RB 10 English

RBSE Class 10 English Letter Writing

RBSE Class 10 English Letter Writing

RBSE Class 10 English Letter Writing


  1. Letter Writing

Letter Writing ( पत्र लेखन)-पत्र लेखन भावों, विचारों, संवादों, सूचनाओं, संदेशों आदि को एक विशेष प्रारूप में उद्देश्यानुरूप, बिन्दुवार, सरल एवं प्रभावी भाषा में संक्षिप्त रूप में लिखकर आदान-प्रदान करने का माध्यम है।

Types of Letters ( पत्रों के प्रकार) पत्र मुख्य रूप से दो प्रकार के होते हैं

  1. Personal Letters or Informal Letters (व्यक्तिगत पत्र या अनौपचारिक पत्र)-ये वेपत्र होते हैं जो एक मित्र, परिवार के किसी सदस्य, रिश्तेदार, किसी परिचित, किसी प्रियजन आदि को लिखे जाते हैं। ये व्यक्ति ऐसे होते हैं जिन्हें हम व्यक्तिगत रूप से जानते हैं। ये पत्र अक्सर निमंत्रण, सहानुभूति, निवेदन, सूचना, शोक प्रकटन, बधाई, खेद, प्रस्ताव, परामर्श, आज्ञा, धन्यवाद आदि विषयों के लिए लिखे जाते हैं। इनमें अक्सर first person pronouns (I, my, me, we, our, us) व second person pronouns (you, yourself, your) का अधिक प्रयोग किया जाता है। इनमें Active Voice का अधिक प्रयोग किया जाता है। इनमें निकटता व सहृदयता का भाव होता है।
  2. Official/Formal Letters (कार्यालयी/औपचारिक पत्र)-ये वे पत्र होते हैं जो राजकीय अधिकारियों, व्यावसायिक प्रतिष्ठानों, समाचार पत्र के संपादकों, रोजगार देने वाले पदाधिकारियों, विद्यालय के प्रधानाध्यापक/प्रधानाचार्य आदि को लिखे जाते हैं। इनमें third person pronouns (he, she, it, they आदि) का अधिक प्रयोग किया जाता है। इनमें Passive Voice का अधिक प्रयोग किया जाता है। इनकी भाषा औपचारिक व शालीन होती है। इनमें विषय का उल्लेख आरम्भ से ही होता है। इनमें कठोर सूचना भी शिष्टता से दी जाती है। |
  3. Personal/Informal Letters

[To Friends, relatives and members of family]

Format of a Personal/Informal Letter
(एक व्यक्तिगत/अनौपचारिक पत्र का प्रारूप) .
[Full Block Form]
Date ………………….
Solutation ………………….
Communication ………..
Courteous end………………….

Parts of a Personal/Informal Letter (एक व्यक्तिगत/अनौपचारिक पत्र के भाग) …………………. .

  • Address (पता)-यह पेज पर बाईं तरफ सबसे ऊपर निम्न प्रकार लिखें। वर्तमान में इसमें
    Punctuation Marks (विराम चिह्नों) का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है जब तक कि बहुत आवश्यक न हो।
    42 Tilak Nagar
    Near Ganesh Mandir
    पत्र लिखने वाला पहले अपने मकान का नम्बर लिखे। फिर अपनी कॉलोनी का नाम लिखे। कॉलोनी के नाम के प्रथम अक्षर Capital (बड़े) होने चाहिए। फिर अपने क्षेत्र का नाम लिखना चाहिए। क्षेत्र के नाम के प्रथम अक्षर Capital होने चाहिए। फिर अपने शहर का नाम लिखना चाहिए। ग्रामीण क्षेत्र का पता निम्न प्रकार लिखा जा सकता है-
    House No. 42
    Village : Mohanpura
    Post Office : Saipura
    Tehsil : Sanganer
    District : Jaipur

Date (दिनांक)-इसे address के नीचे निम्न प्रकार लिखें। Address की अन्तिम पंक्ति व दिनांक के बीच थोड़ा-सा space रखें, जैसा कि ऊपर ‘प्रारूप’ में दिखाया गया है। 15 March 20XX Salutation (संबोधन)-इसे date के नीचे निम्न प्रकार लिखें। इसके व date के बीच थोड़ा space रखें। -बड़ों के लिए

My dear Father
My dear Aunt.
My dear Sister – मित्र व छोटों के लिए
Dear Arjun
My dear Arjun – परिचितों के लिए .

Dear Mr. Sharma
Dear Mrs. Gupta
Dear Miss Saloni
Dear Ms Mathur

  • Communication (संदेश)-जिस बारे में पत्र लिखने को कहा गया है, उससे सम्बन्धित सभी सूचना दें। संदेश को छोटे-छोटे paragraphs में लिखना चाहिए। प्रश्न में दिए गए verbal inputs (बिन्दुओं) के आधार पर संदेश लिखना है। Paragraphs के बीच थोड़ा space छोड़ना है, जैसा कि ‘प्रारूप’ में दिखाया गया है।
  • Courteous end (शिष्टाचारपूर्ण समाप्ति)
    – बड़ों के लिए
    With regards

With best regards to mom and love to Anju . – मित्रों व छोटों के लिए
With best wishes With love
With deep sympathy

  • Subscription
    – बड़ों के लिए
    Your loving son/daughter/brother/sister/niece/nephew etc.
    Yours affectionately – छोटों के लिए
    Yours affectionately – मित्रों के लिए
    Yours sincerely
  • Signature (हस्ताक्षर)-पत्र लिखने वाला अपने हस्ताक्षर करता है।
    How to write an Informal Letter ( एक अनौपचारिक पत्र कैसे लिखें)
    • सम्पूर्ण पत्र Complete Block Style में (आरम्भ से अंत तक पृष्ठ के बाईं तरफ उचित space छोड़कर) लिखना है। [नोट-

    (1) पत्र लिखने वाले का पता व दिनांक दायीं या बायीं किसी भी तरफ लिखा जा सकता है। इसी प्रकार subscription तथा signature भी दायीं या बायीं किसी भी तरफ लिखे जा सकते हैं। किन्तु वर्तमान में इन्हें बायीं तरफ लिखने का प्रचलन अधिक है।

    (2) पते, दिनांक, सम्बोधन तथा subscription में वर्तमान में विराम चिन्हों यथा-कोमा, फुलस्टॉप का प्रयोग सामान्यतया नहीं किया जाता है। इनका प्रयोग अत्यावश्यक होने पर ही किया जाता है।]
    • प्रश्न-पत्र में दिए गए प्रश्न को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर सुनिश्चित करें कि कौन, किसे पत्र लिखेगा व किस विषय पर लिखेगा।
    • सर्वप्रथम, पत्र लिखने वाला व्यक्ति अपने घर का पता पूर्व में समझाए गए तरीके से पृष्ठ के बाईं तरफलिखेगा।
    • घर के पते के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर, दिनांक, पूर्व में समझाये गए तरीके से लिखनी है।
    • दिनांक के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर, संबोधन, पूर्व में समझाये गए तरीके से, जिस व्यक्ति को पत्र लिखा जा रहा है उसके सम्मान के अनुकूल रखते हुए, लिखना है।
    • संबोधन के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर, संदेश/सम्प्रेषण लिखना है। सम्प्रेषण को छोटे-छोटे paragraphs में लिखना है। एक paragraph में एक ही विचार प्रस्तुत करना है। सभी paragraphs के बीच उचित space छोड़ना है। वाक्य छोटे, सरल व बोधगम्य रखने हैं। वाक्य, प्रश्न में दिए गए verbal inputs (बिन्दुओं) को सम्मिलित करते हुए बनाने हैं। सम्प्रेषण क्रमबद्ध
    (orderly) रखना है।
    • पत्र की समाप्ति अनुकूल शिष्ट अभिव्यक्ति (appropriate courteous expression), जैसा कि – पूर्व में समझाया गया है, से करनी है।
    • शिष्ट समाप्ति के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर, subscription (प्रियोक्ति), पूर्व में समझाए गए तरीके के अनुसार लिखनी है।
    • प्रियोक्ति के ठीक नीचे signature (हस्ताक्षर) करने हैं। ध्यान रखें, हस्ताक्षर के रूप में नाम उस ही
    व्यक्ति का लिखना है जो व्यक्ति प्रश्न में दिया गया है। कहीं ऐसा न हो कि आप भूल से अपना नाम लिख दें।

Sample Personal Informal Letter .You are Seema Soni of Jaipur. Write a letter to your friend Priti Gupta inviting her to attend your parents’ Silver Jubilee Marriage Anniversary Function. You may touch upon the following points :

(i) Pleased to invite.
(ii) Function – 15 March 20XX at residence at 6 p.m.
(iii) Reach a day earlier.
(iv) Supervise arrangements.
(v) Enjoy a lot.

Address ……………. 15 Roop Nagar

Date………………….10 March 20XX
Salutation ………….. Dear Priti
Communication ……….. I am pleased to invite you cordially on my parents’ Silver Jubilee Marriage anniversary function on Sunday, 15 March 20XX at our residence at 6 p.m and onwards. You are to reach a day earlier. We are to supervise the arrangements. No excuse will be considered. We’ll enjoy a lot.
Courteous Ending …… With best wishes
Subscription …………….. Yours sincerely
Signature ……. Seema Soni

Various Personal Informal Letters.

Question 1.
You are Shubham living in Ajmer. Your friend Kunal has won a gold medal in athletics. Write a letter congratulating him on his success.
21 Ram Nagar
11 March 20XX
Dear Kunal
Many, many congratulations on your grand success. You have won a gold medal in athletics, I am highly pleased to know it. I am proud of you. It was your long cherished dream. It has come true. You have done a lot of hard work to achieve your goal. I hope you’ll go ahead.
You will reach National and International levels.
With best wishes
Your loving friend

Question 2.
Imagine that you are Kavita/Kunal reading at Govt. Senior Secondary School Rampur.
Write a letter to your friend Rekha/Tanmay telling her/him about the ‘Importance of yoga for health’.
You may touch upon the following points
(i) Maintains health and fights from disease.
(ii) Keeps physically and mentally fit.
(iii) International yoga day
(iv) Regular practice.
School Hostel
Govt. Sr. Sec. School
10 March 20XX
Dear Rekha/Tanmay
Thanks for your letter. You wanted to know about the importance of yoga for health. It is as under. · Yoga maintains health and fights diseases. It keeps us physically and mentally fit. The UNO has declared 21 June as International Yoga Day. Regular yogic practice keeps us healthy. Rest is O.K.
Your loving friend
Kavita/Kunal …

Question 3.
Suppose you are Sumana/Sunil living at Civil Lines, Aara. Write a letter to your friend describing about your new school. You may use the following points :
(i) The building, classroom etc.
(ii) The Principal, the staff, the students.
(iii) Other facilities of computer, games etc.
21 Civil Lines
2 July 20XX
My dear Seema/Suresh
I am quite well here and I hope you to be the same there. Now I have taken admission to Maharani/Maharaja school in Jaipur. The following features make it one of the best schools of the City. The school building is of double storey. It is in E-shape.

The classrooms are spacious, airy, well-ventilated, well furnished, airconditioned and computerized. The Principal is the prominent educationist. She/He is a friend, philosopher and guide to every student. The staff is highly professional. Teachers here use modern technology in teaching.

The students of this school are well-behaved. They focus their attention on all round development. It has other facilities of computer, games, debates, cultural programmes etc. Thus, it’s an outstanding school. Please convey my best regards to your parents. With deep love. Warmly yours Sumana/Sunil.

Question 4.
You are Zaara living in Pune. Your friend Radha has won a gold medal in the State English Debate Competition. Write a letter to congratulate her. You may take help of the following points :
(i) How did you come to know about it?
(ii) Congratulate her on her success.
(iii) How does she feel about her achievement?
(iv) Good wishes for a bright future?
(v) Invite her for a visit to your place.
21 Nehru Nagar
Near Bus Stand
11 February 20XX
Dear Radha
I was highly glad when your mother informed me that you had won a gold medal in the State English Debate Competition concluded recently.
I heartily congratulate you on your grand success.
‘You deserve your achievement I feel so. You have developed your oratory skills superbly.
I express my heartfelt good wishes for your bright future.
I cordially invite you to visit Pune.
With kind regards to your parents
Your loving friend

Question 5.
You are Sarika living in Bikaner. Last month you went to Jaipur. Write a letter to your friend Radhika describing her how you enjoyed this trip. You may take help of the following points.
(i) With whom did you go to Jaipur?
(ii) Where did you stay?
(iii) Duration of the trip.
(iv) What places did you visit there?
(v) What things did you buy?
21 Bhati Nagar
Ganga Singh Road
21 March 20XX
Dear Radhika
I am well and good here and hope you to be the same there. I want to tell you about my trip to Jaipur of last month. It’s as under. I went with my parents by Volvo bus. The journey was comfortable and enjoyable. We reached Jaipur at 8 a.m. We stayed there at the Rajmahal Palace Hotel. The duration of the trip was for two days. The first day we visited the Jantar-Mantar, the City Palace, the Sargasuli, the Govind Devji Temple, the Nahargarh and Jaigarh forts and the Legislative Assembly Building. The next day we did shopping. We bought Jaipuri Jootis, quilts, bedsheets and costumes of Sanganeri prints. Thus, I enjoyed it a lot.
With kind regards to your parents
Your loving friend

Question 6.
You are Rakesh living in Jaipur. Your friend Anil has invited you to attend his younger brother’s birthday party. Write a letter to him expressing your inability to attend the function. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Your annual exams are at hand.
(ii) It is a long way to go to attend the function.
(iii) Your mother too is not keeping well.
(iv) Your father mostly remains out of station.
(v) Send your good wishes.
11 Sanjiv Nagar
Ajmer Road
21 Feb. 20XX
Dear Anil
Thanks a lot for your cordial invitation to attend your younger brother’s ‘Birthday Party’on 21 March 20XX at 6.00 p.m. and onwards at Hotel Five Star, Pichhola Lake, Udaipur. I with my family pray to the Supreme God to bless your younger brother on his pious ‘Birthday’. I do hope, you won’t mind my inability to attend the function owing to the following reasons. My annual exams are at hand. It is a long way to go to attend the function. My mother too is not keeping well. My father mostly remains out of station. Once again I send my good wishes.
Your loving friend

Question 7.
You are Alok living in Jodhpur. Your friend Kamlesh has failed in Secondary Examination this year. Write a letter expressing your sympathy to him. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) When did you come to know of it ?
(ii) How did you feel ?
(iii) In what way do you sympathise with him ?
(iv) Suggestions you will like to give.
157 Sardarpura
28 June 20XX
My dear Kamlesh Yesterday, I saw your Board’s examination results. I was eager to know about your examination result. So I searched your roll number in the newspaper. But I was pained not to find your roll number therein. You have always been a hardworking and serious student. I had never thought of your failure in the examination. However, you should not lose heart. Failures are the pillars of success. Now you should start studying seriously and regularly. I am sure you will fare very much better next year.
Please, convey my regards to your parents.
With best prospects for you
Yours sincerely

Question 8.
Imagine that you are Ankit living at Subhas Nagar, Ajmer. You want a camera during your summer vacation. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you his camera. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Why you need a camera ?
(ii) Who will operate it ?
(iii) Where you will take it?
(iv) When you will return it ?
141 Subhas Nagar
15 March 20xx
My dear Radhey
My examinations are over. I have done well therein. The summer vacation in our school will begin from 16th May. I have planned to visit Mount Abu during this vacation. I want to haye some pictures to keep the memories of my visit to that place for future. So I need ‘a camera during these vacations. My elder brother and I know how to operate it. He and I will operate it. I shall take it to Mount Abu. I shall return it to you as soon as I come back from there. I hope you will not refuse me for it.
Please, convey my best regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely

Question 9.
You are Anubhuti living in Ajmer. Your friend Sansarika’s father has died. Write a letter to her expressing deep condolences on the death of her father. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Shocked to learn about your father’s sad demise.
(ii) He was kind and gentle.
(iii) Law of nature and has to bear.
(iv) God may give you strength!
(v) May God grant peace to his soul!
155 Madar Gate
12 March 20XX
My dear Sansarika
I was deeply shocked to learn about your father’s sad and untimely demise (death). He was a kind gentleman. He always treated me like his own son. A man in the world, must go one day. It is the law of Nature. No one can change it. It is a sad and irreparable loss to you. But we are helpless here. We have to bear it. I cannot express my grief in words for this great loss. I pray to God to give you strength to bear this loss. May God grant peace to his soul!
With deep sympathy
Yours sincerely

Question 10.
You are Khushi living in Jaipur. Your friend Tejasvita has passed Secondary Examination with first division. Write a letter to her congratulating her on her success in the examination. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Saw your roll number in the newspaper.
(ii) Passed with first division.
(iii) Congratulate you.
(iv) Worked hard.
(v) For the next examination.
145 Shastri Nagar
24 June 20XX
My dear Tejasvita
Today I saw your roll number in the ‘Rajasthan Patrika’. You passed Secondary Examination with first division. I congratulate you. It is the kindness of God. I am proud of you. I feel very happy. You worked hard and got the fruit. I wish you a long and happy life. You should also work hard for the next examination, I hope you will get success. I again congratulate you on this achievement.
With love
Your loving friend

Question 11.
Imagine that you are Suresh. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the district tournaments held in your school this year. You may touch upon the following points –
(i) When did the tournaments start ?
(ii) How long did they last ?
(iii) In what games did you take part ?
(iv) Who gave away the prizes ?
(v) What was the programme on the closing day?
Examination Hall
15 November 20XX
My dear Amit
I received your letter. This year our school organised District Tournaments from 17th October to October 23. All the Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools of the district took part in it. I took part in tabletennis. I played excellently and got a prize. On 23rd October, the Collector of the district was invited to give away the prizes to the winners. He was the chief guest. A cultural programme was also presented that day. It was a nice programme. I am doing well here. How are you going on with your studies ? Please, write to me.
With good wishes
Yours sincerely

Question 12.
You are Mohan living at 18, Janta Colony, Jaipur. Write a letter of apology to your friend Sohan whom you have offended by your rude and insulting behaviour. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Sorry for what happened yesterday.
(ii) Thought it was intentional.
(iii) Rohan told me the truth.
(iv) Ashamed of my rude and insulting behaviour.
(v) Apologize for it.
18 Janta Colony
15 Feb. 20xx
My dear Sohan
I am extremely sorry for what happened yesterday during the recess. I thought you intentionally aimed the ball at me, to hit me. I lost my temper and said insulting and rude words to you: Rohan who was watching your game told me that rather I had walked into your field and the ball hit me. Dear Sohan I am ashamed of my rude and insulting behaviour. I apologize for it. Please don’t let this incident affect our friendship.
Hoping to be favoured with forgiveness
Yours sincerely

Question 13.
You are Rajkumar living in Udaipur. You want to join Mobile Repairing Course in summer vacation. Write a letter to your friend Rajnish to join the same course. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Mobile Repairing Course in summer vacation.
(ii) Cost 10. a day.
(iii) Certificate.
(iv) Fee deposited.
(v) Help to earn and keep studies continue.
21 Raja Udai Singh Enclave
Near Pichhola Lake
6 May 20XX
Dear Rajnish
I am joining a Mobile Repairing Course for 45 days in summer vacation in Udaipur city. It will commence from 17 May and end on 30 June 20XX. It will cost Rs. 10 a day. A certificate will be given by the institute. It is a govt. recognised institute. My father has deposited the fee of both of us. As you have ‘no parents so this profession course will help you earn some money and you can continue your studies.
Hoping to be favoured with positive reply
Yours sincerely

Question 14.
You are Vishnu living in Alwar. Your friend Moantoo Singh is very much obsessed. Write a letter to him highlighting the benefits of Yoga to keep physically and mentally fit. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Very much obsess.
(ii) Yoga therapy can help.
(iii) Melts fat and establishes equilibrium.
(iv) Keep physically and mentally fit.
(v) Hope to act upon.
15 Shramik Nagar
Sardar Bhagåt Singh Road
16 March 20XX
Dear Moantoo
You are very much obsessed. Yoga therapy can help you. It melts fat and establishes equilibrium in hormonal secretions, blood circulation and nervous system. Thus, you can keep physically and mentally fit by Yoga. Hoping to be acted upon my advice
Yours sincerely,

Question 15.
Imagine that you are Aditya living in Govt. Hostel, Doon. Write a letter to your father telling him about your hostel life. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) The facilities in the hostel.
(ii) Daily routine.
(iii) Study hours.
(iv) Room partner’s and warden’s behaviour.
Room No. 58 Govt. Hostel Doon 1 March 20XX My dear Father Thanks a lot for your loving letter. You want to know about my hostel life. It’s as under : This hostel has all the necessary facilities of a good standard with regard to lodging and boarding. It is peaceful, green and open. The warden, Mr. Vishnu Kaushik, is a man of discipline. He treats with deep love and guides us affectionately.

My room partner, Arjun Gupta, is my classmate. He is an intelligent student. He is well behaved and cultured. The life here is regular and disciplined. The routine begins at 5.30 a.m. and lasts at 10.30 p.m. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are served according to a schedule. Novel reading, card playing etc. are prohibited. I study daily 6-8 hours on school days and 10-12 hours on holidays. I have a schedule for all the subjects. My percentage has been 90 by now.
With regards to mother and love to Bharati
Your loving son

Question 16.
Imagine that you are Nikhilesh living in Govt. Hostel, Jaipur. Write a letter to your father requesting him for the permission to go for a historical tour. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) The place where will you go.
(ii) Duration of the tour.
(iii) How much money do you need ?
(iv) Who are going with you on the tour ?
21 Nehru Hostel
10 December 20XX
My dear Father
I am happy here. Our school is going to organise a historical (educational) tour. About thirty students and two teachers will go for the tour during the winter vacation. It is a ten days” tour. We shall leave Kota on 21st December. We shall visit Udaipur, Mt. Abu, Ajmer, Jodhpur and Jaipur. All my friends are going for this tour. It will give us good historical knowledge about these places. So, please, allow me to go for this tour. I will require one thousand rupees to go for this tour. I am hopeful you will send me the needful amount and your permission to go for the tour. Please, convey my regards to my dear mother and love to Kamala.
With regards
Your loving son

Question 17.
Imagine that you are Arun living in Prabha Nagar. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you money to buy a bicycle. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) your school has been shifted to a new building 5 kilometres away from the town.
(ii) no bus is available to reach school in time.
(iii) necessity of a bicycle.
(iv) request for sending money.
137 Nehru Road
Prabha Nagar
25 July 20XX
My dear Father
Our school has been shifted to a new building. It is about 5 kilometres away from the town. No bus is available to reach school in time. A bicycle is necessary for me. A new bicycle costs about Rs. 2400/-. Please send me the money so that I may purchase a bicycle. I shall reach the school in time. I can do my studies regularly. I hope to get money at an early date.
Please, pay my respects to my dear mother. I remember her very much.
With regards
Your loving son

Question 18.
You are Avinash living in a hostel. Last Sunday your science teacher took you and your classmates on a picnic on a riverside where you saved a drowning classmate. Write a letter to your mother describing the incident. You may take help of the following points :
(i) Pleasant weather, decided to go for a picnic
(ii) Packed eatables and other essentials, went on bicycles
(iii) Enjoyed singing, dancing and boating
(iv) A classmate didn’t know how to swim
(V) Saw him sinking, shouting for help
(vi) Happy to have him saved
(vii) Rewarded by his parents and the institution.
31 Veer Hostel
Tonk Road
21 April 20XX
My dear Mother
I’m well and good here and hope you to be the same.
In this letter, I’m describing an act of bravery of your son. Last Sunday, the weather was pleasant. I and my classmates decided to go for a picnic. We packed eatables and other essentials. We implored our science teacher. He became ready. We went on bicycles. He carried us on a riverside. We enjoyed singing, dancing and boating. A classmate didn’t know how to swim. Suddenly he fell down into the river. We saw him sinking and shouting for help. I saved the drowning classmate. I was happy. I was rewarded by his parents and the institution.
With regards
You loving son

Question 19.
You are Vishakha living in Bharatpur. You have won the first prize in the debate held in your school recently. Write a letter to your mother telling her about it. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) When and where was the debate held?
(ii) Number of participants.
(iii) Topic of the debate.
(iv) Prize received by you.
21 Raja Surajmal Hostel
Bharatpur Public School
11 January 20XX
Dear Mummy
You will be glad to know that I won the first prize in the debate held in our school on 10 Jan. Twenty-one schools of the Bharatpur district participated in it. The topic of the debate was : In the opinion of the house ‘Girls and Boys should have equal rights’. I spoke in favour of the motion. I got a cycle as the first prize.
With kind regards
Your loving daughter

Question 20.
Imagine you are Vinit living in Baroda. Your aunt sent you a dictionary as a birthday gift. Write a letter to her to thank for the gift. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Thanks for the gift.
(ii) How you celebrated your birthday ?
(iii) Whom you invited ?
(iv) The usefulness of the gift.
58 Ram Nagar
Air Port
27 March 20XX
My dear Aunt
Thanks a lot for sending a dictionary as my birthday gift. I celebrated my birthday by lighting fifteen candle-sticks. All the friends and relatives were invited. Music, dance and sumptuous dishes were the attractions. The party was over at 11.00 p.m. I received many gifts. But the dictionary, you sent, is the best. Your precious gift is most useful to find meanings of difficult words and for learning correct pronunciation. Thanks, once again for the lovely gift.
With kind regards
Your loving nephew

Question 21.
You are Ved Prakash living at Dashrathpur. Write a letter to your uncle inviting him to attend your birthday celebration and bring you a nice and useful present. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) day and date of the birthday.
(ii) programme to be organised.
(iii) other relatives and friends likely to attend.
(iv) the present expected from the uncle.
(v) usefulness of the present
(vi) thanks.
125 Station Road
12 March 20XX
My dear Uncle
I am happy to inform you that my birthday falls on Monday the 24th March. I invite you to attend my birthday celebration. A good programme will be arranged. The programme, will start at 7 o’clock in the evening. About 40 relatives and friends are likely to attend the function. There will be a beautiful birthday cake. I shall cut the birthday cake. There will be songs and dances.After that, we shall serve delicious dinner. I know that you love me very much. I know that you will bring some good present for me. I do not have a watch. I feel difficulty without a watch. I expect you to bring me a beautiful watch. I thank you in advance.
Kindly pay my respect to aunt and Bablu.
Yours lovingly
Ved Prakash.

Question 22.
You are Deendayal. Your uncle is admitted in Bikaner Hospital, Bikaner for operation. He has asked you for a help of one lac rupee. Write a letter to him showing sympathy by sending money. You are living in Hanumangarh.
21 Dayal Nagar
20 March 20XX
My dear Uncle
I am pained to know that you’ll be operated upon. But you’ll be healthy again.
I have enclosed a demand draft of One lakh as you have asked for.
I pray to God for your speedy recovery.
With kind regards
Your loving nephew

Question 23.
Imagine that you are Reeta living in Raj Nagar. Write a letter to your elder brother telling him about the progress you are making in your studies. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) half-yearly examination and its results.
(ii) good marks in English, Hindi and Social Science.
(iii) weak in Science and Maths.
(iv) steps you are taking to score better marks in the annual examination.
37 Station Road
Raj Nagar
15 January 20XX
My dear Brother
I received your letter yesterday. I have come to know that you are very anxious about me regarding my studies. My half-yearly examinations are over. I have got the progress report. I have secured distinction marks in English, Hindi and Social Studies. However, I have not secured good marks in Science and Mathematics. I face difficulty in these subjects. I am working hard to improve these subjects. I have joined a coaching institute to remove difficulty in these subjects. I hope I will fare well in the ensuing Board Examinations.Your blessings will encourage me. Please pay my regards to Bhabhiji and love to baby.
With regards
Your loving sister

Question 24.
Imagine that you are Prakash living in Jaipur. You have received a very bad report about your younger brother Aamir from his Principal. Write a letter to Aamir advising him to work hard and avoid the company of bad boys. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) What is the problem with him ?
(ii) How can he get rid of problems ?
(iii) Why do you want him to work hard ?
(iv) What do you expect from him ?
137 Johri Bazar
10 March 20XX
My dear Aamir
I am pained to receive a very bad report about you from your Principal. You are in a bad company. You do not attend the classes regularly. You are careless about your studies. You should avoid the company of bad boys. You should play games in the evening. You should study till 10 p.m. You should read news-paper daily. You should attend the classes regularly. If you do not work hard, you will fail. You will lose one valuable year of your life. I hope that I will not hear anything against your future.
Your loving brother

Question 25.
Imagine you are Kailash living in Jaipur. Your younger brother Mohan living at Shahpura, is very good at studies but he is physically weak. Write a letter advising him to improve his health by taking part in games and sports. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Your feeling of joy and happiness on Mohan’s grand success at the examination.
(ii) Your worries about his physical weakness.
(iii) Importance of good health.
(iv) Your suggestions for improvement of his health.
177 Dariba Pan
10 March 20XX
My dear Mohan
I received your letter last evening. It made us feel proud to know that you have passed the Secondary Examination in first division. But I am much worried about your weak physique. It will hinder your growth of academic achievements. Remember Healthy mind lives in a healthy body.’ Good health is very important in life. You should take care of your health. You should take light exercise in the morning. You should take milk and fruits regularly. You should also play games in the evening. All these things will help you improve your health.
With love
Yours lovingly

Question 26.
You are Vivek Gupta of Barmer. Your younger brother, Montoo, is the Student Union Leader in Jaisalmer. You knew through the columns of The Maroo Dhara Post of 16th March 20XX that he was arrested by the police for making a call for strike on a petty quarrel between two students. He was later released. Write a letter to him not to be negative in his leadership.
21 Chintan Vihar
17 March 20xx
Dear Montoo
I know through the columns of The Maroo Dhara Post of 16th March that you were arrested and released by the police. I would like to advise you, not to be negative in your leadership. You should stage protest for the issues of students’ welfare. And that is also should be first through negotiations. I hope you will act upon my suggestions.
With blessings
Your elder brother
Vivek Gupta

Question 27.
You are Hari. Write a letter of thanks to your elder sister, Harshita for giving you congratulations on your grand success in the examinations through the column ‘Messages for Congratulations of The Hindustan Times of 20th June. You are still at the hostel of your school in Kota.
21 Ganesh Hostel
Rajasthan Public School
21 June 20XX
My dear Sister
I heartily thank you for the Congratulations through the column ‘Messages for Congratulations’ of the English Daily, The Hindustan Times of 20th June for my grand success.Class 10 By your blessings and valuable guidance it could be possible. I am indebted to you.
With deep regards
Your loving brother

Question 28.
You are Suresh living at 9 Moti Doongri, Jaipur. Your younger sister Reena sent you a good story book. Write a letter to thank her stating how you liked the book. Also, ask her to send you more books. You may touch upon the following points :…
(i) Thanks for the book.
(ii) Liked it.
(iii) My friend read it and found instructive.
(iv) Send some more books.
(v) Develop interest for reading.
9 Moti Doongri
26 February 20XX
My dear Reena
I thank you very much for the book you sent to me. It is a good story book and I like it very much. My friend, Shri Ram Sharma borrowed it from me. He also read it and found it very much instructive. Please, send me some more books. They will develop interest of reading other than my textbooks. Please, convey my regards to dear father and dear mother.
With love
Your loving brother

Question 29.
You are Naresh living at 44 Sarojini Marg, Kota. Write a letter to your neighbour Mr. Sood about the nuisance of his dog. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) We are good neighbours.
(ii) Look conveniences of each other.
(iii) Your dog creating nuisance.
(iv) Biting our children.
(v) Stop its nuisance.
44 Sarojini Marg
2 March 20XX
Dear Mr. Sood By your blessings and valuable guidance it could be possible. I am indebted to you.
With deep regards
Your loving brother

Question 30.
You are Suresh living at 9 Moti Doongri, Jaipur. Your younger sister Reena sent you a good story book. Write a letter to thank her stating how you liked the book. Also, ask her to send you more books. You may touch upon the following points :…
(i) Thanks for the book.
(ii) Liked it.
(iii) My friend read it and found instructive.
(iv) Send some more books.
(v) Develop interest for reading.
9 Moti Doongri
26 February 20XX
My dear Reena
I thank you very much for the book you sent to me. It is a good story book and I like it very much. My friend, Shri Ram Sharma borrowed it from me. He also read it and found it very much instructive. Please, send me some more books. They will develop interest of reading other than my textbooks.
Please, convey my regards to dear father and dear mother.
With love
Your loving brother

Question 31.
You are Naresh living at 44 Sarojini Marg, Kota. Write a letter to your neighbour Mr. Sood about the nuisance of his dog. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) We are good neighbours.
(ii) Look conveniences of each other.
(iii) Your dog creating nuisance.
(iv) Biting our children.
(v) Stop its nuisance.
44 Sarojini Marg
2 March 20XX
Dear Mr. Sood
We are good neighbours. So, we must look to the conveniences of each other. However, your dog is creating some nuisance. I have already told you about it a few days back. But the problem still continues. Your dog enters the premises of our house and bites children playing there. One day I had to take my grandson to a hospital because of your dog’s bite. I hope you will keep the dog in chains to stop its nuisance.
With good wishes
Yours sincerely

II. Official/Formal Letters

[To Govt. Officials, the Editor of a newspaper or a magazine, Headmaster/ Principal]

  1. Letters to Govt. official
    ( सरकारी अधिकारियों को पत्र )

Format: प्रारूप

Sender’s Address ……………….
Date ……………….
Letter No. (if any) ……………….
Receiver’s Address ……………….
Salutation ……………………
Subject …………..
Communication ……………….
Courteous Ending ……………….
Subscription ……………….
Sender’s Signature ……………….
Sender’s Name ……………….
Sender’s Post (if any). ……………….
Enclosure(s) (if any): ……………….

Parts of Official/Formal Letter (कार्यालयी/औपचारिक पत्र के भाग)

  • Sender’s Address-पत्र लिखने वाला यहाँ अपना पता निम्न प्रकार लिखता है
    15/321 Pratap Nagar
  • Date – Sender’s Address के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर पत्र लिखने का दिनांक निम्न प्रकार लिखना है
    21 March 20XX
  • Letter Number (if any)-Date के ठीक नीचे, बिना कोई space छोड़े, पत्र संख्या (यदि है तो) लिखनी है। यदि पत्र में पत्र लेखक, पत्र संख्या नहीं देना चाहे तो फिर ये दो शब्द-
    Letter No. लिखने ही नहीं हैं।
    Letter No. : Com/Coll/13/20XX
  • Receiver’s Address-Letter No. के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर पत्र प्राप्त करने वाले का पता निम्न प्रकार लिखना है
    The Secretary
    Board of Secondary Education
    Near Bus Stand
  • Salutation-Receiver’s Address के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर ‘संबोधन’ निम्न प्रकार लिखना है
    Sir (पुरुष अधिकारी के लिए) Madam (महिला अधिकारी के लिए)
  • Subject-Salutation के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर ‘विषय’ लिखना है। जिस विषय पर पत्र लिख रहे हैं, उसे बहुत संक्षिप्त में लिखना है।
  • Communication-Subject के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर ‘सम्प्रेषण’ लिखना है। इसे to the point और short व sweet लिखना है। इसे छोटे-छोटे paragraphs में लिखना है। एक paragraph में एक विचार ही व्यक्त करना है। इसमें प्रमाण, तथ्य, आँकड़े आदि देने हैं। इसमें औपचारिक भाषा का प्रयोग करें।
  • Courteous Ending-Communication के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर शिष्ट समापन वाली अभिव्यक्ति लिखनी है। जैसे
    Please look into the matter and do the needful.
  • Subscription-Courteous Ending के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर ‘प्रियोक्ति’ निम्न प्रकार लिखनी है
    Yours faithfully लिखते हैं, जैसे- For Sanjiv Prakashan
  • Sender’s Signature-Business Letters में इसे व्यावसायिक प्रतिष्ठान के नाम के ठीक नीचे लिखा जाता है।
    Official Letters, Letters to the Editors, Applications आदि में इसे Subscription के ठीक नीचे लिखा जाता है।
  • Sender’s Name-Sender’s Signature के ठीक नीचे पत्र लेखक अपना नाम लिखता है।
  • Sender’s Post-Sender’s Name के ठीक नीचे पत्र लेखक अपना पद (यदि कोई है तो) लिखता है अन्यथा यह भाग नहीं लिखा जाता है।
  • Enclosure(s)-Sender’s Post के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर पत्र के साथ ‘संलग्न दस्तावेजों’ को क्रमबद्ध से यहाँ लिखा जाता है। यदि दस्तावेज संलग्न नहीं कर रहे हैं तो इस भाग को न लिखें। How to write an officiala Formal Letter (एक कार्यालयी/औपचारिक पत्र कैसे लिखें)
  • सम्पूर्ण पत्र Complete Block Style में लिखना है।
    • प्रश्न-पत्र में दिए गए प्रश्न को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर सुनिश्चित करें कि कौन, किसे पत्र लिखेगा व किस विषय पर लिखेगा।
    • सर्वप्रथम, पत्र लेखक अपना address पृष्ठ के बाईं तरफ लिखे।
    • अपने address के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर ‘दिनांक’ लिखें।
    • दिनांक के ठीक नीचे Letter No. यदि हो तो लिखें, अन्यथा इसे न लिखें।
    • Letter No. के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर Receiver’s Address लिखें।
    • Receiver’s Address के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर Salutation लिखें।
    • Salutation के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर Subject लिखें। यह भाग प्रश्न से लिया जाता है।
    • Communication को subject के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर लिखें। इसे वैसे ही लिखें जैसा . पूर्व में समझाया गया है।
    • Communication के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर Courteous Ending लिखें।
    • Courteous Ending के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर Subscription लिखें।
    • Business Letters में Subscription के ठीक नीचे व्यावसायिक प्रतिष्ठान का नाम लिखें।
    • Official Letters, Applications आदि में Subscription के ठीक नीचे signature करें।
    • Signature के ठीक नीचे sender का नाम लिखें।
    • Sender’s Name के ठीक नीचे Sender’s Post (यदि है तो) लिखें।
    • Sender’s Post के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर Enclosure(s) लिखें।
    [नोट-(1) पत्र लिखने वाले का पता व दिनांक दायीं या बायीं किसी भी तरफ लिखा जा सकता है। इसी प्रकार subscription तथा signature भी दायीं या बायीं किसी भी तरफ लिखे जा सकते हैं। किन्तु वर्तमान में इन्हें बायीं तरफ लिखने का प्रचलन अधिक है।
    (2) पते, दिनांक, सम्बोधन तथा subscription में वर्तमान में विराम चिन्हों यथा-कोमा, फुलस्टॉप का प्रयोग सामान्यतया नहीं किया जाता है। इनका प्रयोग अत्यावश्यक होने पर ही किया जाता है।]
Sample Official/Formal Letter
(कार्यालयी/औपचारिक पत्र का नमूना)

You are Jagroop living at Durgapura, Jaipur. There is a marriage garden in your neighbourhood. Loudspeakers blare there upto late night. Your exams for class X are at hand. Write a letter to the Collector complaining against it.

Sender’s Address……… 51 Durgapura

Date ………… 16 March 20xx
Receiver’s Address ….. The Collector
District Jaipur
Salutation …………. Sir
Subject ………. Subject : Late night use of loudspeakers by Daya Marriage Garden, Durgapura, Jaipur.
Communication ……….. The above cited marriage garden is violating the orders of the Hon’ble High Court, Jodhpur by using loudspeakers upto late night. My exams for class X are at hand. This marriage garden is in my neighbourhood.
Please take strict action against the violators and oblige.
Courteous Ending …………Thanking you
Subscription ……………… Yours faithfully
Signature …………………. Jagroop
Name ……………………….. Jagroop
Post/Designation ……… Secretary-Durgapura Youth Committee

  1. Official/Formal Letters to Govt. Officials :
    (सरकारी अधिकारियों को कार्यालयी / औपचारिक पत्र)

Question 1.
You are Prakash Sethia living at 128, Vyas Colony, Bikaner. Write a letter to the Chairman, Municipal Board, of your town complaining about insanitary conditions in your locality.
128 Vyas Colony Bikaner
16 March 20XX
The Chairman Municipal Board Bikaner
Sub. : Insanitary Conditions. I beg to bring to your kind attention about the insanitary conditions of our locality. The sweeper does not come regularly. His behaviour is not good. There are heaps of rubbish and mud soil here and there. The drains are broken at many places. They are clogged due to rubbish in them. Dirty water continues to flow on the road. The streets have become muddy. It is very difficult even to walk on foot. There is bad smell everywhere. Diseases may break out. Our life is hell here. Would you visit our locality some day and see the situation yourself ? Please look into the matter immediately and do the needful.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Prakash Sethia

Question 2.
You are Vishnu Purohit living at 137, Adarsh Colony, Jaipur. Write a letter to the Mayor, Jaipur Municipal Corporation, Jaipur, complaining about poor lighting in your locality.
137 Adarsh Colony
10 February 20XX
The Mayor
Jaipur Municipal Corporation
Jaipur Madam
Sub. : Poor Lighting
Respectfully I bring to your kind notice about poor lighting system of our locality. There are electric poles but no electricity. There is total darkness at night. Many accidents have occurred due to faint lighting system. There have been many cases of theft. Our life is in danger. Please look into the matter immediately and do the needful.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Vishnu Purohit

Question 3.
You are Yodha Singh living in Jhalawar. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your town complaining against the thefts and streetquarrels going on in your locality.
125 Bikaji Colony
17 March 20XX
The Superintendent of Police
Sir Sub. : Thefts and street quarrels in our locality. Respectfully I bring to your kind notice about the deteriorating condition of law and order in our locality. There have been three cases of theft within a month in the locality. The cases have been reported to the police, but no result. There are some bad elements in the locality. Somehow or the other they quarrel with one another or they molest the ladies and young girls. They are a nuisance to the peace-loving persons of the locality. Our life is always in danger. We request you to arrange for proper police-patrolling at night and set-up a policechowki (station in the locality).
Please look into the matter immediately and do the needful.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Yodha Singh

Question 4.
You are Rohit living at 15, Ram Nagar, Jaisalmer. Write a letter to the Head Postmaster complaining against the irregular delivery of letters in your
15 Ram Nagar
23 March 20XX
The Head Postmaster
Regional Post Office
P.G Road
Sir Sub. : Irregular delivery of letters in Ram Nagar locality.
Nagar colony. The delayed receipt of the letters is causing great inconvenience to the residents. The postman says that he is over burdened. The locality is vast. So, please, ensure immediate posting of another postman.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully Rohit

Question 5.
Last Monday you went to the post office to buy some post stamps. You left your bicycle outside the post office building. Unfortunately you forgot to lock it. It took you half an hour to come out after doing the job. You found your bicycle missing from there. Write a letter of complaint to the Superintendent of Police giving all details about your bicycle.
16 Chintan Nagar
Air Port
21 April 20XX
The Superintendent of Police
Jaipur South
Tonk Road
Sir :…
Sub. : Missing of bicycle model no. Sports H-6.
Last Monday (17 April 20XX) at about 11.00 a.m. I, Budhimati Devi daughter of Hoshiyar Singh, resident of 15 Chintan Nagar, Air Port, Jaipur went to the Post Office, Air Port,, Jaipur to buy some postage stamps. I left my bicycle outside the post office building. Unfortunately, I forgot to lock it. It took half an hour to come out after doing the job. I found my bicycle missing from there. The details about my bicycle are as under :
1.Colour : Black
2. Brand Name : Hero
3. Model Number : Sports H-6
4. Date of Purchase : 17 March 20XX
Kindly, register my complaint, investigate the matter and recover my bicycle as soon as possible.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Budhimati Devi
(M) ———-

Question 6.
You are Asha living at 15, Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur. Write a letter to the Collector of your district complaining about the frequent electricity failure during exam time.
15 Bajaj Nagar
8 March 20XX
The Collector
District of Jaipur
Sub. : Frequent electricity failure during exam time.
With due respect, I would like to state that exams of schools are underway and the frequent electricity failure during exam time spoils the year long labour of the students. It hinders studies. The students are disturbed physically and mentally. It leaves a bad impact on their progress. The authorities of the State Electricity Board have been requested but all in vain. Kindly, take immediate step to save the career of thousands of students.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Question 7.
You are Vimla living at 15, Bapu Bazar, Udaipur. Write a letter to the Sub-Divisional Officer, B.S.N.L., Udaipur, regarding frequent telephone disorders.
15 Bapu Bazar
18 March 20XX
The Sub-Divisional Officer
Sir Sub. : Frequent faulty telecoms services I would like to bring to your kind notice that the telephones in our locality are generally lying dead. This causes much inconvenience to the residents of this area. Many times the complaints were attended but correction of faults was temporary. I hope you would take steps to redress our grievances. Thanking you Yours faithfully Vimla Jain

Question 8.
You are Narain Das Gupta of Jaipur. Write a letter to the manager of UCO Bank for asking information about how to open a saving bank account.
127 Shastri Nagar
12 March 20XX
The Manager
UCO Bank,
Shastri Nagar Branch
Sub. : To open a saving bank a/c. Respectfully I bring to your kind notice that I am a teacher in Subodh Sr. Sec. School. I want to open a Savings Bank a/c with your bank. Please advise and send necessary forms to me at an early date.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Narain Das Gupta

Question 9.
You are Suresh Kumar living in Kota. Your elder brother Ravinder Seth sent a money order for Rs. 200 from Sojati Gate, Jodhpur post office vide receipt no. 195 dated 2 March 20XX. You haven’t received it yet. Write a letter to the Post Master, Kota, enquiring about it.
11 Mahesh Nagar
29 March 20XX
The Post Master
Sub. : Non-receipt of Money Order No. 195 dated 2 March 20XX.
I have been informed by my elder brother Shri Ravinder Seth that on March 2, he sent a money order to me for Rs. 200/- from Sojati Gate, Jodhpur post-office vide receipt No. 195. I am sorry to inform you that the same has not yet been received by me. Please make an enquiry into the matter and arrange to pay me the amount of the money order at an early date.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Suresh Kumar

Question 10.
You are Ramesh living in Ajmer. Write a letter to the Lost Property Department, Railway Station, Ajmer, requesting him to look for your suitcase you left in Kachiguda Express on 2nd July, 20XX in
coach No.F-15.
437 Kesar Ganj
3 July 20XX
The Incharge
Lost Property Department
Railway Station
Sub. : To make enquiry of lost suitcase.
I bring to your kind notice that I reached Ajmer on 2 July, 20XX at about 9 p.m. by the Kachiguda Express. It terminates at Ajmer. I was travelling in Coach No. F – 15. I was in a hurry. I forgot my suitcase in the coach. It is a brown V.I.P. suitcase. On its right side my name – Ramesh, Ajmer is written. Please search for my suitcase. Please inform me about the position.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Question 11.
You are Jagriti Singh living at Sanganer. Write a letter to the Mayor, Municipal Corporation, Jaipur requesting him to develop a public park in your town Sanganer.
15 Bada Bazar
2 March 20XX
The Mayor
Municipal Corporation
Sir/Madam Sub. : To develop a Public Park at Sanganer. I would like to draw your attention about the need of public park in Sanganer. Sir, with the increase in population, our residential areas are under great pressure. The houses being constructed these days have hardly any open spaces between them, leading to congestion. Sanganer is an industrial town with multi-storey buildings. There are hardly any open spaces between the buildings. Neither the children nor the oldmen have places to play and relax. A big public park is just the right thing that the people of this town need. I request you to develop a public park in the town.
With thanks
Yours faithfully
Jagriti Singh

Question 12.
You are Arjun living at 15/5, Mansarovar, Jaipur. Write a letter to the Managing Director, RSRTC, Jaipur requesting him to provide the facility of a special bus service in the morning for school going children.
15/5 Mansarovar
15 July 20xx
The Managing Director
Sub. : Request for providing a special bus service from Mansarovar. I would like to bring to your kind notice about the difficulty faced by the residents of Mansarovar specially by the school going children. The children of Mansarovar study in different parts of the city. They want to go to their schools by bus but in the morning hours no bus starts from here before 7 a.m. The students have to leave Mansarovar at 6 a.m. to reach school in time. Some of them go on bicycle but most of them can’t afford even a bicycle. Many of them have to go on foot and leave their homes at 5 a.m. which is too early for small children. Would you provide a special bus-service from Mansarovar in the morning hours for school-going children from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. ? We shall be highly obliged to you for complying with our genuine demand.
Hoping to be favoured with our request.
Yours faithfully

Question 13.
You are Gopal, Secretary, Vikas Samiti, Raghu Vihar, Jaipur. Write a letter to the District Health Officer to open a dispensary in your locality. Give reason.
Vikas Samiti Office
Raghu Vihar
10 Jan. 20XX
The District Health Officer
Sub. : For opening a dispensary in Raghu Vihar. May I draw your kind attention towards the difficulties faced by the residents of Raghu Vihar in the absence of a government dispensary. The nearest government dispensary from this place is about 8 kilometres. It is a long distance for the poor patients specially when they need immediate medical help. The residents of this area belong to lower middle class strata of society and cannot afford to go to the private doctors or Nursing Homes for treatment. They are too expensive for them. Therefore, we request you to open a government dispensary in this area. We shall be highly obliged to you. Would you consider it sympathetically.
Yours faithfully
Secretary Vikas Samiti

Question 14.
You are Janak, a student of Govt. Secondary School, Mansarovar, Jaipur. There is a wine shop near your school. Write a letter to the Collector of your district requesting him to issue order to close the wine shop near your school.
Govt. Secondary School
4 January 20XX
The Collector
Jaipur District
Sub. : For closing the wine shop near the school. I beg to say that there is a wine shop near our school. It is a nuisance for this locality. It is all the more undesirably located near the school building. Very often the people in a drunken state are found standing here using abusive language. It puts a bad effect on the students of this school. It is awfully hazardous for girl students passing that way. Ladies generally avoid going that way. Bad smell of wine is experienced even inside the school campus. We hope you understand the situation. We shall feel obliged if your goodself takes interest to have this shop removed from this locality.
With regards
Yours faithfully
Student, Class-X

Question 15.
You are Rani Kumari living in Bikaner. Write a letter to the Secretary, Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, Ajmer for the change of your examination centre.
20 Naya Bazar
24 February 20XX
Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan
Sir Sub. : For changing exam centre.
Respectfully I bring to your kind notice that I filled in my Secondary Examination form in October, 20XX from Govt. Sec. School, Kolayat. My father was transferred to Bikaner on 17th January, 20XX. So I had to leave for Bikaner with my family. You are, therefore, requested to change my examination centre from Kolayat to Bikaner.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Rani Kumari

Question 16.
Imagine that you are Geeta living in Ajmer. Write an application to the Secretary, Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, Ajmer to issue you a duplicate copy of Mark-Sheet.
157 Madar Gate
12 March 20XX
The Secretary
Board of Sec. Education, Rajasthan
Sub. : For issuing a Duplicate Copy of Marks-Sheet
Respectfully I beg to say that last Sunday I was going to my village by night bus. My box was stolen. There were my clothes and marks-sheet in it. I want to seek admission in some other school. Kindly, issue me a duplicate copy of my marks-sheet. My details are …..
Examination : Secondary Exam., 20XX
Roll No. : 126754
Name : (Miss) Geeta
Father’s Name : Shri Bhola Ram
Centre : Maharaja Sr. Sec. School
I am sending herewith a Postal Order No. 38765 for Rs. 20/- as its fee. Please issue me the duplicate copy of mark-sheet at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Enclosure : Postal Order No. 38765 for Rs. 20/

  1. Letters to the Editor of a Newspaper or a Magazine.
    (समाचार-पत्र अथवा पत्रिका के सम्पादक को पत्र)

Format (प्रारूप)

Date : ……………………………………………….
The Editor
Sub. : …………
Thanking you
Yours truly
Signature. …………………
Name. …………………
[नोट : संपादक को पत्र लिखते समय subscription में Yours truly का प्रयोग करें क्योंकि strangers (अनजानों) के लिए इसका use करते हैं।]

Question 1.
You are Mitali. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the air pollution caused by burning plastic wastes in your locality.
21 Shiv Colony
11 March 20XX
The Editor
The Dainik Bhaskar
M.G. Road
Sub. : Air pollution caused by burning plastic wastes in Banswada. Environmental awareness to control air pollution has been a regular feature of your prestigious newspaper. To add to your efforts I want to draw the attention of the concerned authorities about air pollution caused by burning plastic wastes in Banswada. I hope you will oblige me by publishing it. People buy and use plastic articles in a large number. These are of single use. Then, after use, they burn these. It has become a common practice. Burning of plastic is harmful for environment. It causes global warming and depletes ozone layer. And both these situations are harmful for human living conditions. Thus, people and gouts are urged to control air pollution for the present and future generations.
Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 2.
Write a letter to the editor of the ‘Rajasthan Patrika’ highlighting the problems of ‘Increasing Road Accidents’. Give reasons.
15 Roop Ņagar
Tonk Phatak
11 March 20XX The Editor The Rajasthan Patrika Jhalana Jaipur Sir Sub. : Increasing road accidents. Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities and the people to the problem of increasing road accidents. Newspapers report road accidents everyday. Violation of traffic rules by road users, lack of effective traffic policing etc. have increased road accidents. Cameras on roads can help curb or control road accidents.
Thanking you
Yours truly Rani Kumari

Question 3.
You are Ram Karan Gurjar. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views on the deteriorating law and order situation in your city.
21 Ram Nagar
B.B. Road
Banswara 21 Feb. 20XX
The Editor
The Rajasthan Patrika
Sub. : Deteriorating Law and Order situation in Banswara. Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to draw the attention of the authorities towards the deteriorating law and order situation in Banswara. According to the survey by the Crime Record Bureau, an NGO, the cases of chainsnatching, vehicle lifting, theft, murder, rape, eve-teasing, molesting, robbing have increased upto 30%. I appeal to the authorities to take strict action to curb these malpractice.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Ram Karan Gurjar

Question 4.
You are Arti Gupta. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about environmental pollution by vehicles.
Examination Hall
4 March 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub. : Environmental pollution by vehicles.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to the growing menace of environmental pollution by vehicles. The emission of smoke by vehicles is adding carbon dioxide in atmosphere. Consequently, the temperature is increasing. It disturbs the delicate environmental balance. It harms human beings in many ways. The hydrocarbons and other particles emitted by the vehicles add fuel to the fire. The measures, given next, will be useful. ‘Public Transport System should be made fast, frequent, comfortable and cheap. Metro rails and sky bus are helpful. Eco-friendly devices add green fuel should be used in vehicles.
With thanks
Yours truly
Arti Gupta

Question 5.
You are Prakash Jain. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the increasing crime in your city.
236 Adarsh Nagar
15 July 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub. : For curbing crimes in the city. The city-dwellers are having a tough time these days. Recently, Jaipur, hitherto a peaceful city, has achieved the dubious distinction of being a crime city. There is hardly any crime from chain-snatching to day-light robbery which does not occur in the city. Since Jaipur was linked to the broadgauge of the railway, crimes have increased at a rapid pace. Criminals escape easily after committing a crime. The common man seems to have been left to the mercy of criminal elements. A more responsible police force and cooperative public can jointly bring the problem under control.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Prakash Jain

Question 6.
You are Rajkumar Agarwal. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about the frequent breakdown of the water supply in your locality.
3/29 Mansarovar
15 March 20XX
The Editor
Dainik Bhaskar
Sub. : Frequent breakdown of the water supply in Mansarovar (Jaipur). I want to bring to the kind notice of the authorities through your prestigious newspaper, about the irregular water supply of Mansarovar colony. Sometimes, the supply of water is late and the children have to go to school without taking a bath. Sometimes the water supplied is unfit for drinking and small larvae can be seen swimming in it. This causes a great trouble to the people. We hope the concerned authorities will look into the matter and take remedial steps.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Rajkumar Agarwal

Question 7.
You are Gaurav. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindustan Times complaining about the sanitation problem in your area.
24 Purohitpara
21 March 20XX
The Editor The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Sub. : Sanitation problem in Purohitpara, Sikar. The area of Purohitpara, Sikar is beset with sanitation problems. Heaps of rubbish are seen spread in the streets. It continues lying there for days together. One may look at any garbage dump. It also chokes sewer pipes and causes a trap for living beings. All these things emit foul smell which is hazardous to the health of the residents of the area. Thus, there is acute problem of sanitation in the area. I hope that this report of mine through the columns of your esteemed paper will raise the ears of the concerned authorities.
With thanks
Yours truly Gaurav

Question 8.
You are Prakash Jain. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the uneven roads and drain system in your locality.
Examination Hall
15 March 20XX
The Editor
Dainik Bhaskar
Sub. : Uneven roads and drain system in Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur. I want to draw your attention through your newspaper of the concerned authorities towards the bad condition of the roads and drains of Gandhi Nagar. Civic authorities seem to be totally insensitive to the complaints sent to them by enlightened residents. The roads are in a bad condition. There are pot-holes in them that invite accidents Drains are mostly choked and the dirty water flows on the roads causing great inconvenience to the people and damaging the roads further. We expect you kindly to highlight this problem through your prestigious newspaper and oblige.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Prakash Jain

Question  9.
You are O.P. Garg. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the pollution caused by smokers.
Examination Hall
15 March 20xx
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sir .
Sub. : Pollution caused by smokers. Despite a law against smoking in public places, one can see people smoking in buses, trains, hospitals, parks and at other places of public utility. Unless a drive is conducted to make people aware of the dangers of passive smoking and the existence of a law against smoking in public places, this problem will continue. I hope the authorities will take strict actions to curb the pollution caused by smokers.
Thanking you
Yours truly
O.P. Garg

Question 10.
You are P.C. Agarwal. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the necessity of a public park in your town.
Examination Hall
4 March 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India Jaipur
Sub. : Necessity of a Public Park in Sanganer. I want to draw the attention of the authorities concerned to the need of the public parks in our cities and towns in general and my town (Sanganer) in particular. The houses are spreading only vertically with storeys after storeys climbing on top of each other, thus stopping completely the circulation of air between and around buildings.

In such conditions, public parks are indispensable. They provide open air spaces to the residents and playgrounds to the children.In fact, they function as lungs to the suffocated residential areas of our towns. Sanganer is one such town. It is an industrial town with multistoreyed buildings. There are hardly any open spaces between the buildings. The children have neither place to play nor the old men to relax. A big public park is just the right thing that the people of this town need. I request the concerned authorities to develop a public park in the town.
With thanks
Yours faithfully
P.C. Agarwal

Question 11.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining of noise pollution in your locality.
Examination Hall
4 Dec. 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
Sir …
Sub. : Noise pollution at Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur. I am a resident of Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur. As this colony is situated on a national highway, it suffers from noise pollution in a big way. Thousands of trucks and other heavy vehicles pass on the nearby road with great noise of horns and engines. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to go to sleep. The students are the hardest hit.
They fail of colony. to concentrate on their studies at night. The problem of noise is further aggravated by the loudspeakers that blare out ‘bhajans’ from the temples of colony. I may make a few suggestions. The national highway should be shifted away from the colony. The truck-drivers should be instructed not to use horns at night. The defaulters must suitably be punished. A ban must be imposed on the use of microphones at night and the culprits be brought to book.
With thanks
Yours truly

Question 12.
Write a letter to the monthly magazine India Today, New Delhi, about the successful online teaching programme ‘SMILE’ by the Education Minister of Govt. of Rajasthan for the students in Govt. schools.
Youth Hostel
Govt. Sr. Sec. School
21 May 20XX
The Editor
India Today
New Delhi
Sub. : Online teaching programme ‘SMILE’ for Govt. school students in Rajasthan. Hon’ble Education Minister of Rajasthan has initiated the most visionary online teaching programme ‘SMILE’ (Social Media Interface for Learning Engagement) in the govt. schools of Rajasthan during the COVID-19 period. Students from class 1-12 are given video teaching of their syllabus and verbal input on mobile. Students learn them and do homework and send it to their subject teachers. Their homework is printed and kept as record in schools. Thus, the students are able to keep their study continue. Parents and students are praising the minister. Kindly publish it in your magazine.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Priti Gupta

  1. Letters/Applications to Headmaster/Principal.
    (प्रधानाध्यापक/प्रधानाचार्य को पत्र)

    Format (प्रारूप)

Address. …………………………….
Date :
The Headmaster/Principal
Sir/Madam Sub. : …………………………….
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Name ………………………..
Class ………………………..

Question 1.
You are Amit living in Bharatpur. Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school requesting him/her to arrange an internet connection in the computer lab of the school.
144 Kumher Gate
25 August 20XX
The Headmaster
Government Sec. School
Dear Sir
Sub. : Request for an internet connection in the Computer Lab.
Our Computer Lab is quite good but it is without an internet connection. As such, the students have to go to the market to download important information regarding their study material. Sometimes, they are made to pay very high charges for it. If an internet connection is made available to them at the Computer Lab itself, they will save both money and time. Kindly give the matter a very sympathetic consideration.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class X A

Question 2.
Suppose you are Sumant/Sujata, a student of Govt. Secondary School, Jarkana. Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school requesting him/her to allow you to play a friendly cricket match (inter-class) on the school playground. You are the captain of your team. You may use the following points :
(i) Day and date along with time
(ii) Requirement of staff
(iii) Accessories you need.
Cricket Captain
Cricket Team of Class X-A
Govt. Sr. Sec. School
11 Jan. 20XX.
The Headmaster
Govt. Sr. Sec. School
Sub. : Asking for the permission to play a friendly cricket match (interclass) on the school playground. I beg to say that the Cricket teams of X-A and X-B want to play a friendly cricket match on the school playground on the next Saturday between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. The Physical Education Teacher of our school will be the Chief Referee. Would you give your permission and oblige?
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Sumant/Sujata (Captain)

Question 3.
Write an application to the Headmaster of Government Secondary School, Bari requesting her/him to inform you about the payment of the scholarship of the last year.
Village and Post-Bari
Tehsil – Bari
District – Dholpur
21 February 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Sr. Sec. School
Sub. : For conveying information about the payment of the scholarship of the last year.
Please inform me about the payment of the scholarship of the last year.
My particulars are as under :
1. Name — Shanti/Suresh Meena
2. Father’s Name — Mahesh Meena
3. S.R. Number — 20xX/123456
4. E-mail Address — shanti/suresh@gmail.com
5. Mobile Number — 094…………….
6. Last Class Passed — XII (Arts)
With regards
Yours obediently
Shanti/Suresh Meena


16 August 20XX

All the students are hereby informed that evening games are compulsory for every student to attend. Fine will be imposed upon the student who fails to attend.

By order

Question 4.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to exempt you from attending the evening games. Don’t forget to mention the reason.
21 Shiv Colony
Near Bus Stand
17 Aug. 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Secondary School Rojhana .
Sub : Exemption from attending the evening games.
Ref. : Your ‘Notice’ dated 16 Aug. 20XX. I have been suffering from a severe disease of heart. The doctor has suggested me to avoid physical stress. A xerox copy of it is enclosed herewith for your kind consideration.
Therefore, I kindly request you to exempt me from attending the evening games.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Ramesh Kumar Class X A
Roll No. 31
Encl. : A xerox copy of Prescription Memo.

Question 5.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to allow you to deposit your fee by 11 Feb. 20XX. Don’t forget to mention the reason.
Hutment Colony
22 Jan. 20XX
The Headmaster
Maheshwary Secondary School
Pratap Nagar Jaipur Şir/Madam
Sub. : Exemption from depositing fee till 11 Feb. 20XX.
My father is a service man. He is paid his salary on the 10th of every month. I’ll deposit my fee on 11 Feb. 20XX positively. Kindly, exempt me from depositing the fee till this date.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Vidya Sagar
Roll No. 15
Class X

Question 6.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to exempt you, from submitting the project by 15 Nov. 20XX. Don’t forget to mention the reason.
11 J.V. Colony
P. G. Road
Jodhpur 3 Nov. 20XX
The Headmaster
Subodh Secondary School
Sitaramji Road
Sub. : Submission of Project Work of English Compulsory for class X. I, Ranjana Sharma Daughter of Mrs. and Mr. Rohan Sharma, Roll No. 51, Class X, am a student of this school. Having received written permission from your office, I am going to abroad with my family for 15 days. Would you permit me to submit my project work by 22 Nov. 20XX.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Ranjana Sharma

Question 7.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to exempt you from depositing the library books back by 28 Feb. 20XX. Don’t forget to mention the reason.
21 Mahavar Vaish Sadan
Scheme No. 2
22 Feb. 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Secondary School
Station Road
Sub. : Deposition of Library Books for class X.
I, Saraswati Gupta, Roll No. 37, Class X A, am an intelligent but a poor girl. I have borrowed textbooks and reference books from the school library. If these are deposited before the examination, it will be a great loss to me.
I have a greater possibility to be in the merit list of the Board. So, kindly allow me to deposit the books by 28 March 20XX.
Thanking you.
Yours obediently
Saraswati Gupta

Question 8.
Imagine you are Babita reading in a Govt. Secondary School, Pune. You are the monitor of your class. Your studies suffered much in English and Mathematics as the teachers in the subjects joined late. There was teachers’ strike also. You need extra coaching in the two subjects. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to arrange extra coaching for the class.
48 Nehru Nagar
12 December 20XX
The Headmaster Govt. Sec. School Pune
Sub. : To arrange Extra coaching class. Respectfully I beg to say that our studies suffered much in English and Mathematics. The teachers in the subjects joined late. There was teachers’ strike also. Our examinations are near. We need extra coaching in these two subjects. Please arrange extra coaching for the subjects.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class X

Question 9.
Suppose you are Kanta, studying in Govt. Secondary School, Sonepat. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school complaining about the poor conditions of your classroom.
21 Maharani Hostel
R.S. Road
21 July 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Sec. School
Sub. : Poor condition of the classroom of X D.
With due respect, I want to draw your attention to the poor conditions of the classroom of the class X D.
The classroom has been unswept for many weeks. The furniture is old and nearly broken. The walls are dilapidated. The windows are broken. The blackboard is rough.The fans are in disorder.
Kindly, take necessary actions and do the needful.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours obediently
Class XD

Question 10.
Imagine that you are Ramesh living in Jaipur. Your economic condition is very poor. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to issue you books from the library.
144 Mahavir Nagar
20 July 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Secondary School
Sub. : To issue books from the library.
Most respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of X A. Our economic condition is : very poor. My father works in a private firm. He earns a meagre salary. We make both ends meet with difficulty. I cannot buy books. Kindly, issue me the books from the library. I will return the books in time.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Ramesh Kumar
Class XA

Question 11.
Write an application to the Headmistress of your school to refund your caution-money as you have passed Class X and you are leaving the school. You are Anila of Govt. Sec. School, Sri Ganganagar.
169 Lal Chowk
Sri Ganganagar
25 July 20XX
The Headmistress
Govt. Secondary School
Sri Ganganagar
Sub. : To refund caution money. Most respectfully I beg to say that I have passed Secondary School Examination this year from your school. My roll number was 135457. I had deposited 75/- as cautionmoney your vide receipt ·No. 824 dated July 7, 20XX. There are no dues against me. Therefore, you are requested to refund my caution-money.
Thanking you
Yours obediently

Question 12.
Imagine you are Mukesh, a student of class X C. Your younger brother is in class X A. Write an application to your Principal for changing your section.
514 Nehru Nagar
20 August 20xx
The Principal
Agrawal Secondary School
Sub. : For changing section from X-C to X-A. Most respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of class X-C. My younger brother, Anil is a student of class X-A. I have four sisters. My father is a clerk. He has purchased only one set of books for us. He cannot purchase another set of books. I, therefore, request you to change my section from X-C to X-A.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Mukesh Gupta
Class X-C

Question 13.
Imagine that you are Mukesh reading in Govt. Senior Secondary School, Bikaner. You have been fined 5 for not attending the school in the school-uniform. Write an application to your Principal for the remission of fine.
115 Rani Bazar
10 August 20XX
The Principal
Govt. Senior Secondary School
Sub. : For remitting the fine. Most respectfully I beg to state that I have been fined 5/- for not attending the school in school uniform. I am a poor boy. I have only one set of uniform. That day, I washed the uniform. So I could not come in uniform. Kindly remit the fine of Rs. 5 imposed on me on account of that.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Mukesh Class – X D

Question 14.
You are Sarla studying in Govt. Girls’ Sr. Secondary School, Ajmer. You are going to Mumbai with your father to attend a marriage. Write an application to the Principal of your school for six days’ leave.
119 Madar Gate
12 January 20XX
The Principal
Govt. Girls’ Sr. Secondary School
Sub. : Leave for attending a marriage function, Most respectfully I beg to say that I am going to Mumbai with my father to attend the marriage of my cousin. So, I am unable to attend my classes. Please grant me leave from January 13 to January 20XX.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class-X C

Question 15.
You are Kavita studying in Govt. Sr. Secondary School, Laxmipura. Your school is ten kms. away from your village. Write an application to the Principal to issue you an identity card to get bus concession.
105 Naya Bazar
20 July 20XX
The Principal
Govt. Secondary School
Sub. : To issue an identity card for bus concession. Most respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of your school. The school is ten kms. away from my village. So I have to travel by bus. Please, issue me an identity card to get bus concession.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class-X A

Question 16.
You are Ankit Gupta living at 15, Naya Bazar, Bharatpur. You fell ill and could not go to school for 15 days. Your name has been struck off. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him for readmission.
15 Naya Bazar
20 September 20XX
The Principal
Nehru Secondary School
Sub. : To issue order for Readmission in X class.
Respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of class X. In the rainy season I caught malaria fever and later it developed into typhoid. I was confined to bed for fifteen days. So I could not attend the school. Today I came to school and found that my name had been struck off. You are requested to readmit me. Now I promise to come regularly to school and make up the loss in attendance and studies.
My medical certificate is attached herewith.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Ankit Gupta

Question 17.
You are Raj Kumar reading in Kota. Your father has been transferred to Jaisalmer. Write an application to your Principal requesting him to issue your Transfer Certificate. (T.C.)
15 Indrapuri
22 August 20XX
The Principal
Govt. Sr. Sec. School
Kota Sir
Sub. : To issue T.C. Respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of your school. My father is a clerk in State Bank of India. He has been transferred to Jaisalmer. Our family will go to Jaisalmer with him. I shall take admission there in some school. So, I need my transfer certificate. I have paid all my dues. Kindly, issue me the Transfer Certificate.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Raj Kumar
Class X C

Question 18.
Write an application to your school Principal with a request to issue you a character certificate. You are Indra Kumar and you have passed class X.
52 Brahmapuri
Jaipur 25
June 20XX
The Principal
Government Sr. Sec. School
Sub. : For issuing a Character Certificate. I shall be grateful to you if you kindly issue me a character certificate. I need it to produce it at an interview on 10 July, 20XX. I was a student of your school from 20XX to 20XX. I have passed class X this year. I have stood first in the school with 520 marks. I also took part in debates and other co-curricular activities. I won several prizes. I was also the captain of the school cricket team. Kindly, issue me a character certificate.
Yours obediently
Indra Kumar

Question 19.
Imagine that you are Dinesh. You have passed your Secondary School examination. You like games and sports very much. Write an application to the Principal, Sports School, Ganeshpur for admission.
112 Bapu Nagar
25 June 20XX
The Principal
Sports School
Sub. : For permission to admit in school
Most respectfully I beg to say that I have passed Secondary School Examination this year from Jain Secondary School, Ganeshpur. I secured 68 percent marks. I like games and sports very much. I took part in the District Tournaments. I hope you will do me a favour to admit me to your school.
Thanking you
Yours obediently

Question 20.
İmagine that you are Ravi, reading in Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Jaipur. Your parents live in Delhi. Write an application to the Principal of your school to issue you a letter for availing railway concession.
158 Vaishali Nagar
8 March 20XX
The Principal
Govt. Sec. School
Sub. : For issuing a letter for availing rail concession. Most respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of class X of your school. My parents live in Delhi. So, I would like to go there during the summer vacation. would you kindly issue me a letter for availing railway-concession from Jaipur to Delhi and back.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class X B.

Question 21.
Imagine that you are Ram Narayan Sinha and monitor of your class X reading in Government Senior Secondary School, Sikar. There are no proper library facilities in the school. Write an application of complaint to your Principal.
118 Rani Bazar
21 October 20XX
The Principal
Govt. Sec. School
Sub. : Lack of proper facilities in the library.
Most respectfully I beg to say that we are not getting proper library facilities in the school. The librarian does not come in time. His behaviour with the students is also not proper. The books in the library are old and not of much use. The books’ borrowing system is also not proper. You are requested to guide the librarian to improve the library facilities. Some new and useful books may also please be added to the catalogue of library books.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Ram Narayan Sinha
Class X

III. E-MAIL Electronic-Mail]

[To the members of the family, friends, relatives, govt. officials, editors of a newspaper/magazine/news channel, teachers, headmaster, principal etc.]

E-mail से आशय
E-mail का पूरा रूप है Electronic-mail. वर्तमान वैज्ञानिक युग में ई-मेल शीघ्र संदेश भेजने व प्राप्त करने का आधुनिकतम तरीका है। ई-मेल दिन-प्रतिदिन लोकप्रिय होता जा रहा है। E-mail से लाभ
इस तरीके से संदेश भेजने व प्राप्त करने के अनेक लाभ हैं
1. समय की बचत-ई-मेल द्वारा संदेश भेजने में 3-4 सेकंड लगते हैं । इसकी गति बहुत ही तेज होती है।
2. सस्ता साधन-ई-मेल द्वारा संदेश भेजने में बहुत ही कम व्यय होता है।
3. कई चीज भेज सकते हैं-ई-मेल द्वारा लिखित संदेश तो भेज ही सकते हैं, किन्तु साथ ही सभी प्रकार के ग्रीटिंग-कार्ड, रिकार्ड की गई अपनी आवाज अथवा संगीत (Music) आदि भी सरलता से भेज सकते हैं।
4. विस्तृत क्षेत्र-ई-मेल द्वारा देश व विदेश में कहीं भी अपना लिखित संदेश आदि भेज सकते हैं। संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, इंग्लैण्ड, जर्मनी, फ्रांस, जापान आदि किसी भी देश में अपना संदेश सरलता तथा शीघ्रता से कम व्यय में भेजा जा सकता है।

ई-मेल के आवश्यक तत्त्व
1. आपके कम्प्यूटर पर आवश्यक सॉफ्टवेयर (Software) होना अनिवार्य है।
2. जो व्यक्ति ई-मेल से संदेश आदि भेजना चाहता है, उसका ई-मेल पता (address) अथवा ईमेल खाता (account) होना चाहिए।
3. आपके पास उस व्यक्ति का ई-मेल पता अथवा खाता अवश्य ही होना चाहिए जिसे आप ई-मेल द्वारा संदेश भेजना चाहते हैं।

ई-मेल पते का प्रारूप
1. ई-मेल के पते में गाँव, नगर और देश का नाम लिखा हुआ नहीं होता है।
2. ई-मेल के निम्नलिखित पते का ध्यान से अध्ययन करें

उपर्युक्त पते का विश्लेषण ध्यान से समझें —
sarfaraz = ई-मेल सेवा के उपयोग करने वाले व्यक्ति का नाम।
@ = ई-मेल में यह एक चिह्न है। इसका उच्चारण :at’ है।
yahoo = ई-मेल सेवा प्रदान करने वाले का नाम है।
= इसका उच्चारण ‘dot’ (डॉट) है।
com = संगठन की प्रकृति का द्योतक है। यह commerce का संक्षिप्त रूप है।
अतः उपर्युक्त पते को इस प्रकार बोला जायेगा —

‘Sarfaraz at yahoo dot com’

‘ई-मेल पते के कुछ अन्य उदाहरण —
यह महत्त्वपूर्ण है कि एक ई-मेल का पता (address) जिस व्यक्ति का है, कोई दूसरा व्यक्ति वही ई-मेल पता नहीं बना सकता है। Software के दो भाग

Software के दो भाग होते हैं —

1. IN BOX : इन-बॉक्स एक सेक्शन है जिसमें क्लिक (click) करने पर आपको बाहर से आये हुए सभी संदेश क्रमशः दिखाई पड़ते हैं जिन्हें आप पढ़ सकते हैं।

2. COMPOSE : यदि आपको किसी व्यक्ति को ई-मेल से संदेश भेजना है तो कम्पोज को क्लिक कर दें, इससे स्क्रीन पर कम्पोज बॉक्स खुल जावेगा। इसमें आप अपना संदेश टाइप कर दें। अब SEND बटन दबा देने से आपका संदेश उसके पते पर चला जावेगा। |

ई – मेल संदेश को लिखने का प्रारूप

Header Cc
Body The message composition window

ई-मेल संदेश को लिखना

ई-मेल द्वारा संदेश भेजने के लिए उपर्युक्त प्रारूप के प्रत्येक कॉलम में प्रविष्टि करना आवश्यक है। इनको भरने की विधि का स्पष्टीकरण नीचे दिया गया है

To : जिस व्यक्ति को संदेश भेजना है उस व्यक्ति का ई-मेल पता लिखना होता है।

CC : इसका अर्थ है-कार्बन कॉपी। यदि आप उस ही संदेश को अन्य किसी व्यक्ति को भी भेजना चाहते हैं तो CC कॉलम में उस व्यक्ति का भी ई-मेल पता लिख दिया जाता है। इसके फलस्वरूप उस दूसरे व्यक्ति को भी उस संदेश की कार्बन कॉपी मिल जायेगी।

bcc : यदि दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों (जैसे 20 अथवा 50 व्यक्तियों) को वही संदेश भेजना हो तो

bcc कॉलम में उन व्यक्तियों के

E-mail पते लिख दिए जाते हैं।

Subject : इस कॉलम में संदेश का विषय (Subject) लिख देना चाहिए। किन्तु ध्यान रहे यह एक पंक्ति से अधिक नहीं होना चाहिए।

Body : इस कॉलम में संदेश अथवा पत्र लिखा जाता है। अदृश्य कॉलम : इसमें दिनांक तथा प्रेषक के नाम व पते के कॉलम स्पष्ट दिखाई नहीं देते हैं किन्तु ये कॉलम, स्वयं कम्प्यूटर प्रदान कर देते हैं।

Question 1.
You are Parul of x class. Write an email to your father to send you ₹700/- for Board Exam. Fee. The email address is ramesh@gmail.com

To  ramesh@gmail.com.
Subject  To send ₹ 700/- for Board Exam
  My dear Father
I am well and good here and hope you to be the same there.
I need ₹ 700/- for Board Exam. Fee. Please transfer it using mobile banking.
Please, convey my best regards to mom.
Your loving daughter

Question 2.
You are Han of Jodhpur city. Your younger brother Ram studies in class 10. Advise him to top his class and school. The email address is ram2@gmail.com.

To ram2@gmail.com
Subject Some tips to top your class and school.
  Dear Ram
I am well and good here and hope you to be the same there.
Your Board Exams are near. You should top your class and school. You are highly intelligent. Some tips will help you.Make study timetable. Revise syllabus twice. Make notes. Take three self-check tests. Remove errors and do final revision.
These tips will help reach the goal.
With blessings
Your elder brother

Question 3.
You have formed an online group of your friends. You were sick for some days. You have come to know of second tests. Write an email to your friends requesting them to share the syllabus for all subjects of your class. The email i/d is : wisescholars@gmail.com.

To wisescholars@gmail.com
Subject  To share the syllabus of second tests for all subjects of our class.
  Dear Geeta
I was sick for some days. I have come to know of second tests.
Please share the syllabus of second-tests for all subjects of our class.
With love
Your loving friend

Question 4.
Suppose you are Sunitaf Roshan. Write an e-mail to be sent to your friend who has asked you to make arrangements for the stay of an uncle of his/her in your town.

To shivani@gmail.com
Subject  Arrangements made for the stay of your uncle in Jaipur.
  Dear Shivani
Arrangements for the stay of your uncle in Jaipur have been made according to your instructions.
Your uncle is to drop at Platform no. 1 at Sindhi Camp Bus Stand. He is to board the tourist car no. RJ14 CT 1234 at Exit Gate no 2. The car will drop him at PG Hotel, Airport, Jaipur. He is to stay in the room no. 21 of this hotel for one day and one night. Payment has already been made.
Thanking you
Your loving friend

Question 5.
You are Arjun of class X. Your maternal uncle is sick. Write an email to him wishing his speedy recovery. The email address Is mahesh@yahoo.com.

To mahesh@yahoo.com
Subject  Wishing your speedy recovery
  My dear Maternal Uncle
I felt pained when I heard about your sickness. I pray to God for your speedy recovery.
Uncle, you are a man of determination. You have much courage and patience. Doctors are treating you well. You have recovered a lot.
Once again I wish your speedy recovery.
Your loving nephew

Question 6.
You are Shehnaz. You have passed class-X in 2OXX. You have applied to Board of Sec. Edu. Raj., Aimer for the re-evaluation of your marks in English subject on 10th July 2OXX. Send an E-mail to the Secretary, Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan on the given e-mail address, secy.boseraj@nlc.ln for inquiring about the status of your marks.

To secy.boseraj @nic.in
Subject  For inquiring about the status of my marks.
I am Shehnaz. I have passed class-X in 2OXX. My Roll Number is 2345678. I have applied to the board for the re-evaluation of my marks in English Subject on 10 July 2OXX.
Please tell me the status of my marks at shehnaz@gmail.com by e-mail.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Question 7.
You are Anita/Anshu of class X of your school. Write a formal e-mail letter to the editor of the monthly magazine ‘Rajasthan Today’ at letterstoedltor@rajasthantoday.com for publishing Model Papers for the preparation of Board Examinations.

To letterstoeditor@rajasthantoday.com
Subject For publishing Model Papers for Secondary Board Examinations
Your magazine publishes Model Papers every year for the preparation of Secondary Board Examinations. But this year these haven’t been published yet.
Kindly publish them in your next edition.
Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 8.
You are PratimafPrem of class X of your school. Write a formal e-mail to the editor of your school magazine to include ‘Student’s Column’ to publish the views of ‘The Best Student of the School’ about ‘Educational Success’. E-mail at letterstoeditor@schoolmagazinerps.com

To letterstoeditor@ school magazinerps . corn
Subject For including Student’s Column in the School Magazine
Please include Student’s Column in the School Magazine to publish the views of ‘The Best Student of the School’ about
‘Educational Success’.
It will provide needed impetus to rest of the students.
Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 9.
Write an e-mail to the Editor of the Times of India expressing your views on the Importance of trees in our life.

To the editor times of India @ gmail.com
Subject Importance of trees in our life.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to draw the attention of our countrymen to the importance of trees in our life.
Trees give us oxygen to breathe in. Without oxygen life is impossible. Trees keep our ecology balanced.
Ecological imbalances cause hardships in our life. Trees give us raw material for our industries. Trees give shelter and food to birds, beasts, insects etc. Trees add beauty to mother earth. Trees are the playgrounds for animals. Trees are necessary for healthy life.
Thus, we should grow more and more trees and not to hack them.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Student, Class X

Question 10.
Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India expressing your views on the importance of computer education in our life. E-mail your letter at letterstoeditor@timesofindia.com

To letterstoedi tor@ tirnesofindia. com
Subject Importance of Computer Education
  Now it is an age of computer. They have occupied an important place in eveiy field of our life. Providing computer education to children is now a necessity. Without computer literacy, the progress is likely to be very slow. Machinery saves our manual  thoughts in such a way that they can be revived again. Thus our
mind will have to make little efforts to store knowledge and facts. Until late computers have not reached all children. So some parents feel that many school children will be ignorant because of shortage in the facilities of computers. Let the government, social organisations and rich individuals come forward to enable every child to have an access to computers. It will help the country to have its rapid progress.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Rani Kumari

Question 11.
You are Meera/Mohan of X class of Subodh Public School, Jaipur. Write a formal e-mail to the editor of the newspaper The Hindustan Times at letterstoeditor@ht.com to draw the attention of the Traffic Police Officers to rash driving in your city.

To letterstoeditor@ht.com
Subject Rash driving in Jaipur
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper I would like to draw the attention of the Traffic Police Officers to rash driving in the city. To young bikers and the mini-bus drivers particularly violate traffic rules and jeopardise the life of others too.Traffic Police Officers are urged to take serious note of it and do the needful to curb it.
Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 12.
You are AnnuJAnil of X class of Maheshwary Public School, Jaipur. Write a formal e-mail to the editor of the newspaper The DNA, Jaipur at letterstoeditor@dna.com to draw the attention of the Collector of your district to the urgent need of holidays for school students owing to severe cold.

To letterstoeditor@ht.com
Subject For issuing order for holidays for school students owing to severe cold
Through the columns of your esteemed English Daily I would like to draw the attention of the Honourable Collector, Jaipur to the urgent need of holidays for school students owing to severe cold.
Kindly issue order and oblige.
Thanking you.
Yours truly

Question 13.
You are Geeta of X class. Write an email to the monthly magazine India Today about the precautions against COVID-19. The email address Is indiatoday@gmail.com

To indiatoday@ gmail.com
Subject Precautions against COVID-19
Through your famous monthly magazine I would like to draw theattention of the people to precautions against COVID- 19.
The following three precautions will save people from COVID
1. Physical distancing
2. Masking
3. Sanitization
Please do publish in your magazine.
Yours truly

Question 14.
You are Prakash Jam. Write an e-mail to a news channel congratulating and thanking It for a very good talk it telecast on the uses of the Computer Technology.

To zeenewstv @yahoo.com
Subject Thanks and congratulations for the informative talk
  Dear Sir
The talk on your channel ‘Aaj-kal’ on 15th July, 2OXX on the uses of .computer technology was quite interesting and informative to all. It was an eye-opener dešcnption. I thank and congratulate you for telecasting such a nice talk.
Wishing more of such talks on your channel.
Yours faithfully
Prakash Jam

Question 15.
You are Bhartl of Class 10. You are 111. You cannot attend school. Write an email to your Class Teacher to grant you leave for two days. The email address is ct10gsspali@gmail.com

To CtlOgsspali@gmail.com
Subject Two days leave owing to illness
  With due respect I state that I have been ill. I need two days leave.
Kindly grant me the saine and oblige.
Thanking you
Yours obediently

Question 16.
You are Anjana/Arjun of International School, Jaipur. Write a formal e-mail to the Headmaster of your school at hmisj@yahoo.com requesting to arrange a Computer Type Contest for the interested students.

To hmisj @yahoo.com
Subject For arranging a Computer Type Contest
Pace and Preciseness in computer type raise the efficiency of the computer users. Every student of our school uses computer. So, please, arrange a Computer Type Contest of the interested students. It will prepare them for a future career too.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Anj ana/Arjun

Question 17.
You are Ankita/Ankur of Class X of Adarsh Vidya Mandir, Jaipur. Write a formal e-mail to the Headmaster of your school at hmavmjpr@ yahoo.com requesting to arrange extra classes for English and Mathematics as,the syllabus is incomplete.

To hmavmjpr@yahoo.com
Subject For arranging extra classes for English and Maths
The syllabus of English and Mathematic of class X is incomplete.
Therefore, you are requested to arrange extra classes for the above cited subjects. Otherwise, the students will have to suffer badly.
Thanking you
Yours obediently

Question 18.
You are Asha/Anshu of Government Sr. Sec. School, Ajmer. Write a formal email to the Headmaster of your school at hmgssjm@gmail.com requesting to arrange a lecture on ‘How to Use Computers’.

To hmgssjm@gmail.com
Subject For arranging a lecture on How to – Use Computers
Almost every student of our school uses computer but she or he faces many problems in its use. That’ s why many of our school computers become faulty. Therefore, you are implored to arrange a lecture on ‘How to Use Computers’. It will help the students and the school.
Thanking you
Yours obediently

Question 19.
You are Saraswati Devi. Write a formal e-mail to the Principal of your school at principalgsss@gmail.com requesting to arrange an Online Counselling on ‘How to Face Board Examinations’

To principalgsss@gmail.com
Subject For arranging on line counselling on How to Face Board Examinations
Board Examinations for Secondary classes are at hand. Students are in Examination blues. Please, arrange an online counselling on ‘How to Face Board Examinations’. It will help us in reposing confidence.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Saraswati Devi

Question 20.
You are Vikram, school captain of the football team of G.S.S.S., Aiwar, Rajasthan. Due to some injury you are not able to play for the State Coaching Camp. Send an e-mail to your Pnndpal requesting him to give you relaxation from the camp. The e-mail address is principalgsss.alwar@yahoo.com.

To principalgsss.alwar@ yahoo.com
Subject To give relaxation from the State Football Coaching Camp because of injury
I am Vikram, school captain of the football team of G.S.S.S.,Aiwar, Rajasthan. Due to ankle injury during running practice I am not able to play for the State Coaching Camp.
Kindly I request you to give me relaxation from the camp.
Thanking you
Yours obediently

Question 21.
Suppose you are the owner of the New Ajanta Furniture, Suratpur. You have supplied some furniture in Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kokary. Send an e-mail to the principal requesting bhim to send the payment of the furniture. His e-mail address is : principalgssskekari@yahoo.com.

To principalgssskekari@yahoo.com
Subject To make payment of the bill no. AFS1Sup/2 11 21 .07.2OXX
We have executed your order no. GSSSKJSup/122 dated 01.07. 2OXX to supply some furniture. We have got your receipt of
furniture vide our above said bill number but the payment hasn’t been made yet. Please make the payment immediately as we are in need of it.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
For New Ajanta Furniture
Priya Gupta

The Complete Educational Website

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