MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Natural Vegetarian and Animals in India
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Natural Vegetarian and Animals in India
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Natural Vegetarian and Animals in India
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 24 Text Book Exercise
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 24 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Question (a)
What is natural vegetation?
The different types of forests bushes and grasslands are called natural vegetation.
Question (b)
Write two characteristic of the Monsoon forests?
The characteristics of the Monsoon forests are:
- Trees are of medium height.
- Trees shed their leaves once in a year. Only in Moist Deciduous forests trees shed leaves throughout the year.
- Trees of the same family are found together in an area. These forests are very useful.
Question (c)
Describe the forests found in India.
The major forests of India are the following
- Tropical Evergreen or Rain Forests
- Tropical Deciduous Forests or Monsoon Forests
- Thorn Forests and Bushes
- Mangrove Forests
1. Tropical Evergreen or Rain Forests:
In hot and moist areas of our country where the average rainfall is more then 200 cm, evergreen vegetation is found. Such forests are found in the slopes of western Ghats, the plains of West Bengal, Orissa, North – East India and in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
- The leaves of the trees in these forests are big, thick and smooth.
- There is no particular season when these trees shed their leaves. Leaves grow and fall down.
- The trees are tall.
- Many kinds of trees are found together.
- The forests are dense and evergreen.
Main trees:
Ebony, mahogany, rosewood, bamboo, coconut, palm, rubber etc.
2. Tropical Deciduous Forests or Monsoon Forest:
Tropical Deciduous forests are mainly found in areas where the average rainfall is between 75 to 200 cm. They are also known as Monsoon forests. They are subdivided into two parts Moist Deciduous Forest and Dry Deciduous Forests. The Moist Deciduous Forests are found in the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats, North – eastern part of the Peninsula and in the Shivalik hills, whereas Dry Deciduous Forests stretch over a large area of India.
- Trees are of medium height.
- Trees shed their leaves once in a year. Only in Moist Deciduous forests trees shed leaves throughout the year.
- Trees of the same family are found together in an area. These forests are very useful.
Main Trees:
Sagaun, sal, shisham, sandal etc.
3. Thorn Forests and Bushes:
Thorny forests and bushes are found in areas where the average rainfall is less than 75 cm. Such forest are found in North – West part of the country. Western Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Saurashtra, Bundelkhand and Haryana.
- Most of the trees have thorns.
- The trees are not high.
- The leaves are small and roots are long.
Main trees:
Accacia, babul, khair, date palm, plum, cactii and thorny bushes.
4. Mangrove Forests:
Mangrove forests are found in the deltas of rivers in seacoast. They grow simultaneously in saline sea water and river water. Sunderban is the largest area of these forests. They are found in West Bengal in the mouth of the Ganga. Mangrove and Sundari are the main trees. The up tides in the sea bring saline water to these forests which goes back with the down tides. This makes the land here marshy. These forests are dense and verdant through out the year.
Question (d)
Describe in brief the belts of mountainous vegetation?
Different types of vegetation occur from the valleys to the heights of Himalayas. The vegetation has been divided into the following belts according to the heights in which they occur.
1. Moist Mountaineous Forests:
Evergreen tree with big leaves are found in these forest. Oak and Chestnut are the main trees.
2. Pine Tropical Forests:
These Forests are found in the north-east where there is high rainfall. Pine is the main tree.
3. Conical Forests:
These forests are found at the height of 1600m to 3500m. Pine, silver fir, spruce and deodar are the main trees.
4. Alpine Forests:
At high attitudes temperate Alpine Forests are found. The leaves of the trees are pointed and branches bend down. Silver fir, brich, bushes are the main trees.
Question (e)
Write a short essay on “The Importance of Forests.”
Forests are very important in the human life as well as animals. Wood is the major product of the forests, which is used for timber and fuel. Soft woods are used fox making furniture, railway sleepers, paper, newsprint and cellulose as well as for building houses and bridges.
Hard woods are widely used as timber. Sandal wood is used for making decorative items. It has a fine scent. Rosewood is used for making furniture and caned articles. Bamboos, are used for making houses baskets, furniture, pulp and paper. Minor products of our forests are lac, resines, gums, medicinal herbs, kattha, fodder, tendu leaves for making bidis and grass.
Question 2.
Match the columns


Question 3.
Fill in the blanks:
- …………… is our national animal.
- ……………. is our national bird.
- The largest Mangrove forest is in ………………. .
- …………….. are found in the forest of Gir.
- The main animal found in desert is ………………. .
- Tiger
- Peacock
- Sunderban
- Lions
- Camel
Question 4.
State the difference:
Question (a)
Evergreen Forests:
- The trees are tall
- There is no particular season when these trees shed their leaves^
- Many kinds of trees are found to gether.
Deciduous Forests:
- The trees are of medium height.
- Trees shed their leaves once in a year.
- Trees of the same family are found together in an area.
Question (b)
National park and bird sanctuary.
National Park:
National Park an area which provides protection and favorable living conditions to the wild animals. On the other hand, the national park provides protection to the entire set of the ecosystem, i.e. flora, fauna, landscape, etc. of that region.
Bird sanctuary:
Located about 86km from Horsley Hills and stretching over 358sq. km, this sanctuary is renowned for its rich biodiversity. The various types of birds which can be found here include rosy pelicans, pumas, jungle cats and monitor lizards, apart from others.
Question 5.
Show the following in the map of India?
Kanha – Kisli National Park, Kaziranga National Park, Gir National Park, Ranathambor Bird Sanctuary, Mangrove forest snow.
Do with the help of your teacher.