RBSE Class 10 English Writing Paragraph Writing
RBSE Class 10 English Writing Paragraph Writing
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 English Writing Paragraph Writing
Gather chapter wise Rajasthan Board Class 10 English Solutions Study Material to score the highest marks in the final exam. Various chapters and subtopics are given clearly in RBSE Solutions Class 10 English Material. All the Rajasthan Board Class 10 English Writing Paragraph Writing Questions with detailed answers are provided by subject experts.
The step by step Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 English guide will help you to enhance your skills in both English subject and grammar. Here, along with the subject knowledge, grammar knowledge also plays an important role. So, students should download Rajasthan Board Class 10 English Solutions and read it to attempt all the questions with 100% confidence.
Important Paragraph For Class 10 English RBSE Paragraph Writing
( अनुच्छेद लेखन)
Paragraph को हिंदी में अनुच्छेद’ कहा जाता है। Paragraph writing (अनुच्छेद लेखन) के अंतर्गत किसी Subject (विषय) पर Brief (संक्षेप) में अपने opinion(विचार) व्यक्त करने होते हैं। opinion व्यक्त करते समय यह ध्यान रखा जाता है कि the entire facts related to the subject matter विषय से संबंधित समस्त प्रमुख बातों का Incorporation (समाविष्ट) हो जाए।
Paragraph writing is a specimen of excellent expression (अनुच्छेद लेखन उच्चतम अभिव्यक्ति कला का एक नमूना है)। किसी भी विषय पर Developing an independent art of expression (स्वतंत्र रूप से लिखने की कला विकसित करना) करने का अर्थ है-An absolute authority on language ( भाषा पर संपूर्ण अधिकार), vocabulary (शब्दावली) and idioms & phrases (रंज-रंजनाओं) का natural use (सहज प्रयोग)। इस तरह A paragraph is that genere of prose–अनुच्छेद गद्य की वह विधा है, जिसके अंतर्गत किसी target Subject (निर्दिष्ट विषय) पर Brief (संक्षेप) में वे बातें कही जाती हैं, जो the mind of Readers (पाठक के मस्तिष्क) पर direct effect ( सीधे-सीधे प्रभाव) डालें।
The following points are important for writing good paragraph–अच्छे अनुच्छेद लेखन के लिए निम्नलिखित बिन्दु महत्वपूर्ण हैं ।
- Subject comprehensive knowledge (विषय का सम्यक ज्ञान).
- The knowledge of similarity and difference of the subject matter related to the subject given–दिए गए विषय से मिलते-जुलते विषयों की समानता एवं भिन्नता का ज्ञान।
- भाषा के Vocabulary (शब्द भंडार) पर Authority (अधिकार).
- Language structures (भाषिक संरचनाओं) का complete knowledge (पूर्ण ज्ञान).
- बातों को small phrases, clauses (छोटे-छोटे पदबंधों, वाक्यांशों) आदि के माध्यम से व्यक्त करने की power of expression (अभिव्यक्ति क्षमता).
- विषय से संबंधित main proverbs (प्रमुख उक्तियाँ) को with emphatic (बल देकर) प्रस्तुत करना।
- भाषा के Vocabulary (शब्द भंडार) पर Authority (अधिकार).
Paragraph Writing Class 10 Some remarkable facts related to paragraph-writing:
अनुच्छेद लेखन से संबंधित ध्यान रखने योग्य बातें :
- राजस्थान माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड में अनुच्छेद Vocabulary (शब्द भंडार) पर Authority (अधिकार).
(i) अनुच्छेद maximum (अधिकतम) 60 (sixty) शब्दों का हो।
(ii) अनुच्छेद दिए गए outline/hints (संकेत-बिंदुओं) के आधार पर लिखा जाए। - अनुच्छेदों को अपनी बात Brief और well-organized sentences (सुगठित) वाक्यों में व्यक्त करनी होगी। आपका short paragraph लघु अनुच्छेद अधिकतम आठ पंक्तियों से बड़ा नहीं होना चाहिए। किसी लघु अनुच्छेद में शब्दों की संख्या सीमित होती है।
- दिए गए hints/outline संकेत बिंदु के आधार पर अनुच्छेद लेखन के लिए छात्रों को Regular (अनवरत) प्रयास करना चाहिए।
- Paragraph में किसी प्रकार के repeat से बचना चाहिए।
- Daily routine या daily habit या Present experience (वर्तमान अनुभव) से संबधित विचारों को Present Indefinite Tense में व्यक्त करना चाहिए।
- Past Experiences (भूतकाल से संबंधित अनुभवों) को Past Indefinite Tense की सहायता से करनी चाहिए।
- Paragraph-writing के दौरान विभिन्न विचारों के बीच unity (एकता) और cohesion (संबद्धता) का भी ध्यान रखा जाना चाहिए। अपने विचारों को Sequence में लिखकर इसका विशेष ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए कि कौन-सा विचार प्रारंभ में और कौन-सा विचार बाद में लिखा जाए।
- Paragraph में शब्दों के Reputation से बचने के लिए उसके उचित Synonyms का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। इस प्रकार भाषा में प्रभाव उत्पन्न होता है।
- एक बार अनुछेद-लेखन का कार्य पूरा हो जाए तो उसे ध्यान से पढे और देखें कि संकेत-बिंदु से संबंधित कोई बात छूट तो नहीं गई है।
Paragraph Writing For Class 10 Solved Examples
RBSE Solutions For Class 10 English Question 1.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘Live without Newspapers’.
Out line: Life without newspapers … source of news for all … to know about latest events … the market trends … sports events … weather of the day.
Live without Newspapers
Newspapers are an essential part of our daily life. They have great social and educative value. They are the source of news for various types of people. A businessman reads newspapers to know about the market trends. They book lovers have desire to know about the latest arrivals. Sportsperson want to know a great deal about sports events. A farmer in always eager to know about the weather of the day. Newspapers contain all types of news. Life without newspapers is hard to think of.
Paragraph Writing Format Class 10 Question 2.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘An Ideal Teacher’.
Out line: An ideal teacher … race … loves learning and teaching … unselfish love … ready to sacrifice all … plain living and high thinking … An ideal for students.
In Ideal Teacher
An ideal teacher is rare in the world. He is known for the quality of his mind and heart. He loves learning and teaching students. His love for them is unselfish. He is always to sacrifice him all. He works for the spread of knowledge in the society. He gives knowledge to the students to build a new society. His only desire is that the students should become good persons and serve the country. He is popular among the students for his ideas.
Paragraph For Class 10 Question 3.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘Our New Principal’.
Out line: Mr. Naresh Chand Sharma … our new principal … recently joined … fond of discipline … very simple … always loves and motivates students … play grounds … poor students … popular ….
Our New Principal
I read in Govt. Senior Secondary School Ajmer. Mr. Naresh Chand Sharma is our new principal. He has recently joined the school. He is sincere and hard working. He loves discipline. His style is very simple. He believes in plain living and high thinking. He likes the students very much. He always motivates them to make the best use of school library, laboratory, play grounds and auditorium. He always helps the poor students. He is very popular among the staffs and students. Everybody loves him.
10th Class English Paragraph Question 4.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below.
Out line: Annual Prize … Friday … chief guest … welcome song … report … cultural programme … prize distribution … shields … best in all … speech … National Anthem … cup of tea.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘The Prize Distribution of Your School’.
The Prize Distribution Function of My School
The prize distribution function of my school was held on Wednesday, 13th January, 2017 at 4 p.m. The entire function was conducted in the school auditorium. The District Education officer of Ajmer had accepted our invitation to be the chief guest. When the arrived, he was greeted by all. The children sang a welcome song. The principal read the annual report below him. The students also performed folk dance of the state. The chief guest gave away prizes to the best students. Ala last he delivered a speech and motivated the students.
Important Paragraph For Class 10 English Question 5.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below.
Out line: My favourite teacher … teaches … very well … his voice … sweet nature … very punctual … always ready to help … believes..
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘My Favourite Teacher’.
My Favourite Teacher
Mr. Dibyendu Rai is my favourite teacher. He teaches us Hindi. He is very strong. His voice is very sweet. Every students can understand him. He is a teaches of sweet nature also. He takes with love and cheer. He always motivates us to learn Hindi. He likes punctuality and hard work. He never puts off his work for tomorrow. His ideas are very impressive. I learn from Hindi. I want to become a journalist.
RBSE 10th English Book Question 6.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘My Dream in Life’.
My Dream in Life
Everyone cherishes some dream in life. It gives a meaning to one’s life. I also cherish a sweet dream. I know I will have to do hard labour to realise my dream. But I am sure I will work hard day and night to achieve it. I have an ambition to become a doctor. I think I can serve my motherland by becomin great sympathy with those who are unfortunately leading a very hard life. They live in dingy places and therefore become victims to many diseases. They don’t have enough money to go to a doctor. They are bound to suffer due to lack of help. I want to serve these people. I would like to open my clinic in some rural areas so that I may prove helpful to poor villagers.
Paragraph Writing Examples For Class 10 Question 7.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the given below:
Out line: The hostel life … students live in a hostel … for away from homes … follow rules … fixed time schedule … inculcates many good habits.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘The Hostel Life’.
The Hostel Life
A hostel is a place where some students live away from their parents and home and attend school. The hostel life is a discipline one. In a hostel students are made to follow certain rules. They have to follow a fixed time schedule for study, relaxation, prayer, play and different activities. Hostel life inculcates discipline, team-spirit, selfconfidence, habit of co-operation among them. They help them become self-reliant and responsible. These good qualities help the students lead a happy life. When they grow-up.
Paragraph For 10th Class Question 8.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: A school library … countless books … books systematically … subjectwise categorized … source of knowledge … pleasure … reading habits.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘My School Library’.
My School Library My school library is just like a temple. It is a very big hall. Here countless books are systematically arranged in racks. There are tables and chairs for students to sit on. The librarian looks after the school library. It is a very good library. Books are categorized subject-wise. The students are allowed to borrow at least two books at a time for a week .Books are source of knowledge and entertainment. We must develop a proper reading habit.
Class 10th Paragraph Writing Question 9.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: A school library … countless books … books systematically … subjectwise categorized … source of knowledge … pleasure … reading habits.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘Beti Bacho Beti Padhao’.
Beti Bacho Beti Padhao
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao means save the girl child and educate the girl child. This scheme is launched by the government of India in the month of January 2015. The purpose of this scheme was generating awareness as well as improving the efficiency of welfare services for women and girl child in the Indian society. The initial capital required for initiating this scheme was Rs 100 crore. As according to census data of 2001, child sex ratio of age group 0-6 years was 927 girls/ 1000 boys in our country. It was seen a huge drop in the sex ratio 918 girls/1000 boys in 2011. The UNICEF ranked India 41st among 195 countries worldwide in 2012 was make necessary to people aware of the safety of women all over India. This scheme also makes a call for people to eradicate female foeticide.
Paragraph 10th Class Question 10.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: The festival I like most … Diwali … festival of light … houses whitewashed … purchase new things … light lamps … worship Goddess Laxmi … fire-crackers … look very happy.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘My Favorite Festival’.
The Festival I Like Most
My Favorite festival of Diwali. I like it very much. Diwali is the festival of light. In India his festival is celebrated with great pump and show. People clean and whitewash their houses and shops. They purchase new dresses, sweets and decoration items. At might the houses and shops are decorated with lamps, bulbs and candles. They illuminate one house at night. People worship Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth at night. Children and grown ups wear new clothes and use fire crackers at night. They also sweets and look happy.
RBSE English Book Class 10 Question 11.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below: ‘Quiz Competition/Contest’
Out line: Date … Place … Time … Topic … eligibility … number of rounds … reward … winner.
Quiz Competition/Contest
An Inter-school Quiz competition/contest was held in our school. It was conducted on 6th February, 2017. The students class IX-XII were able to participate in this quiz contest. Over all 100 questions were distributed among the ten groups of students. It took around two-hours to finish this contest. From the other school. But our school was fortunate because it was declared the winner. At last the principal of our school distributed prizes among the participants.
Class 10 RBSE English Book Solution Question 12.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: Pleasure of watching television programmes is unparalleled … watch movies, songs … serials … live sports … animations … news etc. … a large number of television channels … pleasure to youths, children, working ladies, housewives, retired persons.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘Pleasure of Watching Television’.
Pleasure of Watching Television
The watching television is getting pleasure. These days every body likes to watch television programmes. People usually watch movies, live sports, music and dances. They also watch animations, reality shows, spiritual discussions etc. Television programmes increase our knowledge of different subjects. We get knowledge related to animal kingdom, astronautical and aquatic discoveries. There are no subject untouched by television. There are several channels which provide programmes. They are the source of pleasure for children, youths, housewives, working ladies and retired persons.
RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Book Pdf Question 13.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: Principal held in fear … love for education … discipline … good arrangement of class … laboratory … school library … encouragement for high marks … idea for students.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘If I were the Principal of my School’.
If I were the Principal of my School
The principal of a school is always held in fear. It i were the principal of my school. I would be a different principal. I would work for the progress of school by bringing several changes. Every effort would be made to give proper education to students. The discipline of my school would be on high priority. The class rooms and laboratories would be suitably arranged. I would establish a good library in the school. The students would be encouraged for scoring high marks. They would be motivated to become good citizens of the country. I would make every efforts to become an ideal for students.
RBSE Class 10 English Solutions Question 14.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: Agra … a historical place … several buildings of historical importance … the Taj Mahal … famous for beauty … made of white marble … four minarets … reflection in the Yamuna.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘My Visit to a Historical Place’.
My Visit to a Historical Place
Everybody knows that the historical places have great importance. They have educative value. Last year I went to Agra. I visited the several buildings of historical interest the Taj Mahal in the most famous building in the world. It is made of white marbles. Its beauty is very impressive. The four minarets add to the glory of this famous building. One can enjoy the reflection of this tomb in the water of the Yamuna river in the moon lit light. The grassy lawns are also special. This visit has become for me.
Paragraph Writing In English Class 10 Question 15.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘One day Cricket Match’.
One day Cricket Match
One day cricket matches are interesting and thrilling. These days everybody likes to watch one day games. They are more popular than the test matches. In one day matches. Time and overs are fixed. Each team plays at least fifty wears in one innings. Suspense and thrills are the features of one day matches. Any team can win. The players put in their best effort to win the match. Every ball and moment of the game is appreciated by the viewers/cricket lovers. However the one day match hardly ends in a draw.
Paragraph Writing 10th Class Question 16.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘The Value of Games’.
The Value of Games
Needless to say that games and sports are necessary for the all round development of a child. Youths are energetic. So we should spare some time from our studies and devote it to sports. Sports give food to our body, mind and soul. They teach us the value of discipline, cooperation and tolerance. They also teach us the value of teamwork. While playing every player is the member of a team and he has to play not for his own good but for the good of the whole team. The students learn lessons of true sportsmanship if they play various games and sports. Hence, games and sports should be given due importance. We should not avoid playing. There should be a proper balance between studies and playing games and sports.
Paragraph For Class 10th Question 17.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘The Value of Discipline’.
The Value of Discipline
Discipline can be defined as a mode of ideal conduct. It is based on obedience to law, regularity and sense of duty. Discipline is the national virtue. In discipline lies the strength of a nation. We can notice discipline in nature too. The earth, the moon, the sun, all follow a certain system. Discipline is necessary in all walks of life. Whether it is playground or school or college discipline is important everywhere. Without it our goal can never be achieved. Children must be taught to obey their parents, and their teachers. They must be taught to follow the norms of life, to follow the rules of discipline inside and outside the homes. Discipline should be our guide and guardian.
English Paragraph For Class 10 Pdf Question 18.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic “The Player/Sports person I like most.
The Player/Sports person I like most
Sneha Jain is the female athlete. She belongs to the state of Rajasthan. She has worked hard and built a successful sporting career. She has represented the state in national level games and sports. She has represented Rajasthan in 100 marks spring. Long jump and triple jump competitions. She she set national and Asian tract and field records. She has won around 149 gold medals in masters tournaments. Obviously she became a sporting sensation after her marriage. He hard work and success has greatly influenced my. So, I like her most.
Paragraph Writing Topics For Class 10 Question 19.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: Man almost a machine … self-centred … full of pollution … impure food … struggle for admission … stress and tension.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘Life in a city’.
Life in a city
Life in a city in is tough and busy. Man always works like a machine. He has no time to share with others. In cities people live in small rooms. Countless motor cycles, cars and bushes run on the road. Pollution is very high. Pure food in hard to get. Everything a eatables are found adulterated. The schools are and colleges are at great distances. Even admission in these institutions is difficult. Students have to struggle for their admission. Everybody is busy with his works. Life seems to be stressful people have no peace.
RBSE Solution Class 10th English Question 20.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: Importance of trees … very useful … give food, wood and medicine … shelter to many animals and birds … source of rain and raw material for several industries … plant more trees.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘Importance of Trees’.
Importance of Trees
Trees are very useful. They are equally useful to men and animals. They give us food, wood, fruits and medicines. They provide food and shelter to countless birds and animals. Their roots hold the sail lightly and controls soil erosion. They cheek pollution also. They cause rains. Several industries get raw material from trees. The rubber and paper industries are dependent on them for raw material. During summer, they give us cool air and shelter. Children play under its shade. Trees are valuable to us. We must protect them from destruction.
Question 21.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words on the topic ‘Cashless India’.
The demonetization policy of the government is to make India corruption free. But its subsequent drive has created some unavoidable problems. People of the country is suffering from this situation. The opposition parties have organised widespread protests against the cash crunch. The ban on old currency notes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 is the main cause for it. But the situation is becoming normal. Now the people feel safe. They have adopted the convenient modes of digital payment. The government has also taken some other measures. Its purpose is to encourage the citizens to go far more cashless modes of transaction.
Question 22.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the given outline:
Out line: Morning walk … Fresh air … coal breeze … chattering of birds … scene of the rising Sun … fresh energy … close to nature … social contacts … tonic for health.
Write a paragraph on ‘Morning Walk’ in about 60 words.
Morning Walk
Morning Walk is essential for good health. In the morning air is fresh and cool. We hear the chattering of words in scene of the rising Sun is very refreshing. Out mind gets refreshed. We breathe in fresh air. We find ourselves close to nature. We interact with people in the peaceful nature. Our social contracts develop by this conversation. It gives us a chance to talk with others with an open mind, morning walk words as
tonic far good health.
Question 23.
Write a paragraph on ‘Importance of Education’ in about 60 words.
Importance of Education
Education is the key to a happy life. It develops the mind. Memory and knowledge have made men superior to all other animals. It has made men the Lord of the universe’. It is so unfortunate that millions of people in India as still uneducated. Hence, they are poor and backward. They are easily cheated and exploited by class of educated people. No nation can prosper unless the masses are educated. Hence, education should be spread even in the remotest corner of our country. Each and every Indian must be educated. Only then we can bring overall progress in our country. Poverty, can be uprooted by education only. Therefore, education for all is essential for all is essential. It is the sole solution of every problem.
Question 24.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of given outlines:
Out line: My parents … good human beings … father, teacher, mother, housewife … strengths and weaknesses … early to bed, early to rise yoga’, ‘pranayama’… worship help … mother over compassionate … father strictly economic … like, love and respect.
Write a paragraph on ‘My parent’s in about 60 words.
My parents are good human beings. My father is a teacher and my mother is a housewife. They are not free of strengths and weaknesses. They often go to bed early and rise up early. They exercise yoga’ and ‘pranayama’ everyday. They pray and worship God daily. They always help the poor people. My mother is over compassionate. But my father strictly economic. I like my parents very much. I love and respect them.
Question 25.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: Career Day … celebrations … programme … preparations … name of guests invited … the message / guidance … you were inspired.:
Career Day Celebrations
I read in a Govt. Senior Secondary School, Ajmer. In my school ‘Career Day’ was celebrated on 15 March, 2017. Our school had made all the preparations in this regard. The District Education Officer, Ajmer was made the chief guest. The programme was conducted in a very big hall. The speaker described the various careers. He also said about the scholarships available far the students. They we encouraged and motivated far the selection of proper careers. At last the Chief Guest also spoke on the different kinds of jobs in future. We all are benefited by this programme.
Question 26.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: Trees … green in colour … precious as gold … called ‘green gold’ of a country … raw material … wood … fruits … leaves … skin … raw fruits … seeds … timber … helpful.
Write a paragraph on ‘Trees: the Green Gold of a country’ in about 60 words.
Trees: in the Green Gold of a Country
The trees are green, they are precious gold. So, they are called ‘green gold’ of a country. They provide several use materials. We get raw material for one industries. We get wood for paper industries, fruits for jam, jelly pickle and juice industries. They also provide leaves, roofs, raw fruits and seeds for chemical industries. They are the source of timber for one furniture. Trees are very helpful to people.
Question 27.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the given outlines:
Out line: To save water is the most essential thing of today. Water … important for all living beings. No life without water … ocean water … not consumable … should save … rain water … build rain water harvesting system in every building … clean the rivers, ponds, wells, tanks before rainy season … not waste water … it is very precious ….
Write a paragraph on ‘save water in about 60 words.
Save Water
To save water is the most essential thing of today. Water is important for all living beings. No life without water is possible. Ocean water is not consumable. Everybody should save rain water. People should build rainwater harvesting system in every building. They should clean the rivers, ponds, wells, tanks before rainy season. They should not waste water anywhere. It is very precious for our life. Out life cannot survive without water.
Question 28.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outline given below:
Out line: The scene at a Railway Platform … interesting … a colorful picture of India … overcrowded … passengers of different states … many stalls … children playing everywhere … coolies carrying luggage. Passengers waiting for the train … an empty platform after the train left.
Write a paragraph on the topic ‘The scene at a Railway Platform’.
The scene at a Railway Platform
The scene at a railway platform is always interesting the scene presents a colourful picture of whole India. The platform is a crowded place. The passengers of different states wait for the trains of their destination. We can see the different stalls on the platform. They sell books, newspapers and storybooks. Children play here and there on the platform. We can see coolies in red dress. They carry luggage of passengers. When the train is gone, the platform presents a deserted scene. But after sometime,
it soon becomes overcrowded.
Question 29.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: A free medical camp … organised … in our village … many doctors … nurses … extend service … social workers … volunteers ..help….free medicine … food … given … 100 patients … checked and cured.
Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Free Medical Camp’ in about 60 words.
Free Medical Camp
A free medical camp was organised in our village. Many doctors and nurses had attended this camp. They had extended their free service – several social workers and volunteers had also helped the doctors, nurses and patients. Around one hundred villagers were checked and prescribed medicines. Free medicine and food were given to around 100 poor patients. They became cured after sometimes. The entire village liked this medical camp.
Question 30.
Write a paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outlines given below:
Out line: A Chewing and smoking of tobacco causes a lot of harm. Physical harms … weaken our lungs & eyesight. Mental harms … weaken our mind and causes forgetfulness … become slack in work and thinking … a very bad effect on the young … make us victims of deadly diseases like cancer and asthma … try all levels … make society aware … root out this evil.
Write a paragraph on ‘Harms of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco’ in about 60 words.
Harms of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco
Chewing and smoking of tobacco causes a top of harm. It may cause physical and mental harms. Physical harms can weaken our lungs and eyesight. On the other hand, mental harms weakens our mind and causes forgetfulness. People may become slack in work and thinking. It creates a very bad effect on the young minds. It can make us victims of deadly diseases like cancer and asthma. We should try at all levels to make society aware of its harmful effects. We should try to root out this evil.
Question 31.
Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Environmental Degradation’ in about 60 words.
Environmental Degradation
Environmental degradation is a major global issue. The overuse of resources and rapid industrialization are the major causes of this problem. Man has been cutting trees for his selfish purposes. He never bothers about its danger that if his process goes on without any check then it will lead to soil erosion and flood. Our rapidly growing population is also a major cause of environmental degradation. It promotes urbanization, and environmental pollution. Our industries emit smoke and discharge polluted liquids. Therefore, factories should not be allowed to emit large quantities of harmful effluents into the air. We should also know the value of tree plantation and should plant trees in our surroundings. It is necessary to check environmental degradation for the sake of the entire humanity.
Question 32.
Write a paragraph on the topic “What I Enjoy Doing Most in My Leisure Time’ in about 60 words.
What I Enjoy Doing Most in My Leisure Time
Whenever I get leisure time I enjoy gardening. I am a great lover of nature. I spend most of my leisure time in my garden. It is in the compound of my house. I take keen interest in preparing the soil for sowing several seeds. I am equally fond of growing flowers. In my garden one can see beautiful roses, dahlias, marigolds, lilies, etc. I feet highly concentrated in my garden when I study. I am fond of green vegetables such as lady’s fingers, pumpkin and cucumber. I grow them. My grandparents and parents are fond of growing bitter-gourds. Therefore, I grow them too. I enjoy watering these plants. I closely watch their steady growth. I keep my garden neat and clean.
Question 33.
Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Make in India Campaign’ in about 60 words.
Make in India Campaign
The PM, Narendra Modi launched ‘Make in India’ campaign. It facilitates all the big business investors worldwide to do business in India. This programme was launched on 25th of September, 2014 New Delhi. It is a big step taken by the government to reduce the level of unemployment. This campaign was launched a day after the Mars mission. The objective of launching this campaign is to make India a world level manufacturing powerhouse. It will definitely boost Indian economy. This initiative was launched with new deals for foreign investors. Mukesh Ambani and Azim Premji have also supported this move.
Exercise For Practice
Write paragraphs on the following topics:
- Your Idea of a Fun Weekend
- The Book I Enjoy Reading the Most
- Computers and its Importance for Students
- The Value of Time
- An Indian Farmer
- Your School Garden
- Your Daily Routine
- Life in a Village
- Environmental Degradation
- Pollution Problems