MP 7 English

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 1 My Land

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 1 My Land

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 1 My Land Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 1 My Land

My Land Text Book Exercise

Listen and Repeat

Fresh and Fair
Dear and Rare
Rich and Rare
Waver Braver


Choose the correct option-
(i) What do you think the poem is about?
(a) country and country-men
(b) village
(c) town
(a) country and country-men

(ii) By what name does the poet call his country?
(a) great land
(b) native land
(c) mother land
(b) native land

(iii) What does the poet say about the men in the poem?
(a) coward
(b) lazy
(c) brave
(c) brave

(iv) List the words which have been used by the poet in the poem for native land
dear and rare, true and bold, rare and fair.

Word Power

A. Use the words given below in on complete sentence each:
dear, rare, divine, pine
Priya Gupta in Hardik’s dear friend.
Honesty is a rare thing these days.
Truth is a divine virtue.
She pines for her lover.

B. Make new words adding ‘en’ at the beginning of the word as shown in the example:

  1. rich – enrich
  2. list
  3. circle
  4. able
  5. title
  6. sure


  1. enrich
  2. enlist
  3. en-circle
  4. enable
  5. entitle
  6. ensure.

C. Find words from this words square:


  1. Flower
  2. Fresh
  3. Earl
  4. Dear
  5. Hat
  6. Dry
  7. Yes
  8. Squirrel
  9. Sharp
  10. Land
  11. Date
  12. Too
  13. Lay
  14. Air

Let’s Talk

‘C’ can be pronounced as:
‘K’ as in cow ‘s’ as in cell
Read aloud and according to their pronunciation separate the following words and write them in proper columns (work in pairs)
attendance Cell, Sentence, Cow, Crane, Correct, Historical Place, Clear, Inspector

Let’s Write

A. Match the sentences given at the end with the correct pictures and rearrange the sentences to make a story. Write the complete story in your notebook.
1. Then she found a pup.
2. She brought it home, bandaged its leg and gave it milk and food.
3. Later Sangita had to keep it tied because it chased the hens from the neighbour’s house.
4. It was hurt in one leg. It was crying a lot.
5. Once Sangita went for a walk in the morning. She saw many beautiful flowers and birds on the way.
6. The puppy barked at all the cats in the street.
7. The dog started living with her. It folllowed her every where.
The Correct order of sentence is.
5, 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7.

Once Sangita went for a walk in the morning she saw many beautiful flowers and birds on the way. Then she found a pup. It was hurt in one leg. It was crying a lot. She brought it home, bandaged its leg and gave it milk and food. Later Sangita had to keep it tied because it chased the hens from the neighbour’s house. The puppy barked at all the cats in the street, The dog started living with her. It followed her everywhere.

Let’s Di It

A. Read different situations of city and village life given in the circle and enlist them accordingly.


My Land Word Meanings

Page: Rare – uncommon विरली, Native land – land of birth जन्म भूमि, Braver – bolder अधिक सुरवीर, Waver – shake हिलना, डोलना, Freely – willingly इच्छ से, Dull – tasteless स्वादरहित, Guard – protect रक्षा करना, Virtue – good qualities सदुगुणा, Reward – return for sevice पुरस्कार, Foe – enemy शत्रु, Border – boundary सीमा, Pine – to suffer कष्ट झेलना

My Land Stanzas for Comprehension

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow each :
A. She is rich and rare land:
O, she a fresh and fair land:
She is a dear and rare land,
This native land of mine.

1. Complete the sentence: She is a rich and ……….
2. Complete the sentence: She is a fresh and ………
3. Complete the sentence: She is a dear and ……….
4. Give the meaning of native land.
1. She is a rich and rare land.
2. She is a fresh and fair land.
3. She is a dear and rare land.
4. Native land means the land of one’s birth.

B. No men than hers are braver,
Her women’s hearts ne’er waver;
I’d freely die to save her,
And think my lot divine.

1. Which country’ people are the bravest?
2. How are the women’s hearts there?
3. What would the poet do to save his land?
4. Use the word ‘lot’ in a sentence.
1. The people of the poet’s country are the bravest.
2. There the women’s hearts are not fickle.
3. The Poet would freely die to save his mother land.
4. Nobody knows what is in his lot.

C. She’s not a dull or cold land;
No! she’s a warm and bold land,
Oh! she’s a true and old land;
This native land of mine.

1. Give the meaning of cold.
2. Give the meaning of warm.
3. Is the poet’t country dull or cold?
4. Complete the sentence: She is a true and ……….
1. Cold here means heartless.
2. Warm here means full of kindly feelings.
3. The peot’t country is neither dull nor cold.
4. She is a true and old land.

D. Could beauty ever guard her,
And virtue still reward her,
No foe would cross her border,
No friend within it pine.

1. which are the two qualities of the poet’s land?
2. Would the foe ever cross her border?
3. Give the antonyms of : beauty, ever, friend, virtue, reward.
4. Use the word ‘within’ in your own sentence.
1. Beauty and virtue are the two qualities of the poet’t land.
2. No, the foe would never cross her border.
3. Ugliness, never, foe, vice, punish.
4. I shall return within a week.

MP Board Class 7th English Solutions

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