Officer. Students are requested to maintain punctuality, cleanliness and discipline so as to keep up the good reputation of our school and live up to the expectations of our respected teachers and the Principal.

(Head Girl)

6. Rahul of X-A is a theatre enthusiast and is interested in entering an inter-school play competition being held to celebrate 50 years of Indian Independence. His teacher has ‘ told him the school could enter the competition if he finds enough volunteers before 10 September to take care of all the work—acting, directing, costumes, props, lights etc. He decides to write a notice for the notice board asking for participants or volunteers. Write the notice for him in not more than 50 words. Put the notice in a box. Give the notice an appealing heading.

Let’s Celebrate 50 Years Of Independence

To commemorate 50 pears of India’s Independence, an InterSchool Play Competition is being organised. All theatre enthusiasts interested to participate or volunteer for work related to acting, directing, costumes, props, lights etc. should give their names before 10 September to Rahul in class X-A during lunch break.

7. You are Anupam, the editor of the school magazine, and want to hold an interclass competition to collect poems and cartoons for the magazine before Sept. 20xx. Draft a notice (in not more than 50 words) for the students’ notice board inviting entries. Mention all details required like entry dates, prizes etc. Give your notice an appealing heading. Put your notice in a box.

Test Your Creativity

An interclass competition is being organised for a collection of poems and cartoons for the school magazine. Submit your entries by the 6th of August to the members of the editorial board in Room No. 112. The three best entries will receive cash prizes of ₹ 500, ₹ 250 and ₹ 150 respectively.

(School Magazine)


8. Reuben is the head boy of City Public School, Bhopal. He was given the following letter and told to put up a notice on the school notice board. Including details from the letter write the notice in not more than 50 words. Do not give any extra information. Put the notice in a box.

Arpana Clinic,
Rajaji Street,
20 Sep., 20xx
The Principal,
City Public School,

I acknowledge receipt of your letter and accept your invitation to speak to the children on dental care. Your effort to make children aware of dental hygiene should be appreciated. The 25th of this month would be a convenient day for me. I will speak to them for an hour and make it interesting through demonstrations and slides. I hope you will inform them of the same.

Thank you very much,
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Celine

City Public School, Bhopal

20th Sep., 20xx
Dr. Celine, a dental surgeon from Arpana Clinic will be visiting our school to speak to ihe students on dental care. She will make us aware of dental hygiene in an hour’s talk on the 25th of this month. She will also be using demonstrations and slides to make her tak interesting and cohesive. Students are requested to be present in the Common Room by 9 A.M.

9. You are Rekha/Rahul of National Public School, Bilaspur. Being incharge of the cultural committee of your school, you are given the following letter by your Principal about an Inter-school Cultural Fiesta your school has to take part in. Write a notice, in not more than 50 words, including relevant details from the letter, asking students to appear for selection. Do not give extra information. Put the notice in a box.
Hill Mount School,
20 Oct., 20xx
The Principal,
National Public School,
Our school is conducting a cultural fiesta on the 26th of this month. The events for competition include music, dance and skit. We would appreciate if the students of your prestigious institution participate and make our show a grand success. Attractive prizes will be awarded to the winners.
Thank you very much,
Yours faithfully,
Gayathri Sundaram

National Public School, Bilaspur

20th Oct., 20xx
Hill Mount School is conducting a cultural fiesta on the 26th of this month. The events for the competition are music, dance and skit. Interested students are requested to give in their names by the 22nd of February. Attractive prizes will be awarded to the winners.

Incharge, Cultural Committee


10. You are Ajay/Ajitha, the organizer of the Inter-School Football Competition to be held in your school. Write a notice in not more than 50 words to be put on the School Notice Board asking the students of Class X to meet you to discuss the details regarding the conduct of the competition. Put your notice in a box.

Abc Senior Secondary School

15″‘ Sept. 20xx
The Inter-School Football Competition is being held in our school from 22nd Sept to 1st Oct. Students of class X are requested to come for a meeting in Room No. 10 on the 19th of Sept, during the Activity period to discuss the details and other arrangements regarding the conduct of the competition.


11. You are the Secretary, Cultural Club of your school. The school is celebrating its Annual Cultural Day on the 25th of March. Draft a notice to be put on the notice board of your school informing the badge holders .and house captains of a meeting you are conducting to take decisions on some important matters regarding the conduct of the programme. The notice should not exceed 50 words. Put your notice in a box.

Board Xyz High School

3rd March, 20xx
Our school is celebrating its Annual Day on the 25th of March. A meeting of the badge holders and house captains will be held on the 5″‘ of March in the Music Room during ‘zero’ period to discuss important matters regarding the conduct of the programme for the Annual Day.

Cultural Club

12. Your school has decided to choreograph a dance drama for the school annual day. You are the Cultural Secretary of the school. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board inviting talented students to assemble on 12th Nov. in the auditorium. They will be selected by the famous dancer Sarala Nagpal. Put your notice in a box.

Xyz Senior Secondary School

Our school is presenting a Dance Drama for its Annual Day to be held on the 27th November. We invite talented students to assemble on 12th November in the auditorium for an audition. Students will be selected by the famous dancer Sarala Nagpal.

Cultural Secretary

13. National Television Co. is looking for a new face to play the role of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in their serial ‘Life and Times of Great Leaders’. They want a man in his forties who bears close resemblance to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in all respects. The person should also possess good voice. Those who have acted earlier will be given preference. You
have been given charge of looking for talented people for the above mentioned role. Write a notice for this to be displayed at various places (in not more than 50 words in all). Put your notice in a box.

National Television Company
K.G. Marg, New Delhi

Great Opportunity for Amateur Actors

16 August 20xx
We are looking for a new face to play the part of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in the serial ‘Life and Times of Great Leaders’. The person should be in his 40’s, should bear a close resemblance to Netaji and should possess a good voice. Preference will be given to those who have acted earlier. Interested persons may contact the Production Manager, with complete Bio-data by the 28th of August, between 9 A.M. to 1 P.M.
Production Incharge


14. You are Mridul, the Head Boy of Vidya Public School. An Air Force officer has agreed to conduct an orientation camp in your school for those interested in joining the Air Force after school. Put up a notice informing the students of the programme and encouraging them to participate. Write the notice in not more than 50 words and put the notice in a-box.

Vidya Public School

17″‘ January, 20xx

An Air Force Officer has consented to conduct an Orientation Camp in our school for those interested in joining the Air Force after school. Students of classes XI & XII are requested to make this camp a success by being present in full strength. The camp will be held on 27″‘ January, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Mini Auditorium.

Head Boy

15. You are Ramesh, the Organizing Secretary of “The Ooty Flower Show”. A notice is to be circulated among the participants of the Flower Show informing them about the different categories in which they can take part (Home Garden, In-stitutional Garden etc.) A ‘Flower King and Queen’ competition for children below the age of 10 will also be held. Draft the notice in not more than 50 words.

The Oofy Flower Show

22nd September, 20xx
The participants of the Flower Show are hereby informed about the different categories in which they can take part. These include Home Garden, Institutional Garden etc. A ‘Flower King and Queen’ competition will also be held for children below the age of 10 years on the day of the Flower Show on lsl October, between 4 to 5 P.M.

(Organising Secretary)

16. You are Sharat, President of the Interact Club of your school. You wish to organize a snack bar on the Sports Day of your school. The proceeds of the sale will go for charity. You put up a notice on the notice board of your school calling for a meeting to discuss the same. Draft the notice giving all the details in not more than 50 words. Put the notice in a box.

Xyz Senior Secondary School
Meeting of Interact Club

15,h October, 20xx
The Interact Club is organising a snack bar on Sports Day of our school to be held on 22nd October. The proceeds of the sale will go for charity. The members of the club are called for a meeting on 4lh October in the Activity Room to discuss the same.



17. Your school has received the following letter from the Director of Health.
The Principal
Grammar School

Dear Principal,
I am writing to highlight the fact that many young children are still suffering from polio because people do not realize the importance of the vaccine. Hence I request you to tell your school students to encourage people in your area to take their children who are 5 years and below for the Immunization Camp to be held in the Community Centre in your locality on Sunday, 2nd September, 20xx from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Chief Minister will personally administer the’ polio drops between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. The student who encourages the maximum number of people will be awarded a certificate.

Yours faithfully
AK Walia

You are Vartica, Secretary of the NSS in your school. You decide to make out a notice. Using the information given in the above letter, write the notice in not more than 50 words.

Grammar School

29 August, 20xx
Polio Camp
The State Government is organising a Polio-Immunization Camp in the Community Centre on 2nd September 20xx from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Chief Minister ivill personally administer these drops between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Students should encourage people to take their children under 5 years, for the Camp. A certificate will bearded to the student bringing the maximum number of people.

Secretary, NSS

MP Board Class 10th English Solutions

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