MP 9TH sst

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Solutions Chapter 2 Efforts and Successes of Environmental Conservation

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Solutions Chapter 2 Efforts and Successes of Environmental Conservation

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 2 Text Book Questions

Choose the Correct Answer:

Question 1.
In modem agriculture encouragement is given to –
(a) Organic farming
(b) Use of bio-fertilizers
(c) Use of biological pest control
(d) All the above.
(d) All the above.

Question 2.
Last stage of EIA is –
(a) Comprehensive Environmental Assessment
(b) Study of critical aspects
(c) Rapid Environment Assessment
(d) Risk analysis.
(a) Comprehensive Environmental Assessment

Question 3.
In India EIA is the responsibility of –
(a) Ministry of Environment and Forest
(b) Ministry of Defense
(c) Ministry of Tourism
(d) Ministry of Agriculture.
(c) Ministry of Tourism

Question 4.
Chipko Movement was started in –
(a) Karnataka
(b) Eastern India
(c) Uttarakhand
(d) Kerala.
(a) Karnataka

Question 5.
First of all CNG in India was started in –
(a) Mumbai
(b) Delhi
(c) Kolkata
(d) Chennai
(b) Delhi

Fill in the blank:

  1. Silent valley is a small forest of ………………………..
  2. The Chipko Movement was started in ……………………


  1. Kerala
  2. 1974

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 2 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the meaning of environmental conservation? Explain.
Environmental conservation is the planned management of the environment and the resources to prevent its destruction and exploitation.

Question 2.
What do you understand by Environmental Impact Assessment?
Environmental Impact Assessment is a concept which seeks to find ways to ensure that the developmental process and protection of the environment go in harmony. It aims to achieve sustained development with minimum harm to the environment and to prevent any short-term and long-term adverse effects on the environment.

Question 3.
Which ministry in India is responsible for making EIA?
In India, Ministry of Environment and Forest is responsible for making EIA.

Question 4.
What do you understand by organic farming?
In this type of farming artificial chemical fertilizers are not used. Instead organic forms of manures such as cow dung or green manures are growing crops.

Question 5.
Name three stages of EIA.

  1. Initial Scrutiny.
  2. Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment.
  3. Comprehensive Impact Assessment.

Question 6.
Why do we need environment conservation?
We need environmental conservation to restore environmental imbalance, which is the burning problem of the world.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 2 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the Chipko Movement? What are its basic elements?
Chipko Movement is a successful strategy for protecting natural resources. It is a movement to save trees as well as to provide the basis for permanent economic welfare by making demand for a total transformation in land policy. This movement was started in 1974.  Its Basic Elements  Prohibition of cutting trees or forests or protection of trees.  Speeding plantation.

Question 2.
To fulfill which important objectives for Environmental Conservation is necessary? Explain.
Environmental Conservation is necessary for a variety of plants and animals living on the earth. Man is the most intelligent and powerful living being, but nature has not given him the right to destroy the resources. It is necessary on our part to use them carefully. Today, environmental imbalance is the biggest problem of the world. Therefore, keeping the future needs in mind, it is necessary to conserve plants, animals, humans and other natural resources such as air, water, minerals etc.

Question 3.
What is the role of EIA? What are the basic contents for preparing EIS? Describe.
The EIA aims to achieve sustained development with minimum harm to the environment and to prevent any short-term and long – term adverse effects on the environment.

The basic contents for preparing EIS:

  1. Effect on land including land degradation.
  2. Possibility of earthquakes.
  3. Possible effects on surface and ground water quality, soil and air quality.
  4. Possible effects on plants, wild-life and endangered species.
  5. Estimation of level of noise pollution.
  6. Socioeconomic impact.
  7. Recycling and reduction of waste.
  8. Efficient use of wastes and residuals.
  9. Risk analysis and disaster management.

Question 4.
What is the meaning of CNG? In which field its use is maximum in India?
CNG stands for Compressed Natrual Gas. It is cheaper, more efficient and less polluting energy resource, which is useful for vehicles. In India the use of CNG is maximum in the field of transportation.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 2 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the meaning of the Chipko Movement? How was it started and what were the reasons of its international fame?
Chipko Movement was started in 1974 in Chamoli district of save trees. The women of that district in absence of menfolk came forward to resist cutting of trees by the forest laborer. They were saying that the forest is their parental home. They would not let it cut at any cost. They embraced trees for continuous two days and nights.

This movement was called Chipko Movement, In 1974 an Allahabad-based sports production company named Simond was given contract of cutting trees of Anguspecws in Chamoli district. The decision of auction of hundreds of acres of forest area found in the Renigaon of Chamoli created much dissatisfaction among the people. The forest department tried to pacify their revolt by inviting the menfolk of Renigaon and nearby villages to Chamoli for the payment of compensation for the role they had played during war time.

At the same time forest workers and laborers reached Renigaon to cut trees. The women of that village, in the absence of menfolk, came forward to resist cutting of trees by the forest laborers. They were saying that the forest is their parental home. They embraced trees for continuous two days and nights. They also broke the one arid only bridge of the entrance of the forest.

After this event Rigatoni became the battlefield of Chipko Movement. All over the Uttarakhand, people witnessed a new zeal to protect forests after this event. In order to speed up this movement Sundarlal Bahuguna walked 2800 km. Finally the State Govt, banned felling of forests in Renigaon area. Soon Chipko Movement gained the national publicity.The scope of this movement does not confine to India rather it is extended to Switzerland, Germany and Holland..

Question 2.
Write a note on Silent Valley.
Silent Valley is a small forest area of Kerala. It is located in Western Ghat on the south-west slopes, of Nilgiri Hills. Its total area is 90 km2. It is surrounded by high hills from all the sides. Due to unapproachable tracts this area is uninhabited.

This valley is treasure of unique and valuable vegetation and animals. The Kuntipooja river flows the center of the Silent Valley. This valley was declared national park in 1985. Due to public movement the valuable rain forests, rarely available vegetation and animals could be protected.

Question 3.
Describe in detail t’e efforts for water conservation in Madhya Pradesh.
When the forest in Jabua district of Madhya Pradesh were ruthlessly cut, the land begar to decrease its fertility. Consequently soil erosion increases and employment opportunities reduced. It was due to this reason that the local population began to migrate. In the year 1994 the Rajeev Gandhi Water Storage Mission was started to elevate the problems of drought and deforestation.

This mission involves consumer at the end point with land and water conservation programmed, specially stressing on his participation in the ongoing process and in maintenance. Under this mission stop dams and ponds were constructed for water storage on local public demand. As a result the quantity of available water increased, soil erosion was prevented, water became easily available for irrigation, plants and animals.

In 1999 the State Government made it compulsory for the Sarpanch of every Panchayat under ‘Ek Panch Ek Talab’ scheme to construct at least one new pond and reform the old during his office of five years. Thus, about 3412 ponds were rebuilt and 500 new ponds were constructed in a duration of less than 15 months. One-fourth of the cost was borne by the people. In the year 2000 under the ‘Pani Roko Abhiyan’ water storage was increased by making small dams.

This resulted in the development of 7 lacs water catchment area. Under the ‘Gaon Ka Pani Gaon Main Evam Khet Ka Pani Khet Mein’ programme, water was stored in the farms by constructing hedges. The efforts of water conservation made in Madhyi Pradesh were followed by other states too.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 2 other important questions

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Pollution-is increasing day by day due to –
(a) Rapid and irrational exploitation
(b) Water scarcity
(c) Plantation
(d) None of the above
(a) Rapid and irrational exploitation

Question 2.
Environmental Impact Assessment is conducted in –
(a) Two Stages
(b) Three Stages
(c) Four Stages
(d) Eight stages
(a) Two Stages

Question 3.
Sundarlal Bahuguna is associated with –
(a) Pani Roko Abhiyan
(b) Chipko Movement
(c) Non-co-operation Movement
(d) None of the above
(b) Chipko Movement

Question 4.
Silent Valley is a small forest area of –
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Chennai
(c) Kerala
(d) Gujarat
(c) Kerala

Fill in the blank:

  1. …………… is not only the creator of nature but also component.
  2. …………… is a successful strategy for protecting natural resources.
  3. In India the use of CNG is maximum in the field of …………….
  4. Pollution is in increasing day by day due to …………….. and ………….. demand.
  5. “Pani Roko Abhiyan” was started in ……………..


  1. Man
  2. Chipko Movement
  3. transportation
  4. rapid, irrational
  5. 2000.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 2 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the burning problem of the world?
Environmental imbalance is the burning problem of the world.

Question 2.
How is environmental conservation possible?
Environmental conservation is possible only when environmentalists, leaders and policy-makers will make collective efforts.

Question 3.
Name the countries where Chipko Movement became popular.
The countries are:
Switzerland, Germany and Holland.

Question 4.
Define environmental conversation.
Environment conversation is the planned management of the environment and the resources to prevent its destruction and exploitation.

Question 5.
Name some important days which are necessary to organised.
It is necessary to organised world Forest day, Water day, Population day and Environment day with social participation to increase people awareness towards environment.

Question 6.
What is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) technique?
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an important technique of maintaining environmental quality.

Question 7.
What are the three stages of Environmental’ Impact Assessment?
The three stages of Environment Impact Assessment are – Initial Scrutiny, Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment and Comprehensive Impact Assessment.

Question 8.
Write the full form of CNG.
The full form of CNG is Compressed Natural Gas.

Question 9.
Define bio-fertilizer.
Bio-fertilizer are the organisms which bring about enrichment of soil nutrients such as fungi and bacteria.

Question 10.
In which year “Pani Roko Abhiyan” was started?
In the year 2000.

Question 11.
What is modern farming?
The farming which employs modern technology such as machines, large amount of labor, large area of land, etc. is called modern farming.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 2 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What efforts have been done to protect environment?
The efforts which have done to protect environment are –

  • Chipko Movement.
  • Silent Valley Project.
  • Use of CNG in Delhi for protection from air pollution.
  • Water catchment and conservation efforts of Madhya Pradesh.

Question 2.
Mention any five points which are necessary to keep in mind in order to be friendly with nature.
The following points are necessary to be kept in mind:

  • Use of family planning and birth control measures to control population growth.
  • Digging out underground water by solar energy.
  • Construction of dams and water dividers for irrigation.
  • Prohibition against use of plastic.
  • Encouragement of plantation.

Question 3.
What are the objectives of Environmental Impact Assessment?
Its objectives are as follows –

  • Development without causing damage to environment.
  • Maintenance of quality of environment.
  • Sustainable development so that the present as well as future generations are able to meet their needs.
  • Emphasis on prevention rather than cure of environmental degradation.
  • Use of EIA as an effective tool of design making on development action.

Question 3.
What points are to be kept in mind by a project operator and manager before implementing a developmental project? Describe.
There are three points which should be kept in mind by a project operator and manager before implementing a developmental project:

  • The project should maximize economic return.
  • The project should be technically feasible.
  • It should be minimum harmful for the environment.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Chapter 2 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the methods of Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment is conducted in three stages:
Initial Scrutiny, Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment and Comprehensive Impact Assessment. Initial screening of a project is done to decide whether the impact assessment is actually needed for the project being under taken or not. If it is felt that the project is likely to cause some adverse effects on the environmental, it is subjected to Rapid Environmental Assessment.

Rapid Assessment attempts to identity the key issues in a particular project. Issues which are not important enough to require further studies are omitted. Comprehensive Environmental Assessment is undertaken after the Initial and Rapid Impact Assessment have been performed. Critical aspects of the project are taken up at this stage. If needed, the project may not be approved for implementation.

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