MP Board Class 8th General English Revision Exercises 1
MP Board Class 8th General English Revision Exercises 1
MP Board Class 8th General English Solutions Revision Exercises 1
Read and Learn
(पढ़ो और याद करो):
Do Yourself.
Word Power
(शब्द सामर्थ्य):
(a) Write the antonyms of the following words:
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विलोम लिखें:)
- often
- win
- despair
- end.
- seldom
- lose
- hope
- begin.
(b) Write the following words in the order in which they appear in a dictionary:
(निम्न शब्दों को शब्दकोश में दिए क्रम से लिखें:)
- abundance
- administered
- attraction
- beautiful
- ferocious
- furnished
- perform
- pocket.
(c) Write what we call them:
(इन्हें हम क्या कहते हैं, लिखें:)
- One,who sells jewellery
- One who treats patients
- One who travels.
- Jeweller
- Doctor
- Traveller.
(d) Use the following pairs of words in sentences to show the difference in their meanings:
(शब्दों के निम्नलिखित जोड़ों को उनके अर्थ में भिन्नता दिखाने के लिए वाक्यों में प्रयोग करोः)
1. seen – I have seen your brother.
scene – I saw a beautiful scene yesterday.
2. hear-I hear with my ears.
here-Please come here.
3. sun-Sun gives us heat and light.
son-My son is 6 years old.
(e) Pick out the silent letters in the following words:
(मूक अक्षरों को निम्न शब्दों में छौंटो:)
- Wednesday
- hour
- knife
- comb
- sign.
- d
- h
- k
- b
- g.
(बोध प्रश्न):
(A) Answer the following questions:
(निम्न प्रशनें को उत्तर दें:)
Question 1.
(a) Why do we wish for another chance ?
(व्हाय डू वी विश फॉर एनदर चान्स ?)
हम एक और मौके की इच्छा क्यों करते हैं?
We wish for another chance to change our failure into winning.
(वी विश फॉर एनदर चान्स टू चेंज आवर फेल्यर इन्टू विनिंग।)
हम एक और मौके की इच्छा इसलिए करते हैं ताकि हम अपनी हार को जीत में बदल सकें।
Question 2.
What is Kanha Kisli ?
(व्हॉट इज कान्हा किसली?)
कान्हा किसली क्या है ?
Kanha Kisli is a beautiful National Park.
(कान्हा किसली इज अ ब्यूटीफुल नेशनल पार्क।)
कान्हा किसली एक सुन्दर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान है।
Question 3.
How did the tiger, the monkey and the snake help the woodcutter ?
(हाउ डिड द टाइगर, द मंकी एण्ड द स्नेक हैल्प द वुडकटर ?)
बाघ, बन्दर और साँप ने लकड़हारे की कैसे मदद की ?
The tiger once gave the woodcutter a set of gold ornaments, the monkey gave him sweet fruits one day when he was very hungry and the snake helped him in coming out of the prison.
(द टाइगर वन्स गेव द वुडकटर अ सैट ऑफ गोल्ड और्नामेन्ट्स, द मंकी गेव हिम स्वीट फ्रूट्स वन डे व्हेन ही वॉज वेरी हंगरी एण्ड द स्नेक हैल्प्ड हिम इन कमिंग आउट ऑफ द प्रिजन।)
बाघ ने एक दिन लकड़हारे को सोने के आभूषण दिये, बन्दर ने उसे मीठे फल दिये जब वह बहुत भूखा था और साँप ने उसे जेल से निकलवाने में मदद की।
Question 4.
What was the only pleasure of the miser ?
(व्हॉट वॉज़ द ओन्ली प्लेज़र ऑफ द माइजर ?)
कंजूस का एकमात्र आनन्द क्या था ?
His only pleasure was to see his treasure everyday.
(हिज ओन्ली प्लेज़र वॉज टु सी हिज़ ट्रेजर एवरीडे।)
उसे अपने खज़ाने को रोज देखने में आनन्द मिलता था।
Question 5.
What is the work of “Dasohli Gram Swarajya Mandal ?”
(व्हॉट इट द वर्क ऑफ “दसोहली ग्राम स्वराज्य मण्डल’)
“दसोहली ग्राम स्वराज्य मण्डल” का क्या कार्य है ?
This organisation works to regenerate the degraded forests.
(दिस ऑर्गेनाइजेशन वर्क्स टु रीजनरेट द डिग्रेडिड फॉरेस्ट्स।)
ये संस्था उन जंगलों को नवजीवन प्रदान करने का कार्य करती है जिनका पतन हो गया है।
Question 6.
Why did the miser make a terrible clatter ?
(व्हॉय डिड द माइज़र मेक अ टेरिबल क्लैटर ?)
कंजूस ने भयानक शोर क्यों मचा दिया ?
The miser made a terrible clatter because his treasure was gone.
(द माइज़र मेड अ टेरिबल क्लैटर बिकॉज़ हिज़ ट्रैज़र वॉज़ गॉन।)
कंजूस ने शोर इसलिए मचा दिया क्योंकि उसका खजाना गायब था।
Question 7.
Why was the woodcutter put in prison ?
(व्हॉय वॉज द वुडकटर पुट इन प्रिजन ?)
लकड़हारे को जेल में क्यों डाला गया ?
The woodcutter was put in the prison because the ornaments which the tiger gave him were the lost ornaments of the queen. So, thinking him to be the thief, he was arrested.
(दवुडकटर वॉज पुट इन द प्रिजन बिकॉज, द ऑर्नामेन्ट्स विच द टाइगर गेव हिम वर द लॉस्ट ऑनर्नामेन्ट्स ऑफ द क्वीन। सो, थिंकिंग हिम टू बी द,श्रीफ, ही वॉज अरैस्टिड।)
लकड़हारे को जेल में इसलिए डाला गया क्योंकि जो सोने के आभूषण उसे बाघ ने दिये थे वे रानी के थे और लकड़हारे को चोर मानते हुए कैद कर लिया गया।
Question 8.
When did Kanha National Park come into existence?
(व्हेन डिड कान्हा नेशनल पार्क कम इन्ट्र एग्जिस्टेन्स ?)
यह कब बना ?
Kanha National Park came into existence in 1955.
(कान्हा नेशनल पार्क केम इन्टू एग्जिस्टेन्स इन 19551)
यह 1955 में बना।
(B) Tick the correct option:
(सही विकल्प चिहनित करें:)
Question 1.
The poem “Another Chance” tells us:
(a) to be sad
(b) to make money
(c) never to give up in despair
(d) to be happy.
(c) never to give up in despair.
Question 2.
Where is Kanha Kisli ?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Uttarakhand.
(b) Madhya Pradesh.
Question 3.
What happened to the ungrateful jeweller?
(a) He got jewels
(b) He was put in prison
(c) He was rewarded
(d) He felt ashamed.
(d) He felt ashamed.
Question 4.
The ‘Chipko Movement started in:
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Chhattisgarh
(c) Uttarakhand
(d) Rajasthan
(c) Uttarakhand.
Question 5.
The miser came to the hole to see his:
(a) hens
(6) coins
(c) treasure
(d) pots.
(c) treasure.
Let’s Learn
(आओ याद करें):
(a) Rewrite these sentences after changing the 41. gender of the nouns:
1. The poetess received the prize from the king
2. the heroine of the mare away.
(b) Write the Comparative and the Superlative degrees of the following words:
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों के Comparative व Superlative degree लिखे:)
1. Difficult more difficult most difficult
2. few fewer fewest .
(c) Give the plural form of the following words:
(निम्न शब्द के बहुवचन लिखे:)
- man – servant → men – servants
- mouse → mice
- dozen→ dozens
- tooth → teeth
- glass → glasses
- cargo → cargoes.
(d) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
(कोष्ठक में दिए क्रियाओं के सही रूपों से रिक्त स्थान भरिये:)
- When they arrived, the party had already begun.
- The bell had rung before we entered the class.
- I went for a walk after I had eaten my dinner.
- The train had left when she arrived.”
- Did you post the letter after you had written it ?
- Mona enjoyed the food as soon as she tasted it.
- I hurried to see him after I heard the news.
(e) Use the appropriate articles to fill in the blank spaces:
(उचित से रक्त स्थान भरें:)
Once a tortoise was walking alone very slowly. He met a hare. The hare made fun of him. The tortoise said that he could beat him in a race. The hare laughed. They set out. The swift hare was soon out of sight. The tortoise came on slowly but steadily. The day was hot. The hare thought he would take a little nap. He lay down and soon fell fast asleep. Meanwhile the tortoise jogged slowly on. When the hare awoke, he ran like a tiger. He reached the finishing point. He found that the tortoise was already there and smiling. The tortoise had won the race.
Let’s Read
(आओ पढ़ें):
(A) Read the given poem:
(दी गई कविता को पढ़े:)
Now answer the following questions:
(अब निम्न प्रशों के उत्तर दें:)
Question 1.
What should we pack ?
We should pack our troubles in old kit bag.
Question 2.
Why should we not worry ?
We should not worry because it is not worth while.
Question 3.
Give a suitable title to the poem.
Suitable title to the poem is ‘Keep Smiling’.
(B) Read the given passage carefully. Now answer the question given below:
(दिये गये पद्यांश को पढ़ें। और अब नीचे दिये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)
Question 1.
What organ of their body do the flies use to taste things ?
Flies use their feet to taste things.
Question 2.
Where do the flies’ collect germs from ?
Flies collect germs from rotten food and plants.
Question 3.
How do germs get into the fly’s stomach ?
The fly might such food that has germs in it. Thus the germs get into the fly’s stomach.
Question 4.
How do germs get into a man’s body?
If the fly pumps some of its stomach juice on our food, the germs get on the food. If we eat it, the germs get into our body.
Let’s Write
(आओ लिखो):
(A) Write a letter to you friend informing him / her about your visit to your favorable park / picnic spot.
(अपने मित्र को अपने प्रिय पार्क/पिकनिक स्थल की सैर के बारे में सूचित करते हुए एक पत्र लिखें:)
Ram Pal Singh
26 / 102, Ashok Nagar,
4 – 3 – 20 …….
Dear Raj,
I am fine here and hope the same at your end 1. also. As our exams are over, what are your plans for your vacations. I am planning to go for a picnic to the Kanha Kisli National Park on 14th of this month. If you wish, you may also join us. Rest is fine. Pay my regards to elders and love to younger. Waiting for your letter,
(B) Write a short note about any great man.
(किसी सहा यक्ति के बारे में संक्षिप्त नोट लिखें:)
Mahatma Gandhi:
Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest souls of India. His full name was Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi. He was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Probandar in Gujarat. After his schooling in India, for further studies, he was sent to England. He proved himself to be a freedom fighter and a brave soldier.
He loved Ahimsa. On 15th August, 1947, India got freedom. He asked Indians to boycott foreign goods. He lived for country men and died for them. He was shot dead on 30th January, 1948 by Nathu Ram Godse. He is an immortal soul of the world.