MP Board Class 10th Social Science Solutions Chapter 2 Resources of India: Agricultural Crop, Mineral and Power Resoureces

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Solutions Chapter 2 Resources of India: Agricultural Crop, Mineral and Power Resoureces

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Solutions Chapter 2 Resources of India: Agricultural Crop, Mineral and Power Resoureces

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 2 Text Book Exercise

Objective Type Questions

Question 1.
Multiple Choice Questions:
(Choose the correct answer from the following)

Question (a)
Largest producer of rubber in India is:
(a) Kerala
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Assam
(d) Karnataka.
(a) Kerala

Question (b)
Blue revolution is related to:
(a) Fruit Production
(b) Fish Production
(c) Sheep rearing
(d) Milk Production
(b) Fish Production

Question (c)
Which of the following is not a type of an Iron Ore?
(a) Haematite
(b) Magnetite
(c) Siderite
(d) Bauxite
(d) Bauxite

Question (d)
Madhya Pradesh ranks first in the production of which of the following minerals?
(a) Iron
(b) Mica
(c) Gold
(d) Diamond
(d) Diamond

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. Yellow revolution is related to ………………….
  2. White revolution propagated ……………… in India.
  3.  …………….. state has the highest yield per hectare of wheat.
  4.  ………………. state of India ranks first in the production of soyabean.


  1. oil seed
  2. milk
  3. Punjab
  4. Madhya Pradesh.

Question 3.
Match the Column:


  1. (b)
  2. (e)
  3. (d)
  4. (a)
  5. (c)

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 2 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are food crops? Differentiate kharif and rabi crops?
Food Crops:
By Food crops we mean the crops which are the main components of food. Rice, wheat, maize, bajra, gram and other pulser are included in good crop.
Difference between kharif and rabi crops:

Kharif Crops:

  1. Season for growing kharif crops is. from June-July to October – November.
  2. Harvesting is done in September.
  3. Major crops are rice, maize, jowar, millets, moog, urad, cotton, grondnuts, etc.

Rabi Crops:

  1. Season for growing rabi crops is from October-November to March – April.
  2. Harvesting is done in March- April.
  3. Major crops are wheat, gram, barley, oil seeds, etc.

Question 2.
What do you mean by green revolution?
Green Revolution means rapid increase in agricultural production by the use of seeds of high yieldding variety, chemical fertilizers and new technology.

Question 3.
Differentiate white and yellow revolution?
White Revolution is related to animal rearing for increasing milk production with the help of dairy development programmes in rural areas. While Yellow Revolution is related to the productions of crop for edible and oil seeds.

Question 4.
What are the components of Medicinal Gardening method?
Medicinal and Aromatic plants:
These plants are used in India from ancient times. About 2000 indigenous species are identified as medicinal plants, 1300 species as aromatic plants. There is great demand of these plants and herbs in Indian system of medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha.

Looking to the demand of these plants,the systematic cultivation of these indigenous species has been started. Ministry of Forest and Environment has identified 9500 species of plants which are used as medicinal plants.

Question 5.
State the main provisions of horticulture development programme?
Main provisions of horticulture development programme are:

  1. To establish graft bank to increase the production of quality plants and fulfill its demand.
  2. To increase the productivity and production of horticultural Grops.
  3. For testing soil and leaves facilities of laboratories, nursery, pali house and green house has to be increased.
  4. To increase the production of high quality hybrid products.
  5. To increase the basic amenities for marketing and export.

Question 6.
What is the importance of minerals?
Minerals are the basis of modern industrial development. Machines in the industries, ships, high buildings, different types of weapons, coins and other metallic things we use, all are the gift of mineral substances. These minerals are basis of industrial development in the country. There would have been no industrial production and development if we were not having metals and minerals.

Question 7.
What are the different types of metallic minerals?
Minerals which contain metals in sufficient quantity are called metallic minerals. These are divided into ferrous and non – ferrous. Some common ferrous minerals are iron ore, manganese, copper, lead, tin, zinc etc.

Question 8.
What is the importance of iron in modem context?
Iron is the base of economic devlopment. Iron tools and instruments are used in agricultural and industrial infrastructure. We know iron is the main source of transport and communication. The present scientific and economics knowledge are dependent on the iron for their raw materials and production.

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 2 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the contribution of agriculture to Indian economy? (MP Board 2009)
Write the contribution of agriculture in Indian economy? (MP Board 2009)
Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy:
Agriculture is our primary occupation. It includes both cultivation of crops and animal rearing. Contribution and importance of 7 agriculture can be seen in Indian economy as follow:

1. 17 per cent population of the world survives on Indian agriculture, 2/3rd population of India depends on agriculture for their livelihood.

2. Two third labour power of the country is engaged in Indian agriculture. Many people get their employment indirectly also. Either they are engaged in handicrafts or in small industries based on agricultural products in rural areas. Agriculture can give employment to large number of people.

3. Agriculture gives raw material for clothing. Clothes are made from cotton, jute, silk, wool and wood pulp. Leather industry is also based on agriculture. It is the basis of all the industries using agricultural products as raw material. Cotton industry, jute industry, edible oil industry, sugar and tobacco all these industries are based on agricultural products. Agriculture contributes about. 34 per cent to the income from agricultural products.

4. Indian agriculture is sustaining the increasing population. Agricultural products gives carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins regarding food products. Mahatma Gandhi says, “Life depends on agriculture. Where agriculture is not beneficial, life itself could not be beneficial there.”

Indian agriculture is the foundation stone of our country’s economy. Its success or failure directly affects the food problem, internal and external trade, means of transport and the national income. Therefore, it is said that importance of agriculture in the economy of India is same as the importance of soul in human body.

Question 2.
Describe the main agricultural crops of India and efforts made by the government for the development of agriculture?
The main agricultural crops of India are cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fibre crops, beverage crops and cash crops.

1. Technological Reforms:
For the improvement of agricultural yield, new technologies and equipments have been introduced in the recent years. Some of them are as follows:

(a) Use of tube – wells and water – pumps, tractor, tiller, harrow, thresher, etc.
(b) Similarly, drip irrigation and sprinklers are used for irrigation.
(c) Chemical fertilizers which have been used on a large scale is now being supplemented by bio fertilizers.

2. Institutional Reforms:

  • To initiate with, government provides facilities to the farmers. The government has started many programmes like Green Revolution, White Revolution and Operation Flood.
  • The government has assembled small lands to make them economically practicable.
  • Radio and television broadcasting tell farmers about the new and improved techniques of cultivation.
  • The government also announced minimum price for the crop grown by the farmers to remove the elements of uncertainty.
  • Provision of crop – insurance, rural banking and small – scale cooperative societies protect farmers against the losses caused by crop – failure or help farmers for the modernization of agriculture.

Question 3.
Describe the distribution of iron or manganese producing areas in India?
1. Iron – Ore:
Iron ore is the backbone of modern industrial civilization. India ranks eighth in iron producing areas of the world but with regard to high grade iron ore it ranks second. There are four varieties of iron ore – Haematite, Magnetite, Limonite and Siderite.

Mines of iron ore can be divided into following regions:

(a) North Eastern region:
The main iron reserves of Singhbhum district of Jharkhand State are Manoharpur, Pansiraburu, Budaburu, Gua, Noamandi. In Orissa iron reserves are located in Gorumahisani, Sulaipat and Badampahar in Mayurbhanj district.

(b) Central India region:
In this region iron reserves are located in Gua, in Jabalpur, Mandla and Balaghat districts of Madhya Pradesh, in Durg, Raigarh and Bilaspur districts of Chhattisgarh and in Chanda and Ratnagiri districts of Maharashtra. Important mines of Durga districts are Dhalli, Rajhara and Bailadila of Bastar. In Rajasthan mines are located in Aravalli ranges, Udaipur and Bhilwara, Dungarpur and Bundi districts.

(c) Peninsular region:
In Karnataka deposits occur in Chikmangalur,Bellary, North Kannad and Chitradurga districts, in Tiruchirapalli, Salem, South Arcadu districts of Tamil Nadu and in Andhra Pradesh ores are scattered through Anantapur, Kurnool and Nellore districts.

2. Manganese Ore:
Manganese has variety of uses therefore it is known as jack of trades. India stands second in the production of manganese in the world. 19 per cent of the total production of the world is extracted from here. Metal which contain manganese and iron both in excess is known as ferro – manganese alloy and when it is less than 5 per cent it is called Ferro alloy.

Manganese deposits in India are divided into three regions:

(a) Central India region:
This region contributes 50 per cent of the total manganese produced in India. The deposits in Maharashtra are located in Bhandara, Ratnagiri and Nagpur districts, Balaghat, Chhindwara, Seoni, Mandla, Dhar and Jhabua districts of Madhya Pradesh, Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, Kheda and Panchmahal districts of Gujarat and Udaipur and Banswada districts of Rajasthan.

(b) Peninsular region:
The deposits of Manganese ore in Karnataka are in North Kanara, Chitradurga, Chikmagalur, Shimoga, Bellary and Tumkur districts. In Andhra Pradesh it occurs in Visakhapatnam, Cuddapah and Srikakulam districts.

(c) North Eastern region:
In this region deposits of maganese ore are located in Singbhum district of Jharkhand and Keonjhar, Ganjam, Sundragarh and Belagihi districts of Orissa.

Question 4.
Madhya Pradesh is rich in mineral resources. Explain?
Madhya Pradesh is considered as rich in mineral resource because of prescence of not only manganese, bauxite and coal but also considered as most productive place for diamonds in India. Before the division of Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh was at the first place in India regarding mineral production but at present it is at third place after Jharkhand and Chattisgarh.

This state is still at first place in production of diamond, lime stone, copper and slate. It is at second place in the production of calcite, laterite and rock phosphate and at third place in manganese production.

Question 5.
Why Chota Nagpur Plateau is called the mineral wonder of the world? Explain?
India has reserves of mineral wealth. Variety of minerals are found in our country. Chota Nagpur plateau contains rich deposits of minerals and is known as Mineral wonder of world. India’s 40 per cent minerals are found here. India is independent in some minerals and some minerals are exported after fulfilling our requirement. In the production pf minerals, Bihar and Jharkhand contributes 37 per cent, West Bengal 22 per cent and Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh 16 per cent.

Question 6.
Describe the iron producing areas of India and its uses? (MP Board 2009)
The main iron reserves of Singhbhum district of Jharkhand state are Manoharpur, Gua, Pansiraburu, Noamandi. In Orissa iron reserves are located in Sulaipat, Gorumahisani and Badampdhar in Mayurbhanj district.

Jabalpur, Mandla and Balaghat districts of Madhya Pradesh in Durg, Raigarh and Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh and in Chanda and Ratnagiri districts of Maharashtra. In Rajasthan mines are located in Aravalli ranges, Udaipur and Bhilwara, Dungarpur and Bundi districts.

Its uses:
Iron has largely contributed to the man’s economic development throughout the history of mankind. Different ages of development either tool – type culture or iron cultures iron throw a good deal of light on the importance of minerals and their role in the man’s history. Many of our present basic and heavy industries are run with the help of iron. Iron not only is the source of raw material but it also provides number of machines and other equipments for our industrial growth.

Question 7.
What are the uses of Mica? Where is Mica found in India?
Mica is found in old metamorphic rock. It is layered, lighter and bright. It has insulating properties. It is used in many industries like pharmaceuticals, electric appliances, telephone, radio, aircraft, motor vehicles etc. India ranks second in the world in the production of mica. India contributes 26 per cent of the world production.

In India mica reserves are confined to Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Karnataka. Bihar and Jharkhand contribute 60 per cent of the total production in India. Deposites of mica occur in. Gaya, Monghyr and Hazaribagh districts of Bihar. The world famous high quality bright white mica occurs in Bihar, therefore the mica of Bihar is known as Ruby Mica.

Mica occurs in Nilgiri, Madurai, Coimbatore and Salem districts of Tamil Nadu, Nellore, Guntur, Visakhapatnam and Western Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh. Here the colour of the mica is green and is easily identified. In Rajasthan it occurs in Bhilwara, Jaipur, Udaipur, Tonk, Sikar and Ajmer districts, Gwalior districts of Madhya Pradesh, Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, Hassan district of Karnataka, PunnallOre district of Kerala, Mahendragarh and Gurgaon districts of Haryana and Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh also have deposits of mica.

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 2 Additional Important Questions

Objective Type Questions

Question 1.
Multiple Choice Questions:
(Choose the correct answer from the following)

Question (a)
‘Regur’ is related to which variety of soil?
(a) Laterite
(b) Alluvial
(c) Red
(d) Black.
(d) Black.

Question 2.
Which of the following is the atomic fuels?
(a) Potasium
(b) Cadmium
(c) Uranium
(d) All of these.
(c) Uranium

Question 3.
The cultivation of fruits and flowers is called:
(a) Sericulture
(b) Floriculture
(c) Pisiculture
(d) None of these.
(b) Floriculture

Question 4.
Volatile carbon means:
(a) Cloak
(b) Coke
(c) Yoke
(d) None of these.
(b) Coke

Question 5.
White revolution is related to –
(a) Agriculture
(b) Animal rearing
(c) Oil seeds
(d) Fisheries
(b) Animal rearing

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. Multicrop system is related to agricultural …………………….
  2. Bio – mass the source of ………………… energy.
  3. Largest producer state of rice is ……………………….
  4. Green revolution is related to …………………. (MP Board 2009)
  5. ………………. promoted in India by white revolution. (MP Board 2009)
  6. Panna is the district of M.P where ……………….. agricultural production are found.
  7. Progress in production and productivity in fisheries sector is called …………………..


  1. production
  2. non – conventional.
  3. West Bengal
  4. agricultural production
  5. milk
  6. diamonds
  7. Blue Revolution.

Question 3.
True and False type questions:

  1. Uttar Pradesh is leading in the wheat production.
  2. Maharashtra is leading in the per hectare production of sugarcane.
  3. Jatropha, a plant variety in the feature source of petroleum.
  4. Jharkhand, the state of India is called ‘requried’ of India,
  5. Boxide is the sourfce of uranium.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False.

Question 4.
Match the following:


  1. (c)
  2. (a)
  3. (e)
  4. (b)
  5. (d)

Answer in One – Two Words or One Sentence

Question 1.
Name the principal spices grown in India?
Pepper, cardamom, mace, cinnamon, ginger, nut meg, cassis and cloves.

Question 2.
Name the states producing maximum spices in India?
Kerala and Karnataka states.

Question 3.
Name the principal beverage crops of India?
Tea, coffee and coco.

Question 4.
What is the rank of India in world as tea producer?
India ranks first as tea producing country in the world.

Question 5.
Which agricultural product is known as golden fibre?

Question 6.
Which two states of India lead in the production of tobacco?
Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.

Question 7.
Which cattle in India is called the poorman’s cow?

Question 8.
Name the states of India in which ideal dairy cooperatives have been established?

Question 9.
Name four iron – ore producing states of India?
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Karnataka.

Question 10.
Name four magnese – ore producing states of India?
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Karnataka.

Question 11.
Name three most important coal producing states of India?
Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.

Question 12.
Which state of India produces copper the most?
Madhya Pradesh.

Question 13.
What is meant by ore?
A rock in which one type of mineral occurs in concentration is called ore.

Question 14.
Where is Bombay High? What for is it important?
The off shore oil field that has been discovered near Bombay is known as Bombay High.

Question 15.
Which type of climatic conditions are required for the production of tea?
Tea survives well in warm moist climate with frequent showers well distributed over the year.

Question 16.
Name the principal tea producing area of India?
Hill slopes of Assam, Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri hills in north east India and the Nilgiri hills in South India.

Question 17.
What is agriculture?
Agriculture is a sort of primary occupation which include farming, animal rearing, fishing and frosting.

Question 18.
What do you understand by horticulture?
The cultivation of flowers, fruits or vegetables by. intensive methods of farming is known as horticulture.

Question 19.
Describe Criloe?
It is known as gudbail, gabe and guruchi. It is found on the boundaries of fields.

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 2 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the timings of sowing and harvesting of Kharif crops and Rabi crops?
Kharif crop:
Sowing June and July. Harvesting at the end of monsoon.

Rabi crop:
Sowing November and December. Harvesting April and May.

Question 2.
Name the nuclear power plants in India?
The four nuclear power plants in India are:

  1. Tarapur in Maharashtra
  2. Rana Pratap Sagar in Rajasthan and
  3. Kalpakkam near Tamil Nadu
  4. Narora in U.P.

Question 3.
Where is Bhabha Atomic Research Centre situated?
The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre has been set up by India at Trombay near Bombay. It has been named after its founder Homi J. Bhabha a great scientist.

Question 4.
Name the fourth Atomic Power Station established in India. Where is it located?
The fourth Atomic plant is located at Narora on the banks of Ganga in Uttar Pradesh. Other three Nuclear power station are: Tarapur Atomic Power Station at Trombay near Maharashtra and Gujarat Border, at Rawat Bhatt near Kota in Rajasthan and Kalpakkam in Tamilnadu.

Question 5.
How can you say that India is a unique country from agricultural point of view?
It is because, it has vast expanse of level land, rich soil, wide climatic variations suited for various types of crops, ample sunshine and a long growing season.

Question 6.
Explain the term “minerals”?
Mineral resource is a natural occurrence of inorganic homogeneous substances usually crystalline with a definite chemical composition. They are formed through various geological process taking place in the erath.

Question 7.
What is the importance of manganese?
Manganese is important because it is needed in the preparation of iron and steel and in making their alloys. Manganese is also used to manufacture bleaching powder, paints, insecticides and batteries.

Question 8.
What is the use of manganese to us? Where is it extracted in India?
Manganese is used in the hardening of steel. It is extracted from Orissa, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Bihar.

Question 9.
List some non – conventional source of energy?

  1. Solar energy
  2. Wind energy
  3. Biomass enorgy
  4. Geothermal energy.

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 2 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain white revolution?
White revolution is closely related to animal rearing. White revolution means increase in milk production with the help of dairy development programmes in rural areas. This is also known as operation flood.

This mission was started from Khera district of Gujarat and covered other states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. In 1999 – 2000 total milk production in the country was 781 lakh tonnes which has increased to 850 lakh tonnes in 2001 – 2002.

Question 2.
What do you mean by yellow revolution? Explain?
The strategy of research and development in the field of production of crops for edible oil and oil seeds is known as yellow revolution. Various efforts have been made to increase oil seed production.

Technology mission was started in 1987 – 1988 by Government of India in which oil seed production achieved a major breakthrough with the help of societies organised at national, state and local level, agricultural research institutions and loan providing agencies. Government facilitated the storage and distribution facilities and fixed the price.

Question 3.
Explain blue revolution and pink revolution?
Blue revolution:
Progress in production and productivity in fisheries sector in the country is called Blue Revolution. India is the world’s third largest producer of fish. A project is launched in five states in collaboration with World Bank to increase fish production in the country.

Pink revolution:
Natural minerals and vitamins play an important role to enhance disease resistance capacity in the body. Emphasis is given on growing fruits in tropical, and temperate climate (apple, mango, banana, coconut, pineapple, cashewnut, oranges, lemon, almond) using the soil and varied climate of our country, this is named as pink revolution.

Question 4.
What do you. mean by geothermal energy?
India it not suited to this source of energy as there are no meaningful springs and geysers in the country. Efforts are being made to use the hot spring of Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh as a source of geothermal energy. A plant to produce 300 kW electricity is developing in Tatapani, Chhattisgarh. The production of electricity from geothermal energy is controlled by National Geothermal Research Institute, Hyderabad.

Question 5.
Write a short note on solar energy?
Solar energy is an inexhaustible source of power. It can be a perennial source of power where there is abundant sunshine. The tropical zone countries are best suited to produce solar energy. Substantial increase has been made in the number of solar cookers in the country. Small and medium sized solar power plants can help solve to the power problems in rural areas to a considerable extent.

Question 6.
Differentiate between natural gas and bio – gas?
Difference between Natural gas and Bio – gas:
Natural – gas:

  1. It is obtained in natural form.
  2. It is availbale in large quantities.
  3. It is used, as a source of power. 4. It is used as raw material in petro-chemical industries.

Bio – gas:

  1. It is obtained from shrubs, farm wastes, animal and human wastes.
  2. It is available in limited quantities. It is used mostly in rural areas.
  3. It is not used as raw material.

Question 7.
Differentiate between conventional and non – convential sources of energy?
Difference between conventional and non – conventional sources of energy:
Conventional sources – of energy:

  1. The sources of energy which have been in use for a long time, e.g., coal, petroleum, natural gas and water power.
  2. They are exhaustible except water.
  3. They cause pollution when used, as they emit smoke and ash.
  4. Their generation and use involves huge expenditure.

Non – conventional sources of energy:

  1. The resources which are yet in the process of development over the past few years. It includes solar, wind, tidal, biogas, biomass, geothermal.
  2. They are inexhaustible.
  3. They are generally pollution – free.
  4. Very meagre amount of money is required for their use and generation.

MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 2 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the most significant characteristic of Green Revolution?
Large scale production coupled with commericial nature of agriculture is the main and significant characteristic of green revolution. The breakthrough that we have achieved in the production of wheat is called green revolution. The revolution has been brought about by bringing more and more land under farming and using new as well as scientific techniques of farming.

High yielding variety of seeds, manures, chemical fertilizers and assured irrigation facilities have provided to the farmers an opportunity to enhance their produce substantially. India witnessed a boom in agriculture especially in wheat which had a record production in Punjab and Haryana.

Question 2
What role does power play in the industrialization of our country?
Power plays an important role in the industrialization of a country. It was the use of power the brought the industrial revolution and gave rise to the large scale production but it also made things easy for , the man to run heavy and giant machines.

Steam engines are run by using coal as source of energy along with other power resources. Mineral oil provides energy and motive power for automobiles, aeroplanes, ships etc. They help in transporting raw material and manufactured goods from one place to another. Power provided development of varipus industries in our country.

Question 3.
Compare and contrast conventional and non – conventional sources of energy?
Conventional sources of energy are those which are of common use. These resources are exhaustible and cannot be replenished. For example coal, petroleum and gas are the non-renewable resources. Once they are exhausted they cannot be used again. These sources are also the great pollutants.

Non – conventional sources of energy on the other hand are the method used in the modern time for generating power and energy. The non – conventional sources of energy are: winds, tides, geothermal energy beams, farm and animal waste including human excreta. These sources are renewable and inexhaustible resources of energy. They are also inexpensive in nature.

Question 4.
Bring out the differences between thermal power and a hydel power?
Thermal power is obtained from turbines run by using the steam produced by coal. It is being used from the past is expected that the total reserves of coal would be finished very soon if its consumption is not regulated. Thus the electricity generated by coal, petroleum and gas it not permanent source of power. It has already started showing the signs of exhaustion.

Hydel power is generated from turbines run by the use of running water. It is a permanent source of electricity supply as the supply of water cannot exhaust like that of coal and petroleum etc. Thus, every country of the world is depending more and more upon hydel power than on thermal power now.

Question 5.
Name oil refineries of India?
Oil Refineries of India are:

  1. Digboi (Assam)
  2. Vishakhapatnam (A.P.)
  3. Barauni (Bihar)
  4. Koyali (Gujarat)
  5. Haldia (West Bengal)
  6. Mathura (Uttar Pradesh)
  7. Mangalore (Karnataka)
  8. Bhatinda (Punjab)
  9. Numaligarh (Assam)
  10. Trombay (Maharahstra)
  11. Noonmati 1
  12. Kochi (Kerala)
  13. Chennai (Tamilnadu)
  14. Bongaigaon (Assam)
  15. Panipat (Haryana)
  16. Jamnagur (Gujarat)
  17. Narimanam (Tamil Nadu)
  18. Tatipaka (Andhra Pradesh)

Question 6.
On an outline map of India show the major minerals?

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