NCERT 6 Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government

Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Questions and Answers Provided helps you to answer complex Questions too easily. You can use them while preparing for board exams and all of them are given by subject experts. Reading NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government familiarizes you with the kind of questions appearing in the board exams. Students are advised to read these solutions on a regular basis to score well.

Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Questions and Answers Civics Chapter 4

Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing from the quick links available on this page. Use the Class 6 SST Civics Chapter 4 NCERT Solutions and get to know different concepts involved. All the Solutions are covered as per the latest syllabus guidelines. Knowing the NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 4 Questions and Answers helps students to attempt the exam with confidence.

Key Elements of a Democratic Government NCERT Intext Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What were Hector and his classmates protesting about? List five ways in which the non-whites were discriminated against.
Hector and his classmates were protesting against learning the Afrikaans language in school. This was a language which was spoken by the whites. Hector and his classmates were interested in their own language ‘Zulu’.

In South Africa black men were discriminated in the following way:

  1. They had no right to vote;
  2. There were separate schools for black people;
  3. There were separate hospitals and ambulances;
  4. There were separate buses and even bus stands for black people;
  5. Non-whites had to live on the worst available land while the best land was reserved for white people.

Question 2.
Look at some newspapers and discuss some elections that you may have read about. Why do you think elections are required after a fixed period?
Students discuss with the teacher in regard to the elections which was held in near past. Elections are required after a fixed period because representatives could be replaced, if they do not per­form well. The public can choose their representatives only by the elections. If elections will not be held in due course of time, their responsibilities cannot be fixed. In this way, election gives the opportunities to choose a better representative. Therefore, elections are required after a fixed time. In India, Election Commission of India or State Election Commission is liable to hold the election before the expiry of time.

Question 3.
Do you think the police shooting of Hector could have been avoided? How?
To open the fire is last option for the police. If the people are peacefully protesting, shooting cannot be justified in any way. Before the shooting, police has other options. Police can give the ultimatum to vacate the place or can arrest them. It appears in the story that police had not considered such options. Therefore, shooting could have been avoided by considering other options.

Question 4.
In Maya’s story did the government support the idea that people are equal?
South Africa was earlier governed by the apartheid laws, wherein discrimination existed on the ground of race. In such a government, idea of equality cannot be expected.

Question 5.
In Dr Ambedkar’s story did the practice of untouchability support the idea that people are equal?
No, not at all. In India, Dalits were considered untouchables.

Question 6.
How do you think lowering of the school fees would help girls attend the school?
Yes, off course. In our Indian society girls have been discriminated for a long, but now the situation is quite satisfactory. Girls’ school dropping rate is decreasing at many places. Many parents do not want to expend on the girl’s nursing as well as on their education. In this situation, if government gives any concession in fee, it will be helpful to increase the rate of education of girls’.

Question 7.
Can you think of any experience from your life in which you have helped someone out of a situation which your thought was unfair? What did you have to say to convince others that what you did was fair?
Students can discuss with the teachers and do themselves.

Class 6 Civics Chapter 4 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How would Maya’s life be different in South Africa today?
Today, Maya’s life would be different in South Africa because now she can:

  • Use hospitals, ambulances, roads, buses, bus stops, schools, etc., without any discrimination.
  • Live anywhere.
  • Enjoy the equal facilities etc.

Question 2.
What are the various ways in which people participate in the process of government?
People participate in the process of government in the following ways:

  • By casting the vote;
  • By signature campaign;
  • Protest through dharna, pradershan, rallies, strikes, social movements etc.
  • In present time media is also important to attract the government towards public issues.

Question 3.
Why do you think we need the government to find solutions to many disputes or conflicts? Answer:
In the society many types of people live. Some of them may be peaceful while some others may be quar­relsome or violent; some may have integrity while others may not have. Apart from this, disputes may also arise due to the social conflicts such as discrimination, untouchability etc. Sometimes, majority community may be violent against minorities and disrupt the law and order situation.

In view of the all situations, to maintain the harmony in the society, the government arranges a well-equipped system of Police and Court. The conflicts of the public are sorted-out in the Court, if these are not possible to settle outside. Therefore, it can be understood that such type of solution can be provided only by the government whose orders are obligatory for all.

Question 4.
What action does the government take to ensure that all people are treated equally?
To ensure the equality among the people is one of the important works of the government. The equality is provisioned in our constitutions under Fundamental Rights. The subjects which are mentioned under this part cannot be detached by anyone even by the government too. So, it is important for the govern­ment that they ensure for non-violation of the equality. To ensure that people are treated equally, gov­ernment has formed many laws, institutions and machinery etc. There is a long chain of courts starting from District court and upto the Supreme Court. There are many commissions at State level as well as at Central level. There is a complete and huge system existing to ensure the equality.

Question 5.
Read through the chapter and discuss some of the key ideas of a democratic government. Make a list. For example, all people are equal.
The key ideas of a democratic government are the following:

  1. Freedom to vote in the election as per choice
  2. Every one has right to protest
  3. To make awareness camps for justice;
  4. Every one has right to call rallies;
  5. Freedom of expression;
  6. Freedom to establish the educational institute;
  7. Freedom to believe in any religion;
  8. Freedom of movement in any part of India;
  9. Freedom to do business of their choice etc.

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