MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 17 The Climate of India

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 17 The Climate of India

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 17 The Climate of India

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 17 Text Book Exercise

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 17 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Question (a)
What is Monsoon?
The word ‘Monsoon’ originates from an Arabic word ‘Mausim’ meaning season. India is situated in the tropical zone. Most of our rain is brought by the monsoon winds. Our farmers depend very much on the monsoon showers to assure a good harvest. If monsoon comes early the crops suffer because fields are not ready to receive the rain. If it delays it causes drought. Thus, climatically monsoon is a very Important phenomenon.

Question (b)
What is retreating monsoon?
Retreating monsoon winds begin to withdraw from land. The period from 2nd week of September to November is the period of retreating monsoon. They do not cause any rains over most parts of the country except the eastern coast of India and the Tamil Nadu coasts. Retreating monsoon winds after passing over the Bay of Bengal cause rains on the Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu coasts.

Question (c)
What is temperature variation?
The temperature variation is more in North India than in the South India.

Question (d)
What is the climate of India called?
The climate of India is called monsoon climate.

Question (e)
What are the four seasons is India?
The four seasons in India are:

  1. Cold weather season (winter)
  2. Hot weather season (summer)
  3. Advancing monsoon season (rainy)
  4. Season of retreating monsoon (autumn)

Question (f)
Explain the general condition in winter in India?
The temperature is low in northern India and atmospheric pressure is high. Winds blow from high pressure belt to low pressure belt, i.e from land to sea. Since the winds blow from the land, they are dry and cold. Their direction is north – east to south – west. Temperature falls rapidly. The characteristics of the winter seasons are:

  1. Cold waves blow in all parts of northern India.
  2. The western cyclone causes a little rainfall in the north – west.
  3. The monsoon winds coming back from the Bay of Bengal causes rainfall in the coast of Tamil Nadu.

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. In the north – west rainfall is caused by …………….. in winter.
  2. When temperature rises, atmospheric pressure became …………………
  3. The hot wind that blows in north west of India in summer in the afternoon is called ………………..
  4. When temperature falls down 5° celcius, the cold wind that blows, is called ……………….


  1. western cyclone
  2. low
  3. loo
  4. cold wave.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 17 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 3.
Question (a)
What are the factors that effect the climate of India ? Describe in detail?
The following factors affect the climate of India:

1. Geographical position:
India is located between 8°4’N to 37°6’N latitude. The Tropic of Cancer divides it into almost two equal parts. Indian ocean stretches in the south of India. There are high mountains of the Himalayas in the North. The winds get enough moisture as it is surrounded by water on three sides.

2. The form of the surface of the earth:
The Himalayas stretches like a wall from east to west. It stops the cold winds blowing from the North pole and saves India from severe cold. On the other land it also stops the moist monsoon winds and causes rainfall.

3. Winds:
If the winds did not change direction with the change of season, India would have been a dry desert. In the north, change in the atmospheric pressure in Asia also changes the direction of the winds.

Question (b)
What are the characteristics of the Indian climate?
The main characteristics of the Indian climate are:

  1. Climate of India is Monsoon climate.
  2. Most of the raimail occur in four months from June to September.
  3. The temperature variation is more in North India than in the South India.
  4. The distribution of rainfall is uneven.
  5. The climate affects the life of the people.
  6. The inner parts of India have continental and the coastal parts have moderate climate.
  7. Cyclones occur before and after Monsoon. They cause rain.

Question (c)
How does Monsoon originate in India?
The period from June to September is the south – west monsoon season. The low pressure area developed in the north – west of the sub – continent becomes intense. The south east trade winds blow towards low pressure area in the North India. These moist winds enter into the two oceans on the east as well as on the west (Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea). Suddenly they are caught up in the circulation over India and bring rain. The whole country, at one time or the other, gets rain in about 4 to 5 months either through south – west monsoon or north – east monsoon.

Question 4.
Show the following in the map of India:
Tropic of Cancer, Cherapunji and summer winds areas with heavy rain, Arabian sea, Bay of Bengal, Indian Desert?
Do yourself.

Question 5.
Look at the map above and say?

  1. In which direction are the winds blowing in the south?
  2. Are the winds blowing from land to sea or sea to land?
  3. Would the winds cause rainfall?


  1. Winds are blowing from high pressure belt to low pressure belt.
  2. Winds are blowing from sea (Indian Ocean) to land (Indian Peninsula).
  3. Yes.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions

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