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MP Board Class 9th Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 Election

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 Election

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 13 Text Book Questions

Choose the Correct Answer:

Question 1.
Out of these, who can be granted adult Franchise –
(a) Minor male and female
(b) Only male
(c) Adult male and female
(d) Only Female.
(c) Adult male and female

Question 2.
Who does not have right to vote –
(a) Insane or mentally handicapped
(b) Minor age group
(c) Declared bankrupt by court
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 3.
In India, the election procedure is said to start after which of the following –
(a) After filing of nomination paper by candidate
(b) After notification of election
(c) After beginning of campaigning
(d) With organizing public meetings.
(b) After notification of election

Fill in the blank:

  1. In our country all citizens who have attained the age of …………… years have the right to vote.
  2. When few parties to gather form a government, that is …………… called as government.
  3. …………….. commission has been formed for registration and recognition of political parties.
  4. The granting of the right to vote an adult citizen of the country without any discriminate is called ………………….


  1. 18
  2. Coalition
  3. Election
  4. Universal Adult Franchise.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 13 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is meant by election? Write.
Election is a process through which people of democratic countries elect their representatives for a fixed period of time.

Question 2.
What is franchise? Write.
The granting of right to vote to an adult male or female of country without any discrimination, is called as franchise or universal adult franchise.

Question 3.
What are political parties? Write.
Political parties are organised groups of citizens having similar ideology who are committed to their policies and programmers.

Question 4.
Who appoints the chief election commissioner?
The president appoints the chief election commissioner.

Question 5.
In India, where is the office of the Election Commission situated?
The office of Election commission is situated at Delhi.

Question 6.
What is coalition government?
When there is no majority of single party then two or more parties unite to form the government. This type of government is called coalition government.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 13 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is known as National Political Parties? Write.
National political parties are formed at national level. The party symbol of such parties remains identical in the whole country. Although a party is a national party but it does not mean that it will have equal popularity in every state. The influence of national parties varies from state to state.

To be recognized as a national political parties, any one of the following conditions should be fulfilled. Any political party which obtains at least 6% in the election of parliament or legislative or if any political parties obtains at least 2 per cent of total seats of the parliament and this place should be minimum in three states.

Question 2.
Write about the characteristics of political parties.
Characteristics of political parties are as following:

  • To maintain clear identity.
  • To opine clearly regarding policy matters.
  • To obtain continuously public opinion in support of its policy.
  • Registration in election commission.
  • United by govern by one regulation.
  • Main aim to win election for obtaining power.
  • To create public opinion against anti-public policies by keeping an eye on ruling party.
  • An election symbol for identity.

Question 3.
What is mid – term election?
It the Lok Sabha or State Legislative Assembly are dissolved before their tenure is over, then the elections which take place are mid – term election. Mid – term elections are held due to the failure of any party to form the majority government.

Question 4.
Write about the main functions of Election Commission.
The main functions of Election Commission are:

  • Delimitation of the constituencies.
  • Preparation of electoral rolls.
  • Allotment of election symbols.
  • Registration and recognition of political parties.
  • Holding election.
  • Give opinion for fixation of dualities of member of parliament and legislature.
  • Preparation and implementation of moral code of conduct.
  • Miscellaneous functions.

Question 5.
What is an electoral roll? Write its uses.
Electoral roll is the list of citizens who are eligible to vote. This is prepared by the Election Commission before elections. Preparation of electrical roll is the most important stage of election. Without it elections can’t be held.

Question 6.
Write four functions of political parties.
Political parties have many important functions is democracy. Four of them are given below:

  • They work as a bridge between Government and public.
  • They form public opinion in favor of national interest.
  • They make efforts to control the arbitrariness of the ruling party.
  • The main function of political parties is to get victory in elections and to form government.

Question 7.
Write four characteristics of political parties.
Different political parties are essential for. parliamentary type of democracy. Political parties are organized group of citizens having similar ideology. They are committed to their policies and programmers. They work is form of power and they are always attempting to gain power and continue it. There are some general characteristics of political parties.

Four of them are:

  • To maintain clear identity.
  • To obtain continuously public opinion to support its policies
  • To create public opinion against anti – public policies by keeping an eye on ruling party.
  • An election symbol for identity.

Question 8.
Describe the role of the opposition party.
The parties which are not in government are called parties of the opposition. Opposition parties have an important role to play in a democracy. They protect the rights of citizens in restricting the anti – people activities of government. Thus, existence of opposition is necessary to correct the wrong. One of the most important functions of the opposition is to criticize the government.

The opposition exposes the anti – people activities of the government. The opposition also provides the political alternative. In case the government some time fails to continue its rule owing to the different reasons, the opposition is given an opportunity to prove their majority and form the government. The opposition parties also play an important role in the formation of public opinion.

In fact, opposition makes democracy real and effective. The opposition parties play an important role in the working of the democratic setup. Opposition may delay legislation by opposing it in the parliament or by creating the public opinion against it. It is however important to not that opposition parties do help in making laws.

Question 9.
Write the function of Election Commission.
The main functions of Election Commission are:

  • Delimitation of the constituencies.
  • Preparation of electoral rolls.
  • Allotment of election symbols.
  • Registration and recognition of political parties.
  • Holding election.
  • Give opinion for fixation of dualities of member of parliament and legislature.
  • Preparation and implementation of moral code of conduct.
  • Miscellaneous functions.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 13 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the type of political parties on the basis of the number of political parties.
In any country, on the basis of number of political parties the party system is divided into three categories.

1. Single Party System:
It in a country where there is only one political party then it is called single – party system. In the constitution of the countries having single – party system generally describes that political party for example, them is single party is recognized, existence of other ideologists are restricted.

2. Bi – party System:
In a country if only two main parties exist and the ruling power shifts between these two parties only, then this system is called Bi – party system. For example in America the main two parties are democratic and republican parties, and in Britain Labor and Conservative Parties. Thus the bi – party system is prevalent in United States of America and Britain.

3. Multiparty System:
When in a country several political parties exist then it is called multi – party system. We have multiparty system in our country. In election majority of one party is not necessary. When there is no majority of single party then coalition government is formed in the country or state. Two or more parties are united in a collation government.

The main demerit of multi – party system is changing of party. During election several types of problems arise. In this system it becomes very difficult to differentiate between the policies of different political parties. Number of individual parties increases in the multiple party system. Due to political ambitions, begins the formation of new parties and breaking of political parties.

Question 2.
What is the political party system? Explain its importance.
Different political parties are essential for parliamentary type of democracy. Political parties are organised groups of citizens having similar ideology. They are committed to their policies and programmers. They work in form of power and they are always attempting to gain power and continue it. There are some general characteristics of political parties.

The importance of political parties in democracy can be explained in the following way:

  • Formation and expression of public opinion is possible only through political parties. The political parties organised processions and conferences for the formation of public opinion.
  • Today adult franchise is adopted by all countries of the world. Parties nominate their candidates from their parties and campaign for them.
  • Today in the huge democratic ruling system, opposition parties are essential minorities or opposite parties have equal importance in democracy like parties with majority.

Question 3.
Explain the major demerits of the Indian Election procedure.
The future of the democracy depends upon the unbiasedness of elections and independent voting i.e. without any inducement and pressure. The Election Commission makes efforts for an unbiased and independent election even then there are some problems. Following are the main defects of our electoral system

1. Lack of Complete Participation of Voting:
The aim of universal Adult Franchise is to make every citizen participate in the government indirectly. We have seen that a large number of voters do not exercise their right to vote in the parliamentary and state legislative elections. Therefore the elected candidate getting maximum votes does not represent the public. Therefore participation of all citizens in franchise is desirable.

2. Use of Money in Elections:
The increasing expenses in elections is a big problem. For every election ceiling on election expenses is fixed but a lot of money is spent by the candidates. Therefore sometimes due to lack of money honest and wise person are not able to contest the election. Tire use of money in elections is an immoral act on the part a person, which is a very serious problem from the point of view of reformation in election system.

3. Influence of Muscle Power in Elections:
Sometimes the candidates try to win the election by any type of means. For this they take help of criminals also. Often with the use of muscle power, booth capturing is restored to and voters are made to vote in one’s favor by threatening them or illegal voting is exercised.

4. Misuse of Government Machinery:
Before the time of election charming promises being done by the ruling party. During the elections, high officials are transferred and government, money ‘and vehicles and other means are misused. They also try to influence the election officers. All these influence the unbiasedness of elections.

5. Number of Independent Candidates:
Sometimes there are too many numbers of candidates in the elections. This creates problems to the election management. Thus too many independent candidates enter the election area and confuse the voters.

6. To Influence the Sentiments of the Voters:
At the time of election some candidates try to influence the sentiments of the voters on the basis of religion, caste, region and language. Political parties select their candidates on the basis of caste. The biggest defect of the Indian election system is to influence the election by provoking the sentiments of the public.

7. Hypothetical Franchise:
Sometimes some persons vote in place of other persons, to include ones name in more than one electoral roll, casting of vote without the inclusion of his name in the electoral roll etc. all are hypothetical franchise. This is also a big problem of our election system.

8. Other Defects:
The name of the citizen should compulsorily be included in the electoral roll to vote for a candidate in an election. We often see that several names of the voters are not included in the electoral roll while the names of persons who have left that constituency or have expired are not deleted from the electoral rolls. The political parties do not originate awareness among the people.

Too many numbers of voters on one voting booth is also a cause of problem. Sometimes one candidate contest from more than one constituency. If he wins in both the constituencies then he resigns from one constituency- In that condition bi – elections takes place. The government money as well as the money of the candidates is again used, it is surely extravagancy.

In our country the Election Commission is continuously trying for free and impartial election. The Election Commission makes efforts to remove the defects of elections. The identity card system of the voters are the gift of the Election Commission. Continuous efforts are being made to remove the defects of our election system.

Question 4.
Write about the Indian election procedure.
Election is an important task. It is done through a specific procedure. You are the future citizen of India therefore its necessary for you to know about it. The election procedure is same weather it is general election, mid-term election or bi-election. The whole procedure of election can be complied in the following way:

1. Preparation of Electoral Rolls:
This is the first and the most important stage of election. Before each and every election electoral rolls are prepared by District Election Officer as per the directions of Election Commission. Any Indian citizen who is 18 years of age can get his name included in this. Voters Identity Cards are also prepared by the district election officer. In the absence of voters identity card the citizens have to bring other documents for their identity.

2. Notification of Election:
Every election procedure begins with notification of election. Notification of general, mid-term or bi-election to parliament is issued by the President, notification to State Legislative Assembly is issued by the Governor.

After the deliberation with the Election Commission the notification is published in the Government Gazette. After issuing the election notification the Election Commission announces the election programmer. Along with this the moral code is enforced for the political parties.

3. Nomination for Election:
Different political parties decide the names of their candidate for participation in the election. The candidates who want to fight election file their nomination papers and deposit them in front of the election officer. After the scrutiny of. the nomination papers the list of nominees is announced on a fixed date. Within a fixed period any candidate can withdraw his name. The final list of nominees is issued after the time for withdrawal of name expires.

4. Election Symbols:
The election symbol of each recognized party is already fixed. The election symbol of their part)’ is allotted to the concerning candidate. At the time of election, the election symbol of candidate is printed on ballot papers, against his name. In India, a large number of voters are illiterate, therefore the election symbols are helpful for the identification of the candidate.

5. Election Campaign:
Election campaign is an important aspect of the voting procedure. Each candidate presents his party’s programmer on election manifesto regarding the work which will be done by his party in the coming five years, before the people and try to get favor of the voters in different ways.

The political parties issue their election manifesto which consists of their programmer and policies. Public meetings and rallies are arranged. Newspapers, posters, banners, pamphlets are used for canvassing. Now time is given to political parties on radio and television also. Canvassing is stopped forty-eight hours before the polling.

6. Polling:
Each constituency is divided into many polling centers. The polling centers are fixed for each voter, where he casts his vote on the day of polling. An identity card bearing the photograph of the voter is issued to each voter for his identity. This is known as identity card of the voter. The voters’ who do not possess their identity card, can prove their identity through his ration card, driving licence or any document related to his identity.

On a poling booth a presiding officer and polling officers are appointed as per the requirement. On the day of polling voters come and line up in a queue. Before casting of vote the voter’s identity is verified then the voter who has come to cast his vote has to append his signature / thumb impression on the voters’ list. If electronic voting machine is used then the voter appends his signature or thumb impression on the counterfoil of the ballot. After the marking of indelible ink he can cast his vote.

Voting can be done in two ways:

  • by Electronic Voting Machine
  • Old Ballot System.

To keep the vote confidential two or more polling booths are made at every polling center, where electronic voting machine or ballot box is kept. In electronic voting machine, the vote is cast by pressing the button in front of the name of the candidate and its corresponding election symbol. In the ballot paper voting system, a ballot paper with the signature of election officer is given to the voters.

The voter goes to the polling room with that, ballot paper and puts tire seal on the symbol of the desired candidate. The ballot paper is folded and put in the ballot box. After the period of voting is over, the electronic voting machine is closed and sealed. After the ballot box are used, these are closed first, then through the special paper seal obtained along with the voting material, these boxes are sealed.

7. Counting:
All ballot boxes and electronic voting machines are collected on a fixed date. Counting takes place in front of district election officer. The candidate who attains maximum number of votes is declared elected. The elected candidate is the representative of his area. After the result of election are declared the elected candidate gets a certificate of winning the election through the district election officer.

Question 5.
Describe the importance and functions of political parties.
Importance of Political Parties The party system makes democratic rule possible. In modern age the work of government is done with the help of political parties. They help government make policies. Also by their help it becomes easier to bring changes in the polices.’Due to party system, the government becomes welfare eaten and works in the interest of people.

They stop arbitrariness of government. The desires and expectations of public reach the government through them. They impart political education to people. Everybody gets an opportunity to become a part of government through these parties. Political parities protect the independence of citizens. They establish unity of nation.

The importance of political parties in democracy can be explained in the following way:
1. Formation and expression of public opinion is possible only through political parties. The political parties organised processions and conferences for the formation of public opinion.

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