MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 3

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 3

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 3

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 3 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Who was the last ruler of the Mauryan Dyanasty?
The last ruler of the Mauryan Dynasty was Brahdrath.

Question 2.
What is meant by Sangam Literature?
Three literary councils were held in Madurai town. In the second council, two thousand poems were compiled into 8 books. These books are called the ‘Sangam Sahitya’. Sangam Sahitya is written in Tamil.

Question 3.
The Kings of which dynasty built the Rath temples of Mahabalipuram?

Question 4.
Which God did Alwar worship?

Question 5.
Write the name of the famous king of the Chola Dynasty?
Ader was the famous king of the Chola Dynasty.

Question 6.
Write the names of two rulers of the Pallava Dynasty?
The famous rulers of the Pallavas Dynasty were Mahendra Varman – I, Narsingh Varman – I and Narsingh Varman – II.

Question 7.
Which kingdom was ruled by Pulkeshin – II?
Pulakeshin – II was Harsha’s contemporary king who ruled over Vatapi in South India.

Question 8.
Who was Fa – Hien? In whose regin did he come to India?
Fa – Hien was a Chinese traveller who came to India during the reign of Gupta. He wrote a vivid account of the administration of Gupta period.

Question 9.
What was the ancient name of Thailand?
The ancient name of Thailand was Shyam.

Question 10.
Who is the Chief Executive officer of a Nagar Panchayat?
The Chief Administrative officer of the Nagar Panchayat is the Chief Executive officer. His job is to take action on the decisions taken by the Nagar Panchayat.

Question 11.
What are the members of a Municipality called?

Question 12.
Write any two functions of the Zila Panchayat?

  1. The main function of the Zila Panchayat is to look after the working of the Janpad and Gram Panchayat.
  2. It makes arrangements for the required finance for the Janpad and Gram Panchayat.
  3. It coordinates the different government departments.
  4. It also appoints people on certain posts.

Question 13.
What is the difference between civil and criminal cases?
The civil cases are related to property and money disputes. These are heard in Civil Courts (Civil Judge).

Question 14.
Where is the high Court of Madhya Pradesh?

Question 15.
Write the names of the two cities where the branches of the Madhya Pradesh High Court are situated?
Indoreand Gwalior.

Question 16.
Write the difference between Rabi and Kharif corps?
1. Kharif Crops:
These are sown in June and July. For example: Jowar (Sorghum), Maize, Urad, Moong, Soyabeen Groundnut etc. October and December. For example: Wheat, Gram, Barley, Sweetpeas, Mustard and Barseem etc.

2. Rabi Crops:
These are sown between October and December. For example: Wheat, Gram, Barley, Sweetpeas, Mustard and Barseem etc.

3. Summer Crops:
These are sown between February and March. For example: Water Melon, Bitter gourd, Snake gourd.

Question 17.
What do you understand by fibrous corps? Give examples?
Cotton and jute are two crops which give fibres. The cotton plant grows well is the black soil of Deccan Plateau and it also gets enough sunlight. Cotton is produced in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra while jute is produced in the delta of the Ganga in West Bengal.

Question 18.
What are the sources of power?
The resources that generate energy are called sources of power. These are coal, mineral oil, natural gas, hydro – electricity, atomic minerals, etc.

Question 19.
Which route mainly connects India to the neighbouring countries?
Sea routes.

Question 20.
What do you understand by harbours?
A harbour is a place on the sea coast where ship carry goads and passengers from the harbours to other harbours.

Question 21.
What did Huen – Tsang write about India? Describe?
Huen – Tsang was a Chinese traveller. He travelled in India for many years and then went back to China. According to Huen – Tsang Buddhist religion was popular in eastern India. He also visited Nalanda. The descriptions of Huen – Tsang show that people at the time of Harsha was happy and prosperous. The rich and the poor, all lived with religious tolerance and harmony. Some people took both the vegetarian and non vegetarian meals. People were hot tempered but honest. Death sentence was not given in the state of Harsha.

Question 22.
Write the names of the famous rulers of the Chola Dynasty?
Ader was the famous king of the Chola Dynasty.

Question 23.
Write the names of the famous rulers of the Pallava Dynasty?
The famous rulers of the Pallavas Dynasty were Mahendra Varman – I, Narsingh Varman – I and Narsingh Varman – II.

Question 24.
Who did Pulikeshin – II defeat?
Narshing Varman-I defeated the Chalukya King Pulkeshin – II.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 3 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the victories of Harsh – vardhan?
Harshvardhana made Kannauj his capital and thus Thanesvara and Kannauj became one. Harsha conquered Punjab, Eastern Rajasthan, Assam and regions in the Gangetic valleys and annexed them to his kingdom. Harsha’s empire extended over Magadha, Eastern Bengal, Orissa, Gujarat, Saurashtra, Sindh and Malwa.

Question 2.
Write short notes on:

  1. Relation of India with the Western Countries.
  2. Relation of India with the Arabian Countries.
  3. Relation of India with Centra, Asia.
  4. Relation of India with china.

1. The relation of India with Western Countries:
The excavation of Harappan civilisation has provided the in formation that India had trade and cultural relations with Mesopotamia since 3000 BC. Even before 600 BC India had relation with Arabs, Greeks and Romans. Relation were made with the Greeks after the invasion of Alexander. Megasthnese was the Greek ambassador in in the court of Chandra Gupta Maura.

The Historian Pleeny was very much upset due to the increase in the import of silk, cotton, jwellery and spices. The import of these goods caused a lot of Roman wealth reach India. The persons who came from abroad were called ‘Yavan’ in ‘Sangam Sahitya’. There was a habitation of Roman in Aricmendu in Tamil Nadu.

2. Relation of India with the Arabian Countries:
The relation of India with the Arabian Coipitries is quite old. The Arabs learnt the Indian numerical system and the decimal system from India. They called the Indian numerical system the Hindsa. The Europeans received this knowledge from the Arabs.

Therefore they call this numerical system Arabic. After the emergence of Islam, the Arabs captured the land route between India and Europe. Thus they became a link between India and Europe. In olden times Arabs came to India to study science. Mathematics, Astrology, Medicine, Philosophy and Literature.

3. Relation of India with Central (Middle):
The cities of Khotan, Kuchi, Caiso and Kashgar were situated in hilly areas. Therefore they were not in easy reach. But they had trade and cultural relations with each other. In Mahabharata Dhritrashtra’s wife was Gandhari. Gandhari was situated here. Now it is called Afganistan. Gandhar was the main centre fo Buddhism. The oldest statues of Buddha were made here. Emperor Ashoka had sent his preachers to Middle Asia also. Two records have been found here which prove this.

In the southern parts of Russia too we get the proofs of Indian civilisation. The excavation at Surkhan river and Dalverjin Tepe in the south of Ujbekistan gives information about the development of art during the Kushan period and the effect of the Indian culture on it.

4. India’s relation with China:
The Buddhist religion of India reached China during the period of Huan Dynasty (202 BC to 600 AD) Buddhism was preached at Khotan (a place between India and China). Buddhism spread in China from this place. The people of China had started coming to India from 2nd century B.C. for education and to get knowledge of Buddhism. Kashyap matang was the first person to the first translate the Buddhist religious books into Chinese. He had gone to China in 56 AD. Buddhism spread in 372 AD to Korea From China and from there it spread to Japan in 538 AD.

Amodhbajra was an Indian Buddhist writer who went the China in 8th century. Many Chinese scholars travelled in India. Fattien travelled in India during the reign of Chandragupta – II (405-411 AD) stayed in India for 6 years. The next traveller Huen – Sang came to India during the region of Harshavardhan.

Question 3.
What do you understand by the three – tier Panchayati Raj system? Describe the constitution of Gram Panchayat and Zila Panchayat?
That part of the local self government which runs the administration of the rural areas is called Panchayati Raj. In the system, the villagers run their own affairs. Panchayati decides most of the village disputes. The Panchayati Raj System consists of Village Panchayat, Block Samiti and Zilla Panchayati. There are three institutions that work for the development of the rural areas. They are:
1. Gram Panchayat:
It works at the village level.

2. Janpad Panchayat:
All the Village Panchayats join together to form a Janpad Panchayat. These are formed at the Block level.

3. Zilla Panchayat:
The highest body in the three – tier Panchayti Raj system is the Zila Panchayat. It works at the district level. Therefore all the Janpad Panchayat of the district are under the Zilla Panchayat. The above three institutions of local government are called the Panchayati Raj.

Question 4.
Where and how is a Municipality constituted?
The local bodies function with the help of income from the following sources:

  1. Property tax on house, land etc.
  2. Tax on trade and business.
  3. Fees on water facilities.
  4. Fees on electricity facilities.
  5. Income and rent earned from the institutions, property like the buildings, markets, etc.
  6. Grants from the state government.
  7. Income from various kinds of fine on pets or stray animals etc.

Question 5.
Explain the constitution of a Municipal Corporation?
The corporation is established in large cities. The head of a corporation is the Mahapaur or Mayor. He is elected by the members of the corporation. Besides the Mayor, a Deputy Mayor is also elected. The number of elected members is generally between fifty and one hundred fifty. They are elected for a term of five years on the basis of adult franchise. These representatives elected by the people, sometime elect special members called the Elderman.

Question 6.
State the divisions of India as per Neutral Vegetation and describe any one of them?
The major forests of India are the following:

  1. Tropical Evergreen or Rain Forests
  2. Tropical Deciduous Forests or Monsoon Forests
  3. Thorn Forests and Bushes
  4. Mangrove Forests

Question 7.
Write short notes on:

  1. Tropical Deciduous forests.
  2. Mangrove forests.

The major forests of India are the following:

  1. Tropical Evergreen or Rain Forests
  2. Tropical Deciduous Forests or Monsoon Forests
  3. Thorn Forests and Bushes
  4. Mangrove Forests

The major forests of India are the following:

  1. Tropical Evergreen or Rain Forests
  2. Tropical Deciduous Forests or Monsoon Forests
  3. Thorn Forests and Bushes
  4. Mangrove Forests

Question 8.
Describe the minerals found in India?
The following minerals are found in India: Iron, magnese, copper, lead, mica, zinc, gold and bauxite etc.

Question 9.
Write the characteristics of the Indian Population?
The main scheduled tribes lived in Madhya Pradesh are Bhil, Kir, Nehal, Bhaina, Bhumia, Gond, Korku, Baiga, and Sahariya, etc. The districts where the scheluded tribes live are Balaghat, Mandia, Dindori, Chhindware, Shahdol, Sindhi, Jhabua, Anuppur, Khandwa, Shivpuri, Dhar and Khargon.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 3 Multiple Choice Questions 

Question 1.
The Shaka rulers made their capital?
(a) Delhi
(b) Ujjain
(c) Ajmer
(d) Bhopal
(b) Ujjain

Question 2.
Who wrote “Harsha Charita”?
(a) Harsha vardhan
(b) Huen – Sang
(c) BanaBhatt
(d) Kalidasa
(c) BanaBhatt

Question 3.
What was Bhukti?
(a) State
(b) District
(c) City
(d) Village
(a) State

Question 4.
The painting in the caves of Bagh are the example of the paintings of which period?
(a) Kushana period
(b) Gupta period
(c) Harrappan period
(d) Vedic period
(b) Gupta period

Question 5.
The senior most officer in a district is:
(a) District Superintendent of Police
(b) District Education Officer
(c) Collector
(d) District Project Officer
(c) Collector

Question 6.
The first iron and steel factory in India was established at:
(a) Bhilai
(b) Rourkela
(c) Vishakapattanam
(d) Kulti
(a) Bhilai

Question 7.
The first cement factory in India was established in:
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Bihar
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Tamilnadu
(d) Tamilnadu

Question 8.
The rank of India in production of coal is:
(a) first
(b) third
(c) fifth
(d) second
(c) fifth

Question 9.
Which is harbour?
(a) Chennai
(b) Delhi
(c) Bhopal
(d) Mahabaleshwar
(a) Chennai

Question 10.
The number of zones in the Indian Railways are:
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 10
(c) 9

Pick the odd one out:

  1. Kushana, Naga, Cher, Kanva.
  2. Meghdoot, Raghuvansha, Abhigyan Shakuntalam, Neetisar.
  3. Jawa, Yuvadweep, Indonesia, Burma.
  4. Chandragupta-I, Chandra Gupta-II, Raghvendra Gupta, Samudra Gupta.
  5. Gram Panchayat, Rajya Panchayat, Zila Panchayat, Nagar Panchayat.
  6. Sagaun, Sheesham, Coconut, Sal.
  7. Accacia, babul, water plant, cactii.
  8. Patato, sesame, mustard, groundnut.
  9. Chennai, Bhopal, Kolkata, Mumbai.


  1. Chet
  2. Neetisaar
  3. Yavadweep
  4. Raghvendra Gupta
  5. Rajya Panchayat
  6. Coconut
  7. water plant
  8. sesame
  9. Bhopal

Fill in the blanks:

  1. The last ruler of the Shung Dynesty was …………………..
  2. The Arch gate of Sanchi Stupa was built in the period of ………………………
  3. The title of Vikramaditya was given to ……………………
  4. The period of ……………….. is called the golden period.
  5.  ………………….. wrote Raghuvansha.
  6. The Chinese traveller Huen – Sang visited India in the period of ………………….
  7. Presently Nalanda is situated in the state of ………………….
  8.  ……………….. first translated the Buddhist books in Chinese.
  9. The founder of Christianity was …………………
  10. In the ancient times Iran was called …………………..


  1. Brahdrath
  2. Satvahana
  3. Chandragupta – II
  4. Gupta
  5. Kalidasa
  6. Harsha
  7. Bihar
  8. Kashyap Matang
  9. Jesus
  10. Black Copper

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions

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