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MP Board Class 9th Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 Major Cultural Trends

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 Major Cultural Trends

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 11 Text Book Questions

Choose the Correct Answer:

Question 1.
Where has the chariot driven bronze statue been found from?
(a) Diamabad
(b) Mohen-jo-daro
(c) Kalibanga
(d) Punjab.
(b) Mohen-jo-daro

Question 2.
When did the first urbanization take place?
(a) New stone age
(b) Indus Civilization
(c) Mauryan period
(d) Gupta period.
(a) New stone age

Question 3.
Who did talk about scientific basis of teaching?
(a) Vatsayan
(b) Asoka
(c) Samudra Gupta
(d) Kumar Gupta.
(b) Asoka

Question 4.
Which dynasty did start coins with the Vina emblem?
(a) Maurya dynasty
(b) Gupta dynasty
(c) Vardhan dynasty
(d) Rajput dynasty.
(b) Gupta dynasty

Question 5.
Who was the originator of Qauwali?
(a) Akbar
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Tansen
(d) Amir Khusro
(d) Amir Khusro

Match the following:

1. (d) Jainendra Vyakaran
2. (a) Temple of Khajuraho
3. (b) Mt. Abu
4. (c) Mohan-jo-daro and Harappa
5. (f) Mattavilasa Prahasana
6. (e) Gupta period

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 11 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
The longest inscription of Indus civilization has how many alphabets there?
The longest inscription of Indus civilization has 17 alphabets.

Question 2.
DeepavanSa, Mahavansa and Divyadan are related to which literature?
Deepavansa, Mahavansa and Divyadan are related to Buddhist literature.

Question 3.
Kalpa Sutra and Parishishta Pawan are literary creations of which religion?
Kalpa Sutra and Parishishta Pawan are literary creations of Jain religion.

Question 4.
Tulsidas, Surdas, Meerabai, Raskhan were follower of which Bhakti worship?
Do yourself.

Question 5.
In which period were the Ellora temples constructed?
The Ellora temples, were constructed during Gupta period.

Question 6.
Who built the Taj Mahal?
Mughal emperor Shahjahan built the Taj Mahal.

Question 7.
Who was Tansen?
Tansen was an accomplished singer at Akbar’s court.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 11 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the feature of the Gupta period paintings?
The features of Gupta period paintings are following:

  • Paintings was based on scientific lines.
  • The finest examples of paintings are in the Ajanta caves. These paintings are mostly based on religious themes.
  • They have depicted Buddha and Bodhisatva.
  • Descriptive scenes from Jataka stories can also be seen.
  • These paintings are original, lively and impressive.
  • During Gupta period beautiful colors in the pictures have been used.

Question 2.
Write the Characteristics of architecture during the Indus civilization.
The excavations at Indus valley provide information about the contemporary architecture. People of this period were experts, in the field of architecture. Big granaries, well – planned houses and cities, big palaces, ports, great bath throw suffice . light on the architecture.

Covered drains, doors and windows of buildings, direction away from the main road, kitchen inside the buildings, bathroom, adequate provision of ventilators, construction of ordinary and state buildings etc. are unique examples of architecture of Indus Civilization.

Question 3.
Write a note on Asoka pillars.
The best specimen of Mauryan architecture are the pillars of Asoka, which were constructed by him for propagation of Dharma. These pillars are nearly 20 is number and located in various parts of India, Sarnath, Prayag, Kausmbhi in Uttar Pradesh. Pillars have been found in Lumbini and Nigilva in the plains of Nepal. Besides these at Sanchi, Lorya, Nandgarh and at various other places too, Asoka pillars have been found in Sanchi. The capital on the pillars was extremely creative.

Question 4.
Mention the features of temples of Gupta period.
The special achievement of the period was in the field of temple construction. Temples were constructed with stones and bricks. The temples constructed during the Gupta period had flat roof. First Shikhar was constructed at Dasavatara in Devgarh temples (Jhansi U.P.).

After the construction of this temple, construction of Shikhars in the temples started. Many of these temples still exist such as Buddhist shrine in Sanchi, in Vidisha district of M.P., Bheetaragaon in Uttar Pradesh and temple at Deogarh are a few examples.

Question 5.
Write the differences between Nagara and Dravidian styles.
The temples constructed during the early medieval period are classified into turn styles:

  1. Nagara style
  2. Dravidian style.

Differences between these two styles
1. Nagara style:

  • Nagar style temples were mainly constructed in north India.
  • In Nagar style the Shikhar is nearly spiral.
  • On the top is found around dome and kalash.

2. Dravidian style:

  • Dravidian style temples were constructed is south India.
  • In Dravidian style teiriples
  • the likars re rectangular constructed by placing rectangular blocks one over the other.

Question 6.
Write the differences between Mathura and Gandhara art.
Mathura art:

  • Remains of Buddhist, Jain and Brahmanicai ali three religions have been found at Mathura.
  • The statues of Lord Buddha and Bodhisattva have been found in Mathura art.
  • The statues of Buddha are covered with drapery.
  • Statues have been constructed using the sand stone.

Gandhara art:

  • The subjects of Gandhara art were Indian while the . technique was Greek.
  • Statues were mostly built of slate.
  • Creased clothes have been shown on the statues.
  • Mahatma Buddha is also shown to be seated on a throne.

Question 7.
State the features of medieval period paintings.
Medieval period paintings declined during the Sultanat period. Painting was looked down upon by the Sultans. Still painting remained alive in Gujarat, Rajasthan and regions of Malwa. Scenes related to religious and day-to-day life were presented. The books written on birch barke in Gujarat by Jain monks have a very high quality of small illustrations.

Mughal style painting is the Hamzanana which is also popular as Dastan-e-Amir Hamza. The specialy of these paintings are foreign plants, trees and their leaves and flowers. Fresco painting was started for the first time during Akbar period. During Jehangir’s period portrait painting, natural scenes and paintings related to person’s life started.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 11 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which are the main cultural trend of India? Write a comparative description of any one with reference to ancient and medieval period. Describe
The contemporary social, cultural and political life can be understood through literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, dance and music and other performing arts. By cultural trend we mean the form of Indian culture which includes literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, dance, music and other performing arts. (In this chapter we will study these in a sequential manner.) Comparative description of painting with reference to ancient and medieval period:

The growth of painting depicts on the expression of man’s thoughts through paintings. The rich tradition of Indian painting reflects the sensitivity of Indian art towards colors. During different periods paintings have been made by the painters of contemporary society. In India paintings of prehistoric times, can be seen on various rocks and stones.
In Bhimbetka caves near Rock Art of Bhimbetka Bhopal we can see a fine examples of this art.

People of Indus valley civilization had knowledge of painting. We have enough evidence of this. Many paintings can be seen in the utensils and seals found here. Painting was also done on the walls of the buildings. In paintings natural scenes and animals both can be seen. Co-lours were also used in the paintings. On the basis of literature it can be said that these people expressed their feelings on walls, utensils and also through embroidery on the clothes.

Mayryan period painting grew as folk – art. Paintings were depicted on Mauryan buildings and pillars. Some of the paintings in Ajanta caves belong to the 1st century E.C. The painting of Chhadat Jatak in cave No. 10 is worth mentioning. Painting was based on scientific lines during the Gupta period. The finest examples of paintings are in the Ajanta caves. These . have been included in the world heritage sites.

These paintings are mostly based on religious themes. They have depicted Buddha and Bodhisattva. Descriptive scenes from Jataka stories can also be seen. These paintings are original, lively and impressive. The paintings of this period can be seen in the caves of Bagh (in M.P. Dhar district). The themes of the pictures in these caves are worldly. During this period beautiful colors in the pictures have been used.

During Harsha’s period paintings were made on the clothes. Reference of skilled painters during marriage celebrations have been found. These painters have painted various scenes. Women on this” occasion painted on utensils of clay. During Rajput period the art of painting had fully developed During this period many regional styles of painting had developed. Such as Gujarat style, Rajputana style etc.

Gujarat style has scenes depending Jain life style and religion. In Rajputana style, romantic scenes of Radha Krishna have been depicted. Frescoes were made to decorate temples and palaces. The art of Miniature painting also developed during this period. These paintings were made to decorate the books.

Question 2.
How did literature grow from ancient to the medieval period?
The Indian literature is as prosperous as glorious in Indian history. It has a vast store of Sanskrit literature. Indus civilization has the knowledge of script. Vedic period literature is very prosperous from the creativity point of view. The literature of this period was a very lively description of ancient life and values. Jain literature has three branches religious books, philosophical and secular writings.

These chiefly have prose, legends, grammar and dramas. Buddhism has greatly enriched the Pali and Sanskrit languages. There are enough evidences of Mauryan period literature. Though the inscriptions of Asoka it seems that two types of scripts were used – Brahmi and Kharosthi. During the Sunga Satvahana period there were scholars like Patanjali who wrote Mahabhasya on Panini’s Ashtadhyas and presented the rules of Sanskrit in revised form.

Gutpa period was the Golden age of literature. This period gave Sanskrit the status of the language. There were literary creations in many fields of Science and knowledge. Nalanda university was established during this period. Kashi, Mathura, Ayodhya and Patliputra were chief centers of education. Harsavardhan respected the scholars. Banabhatta was a great writer of this period ,who wrote two books – Harsha Charita and Kadambari.

Harshavardhan himself wrote three Sanskrit plays Naga Nanda, Ratnavali and Priyadarsika. The creation of literary and extremely flowery work was towards rise during the Rajput period. Literature was predominantly romantic. Rajput rulers were scholars of highest order. King Munja, Bhoja, Amoghvarsha were prominent among them. During this period books were written on medicine, astrology, grammar, sculpture and various other subjects.

Along with North India there was literary creations worth- mentioning in South India as well. Pulkesin’s vassal wrote a book called Shabdavatar. Scholar Udaidev wrote a book called Jainendra Vyakaran. South India had special contribution to Sanskrit literature during the Pallava rule. Mehandra Verman – I wrote a book “Matvilas Prahsan”. There was growth of Tamil language during the Pallavas and Cholas.

The famous writer of the Tamil period was Jaigondar who wrote Kaligtuprani. Kamban wrote Ramayana in Tamil. Karichi was the chief center of learning where people from far off came for education. The growth of literature continued in the medieval period. The creation of religious and secular literature started during the period. Doha’s and puzzles became popular. Compositions of  Namdev, Ramanand, Guru Nanak, Kabir, etc.

have a place of special importance in Hindi. Literary writings were done is Persian and Turkish language during the period. Urdu literature developed the most during the Mughal period.

Question 3.
Write the features of painting from the ancient to the medieval period.
The contemporary social, cultural and political life can be understood through literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, dance and music and other performing arts. By cultural trend we mean the form of Indian culture which includes literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, dance, music and other performing arts. (In this chapter we will study these in a sequential manner.) Comparative description of painting with reference to ancient and medieval period:

The growth of painting depicts on the expression of man’s thoughts through paintings. The rich tradition of Indian painting reflects the sensitivity of Indian art towards colors. During different periods paintings have been made by the painters of contemporary society. In India paintings of prehistoric times, can be seen on various rocks and stones. In Bhimbetka caves near Rock Art of Bhimbetka Bhopal we can see a fine examples of this art.

People of Indus valley civilization had knowledge of painting. We have enough evidence of this. Many paintings can be seen in the utensils and seals found here. Painting was also done on the walls of the buildings. In paintings natural scenes and animals both can be seen. Co-lours were also used in the paintings. On the basis of literature it can be said that these people expressed their feelings on walls, utensils and also through embroidery on the clothes.

Mayryan period painting grew as folk – art. Paintings were depicted on Mauryan buildings and pillars. Some of the paintings in Ajanta caves belong to the 1st century E.C. The painting of Chhadat Jatak in cave No. 10 is worth mentioning. Painting was based on scientific lines during the Gupta period. The finest examples of paintings are in the Ajanta caves. These . have been included in the world heritage sites.

These paintings are mostly based on religious themes. They have depicted Buddha and Bodhisattva. Descriptive scenes from Jataka stories can also be seen. These paintings are original, lively and impressive. The paintings of this period can be seen in the caves of Bagh (in M.P. Dhar district). The themes of the pictures in these caves are worldly. During this period beautiful colors in the pictures have been used.

During Harsha’s period paintings were made on the clothes. Reference of skilled painters during marriage celebrations have been found. These painters have painted various scenes. Women on this” occasion painted on utensils of clay. During Rajput period the art of painting had fully developed During this period many regional styles of painting had developed. Such as Gujarat style, Rajputana style etc.

Gujarat style has scenes depending Jain life style and religion. In Rajputana style, romantic scenes of Rad-ha Krishna have been depicted. Frescoes were made to decorate temples and palaces. The art of Miniature painting also developed during this period. These paintings were made to decorate the books.

Question 4.
Describe the Mughal period architecture.
The influence of Islamic architecture can be dearly seen on the medieval architecture. The buildings constructed during the reign of various Sultans and Mughals. There was intermingling of Indian architecture with Persian, Turkish and Indian styles and architecture prevalent in other Islamic countries. Primarily Mosques, Mausoleums, Palaces, Massive gates (Torans), domes, Mehrabs and minar were constructed in Islamic architecture.

The Qutub-ul-islam mosque ih Mehrauli (Delhi) was constructed in 1139 A.D. and is recognized as the first mosque in India. The Qutub minar was constructed during the Sultanat period. It is 238 ft. tall and narrow towards the top. At various heights there are open balconies, which makes it distinct. The mosques of the period bad minarets four sides.

There are enough evidences of Mughal period architecture. In the history of architecture a new era started during the period. Scholars have called the new architectural style as Mughal architect. Mughal style developed as a result of fusion between foreign and Indian styles. Hence Mughal period architecture a mixed influence of Jain, Buddhist, Rajput, Persian, Baghdad style can be seen.

The engraving of diamonds in white marble, pietra dura and running water in the palaces are some of the salient features of Mughal architecture. The chief architectural places were Mosque of Qutub Minar Kabuli Bagh, Mosque of Panipat, Babri Mosque at Ayodhya, mosque at Agra fort. Not much progress in the field of achitecture was made during Humayun’s reign. During his reign two mosques were constructed at Ferozabad in Hissar. Shershah showed great interest towards architecture.

The most important architectural structure of Shershah’s period is a mosque constructed on a raised platform in the midst of a lake at Sasaram in Bihar. Beautiful amalgamation of Indian and Islamic architecture can be seen here. During Akbar’s period there was an intermingling of Persian style with Hindu and Buddhist architectural styles. Buildings of Akbar’s period were constructed by red sandstone.

Akbar got Fatehpur Sikri built. The chief features are intermingling of Chapakar and Dharnik styles. Fatehpur Sikri’s Diwan – i – Aam, Diwan – i – Khas, Agra Fort, Palace of Jodhabai, Panch Mahal, Jama Masjid, Buland Darwaza are specimens of Akbar period architecture. Jehangir got Akbars and Itmad – ud – daulas mausoleum built. Raja Manning’s palace at Gwalior and Jaisinghs palace at Jaipur are unparalleled examples of architecture.

Shahjahan’s period is known as the golden age of Mughal architecture. The chief features of architecture of the period were carved Mehrabs, and Minars. The famous buildings of Shahjahan’s period are Red Fort, at Delhi, Diwan-i-Khas, Jama Masjid and Taj Mahal at Agra. The biggest accomplishment of the period is the Taj Mahal when architecture reached its pinnacle of progress. Taj Mahal is 313 ft.

high square mausoleum made of white marble which has been built on 22 ft. high platform. The four corners 146 of the Mausoleum have a minar. It is two – stored on the top of a dome. In Gurudwaras Harminder at Amritsar is a unique creation of the contemporary period. It was constructed between 588 to 1601 A.D. After Shahjahan Mughal period architecture started declining.

Question 5.
How did sculpture develop in the medieval period?
There was a splendid development in the field of sculpture in south India during the medieval period. Statues ‘and sculptures were used to decorate the interiors and outside of the temples. Islam did not believe in idol worship. This affected medieval sculpture. The art of sculpture began during the Akbar’s period. Sculpture was also encouraged during Jahangir’s region.

In Agra Fort, Amar Singh’s and Kama Singh’s statues were put up beneath ‘ the window. Tire palace of Fatehpur Sikri’s Elephant gate entrance is decorated with two massive elephants. The art declined during Aurangzeb’s reign. On the whole sculpture did not receive encouragement during the medieval period which affected it.

Question 6.
Give an analytical description of growth of music and j dance during the medieval period.
The tradition of dance and music of ancient period was carried forward in the medieval period. Some of the books were compiled on dance and music. Of these Bhoja, Someshwar and Sarangdev’s Sangeet Ratnakar are very famous books. In the later period many more books on music were written. Jaydev’s Gita Govind in the 13th century can be called an important step in this direction.

Bhakti or devotional music received more importance in the medieval period. People sang with devotion the Bhajans (devotional songs) of Meei ibai, Tulsidas, Kabirdas and Surdas. Hindustani music was introduced to new instruments and Ragas in the Sultanat period. Though Quran prohibits music but it was encouraged from time – to – time by Sultans vassal and Khalifas.

The famous musician of the period was Amir Khusro who has described his music in the book Noor Siphr. The book describes that Indian music touches the heart and the soul. It not only affects human beings but also hypnotizes animals. Deers stand still while listening to the music and are easily hunted. Amir Khusro invented new ragas through the fusion of Indian and Persian music. The originator of Quwali was Amir Khusro.

Due to new trends in music like Khayal and Tarana there were changes in the form of music in the contemporary period. Music was the chief means of recreation. The art of dance and music flourished during the Mughal period. Babur himself was fond of music. In Tuzukh – i – Babri description of music meeting is found. Humayun and Sher Shah Suri were also fond of music. Mughal Emperor Akbar patronized musicians.

He himself played exquisitely on the Indian instrument Naggarah. He was interested in science of music. Of the nine gems at Akbar’s court the most renowned was Miya Tansen who was. an accomplished singer as Abul Fazl writes about Miyan Tansen that ” a singer like him has not been in India for the last thousand years.” Tansen received his education in Gwalior. Baba Haridas of Vrindavan was his Guru.

Besides Tansen 36 other singers received patronage at Akbar’s court. Of these Bazbahadur, Baizbaksh, Gopal, Haridas, Ramdas, Sujan Khan, Mianlal, Baiju Bawara were prominent. In course of time Dhrupad singing was replaced by Khayal singing. During Mughal period in Jehangir’s reign Khurramdad, Makhu ‘Chatur Khan, Hamja etc. were prominent musicians.

Similarly during Shahjahan’s reign Ramdas, Jagannath, Sukhsen and Lai Khan were prominent musicians. After the death of Shahjahan the art of music declined as Aurangzeb was against music. The classical styles of Indian dance can be seen in the medieval period as well of these Bharatnatyam, Kuchipuddi, Kathakali classical styles Were prevalent in south Indian regions.

Bharatnatyam and Kuchipuddi dances were based on Krishnalilas. This was confined to the Bahaman families of south Indian. Whereas Kathak was initially confined to Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan Punjab and Madhya Pradesh. Dances were based on Krishna Lilas and Puranic stories – in these dances and music was a part of courts.

Question 7.
How did fine arts develop from ancient to medieval period?
Fine arts were in practice during the Indus civilization. The ‘Agnivedica’ built on a raised platform found at Rakhigahri, Decorated bricks were found on the floor of Kalibanga made of baked brick, statues, decorated ornaments, glossy paint on the utensils and circle on them. Geometrical lines and depiction of birds and animals, sacred symbols of well being like Swastik, Chakra, sun etc.

throw light on tire practice of performing arts of the contemporary society. Besides a place like theatre has also been mentioned in the contemporary time which was probably used for drama, dance and music. Mention of Fine Art has been mentioned in the Vedic period. During this period folk culture developed along with religion. During this period also sacred symbols, decoration of building art of magic and references of Yagyavedika has been found.

Folk art was prevalent during the Maurya period. There were many people who performed shows for entertaining people. References of dancers, people imitating voices to entertain, dancing on the ropes, people working in dramatize for livelihood have been mentioned. Fine arts were also prevalent in the Gupta period. Beautiful depiction on Gupta period coins is the best example.

Many dramas were written in the contemporary period in Sanskrit literature. Interesting themes have been brought alive throw these dramas, romantic .songs along with these, wood sculpture, stone sculpture, metals sculpture, Talisman, ivory ornaments are examples of contemporary art.

The ornamentation in caves, temples, paintings on the walls, dancing girls,’Sentries with spears, statues with Elaborate hairstyles. Yaksha, birds, animals depiction of fountains etc. are unique example of the same. Theatre was also developed in the contemporary period. Terms like ‘Prekshagraha’ and Rangshala’ have been used for dramatic schools.

Harsh Period:
The growth of fine arts continued in the Harsh period as well. These arts were prevalent in the early medieval period also. References of Nata, Magicians, Craftsmen who worked with ivories are found in context with beautiful art work. In the same way beautiful decoration are found on Rajput coins. Statues made on the walls of temples, Raga-Ragini, pictures of actor-actresses, plants, flowers and animals.

Besides, historical and Puranic dance drama also had an ; important place in the early medieval contemporary art. The creative expression continued during the medieval period. RasLilas were staged in Vrindavan and Mathura. During this period, besides epics, dramas were also based on historical characters. Vijayanagar’s ruler Harihar IPs son Veerupaksha wrote a play narayana Vilas and Unmata Raghav.

Goswami composed Vidaghmodhav, Lalit Madhav and Dankeli Chandrika. In the same j sequence Ramchandra wrote a drama Jagannath Vallabh. In staging dramas social and religious dramas were given preference. Calligraphy also developed during the contemporary period. Besides decorated utensils, decorated walls carvings on minars and mausoleums, clothes of Jari, Kashidakari, art of Pactukari, carved fountains, carpets etc. throw light on the art of the period.

Question 8.
Collect the pictures of Nagar style and Dravid style temples and write the differences. Collect the picture of Buddhist statues and Dravid style temples and write the differences. Teacher can divisive the class into groups and divide the work among them for collecting information on Literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, dance music other performing arts from ancient to Mughal period. Arrange this information in a chronological order and prepare a scrap book on any one which can depict any one cultural trend in a sequential manner.
Try yourself

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 11 Other Important Questions

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Jain literature has –
(a) Two branches
(b) Three branches
(c) Four branches
(d) None of the above.
(b) Three branches

Question 2.
Buddhism has greatly enriched –
(a) The Pali language
(b) The Hindi language
(c) The Punjabi language
(d) The English language.
(a) The Pali language

Question 3.
Which language developed the most during the Mughal period?
(a) Persian
(b) Urdu
(c) Hindi
(d) Punjabi.
(b) Urdu

Question 4.
Who has written Padmavat?
(a) Malik Mohammad Jayasi
(b) Tulsidas
(c) Abul Fazl
(d) Gulbadan.
(a) Malik Mohammad Jayasi

Question 5.
Whose period is known as the golden period of’Mughal paintings?
(a) Shahjahan’s
(b) Jehangir’s
(c) Babur’s
(d) Akbar’s
(b) Jehangir’s

Match the following:

1. (c) Raghuvansh
2. (d) Ain-e-Akbari
3. (b) Mudra Rakshas
4. (e) Tamilnadu
5. (a) Panchatantra

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 11 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by cultural trend?
By cultural trend we mean the form of Indian cultural which includes literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, dance, music and other performing arts.

Question 2.
What does Vedic literature include?
Vedic literature includes Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyaka, Upanishads, Vedants, epics, Smirtis, Purans.

Question 3.
Name the oldest Vedic literature.

Question 4.
Who did write the Arthashastra?
Kautilya wrote the Arthashastra.

Question 5.
In which period was Smriti literature composed?
Smriti literature was composed during Gupta period.

Question 6.
Name the best specimen of Mauryan architecture.
The pillars of Asoka.

Question 7.
Where is the Kalika Devi Temple situated?
The Kalika Devi Temple is situated at Chittorgarh.

Question 8.
What is sculpture?
Sculpture is an art of making statue.

Question 9.
Turkish Sultans were interested in which literature?
Turkish sultans were interested in Persian literature.

Question 10.
Which Mughal emperor did establish a painting school (Chitrashala)?
Mughal emperor Jahangir established a painting school (Chitrashala).

Question 11.
What was Aurangzeb’s opinion about painting?
Aurangzeb considered painting to be against Islam and banned them.

Question 12.
Where is Raja Mansingh’s palace situated?
Raja Mansingh’s palace is situated at Gwalior.

Questionb 13.
Name the mosque which is recognized as the first mosque in India.
The Qutab-ul-Islam mosque.

Question 14.
Whose period is known as the golden age of Mughal architecture?
Shahjahan’s period is known as the golden age of Mughal architecture.

Question 15.
Name the two dances which are based on Krishnalilas?
Bharatnatyam and Kuchipuddi dances.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 11 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write about Jain literature.
Jain literature has three branches – Religious books, philosophical and secular writings. These chiefly have prose, legends, grammar and dramas. Out of these most of the compositions are still in the form of manuscripts and are found in the Chaityas of Gujarat and Rajasthan. The compositions are Angas, Pangas, Prakrin, Cheda, Sutra and Malsutra.

Towards the last stages while writing discourses, Sanskrit language instead of Prakrit was used. The work in grammar and poetry writing in Sanskrit contributed a lot to the growth of this language. The prominent books in Jain literature are Kalpasurta of Bhadrabahu, Parishisht Parwan of Hemachandra.

Question 2.
Describe the Mauryan period art of sculpture.
During the Mauryan period the art of sculpture grew. The sculpture of Mauryan period bear Persian influence. Some scholars consider it as Indian influence. The Asoka pillars, the animal statues in the capital and beautifully decorated with plants point towards the sculpture of the stone statues have been found from Patalipurta, Mathura, Vidisha and other regions. A distinct glossy polish can be seen on those. The statues of the Yaksha and Yakshinis are the most beautiful and realistic.

Question 3.
Describe the growth of dance and music during the Gupta period.
The art dance and music prospered during the Gupta period like earlier period during this period too people were fond of music. Dance and music were practiced in the contemporary period during Vasant Utsav, Kaumidi Utsav, Deepotsav etc. Information of . ‘Ganikas’ in the contemporary period is also found whose job was to dance and sing. Gupta rulers themselves patronized artistes. Samudra Gupta himself was an accomplished Veena player.

In order to keep this memory alive he got coins struck showing him playing flute. In the Bagh caves of Gupta period an important scene of dance and music has been found which is a symbol of splendor of dance and music in the contemporary period.

From Malvikagnimitra we come to know that there were art buildings for the education in music in towns. There were Acharyas (teachers) in the towns for teaching dance. In Malvikagnimitra Ganadas is referred to as music dance Acharyas (teachers). In this way ample evidence of music and dance during the Gupta period are found.

Question 4.
Describe the progress in the field of architecture made during Akbar’s reign.
During Akbar’s period there was an intermingling of Persian style with Hindu and Buddhist architectural styles. Buildings of Akbar’s period were constructed by. red sandstone. Akbar got Fatehpur Sikri built. The chief features are intermingling of Chapakar and Dharmik styles. Fatehpur Sikri’s Diwan – i – Aam, Diwan – i – Khas, Agra Fort, Palace of Jodhabai, Panch Mahal, Jama Masjid, Buland Darwaja are specimens of Akbar’s period architecture.

Question 5.
Gupta period was the golden age of literature.
Gupta period was the Golden age of literature. Gupta period gave Sanskrit the status of the language. The form in which literature flourished during the period of Gupta rulers is unparalleled. During this period there were literary creations in many fields of science and knowledge. Smriti literature was composed ‘during this period. Yajanvalkya, Narad Smriti, Kavyava Smriti are chief among them. Ramayana and Mahabharat was written in this period.

Buddhist philosopher Asanga composed the Mahayan Sutrankar and Yogacharya Bhoomi Shastra. Vasubandh composed the Abhidarma Kosha. The chief Jain writers were Jenchandra, Siddhasena and Devnandini. From the Gupta period literature we can understand that prevailing education system must have been excellent. Nalanda University was established during this period. Kashi, Mathura, Ayodhya and Pataliputra were chief centers of education.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 11 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the growth of painting during the Sultanat and Mughal periods.
Painting declined during the Sultanat period. Painting was looked down upon by the Sultans. Still painting remained alive in Gujarat, Rajasthan and regions  of Malwa. Scenes related to religious and day – to – day life were presented. Slowly Malwa and Rajasthan School of art developed. The books written on birch barke in Gujarat by Jain monks have a very high quality of small illustrations.

In Bengal and Bihar too manuscripts written by the Buddhist monks had small images drawn by using lives. The paintings drawn on the temples of southern India have also used lives. Mughal paintings were started during the rule of Tumayun. Akbar gave an organised form to Mughal paintings. He established a separate department for the painters and Muglud period painting famous painters were housed there.

The first Mughal period painting collection in Mughal style painting is the Hamzanama which is also popular as Dastan – e – Amir Hamza the speciality of these paintings foreign plants, trees and their leaves and flowers minutest obtain of decoration architecture images of women. Exceptional Rajasthani paintings with decorative elements. Rajmanama, Ramayana and Akbarnama are illustrated manuscripts of the period.

Fresco painting started for the first time during the Akbar period. Jehangir’s period is known on the golden period of Mughal paintings. Jehangir himself was a painter. Jehangir established a painting school (Chitrashala) under guidance of famous painter Akarizh. During Jehangir’s period Portrait painting, natural scenes and paintings related to persons life started.

Jehangir also gave titles to the forest’painters which includes famous bird specialist painter, Ustad Mansoor and portrait painter Abul Hasan. During Shahjahan’s reign borders and underlines in paintings progressed. Aurangzeb considered painting to be against Islam and banned them. Therefore painting in the courts came to an end and painters settled elsewhere. In this way styles of regional paintings developed.

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