MP Board Class 10th Special English Grammar Type I
MP Board Class 10th Special English Grammar Type I
MP Board Class 10th Special English Solutions Grammar Type I
For a variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context (/.e., not in isolated sentences) test type used will include, for example, gap-filling, cloze (gap filling exercise with blanks at regular intervals), sentence completion, sentence-reordering, editing, dialogue completion and sentence transformation.
Not all elements in the grammar syllabus can be included in the question paper every year.
However, questions will be distributed over the following three broad areas: verb forms, sentence structure and others.
1. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
The Band-Aid was invent in New Jersey. e.g., invent…invented
Dickson was fretted as his wife Josephine, (a)
who cut herself again and again on working (b)
in the kitchen. One day while he was wrapping his (c)
wound once again on a bulky bandage (d)
of gauze and tape, he was struck by a idea. He put (e)
some guaze on a strip of the medical tape and a (f)
Band-Aid was born. Billion of cuts (g)
and scrapes later the Band-Aid is celebrating their 75th birthday. (h)
(a) fretted ………………………… fretting
(b) on ………………………… while
(c) his ………………………… her
(d) on ………………………… with
(e) a ………………………… an
(J) a ………………………… the
(g) Billion ………………………… Billions
(h) their ………………………… its
2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the litres. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
Longer before Newton, Aristotle and Galileo e.g., Longer… Long
have done a lot of research on the subject (a)
of gravity. Aristotle stating that a (b)
heavier object need fall to the Earth (c)
fastest than a lighter one. Legend has (d)
it that Galileo disproved those theory by (e)
throwing down objects with different (f)
weights from a leaning tower of Pisa and (g)
proved that it took practically the same time to hit the ground. (h)
(a) have ………………………………. had
(b) stating ………………………………. stated
(c) need ………………………………. needn’t
(d) fastest ………………………………. faster
(e) those ………………………………. this
(t) with ………………………………. of
(g) a ………………………………. the
(h) it ………………………………. they
3. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
Tests and examination are not confined to school alone. e.g., examination………….. examinations
They are widely use at various (a)
Government and non-Government level. (b)
Business and industry too is using (c)
tests. Tests are used of the selection of (d)
candidates and in some case they are one of the criteria of selection. (e)
The success of a doctor is tested at his (f)
skill in diagnosis and cure. If he pass (g)
this test his patient are extremely happy (h)
about it.
(a) use …………………………. using
(b) who …………………………. which
(c) the …………………………. they
(d) it …………………………. them
(e) become …………………………. becomes
(f) instant …………………………. instance
(g) little …………………………. less
(h) could …………………………. can
4. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lin’fes. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
More of the fun and excitement in your e.g., More……………….. Much
life comes from use your senses. Senses open (a)
up a world who is full of sights, sounds, (b)
smells, tastes and things to touch. The (c)
sharp your senses and the more you use it, more enjoyable each (d)
of them become for you. (e)
For instant, a painter can see shades (f)
and shapes which little gifted (g)
people could not see. (h)
(a) or …………………………. to
(b) either …………………………. neither
(c) for …………………………. to
(d) about …………………………. in
(e) its …………………………. their
(f) They …………………………. These
(g) constitute …………………………. constituents
(h) philosophies …………………………. philosophy
5. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
More of the fun and excitement in your e.g., More…………….. Much
life comes from use your senses. Senses open (a)
up a world who is full of sights, sounds, (b)
smells, tastes and things to touch. The (c)
sharp your senses and the more you use it, more enjoyable each (d)
of them become for you. (e)
For instant, a painter can see shades (f)
and shapes which little gifted (g)
people could not see. (h)
(a) use …………………………………… using
(b) who …………………………………… which
(c) the …………………………………… they
(d) it …………………………………… them
(e) become …………………………………… becomes
(f) instant …………………………………… instance
(g) little …………………………………… less
(h) could …………………………………… can
6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (Vz x 8 = 4 marks)
Haemophilia are one of the several e.g., is………………. are
sex linked genetic disorders which effects (a)
only males. This is because the disorders is (b)
caused with a defective gene of the (c)
X-chromosome. As a result, blood does not clot (d)
and there is a risk for heavy bleeding (e)
even from minor cuts and injuries. The disease is (f)
not affect females, because, from the two (g)
X-chromosomes if one has the defective gene, (h)
then the other do produce enough clotting factor.
(a) effects …………………………………… affects
(b) disorders …………………………………… disorder
(c) with …………………………………… bit
(d) the …………………………………… a
(e) for …………………………………… of
(f) is …………………………………… does
(g) from …………………………………… between
(h) do …………………………………… can
7. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
Even if Indians havc a long history e.g., if ………….. though
on them, they have a poor (a)
knowledge in maintaining homes, (b)
toilets, draperies or fridges. (c)
Modern detergents and soaps is (d)
very common in shelves1 but (e)
people does not use them regularly. (f)
This cause the increase (g)
in a life of bacteria. (h)
(a) on …………………………… hind
(b) in …………………………… about/of
(c) or …………………………… and
(d) is …………………………… are
(e) in …………………………… on
(f) does …………………………… do
(g) cause …………………………… causes
(h) a …………………………… the
8. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
All life on earth can ultimately is e.g., is … be
traced back on the sea. Creatures (a)
with limbs or fingers rather than (b)
fins has evolved from fishes (c)
about 335 million years before, (d)
which remain a mystery. The new (e)
fossil find in a rock formation (f)
near Scotland provides one of the few clue (g)
to what has been happening on these 30 million years. (h)
(a) on …………………………….. to
(b) or …………………………….. and
(c) has …………………………….. have
(d) before …………………………….. ago
(e) remain …………………………….. remains
(f) find …………………………….. found
(g) clue …………………………….. clues
(h) on …………………………….. over
9. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
Life was not as it seems to be. e.g., was………….. is
It is full of up and downs, the grass (a)
always look greener on the other side. (b)
We have a habit to grumbling. (c)
We are ever satisfied. (d)
We make our lives misery (e)
by expect too much from everyone. (f)
This is what we face disappointment. (g)
So never expect nothing and be happy. (h)
(a) up ………………………………. ups
(b) look ………………………………. looks
(c) to ………………………………. of
(d) ever ………………………………. never
(e) misery ………………………………. miserable
(f) expect ………………………………. expecting
(g) what ………………………………. why
(h) nothing ………………………………. anything
10. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (3/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
Thanks to the current interest for fitness e.g., for ……… in
and health that peoples are taking. (a)
In each locality we find this days (b)
some centres and clubs is springing (c)
up and they are do well in their (d)
new venture. But fortunately they (e)
are not within easy reach for all. (f)
Their fee are high, and the centres (g)
suffer from lack in equipment and many other essential services. (h)
(a) peoples …………………………… people
(b) this …………………………… these
(c) is …………………………… are
(d) do …………………………… doing
(e) fortunately …………………………… unfortunately
(f) all …………………………… many
(g) fee …………………………… fees
(h) in …………………………… of
11. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied.
There is about zoo lizard species e.g., there …………. this
in the world included chameleon, (a)
guana and skinks. Skinks were (b)
one of the two larger families of (c)
lizards. They are find in all the (d)
tropical country but they are (e)
most abundant at Africa, east India (f)
and Australia. They belongs to the (g)
Cincidal family. There are about 700 species to skinks. (h)
(a) included ………………………………… including
(b) were ………………………………… are
(c) larger ………………………………… largest
(d) find ………………………………… found
(e) country ………………………………… countries
(f) at ………………………………… in
(g) belongs ………………………………… belong
(h) to ………………………………… of
12. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one mistake in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
Rama lived in a village of Tenali. He loved e.g., a ……………….. the
to play pranks and was always jokes. He (a)
refused to study but take anything seriously. (b)
His mother didn’t knew what to do (c)
with him. She feel he never would be (d)
enable to make something of himself. (e)
One day she take him to see a guru. She (f)
told the guru that he had had enough (g)
of her son. She asked him to get the sense into Rama. (h)
(a) jokes ……………………. joking
(b) but ……………………. or
(c) kneiv ……………………. know
(d) feel ……………………. felt
(e) enable ……………………. able
(f) take ……………………. took
(g) he ……………………. she
(h) the ……………………. some
13. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
Albatross is a largest flying e.g., a the
sea-bird. It can has a wingspan (a)
of 3.15 m at full stretch. It belongs in (b)
Diomedeide family but is found (c)
mainly in south to the equator. (d)
It had a long, heavy beak and (e)
long narrow wings who allow it (f)
to soar are the wind seemingly (g)
without effort for hours. It body (h)
is about 1.2 metres long.
(a) has ……………………. have
(b) in ……………………. to
(c) but ……………………. and
(d) to ……………………. of
(e) had ……………………. has
(f) who ……………………. which
(e) are ……………………. over
(h) It ……………………. Its
14. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (V2 x 8 – 4 marks)
One day, the Nawab sent to his e.g., to …………. for
minister and asking him to (a)
measure the length but (b)
breadth of an entire earth (c)
from end to end and side from (d)
side. He also wished that a (e)
minister should count all the if)
star in the sky. The minister (g)
feels the Nawab was being too unfair to him. (h)
(a) asking ……………………………………… asked
(b) but ……………………………………… and
(c) an ……………………………………… the
(d) from ……………………………………… to
(e) a ……………………………………… the
(f) should ……………………………………… could,
(g) star ……………………………………… stars
(h) feels ……………………………………… felt
15. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)
One morning, the Nawab call e.g., call ………………… called
his minister and said him (a)
that I wanted the length and (b)
breadth from the whole earth (c)
measured. He also feeling the (d)
need to have the stars in a (e)
sky counted. The minister savs (f)
that the task he have (g)
set being impossible. (h)
(a) said ………………………………. told
(b) I ………………………………. he
(c) from ………………………………. of
(d) to feeling ………………………………. felt
(e) a ………………………………. the
(f) says ………………………………. said
(g) have ………………………………. had
(h) being ………………………………. was
16. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. (1/2 x 4 = 8 marks)
When our earth was cover with water, all e.g., cover ………… covered
creatures had to swim on it. When the (a)
water subside and land appeared the (b)
sea creatures crawled out or learnt (c)
breathing and walking to land. When (d)
there are not enough plants left to (e)
eat, they learnt to hunting and (f)
kill of the food. Things (g)
are still changes. (h)
(a) on ………………………………. in
(b) subside ………………………………. subsided
(c) or ………………………………. and
(d) to ………………………………. on
(e) are ………………………………. were
(f) hunting ………………………………. hunt
(g) of ………………………………. for
(h) changes ………………………………. changing
17. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. (1/2 x 8 – 4 marks)
Adaptation was a biological term e.g., was …………. his
what means the process by which (a)
all living things changes or adapt (b)
in new and unfavourable conditions (c)
for its survival, thus human (d)
beings, plants and all other live (e)
things adept to their environment (f)
for survival. Giraffes showed group (g)
adaptation. Long ago giraffes had short necks similar to that of horses. (h)
(a) What ………………………………. which
(b) changes ………………………………. change
(c) in ………………………………. to
(d) its ………………………………. their
(e) live ………………………………. living
(f) adept ………………………………. adapt
(g) showed ………………………………. show
(h) that ………………………………. those