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MP Board Class 9th Social Science Solutions Chapter 16 Poverty: An Economic Challenge for India

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Solutions Chapter 16 Poverty: An Economic Challenge for India

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 16 Text Book Questions

Choose the Correct Answer:

Question 1.
The bases of the comparison of income level is –
(a) absolute poverty
(b) relative poverty
(c) complete poverty
(d) none of these.
(b) relative poverty

Question 2.
The state having maximum population of poor in India –
(a) Meghalaya
(b) Assam
(c) Bihar
(d) Madhya Pradesh.
(a) Meghalaya

Question 3.
For how many days is employment provided under the Employment Guarantee Act 2005 –
(a) 25 days
(b) 50 days
(c) 75 days
(d) 100 days.
(d) 100 days.

Fill in the blank:

1. An average income obtained by a person in a financial year is called ………………
2. ……………. Poverty means disparity of income.
3. The concept of ………………. as first given by the Indian economist Shri Dandekar.
4. The poorest district of Madhya Pradesh is ……………..
5. To measure the poverty in India generally two criteria are used first is absolute poverty and second …………….


1. per capital income
2. Relative
3. poverty line
4. Jhabua
5. relative poverty.

True or False:

  1. Rapid growth of population increases the poverty.
  2. Punjab is the poorest state of India.
  3. Employment Guarantee Act provides 5 kilograms of cereals and a minimum 20 percentage wages in cash.
  4. People are considered as below poverty live in India who
  5. are unable to obtain nutrition of 2100 calories per day in urban areas.
  6. According to the report of planning commission in 2005 Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh is the poorest district in India.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 16 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the main economic challenges before India?
Poverty, rapidly increasing population, widespread unemployment, rapidly increasing prices, regional imbalance and increasing economic disparities are the main economic challenges before India.

Question 2.
What is poverty line?
By poverty line is meant that minimum economic standard which is necessary for their livelihood.

Question 3.
Mention the name of three states of India having the largest population of poorer.
Bihar, Orissa and Sikkim.

Question 4.
Write about the social causes responsible for poverty.
The social causes responsible for poverty are ignorance, fatalism, conservation etc.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 16 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How does growth of population increase poverty? Explain.
The population in India is rapidly increasing. Every year about 1.81 crore people are added to the existing population in India. According to the census of 2001 the annual growth of j population in India during the decade of 1991 – 2001 was 1.93. This leads to low per capital income and consumption and low standard  of living. It promotes poverty.

Question 2.
What changes have occurred in the condition of poverty during the last years in India? Mention.
In India during the past years there has been a continuous decline in the population of people living below poverty line. In the year 1973 – 74 these were 54.9 per cent and in year 1993 – 94 36 per cent. It is estimated that in’the year 2006 – 07 the number of poor will reach 22 – 01 i.e. 19.3 per cent.

Question 3.
Explain the state-wise condition of poverty in India.

Question 4.
Write about the main characteristics of the Employment Guarantee Act 2005.
The chief goal of the Employment Guarantee Act 2005 is to provide 100 days employment every year to at least one adult of each rural or urban poor and low income family. Under this program me it is necessary to provide employment to an applicant within 15 days.

If employment is not provided within the due time then an unemployment allowance will be given to the concerned person. The allowance would be at least one – third of the minimum wages. This scheme was implemented on 2nd February, 2006 in 200 most backward districts of the country.

Question 5.
What is the basis to measure poverty?
There are two criteria which are used to measure poverty. First absolute poverty and second relative poverty.

Absolute Poverty:
Absolute poverty is inability to be offered the basic amenities (food, clothing and health). All those people living below poverty line are included under it.

Relative Poverty:
It means disparity of inc e. It implies international income, economic inequalities and regional economic disparities.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 16 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the reasons responsible for poverty in India?
The main reasons responsible for poverty in India are:

1. Defective Development Strategy:
In India strategy a contradiction of poverty with growth is seen because the benefits of development are limited to only some people.

As a result of it the poor are becoming poorer and the rich richer. Opportunities for further progress are available to the educated and people who have facilities while the poor are unable to obtain even higher and technical education, due – to scarcity of wealth. The Government has made job opportunities available but its progress is very slow.

2. Unemployment:
Unemployment in India is widespread. According to an estimate there are about 5 crore unemployed people in India. The number of unemployed persons is increasing continuously, which is an important factor for poverty. In rural areas disguised unemployment also exists along with unemployment and seasonal unemployment. The increasing number of unemployed people decreases the productivity of individuals and the standard of income.

3. Low Per Capital Income:
In India poverty is expanding because of low per capital income. As compared to the developed countries of the world the per capital income in India is very low. According to the report of the World Bank of the year 2004 the per capital income in India is only 480 Dollars (about Rs. 24,000/-). Low per capital income is the chief reason of poverty in India.

4. Rapid Growth of Population:
The population in India is increasing rapidly. As regards population India ranks second in the world. Every year about 1.81 crore people are added to The existing population in India. According to the census of 2001 the annual growth of population in India during the decade of 1991 2001 was 1.93. This leads to low per capital income and consumption and low standard of living. It promotes poverty.

5. Use of Natural Resources:
Minerals, forest wealth and .human resources etc. in India are in abundance. But till now they have not been used in a proper way. The scanty use of natural resources is also a reason of poverty.

6. Inflation and Price Rise:
A huge amount of wealth is spent on the accomplishment of the development tasks. It generates inflationary pressure on the economy and the prices start increasing. As a result the problem of poverty becomes more severe.

7. Low Standard of Technical Knowledge:
There s scarcity of the facilities for the technical education and research etc. in India. About 36 per cent of the population of India is illiterate. The productivity declines as there is lack of technical education and facilities of training.

8. Low Productivity:
In India the productivity is low, therefore, proper returns from tire resources are not obtained and the people remain poor. Low productivity in the agriculture sector is the chief reason for rural poverty.

9. Uncertainty in Agriculture:
The Indian economy is based on agriculture, which depends on monsoon for irrigation. Monsoon is always uncertain due to which there have been fluctuations in the agricultural production. These natural calamities affect agricultural production adversely, which results in poverty.

10. Lack of Means of Transport and Communication:
In India 1 the rapid growth of agriculture, industries, and the tertiary sector is not possible means of transport and communications are not fully developed.

11. Social Reason:
People of India spend a big amount of their income on various programmers because of socioculture customs. On one hand it decreases the saving and on the other hand it increases indebtedness. Apart from this, ignorance, fatalism, conservation are also the causes of poverty in India.

Here the question under consideration is that though India is endowed with enough natural wealth even then it is a poor country, and Indians are leading their lives in poverty and s unemployment. There are means of prosperity in India but due to inadequate use of these means of prosperity, Indians are living in poverty.

Question 2.
Describe in brief the main programmers for the eradication of poverty in India?
The Indian planners were concerned from the very beginning regarding the eradication of the problem of poverty. In this direction the government endeavored to promote economic growth. It has adopted many poverty- alleviation programmers and has launched many schemes to fulfill the needs of people of the rural areas. Following are the main programmers for the eradication of poverty.

1. Swarnjayanti Gram:
Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY) Was started on 1st April, 1999. The programmer aims at bringing the poor families above poverty line within the period of three years by organizing them into self-help group through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy. This programmer also aims to generate additional income for rural poorer. This is being conducted through the District Village Development Agency (Jila Gramya Vikas Abhikaran).

2. Swarnjayanti Shahri Rojgar Yojna:
This scheme was launched on 11th December, 1997 for the eradication of poverty in urban areas. The scheme aims at providing financial aid to the poor in the urban areas for self-employment and for building assets for the creation of salaried employment.

3. Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna:
The scheme started on 2nd October, 1993. It aims to create self – employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth of 18 to 35 years age – group in rural areas and small towns.

4. Grameen Rojgar Srajun Karyakram:
This scheme was launched in April 1995 with the aim to establish projects and create self – employment opportunities in rural areas and small towns.

5. Annapoorna Yojna:
This scheme was started on 1st April, 2000. This scheme aims to provide food security to people of 65 years of age and above who were illegible to obtain pension under the National Old Age Pension Scheme but are not receiving it. Under this scheme per month per head 10 kilograms of food-grains are provided free of cost. In the year 2002-03 National Social Help Program was merged with it.

6. Janshri Yojna:
This scheme was launched in August 2000, to provide social security to the poor section of the society, under this scheme Rs. 20,000 in case of natural death, Rs. 50,000 in case of dearth or permanent disability in an accident and Rs. 25,000 in case of partial disability is provided to the concerned person.

7. Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojna:
This scheme was launched in the rural areas with the air the increasing job opportunities along with food security. The laborers working under this scheme are paid a minimum quantity of food i.e. 5 – kilogram of cereals and a minimum 20 per cent wages in cash. The aim of this scheme is to provide security to the weaker sections of the society.

8. Gram Sainradhi Yojna:
A declaration to launch this scheme was made in March 1999. The present existing Jawahar Rojgar Yojna will be changed in a way all the funds can be spent by the Gram Panchayats, so that the can use it in rural development programmers. Thus they will have power to prepare and implement annual plans related to this work.

9. Antyodaya Anna Yojna was launched on 25th December, 2001. The main objective of this scheme is to provide food-grains to the people living below the poverty line, who are included under the targeted public distribution system. In this scheme 35 Kilograms of cereal per month is distributed to 1.50 crore poor families on special concessional prices. The Central Issue Prices of wheat and rice under this scheme are Rs. 2 and Rs. 3 per kilogram respectively.

10. Employment Guarantee Act (2005):
Its main aim is to provide 100 days employment every year to at least one adult of each rural or urban poor and low income family. Under this programmer it is necessary to provide employment to an applicant with 15 days. If employment is not provided within the due time then an unemployment allowance will be given to the concerned person. The allowance would be at least one-third of minimum wages.

Question 3.
India is rich nation but its citizens are poor / Explain.
Often it is said about India that India is a rich nation but its residents are poor. It is an ironical statement. India is a wealthy nation but the second part of the statement infers that Indians are poor. Lets understand the irony of this situation. India is a rich nation From ancient times India has been considered a geographically and culturally rich nation.

Here natural resources are in abundance for development. India’s geographical area is very vast, natural resources are good, climate is favorable, forest wealth is in adequate quantity, essential resources of energy are also available in adequate quantity and human power is also enough.

The chief reasons for calling India rich country are as below:

1. Geographical Position:
The geographical location of India is suitable from the point of view of development. In the north the Himalayas act as an alert watchman.

The peninsular location of the country and the presence of Indian Ocean links India with different international trade routes. India’s location for airways is also very suitable. Thus the geographical location of India is very appropriate for economic development and foreign trade.

2. Monsoon Climate:
The climatic conditions of India are monsoon – oriented, as a result of it different types of agricultural products are grown in the country. The different industries of our country obtain enough raw material from it. Owing to different type of climatic conditions we can grow different types of food and cash crops.

3. Abundance of Water Power:
We get water throughout the year from the perennial rivers originating from the Himalayas. These rivers play an important role in agricultural country like India. Today we use this water power for irrigation and to produce thousands of Kilowatt of electricity but we have not been able to make use of this resource to the fullest.

4. Forest Wealth:
Out of total area of India, the percentage of forest area is 19.39 We obtain fuel, oil, gums, timber wood, kattha, lac, leatherk, dying material etc. If the forest wealth of India is used efficiently then it may prove to be very useful in the development of country.

5. Availability of Means of Energy and Minerals in Abundance:
India is a rich country regarding minerals and means of power. Out of the total stock of iron in the world one-fourth stock is available in India. India also leads in production of manganese and mica. We have plenty of stock of coal, bauxite, gypsum, Thorium, Uranium materials which are used in production of atomic power.

6. Human Resources:
About 110 crore population of India is able, to – face any type of challenge. If this resource is used in a planned way then the development of the country can be enhanced. In spite of India being rich in the available resources Indians are poor.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 16 Other Important Questions

Choose the Correct answer:

Question 1.
(i) Which is the poorest district in India?
(a) Dang
(b) Banswada
(c) Jhabua
(d) Punjab.
(a) Dang

Question 2.
The numbers of people living below the poverty line in India is maximum in –
(a) Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Sikkim
(b) Bihar, Orissa and Assam
(c) Bihar, Orissa and Sikkim
(d) Bihar, Sikkim and Jhabua.
(c) Bihar, Orissa and Sikkim

Question 3.
Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna was started on –
(a) 2nd Oct. 1993
(b) 2nd Oct. 1994
(b) 2nd Oct. 1995
(d) 2nd Oct. 1992.
(a) 2nd Oct. 1993

Question 4.
Janshri Yojna was launched to provide –
(a) Job opportunities
(b) food security
(c) Social security to the poor section of the society
(d) None of these.
(c) Social security to the poor section of the society

Question 5.
The extent of poverty in various states of India is –
(a) uniform
(b) not uniform
(c) similar
(d) None of these.
(b) not uniform

Fill in the blank:

  1. Among economic challenges the most serious is the problem of ……………
  2. …………….. persons per year are added to Indian population.
  3. Prime minister Rojgar Youjna was started from …………………..
  4. The condition in which value of currency decreases and prices increase is called ……………..
  5. …………… scheme was started from 1 April, 1999.


  1. poverty
  2. 1.81 crore
  3. 2 October, 1993
  4. Inflation,
  5. Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna.

True or False:

  1. Under Antyodaya Anna Yojna 5 kg grain is provided.
  2. About 36% population of India is illiterate.
  3. Economy in India is agriculture based.
  4. Geographical condition of India is not appropriate from point of view of growth.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 16 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What type of economy does India have?
India has a developing economy.

Question 2.
What is the position of Indian economy in the world?
Indian economy is placed among the most powerful economy of the world.

Question 3.
Which is the most severe economic challenge?
The most severe economic challenge is the problem of poverty,

Question 4.
What is the reason of poverty?
Scarcity of wealth is the reason of poverty.

Question 5.
What is poverty line?
By poverty line is meant that minimum economic standard which is necessary for their livelihood.

Question 6.
What do you mean by absolute poverty?
Absolute poverty is inability to offered the basic amenities (food, clothing and health).

Question 7.
Which organisation measures the population living below poverty line in India?
The National Sample Survey Organisation measures the population living below poverty line in India.

Question 8.
When was Annapurna Yojna launched?
Annapurna Yojna was launched on 1st April, 2000.

Question 9.
What is the other name for District Village Development Agency?
Jila Gramya Vikas Adhikaran.

Question 10.
What is the main objective of the scheme Antyodaya Anna Yojna?
The mam objective of this scheme is to provide food-grains to the people living below the poverty line.

Question 11.
Why is poverty expanding in India?
Poverty is expanding in India because of low per capital income.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 16 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the meaning of poverty?
Scarcity of wealth is the reason of poverty. The poor economic condition of some people does not lead to poverty but when majority of people of a society are unable to fulfill the minimum requirements of life then this situation is known as poverty. If essential facilities of housing, clothing and food are not available to majority of people of a society then it is called as situation of poverty.

Question 2.
How is low per capital income responsible for poverty in India?
In India poverty is expanding because of low per capital income. As compared to the developed countries of the world the per capital income in India is very low. According to the report of the World Bank of the year 2004 the per capital income in India is only 480 dollars (about Rs. 24,000/-) Low per capital income is the chief reason of poverty in India.

Question 3.
How is defective development strategy responsible for poverty in India?
In India we see a contradiction of poverty with growth is seen. The reason behind it is that the benefits of development are limited to only some people. As a result of it the poor are becoming poorer and the rich richer.

Opportunities for further progress and available to the educated and people who have facilities while the poor are unable to obtain even higher and technical education, due to scarcity of wealth. Tire Government has made job opportunities available bin its progress is very slow.

Question 4.
Write about Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna?
Swsarnjayanti Gram nvarojgar Yojna was started on 1st April, 1999. The programmer aims at bringing the poor families above poverty line within the period of three years by organizing them into self help group through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy. This programmed also aims to generate additional income for rural poorer s. This is being conducted through the District Village Development Agency (Jila Gramya Vikas Abhikaran).

Question 5.
What is Antodaya Anna Yojna?
Antyodaya Anna Yojna was launched on 25th December 2001. The main objective of this scheme is to provide food grains to the people living below the poverty line, who are included under the targeted public distribution system. In this scheme 35 kilograms of cereal per month is distributed to 1.50 crore poor families on special concessional prices. The Central Issue Prices of wheat and rice under this scheme are Rs. 2 and Rs. 3 per kilogram respectively.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 16 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Poverty? How can poverty be identified?
Scarcity of wealth is the reason of poverty. The poor economic condition of some people does not lead to poverty but when a majority of the people of a society are unable to fulfill the minimum requirements of life then this situation is known as poverty. If essential facilities of housing, clothing and food are not available to the majority of people of a society then it is called a situation of poverty.

It is very identify poverty but it is difficult to define it. When we see shattered dwellings and families living in slums all around us, beggars begging at railway stations and cross roads, laborers working in agricultural farms, then we can call such deprived people as poverty stricken. The people living ‘below, the poverty line are defined as poor.

Question 2.
Which are main programmers for eradication of poverty in India? Explain any four.
The Indian planners were concerned from the very beginning about the eradication of poverty. In this direction the government is endeavoring to promote economic growth. It has adopted many poverty – alleviation programmers and has launched many schemes to fulfill the needs of people of the rural areas. The following are the main programmers for the eradication of poverty.

  1. Swamjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY) – 1st April, 1999
  2.  Swamjayanti Shahri Rojgar Yojna – 11th‘ December, 1997
  3. Prime Minister Rojgar-Yojna – 2nd October, 1993
  4. Grameen Rojgar Srajan Karyakram – April 1995
  5. Annapoorna Yojna – 1st April, 2000
  6. janshri Yojna – August 2000
  7. Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojna
  8. Gram Samradhi Yojna – March 1999
  9. Antyodaya Anna Yojna – 25th December, 2001.
  10. Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Act (2005) – 2nd February, 2006

1. Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY):
It was started on 1st April, 1999. The programmer aims at bringing the poor families above poverty line within a period of three years by organizing them into self help groups through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy. This programmed also aims at generating additional income for the rural poor. This is being conducted through the District, village Development Agency (Jila Gramya Vikas Abhikaran).

2. Annapooma Yojna:
This scheme was started on 1st April, 2000. This scheme aims to provide food security to people of 65 years of age and above who were eligible to obtain pension under the National Old Age Pension Scheme but are not getting it. Under this scheme per month per head 10 kilograms of food grains are provided free of cost. In the year 2002-03 the National Social Help Program was merged with it.

3. Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojna:
This scheme was launched in the rural areas with the aim of increasing job opportunities along with food security. The laborers working under this scheme are paid a minimum quantity of food i.e. 5 kilogram of cereals and a minimum 20 per cent wages in cash. The aim of this scheme is to provide security to the weaker sections of society.

4. Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Act (2005):
Its main aim is to provide 100 days employment every year to at least one adult of each rural or urban poor and low income family. Under this programmer it is necessary to provide employment to an applicant within 15 days.

If employment is not provided within the due time then an unemployment allowance will be given to the concerned person. The allowance would be at least one third of the minimum wages. This scheme was implemented on 2nd February, 2006 in 200 most backward districts of the country.

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