NCERT 7 English

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 5 Quality

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 5 Quality

Quality NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 5

Quality NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers

Quality Working with the text

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What was the author’s opinion about Mr Gessler as a bootmaker?
The author thought that Mr Gessler was an excellent bootmaker. His boots never failed to fit, and were of the best quality.

Question 2.
Why did the author visit the shop so infrequently?
The author visited the shop so infrequently because the boots that Mr Gessler made lasted very long, and he did not have to go there again and again.

Question 3.
What was the effect on Mr Gessler of the author’s remark about a certain pair of boots?
When the author remarked to Mr Gessler that the last pair of shoes he had bought from him creaked, he got very sad. He enquired if the author had made them wet before he had settled in them, but the author replied in negative. Mr Gessler took it very seriously and seemed hurt. He asked the author to send them back, and offered to repair them. He was even willing to return the author’s money if he failed to repair them.

Question 4.
What was Mr Gessler’s complaint against “bigfirms ”?
Mr Gessler believed that the “big firms” had no self-respect, and that they got so many customers because of advertisement, and not due to their hard work. He said that they take away customers from people like him who loved their boots. He complained that he had no work, and that it was growing less and less every year.

Question 5.
Why did the author order so many pairs of boots? Did he really need them?
The author ordered so many pairs of boots because he felt guilty of wearing boots manufactured by the “big firms”. He had realized how much struggle Mr Gessler had to do. No, he did not need so many of them. He just felt a whole lot of pity for Mr Gessler and what he was going through.

Quality Working with language

Question 1.
Study the following phrases and their meanings. Use them appropriately to complete the sentences that follow.

  • After a very long spell of heat, the weather is looking up at last.
  • We have no right to look down on people who do small jobs.
  • Nitin has always looked up to his uncle, who is a self-made man.
  • The police are looking into the matter thoroughly.
  • If you want to go out, I will look after the children for you.
  • I promise to look in on your brother when I visit Lucknow next,
  • Look out when you are crossing the main road.

Question 2.
Read the following sets of words loudly and clearly.
(Encourage the students to read the given sets of words loudly and clearly.)

Question 3.
Each of the following words contains the sound ‘sh ’ (as in shine) in the beginning or in the middle or at the end. First speak out all the words clearly. Then arrange the words in three groups in the table on page 80.

Initial Medial Final
sheep fashion trash
shriek anxious marsh
shore portion fish
ashes nation polish
sure pushing moustache

Question 4.
Underline the letters representing ‘eh ’sound in each of the following words.
i. feature
ii. archery
iii. picture
iv. reaching
v. nature
vi. matches
vii. riches
viii. batch
ix. church

Quality Speaking

Question 1.
Do you think Mr Gessler was a failure as a bootmaker or as a competitive businessman?
(Encourage the students to express their opinions clearly.) Sample answer:
I think Mr Gessler was not a competitive businessman bejeause he believed in delivering quality boots to his customers. He put his heart and soul into making the boots.He did not do his work because of profit, but for his own satisfaction. He never advertised. In fact, the successor of the shop tells the author that if Mr Gessler had advertised, he could have easily made money. But he dies of starvation in the end. This kind of thing can never happen to a good businessman.

Question 2.
What is the significance of the title? To whom or to what does it refer?
The title of the story is ‘Quality’ which means that something is the best that there can be. This is true of Mr Gessler’s boots. He had the best leather and did all the work himself. He treated all his boots like a work of art and no one in London produced boots the way he did.

He was simply the best boot maker in England. In fact, his focus on the quality of the boots made him take fewer orders and spend more time on each pair of boots. This way, he lost a lot of customers, but he never compromised on their quality.

Question 3.
When Mr Gessler speaks, p,t,k, sound like b,d,g. Canyou say these words as Mr Gessler would say them?
Id comez and never sdobs. Does id buder me? Not at all. Ask my brudder, please.

Question 4
Speak to five adults in your neighbourhood. Ask them the following questions (in any language they are comfortable in). Then come back and share your findings with the class. (Encourage the students to complete this exercise on their own.)Sample answer

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 5 Quality
Question 5.
Let pairs of students talk to each other about leaving the country. One student repeats Ajit s statement. The other gives a reason for not agreeing with Ajit.

  • If I leave this country, I’ll miss all the festivals and the freedom that we have here. Besides, all my relatives and friends are here. I never want to leave my country.
  • There are some things which you can get only here, for example, traditional Indian clothes and dishes.
  • There are some special days I’ll miss, particularly Diwali; Holi; Pongal; Losar; Chhat; Eid; and Christmas.
  • Most of all, I’ll miss my best friend because I am so fond of her. I cannot live without talking to her every day.
  • I think it’s impossible for me to leave my country because my grandparents would never want to leave.
  • How can you leave your own country except when there is a war or some other conflict going on?
  • Depends on one’s intention. I can’t leave for good because there are just so many things I will miss about living in India. I never feel lonely here. I have so many friends.
  • Maybe for a couple of years, I could go and experience living in another country.

Quality Writing

Question 1.
Based on the following points, write a story.
Last month my aunt decided to visit her parents, and so my uncle had to do everything by himself. My aunt was very happy about it. She had been after him for so many years to get him to help her in doing the household chores. But he never listened to her. But what my aunt did not realize was it was better that way. She had no idea that my .uncle’s absent-mindedness could almost cost them the house.

One day, while cooking vegetables on stove, my uncle did not have the patience to stand there and wait for them to cook. So, he thought it was as good a time as any to clean his bicycle. He went outside and started cleaning his mountain bike using some machine oil and a clean cloth. After some time, the neigbour called him outside to ask if something was burning inside the house. My uncle remembered the vegetables on the stove. He hurried inside, only to find that the vegetables were about to be burnt.

Having no idea what to do next, he put some oil into the pan. He had hardly added the oil when the vegetables caught fire and began to bum, flames rising from the pan and threatening to spread everywhere. He checked the oil to see what was wrong. He had added machine oil to the vegetables. He brought a bucket of water from the bathroom, and poured the entire contents of the bucket on the gas stove. The flames died down, but the kitchen was a complete mess. He ordered the food from outside and did not dare to cook again.

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