NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 8 Decimals InText Questions
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 8 Decimals InText Questions
These NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 8 Decimals InText Questions and Answers are prepared by our highly skilled subject experts.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 8 Decimals InText Questions
NCERT In-text Question Page No. 165
Question 1.
Can you now write the following as decimals?
Hundreds | Tens | Ones | Tenths |
(100) | (10) | (1) | (1/10) |
5 | 3 | 8 | 1 |
2 | 7 | 3 | 4 |
3 | 5 | 4 | 6 |
We have,

(iii) 3 hundreds + 3 tens + 4 ones + 1 tenth
Question 2.
Write the lengths of Ravi’s and Raju’s pencils in ‘cm’ using decimals.
Question 3.
Make three more examples similar to the one given in question 1 and solve them.
Please try yourself.
NCERT In-text Question Page No. 167
Question 1.
NCERT In-text Question Page No. 175
Question 1.
(i) Write 2 rupees 5 paise and 2 rupees 50 paise in decimals.
(ii) Write 20 rupees 7 paise and 21 rupees 75 paise in decimals.
(i) (a) 2 rupees 5 paise :
(b) 2 rupees 50 paise =
(ii) (a) 20 rupees 7 paise :
20 rupees +7 paise
(b) 21 rupees 75 paise :
21 rupees + 75 paise
= 21 rupees + 75 x -jy rupees
= 21 rupees + -jy rupees
= ₹ [21 + 0.75] = ₹ 21.75
NCERT In-text Question Page No. 176
Question 1.
Can you write 4 mm in ’em’ using decimals?
Since 10 mm = 1 cm
Question 2.
How will you write 7 cm 5 mm in ’em’ using decimals.
7 cm 5 mm:
Since, 10 mm = 1 cm
Question 3.
How will you write 2008 m in ‘km’?
Yes, we can change the given ‘metres’ into kilometres.
Question 4.
Can you now write 52 m as ‘km’ using decimals? How will you write 340 m as ‘km’ using decimals?
Question 5.
How will you write 2 kg 9 g in kg’ using decimals?
NCERT In-text Question Page No. 178
Question 1.
(i) 0.29 + 0.36
(ii) 0.7 + 0.08
(iii) 1.54 + 1.80
(iv) 2.66 + 1.85
(i) 0.29 + 0.36
∵ (9 + 6) hundredths =15 hundredths = 1
tenths + 5 hundredths
Thus, 0.29 + 0.36 = 0.65
(ii) 0.7 + 0.08
Thus, 0.7 + 0.08 = 0.78
(iii) 1.54 + 1.80
Thus, 1.54 + 1.80 = 3.34
Note: 5 tenths + 8 tenths =13 tenths
and 13 tenths = 10 tenths + 3 tenths = 1 one + 3 tenths
(iv) 2.66 + 1.85
Thus, 2.66 + 1.85 = 4.51
NCERT In-text Question Page No. 180
Question 1.
Subtract 1.85 from 5.46
1.85 and 5.46 are ‘like decimals’.
Here, 1 is borrowed from ‘ones’ and given to tenths such that:
4 tenths + 10 tenths =14 tenths
5 ones – 1 one = 4 ones
Question 2.
Subtract 5.25 from 8.28
5.25 and 8.28 are ‘like decimals’.
Question 3.
Subtract 0.95 from 2.29
0.95 and 2.29 are ‘like decimals’.
Question 4.
Subtract 2.25 from 5.68
2.25 and 5.68 are ‘like decimals’.